The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 05, 1957, SECTION ONE, Page 4, Image 4

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    Father Price Shows
Photos to Group
Accompanying Talk Is
INMAN Community club met
Monday evening at the high sch
»xj! i.ssemMy room
Allied Anthony, club president,
pi'i -sided.
Following the business session.
Rev. Francis Price of Emmet
showed slides of Europe He took
the photos on a recent trip.
Father Price was informative
with his travel talk accompaning
the slides.
Mr. and Mrs Clifford Sobotka
were entertainment hosts and Mr
and Mrs. Harry McGraw and Mr.
and Mrs. James McMahan were
coffee hosts There will be no De
cember meeting (if the club duo
to so many holiday activities.
Inman Class of 35
jHolds Reunion
$ IN MAN-The 1935 class of In
man high school held a reunion on
Saturday afternoon at the coun
try home of Mrs. Frances May.
Hie class was composed of
A Mrs. May Crosser of Sheldon, la.,
' and M/Sgt. Q»Cil Keyes now with
the army.
Time was spent reminscing and
“catching up” on all that has tak
en place during the more than 20
yean. w
Mrs May served refreshments
Other Inman News
Miafi rttfrharH Brunckhorst enter
tained a group of teenagers at a
treasure hunt Friday evening
ftilowed by refreshments.
Mrs. Hay Siders and daughter,
Miss Marilyn, spent Thanksgiving
with Mr. and Mi’s. Gerald Sny
der .north of O'Neill. Mrs. Snyder
and daughter returned home with
them and spent Friday in the Sid
ers home.
Mrs. May Fraku has gone to
Oak where She will spend a few
„ weeks in the home of her son-in
law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Merln Luben, and famly.
Mr nnrl Mrs. Frank Svnder of
Page, Mr and Mrs. Harry Snyder
and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis F. Kope
cky and Dicky of Inman were
Thanksgiving guests in the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Kapecky,
Thanksgiving guests in the
home' of Mrs. Anna Kopejtka and
Alary Ann were Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Kopejtka and boys of El
gin, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Hrbek
and sons of Dorsey, Eugene Barn
hadt of O'Neill and Albert Kope
jtka, sr., of Inman.
Sunday supper guests in the
home of Mrs. Anna Kopejkta and
Mary Ann were Eugene Barnhar
dt of O’Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Kopejtka and family of O’Neill
and Albeit, jr., and Shirley Kope
jtka of Inman.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Miller spent
Thanksgiving visiting Mr. and
Mrs Dick Fernau and daughter!
at Valentine.
Mr. and Mrs. David Morsbach
and girls were Thanksgiving
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Con
ard fo Ncligh.
Miss Kay Coventry of Wayne
came Wednesday, November 27,
and spent the remainder of her
parents, Mr, and Mrs. James R.
Don Kelley of Wayne came.
home Wednesday evening, No
vember 27, to spend the Thanks
giving weekend with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Kelley, and
Miss LuElla Watson, Novem
ber 27, from Holdrege where she,
teaches. On Thursday morning
she accompanied her parents,
Mr and Mrs. E. L. Watson, to'
Omaha where they spent Thanks
giving in the home of their son
and daughter-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. W. W. Watson, and family,
_Fridnv evenine.
Miss Luella returned to Holdrege
Sunday. . ,
Mrs. Ira L. Watson returned
home Wednesday evening, No
vember 27, from Omaha and was
accompanied here by her daugh
ter Miss Carolyn, and sister-in
law, Mis. Verna Warner, both of
Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Watson,
Carolyn and Sam and Mrs. War
ner drove to Valentine Thursday
where they enjoyed Thanksgiving
In th home of Dr. and Mrs. W. J.
Slusher and boys. Miss Carolyn
and Miss Warner returned to
Omaha early Saturday morning
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Grosser
and family of Cherokee, la., came
Wednesday.. November 27 and
spent Thanksgiving in the Harry
McGraw And Earl Miller homes.
Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Cary drove
to Hastings. Ia., Wednesday, No
vember 27, where they enjoyed
Thanksgiving with their daughter
and two sons and their families.
Mr- and Mrs James R. Coven
try Kay and Bill were Thanks
giving guests in the country home
of Mr and Mia. Ken A. Coventry.
Guests in the K. F. Smith home
’Thanksgiving were Misses Yvon
ne and Beverly Smith of Norfolk
and Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Moore
of O’Neill.
