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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1957)
Legal Notices < First pub. Nov. 21. 1967). Francis D. Lee, Attorney NOTICE FOR PETITION FOR ADMINISTRATION Estate No. 4*29 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA, NOVEMBER 20, 1957. IN THE MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF J VICTOR JOHNSON, DECEASED. Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in said estate that a petition has been filed in said Court for the appointment of Stanley V. Johnson as Admin istrator of said estate, and will be heard December 12, 1957 at 10 o’clock A M , at the County Court Room in O’Neill, Nebraska. LOUIS W RETMER County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 30-32c i First pub Nov. 21, 1957) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL Estate No. 4226 COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF JOHN D. PRUSS, DECEASED THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO A Li, CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for the probate of the will of said deceas ed, and for the appointment of Mary F. Pruss as Executrix thereof, which will be for hear ing in this court on December 12, 1957, at 10 o'clock A. M LOUIS W. REIMER County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 30-32 Corkle Bros. Hereford Cattle Auction Will he held at the Norfolk Livestock Sales Company pavilion NORFOLK, NEBRASKA Wednesday, Dec. 11 60 BULLS — and —HEIFERS featuring the get of TK Zato Heir aw—Son of the register of merit sire TK Zft to Heir. Eclipse Domino 155—Cornhus k e r Futurity prizewinner and sire of light colored cal* ves of substance and quality, ('ll Zato Heir—Sire of Cham pion and top placing bulls and females at Northeast Ne braska Shows. 30 Coming Two-Year-Old Bulls. 10 Senior and Junior Bull Calves 10 Heifers bred to Fairway Aster 51st Sire of first prize senior Bull at 1957 COmhusker Futurity. 10 Senior and Junior Heifers. Bulls to sire the kind ap proved by Ranchman, Farmer, and Breeder. Heifers of Splendid Type and Quality. ■ Enough variation in blood lines for purchasers in pre vious annual Sales. Write for the Catlog Corkle Bros. TUden i First pub. Dec. 5. 1957) Wm W. Griffin. Attorney IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY NEBRASKA IN THE MATTER OF THE A P P L I C A T I O N OF LUDWIG KOENIG GUARDIAN OF THE ESTATE OF SAMUEL REINKE AND MOLLIE M REINKE, IN COMPETENTS. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE On reading the petition, duly verified of Ludwig Koenig, guar dian of the Estates of Samuel j Reinke and Mollie M. Reinke, in competents, duly filet! herein for j license to sell the undivided one half right title and Interest of Samuel Reinke, and the undivided one-half right title and interest ! of Mollie M. Reinke, in and to j the real estate described as, the west half of Section 18, Township 25, North, Range 10, and smith east quarter of Section 13, Town ship 25. North, Range 11 west of the 6th PM., and it appearing from said petition that the cash and personal property and Ok* income from said property in the hands of said guardian and tielonging to said incompetents, tire and will lie insufficient to maintain said incompetents, and their fam ily, and that it would he for the benefit of said incompetents and each of them if their respective interests in and to said described real estate should !