-■ d , >fj- „•* , ; *'a '# - - •* -»i-Mac* . .'vl ' *5Lv,! .;,i' ..■* ’sv.. ..H -"'.-iiX *i?:5 . FOR SALE Thiele’s Dairy Cattle TOP PRODUCING dairy cattle on hand at all times. Wiscon sin bred, fresh and heavy springers, first and second calf heifers, Arnold Thiele 2Vi miles southwest of Clear water, Phone 17 on 12 tf FOR SALE Complete irrigation outfit, V-4 Wisconsin motor with pump, 600 ft. of 6-ln. main, 1,400 ft. 4-in. line with sprink lers—Gerald Hansen, O'Neill. _ 33-34pd FOR SALE: Singer Sewing mach ine late 1956 model with all at tachments and a new guarantee. Can be seen in this area. Buy it for 7 payments of $5.85 each or will discount for cash. Write to Credit Manager, Box 123 Lincoln, Nebr. 33-34c Used Machinery 1947 Farmall H Used Comfort Cover for H John Deere A Farmall 12 Farmall B Farmall Regular IHC mill mC sheller Snow bucket Wagon and box Picker bargains Water fountain hogs & cattle CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Whirlpool automatic portable dish washer with set of dishes and year’s supply of soap only $199 Hotpoint automatic washer, $95 Bendix automatic washer, $48 Thor automatic washer, $29 Gas refrigerator TV antennae Good wringer washer Toy implements and tractors Shelhamer Equip. Co. O'NEILL, NEBR. FOR SALE: 240-acres hay and pasture land. — Leslie Repenn ing, 12 miles south and V4 mile west of O’Neill. 34p FOR SALE: A baby crib.-Wm. Kipple, Box 125, Inman 34p35 USED MACHINERY Harvey corn sheller TRACTORS Super M IHC 300 IHC John Deere model 50, wide front end, like new 45 A J-D Comfort cover for J-D tractors J-D 10” hammermill Case Tractor Spreader J-D Model E Spreader J-D-D twine and oils JOHN DEERE DAY FEBRUARY 10TH Harry R. Smith Impls. Phone 562 — O’Neill j FOR SALE: Minnesota Holstein' heifers and cows, TB and bangs tested.— Rudy Juracek, Ewing. I 31tf FOR SAI.E: 44 Minnesota dairy heifer calves for Nebr. farmers. 29 Holsteins and 15 Guernseys at the farm 44miles south of Clearwater. Also taking orders filled on approval. — Wilbert Thiele, Clearwater, Ph. 13 on 7. 34-35c FOR SALE: Registered Hereford bulls, 12 mos. coming 2 years old in spring.—John Niewoh ner, 24 miles west of Drive In, O’Neill._34-52p4.85 FOR SALE: Extra choice Duroc Registered boars, vaccinated, guaranteed and blood tested.— L. V Gant & Sons, 4 miles nor th, 3 east, 1 north of Atkinson, phone 7845 32-37p NEW & USED MOBILE HOMES WHY RENT when you can own your own home? A LARGE selection on hand in 15 to 48 ft.. 8 & 10 ft. widths, equipped with the fabulous alarm-o-matic fire alarm. See it demonstrated. SPECIAL PRICES on all units on hand. WE TRADE for furniture, cars, trucks or what-have-you. WE FINANCE up to 5 years. SEE US AND SAVE MONEY ' Dewey Miller Trailer Sales Phone 460 Albion, Nebr FOR SAI-E: Over 200 good used storm windows in stock now. - Ralph Beckwith. 32-35p CURTISS STUD SERVICE has the greatest battery of bulls in the nation. There is no shorter or cheaper way to build econ omy in your herd than to breed to plus proven sires Call 469J Duane Gray, O’Neill 29tt FOR SALE: A 1957 model Auto matic Zig Zag Sewing Machine to he sold in this area. It sew on buttons, buttonholes and al] fancy designs without attach ments. Small monthly payments or will discount for cash. Wnte Credit Manager. Box 123, Lin coln. Nebr. 33-34( FOR SALE: 1951 Chevrolet Stan dard 4-dr., good. — DeLmar Spangler. O’Neill. 