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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 9, 1958)
Alice Faye Novak Wins Yankton Derby Alice Fay Novak daughter of Mr. and Mi's. Louis Novak ol Bristow, was horn at 3:29 a m , Wednesday. January 1, at Sacred Heart hospital in Yankton, S. D., and was showered with gifts from f>0 firms The first-baty derby was sponsored by the Yankton Press & Dakotan, which supplied The Frontier the photo. Pictured with Alice Faye arc Sister M Blanche, ward supervisor, and Alice Faye's mother ✓ □ Syfie of O'Neill, a daughter, Cynthia Marie, weighing 7j pounds 7 ounces, born Friday, January 3, at Atkinson Memorial MEDCALF Mr. and Mrs. Ben , Medcalf of Sioux City, a son, weighing 10 pounds, bom Tues day. December 31. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Medcalf and Mr. and Mrs. E Ft Carpenter of Cham bers are the grandparents. This is the couple's third son. They have one daughter. WEYHRICH Mr. and Mrs Rol-i land Weyhrich of South Sioux; City, a daughter, Dixie Lynn, weighing 6 pounds 8Vi ounces, born Friday, January 3. Mr. and Mrs Emil Weyhrich of O’Neill are the paternal grandparents. TIEIJsE Mr. and Mrs. Ver non Tielke of Atkinson, a son, William Joseph, weighing 8 pounds 8 ounces, bom Friday. January 3, at Atkinson Memorial hospital FINSBURY Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond Elsbury of Atkinson, a daughter, Carolyn Sue. weighing 7 pounds, born Friday, January 3, at Atkinson Memorial hospital. FARR Mr. and Mrs. Billy Farr of Newport, a son. Jack Kevin, weighing 7 pounds 7 oun ces, born Saturday, January 4, at Atkinson Memorial hospital. ROUSE Mr and Mrs Delbert Rouse of O'Neill, a son, Ronald Delbert, weighing 7 pounds 1% ounces, born Saturday, January 4. at St Anthony's hospital. RANDOLT1I Mr and Mrs. Charles Randolth of Niobrara, a son, Mark Alan, weighing 7 pounds 8 ounces, bom Tuesday, January 7, at Lundberg Memorial hospital in Creighton. YELLI —Mr. and Mrs. Ed Yelli of Ewing, a son, weighing 9 pounds 111 ounces, bom Mon-j day, January 6, at Antelope Me-' morinl hospital in Neligh. TTie other Yelli children are being ca-cd for at the home of their1 grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. L. A Hobbs. ANEWALT Mr. and Mrs. An thony Anewalt of San Diego, Calif, a son, John Anthony, weighing 5 pounds 14 ounces, horn Saturday, December 21. Mrs Anewalt, the former Betty Gallagher, is the daughter of Mr and Mrs E. M. Gallagher of O’ Neill. Sponsor Tarty— Mothers of the seventh and eighth grade students are spon sors for the Friends of St. Mary's card party to be held Sunday eve ning at the academy. Too Late to Classify CARD OF THANKS WE WISH to take this opportun ity to thank all our friends and neighbors for their kind under standing. expression of sym pathy during our recent be reavement. A special thanks to the doctors, nurses, Ameri can Legion, American Legion auxiliary.—Mrs. Shorty Steele and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Steele, sr., Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Steele, jr., Mr. and Mrs. Jark Roo«. NOTICE Shields township annual meet ing will tie held at the Shields township hall on Tuesday, Jan uarv 21. at 2 p.m. -JOHN P. CONWAY Township Clerk 37-38cl,82 CARD OF THANKS \VE WISH to express our heart felt thanks to our many friends and relatives for their wonder ful expressions of kindness and sympathy during the illness and death of a loving husband and father - THE JOHN PRI BIL FAMILY 37p50 FOR RENT: Two bedroom, mod ern house with gas. Close in.