The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 05, 1957, SECTION ONE, Page 6, Image 6

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    Church Notes
METHODIST (Page-Inman)
Rev. Lisle E. Mew-maw, pastor
Thursday, December 5 (today):
Woman's Society of Christian
Service meeting, 2 p.m ; junior
choir practice, 4 pm.; youth choir
practice, 7:38 p m
Universal Bible Sunday,
cember 8: Sunday school, 10 a m.;
morning worship. 11; MYF, 7:30
p.m.; young adult fellowship,
7:30 p.m.
Wednesday. December 11: Fel
lowship of prayer, 9 a m ; Read
Deuteronomy 30:11-20.
Sunday, December 15: Char
les Wesley hymn festival, 7:30
p.m. Plan to attend!
Monday, December 16: Com
missions wall meet at 7:30 p.m
followed by official board meet
Universal Bible Sunday, De
cember 8: Morning worship, 9:45
am ; Sunday school, 1.0:45 a m.
Wednesday, December 11: Choir
pratice, 7 30 pm. and MYF.
Thursday. Decern iter 12: Wo j
man's Society of Christian Ser- !
vice annual Christmas tea, 2:30
p.m. Each member is urged tc
bnng on.' or more guests. Official
board meeting, 7:30 p.m., in thej
Harvey Tompkins home.
(Cham iters- Ante lia)
Rev. Harold D Iionath, pastor |
Thursday December 5 (today):
Women's Society of Christian!
Service, 2 pm., study of Mark.
Sunday, December 8: worship !
: 1 ... m : Sunday-school 10 am
morning message, Sunday, De-!
cemiter 8, universal Bible Sunday]
] “Man's Unfailing Lamp"; sonioi
MYF. 7:30.
Monday, Decern iter 9: Junior
choir, 7:30 p.m.; senior choir,
9 p.m ; junior MYF, 8 p m.
Wednesday. December 11: Par
ish prayer time, 8-9 am. Read
Psalms 119
Thursday, December 5: Choir
and MYF, 7:30 a m.
Friday. December 6: Mission
study at E. Anderson's from 10:30
p.m-2 am ; young adults study
of Acts.
Sunday, December 8: Worship.
9:30 a m ; Sunday-school. 10:30
a m ; morning message. Sunday.
December 8 universal Bible Sun
day “Man's Unfailing Lamp’’.
Rev.William Roten, pastor
Saturday, December 7: Confir
mation class. 9 a m. Keep Christ
mas by using Christian Christ
mas cards. The Sunday-school I
has cards for sale again this year.
Listen to daily devotions on KV
HC in O’Neill December 9
through 13 from 10:15 to 10:30
The postponed farewell party
for Mr. and Mrs. Ken Bauer will
be held next Sunday, December 8
at 8 p.m. Please bring either cake ;
or sandwiches.
Tlvi- Frontier for [Hinting!
A test-drive will prove
why ‘Jeep’ vehicles
will do your jobs better!
Rugged 'Jeep’ vehicles save you time
and money on job-after-job.
They have the extra traction of 'Jeep!
4-wheel drive to maneuver easily where
ordinary trucks can’t go—through mud,
•and, soft earth or over rough, rocky
eountry, in good weather or bad. They
ihift easily into conventional 2-wheel
drive for economical highway travel
With power take*off, these work*
horse vehicles operate a wide variety ol
special equipment. And their rugged
stamina stands up under the toughest
use 365 days a year. Today!—make •
date to see and drive the 'Jeep’ vehicle
that’s right for your jobs.
Forward Control‘Jeep*Truck*... j
Unequalled combination of maneuver
ability and payload capacity I 1
' Universal ‘Jeep’.. ;
■ does hundreds of jobs!
*J*ep* Utility Wagon...
dual purpose vehicle for
business and family 1
The #IG0D family of 4-Wheel-Drive vehicles's largest manufacturers of 4-Wheel-Drive vehicles
Get an on-the-job demonstration todayl
125 W. Douglas O’Neill, Nebr.
A Gas Water Heater
A Gas Conversion Burner
GAS *o automatic - clean - convenient
NOW NO NEED TO WAIT till you have enough saved
Id buy a new gas water heater or gas conversion burner for
your furnace . . . you can enjoy these modern, money-saving
servants right now on a simple rental plan that puts either of
these items in your home . . . quickly, easily and economically*
Call at your nearest Kansas-Nebraska
Office for complete details
This offer applies to equipment suitable for resi
dential and small commercial installations. This
same equipment may be rented or purchased
through qualified gas appliance dealers.
Arthur (Albert) Kopejtka, Mrs. Imanda lllgh'ute (Jaekle Butterfield), Mary (Cleo Scholts) and
John Florenz (Harold Sobotka) . . . frying pan melodrama during Inman high school's junior class
play, “Take It Easy”.—The Frontier Photo.
» .... M.. * I.; ..
This photo was snapped during Saturday’s 4 p. in., distribution off dressed turkeys under sponsor
ship off Chamber off Commerce.—The Frontier Photo.
Large Crowd Sees
Farce Comedy
(Photo at left.)
INMAN The Inman high jun
ior class play presented a situa
tion at Highgate House that was
sufficiently bewildering. The play
was presented Tuesday evening,
November 26.