34-35p60 FOR SALE: Purebred Hampshire boars Big and rugged with extra length; also a few open gilts — Alfred Hansen. Plain slew. _ 19tf FOR SALE 41% COTTON CAKE CUBES. WHOLESALE PRICES ON TON LOTS C. E. McVAY 28tj FOR SALE: 4000 bushels, good heavv oats. Around harket price. Inquire New' Deal Oil Co.. West O'Neill, phone 392 34-35 TOR SALE: Capons, alive or dressed. -Norbert Clark, O' Neill. phone 513-M 33-35p Used Car Bargains! 1955 Commander hardtop 1955 Studebaker Commander 1953 Plymouth 1949 %, ton pickup. Smith Motor Co, STUDEBAKER Phone 562 O’Neill FOR SALE: 1956 2-ton Ford truck, with or without dump box, excellent condition.—Phone 434 26tf FOR SALE: A circulating heater, coal or wood, used very little.— Phone 666, O’Neill. 34c FOR SALE: Purebred Hampshire boars.—Henry Stelling, 2 ml. south, V4 west of Orchard. 23tf FOR SALE: Used 24-in. chain saw, also new chain saws.— Francis Musil, O'Neill. 34-36p85 FOR SALE: Beer equipment, to be moved. Reasonable. Modern location available In O’Neill.— Ralph McElvaln, O’Neill. 28tf SPRINKLER IRRIGATION SEE US or white us If interested In Sprinkler Irrigation. We will be glad to figure your system for you, with the help of qual ified irrigation engineers, at no obligation. Wm. Krotter Co. O’NEILL, NEBR. "Dealers in A - M Sprinkler Irrigation” 37tf FOR SALE: 2,000 gallon heavy uuiy storage lana.—l«wis l». L. Vandersnick, Ewing, phone 7F13. 34-35p FDR SALE: Purebred Hampshire boars. Meat type, big, rugged, smooth. New bloodlines for old customers.—3V4 miles east of Creighton, Nebr. Shadylane Hampshire Farm 21-36c Give THE FRONTIER for! Christmas! SALT FOR SALE: Kanapolis $16.50 a ton; American $20.50 a ton; white block 75c—Located 3 blks. east, 4 blks. north of traffic light. Everett Gorgen, Ph 524-M, O’Neill. 51tf FOR SALE: Yorkshire boars — Otto Lorenz, O’Neill, phone 18F11. 28tf FOR SALE: Hampshire male hogs from the McGuire herd; Spotted Poland from the Hattigg herd. Vaccinated 2 ways and guaranteed. — Frank Beelaert, Page. 24tf FOR SALE: Terriflex vinyl tile. Now carried in stock. Select your color.—Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co., O’Neill. 47ctf SEE US for new SPARTAN or SAFEWAY mobile houses, 25% down, 5% int ' up to 84 months to pay. Write or phone. Contois Motor Co. Neligh. 30tf FOR SALE: Bred Gilts Bred to Hampshire boars for late Feb ruary and March farrow. In guire New Deal Oil co., West O'Neill phono 392. 34-35c Used F urniture Living Room Suite 24.50 Dresser & Chest 29.50 2 Rockers 49.50 Dining Room Suite 29.50 Radio & Record Player 29 50 Midwest Furniture and Appliance Co. 209 West Douglas O'Neill, Nebr. REAL ESTATE IS YOUR insurance costing too much? Are you properly in sured. — See Ed Thorin, agt., O’Neill, Nebr. 34tf FDR SALE: To the highest bid der, small house and six lots.— W B. and L. J. Lamb, O’Neill, phone 568-R 32-35pd MONEY TO LOAN on farms, i ranches and homes. Long term, low interest rates — bonds and insurance of all kinds. See Virgil L. Laursen at The O’ Neill Company. 27-18tfc FDR SALE: 3 Bedroom house with basement room and bath— Call 754-W or write Box 507, O’ Neill. 32-35c Apt. For Sale WE OFFER for sale The Adair Apartment House, in Denver, Colo., located at 725 Logan Street. IONE OF the best buys of today. 18 units, all private baths, 13 buffet apartments. 5- 1-bed room large apartments. Place is completely furnished White brick bldg., with 3 lots, and plenty parking space. Gross in come $12.228 00 or net income $9,091.64. Total price $70,000.00 FOR COMPLETE statement, see this newspaper or write Paul Elam ; 985 Fairfax Street. Denver. Colo., phone Florida 5-4179 34-36c FDR SALE: Owner being trans ferred must sacrifice 3 bed room home. Within walking distance to schools, churches —Contact Edwin A. Sevcik. 