The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 12, 1957, SECTION ONE, Image 6

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    8 et 40 Hold Yule
Party at Norfolk
Thirty partner* of Madiaon
County Salon 410 of the 8 et 40 met
In Norfolk Thursday evening for
the annual Christmas dinner and
marc he at Hotel Madison. The
dinner was served continental
atyle with Mrs A. R Andrews
chapeau, presiding. Tables were
appointed with boughs of pine and
red tree decorations. Red- and
white candy canes were used as
place cards.
Departmental officers, Mrs
Josephine Lamborn of Palmyra,
chapeau, and Mrs Mable Turre
of Syracuse, lasecretaire-caissiere,
were guests. Mrs. Lamborn re
ported on the recent nationale
pouvoir held in St. Louis, Mo.,
Miss Lettie Jean Coulthard, dis
trict II president of the American
Legion auriliary and a 8 et 40
partner, related her work in the
Mrs. Bernice Bussman, child
welfare chairman, reported on bir
thday card remembrances sent to
hild patients in the National Jew
ish Hospital at Denver, Colo., and
displayed the seven gifts purchas
ed for Christmas gifts for children
at the Kearney State Tuberculo
sis hospital. A number of scrap
books and silk hose were turned
in for therapy work in the Kear
ney hospital
Partncrship chairman, Mr.
William Cox of Pierce, introduced
two new partners. Miss Feodora
Paul Sbierk
Insurance of All
— AT —
Ath Grove Hall
Saturday, Dec. 14
Bud Van Fleet
and his Sandhills Troubadors
Admission: 80c
Friederichs of Norfolk end Mrs
.Van Riege of O'Neill.
It was voted to send a 550 con
tribution toward the “100 Club"
for purchasing beds and equip
ment in the National Jewish hos
pital and to purchase a 55 TB
seal bond.
Christmas gifts were exchanged
and a social hour followed the
marche session.
Partners from O’Neill, who at
tended the marche were Mrs. Mel
vin Ruzicka. Mrs. Virgil Laursen.
Mis. Vem Reynoldson, Mrs- Lis
ter Riege, Mrs. Robert Lowery
and Mrs. John Davidson.
Finley-Good Rites
Field at Yankton
EWING—James Good and Miss
Marilyn Finley, both of Ewing,
were united in marriage Novem
ber 16. in the chapel of the Trin
ity Lutheran church at Yankton,
S.D., Reverend Lygre officiated at
the 11:30 a m., double-ring cere
mony. Mrs. Lygre, wife of the
pastor presided at the piano.
The bride wore a black and
white checked afternoon dress
with black accessories. Her bou
quet was of white and gold mums
tied with blue satin. Her rhine
stone jewerly was a gift from the
Mrs. Eugene Zimmerman was
matron-of-honor. She wore a light
orhid print nylon afternoon dress
with black accessories.
The bridegroom was attired in
a dark blue suit. His bestiman, Eu
gene Zimmerman, wore a dark
gray suit. Each had a white car
nation boutonniere.
Following t h e ceremony, a
luncheon was served to the wed
i ding party at the Hotel Gurney.
The young couple, following a
short honeymoon, is now at home
to their friends on a farm north
of Inman.
Mrs. Good was a member of
the senior class of the Ewdng high
school where she was active in
musial activities of the school.
Mr. Good is a graduate of the
Ewing high school. He served two
years in the army, several mon
thsh of which were spent overseas.
For the past year he has been en
gaged in farming.
Thanksgiving dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ldddy was
her mother, Mrs. John Ferris of
Gregory, S. D., her brother and
wife, Mr. and Mrs. Walt Ferris
of Winner, S. D., and Miss Judy
Liddy of Lincoln.
"Pennies from Heaven”. If It’s
a 1947 It really la. For proof see
Shelhamer Equipment 82-94.
Unskinned Whitetails or Blacktails
Beef Hides — Sheep Pelts
See us before you sell for Top Market prices.
trd A BraaS'.'h Norfolk, Nebr.
45 Attend Family
Night Observance
EWING—Family night was ob
served at the Ewing Methodist
church Sunday evening, A 6:30
o’clock covered dish supper was
served. Forty-five members and
friends were in attendance.
