Legal Notices (First pub. Dec. 5, 19571 Wm. W. Griffin. Attorney IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HOLT COUNTY. NEBRASKA IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF LUDWIG KOENIG, GUARDIAN OF THE ESTATE OF SAMUEL REINKE AND MOLLIE M REINKE, IN COMPETENTS, ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE On reading the petition, duly verified of Ludwig Koenig, guar dian of the Estates of Samuel Reinke and Mollie M Reinke, In competents, duly filed herein for license to sell the undivided one half right title and interest of Samuel Reinke, and the undivided one-half right title and Interest of Mollie M Reinke, In and to the real estate described as, the west half of Section 18, Township 25, North, Range 10, and south east quarter of Section 13, Town ship 25. North, Range 11 west of the 6th PM., and it appearing from said petition that the cash and personal property and the income from said property in the hands of said guardian and belonging to said incompetents, are and will be insufficient to maintain said incompetents, and their fam ily, and that it would be for the benefit of said Incompetents and each of them if their respective Interests In and to said described real estate should be sold and the proceeds thereof used for the support and maintenance of said Incompetents. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED THAT THE next of kin of said in competents and all persons inter ested In their said estates appear before the District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, at the Court house in the City of O'Neill, Ne braska, on the 26th day of De 10R7 <>« in HA a'oWIi A. M to show cause, if any there be, why a license should not be granted to the said Ludwig Koe nig, guardian, to sell the respect ive title and interest of said Sam uel Reinke and Mollie M. Reinke, in and to said real estate for the purposes above set forth. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED THAT a copy of this order be published once each week for three successive weeks in The Frontier, a legal newspaper, printed, published and of general circulation in Holt County, No br&skn Dated this 29th day of Novem ber, 1967. D. R MOUNTS. Judge of the District Court 32-34c (Published December 5) (First pub. Dec. 5, 1957 ) William P. Kelley. Attorney NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA, DECEMBER 2, 1957. IN THE MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF JAMES J. KELLY, DECEASED. CREDITORS of said estate are hereby notified that the time lim ited for presenting claims against said estate is March 26, 1958, and for the payment of debts is De* cember 2, 1968 and that on De cember 26, 1967, and on March 27, 1958, at 10 o’clock A. M., each day. I will be at the County Court Room in said County to re ceive. examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. LOUIS W. REIMER, County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 32-34c (First pub. Dec. 5, 1957) William W. Griffin, Attorney NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL Estate No. 4232 COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF RAY STOERS, DECEASED THE STATE OF NEBRASKA. TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for the probate of the will of said deceas ed, and for the appointment erf Ethel Mae Siders as Executrix thereof, which will be for hear ing in this court on December 26, 1957, at 10 o'clock A. M. LOUIS W REIMER County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL' 32-34c (First pub Dec. 12, 1957) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HOLT COUNTY. NEBRASKA. IN THE MATTER OF THE A P PLICATION OF DOROTHY M GARWOOD, GUARDIAN of Faye L. Garwood, Marlene M. Garwood. Janet J. Garwood, and Charles B. Garwood, Minors, for license to sell real estate. OKDF.K TO SHOW CAUSE Now, on this 6th day erf De cember, A. D., 1957, this cause coming on to be heard