>e sold and the proceeds thereof used for the j support and maintenance of said 1 incompetents. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED THAT THE next of kin of said in competents and all persons inter ested in their said estates appear before the District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, at the Court house in the City' of O’Neill, Ne braska, on the 26th day of De cember 1957, at 10:00 o’clock A. M. to show cause, if any there l be, why a license should not be , ttvtts rml i, . t l* fi irl T i ultirirr rtn nig, guardian, to sell the respect ive title and interest of said Sam uel Reinke and Mollie M. Reinke, , in and to said real estate for the purposes above set forth, IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, THAT a copy of this order be published once each week for three successive weeks in The Frontier, a legal newspaper, printed, published and of general: circulation in Holt County, Ne braska. Dated this 29th day of Novem ber, 1957. D. R. MOUNTS. Judge of the District Court 32-34c Star News Mr. and Mrs Hen Miller arrived home from LaFayette. Ind., Satur day, Novoml>er 23. Mrs. Miller had spent six week there with their son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Dick Kielholz and family. Misses Judy Juracek, Kay Hibbs, Norma Timmerman and' Beverly Linquist, all attending | i college, spent Thanksgiving vaca ! tion with home folks. [ Thanksgiving day guests at i the Elmer Juracek home were I Mr. and Mrs. Gene Mudloff and i family and the Forrest Ramsey I family. Thanksgiving day guests at the Ewalt Miller * home were Mrs Ernest Boelter, Leone ami Jim Mrs Hattie Boelter, Mr and Mrs Wayne Boelter and Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Miller and Larry Oetter. Mr. and Mrs. Ewalt Miller and Barbara had supper with the Wayne Boelter family in Verdigrc Friday evening. Barbara spent Thursday night and Friday with the Boelters and accompanied her parents home. a ' ° Official Proceedings HOLT COUNTY SUPERVISORS O'Neill. Nebr October 16, 1957 10:00 A. M Holt County Board of Supervis ors met as per adjournment. All members present. Meeting called to order by the chairman. Min utes of the previous meetings were read and approved as read. Motion by Landreth, seconded Ernst, that the following claims be allowed and w-arrants ordered drawn on the general fund in pay ment of same. Motion carried Geo. E. Collins, salary ... 48.00 Frank Cronk, salary' 118.75 Sharon Crumly. salary 150 00 Harlan A Dierking, salary 118.75 Harlan A Dierking, mileage 56 97 Clarence Ernst, mileage 57.80 J. R. Freeman Chemical Co. supplies for courthouse 86.45 Alice L. French, postage 15.68 Alex Frickel, mileage 61.57 Wnt W. Griffin, salary 208.00 J. E. Hancock, Co. Treas., postage, mileage to meet ing at Norfolk 39.38 Holt County Extension Service 314.97 Helen Ann Johnson, salary 176.00 Kansas Nebr. Natural Gas Co., gas service for courthouse _ ... .27.45 Lawrence Kramer, bond fees 2.50 M. V Landreth. mileage 32.96 T. C. Lord Co., office sup plies 5.80 How'ard D. Manson, Clerk of Dist. Court, court costs 42.38 Mimeograph Duplicat o r Co. office supplies _ 10.27 James Mullen, mileage 50.50 : McGraw Hill Book Cb., of fice supplies 48.00 Norfolk Office Equipment nffiro cimnlipc & equipment 89.55 j Northwestern