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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 26, 1957)
Future Subscribers PARKS- Mr and Mrs. Maurice Park of O'Neill, a son. Edward Maurice, weighing 7 pounds 15 1/8 ounces, horn Sunday, Decem ber 21, at St. Anthony's hospital. HRREK Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hrltek of Monowi, a son, weighing 7 [sHjnds 8 ounces, bom Saturday, December 21, at Sacred Heart hospital in Lynch. LAURENCE Mr and Mrs. Al Dot I^aurence of Atkinson, a daughter, weighing 8 pounds, bom Sunday, December 22, at Atkin son Memorial hospital. BRUCE Mr and Mrs. John C. Bruce of Lincoln, a daughter, Susan Marie, weighing 8 pounds, bom Tuesday, December 10. The Bruces now have one daughter and tow sons. Mrs Bruce is the former Eleanore Volguardsen,! daughter of Mrs. Mary and the late John Volguardsen of Walnut, an dtwo sons. Mrs. Bruce is the Blanch Bruce and the late Dr. - Bruce of Verdigre. HEISENBERG—Mr. and Mrs.; Harry Helpenberg of Naper, a daughter weighing' 7 pounds 7 ounces, born Saturday Decemlier 21, at Sacred Heart hospital in Lynch. HUI25HJLZER Mr. and Mrs Al-! fred Ilulshizer of Long Pine, a daughter, weighing 6 pounds 11 ounces, born Wednesday. Decem ber 18, at Atkinson Memorial hospital. DOHMEN Mr. and Mrs. Duane Dohmen of Creighton a son, Curtis Boyd, weighing 5 pounds 10 ls ounces, bom Wednesday, De cember 15, at Lund berg Memor ial at Cereighton. Hospital Notes ST. ANTHONY'S (O’Neill) Admitted December 19—Donald Wright of Ewing; 2)—Mrs. Dave Moler of O’Neill, Mrs. Raymond Mullen of Bassett. John Binkerd of O'Neill; 21- Betty Hambek of, Spencer; 22 Mrs. Floyd DeLong' of Inman George Latzel of Ew ing, Mrs. Mnurice Parks of O'- i Neill; 23- Mrs. Walter Jutte of Cham tiers. Dismissed: December 18 Mrs. Jane Judge of O'Neill, Mrs Ed win Krugman of O’Neill, Terry Brown of O’Neill; 19—Mrs. John Binkerd and baby boy of O'Neill, William Boies of Ewing; 20— Mrs. Leo Vandersnick of Ewing, Clifford Meininger of Stuart; 21— John Binkerd of O’Neill: 22 Francis Gilg of O'Neill, Mrs Carl Nelson of Spencer, Roy Lanman of O'Neill; 23—Donald Wnght of Ewing, Robert Conventrv of In man. Mrs. Raymond Mullen of Bassett. Hospitalized; Mrs. Maurice Parks of O'Neill, Mrs Floyd De of Spencer, Mrs. Dave Motor of O’Neill, John Pritiil of O'Neill. Long of Inman, Betty Ham beck Frank Fallon of O'Neill. George Latzel of Ewing, Mrs. Walter Jutte of Chambers, Garrett Jariz ing of O'Neill. Mrs. Raymond Co bum. ATKINSON MEMORIAL Admitted: Mrs William Hoff man of Long Pine, Mrs. Eva Loub of Atkinson, Mrs. Alfred Hulshi zer of Long Pine, Mrs. Roy Nilson of Newport. Mrs. Albert Laurence of Atkinson, Mrs. Julia Kaplan of Atkinson, Mrs. Donald Smith of Atkinson, William Seger of Atkin son, Mrs. Floyd Whitaker of Chambers. Dismissed: Herman Schrader of Atkinson. Gilman Davidson of Atkinson. Frank Weber of Atkin son, Mrs Dean Gottschall and son of Atkinson, Mrs Anna Wed ige of Stuart, Miss Lela Garwood of Atkinson, Mrs. Daniel Snyder and daughter of Atkinson. Jean Shearer of Stuart, Mrs. William Hoffman of Ding Pine. Mrs. Wil liam Schultz of Atkinson, Mrs Ed Walnofer and daughter of At kinson, Mrs. Ray Elder of Atkin son. Mrs. Alfred Hulshizer an 1 daughter of Long Pine. U NimEKG MEMORIAL (Creighton) Admitted: Deborah Kruse of Verdigre. Mrs Elmer Fuchtman of Creighton. Mrs. Marvin John son of Niobrara. Mrs. Duane LX>h men of Creighton. Dismissed: Mrs. David Randa and twin daughters of Niobrara. Nell Kimble of Creighton, Mrs James Breece of Creighton, Deb orah Kruse of Verdigre. Mrs. Harry LaFrenz and daughter of Creighton. Mrs. Marvin Johnson and son of Niobrara. SACKED HEART (Lynch) Admitted: Baby Michael Benz on of Naper. Mrs. Ruth Thompson of Naper. Mrs Harry Helpenberg of Naper, Mrs F.lvin Hrbek and Oscar Withe way of Spencer. Dismissed Mrs Edwin Stolteiv berg of Naper. Mr*. Leonard An derson of Bristow, Mrs. John En glehaupt of Butte, Mrs William Green of Niobrara, and Mrs Ruth Talbert of Bristow. ~ ‘ -- Ponton Insurance FLORENCE PONTON, Prop. Insurance of A.I Km>la and Bonds Phone 106 Golden Bldg TAYLOR HO&PITAMZED DELOIT -Guy Taylor has Ix't'n hospitalized in Neligh ami later in Omaha with a hack injury. ... 