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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 26, 1957)
O’NFIIJ. UM'Al-H Francis Schoenle of East Mol ine, 111,, his daughter. Miss Car lene. a student at St. Mary s col Xa.srr, Kans and his son. Donald Schoenle, a student at St. John’s Seminary, Elkhom, are home with Mrs Schoenle and Miss. Jean for the holidays Miss Mao Jo Donlin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Donlin, will arm e Tuesday from St Elizabeth's School of Nursing in Lincoln She will return the fol lowing day. Mr. an<l Mrs. Don Petersen will visit their parents, the Harry Petersens and Dwight Harders Christmas eve and return the next day Mr. Petersen is student at the University of Nebraska. . . . you hoar the age-old saying, "Peace on forth. Good Will Toward Men”. It I* our prayer that these principles founded years ago by the Little Child In the Monger besoms mare than |ust words. It Is our hope Mat they will be a creed for all the peoples of Hie wsridi HARRY R. SMITH IMPLEMENTS — O’NEILL, — I I I MERRY CHRISTMAS j HAPPY HEY YEAR j 1 MIDWEST FURNITURE ! H [ and Appliance Co. if 'Phone 346-J West O’Neill £ 'f Inman News Miss LuElla Watson came Sun day from Holdrege to spend the Christmas holidays with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Watson. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Clark are having as their Christmas guests their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs Roy Tjessem and daughters of Maywood, 111. They expect to arrive on Tuesday. Christmas guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. 1. L Watson includ ed their daughter, Miss Carolyn, and a friend of Omaha and Mr. and Mi's. John C. Watson and family of O'Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Couch, son. Gene and daughter, Conda, left Wednesday, December 18for Grand Island where they took the train for Oregon to spend the Christmas holidays with their brother-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Couch and fam ily. Mrs. Ira Watson returned Tues day, December 17, from Valentine where she spent several days in the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Dr. and Mrs. W. J Slusher helping with the care of her three grandsons while the Skishers spent a few days in Den ver, Colo. Mrs. Cora Caldwell of Utica came Friday afternoon and will spend the Christmas holidays in the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey lompKins ana iamuy. A good crowd attended the pro gram "Everybody's Christmas" at the Willow Lake school F'iday night given by the pupils and teacher, Mrs. Clara Peacock. Refreshments were served after the program. Mrs. Rose Kivett and pupils of the sixth, seventh and eighth grades of the Inman school en tertained the room mothers Thurs day afternoon at the schoolhouse ' Each mother was presented a gift made by her son or daughter. Coffee and cookies were served. Supt. and Mrs. alter Ubben and daughter, Christie, left Mon day for Auburn where they will spend Christmas vacation. Miss Kay Coventry arrived home Friday afternoon from Way ne and will spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James R. Convert try. Mr. and Mrs. Max Mossman and children of Norfolk spent the weekend in the Leo P. Mossman and Ernest Brunckhorst homes. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Mossman will spend Christmas in the Moss man home in Norfolk. Currans to Coast for Two Weeks— Mr. and Mrs. Francis Curran left for Las Vegas, Nev., to visit a brother of Mrs. Curran, Robert Ott and family, and another broth er, Virgil Ott, at Baldwin Park. Calif. They plan to be gone two weeks. M4M Club Meets— Winners at M&M club held last Thursday evening with Mrs. C. W Porter were Mrs. H. G. Kruse and Mrs. Lindberg. John 1). Blnkerd, 24, of O'Neill suffered a fractured jaw in this accident. Ilis car crashed Into the rear of semi-tractor on U. 8. highway 281.—The Frontier I'lioto. Driver, 24, Hurt in Car-Truck Incident John D. Binkerd, 24, an em ployee of The Frontier and until recently a Ewing resident, suf fered two fractures in the jaw about 6:30 p.m., Friday. He was southbound on U. S. highway 281 when his machine crashed into the roar of a truck tractor rig. The truck had brok en down and was being towed in to O’Neill by an A. Marcellus Chevrolet company wTecker, driven by Joe Bartos, when the accident occurred. The crippled truck had been driven by Clarence J. McClurg. 52, of Grand Island. The 1956 IHC truck was damaged to the extent of an estimated 51,500, State Patrolman Eugene Has treiter said. Binkerd’s car was badly damaged in the right front. Miss Marilyn Johnson, 15, oi Bristow, Binkerd's cousin, was in the passenger car and escaped unhurt. Binkerd had gone tc Bristow to get his cousin, whe was to assist in the Binkerd home. The Binkerds last week became the parents of a son—their sec ond child. Mrs. Binkerd and sor were dismissed from the hospi tal. Thursday and Mr. Binkerc was taken to the hospital Friday transferred the next day to St Vincent’s hospital in Sioux City His jaw is fractured in two places. Binkerd said he did not see the wrecker or trailing tractor. Bar tos and McClurg said the trailer was lighted, Hastreiter reported. Switzers Entertain— Dinner guests at Charles Switzer home Sunday were his sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs Fritz Schinck of Brunswick. Afternoon callers