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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 9, 1958)
Legal Notices 'First pub. Jan. 9, 1957) William W Griffin. Attorney NOTICE OF GUARDIAN'S SALE IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HOLT COUNTY. NEBRASKA; IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF LUDWIG KOENIG. GUARDIAN OF THE ESTATES O F SAMUEL REINKE AND MOLLIE M REINKE, for Licease to Sell Real Estate. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to an order by the Hon orable Lyle Jackson, Judge of the District Court of Holt County. Nebraska, made on the 26th day of December 1957 for the sale of the real estate hereinafter des cribed. there will be sold at pub lic auction, to the highest bidder for cash, at the front door of the courthouse in the city of O’Neill, in said county, on the 31st day of January, 1958, at 2:00 pm . the following described real estate: The West Half of Section 18, in Township 25, North, Range 10, and Southeast Quarter of Section 13, in Township 25, North, Range 11, all West of the 6th P. M. in Holt County, Nebraska. Said sale will remain open one hour. Dated this 2nd day of January 1958 LUDWIG KOENIG, Guardian. 37-39c • First pub. Jan 2, 1958). William W Griffin, Attorney NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 4232 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA, DECEMBER 26, 1957 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF RAY SIDERS, DE CEASED. CREDITORS of said estate are hereby notified that the time lim ited for presenting claims against said estate is April 23, 1958. and foi* the payment of debts is De cember 26, 1958 and that on Jan uary 23, 1958, and on April 24, 1958, at 10 o’clock A. M., each day, I will • be at the County Court Room in said County to re ceive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. IX)UIS W. RETMER County Judge (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 36-38c (First pub. Jan 2. 1958). Julius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL Estate No. 4234 COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF HARRY S. PROUTY, a/k/a H. S. PROUTY, DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for the probate of the will of said deceas ed, and for the appointment of Lorena E. Prouty as Executrix thereof, which will be for hearing in this court on January 23, 1958, at 10 o'clock A. M LOUIS W. REEMER County Judge (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 36-38c CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS December 3, 1957 The Council met at regular ses sion. Present were Mayor Schaffer, Councilmen, Moore, Berigan, Gol den. Heermann and Gleeson. Ab sent Reynoldson. Meeting was called to order by the mayor. Motion by Berigan, seconded by Golden, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved, as read. Motion carried. Motion by Gleeson, seconded by Moore, that the following bills be approved and paid, dn the general fund: Marcellus Schaaf 2I8 5? D. F. McDermott 205.28 Milford H. Coats ----- 15640 Gerald L. Wettlaufer 237 22 O. D. French 40.00 Marcellus Implement Co. 29 -1 Donohoe Construction Co. 190-00 Motor Parts Inc. 5.33 Harnik & Engler Service 3.00 Raeklund ft Associates 773.9.) O'Neill Local Insurance R.inrri 4U UU Edw. Hutnpal Redi Mix 28.00 N. W. Bell Tele Co % Graham's "66" Service 172.98 Fred Hannink 249 22 L O. Johnson C J. McGinn Loyd K. Brittell 1VIM J. R. Gallagher D. D. DeBolt D. X. 5 63 Marcellus Chev. Co. '->-40 Wick’s Body Shop 44.9. Edw Humpal Redl Mix 26-° ■_ — Custom Grain Drying WJW Fertilizer Co. Clearwater, Nebr. Phone 83 For Auto Liability & Property Damage INSURANCE Town 5-10-5 17 20; Farm. 13.60 Town 10-20-5 19.00; Farm, 15.00 Town 25-50-5 20.20; Farm. 16 00 Fire and Extended Coverage 5 vear Annual Pay Town Dwel ling $2.60 per $1,000.00. Farm: $8 00 per $1,000.00 first year and $3.50 each subsequent year. No renewals required. See, Write or Phone G. GILLESPIE Insurance Agency O'Neill Phone t!8 & 114 , Kansas-Nebr. Nat. Gas Co 84.90 Director of Internal Rev. 9100 Consumers Pub. Power Dist. 460.89 The Frontier _ 87 99 On the water fund: John Beilin 247.38 | C. N. Wyant 89 35 O'Neill Local Insur Board 160 54 Director of Int Revenue 48.00 Edna B Yantzi 13.34 Consumers Pub. Power I Dist 289 ■' N W. Bell Tele. Co. . 