Bell Tele phone Co., telephone ser vice 245.55 Omaha Printing Co., office | supplies . - 35.29 j O’Neill Transfer, express charges 7.28 j Ready Printing Co., pub lishing fees 6.65 Carole M Reed, salary 72.00 Louis W. Reimer, Co. Judge, postage 3.00 Servali Towel & Linen On. towel service 14.25 Walter A. Smith, mileage 56.48 Stephenson School Supply Co., office supplies 219.03 Leo S. Tomjack, salary 230.00 Leo S. Tomjack, mileage 197.20 Leo S. Tomjack, prisoner Iroard 131.25 John J. Underwood, salary 141.54 University Publishing Co., office supplies 50.40 Kenneth Waring, Co. Clerk, postage & box rent 13.25 Western Typewriter & Of fice Supply, rent on dic tating machine. 30.00 Ailene Wilkinson, salary 200.00 Delores Boyle, salary ... 176.00 Geo. E. Collins, mileage 9.60 Frank Cronk, mileage _ 51.491 DeBolt Service Station, supplies for annex . .... 3.85 Clarence Ernst, salary _ 118.75 Edw. N. Flood, salary 118.75' Alile L. Frenrh, salary 300.00 Alice L. French, mileage 50.13 Alex Frickel, salary _118.75 The Frontier, publishing fees 23.01 J. Ed Hancock, salary 300.00 Esther Harris, salary 225 00 1 Esther Harris, postage __ 4.50 John Grutsch, salary — 233.00 Journal Star Printing Co., office supplies _ 184.40 Joy Kennedy, salary _ 200.00 M. V. Landreth salary 118.75 Joanne Lansworth, salary 176.00 Howard D. Manson, salary 266.00 Milburn Scott Co., office supplies _1.87 Virginia Morrow, salary 176 00 James Mullen, salary 191.00 Nora Mullen, salary 200.00 Mabel McKenna salary' 166.00 News Printing Service, office supplies 193.97 Norfolk Office Equipment Co . office equipment 125.00 Elizabeth O’Malley, salary 56 50 Omaha Printing Co., office supplies .- 15.33 Redfield and Co., office supplies 35.61 Ixiuis W Reimer, salary 416.00 Charles Richter, salary 260 00 Ophelia Sessions, salary 200.00 Walter A Smith, salary 118,75 Stephens Peck, Inc., office supplies 12.00 The Thompson Co., sup plies for courthouse 17.01 Leo S. Tomjack, jailor fee 45.00 Leo S. Tomjack, telephone & box rent 15.20 Joyce Waller, salary 135.00 Kenneth Waring salary' 300.00 Ethel Wefso, salary 105.00 Wm. F. Wefso. salary 300 00 Winder County Independ ent, publishing fees ... 4.29 World Book Co., office supple- 91.42 12:00 noon. On motion the board adjourned until 1:00 p. m. O’Neill, Nebr. October 16. 1957 1:00 P. M. Holt County Board of Supervis ors met as per adjournment. All members present. Motion by Frickel, seconded by Smith, that the following claims be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the road fund, in pay ment of same. Motion carried. Delbert Anson, labor 181.88 Gene Adams, labor 25.50 Karl Bemt. labor _ 361.25 Clark & Mattson, repairs & repairing services 121.54 D. A. Lubricant Cb.. sup plies _ .>8.85 l>ankert Service, supplies 125 00 ■ Davis Oil Co , supplies 62.31 i Don Elsberrv. machine ho • 112 00 Fehrs Tractor & Equip ment Co., parts 7.27 Fehrs Tractor & Equip ment Co., parts 14.00 Fehrs Tractor & Equip ment Co., machinery rental . 