were Mr. and Mrs. Leo Mullen, Mr. and Mrs. Emory Kohl of Tilden, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kohl of Neligh, Mrs. Switzer's sis ter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Hixson of Crookston were overnight guest. Evening callers were Mr. and Mrs. Ben Asher and family of Page. 0 Neill News Francis A. Murray is spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Murray. He is a student at the University of Ne braska. Guests expected at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Osenbaugh for the holidays are their daugh ters, Mrs. Ruth Hilderhoff and family of Seneca and Maybelle Erickson and family of Mullen and their son and his wife, Mr. and Mi's. Fred Osenbaugh of Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Porter went to Columbus where they visited their son and his family, Mr. and Mrs. Ned Porter. They went on to Lincoln. They went Friday and returned the next day. The Misses Rita Jilg and Cera Corkle, students at St. Mary’s college, Xavier, Kans., are home for the holidays visiting their parents, the A. D. Jilgs and the James Corkles. Miss Bernadette Hynes of New York arrived Sunday evening to spend the holidays with her moth er, Mrs. Leona Hynes and family. Edward McCarthy, a student at Cregihton University, is home for the holidays. His sister, Miss Barbara, a student at St. Cath erine's School of Nursing arrived Tuesday. Their parents are the George M. McCarthys. Miss Slyvia Harder, a student at Immaunel School of Nursing in Omaha, is spending the holi days with her parents, the Dwight | Harders. A Saturday guest of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Benze was Donnie Schoenle. Sunday his sisters, the Misses Carlene and Jean, were guests of the Benze family. Miss Margaret McElvain will arrive Tuesday from St. Eliza beth’s School of Nursing in Lin coln. She will return Wednesday. Her brother, Bill, is home from the University of Nebraska. Their parents are Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McElvain. WWWWWWWIIlilCTIMlWWil—WWWWWlfr l l I I | ~ u and a happy new yea* J. B. RYAN HAY CO. 1 A I ♦ MOORE-NOBLE LBR. & COAL CO. PHONE S2 4-H Community Club Holds Dinner REDBIRD The Redbird 4-H club and the Scott Community project club held the annual Christmas party together at Scott ville hall Sunday, December 15, A 6:30 o’clock dinner was served. A Santa Claus cake, baked and decorated by Mi's. Charles Gif ford, centered the long table. Mrs. Frank McDonald preparted the turkey and dressing. Mrs. Bill Aim, 4-H leader, had charge of the entertainment pro gram which included pieces and songs, by the little folks, a read ing by Janet Gifford, and several selections by June and Claranna Carson, Marlyn Graham and Bruce Schollmeyer on their band instruments. At the close of the program Mrs. Frank McDonald, as Santa Claus, caused much merriment when she appeared with a "nut and corn candy” treat for each of the fifty pepole pre sent. The young people had a gift exchange. The community project club treated all with a candy bar and apple. Emmet News (Last week’s news). Chip Cole, son of Mr. and Mrs Bob Cole, spent Saturday after noon and night with his grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. Art Humpal Mrs. Ralph Fritton visited Mrs. Bessie Burge and June Wednes day afternoon. Mr. and Mis. Henry Kloppen liorg were Monday night visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wayman and daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Weichman and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Joe Winkler Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Abart and family and Mi*, and Mrs. Ed Hancock were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Abart and Dercy. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Fox and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Char i les Fox and Carol Monday eve ning. Other guests were Mrs Fritz Belzer and Mrs. BiU Kelly. Mr. and Mrs Gilbert Fox also called on Mr. and Mrs. Max Gren ier Monday evening. Sunday visitors of Mrs Bessie Burge were her son. Glen Burge, and his three oldest children. Myrtle. Marilyn ami Leonard. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Claussen were Sunday evening visitors of Mrs Mary Claussen. The Emmet grade school, dis trict ID. is presenting their Christ mas program this evening (Thursday*. Santa is expected to make his annual appearance. DORSEY NEWS Mrs. Anna Carson si>ont a day or two at the home of Mrs. Ro U'it Wilson in Verdel last week. She accompanied Mrs. Wilson homo from Lynch after having at tended the junior class play. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zach and children of Verdel and Mr. and Ntrs. Edward Carson visited at the Hamid Osborn home Sunday eve ning._•_t_ CHRISTMAS DANCE SUMMERLAND BALLROOM Wednesday, Dec. 25 Ml!SIC BY — Bill Stoural and his orchestra Admissions $1.00 jj \wr —r—^1 NEED A BETTER RIDING CAR? Test-drive a ’68 Studebaker. Discover for yourself the ex clusive Luxury-Level ride of Studebaker's variable rate front coil springing. (3D Studebaker Packard Smith Motor Co. Third & Douglas _ THE SANDWICH SHOP MR. AND MRS. FRITZ YANTZIE I long offer fhe last present is opened may the good cheer and joy of the Christmas season remain with you. IVAN PRUSS . . . Phone 171-W BANKERS IJFE INSURANCE «>. I / I “ ••" ,v * • , ; *: • * •• -•*.**. •> • •• • • * * ** • *• * ‘ • . • o *