Guests In the country home of
Mr and Mrs. John M. Gallagher
Thanksgiving included: Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Hamik and daughter
of Stuart, Mr. and Mrs. George
Winkler and family of Emmet,
Mr and Mrs. A1 Hamik and fain
tly of O’Neill, Mr. and Mrs Mich
ael Gallagher and family and
Mrs. Frances May and Jean Ann.
Mr and Mrs. Albert Anthony,
Terry and Gaylene were Thanks
giving dinner guests in the home
of their brother and sister-in-law.
Mr and Mrs. Dale Matschullat,
and family at Page.
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Keyes and
Miss Mildred Keyes spent Friday
in Norfolk They were accompan
ied home by Mrs. Louis Fiedler
of Aurora, 111., who was visiting in
Meadow Grove. Mrs. Fiedler
spent the weekend in the Keyes
homes, returning home on Mon
day morning.
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Mattson
o were Thanksgiving dinner guests
In the hornet of Mrs. Mattson’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. James M
0 McMahan. oo
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Mrs. David Vequist
Dies in Missouri
Mrs David Vequist, 67, *of St
Joseph, Mo,, who had sdK* red
arthritis for a number of years
and had been hospitalized two
months, died Wednesday, Decem
ber 4. in a St Joseph hospital.
Funeral services are tentative
ly scheduled for Saturday after
mam at St. Joseph.
Her husband is known at O’
Neill and Mrs. Vequist had made
frequent trips here to visit.
Sur\ ivr»rs include: Widower —
David; sons — Woodrow of Ta-!
coma, Wash , and David jr., of
Lawrence, Kans ; daughters —I
Mrs. Ed Haney of Detroit, Mich.,
and Mrs. Gretchen Fouts of St.
Joseph; 11 grandchildren.
Her maiden name was Augusta
Popenhagen and she was born
at Hamburg, Germany. She came
to the United States as a young
girl and trained as a nurse.
Mrs. Anna Brown of O’Neill,
Mr. Vequist's sister, will leave
today ("Thursday) for St. Joseph
1 to attend the funeral.
Inman Bride-Elect
Shower Honoree
INMAN Miss Marilyn Gallag
her of Denver, Colo., came Thurs
day morning for the Thanksgiv
ing holiday and Friday afternoon
was feted at a miscellaneous brid
al shower at the Methodist church
annex. Hostesses were friends
Miss Barbara Brunckhorst was
in charge of the entertainment.
Miss Gallagher, bride-elect, re
ceived many gifts to use in her
new home. She was assisted in
opening them by her sister, Edith, j
and cousin, Janet Chase of Shel
don, la. Her sister-in-law, Mrs. |
Warren James Gallagher, had;
charge of the gift book.
Refreshments were served at
the close of the afternoon.
There were 50 guests present.
Robert C. Hynes and Miss Hel- ,
on Hynes, college students in '
Omaha, spent the Thanksgiving
weekend with their mother, Mrs. ,
Loretta Hynes.
Hospital notes
- j
ST. ANTHONY’S (O’Neill) ,
Admitted: November—Mrs. Ro
land Miller of O’Neill, Mrs. Mer- l
wyn French of Page, Henry Stor- !
johan of O’Neill; 28—Mrs. Jane *
Judge of O’Neill, Eugene Halsey '
of Chambers, Mrs. Victor True of (
Ewing; 29—Mrs. John Slizoskf of 1
O’Neill, Mrs. Dale Fetrow of O’
Neill, Mrs. Nelse Anderson of But- ’
te, Lambert Belina of O'Neill; 30— •
Mrs. Donald Cleveland of O’Neill,
Mrs. Helmut Arnold of O’Neill, J
James Kubik of Ewing, George I'
Alexander of Naper; December
1 Miss Viola Graham of O'Neill; ,
2 James Curran of O’Neill, Mrs. '
John Derickson of Lynch; 3— ‘
Mrs. Thomas Murray of O’Neill,
Clarence Booth of O'Neill, Alvin
Eymann of O’Neill, Mrs. Allan
Jaskowiak of O’Neill. J
Dismissed: November 28 -Ral- (
ph Lindberg of O'Neill, Rebecca t
Wrede of O’Neill, Mrs. Merwyn
French of Page, Mrs Donovan >1
Becker and baby girl of O'Neill; ‘
29 Mary Beth Perry of Rapid | [
City, S.D., Mrs. Emmet Revell of
O’Neill, William Walters of O’- ] j
Neill, Mrs. Thomas Murray of O'- j
land; 30—Mrs. John Davidson of1 p
O’Neill, Mrs. Donald Cleveland of (
O’Neill; December 1—Mrs Roland (
Miller of O'Neill, Mrs. Victor True i
and baby of Ewing, Walt Stewart (
of O’Neill, Mrs. Emory McDowell ;
of Page; 2—Felix Sullivan of O’- I
Neill; 3 - Eugene Halsey of Cham- I
bers, James Kubik of Ewing, Mrs. I
John Sltvosoki and baby girl of | <
O’Neill, George Alexander of Nap- 1
er, Roy Wells of O’Neill, Mrs.