357.50 Fehrs Tractor & Equip ment Co., parts 184.79 Fehrs Tractor & Equip met” Co, machinery rental _ 500.00 Floyd P. Gettert, labor 56 00 Ai Holbrook, labor 188.12 Island Supply CO., parts 21.20 Kansas Nebr. Natural Gas Co., gas service 4.00 Leo R. Kramer, welding services 19,45 Wm. Krotter Co , parts 53.16 Ix>haus Motor Co., part 1.00 Missouri Valley Machinery Co., parts 15.00 Municipal Water & Power Co., electric and water service 1.35 Orville McKim. labor 222.50 T. S. MeShane Co.. Inc., parts 13.02 Nebr. Tractor & Equip. parts 182.16 Nebr. Tractor & Equip. ment Co., parts 33.21 Nebr. Tractor & Equip, ment Co., machinery rental 380.26 Northwestern Bell Tele phone Co., telephone ser vice 27.15 Fred A. Roberts, labor 85.00 i Schaaf & Ankney Eqpt., parts 25.05 Servall Towel & Linen Co., towel serv ice for county sheds 1.00 R D Stevens, labor 288 12 Frank Tracey, mileage 2.20 Lk>yd W. Waldo, labor 82 50 White's Service, supplies 106 84 Gene Adams. latx>r 248.67 Bemts Auto Service, re pairs 24.65 Glen Campbell, labor 289 70 Glenn Cobb, supplies & re pairs 50 35 Consumers Public Power Service, electric service 2.00 Dankert Service, supplies 238 66 Early Oil Co , supplies 134 ’ Richard Fees, repairs 27.15 Fehrs Tractor A- Equip . ment Co., machinery ' tal XtS.00 Fehrv Tractor & Equip ment Cb., parts 55 60 Fehrs Tractor & Equip ment Co., parts 61 98 Foree Tire & Supply, sup plies . lt> 02 Galyen Motor Co., repairs repairing services 179 58 Arthur Humpal, gravel 105.00 Johnsons HiWay Service, supplies 37.41 Keating Implement Co., parts 5.02 Wm. E. Kelley, lahor 211 25 Wm Kmtter Co., parts 62 05 Gerald Lamason, rep tiring services 10.45: Marcellus Implement Co., parts 26 10 Motor Parts. Inc., parts 138.38 Eli McConnell, labor 20.00 Lyle McKim. labor 175.00 T. S McShane Co., Inc., parts 60.221 Nebr. Tractor & Equip ment Co., equipment 3000 00 Nebr. Tractor & Equip. Co., parts 17.96 Nelson Brayton. supplies & repairs 91.24 Niobrara Valley Electric Membership Corp., eiec wtmmammmm ’mmmmmmmmBammsam trie service . 100 Page Oil Go,, supplies 140 74 Art R Sanders, labor 306.00 Calvin Seger. labor 82.50 Shelhamer Oil Co., supplies 70.81 Frank Tracy, labor 268 05 C. W Trobaugh. labor 225.50 West Lumber & Coal Co. supplies 1.94 C. E. Wintermote & Son. supplies 31 00 Motion by FUxxl, seconded by Ernst, that the following claims h<.' allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the mail route fund in pa> merit of same. Motion car ried. Gene Adams, lalxir 86.85 Delbert Anson, lalxir 125.00 John Bonenberger, hauling gravel 447.27 Frank Determan, labor 96.00 Floyd P. Get tort, labor 335.25 Edwin H. Hubbard, gravel & hauling gravel 83 92 Arthur Humpal, gravel & hauling gravel 246.80 Eli McConnell, labor 226.25 Vincent Ohormire, gravel 474.00 Road District No. 4, ma chine hire 3095.00 Fred A. Roberts, lalxir 247.50 Larry Tenborg, hauling gravel 288.10 John Angus, hauling gra vel . 460.40 Karl Bernt, labor 67.80 Ed Brandt, lalxir 140.00 Ruth Entxxly. hauling grav vel 413.60 A1 Holbrixik. labor 107.50 Edwin H. Hubbard, grav vel & hauling gravel 481.62 Wm, E Kelley, lalxir 100 00 Fritz Murphy, driving truck 30.25 Asa Norton, hauling gravel 472.10 Road Dist. No. 3, machine hire 2376.00 Road Dist. No. 7, machine hire 3960.06 Calvin Seger, labor 231 25 Frank Tracey, labor 78 62 Motion by Dierking’ seconded by Flood, that the following claims !