A Christmas atomsphere was
given this occasion with a read
ing “What Is Christmas?”, by
Mrs. Waldo Davis and group sing*
ing. with Mrs. Lee Brigden at the
After some interesting games,
in charge of Mrs. H. R. Harris
and Mrs. Davis, three films were
shown by Mrs. J. L. Pruden and
her daughter, Mrs. Sam Burt
wistle, “Santa Claus ", Scenic
America” and western scenes
with appropriate vocal selections
in which the congregation joined
in singing.
Rev. Lee Brigden erpressed a
desire that this night of fellow
ship be made a regular meeting
of each month, with varied pro
He then gave the benediction.
Library Contributions
Are Acknowledged
Book week in public libraries is
stressed but once a year. Grattan
township this year has had sever
First: In January when so many
young people showed interest by
attending the annual township
meeting and having the library
appropriation raised.
Second: In March when the O'
show benefit. The proceeds netted
the library $150 for books.
Third: In September, when Dr.
and Mrs. J. P. Brown gave over
$200 for books for young people.
The Women’s Guild of Firs!
Presbyterian church and the
Friendly Neighbors added new
books to the library. St. Patrick’s
Altar society carried on its mon
thely donation, started in 1953, tc
be used for books and publica
Donations of books were also
made by Mrs. P. B. Harty, Mrs
L. A. Burgess, Neil B. Ryan, Pad
la Reed and Sally Herley.
Mrs. Ralph Munn
Heads Church Women
EWING—New officers of the
Christian Mothers of St. Peter’s
Catholic church were electee
whep the group met Tues
day evening at St. Dominic’s
hall. Mrs. Ralph Munn, president
Mrs. Melvin Roach, vice-presi
dent; Mrs. Jerry Tomjack, secre
tary; Mrs. Max Wanser reelectec
A report was given on the an
nual bazaar held November 27
The report was given b 3
Mrs. Munn in the absence
of Mrs. Wanser. A Christ
mas party was planned for the
grade school children. A film wil
be shown and treats given. The
date will he announced later. /
Christmas gift exchange and s
luncheon followed the meeting
Hostesses were Mrs. James Rot
herham, Mrs. Lee Spittler, Mrs
Monica Martin and Mrs. Eva Kac
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Krugmar
and family were Sunday, Decemi
ber 1 guests of Mr. and Mrs
George Enhody in Atkinson.
Give her an
*1*118 one gift that has everything Is a
modern automatic GAS range. Preparing
family meals Is done automatically . . .
from top-of-range cooking to baking In the
treah-alr oven and broiling In the smokeless
broiler. GAS ranges offer modem features
galore ... from rotlsseries for indoor
barbecuing to controls that tell you the ex
act temperature of meat In your oven.
And here's an economy note: automatic
GAS ranges cost less to buy, less to Install
and much, much less to operate! ___,
Only GAS gives true automatic
top burner heat control!
Just set dial at temperature you want . .T|
and forget It. Automatic control takes over.
Turn every pan Into an automatic apifcencel
^ ; j!_l i IJ,m; | 7\ \
For Deoendable CAS Service
o ° 0 0 o o °o o °
o ° °°° ° oo ■’ OS o ° O °o o
O _ _ _ o O b ,
O’Neill News
Rev. Robert Embree, district
superintendent of the Methodist
church, attended a cabinet meet
in Lincoln Tuesday, December 3,
returning by way of Friend with
Mrs. Embree where she had been
visiting her daughter and family'.
Mr. and Mi's. Mac Kellough. Her
son, Lester, of Hastings, accom
panied them home to spend until
after the holidays with them.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Johnson,
Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Boelter at
tend the funeral of Mrs. O. A
COok of Venus Friday.
Mrs. A. L. Eymann attended
the funeral of her aunt, Mrs. A
H. Blinco, in Oakdale Monday ,
she was a former resident ot O -
Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Wanser and
family of Hartington were Sun
day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Froelich and Mr. and Mrs. Buv
Wanser of Page.
Mr. and Mi's. Leo Riser and
family, Mrs. Cecelia Liewer of
Butte were Saturday callers of
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Gray. Mrs.
Liewer remained for a longer
visit with her daughter, Mrs
| Gray.
Nine dollars and a 1947 penney
will buy ten dollars worth at
Hhelhamer Equipment. S2-S4c
J«eanne Head of Omaha spent
the weekend with her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. George Head.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W Roberts of
Fremont were from Friday until
Tuesday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Pete Hereford.