506-600 Cattle Today Look* like 100 600 head o( eaftle tinlay (Thursday) at our regular weekly sale, mostly calves anil yearlings. Most of the consignments will be packages of 20 to til head. There will be several hundred head of calves. Featured will be one load of A0 head of steer calves, weigh ing too pounds; balance yearlings and butcher cattle. Hog sale starts at noon. O’Neill Livestock Market Phone 2, O’Neill I rnTTur DBirrC •'TS.*"' cherry scotkins VUTTM6 rRIWU MACARONI « T.™ w C^CL / TASTES BETTES PKGS. OF 50 * (r a <7 ' ,.L. OOr -a.OC OOr Look ot those savings in money, j£m O ^ T,N w %r ^ ^ ^ shopping and meal planning time. ^ —a Food Carnival of wonderful ———— # hams, poultry, holiday candies, nuts, Starkist II A 7 (1 I A Charmilt pastries and fancy food.. GREEN LABEL Ifl fl L U L H HANDY PAPER T II SI 1 SALA0 OIL mnHnrni TUNA cookingTOWELS * JH I CHUNK STYLE PINT QUART 1 U U LtU I KaMlaMi 2 s $1 39<75< 2 39c I %r ■ I , ROLLS ^ ^ I I Prices Good December 26th Through December 31. I ^- ■■ I ... A CHEF'S DELIGHT SPREADS - SULKS • - ««•'» r■ CHEESE ■I* BRIGHTEN U* "EVERYDAY" EATING - SERVE GOLDEN VALLEY WHOLE DILL MCKEES jji OUR FAMILY FANCY DARK RED KIDNEY hbeshs SPARKLING START FOR ANY MEAL OUR FAMILY Irr JUICE OIK FAMILY FRESH - / it. - SALAD DRESSING .-49' Thue nr»,pM,,Y CBKAM 01 T'" i'noDsoN3 rAf WITH BEANS PtAS .. 4 DbC No. 300 GOLDEN VALLEY SOLID PACK Tin .99 TOMATOES 4N™*3 59c spaghetti CHEF BOYAR-DEE ty ueat daii C PIZZA PIE.—49' J •aus29, 4 package PANCAKE MIX.- 35' oiiiliiW lHAKMin READY TO SERVE BATH ROOM / ^ - Creama —3r tissue j jc MARGARINE. ®AE*NS <=i7(jed2, No. 300 nQc ^T* . ~~ Butter Brand NOODLES SPANISH SALTED Vw/ . 'N HAM Creama feterprliw la «H« Iron ermm mi tat-tree «IH kUndod »it* RwDtfd cgttoRaaal ... •£&***■ •a- •*--■**• “* *£*•• _ r-:-77T y a /n SPANISH rice FRESH, Delicious Smoke Flavor, Good Quality | L,L 1 ^ J « READY TO SERVE * TENDER, JUICY SLICED BACON ..... ... Pkg. 47C ,EBARrY 1 !*L_21 * SKIHLEiS ™rsr™r m “'si? ^ «« WIENERS “L “ ^41- j>i-£5ar=s I5iiSESI pouno side pork.u 43* JTWBgTlu^p~|l HTI I Ell ■ Your 39C CHEESE **49' FOOD MARKET —1!!^— vfTf^Tnm irmriwi BBiiMiiMfii ESS-SHESl1_ 11 WJnwW fUJESEER !SSfJ““ ST §S ®S ■.»»* 'nsji «.79< ^§^2-21* SSy’2-29* 2-21* 2-29* »*2‘ H ««• W 2"39^ 0177 l t( i ' I 1 ’ fc . '" . ,. , I WITH THIS COUPON I AMERICAN I SALT 7tl PER TUBE * "I Coupon Expires Dec. 3 1 J PUMPKIN- 303 to 10c OUR FAMILY — _ CORN_4 303 hns 59c OUR FAMILY — SLICED, DICED — BEETS_4 303 tins 49c OUR FAMILY — ^ ^ SPINACH 3»ims 39c GOLDEN VALLEY — PEACHES ~3»<“$1 GOLDEN VALLEY — PORKnBE’NS5 2'lns$l NOT ONLY THE BEST — BUT “FOREMOST” 'Big Dip'& 59c IN THREE DELIGHTFUL FLAVORS IC E C REAM — STRAWBERRY PIES_ea. 59c IC E CREAM — CAKE ROLLS_ea. 49c FLAMING SNOBALLS_ box 92 C SPECIAL DESSERTS FOR YOUR HOIJDAY FEASTING. CREAMERY — BUTTER . Ik 69c SUNRISE — I COFFEE - . Ik 69c .IIFFY — f CAKE MIX -boilOc PANCAKE FLOUR — FLAPJACK - 3 Ik bag. 29c FAIREST FACIAL — TISSUES 10 boxes 200 s$l| CAKE MIXES BY — PILLSBURY box 29c AUNT J EMIN A — PANCAKE MIX 3* lbs. 43c TARKAY — POPCORN 21b Pkg sic MINI TEMAN INSTANT — FROSTING mix . 2 pbgs. 33c DAVID HARl’M — FLOUR. 5* bag 49c □