<e allowed and warrant* ordered drawn on the bridge fund in payment of same. Motion earned Joe Burda, labor 272 80 Daniel J Hurley, labor 272 80 Mid Oin Motors, I'epalrs 30.45 Anton XVeichmnn, labor 319 80 Bud Carsten, filling culvert 40.00 Island Supply Co., parts 171.20 Wm Sieltert. labor 272 80 Motion by Landreth, seconded by Smith, that the following eiaims be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the road bridge fund in payment of same. Motion carried Ed Brandt, laUir 20 25 Cummins Mid West Cb., supplies 7.27 Galyen Motor Co., repairs and repairing servtses 126 89 Clark Bros Transfer, ex press charges 1.75 Floyd P Gettert, labor 61.25 Leo H. Kramer, retiring services 33.96 Mid City Motors, repairs and repairing service 232.95 Whites' Service, supplies 4.19 C. E. Wintermote & Son, parts 4.00 Motion by Frickel, seconded by Dierking , that the following claims i*e allowed and warranto ordered drawn on the Fair fund in payment of same. Motion car ried. Holt County Agricultural Society 584 00 (To Ih> continued) tlsit Itassett— Mrs. Tom Slattery and children siient the weekend with relatives at Bassett. ■ ..I———a — Give ELECTRICAL Gifts — —1 At your Electric Appliance Dealer Or \===^ •„ » . • ° . 3 " • >V-° ° WS f o O n » - ° . O ^ • “«fl 0.0 ° _°o ‘ , ° ° o 00« ° • O I Comp ete I Closing Out ION THE PREMISES, I OJ/2 miles north of Atkinson th en j/4 mile east. Due to the death of Mr. Hammerberg, the ranch is being sold, therefore this auction. All personal property sells, nothing reserved. Sale Starts at 12:00 Noon Lunch on Grounds by Celia Homemakers 15 ~ Choice MILK COWS - 15 2—Holsteins, 2—Brown Swiss, 3— Black Whiteface, 4—Guernseys, 3—Guernsey-Brown Swiss Cross, ■ 1—Jersey I Eight are fresh now, balance will freshen soon. Seven of these cows came from the Shores herd at Neligh and I the heifers are the produce of these foundation cows. 1 1—Purebred Angus Ball, 3-yrs.-old, a fine individual - 11—Bucket Calves 12 HEAD OF HOGS—2 Gilts, Hamp-Mont. Cross, 3 Hampshire sows, 1 Montana boar pig, 6 feeder pigs avg. wt. 100-lbs. I THREE DOZEN LAYING HENS FEED AND GRAIN 15—Stacks of Prairie Hay 2—Stacks Alfalfa 214—Bales of round baled Prairie Hay ^ ^ m mm m ^ JUU—rSusners tar torn I 25—Acres Milo unharvested in the field, I (with feeding privilege) 1 • • ■ m m II 191)1 rord rickup, A-l condition with 4 speed trans. MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 1951 Farmall H Tractor; “B” Farmall Tractor; Farm Rite Com Picker; Eli; JD Listers; A-C 10-ft. Disc; 3-Section Harrow; Gluten Hammermill; 40-ft. Endless Belt; Grain Drill; Disc; Tractor Sweep, Overshot Stacker; Backstop; Mounted Mower for H or M; 12-ft. Rake; Rubber Tired Wagon; Wagon and Hayrack; J-D Tractor Manure Spreader; Water Tank; Pump Jack and Motor; Sickle Grinder. Saddle; Harness; Feed Bunks; Fuel Barrels; Chicken Feeders and Waterers; No. 18 DeLaval Sep arator, electric; Slip Scraper; Fresno Scraper; 275 gal. Fuel Oil Tank; 2 Registered Brands and Irons; Plus Many Shop Tools; Surge Milker; Some Used Lumber; Locust Fence Posts; Snow Fence; 3 Rolls of New Houseyard Fence. HOUSEHOLD GOODS 1 3-ft. Crosley Deep Freeze, 4-yra.-old; Kelvinator Refrig.; Living Room Suite; Dining Room Table; Kitchen Set; Rocking Chair; 2 Beds and Springs; 3 I Dressers; Fruit Jars, Crocks and many smaller ar- I tides. I TERMS—Cash or make arrangements prior to sale MRS. 0. A. HAMMERBERG and MR. AND MRS. WM. MALOUN, Owners Ernie Weller & Dean Fleming First National Bank, Atkinson Auctioneers Clerk o (Jj $ ° ° °n no o9 ° i, ° 0 0)0 ° O „ e 0 6 - « © o ‘ 4 ®° o °° o « 0 ° ' Q„ o°« ° O O - o O r . , rt 0, 0 - ©o 3 O ' O © 0 O © o _ o (p 0 a o • O © _ _ © /?■, O ° ° ~ Jr „ O ^ o o. o • O O O n © „ 0 ^ c °r, ?» o