— Anna Brown, phone 323-J 31p FOR RENT: Modem * 3-liedroom house with gas heat and gas cooking range and refrigerator. - Phone 528-J, O'Neill. 37c Hospital Notes ST. ANTHONY'S (O’Neill) Admitted: January 1—Mrs. Ger alu itanson ot O’Neill, Mrs. Gar rett Janzing of O'Neill, Mrs. Lau ra Myers of O’Neill, Linda Sue Woidneck of O'Neill 2- Larry Mc Connell of O’Neill, Ralph Stowell oi O Neill, Mrs. Erwin Murray ot O'Neill, Donald Lee Ford of O' Neill, Mrs. Jim McDermott of O' Neill, Mrs. LeRoy Holcomb of Chambers, Kathleen Hamik of O' Neill, Mrs. Max Fanier of O’ Neill, Donald Lee Vanderbeek ot O'Neill. Mrs. Donald Vanderbeek of O'Neill; 3 Mrs. Sam Young of Chambers, Robert Stuifbergen of O Neill, Sue Rae Jansen of O’ Neill; 4—William E. Wulf of Ew ing, Mrs. Delebrt Rouse of O’ Neill, William Cook of O'Neill, Mrs. Don Lyons ot O’Neill; 5— Unmet J. Revell of O’Neill. Mrs. Clifford H. Sobotka of O'Neill; 6— Mrs. Carl R. Max, jr., of Page, Forrest Henderson of Orchard; 7 Mrs. H. B. Black of Spencer, N. Louis Neilson of Chambers, Larry Davis of O'Neill, Ted Ky ster of O'Neill, Norman Gond eringer of O'Neill, Carol Ann Drueke of O'Neill; 8 -Haold Mil ler of O'Neill, Mrs. Mary Zastrow of O’Neill. , Dismissed: January 1 Mrs. Kenneth Van Every and baby girl of Page; 2 Mrs. Ed McMan us of O'Neill, Mrs. Louis O. Wray of O’Neill; 3 Mrs. Geary Enbody ot Emmet, Mike Troshynski of 0 - Neill. Larry Gene McConnell of O’Neill, William Blitzkie of Spen cer, Mrs. C. J. Harmon of O’Neill; 4 Mrs. Sam Young of Chambers, Mrs. Gerald Hansen of O'Neill; 5 Mrs. LeRoy Holcomb of Cham bers, Joseph Hanley of O’Neill, Mrs. Elgin Ray and baby girl of O'Neill, William Cook of 0 Neill, f Mrs Milton G. McKathnie of At kinson, Donald Lee Vanderbeek of O'Neill; & Mrs. Erwin Murray of O'Neill. Kathleen Hamik of 0 - Neill. Fred Naslund of Page, Lin da Sue Woidneck of O'Neill, Mrs. James Sobotka of Inman; 7—Sue Rae Jansen of O Neill, Bobbj> Stuifbergen of O'Neill, Mrs. Del bert Rouse and baby boy of O' Neill, William E. Wulf of Ewing, Mrs. Carl K. Max, jr., of Page, Donald Lee Ford of O'Neill, Ralph Stowell of O'Neill; 8—Mrs. Max Farrier of O'Neill. Hospitalized: Mrs. Don Lines of O'Neill, Ted Kyster of O'Neill. Mrs. H. B. Black of Spencer, Mrs Mary Zastrow of O'Neill, Forest i Henderson of Orchard, l^ouis Neil son of Chambers, Harold Miller of O'Neill, Carol Ann Drueke of O' Neill, Mrs. Clifford Sobotka of O' Neill, Mrs. Donald Vanderbeek of O'Neill, Larry Davis of O’Neill, Frank Fallon of O'Neill, Mrs. Lau-1 ra Myers of O'Neill, Mrs. Garrett | Janzing of O'Neill, Garrett Janz ing of O'Neill, Norman Gonderin ger of O'Neill. E. J. Revell of O - Neill, Mrs. James McDermott of O'Neill, Miss Morna Wertz of O’ Neill. SACRED HEART (Lynch) Hospitalized: Mrs. Melvin An derson of Bristow, Mrs. George Classen of Spencer, Alvin Davis of Spencer, Mrs. Pauline Fuhrer of Butte, Mrs. Carl Gnewuch of Nor folk, Joseh Hausmann of Bone steel, S.D., William Jordan of But te, Herbert Nahrstedt of Lynch, Mrs. Oliver Ross of O'Neill, Mrs. William Dix of Butte, Reinhold Breyer of Naper. Dismissed: Brian Frcderickson of Encinitas, Calif., Leigh Freder ic kson of Encinitas, Calif., Mrs. Patrick Cassidy of Lynch, Mrs Jim Millard of O'Neill, Mrs. Lloyd Johnson and baby lioy of Spencer. Mrs. Anna Pecena of Spencer, Mrs. Vernon Wendt of Bristow, Ernest Wilson of Gregory, S.D., Mrs W H. Block of Anoka, Har ry Seaston of Spencer, Mrs. Loren Jons of Bonesteel, S.D-, Mrs. Edith Lang of Lynch. Rebckahs to Install— Eden Rebekah lodge 41 met Fri day’ evening, January 3, with the \ ioe-grand. Mrs. Marvin Ander son. in charge. Sixteen members attended. Installation of officers will be held at the January 17 meeting, Mrs. Dorohty Nissen of Page, dis 1 trict deputy president, will be installing officer A covered dish luncheon will be served. Holiday guests of Mr and Mrs Leo Hines were their son and his family. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Hines and family. jf i >?«HND f NA^.i COFFEE rhank j If our Checbi falls to say V®**/ I “Iliank You" for your order I , as you go through the check out counter. If you don’t win a “Free” can of Nash’s Coffee, remember to pick one up at our every-day low price! Shop Aid Save! FttESll MADK Perfect for Your Sunday Dinner RINQ BOLOGNA SO TENDER ... SO JUICY . . . WITH THAT WONDERFUL A Q NtTTTY FLAVOR YOU GET ONLY IN THE FINEST CORN-FED Lb._ PORK — AN EXCELLENT VALUE. TOO. BECAUSE ITS LEAN - AND TRIMMED JUST RIGHT FOR PERFECT EATING. GOOD QUALITY BEEF PORK CHOPS CENTER RIB CUTS - — SATISFYING WINTER or meal R,B HALF CHIU STICKS PORK LOIN 1Lh. ROAST s,ick-03 FRESH PORK SHOULDERS lt ““H™ *3 Rr BAKED LOAF A «?«■■***ljll-uiimjuj.jjjjr„.i,_ a. 4* ^— nW- —.— . ... V OUR FAMILY FANCY SMOOTH - FRESH PEANUT FLAVOR ElAIIITBUT— iilllM ■.. VALLEY HOME LIGHT SWEET or WHITE TAG DARK SWEET CHERRIES ► 1 LB. TIN --UJjlLad/l (BhancL —n “MOR" ?S?rD.”5U9C "BIF" M CORNED 16 02. Qflr CHOFfE,> ,,EF , BEEF .Tin II OZ. T» VIENNA SAUSAGES 4&23* A7C B.V. EXTRACT . ..^42*-^^ N SWANSONS DELICIOUS QUICK FROZEN CHICKEN PIE % <J TURKEY OR BEEF £ -S O »oz. 7Q ? 7j? Match 'Em J P,ES # C Charmin % ^ Vjg»KITCHEN TOWELS .... 2^31* £ “^7 vfl BATH R°°M TISSUE S SMITH BROS. COUGH DROP 3%?" 19* FAIREST FACIAL TISSUES 3raSior29* — CHERRY PIE DRESSING FILLING Sffik __49* . . 35* ARGO CLOROX 'wwomjSW _ IN HALF WITH CORNSTARCH BLEACH i&_15* ssr_37* N'SOFT ARGO CLEAN-IT GLOSS STARCH ALL-RUSROSE CLEANER _33* as*._47*__ ZEST I SHF75S IVORY SOAP Paadetaat Beauty Bar CAMAY J 23* 2 s£ 29* 2IS 21* 2*31* MBhhmbbbmhmhmRM ZEST ■»"* COMET D*o4ondI B*<nrty Bor | CAMAY I CLEANSES 2 «£41* 2S29* I 2^45* FRESH - CRUNCHY - DELICIOUS SKIP’S POTATO CHIPS ™19c GOLDEN VALLEY 4-SIEVE PEAS.2"™“25t ZEPHYR THROWN STUFFED QUEEN OLIVES "-39‘ OUR FAMILY STRAWBERRY PRESERVES.4^98* REGULAR OR QUICK QUAKER OATS -“39* PLEA8MOR PEANUT BITTER — Candy Kisses pkg. 29c PLEASMOR — Marshmallows 2 pkgs. 35c OUR FAMILY — Corn 3 303 tins 49c CHEER DUZ WASHES WHITES RICH WHITE SOAP LARGE CHANT URGE CHANT 34* 82* 35* 82* 4AVA DREFT i NEW) CREANT WHITE ITS LOTION PDA 2_ 23^ «« ««t 34* 82* ’faaamL. n/v\/W\j^W *£S2a* mKftmr ^_ I FBESH SNOW WHITE CRISP BED APPLES * I CAULIFLOWER DELICIOUS KIT/. u.- 17* 2 U,. 35* NYLONS - pX 49c ™l 3-49c TALL TINS _ OXYDOL SPIC & SPAN JOY ! . .757 'b* "°nc® <W' Cleaner INSTANT LIQUID LBBOB CHANT IS OX. GIANT 12 OX. 22 OX. 35* 84* 29* 93* 41* 71* TORY FLAKES IVORY SNOW TIDE NEW! INSTANT Granulated far -*--'rirT r-«— ~ r , 2257 227 225“ 22" «*nt 35* 84* 35* 84* 34* 82* - m m m Tender, Young Chickens 5r‘T»... 33 Bacon Squares .25c PICNICS r ^... 39c Slic. BACON £ 39c Potatoes u&...s3»89 I I BUTTER_lb. 69c ■ B °ak <,irove — I lOLEO_3 lbs. 69c B I GOLDEN valley — I I PORK ’N BEANS 3 jumbo $ 1 I I JIFFY — | | CAKE MIX_IOC I HI-NOTE TUNA I U f'UT 4C(| I Jt i INS_ _ »»* I Coupon Expires January I iBHSBiS A CXttiPLETE IJNE OF NUTRENA FEEDS Complete Egg Crumbles cwt. $3.95 40% Hog Balancer cwt* $4.75 Beefcake 22C Hvy Molasses_cwt. $3.75 Crushed Rock Salt cwt. 99c White Block Salt_ea. 79c TOPMARKET PRICES FOR CREAM - POULTRY - EGGS