T h e erratic Mrs. Highgate
i Jackie Butterfield l continually
forgot names and mistook iden
! tics of her daughter and serv ants
But the stage became a pande
monium of rib-splitting laughs
when, to keep from being outdone
by the town’s social set, she de
cided to have her portrait painted
by an artist. Tom Laurence (Dick
Appleby), who, incidentally, she
bad chased from the house the
week before while he was making
a social call on Nancy (Joan Bar
low >.
Others in the east were: lx»n
Toivnce (Bob Ruther); John Flor
enz (Harold Sobotka), Florence
(Edna Fairbanks), Philip (Clark
Gaughenbaugh', Mary- (Cleo Sch
I olid, Arthur (Albert Kopejtka)
i and Beagle Jones (Tom Cunning
Mrs. Spann is class sjwnsor.
Daughter of Founder
of Frontier Dies
Mrs. Mabel McKenna attended
| the funeral in Omaha of Mrs
Marcia Riggs Todd on Monday
November 25. Mrs. Todd, win
died Friday, November 22, was
a cousin of Mrs. McKenna and the
daughter of the founder of The
Frontier, James H. Riggs.
Mrs McKenna spent Thanks
giv ing in Omaha with her son and
\ his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mc
Kenna. They had recently return
ed from Tokyo, where Mr. Mc
Kenna was on a mission for the
United States Junior of Com
Newlyweds Honored—
Mr. and Mrs. John Beilin went
to Ainsworth Sunday where they
attended a family dinner at the
home of Mr and Mrs. Bud Ryner
son of L*.« Angeles, CaUf.. who
were recently married Mr. Lar
son is a son of Mr. Beilin.
— O N KILL —
\Ve»l. Thun*. Dec. 4-5
This is a picture about dope
traffic! Columbia Pictures pre
sents a Warwick Production
Pit KI 1* A1JJEY
Victor Mature. Anita Ekburg,
Trevor Howard. Cinemascope.
Exposed! The hell-worlds of the
"hooked" and the "pushers"! Er
posed! The war between the
dope kings and the international
Frl.-Sat. Dee. 6-1
A picture everyone must see. A
new exciting version of Anna
Sewell’s great classic! If you arc
among the millions who read
"Black Beauty”. IF' you are
among the few who missed "Bluck
Beauty" You must see
Wide Vision. Eastman color,
starring John Crawford, Mimi
Gibson, John Bryant. Diane Brew
ster, J. Pat O'Malley, Russell
Johnson. Hear the hit songs—
"The Donkey Game", lyrics by
Dick Hughes and Richard Stap
ley. Also "Black Beauty” lyrics
try Paul Herrick. Music by Ed
ward L. Alperson, jr.
Sun.-Mon. Tues. Dec. H U to
Darryl F\ Zanuck’s production of
Ernest Hemingway’s
The Hemingway love story that
shocked the world so daring, so
delicate it could not bo filmed
until now. Tyrone Power, Ava
Gardner, Mel Ferrer, Errol
Flynn, Eddie Albert. Featuring
Gregory Ratoff, Juliette Greco,
Marcel Dalio and Robert Evans.
Matinee Saturday & Sunday Z:M
Smulu), Monday, Tuesilay and
!• riday and Saturday admission—
Adult- 50c; Children under 12,
lie, Free If accompanied by par
ent. Wedn. and Thurs. Family
night, family admitted for two
Adult ticketn.
Handkerchiefs f
Sheer handkerchief* with fancy lace |
and colored embroidered corner* — I
*wli* »collopi—3 handkerchief* to gift 8
box. W
50/-69<-*100 !
Thrill her with a smart, rich
looking smooth leather billfold,
with removable photo-view
pass case-double gusset
change pocket.
; $100_$198
plus tax ■■
Fine quality brilliantly colored wool
(iacquard gloves and mittens.) A gift
sne'll appreciate every day —bright
winter colors.
Children's Mlssos
, 79' 89'
Give a matched Orion pullover
and cardigan set—mock fashion
marked—rich warm colon—they
all love a new sweater. Sixes 34
Kitten soft headwarmers of l
70% angora 30% wool with g
nylon backing. Keeps head and I
ears warm—won't muss her hair I
—white only. s
A gift sha >
will us* |
•vary day I
Xl^^^A flee aaeort
of Brach'a rich
quality chocolataa
Brach'i malt-in-mouth choco
lates are wonderfull Dark or
milk chocolate in tempting vari
1# box ^ 9^
★ ★
Candy Canes
5 for 5'
j 2 for 5^—5^
Women's smooth nylon panty — sissy
front loco and tricot trim "-solid colors
oft rod, black, whlto, pink, bluo, or rod \
A black, pink A black, bluo A black.
JBL *100
Large I
Sav "Merrv Chriitma*" to_-..
her with costume jewelry. 1
Glittering rhinestones - pint I
ear rings ■ sweater clips (
bracelets. f
Always a welcome gift. Freese, coolc, sorve
and store food In the tame dish. They have a
hard smooth surface that Is wonderfully easy
to wash and dean.
Cradled $095 * Cup $Q95
Casserole m Carafe V /
! 4 PC. CINDERELLA $495 1
! BOWL SIT . "t 1
A perfect wey to say "Merry Christmas"
She'll love the smooth, dull "Nylonized with Lan
olin" finish that makes them feel softer, silkier, more
She'll love the full-fashioned proportioned fit that
hugs the ankles gives with every movement.
True Lov*
IS 4*nl«r
ITru* Lovt