Thanksgiving guests at the
home of Mrs. Austin Hynes were
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Young of
Ravenna, Mr. and Mrs. Don Hy
nes and Mr. and Mrs. George Cal
Mr and Mrs. Ralph Gray of
Blue Hill were Saturday, Novem
30, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Duane
Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Herbert Gydesen were Mr.
and Mrs. Lyle Crosby and sons,
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bloomquist and
| daughters of Spalding, Mrs.
Amelia Crosby and Harriet Zim
merman of Bartlett, and Mr. and
| Mrs. Paul Crosby and son of Nor
| folk.
Redbird News
Patrons day was observed in
school district 1 Wednesday, No
vember 27. Following the pres
entation of a short program, re
freshments were served to those
present by the teacher, Mrs. Guy
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Searles
and family were Thanksgiving
day dinner guests at the Clarence
Ernest home.
Miss Vemetta, Gloria Jean
and Joyce Krogh attended church
services at Grand Island Thanks
giving day.
,! Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Pinker
\ man were supper guests Sunday,
, November 24, at the John Hurd
home in Lynch.
i Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Anderson
and Keith were Thanksgiving day
. dinner guests at the Carl Krogh
. home.
Progress is being made on the
new telephone lines in this area.
Poles were being distributed last
i week.
WANTED: 1947 pennies.—Shel
hamer Equipment. 32-S4c
Little Miss Cathie Searles stay
ed at the home of her grandpar
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ern
st. Wednesday night, November
Mr. and Mrs. Don Femau vis
ited at the Carl Krogh home
Wednesday, November 27.
Takes Basic Air
Force Training—
James A. Frerichs, son of Mr
and Mrs. Fred Frerichs, is taking
his basic training with the air
force at Lackland AFB, San An
tonio, Tex. He enlisted on No
vember 27, through S/Sgt. John
A. Van Orman, recuriter, of Nor
A/3e Fred A. Frerichs, a broth
er, is taking a six months IBM
machine repairman’s course at Ft
Lee, Va. Fred enlisted last August.
The Frontier for printing!
A. L V |, . . _ '' "T , ^11 "J fit , Kll “1
I Fine Liquors
and Wines
o o °0 1
O o ° o ° ° °0 ° °8 0 0° O
Raymond Turner
Joins U. S. Navy
RIVERSIDE — Rev. and Mrs
Ivan Turner took their son, Ray
mond, to Norfolk Tuesday where
he left for Omaha to take his
physical examination.
He has enlisted in the navy
and will receive his boot training
in San Diego, Calif.
Other Riverside News
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wettlaufer
and Gary and Mr. and Mrs. Andy
Wettlaufer of O'Neill were Sun
day evening callers at the Will
Shrader home.
The Archie Johnston family and
Mr. and Mrs. Russel Shaffer visi
ted Sunday afternoon at the Will
Shrader home.
Reverend Turner attended a
prayer conference at O'Neill Sat
urday and youth rally at Spencer
Monday evening. Recently he con
ducted a week of revival services
at the Page Wesleyan Methodist
Thursday, December 5, was a
wedding anniversary of Mr. and
Mrs Leo Miller. They were guests
in the evening at Wendell Switzer
home. Mr. and Mrs. Ora Switzer
were also guests.
Mrs. Edna Lofquist shopped in
O'Neill Saturday. Mrs. Amy Jac
obson of Ewing came home with
Mrs. Lofquist after spending the
day visiting Mrs. Nick Bohn.
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Jackson of
Kennedy visited at the Grant
Mott home Monday. Mr. and Mrs
Oscar Wondercheck und the child
ren of Mr. and Mrs. Bryon Jack
son visited at Motts Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Pollock
shopped in O'Neill Friday.
The Johnny Miller family visi
ted at the Otto Kallhoff home Sun
da yafternoon.
John McDaniels visited Sunday
evening at the Dave Pollock
If i- nn/1 M Purl Pioronn and
the Dewitt Hoke family attended
family night at the Methodist
1 church Sunday for supper.
Mr. and Mrs. Milford Wehenkel
were Friday evening callers at
the Robert Montgomery home.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Napier, Mr.
and Mrs. Richard Napier and
girls ate Sunday night supper at
Lynn Frys.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pierson visi
ted Friday night at the Waldo
Davis home in Ewing.
Mrs. George Montgomery, Mrs.
Robert Montgomery and girls and
Mrs. Lorraine Montgomery and
children were Neligh visitors Sat
urday afternoon. The children
visited with Santa Claus.
