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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 26, 1957)
Ewing News On Tuesday Mrs. John Wunner went to Stanton to spend Christ mas with relatives. She will re turn home Sunday . Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Tomjaek and children are making plans to spend Christmas eve at the home of his mother and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Knapp, and Christ mas day with her parents, Mr. ami Mrs. Everett Tayiur at Oak date. Mrs. Ralph Eacker, who teach es in district 88, had a Christmas pragram Friday evening. A large crowd was in attendance tor the e\ eiung s entertainment. Santa was also a visitor. Recent guests at the home of Mr und Mrs. Ralph Eacker were their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. und Mrs Jerome Fuller from Grand Island. To celebrate Christmas day and also the 13d wedding anniversary of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. j Ralph Eacker, the members of the Eacker family planned a get together at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Fuller at Grand Is land Others, besides the parents from Ewing are Mrs. Gene Ruby and children and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Eacker and family. Miss Joellyn Eacker, who teach es at Ixiuisville, came home Fri day to spend the holiday vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. j Ralph Eacker, and other rela-1 lives. Mr. and Mis. Merle Angus of Lincoln are expected guests at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Watson McDonald, for a f a m 11 y get-together Christmas eve and Christmas day at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs Loyd Angus. Miss Rowena Rotherham of Omaha came home Thursday, December 19, to spend the holiday Mason with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rotherham. She will return to Omaha Friday, Jan uary 8, to resume her studies at Creighton university. _ -A 1 _ A _ „ » h, kino lit ClALAvlCU * Mr. and Mrs. John A. Wood foi Christmas are her parents, Mr. and Mi's. Louis Tanck of Norfolk, anil his aunt, Miss Vina Wood ol Ewing. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Pollock and daughter, Putsy, are at their home in Ewing for the holiday season after spending some time in Omaha. They plan to return to Omaha after the holidays. Mrs. Allan Pollock and daugh ter, Patsy, were Norfolk visitors Wednesday, December 18. Miss Patsy remained in Norfolk as guest of her friend, Miss Judy Wanser, a student at the Norfolk Junior college. Mr. and Mra. Hay Butler are making plans to spend Christmas day with his sister and husband, Mr. and Mra. Leonard Hall ol Hoyal, where a family get-togeth er will be held honoring the 40th wedding anniversary of the Halls. Mis- John Archer will go to Neligh for Christmas day where she will lie joined by her son and wife Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Arch er and family of Grand Island. All will be guests of Mrs. Mawd How er’s mother, Mrs. Maurice Archer. A spring-like rain fell in Ewing Wednesday forenoon, December 18. The moisture was much ap preciated to settle the dust in the streets. Clearing about noop, the w a r m temperatures continued throughout tiie day and evening. Mrs. Pearl Loe of Stanton was FREE WEDDING DANCE Butte Legion Ballroom Sunday, Dec. 29 Music by Bobby Mills and his Orchestra Given by Miss Patty Tlenken and ••Italie” Alley a recent guest at the home of her sister, Mrs John Wunner. Homemakers In I ule Parts — The Christmas party of the Y'ietary Homemakers club met at the home of Mrs. Joe Ramold sr., Wednesday, December U, with a covered dish dinner. Members answered roll b y "how to keep your flowers bloom inb in winter." The club gather <*d 117 liuttemut coffee strips. There were three guests. Mrs. Charles Boyle won the door prize. Entertainment was an exchange of Christmas gifts • Mrs. Ramold had a gift for each of the young esters and visting guests Next meeting will be Wednes nesday, January 8, with Mrs. Ray Tunender. By Mrs Ray Conway. County Court December 12 Bemadine Wal nofer of Ewing, operating with out drivers license, fined $5 and $4 costs; officer—R. R