before the undersigned, Lyle E Jackson, District Judge, in and for the State of Nebraska, upon the petition of Dorothy Mr. Garwood, Guardian of the per sons. estate and property of Faye L. Garwood, Marlene M. Gar wood, Janet J. Garwood and Charles B. Garwood, praying for a license to sell the undivided two-fifteenths right, title and In terest of Faye L. Garwood; the undivided two-fifteenths right, ti tle and interest of Marlene M. Garwood; the undivided two-fif teenths right, title and interest of Janet J. Garwood, and the un divided two-fifteenths right, title and interest of Charles B. Gar wood, minors, in and to the Northwest Quarter of Section 28, Township 26, North, Range 13, west or me oui tr. ni., ui nun County, Nebraska, for the rea son that it would be for the bene fit of said minors that their in terest in said real estate be sold, and the proceeds thereof put out at interest or invested. Upon consideration whereof, and it appearing from said pe tition, that it is necessary and would be beneficial to said min ors and each of them, that their interest in and to the real pro perty above described, be sold and the proceeds therefrom put out at interest or invested. IT IS ORDERED, that the next of kin of said minors, and all persons interested in their said estates, appear before the Dis trict Court of Holt County, Ne braska, on or before the 6th day of February, 1958, in the Court Room in the Court House in the City of O’Neill, Holt County, Ne braska, at the hour of three o’clock p. m., of said day, then and there to show cause why a license should not be granted for the sale of said minor’s right, title and interest in and to all of said real estate, in accord with j the prayer of said petition. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy“ hereof be published three (3) successive weeks be fore said day of hearing, in The Frontier, a weekly newspaper, printed, published and of gener al circulation in Holt County, Nebraska, aforesaid. LYLE E. JACKSON District Judge 33-35c Thanksgiving Visitor— Miss Carol Johnson of the Lin coln School of Commerce was Thanksgiving weekend guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mar vin Johnson. cmr council proceedings November 5. 1957 Council met at regular session. Present were.Mayor Schaffer, Councilman Gleeson, Reynoldson, Moore and Heermann. Berigan and Golden were absent. The meeting was called to or der by the mayor. Motion made by Reynoldson, seconded by Gleeson, that the minutes of the previous meetings be approved as read. Motion car ried Motion was made by Gleeson. seconded by Heermann, that the following bills be allowed and paid, on the general fund: Marcellus Schaaf_ 278.58 D. F. McDermott _ 205 28 Milford H Coats 156.40 Gerald L. Wettlaufer _ 237.22 O. D. French_ *10.00 Done hoe Construction Co. 200 00 Kelly's Well Service _ 3.00 Everett E. Gorgen 17.00 Western Motel --- 2 00 Ideal Cleaners 3.25 Holt Co. Independent _ 3.20 Moore-Noble Lbr. Sc Coal Cb. 51.15 O'Neill Fire Dept. 26 00 Shelhamer Equip. Co.. 8.37 Earley Oil Co. -.- 7.05 Lohaus Motor Co. — __ 32.19 Edna B. Yantzi _ 26.66 Graham’s "66” Service _ 169.29 Director of Internal Rev. 91.00 Fred Hannink_ 249.22 L. O. Johnson _ 81 90 C. J. McGinn _ 237.38 Loyd K Brittell ...... 167.44 J. R. Gallagher .. 100 00 The Thomas Company-88.90 Kansas-Nebr. Nat. Gas_ 7.72 Michael Todd & Co.-123.55 Special Order Mfg. Co. 1.00 Marcellus Imp. Co. _ 75.25 McCarville's 11.90 American Gear Co. .. 17.79 Eby's Conoco 1-50 Hamik Sc Engler- 1 50 Zep Mfg. Co. _ 104.15 O'Neill Auto Supply — 3.93 Consumers Pub. Pow. Dist 425 29 N. W. Bell Tele. Co _ U.W On the water fund: John Bollin _ 247.38 C. N. Wyant _ 89-35 Western Auto Store - 2.88 Edna B. Yantzl _ - 13 34 Island Supply Co. 1.80 Graham’s “66” Service _ 33.15 Coast-to-Coast Store - 4.07 Capitol Supply Company 52.48 Director of Internal Rev. 48.00 Cora M. Wyant 89.35 The Texas Company - 39.88 O'Neill Auto Supply - 3.12 D. A. Kerscnbrock Texaco 81.10 Consumers Pub. Pow. Dist 268.98 James Davidson & Sons 176.73 N. W. Bell Tele. Co. ... 