Mrs. Dewitt Hoke and Sandra
Shrader were in O’Neill on bus
iness Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Montgom
ery and girls ate Sunday supper
at Henry Wehenkels.
Wilmer Mosel and Raymond
Schmidt called Friday evening at
the Lionel Gunter home.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wehenkel
were Sunday afternoon callers at
the Robert Montgomery home.
The Dewitt Hoke fatmily ate
dinner Sunday at the Alvin Nel
son home near Plainview.
Mrs. Robert Montgomery and
infant daughter came home Tues
day, December 3, after spending
a few days visiting at the Melford
Wehenkel home in Neligh.
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Fry and
children, Mr. and Mrs. Lorraine
Montgomery and family and Mr.
and Mrs. Dale Napier were Sun
day dinner guest6 at Floyd Nap
ier's home. The dinner was in hon
or of Gloria’s birthday and a be
lated birthday for Linda.
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Ashby
and son of Grand Island; Mr.
i and Mrs. Barry Baker of Sioux
[Falls, S. D.; Mr. and Mrs. Roy
I Richey of Richey, Mont.; Mrs.
Ena Fox and Mrs. Ida Willamson
were Thanksgiving day guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Ashby.
Miss Shirley Schultz, who is
taking nurses’ training in Grand
Island, spent the Thanksgiving
week with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Kersenbrock.
Bonnie Weber of Hastings was
a Thanksgiving weekend guest of
Bonny Lawrence, daughter of Mr.
and ..i s. Ray Lawrence.
Letters to Editor
O'Neill, Nebr.
1 would like to say how much I
enjoy seeing the homes all de
corated at Christmas, and send a
personal thanks to those who put
forth the effort to make our city
more festive.
I hope parents will take it upon
them selves to make sure their
children do not destroy these
things that people have spent time
and money on. I would like to
see more of us do their outside de
corating, too, because O'Neill is
full of talented and clever people!
The downtown area is especially
pretty this year. "CHRISTMAS
• • •
Edgemere, Ida.
Enclosed please find $3 for a
subscription to your paper. I
would the subscription to start
with the Thanksgiving week issue
that carried the obituary of Mrs
Mildred Greenwood of Fontana
Calif., formerly of Atkinson.
We lived in Holt county for 10
years and still have lots of fri
ends and relatives living there
whom we would like to hear
about now and then. MRS. CO
METHODIST (Page Inman)
Rev. Lisle E. Mamaw, pastor
Thursday, December 12: Junioi
Choir practice, 4 p.m.; choit
practice, 7:30 p.m., for the De
| comber 15 hymn festival.
Third Sunday in Advent Decern
l>er 15: Sunday-school, 10 am.;
worship, 11 am.; church wide
basket fellowship supper, 6:3C
p.m., followed by hymn festival
service in observance of 250th
anniversary of Charles Wesley’s
birth. ,
Wednesday. December 18: Fel
lowship of prayer. 9 am, read
Matthew 26:26-30.
Thursday. December 19: Wom
en's Sociey of Christian Service
annual Christmas meeting, 2:30
Sunday. December 22: Annual
Christmas program. 7:30 p m.
Thursday. December 12: Wom
ens Society of Christian Service
annual Christmas tea, 2:30 p.m.;
and each member is urged to
bring at least one guest; official
board monthly meeting, 7:30 p.m.,
in the Harvey Tompkins home.
Third Sunday in Advent, De
cember 15: worship, 9:45 a.m.;
Sunday-school, 10:45 am.; choir
practice. 1:30 p.m., for Christmas
Wednesday, December 18;
Choir practice, 7:30 p.m., and
Monday, December 23: Annual
Christmas program, 7:30 p.m.
Alice’s Beauty Shop
Kes. 3 doors west of Texaco
1*3 thniglas
Phone J63 — O'Neill
Office ph. 77 — Res ph. 223
JOHN J. Tl'RNER, Prop.
Call Us for Prompt, Efficient Service
DAILY direct service to and from Omaha
Pick up & door-to-door Delivery in O’Neill
Also: Emmet, Atkinson. Stuart, Bassett, Newport and Sprtngvlew
Moving our specialty — anywhere In Nebraska <U. S. and Canada
by agents Interline)
If You’ve Got It — A Truck Brought It
Patronise a Home Owned and Operated Firm
Your buslnees will be appreciated
Phone: O’Neill 378 Omaha AT-0060
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