33-35j WANTED Food Store Clerks and Meat Cutter SAFEWAY is now taking applica tions for men and women food clerks and a meat cutter for the new O'Neill store. Ages 20 to 38; high school education; experience not necessary. Peiv iodic wage increases. Desirable employee benefits. See or write Tom Cronin. Manager of Safe way store. Neligh. Nebraska. SAFEWAY STORES 34c WANTED: A school boy to board and room.—Phone 666, O'Neill. 3»c WANTED: Summer pasture 1958. State size and rental charge. Address reply to 520 - 14th street, Sioux City 4, la. 33-35c ELECTRIC MOTORS Rewinding Rebuilding Any make and size up to 100 h.p. NEW — USED MOTORS 1/40 through 10 h.p. single phase Vi through 100 h.p. 3 phase REPAIR ANYTHING Electrical Appliance, Portable Tools, Controls Commercial & REA WIRING Distributors for FAIRBANKS MORSE Motors and Pumps Allen Bradley Controls Gates Belts & Pulleys Also many other types of Electrical Equipment & Supplies IF ITS ELECTRICAL TROUBLES YOU ARE HAVING—CALL 243-W 24-Hr. Service Northwest Electric Motor Service O’NEILL. NEBR. No job is too small or too big No job is too close or too far No service or time too great that will not take care of you NORTHWEST ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE SERVICE TO YOU IS OUR MOTTO WANTED TO BUY: Steer and heifer calves to fill an order, also some yearlings.—See G. Rzeszotarski, Emmet. 34-36p60 WANTED: Man between age of ?3 to 45 This could mean full time job for right party with selling experience. No limit to the amount of earnings for ambitious party. Must have good car, for 'vork in Holt county. Married man prefer red with references. — Write box 334, Neligh, Nebr., for date to be interviewed. 26tf WANTED DRY CLEANING OF ALL KINDS! IDEAL CLEANERS Phone 775-W for Pickup and Delivery! 47ctf HALVA’S ELECTRIC SHOP Generator and Motor Winding NEW & USED MOTORS INVISIBLE REWEAVING. Cigar ette burns, moth holes, cuts and tears. Reasonably.—Mrs. Ed ward Tellier, new address, one block south of stoplight and half a block west- 31-35c •WANTED: To winter 50 or 100 cows, water from creek.—Lewis L. Vandersnick, Ewing, phone 7F13. 34-35p CARDS of THANKS WE WISH to take this opportunity to thank each and everyone for their kindness, understand ing and expressions of sym pathy, as well as the cards, Also those who brought in food and assisted with the work at home, the ladies who furnished food at the church and those who helped serve the meal and lunch May God bless you all.— Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Bell and Lana, Karl Jeffers. 34p50 I WANT to thank all my relatives and friends for all the letters, cards and gifts, and for the visits while I was in the hos pital and since my return home. A special thank you to pastor Roten for his calls and prayers. Thanks again.—MRS. LOUIS HARLEY. 34p50 FOR RENT FOR RENT: Famished apart ment, 4 rooms and bath, heat ed, close in.—Elmer Hagensick, O’Neill, phone 556-R. 34tf FOR RENT: 3-room modem apartment.—Tony Asimus, O’ Neill, phone 510. 33tf. FOR RENT: Nice furnished apartment, automatic washer, gas heat—O. E. Davidson, O’ Neill, phone 126 25-31s FOR RENT: Sleeping rooms. — Phone 537, O’Neill. 10tf FOR RENT: Neat two bedroom very close in. Available now. basement apartmnt, modem, —J. C. Parker, phone 14f3 or 434. 