34.05 The Frontier 42 34 Cora Wyant 89.35 Contingent Fund 104.52 Island Supplv Company 2.10 T. S McShane Co. 8.75 O. E. Davidson P & H 168 25 W. S. Darley Co. 24.10 Kelly’s Plumbing Service 29 75 Graham's “66” Service 31.44 The vote on the ahove motion was as follows. All aye. Motion carried. Motion by Moore, seconded b> Berigan, that Wednesday, the 11th. j of December, 1957 at 7:30 P.M., j be set as the date of hearing on I the application for on and off sale j Beer License of Jeane Hynes and Lawrence Minton. Said license is not to he a new license, but the transfer of an old license to a new location. Motion carried. Upon motion the council ad journed to December 11, 1957 at 7:30 P.M , for the hearing of ap plication of Jeane Hynes and Law rence Minton. Motion carried. D. C SCHAFFER MAYOR O D FRENCH CITY CLERK 7:30 P.M., December 11, 1957 Council met as adjourned from meeting of December 3, 1957. Present were Mayor Schaffer, | Councilmen, Reyonldson, Berigan Gleeson, Heerman and Golden. Ab sent Moore. Meeting was called to order by Mayor Schaffer. Mr. Joe Contois, representing the Chamlter of Commerce, requested that the City of O'Neill take over the operating cost of the new T V !>ooster station in O'Neill. This is to include the Maintenance and the Electricity needed to operate said station. After hearing both sides to the application for on and off sale beer license of Jeane Hynes and Lawrence Minton, the Mayor ask ed that the Council Chambers be cleared. The application for an on and off sale Beer license of Jeane Hynes and I^awrence Minton came before the Council. Motion by Gleeson, seconded by Reynoldson, that the Council vote on said application. The results of a ballot v ote was as follows, i For the issuance of said license (1) one. Against the issuance of j said license, 14* four. The license was rejected. Upon motion the council ad- j journed. _ D. C. SCHAFFER MAYOR O. D. FRENCH CITY CLERK Lynch News Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Svatos and son of Kimball visited at the Ed mund Rohde home during the holidays. Mr and Mrs. Martin Jehorek were Sunday, December 29, visit ors in Gregory, S.D., visiting at the Ernest Vomacka home. Mr. and Mrs. Faye Courtney and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Court ney and family returned to their home in Phoenix, Ariz., last Fri day having visited at the parental Charles Courtney home over the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Haselhorst and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Streit spent last Sunday at the Henry Vonasek home south of Verdel. Mrs. Allan Koscan and children of Butte spent Saturday, January 4, at the Wallace Courtney home. Mr and Mrs. Martin Jehorek, sr , and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kal kowski spent Wednesday eve ning, January 1, at the Joe Nem ic home in Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. William Mahlen dorf and daughters visited rela tives in Lake Andes, S.D-, last Saturday. . Mr. and Mrs. Kusseu jonns m Omaha visited at the parental Kd Johns home during the holi days. ' . . .. , The Wayne Blair family of Spi'ncer %’isited at Don Stewart s this week. Dr. L. G. Hines of Spencer call ed at Albert Kalkowski’s Satur day. _ Mr. and Mrs Herbert Ross meier and family returned to their home in Sidney Thursday. January 2, aftei' a 10-day visit here with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Havran ek and family returned to their homo in Missoulft, Mont., uftor visiting relatives and old time friends here the past 10 days. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kalkowski and son spent Sunday at the Mar vin Tuch home near Verdel. Mr. and Mrs. James Maly, jr., and family of O'Neill spent last Sunday at the parental James Maly, sr., home southeast of town. The Rural Progessive club will meet with Mrs. Vernon Dahlberg Thursday afternoon (today) and the program will have “strange goin’s on. „ , _ , Mr. and Mrs. Carl Spencer and Miss Joyce Spencer, all of Lin coln, left Thursday. January *.. for their homes having spent the holidays at the parental Fred Spencer home .... Mr. and Mrs. Billy Dick Alford and Mr. and Mrs. Lorelle Alford retruned to their homes in Oma ha having spent the holidays at the parental W. T. Alford home Mr and Mrs. Merle Sieler and Sus an visited at the George Sieler home in Butte this week. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Sixta visit ted at the Vernon Dahlberg home Sunday. , _ Rev. B. D. Hunn of Tryon is guest speaker at the local Wes leyan Methodist church this week. Mr. and Mrs Bernard Webber visited relatives in Lake Andes. S D., last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Christensen visited their daughter and family in Minnesota during the holidays. Teaches in Denver— Miss Shirley Leahy, who teach es in Denver. Colo., visited her i parents Mr. and Mrs Fred Frit-! ton. for the holidavs. January Party for Help U Club VENUS—The Help U club held their January party Thursday evening, January 2. at the Page Improvment cluh building. Cards were played at six tables. Mrs. Clarence Finch received high and Ora Caskey, high. Ijovv prizes were awarded to Mrs. Brjen Finch and Vincent Jackson. Francis Boelter received traveling prize. Lunch was served at the close of the evening. Other Venus News Sp-3 Ray Brookhouser of Ft. Lewis, Wash., and his sister, Miss Anita, of Tacoma, Wash., tele phoned their parents Christmas dav Their brother-in-law. Marlin E Tusha, of Vacaville. Ore., had a stop over at the airport at Port land Sunday, December 21, giv ing him a chance to spend the time with Ray and Anita at Ta coma where Miss Anita is employ ed Mr Tusha is a pilot for Pan American airlines Sunday, December 29. visitors at the Joe Jenkinson home at Plainview were Mr, and Mrs Earl Tikalsky and family of Nio brara and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser. Supper guests Monday, Decern her 30. at the Ralph Brookhouser home were Tom McClellan of Ver del and Wonda McClellan of Nor folk Joe Forman and sons, Jerome and Donnie, called there later that evening. Mr. and Mrs Lon Pitchier and family of Norfolk came Tuesday. December 31. to the home of the latter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Bry an Finch and spent new vear's I eve and day with them. Si\ Suns Home— Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Price had as holiday guests their six sons. One son, Rev Basil Price, S.J., is in Korea helping educate Koreans for the priesthood Sons present were Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Price of Belhvood, Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Price and son of Rose. Rev. Peter Price of Holy Rosary Mission. Pine Ridge, S I).. Rev. Francis Price of Emmet. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Price and family of Oma ha, and Mr. and Mrs Stanley Price and son of Norfolk. Other holiday guests were Mr and Mrs. Bill Babutzke. George Natchman and Mrs. Henry Martin. Miss Mary Helen (“Cookie") Ben/.e. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Benze. returned Saturday from a week's stay in Omaha with the John Simon family. The Sim ons formerly lived in O’Neill. O’Neill News Mr and Mrs Ted McElh&ney and Jeanne were Christmas day guests of Mr. and Mrs Carrol Clifton of Orchard Mr and Mrs Ed Paulsen and children were Christmas eve guests of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. V. H McGwire and Christ mas day guests of Mrs Ann Carl son of Ttlden. On Sunday, De cember 29, they visited Mr. and Mrs. Ray McGwire of Ewing. Mr and Mrs. Don Huser of Sioux City, la., were Christinas guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Peterson. Mr. and Mrs lHeight Philbrick spent Sunday, December 29, vis iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ebby Stout in Rose. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Schmidt and family spent the Christmas holi days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs John Schmidt of Nenzel. Rev. Peter Price of Holy Ros ary Mission, Pine Ridge, S-D., ar rived Thursday evening, Decem ber 26, to visit his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Price, until Sat urday, December 28. Miss Jude Ryan, who spent the holidays with her father, Neil B. Ryan, left Sunday to return to Marycrest aspirant school at Al liance. Her sister, Miss Mary, a I student at the College of St. i Mary's. Omaha, also returned Sun day Sir and Mrs \V. Solfermoser spent Christmas with her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. W 11. Magarv of Johnstown and spent New Years with his father, Wil liam Solfermoser. of West Point Mrs Marge Stuifbergen and children sjvnt Christmas in Nor | folk with Mr and Mrs. Robert ! Biinn. Christmas day guests of Mrs. Pat Sullivan were Mr and Mrs. Robert Sullivan and children of Omaha and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jansen and children. Thursday, i I'k'cember 26. Mr. and Mrs John McGill and Joan Elizabeth of Omaha arrived to visit until I Tuesday. Mrs. John Melvin v isited her ; daughter and husband. Mr and Mrs. Harry Shelton, and family of Clayton, Mo . for the holidays enroute to spend the winter at Ft Lauderdale, Fla. Allen Martin, who teaches in Battle Creek, returned to his work Sunday after spending the holi days with his mother. Mrs. Hcnrv Martin. Miss Vivian Rietz. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Winkler, left Sunday for Marycrest aspirant school in Alliance. She was home for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Claire Erigdahl | ami family spent Christmas and several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A E. Hall in Lex ington. Mr. and Mrs William Eritz spent Sunday. December 29, vis iting Mr. and Mrs Hoel AllemanK of Cleat-water. Mrs. P. J. Donohue of Bone k " ~ steel, S D,, spent the Christmas holidays with her daughter and family. Dr and Mrs E. M Glee j SOIV Mr and Mrs. C. \Y. Porter and I t Allen Porter of lVnnison, Te\ spent Christmas day with Mr and Mrs Ned Porter of (\v i iumbus. - 1 .. "1 QUALITY BREEDING COWS Twenty high grade Hereford breeding cow* to calve In \pril. VII good ages. One coining 'l year old bull, also several coining yearling bulls. C. C. NELSON and SON 1 mile west of llristow Phone 3633. Spencer Kxcli. 1160-ACRE IRRIGATED HOLT COUNTY FARM I and PERSONAL PROPERTY I _ . - .. , . .—————s AS WE HAVE decided to quit farming, we will offer our highly-improved south-Holt county farm and all per- B sonal property, including complete irrigation unit, at public auction, on the premises, located 4 miles east of B Chambers and 4\ ^ miles south; OR 23J/4 miles south of O’Neill and 1 mile west, on— fl Friday, Jan* 17th, 1958 I Sale Will Start at 12:30 P. M. Lunch by Bethany Ladies Aid I THE LAND 87—ACRES UNDER CULTIVATION 37— ACRES OF ALFALFA 38— ACRES IN PASTURE AND IMPROVEMENTS All of farm Is Irrigable. During 1957 (first season of irrigation) we had abund ance of water. Fifty acres of corn averaged 75-bus. per acre (weight 80 lbs. per bushel). Flowing well provides abundance of water In pasture. Entire place fenced and cross-fenced. LEGAL DESCRIPTION Northeast Quarter of Section 14. Township 25, Range 12, Holt County, Nebraska. Taxes in 1956: $150. IMPROVEMENTS I SEVEN-ROOM TWO-STORY DWELLING I With water at house B LARGE BARN, stanchions for 8 milk cows, I Corn crib attached on north end fi LARGE POULTRY BARN — BROODER HOUSE 1 GARAGE — HOG BARN — TOOL SHOP B TWO SMALL MOVEABLE BLDGS. I WASH HOUSE — CAVE _ | WINDMILL (2-in. well) in Improved Feed Lots I Rural school located one mile north of house; all bldgs, wired for RFA; mail B route at door; dial telephone; TJ. S. Highway 281 (to be oiled next year) one B! mile from place; four-grade high school eight miles away. Plenty of shelter. fit I Unexcelled 18-In. Steel Cased Well and Irrigation Equipment I Powered by B 125 fuel type Allls-Chalmers motor, tills well provides an jnlimited supply of water. This equipment will sell with place, including 80 rods of 4-lncl} main and 80 rods of sprinkler, elbows and T’s. The irrigation pump is 4-inch Byron & Jackson centrifugal; pipe is Port-a lum ; Rainhird heads. TERMS OX REAL ESTATE Twenty-five percent is to lx- paid by highest bidder on date of sale; 2ft per cent due and payable on March 1, 19ft8, when possession will be given; balance may be negotiated with terms to right party. Owners reside on premises and inspection by interested parties invited. Merchantable abstract and title will be furnished upon final settlement. 15 - Head of CATTLE - 15 17—Good MILK COWS, Ayrshire-Shorthorn Three fresh now; one will freshen soon; three milking now. These are high-producing milk strain cows, good ages. 4—Bucket CALVES, from above cows 2—First-Calf HEIFERS, Ayrshire-Shorthorn I 1—Open HEIFER, Guernsey I 1-AGED COW I 175 Austra-White LAYING HENS — 30 Tons of ALFALFA HAY in stack—100 bales Straw—1,200-bu. ’57 Ear Corn I Machinery & Equipment I 1957 CA A-C Tractor, wide front; 2-Bottom 14-in. Mounted Plow for CA; Cultivator for C; Sweep for G; 10-ft. LaSalle Drill; 12-ft. IHC Sectional Disc; IHC V-25 Mower; 10-in. PaPec Mill; 12-ft. IHC Rake; 14-ft. IHC Rake; Loader for WD and WD 45 A-C; All-Steel Stacker (Wintermote made); Oliver (Ann Arbor) Pickup Baler with Wisconsin V-4 motor; Case 1948 Combine with Wisconsin V-4 motor; 4-wheel Wagon on rubber (150-bu.); 2-wheel Trailer on rub ber (90-bu.); 4-in. Wagon, wooden wheel (50-bu.); 3-section Harrow and Evener; J-D 999 Planter; 1930 K.B-6 Int., 16-ft. fold-down box; Twentieth Century Welder and Rod; Fuel Barrels; 2—Double-Unit Globe Milkers; Manure Spreader; Engate Seeder, Hand Corn Sheller; Feed Bunks; Stalk Rights. FEED — MISCELLANEOUS Shop Tools; , Boys’ Bicycle; Several Piles of Iron; Many More Articles SOME HOUSEHOLD GOODS TERMS: CASH | Mr. & Mrs. Emil Lieswaldf& Son I | WALLACE O’CONNELL, O’Neill, Auctioneer CHAMBERS STATE BANK, I I VERN REYNOLDSON, O’Neill, Auctioneer-Real Estate Broker Clerk I I MERLIN GROSSN1CKLAUS, Chambers, Auctioneer Chambers, Nebr. S