35.40 Neptune Meter Company 146.20 The vote on the above motion was as follows: All aye. Nay none. Motion was made by Moore, sec onded by Reynoldson, that all city employees be instructed to sign receipts for all purchases they shall make for the city, and that no bills will be paid if not receipted. Motion carried. Motion was made by Gleeson, seconded by Reynoldson that the mayors appointment of Moore, Heertnann and Reynold son. to inspect the hanger at the municipal airport and have nec essary repairs and improvements made. Motion carried. Motion was made by Gleeson, seconded by Moore, that the council adjourn to November 12, 1957, at 7:30 p. m. Motion car ried. O. D. French D. C. Schaffer Clerk Mayor November 12, 1957 Council met as per adjourned. Present were Mayor Schaffer, Councilmen Gleeson, Berigan, Heermann and Reynoldson. Ab sent were Moore and Golden. The council met for the pur pose of receiving bids for the con struction of an administration building at the O'Neill Municipal airport. Motion made by Gleeson, sec “Carling. it’s the best Christmas present I’ve ever had! Your one and only will .say the same if it’s a Philco Bendix GAS Duomatic . . . the almost miraculous appliance that washes and dries in one continuous operation. So Automatic The new Duomatic is as automatic as the newest automobile and just as much fun to operate! Dial the number of minutes to wash ... the time to dry . . . then touch the master switch ... the Duomatic does the re Buv Nov/ ... Pav Later K&nsas-Nebraska makes it easy for you to give your wife a new Philco Bendix GAS Duomatic for Christmas . . . only 10 percent down . . . three years to pay. Free installation. See Your Nearest Kansas‘Nebraska Manager o Before Christmas! o o o For Dependable GAS Service 0 o ° ° ° ° O°°ooo oo°L °0oooo o " ° °0 „° o 0 c° o 00 o° o, °o 0 o ° 8° ° 0 0° O0 • ° *' 0 t t, o’ 0 <.Co o ° ° 0 ° O O q 1 ’ °r, § o„o co ended by Heermann that the coun cil accept the bid of the Udey Construction Company of Neligh. Nebr . in the amount of $12,835 00, for the construction of adminis tration building at the Municipal Airport. That the engineer be instructed to take necessary- steps to se cure construction. A roll call vote being taken on the above motion was as follows. Aye: Glee son, Heermann, Berigan and Rey rioldson. Nay none. Motion car ried. O. D. French D. C. Schaffer Clerk Mayor Dorsey News Mrs. Dean Van Every and children of Omaha was accom panied by her brother, John Bra dy of Lincoln, who is attending school there, to the parental home to spend Thanksgiving with them and also visit with other relatives and friends over the weekend. They returned to their homes on Sunday. Thanksgiving guests at the Car son sisters home was Mr. and Mrs. Edward Carson. At the Gordon Barta home Thanksgiving were Mr. and Mrs. George Barta of Lynch. Thanksgiving at the Otto Ruz icka home was a day of en joyment with a dinner. Their children were home to spend the day with them, as well at Otto’s sister from Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Graham and family spent Thanksgiving at Mrs. Graham’s sisters, the Frank Dobichosky’s. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Graham. Mr. and Mrs. John Derickson spent Thanksgiving at Plainview with their daughter and family. _1 T ox mi • uiiu ■ mvv » w- '> spent Thanksgiving with a neice. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McElhaney came Friday night, November 29, to spend the weekend at the the Harold Johnson and McElhaney homes. They could not make it for Thanksgiving Mrs H. H. Miles’ children could not get to spend Thanksgiving with her, but some of them could leave their jobs on Friday so spent that day with her and Lin da. Mr. and Mrs. George Barta visited at Gordon Barta’s Sunday, December 1. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Millard and Linda were Thanksgiving guests at the Harold Osborn home. They spent Thursday night, leaving Friday to meet the bus as Mrs. James Millard and Faye were cdming from Sioux City to spend the weekend with them and at the Kirwan home in Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Pickering and children and Mrs. Myrtle Pic kering spent Thanksgiving at the Clarence Johnson home near Spencer. Larry Halstead, who has been in training with the national guards, arrived home Saturday evening, November 30. Mrs. Anna Carson, Albert Lad ely and Mrs. Myrtle Young visi ted at the John Hurd home in Lynch Thursday, November 28 They also visited with the Ronald Carson family. The program and sale of lunch at the Dorsey school which was held Friday, Novqmber ll, was a “big sucess”. Miss Velma Lanman of Verdel spent the weekend of November 23, with Ruth Osborn. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Osborn and Ruth and Miss Lanman took in the entertainment and supper at Ash Grove Sunday, November 24. Named Delegates to Assembly— Miss Kay Dvorak of Atkinson has been elected delegate of the Holt County Rural Teachers Association at the delegate as sembly to be conducted by the Nebraska State Education As sociation. Willard Solfermoser, O’Neill high principal, will represent the Holt town teachers. O’NEILL LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. James R. Herre and children of Beatrice spent the Thanksgiving weekend with his mother, Mrs. O. M. Herre. Mr. and Mrs. Arlo Hiatt were from Thursday, November 28-30 guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. D. An derson at Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hunt and family spent from Wednesday, November 27, until Sunday, De cember 1 in Omaha visiting her mother, Mrs. E. W. Devereux and other relatives. They also visit ed Mrs K. C. Hunt at Clarkson hospital. MILLER THEATER — ATKINSON — Fri. Sat. Dec. 1814 DOUBLE FEATURE Sun.-Mon.-Tues. Dec. 15-18-17 I This coupon and one paid ad- . _ mission will admit two adults, I ° ■ o O 0 ° 0 ° 0 o ° cP 0 °o~, °c Reynoldson, Liddy, Petersen Pace Honor List of Students Wayne Reynoldson. with five A s, and Jane Petersen and Mi chael Liddy, with four A's each headed the second six weeks hon or roll at O’Neill high Other honor students: Seniors: Lynda Haynes, BAAB: Gale Holcolm ABAB: Faye Mur ray. BAAAB; Sharon Nelson, BA BA Juniors: Joan Booth, AAAAA: Velda Ernst. AAAAA; George Fuller, BBAAB; Gerald Kaczor AAAAA; Cherrian Knepper, BAA BA; Elaine Krufjman. ABAAA; Konnie Kurtz, AAAA; Merle Pease, BBAA; Betty Rodman, B AAB Sophomores: Richard Ernst, BAAAA; Connie Johnson, AAAB, Janet Krugman, AAAAA; Bar bara Miller, AAAA. Paula Reed, AAAB; Joyce Summers, AAAB: Barbara Wayman, AAAA; Nancy Wray, AAAA. Freshmen: Bill Fricke, AAAA; John Harder, BABA; Marion R» senkrans, AABA. tiarfleld Homesteader Expires at 7 ft— CHAMBERS — Services were conducted Friday, November 29, at 2 p.m . from the Memorial Bap tist church for Emile Raes. 78, who died Sunday, November 24. Rev Earl Schwenk officiated. Mr. Raes was bom October 24, 1879 at LeMars, la., to the late Mr. and Mrs. Henri Raes. They moved to northeast Nebraska In 1881 and in 1884 located on a hdmestead in Garfield county. He was preceded in death by his mother who died in 1914; fath er in 1905; sister in October 1954; brother, Leon, on May 29, 1950; brother, Louie, in 1943. Try FRONTIER want ada! O X KILL LOCALS Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. Herman Janzing were Mr. atki Mrs Ed Winkler and Mary Alice of Emmet and Mr. and Mrs. John Janzing. Mrs. Mabel Shade left Sunday for Piero*' to visit her son and family. Mr. and Mrs, Ben Haigh Mr and Mrs Duane Gray and family were Thanksgiving gut'sts of Mr. ami Mrs Gene Baber of Plainview. Thanksgiving guests of Mr and Mrs IXvight Harder were Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Ham of Greg ors S D , Carl JEutz and Carol Zutz. i>f Burke. S. D. IDEA FOR CHRISTMAS WORLD'S SAFEST POWER SAW... ALL-NEW, BIGGER Hr RECIPROCATING BLADE Wright. REBEL NO DANGEROUS CHAIN! ; BJode Work* Uka A Hand Saw i Operate* portadtp mdm Mm nost rugged condition*. only • FELLING • UNDERCUTTING gm + • BUCKINO • PRUMNO tfr JL O J • PRECISION MIU-EDOI CUTTtNO “SAWING'S BELIEVING'' Including blode ASK FOR A FREE DEMONSTRATION , SALES AND SERVICE SHELHAMER EQUIPMENT CO. O’NEIIJ.. NEBRASKA ' ---————^ PUBLIC AUCTION BECAUSE OF ILL health in our family we must move to another climate and will sell the following described property on the premises located 24 miles south of O Neill on Highway 281 and \/a, east; OR 5 miles east, 6 miles south and \/a, east of Cham bers; OR 16 miles north and l1/^ east of Bartlett, (sale sign on highway), on — Friday, December 20th Sale Starts at 1:00 Lunch by Bethany Ladies* Aid I 16-HEAD CATTLE-16 I Black Whiteface HEIFER 2-yrs-old, to freshen next summer. Black Whiteface COW 8-yrs.-old, milking now, to freshen In spring. Holstein-Black Swiss COW 6-yrs. old, to freshen in January. Holstein COW 8-yrs.-old, to freshen by sale date Jersey COW 8-yrs.-old, to freshen by sale date (expecting twins) Black Whiteface COW 6- yr*.-old, to freshen In January. Holstein COW 7- yrs-old, milking now, to freshen in spring 4—Stock COWS To freshen March 15th to April 15th 2—Yearling Black Whiteface HEIFERS Yearling Black Whiteface STEER 2—Black Whiteface Bucket CALVES 5i Doz. White Leghorn Pallets — | Doz. Turkeys 25 Ton* Prairie Hay in stack — 15 Ton* Alfalfa and Oat* Straw in Stack — 50 Bu. Oats 10 Tons Alfalfa Hay in Stack — Some Yellow Ear Com FARM MACHINERY 1042 J-D B Tractor, good condition McC-D No. 7 Trail Mower Wagon 1042 J-D H Tractor with power lift McC-D 8-ft. Press Drill Trail Mower Hitch to fit on tractor J-D Manure Spreader McC-D 8-ft. Binder, power take-off Hydraulic Loader to fit H or M Farm J-D Hand Corn Sheller McC-D 8-ft. Field Disc mall or Regular J-D Tractor Cultivator, fits B or A J-D McC-D Hay Stacker Curtiss Air Compressor, Vj-h.p. Motor J-D Tractor Plow No. 52 on rubber McC-D Corn Planter Forney Electric Welder, l-yr.-old J-D Tractor Plow No. 45 1039 Chevrolet Sedan (New) 1955 G-I Single Row Corn Picker Walking Plow Auto Guide Cable Rack McC-D 12-ft. Hay Rake Good Rubber Tired Hay Rack MISCELLANEOUS 14 Used 6:00 x 16 Tires Hudson 3-gal. Weed Sprayer Saw Horses 6x8 Brooder House Some Cottonwood Lumber 1-Man Saw 4x6 Shed Registered Brand and Set of 60-ft. Vi-ln. Gable Pair of IS x 28, 6-ply Tractor Tires Branding Irons * Log Chains and Tubes, Hite new Barbed Wire and Woven Wire 2—Small Feed Bunks Dog House Shepherd Dog Fuel Barrels Chicken Feeders and Laying Nests Bob Sled, good condition 10-ft. Steel Gate Feed Barrels Steel Traps 16-ft. Feed Bunk Large Mall Box 1 Forks and Shovels 12-ft. Ladder Bucket Calf Stanchions ' 30-ft. Garden Hose — 50 ft. Garden Hose Used Iron Lawn Mower HOUSEHOLD GOODS Coronado 8-ft Refrigerator Writing desk Copper Bottom Boiler Copper Clad Combination Stove Dressor with Mirror Kitchen Sink _ . . 2—Chests of Drawers Children’s Wardrobe Super Flame 2 burner OU Heater Bed. Springs and Mattress 5-Gal. Cream Can, new I Windsor Upright Plano and Bench 94-Bed, Springs and Mattress 4 Small Chairs Double Sink and Cabinet Innersprlng Mattress Farm Master Cream Separator, electric 2—Steel Clipboards Studio Couch Farm Master Milk Pasteuriser Wood Heating Stove Lazy Susan Base Cabinet Pair of Hip Boots Kerosene Heater Medicine (Xiest Small Table and Chairs Maytag Washing Machine Baby Buggy Dial Telephone Kitchen Table 9 x 12 Linoleum Rug, 9 x 12 Wool Rug Coffee Table TERMS: Strictly cash or see your banker DARYL & JEANENNE WALLING Own. COL. ED THORIN, O’Neill CHAMBERS STATE BANK, Auctioneer Clerk 0 ‘o ° °°0 0Q °° oO 0 ° V r* *C %• 0 ‘ . . rv O^OO _ o O ° Q 9 ■ o C. -a $p .1 J»