31tf. Graders, Band in Inman Program INMAN — The Inman public school grade pupils and the band will present a Christmas program tonight (Thursday) at 8 o’clock A visit by Santa will be a fea i ture. MISCELLANEOUS L. Guthmiller REPAIR SHOP Half Block East of Texaco Station ! SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene welding. Wick's Body Shop Complete Body and Fender Repairs and Painting Glass Installed—Towing Service Phone 211W — O’NEILL — for Any Job 25tf DANKERT'S PROPANE O’NEILL AND CHAMBERS Bulk Gas Deliveries Norge Appliances Gas Pleating Systems Dearborn, Seigler, Coleman Universal Hunt SPECIAL ON WASHER and DRYER COMBINATIONS Dankert’s Propane 22tf 36 Months to Repay on Real Estate LOANS $ 1,000 or less $25.00 to $1,000 ON FURNITURE OR AUTO Made on our regular monthly repayment plan and on a Spec ial Plan for Farmers. CONFIDENTIAL, PERSONAL SERVICE! Central Finance Corp. C. E. JONES Phone 14 O’Neill 2tf __ AUCTIONEERING Real Estate Broker Private Listings and Auctions ED THORIN Farm Sales a Speciality Phone 207 — O’Neill ADLER Sewing Center SALES OF NEW AND USED SEWING MACHINES WE REPAIR till makes. We un dersell anybody in price and outsell anybody in quality. O'NEILL, NEBR. PH. 269 52tf Expert Watch Repairing McIntosh Jewelry Phone 166 O’Neill LOST & FOUND STRAYED: From Bill Storjohn’s pasture, 2 cows with calves, branded on right hip.—Please notify John Green, Butte. 34-35c FOUND : Billfold containing money in the west end vicinity. Please identify. — Phone 304. 34-36c Montgomerys Feted on 3 I st Anniversary nnrrricirric a ..• _ __* • v». m cui pi wc pcii Lj honoring George and Joyce Mont gomery on their 31st wedding an niversary was held at the "6111 Fry home, Wednesday evening, December 11, with 25 attending. Games were played and oldtime Christmas songs were sung. The lunch consisted of two angel food cakes decorated in white with two large and five small white bells and pink bows, salad, cookies, sandwiches, punch and coffee. Duane Hord cut the cake. Val onda Biddlecome served the punch and Algenia Hord porued coffee. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Har old Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Hoke and Clayton and Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Gunter and Paul had a surprise dinner at the Rol Hord home in honor of Mr. and Mrs. George Montgomery’s wedding anniversary. Their daughter, Mrs. James Severely Love, called from Buf falo, N. Y., wishing her parents a happy anniversary that eve ning. Dave Pollocks Feted on 40th Anniversary RIVERSIDE — Mr. and Mrs Dave Pollock celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary Thurs day, December 12, and were guests at a three-course supper at the E. L. Norwood home. The Art Busshardt family of Neligh were evening callers and ] presented the Pollocks with a j potted cyclamen plant. Colored slides were shown for 1 entertainment and a piano selec tion was presented by Jackie Busshardt in honor of her grand parents. Guests FYiday of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tennis were her father. Carl Rethwisch. and uncle. Pete Reth wisch of Tilden and aunt. Mrs Otto Sehwichtenberg of Long Beach, Calif. Manger Scene Reminds Students The most important word a round St Mary's academy right now is Christmas All the class rooms wen* decorated during the past weekend. Some of the girls are even wearing "jingle bells." The large manger scene in front of the school serves to remind of the true meaning of Christmas. The girls’ glee club and the speech