Shirley Butterfield, Donald Volquardsen Exchange V ows ORCHARD Miss Shirley nutter field, daughter of Mr and Mrs Harry Butterfield of Or chard, became the bride of Don ald Volquardsen of Omaha in a 7 D candlelight ceremony at the Evangelical United Brethren church in Orchard, Saturday, De cember 28 Mr Volquardsen is the son of Mi s Mary Volquard sen of Verdigre Rev. Duane Lenz officiated. Mrs Harvey Holbrook, sr., church organist, played the nup tial music and accompanied W. K. Gray, soloist. The bride, given tn marriage by her father, wore a princess style street-length dress of light blue taffeta with front insets of net in the skirt Her headpiece was of white satin with a grey veil, dotted with tiny jewels. She carried a bouquet of red roses til’d with light blue nylon net and silver streamers. Miss Helen Volquardsen of Verdigre, sister of the bride 1 gioom. was bridesmaid. She wore a blue sheath dress with white acre- dries She wore a blu carnation corsage. Lawrence Miller of Niobrara ittended the bridegroom Brent and Brenda Skalberg of Orchard lighted the tapers Ushers were Glen Volquardsen, of Verdigre, cousin of the bride groom Telford Grim of Ewing, cousin of tlie bride, Lee Skallierg and Robert Utterback, both of Or chard. A r ception was held following the ceremony in the church par ! lors for relatives. A three-tier wedding cake, a gift of the bride s I cousin. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pos l>eshil of Sioux City, centered the I reception table. The cake was cut and served by Mrs. Pospeshil. Mrs Elmer Grim of Ewing, aunt of the bride, poured. Miss Beverly Linquist of O'Neill had charge of the guest book. The gifts were arranged by Mrs. Telford Grim of Ewing. Mrs. Gor don Volquardsen of Coleridge and Mrs 1/MJis Pavlik of Verdigre. Janet Pospeshil of Sioux City, Irene -Boelter of Lynch and Mcma Butterfield of O'Neill served at the bridal table. Mrs. Albert Pospeshil of Orchard and Mrs. Elden Butter field of O'Neill, aunts of the bride, assisted at the reception table. Other, assisting with the recep tion were Mrs. Ed Butterfield, Mrs. Herman Wieting, Mrs Lee Skal berg and Mrs. Robert Utterback. The bride is a 1956 graduate of the Orchard high school. She has : «e. n employed in the Bank of Verdigre since graduation. The bridegroom graduated from Verdigre high school. He served in the army and since his dis charge has been employed by the American Smelting company in Omaha. The couple will reside in Omaha. Harold Pospeshil of Sioux City, cousin of the bride, was photo grapher. .Spends Holidays Here— Miss Charlotte McVay, a stu dent at Oklahoma State college, Stillwater, Okla., is spending her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. McVay. Emmet News Mr. anti Mrs. Elmer Aider and family and Mrs Grace Alder sjient Christmas day at the home ■ of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Boelter, of Orchard. Christmas day guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert H Fox were Mr. and Mi's. Paul New ton anti family and Mr and Mrs. Bill Kramer and family of O' Neill. Christmas day guests at the Joe Babl home were Mr. and Mrs Gerry Babl and children of Kim ball, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Dusa tko and family of Emmet, Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Babl anti boys. Mr. anti Mrs. Jim Schmitz and son of Omaha and lien Bazelntan of O'Neill. Mr. anti Mrs. Charles Fox, jr„ and Cindy were Christmas day guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mullen and family. Mrs Joe Ziska and JoAnn call ed on Mrs. Agnes Gaffney Sunday evening, December 22. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Fox, Bar bara anti Peggy were Christmas eve callers at the home of her parents, Alt', and Mrs. Robert Tomlinson and Veldon. AL and Mrs. Don Foeken and family were Christmas dinner and afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bramard. Christinas day dinner guests of Mr. and Atrs Loo Wortman and Paul were Mr. and Mrs. A1 Klop penborg and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wortman and daughters of’ Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wort man and Mark of Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs Jim Peatrowsky and girls of West Pouit, Miss Gerald ine Wortman of Washington, D C., Mrs. Lawrence Wortman and Miss Leona Wortman. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sidak and family were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Brainard Thursday evening. Mrs. George Brainard and fam ily of Douglas, Wyo., arrived Fri day evening to spend the weekend and New Years with her folks, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fox, and family and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Brainard. Mr. Brain ard is expected to arrive at the end of the week. Mi-, and Mrs. Walt Meier and family had as Christmas dinner guests her mother, Mrs. Ruth Enbody and Jeff. Raymond Fox was a guest at the Wayne Fox home from Christ mas until Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sidak and family spent Christmas with her sister and family, Mr. and Mrs Art Miller, who live south of New port. Christmas day dinner guests ol Mr. and Mrs. Larry Schaffer and Dewey were: Mr. and Mrs Cluj Colo and Jeannie, Mrs. Esth er Harris and Miss Kutli Harris of New York. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Schnutz and son returned to tl*eir home in Omaha Christmas night after spending Christmas With their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Babl and Cecelia and Mr. and Mrs. John Schmitz and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Brockman, Connie and Jerry, Mr. and Mrs Millard Peters of Sargent, Mr. and Mrs. Don Percell and family of Hastings and Mr. and Mrs Gene Dye and family of Harvard were Christmas dinner guests of Mrs. Maude Goos, Fred and Ken neth of Taylor. Mrs. Goos is Mrs. Brockman's mother. Mrs. (loos is now able to do all her own work which is very wonderful. She is a double leg amputee. Miss Jo Ann Ziska, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ziska, spent the Christmas holidays with her par ents. JoAnn teaches in Omaha. William Tenborg went to Scotts bluff Sunday to visit his grand daughter of Scottsbluff and his daughter, Mrs. Jack Nickort, of Seattle, Wash., who is staying with her daughter for the holidays Mr. Tenborg will return home next week. Mr. and Mrs. Herald Kendall of Grand Island and Mrs. Stella Ken dall of Hastings came Saturday to \isit Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fox aid 1 amil> Mr and Mrs Herald Kendall returned home Sunday. Mrs. Kendall will remain at the home id her son-in-law and daugh ter for a longer visit. A Chris'mas day dinner guest ot Mr. md Mrs Norman Waytnan. Marjorie and Hiane was his moth er, Mrs Kd Way man. Mr and Mrs. Boh Cole and sons. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schaaf and familj. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gay lor and familj , Jim Humpal and Mrs Regina Witter of Oma ha were were Christmas day din ner guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Humpal of Atkinson. Mrs Agnes Gaffney was a Christmas day guest at the Kd Flood home in O'Neill. Christmas day guests of Mi ami Mrs. Robert Tomlinson and Veldon were Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Fox and girls. Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Tomlinson and Nina of Grand Island. Mr. and Mrs. Alliert Sipes and family of Lincoln, and Mr. and Mrs. Max Grenier. Mrs. Leslie Strong and sons and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Strong and sons were Christmas day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil McMillen. Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Gaugh enbaugh and family of Inman were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry’ KloppenKng. Mr and Mrs. Dean Beckwith and Gary of Tekamah visited Mrs. Georgia McGinnis Thursday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wayman and girls and Mrs. A1 Kloppen Isirk and family were Friday' af temoon coffee guests of Mr and i Mrs Henry Kloppenhorg. Itciula Home Scene of Yule (lathering— Christmas d a j * dinner guests it the Lyle Hernia hotne wcie Mrs. Benda's parents, Mr .aiul Mrs Pete Kratochwill of Kimball, SD.; Mr, Benda's mother, Mrs Helen Honda of Platte, S.D , Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Horslcv and family of Sioux City Mr, and Mrs. IVmald Johnson and son, of Sioux Falls, S D.; Mr and Mrs Ivan Hoffman and son of Kimball. S.D ; Mr. Httd Mrs. Roy She I hamer and daughter, of O'Neill; Mr. and Mrs. John P. Loifermatt and family of Kimball, S.D Mr. and Mrs. John \V. Leifermnn of Pukwana, S D. Visit* Sister— P. C Donohue spent Christmas with his sister, Mrs. Margaret Agnes of Norfolk. The APPAREL SHOP'S ... Pre-Inventory SALE! SALE STARTS THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 2nd, AT 9 O’CLOCK Reductions up to One-Half and More i IT’S OUR ANNUAL pre-inventory Clearance Sale with bargains galore in every de | partment! You’ll want many of these items to wear NOW and on through Spring! Buy now and save! All sales final! No alterations! No Lay-aways! COATS Entire stock of Winter Coats! In all the wanted colors and fabrics. WERE 59.98-NOW..... 39.99 WERE 54.9849.98-NOW 29.99 WERE 35.00-29.98—NOW 19.99 WERE 24.98-NOW..... 15.99 TWO ONLY CAR COATS WERE 1498—NOW .8.99 DRESSES Entire stock of Fall and Holiday Dresses Prices slashed for quick clearance! j GROUP ONE Regular to 27.98—NOW — 15.00 GROUP TWO Regular to 17.98—NOW — 11.00 GROUP THREE Regular 14.98—NOW-9.00 SIZES: 7-J5 — 10-20 — 10 Vi-20 Vi DRESSES Regardless of original price! NOW— $5 X BROKEN SIZES ( SWEATERS III bulky knit, Ban-Lon, Holanca and Wool WKKK, 8.98 NOW 5.99 WKKK 7.98 NOW 4.99 I WERE .V98 NOW 3.99 WERE 4.19 NOW 2.99 LINGERIE Gowns & Slips BROKEN SIZES WERE 8.95 Now-5.99 W KKK 5.95 (Viitl 8.95 Now-3.99 JANTZEN Matching Sets SKIRTS WERE 11.98 j Now-7.99 SWEATERS WERE TO 10.98 Now_6,99 SLIPOVERS One-Half Price SKIRTS Tweeds 6c Plain Colors WERE 14.98 8.99 WERE 12.98 7.99 WERE 10.98 6.99 WERE 8.98 5.99 WERE 7.98 ..... 4.99 GLOVES Broken Sizes 2.98 — 1.99 1.98 — 1.29 costume Jewelry One-Half Price! JERSEY BLOUSES Were 7.98—NOW 4.99 Were 5.98—NOW _ 3.99 WERE 4.982^99 KNIT DRESSES Reg. 32.98 and 27.98 N»».19.99 BKAa WERE 4.00 NOW ..- 2.29 WERE 3.00 & 2.50 NOW . 1.79 | WERE 2.00 ! NOW _ 1.49 ; BROKEN SIZES GIRDLES WERE 15.00 NOW - 8.99 WERE 12.50 i NOW 6.99 WERE 2.98 NOW .. . 1.99 Entire Stock of Winter Hots Values 8.95 to 17.50-NOW_3.00 Values 598 to 7.98-NOW_2.00 Values 2.98 to 5 00—NOW_1 .QO Orders: White, Blue, Black, Brown, Ruby Hurry' for first choice and take advantage of this drastic reduction! Rummage Table Come look, be surprised! Wool BERMUDAS WERE 7.98 . 4.99 WERE 5.98 . 3.99 Solid Colors and Plaids Meadow Gold Our gift to the 1 958 Holt County Baby Derby Champ ONE CASE of the most important development in milk as a complete food! "HI-VITA-Mlir MILK In brown paper carton DELIVERED to the door of FIRST BABY’S home, if the winner lives in one of Holt county’s cities or towns, or the parents may claim the case of milk at their favorite store! BEATRICE FOODS . . . Bill Perry, Mgr. O’NEILL — PHONE ItM W SHELHAMER JACK & JILL Come Round . . . and I’ll tell you WHY I prefer— HEINZ BABY FOOD Anil if Holt County’s 1958 Baby Derby Winner takes my advice, he'll in sist on - Heinz Baby Food from Shelhamer’s Presenting ONE CASE of HEINZ Free to the ’58 Champion! Congratulations! to the Baby Derby Champ WE’RE PLEASED to present to the firstcomer in ’58 one case — EHEEJ GERBER'S 8A8Y FOOD HIGH BOY 'Folding Clothes Rack . . . our contribution to the ’58 Baby Derby Champ! THE HI4iH BOY is a hardwood, folding drying rack out of our stock, just the thing for drying baby’s things and other laundry, too! It’s a space saver . . . easy to assemble! JO AND DALE WII.SON Happy New Year, Everyone! iHi'liiTr—ULiaLiTiniriiy DELUXE HIGH CHAIR for First Baby! • Regular 14.95 • Adjustable Plastic Tray • Adjustable Foot Rest • Safety Strap • Hardwood Construction • Decorative Decals Gilligan’s Rexall Drug Ben Gilligah Robert T. Devoy i Phone 87 — O’Neill . . . heralds the arrival of the first baby —the derby champ—with — • Electric Bottle Warmer • Baby Hot Plate Colorful, sanitary, durable. Transparent top. Rahy will watch the little fish! SCOVIE’S WESTERN AUTO — O’NEILL — Hear ye! Hear ye! Here’s our offering for First Baby— MORRIS PAINT or WALLPAPER With congratulations to the fond parents . . . and best new year’s wishes to all!