Shorney December 12 El win Rubeck of Chambers, over capacity plates, fined $10 and $4 costs; officer I x»nald F. Richardson. I Vcemher 12 Albert W. Ko pejtka of Inman, intoxication, fined $10 and $4 costs; officer—E. M Hastreiter. December 13- Delliert A Ken edy, driver for Transit Inc., of Omaha, overweight and over weight on capacity plate, fined $60 and $4 costs; officer -Donald F. Richardson. December 13 Wilson H. Dennis of Omaha, day speeding, fined $10 and $4 costs; officer—E M Hastreiter. December 14 Robert J. Krot ter of O’Neill, night speeding, fi ned $31 and $4 costs; officer E. M Hastreiter. December 16 Richard Crowe, driver for Leland Moody, of Johnstown, overload on axle, fin ed $200 and $4 costs ; officer - Clifford L. Kizzire. December 17 Kenneth Q. Marr. driver for Nash Finch Co., of iiuiiuuv, uvciAVtriKiu v/ii plat** exceeding 1,000 pounds, fined $10 and $4 costs; officer Donald F. Richardson. Arrives from Omaha-— .Miss Mac Hammond »t Omaha is visiting relatives Including Mr and Mrs. Ira Moss for the holi days. Miss Lu Ann Moss, who teaches in Omaha, is home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Ira Moss, for her vacation. Lohaus Motor Co. Phone 33 •cv'c'g'c'CiC'C'c'evicicwc'C'C'C'cwc'e’C’A s f Vj-f' 'JJf B; . . j I \ WHITE YSALi\ I | brings the yTor’s outstondhTT Vqlueil | I STARTS FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27TH Springcale Bleached Sheets famous in name, famous in quality! 72x108, fitted 81x108, fitted 1.99 2.24 42x38'/2 case, 58c A sm(H)th. fine, closely woven sheet of 180 count, combed yam, Percale. Choose 72” x 108” or twin fitted, 81" x 108” or double fitted. s° O ° ^ EXTRA LONG WEAR Money-Bak Sheets Time now to stock up! 81 x 99 1.58 42" x 36" case 39c I McDonald's Money-link sheels offer you kWK wear at I low budget prices! They’re of a firm, 128 count muslin 1 ... in several sizes, flat or fitted. I r Softly colored SpringKnight sheets Save now on l>eautiful SprinkKnight 72x108, fitted 81x108, fitted 1 § colored sheets. You’ll find them in soft shades of rose, blue, green, yel low, and lilac. Smooth, durable 128 count Muslin. Flat or fitted. 42 x 36 case, 48c * # Fitted mattress pads 39” x 76" 54" x 76” 3.44 4.44 These fitted mattress pads are completely Sanforied with 12" skirt. Double box stitched. In cello bag. Big, multi-stripe towels 20” x 40” 15" x 26” Wash cloth 48c 34c 14c Thick and absorbent for practical reasons; color-bright for beauty! Choose rose, aqua, yellow, or turquoise. Solid color Cannon* Bath towel Hand towel Wash cloth j 48c 34c 14c Generous sized towels and washcloths with the famous Cannon* label. Pink, green, yellow, turquoise, rose. ♦DuPont’s trademark for itr polyester fiber. “Dacron”* Pillows Doncrest label 21” x 27”, filled with 100% ... J virgin "Dacron”, soft and ~ ... I fluffy, non-allergenic, lint free. i *DuPont's trademark for its polyester fiber. Jumbo “Dacron”* 22” x 28” Pure "Dacron” filling, beau- i tiful Mylar stripe ticking. I Pillow is completely wash- I able. i Money-Bak pillows Soft feather pillows loft, fluffy, and well-filled with chicken and urkey feathers. 20 x 26 inch size. The covers lave pink or blue border stripes. Buy two and ave. Money-Bak Foam Plump foam pillows Fine foam rubber that is always fresh and com fortable . . . never mats. It’s non-allergic. Cot ton zipper cover, white or with novelty pattern*. Jumbo tea towels 3 for — 84c First quality, extra large towels. 33"x35'\ Extra heavy cotton material, serged on two sides. Viscose tweed rugs 24”x36” _ 1.77 27”x48” 2.77 4x6* _..... 7.77 Handsome throw rugs to use throughout the house. Cinna mon. black and white, red, emerald, or grey. Cotton sheet blanket °n'y .1.58 This soft, cuddly cotton sheet blanket is semi-bleached. Serv ed edges. 70”x95” size. Plaid double blanket Now 3.99 Handsome plaid, 95% cotton, 5% wool. 72”x84” size, satin acetate binding. In rose, blue, or green plaid. » 80 Square Printed Percale Print* looking to the new year! buy it now for only 4 yds. for 99C Beautiful new prints for all ages, all tastes! soft pastels, light colors, and the hand* some n<>w dark tones, First quality S0/80 percale. SAVE! Merry Chistmas Everyone!