class presented a Christ mas program consisting of a can tata and a one-act ulay Sunday and Monday evenings A large aud ience was on hand both nights in the SMA auditorium. The grade school students will give their program at 8 o'clock tonight (Thursday i in the gymnasium. Each grade will present a select ion. The Cardinals are preparing for Friday's game with their tra ditioanl rivals, the Bluejays from St. Joe’s. The game will be play ed on the Atkinson floor. The Boys' Sodality is publishing i a school paper named The Card inal. They produced the first is sue Monday. They hope to con tinue the paper through the year. Two Yankton Students Active— With the beginning of Christ mas vacation Friday, December 20, at Mt. Marty college, Yank ton, S.D., Miss Kathleen Spitzen berger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Spitzenberger and Miss Eunice an Horn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. F Van Horn of O’ Neill, will return home to spend the holiday season with their fam ilies and friends. Miss Spitzenberger is a sopho more teacher training student and Miss Van Horn is a freshman lib eral arts student at the college. Both students are members of the Sodality and the chorus. miss van norn is a memoer oi the Schola Cantorum. Miss Spit zenberger is a member of the SNEA adn a staff writer on the Angelus. Gauaghenbaugh Home Scene of Reunion— INMAN -Mr. and Mrs. Wood row Gaughenbaugh entertained at a family reunion at their home on Sunday. Guests' present included: Mrs. Minnie Gaughenbaugh of Hot Springs, S.D.; Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Gaughenbaugh of Council Bluffs, la.; Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Jon as of O'Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Jus tin Butterfield and family. This was also in observance of the birthday anniversaries of Charles Butterfield and Clark Gaughenbaugh. O’Neill News Mr. and Mrs. Keith Shelhase and family of Atkinson were Sat urday guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Shelhase. Mary Ellen Tingle spent the weekend with grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Moore of Neligh. Mrs. J. F. O’Conner and Mr. and Mrs. William O’Conner were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bud Van Fleet in Royal. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Philbrick were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Stout and M!r. and Mrs. Bill Sitz of Burwell. Monuments of lasting beauty made by skilled craftsmen ol the J. F. Bloom Co. . . . monu ments from the factory to the consumer.—Emmet Crabb, O’Neill Mrs. Robert Mathis and child-1 ren were Friday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Beckwith. Mrs. Rosa Bowers was to have arrived home on Wednesday. She has been visiting several weeks with her daughter and family in Denver, Colo. Lt. Donna Shelhase of Ft. Knox, Ky., arrived Saturday to spend a 15-day leave with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C G. Shelahese. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Tingle spent Friday evening in Norfolk visiting Mrs. Frank Healey. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Schaffer spent Sunday and Monday in Omaha. n mrl AftToKm CtoKl/vnlrox were Saturday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shierk. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Yusten were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Henning of Atkin son. Emmet News Mrs. Mary Lewis attended the project club meeting Wednesday afternoon, December 11, at the Billy Claussen home in O’Neill. Friday evening the Sunday-sch ool boys and girls of the Methodist church will have their Christmas program. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Tomlinson and Nina of Grand Island were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Fox, Barbara and Peggy. Mr. and Mrs. John Conard and Mrs. Georgia McGinnis left for Lincoln Sunday afternoon and re turned Monday evening. While in Lincoln they visited Mr. and Mrs. Ben Troshynski and Tommy. Mrs. McGinnis consulted a doctor Mon day. Mrs. Robert Tomlinson was a Thursday and Friday overnight guest of the Gilbert Fox family. Miss Leona Serck visited Mrs. Bud Cole'and children Sunday af ternoon Mrs. Gilbert Fox, Barbara and Peggy were dinner guests Satur day of Mrs. George Bosn. Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Brockman and family attended the Christ mas program of district 53. Mrs. Pease is the teacher. Mrs. Louis Sidak and youngest son called on Mrs. George Skopec Sunday morning. Mrs Bill Kelly was a Saturday vistor of Mrs. Wayne Fox. Mr and Mrs. Floyd Brainard called on Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sid ak and family Sunday evening Hospital Notes ATKINSON MEMORIAL. Admitted: December 9 Mrs. Alvin Straka of Atkinson, medi cal; 10 Mrs Ervin Van Qeave of Stuart; 11 Mrs. George Kyser of O'Neill, obstetrical; 12 Mrs. Robert Land berg of O'Neill, obstet rical; Herman Schrader of At kinson, medical; Mrs. Ray Elder of Atkinson, medical; 13—Mrs Dean Gotsehall of Atkinson, obs tetrical; Frank Weber d Atkin son. medical; Mrs. Earl.Houts of Atkinson, medical; Mrs. Edith Syfie oi O'Neill, medical; Theron Bogue of Atkinson, medical; 14 Gottlieb Braun of Atkinson, med ical; Mrs. Lawrence Ziska of Stuart, obstetrical; 15 Mrs. Dan iel Snyder of Atkinson, obstet rical. Dismissed: December 9 Mrs. Neal Hamilton of Stuart, Nrs. Evan Garwood and twins of At kinson; 11 Mrs. Alvin Straka of Atkinson, Sam Riley ot Atkinson; 13 Beulah Wasson of Atkinson; 14 Theron Bogue of Atkinson. Mrs Connie Murphy and daughter of Stuart; 15 Mrs. George Kyser and son of O'Neill. Hospitalized: Gottlieb Braun of Atkinson, Mrs. Frank Skrdla ot Atkinson, Mrs Robert Lindberg adn daughter of O'Neill, Jay Dav ison of Atkinson, Lola Garwood of Atkinson, Mrs. Dean Gotsehall and son of Atkinson, Mrs. Law rence Ziska and daughter of Stuart, Mrs. Doinel Snyder and daughter of Atkinson, Mrs. George Syfie of "O’Neil!, Herman Schrader of Atkinson, Mrs. Ray Elder of Atkinson, Mrs. Earl Houts of Atkinson. LUNDBERG MEMORIAL (Creighton) Admitted: Mary Ellen Sucha of Winnetoon, Dale Raff of Verdigre, Mrs. Harry Lafrenz of Creighton, Mrs. David Randa of Niobrara, Neal Kimble of Creighton, Mrs. Jim Breece of Creighton. Dismissed: Mrs. Harold Kehne and daughter of Winnetoon, Mary Ellen Sucha of Winnetoon, Neil Stringley of Creighton, Dale Raff of Veridgre, Bennett Christensen of Martin, S.D.. Bruce Hoferer of Creighton. Note 20th Wedding Anniversary— Dr. and Mrs. C. M. Eason cele brated their 20th wedding anni versary at their home Sunday, December 15. Those attending w'ere members of their immediate family: Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Hubbard, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Hubbard, My. and Mrs. Steve Shavlik and Pam, Ed win Hubbard and E. A. Porter of Chambers; Mr. and Mrs C. W. Porter and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Porter and family of O’Neill. Cake, ice cream and coffee were served. BT. PAUL’S LUTHERAN (Chambers) Rev. William E. Roten, pastor Saturday, December 21: Confir mation class meets, 9 a.m. Sunday, December 22: Bible class and Sunday school, 10 a.m.; worship service, 11 a.m. John Kaczor and daughter, Mrs. Eleanor Boetcher of Spencer, were Monday guests of his sister, Mrs. Minnie Bay. Emmet News Mrs. Georgia McGinnis went to Brewster last Thursday and visi ted several friends. She called on Olin Fletcher, Mr. and Mrs. I Ben Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Mark i Turner, and Jess Baker. She had n't seen Jess Baker for 63 years. Mr, and Mrs. Jay McConnell and Bobby were Sunday evening supper guests of Mr. and Mrs Wayne Fox and family. Mr. and Mia, Frit/ Brockman and family called on Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sidak and family Saturday ev ening. On Friday, Mr and Mrs Floyd Fuller of Stuart were visitors of, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Brninard. Mrs. Bob Cole, Mrs Art Hum pal of Atkinson, and Mrs Frank Schaaf of Atkinson went to Sioux City Monday. December 9. Mr and Mi's Ernie Kloppenborg and family, Mr. and Mrs. Nor m a n Wayman, Marjorie and Diane and Mr. and Mi's. Al Klop penborg were all Tuesday eve ning, IVcember 10 guests of Mr. and Mrs Henry Kloppenborg. Homer Mullen of Scribner cal led on Hud Cole Sunday morning Mr and Mrs Ed Winkler and Mary Alice were supper guests Sunday e\ ontng of Mr, and Mrs. Joe Winkler. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Fox and daughters and Mr. and Mrs Max Grenier were Sunday evening visi tors of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tom linson and Veldott. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A hart and Dercy went to Parker, ST)., Saturday. Miss Connie Ra/elman of Oma ha visited Mrs Wayne Fox Sun day afternoon. POWER STEERING 6reat news for farmers everywhere KONTROU'KINO full time POWER STEERING >1 cm«;'$999S w I Jtr Jm mo«Nii xit for ALL Solf-Propollod Agricultural Equipment • No Cylinder* - Brackett ar bothertome overhang • Guaranteed • Fit* All Tractor* back to 1945 • lightweight • Fit* All Popular Tractor* • Steering Shaft mounted • Positive Control even if Power Foils • Easy to Install o Does NOT require extra space for mounting • Low Cost • Cuts Fatigue - Adds Safety • Trouble Free A MIDOIT IN till-A OlANf IN POWII Smaller than a carton of Cigarettes. Neat cons* pact design allows this unit to be mounted any* where on the steering shaft. Causes no bother or interference to operator, strain on or change in the steering system. DIM 3" I r* WOT 9 Ibt EASY TO INSTALL. COMPLETE mounting instructions and simple de sign enables anyone to mount unit in 2 hours' time MARCELLOS IMPL. CO. Phone 5 West O’Neill ^wtc’ftwctctetcietcicictcicictcictc’eicv^’etctctM'ciciciiicicw’C’ccwicwivwww^tov^wswn^^owm’.’.m^.^ I J Suggestions for The Late Shoppers j l TABLE LAMPS_ 4.95 to 16.951 I STEP TABLES___ 6.95 to 26.50 \ I CORNER TABLES_18.95 to 39.50 \ TV LAMPS_l_ 4.95 to 9.951 J|# 11 P-Ml l\ LIGHTED PICTURES19.95 j I DESK LAMPS_ 4.50 to 10.95 t MIRRORS_ 5.95 to 29.50j I PICTURES__ 2.95 to 16.95 I SWIVEL CHAIRS__ 29.50 to 89.59 I FLOOR LAMPS_ 1195 to 23.95 I ELECTRIC FRY PANS_12.95 to 19.95j I MIXERS_19.95 to 39.50 j i RADIOS „_ 19.95 to 27.50 j if < v V |[ l FOLDING TABLE & CHAIR SETS_ 32.50 to 44.50 j I CHILDREN SETS_12.95 to 19.951 I CHILDREN ROCKERS_ 7.95 to 12.951 MIDWEST Furniture & Appl. | 209 West Douglas O’Neill, Nebr. % %