Helmut Arnold and baby girl of <
O'Neill; 4—Shorty Steele of O’
Neill, Mrs. William Fritz of O’- ;
Neill, Mrs. Danny Helmer of O’
Neill, Mrs. Thomas Muray of O'
Neill, Mrs. Catherine Schollmeyer
of O'Neill, Alvin Eymann of O'
Neill, Henry Storjohann of O’Neill,
Mrs. John Erickson of Lynch,
Mrs. Nels Anderson of Butte.
Hospitalized: Miss Viola Gra
ham of O'Neill, Mrs. Jane Judge
of O’Neill, Mrs. Dale Fetrow of
O’Neill, James Curran of O'Neill,
James May of Inman, Lam
bert Belina of O’Neill C1 a r
Allan Jaszkowiak of O'Neill, Clar
ence Booth of O'Neill, Donna Har
te of O'Neill, Garrett Janzing of
/-\>xt_: 11 it„„ nA., tiriU/in
tiv <11, O, * J w» ■ IUW* ' .
Ailmitted: Marvin Vrooman of
Orchard, Mrs. James Mott of
Verdigre, Mrs. Donald Hart of |
Creighton, Fred Largen. sr., of
Creighton. Mrs. Harry Honey of
Verdel, Mrs. Marlin Kumm of
Center, Mrs. Milford Hart of
Creighton. Mrs. Joe Manion of
Creighton, Mario Custer of Verd
igre, Bruce Hoferer of Creighton, |
Peggy Jo Crosley of Center.
Dismissed: Leland Vrooman of
Orchard, James Cross of Creigh
ton, Marvin Vrooman of Orchard,
Alex Menks of Verdel, Mrs. Ber
tha Kuhl of Bloomfield (trans
ferred to Clarks Rest Home at
Creighton. Mrs. Harry Honey of
Verdel, Mrs. Frank Kovanda of
Verdigre, Frank Lenger of Nio- j
brara (transferred to Coleridge
Rest Home), Wilbur Dwight of|
Niobrara (transferred to Colerid-,
ge Rest Home), Mrs. James Mottj
and daughter of Verdigre. Mrs.
Donald Hart and son of Creigh
ton. Mario Custer of Verdigre,
I Fred Largen, sr., of Creighton,
j Peggy Jo Crosley.
Expired: Edwin Sehmalz of
Creighton, Earl McElhose of1
; Creighton.
Baker Infant Die*
in Hospital—
ATKINSON — Martha Eleanore:
Baker, 19-day-old daughter of!
Mr. Mid Mrs. Wayne Baker of At
kinson, formerly of O’Neill, died
Tuesday morning, December 3, |
in Atkinson Memorial hospital.
FuneraP services were held at
the Seger funeral chapel and
burial was made at Hemingford.
Survivors includg the parents,
■three brother^ and one sister.
‘The baby 0 lorn; November
! 14. ° °
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The Richard McConnells ... to make their home In Indiana.
—O’Neill Photo Co.
Former Nebraskan
Burial at Inman
INMAN—A former resident ol
Nebraska. Richard Grant Davis
14, died Friday, November 29, al
larlingen, Tex
Funeral services were conduc
ed at 2 p.m., Tuesday, Decern
>er 3, at the Methodist church
lere with Rev. Lisle Mewmaw
Burial was in the Inman ceme
ery near the grave of his wife,
Jettie Green Davis, who died sev
ral years ago.
Vocal music was furnished by
he Misses Linelle Tompkins and
darilyn Siders with Mrs. L. F.
Copecky at the piano. Pallbearers
/ere Joseph Bittner, Norbert
Hark, F. E. Keyes, Roy Gannon,
Hwin Smith and Karl Keyes.
The late Mr. Davis was bom
leptember 13, 1873, at Marysville,
He came to Nebraska as a
oung man and had made his
ome in this state until 1951, when
e moved to Texas.
He was preceded in death by
is wife; one son, Orson, and one
aughter, Bessie Bentz.
Survivors include: Sons — Er
est Goree of Portland, Ore., and
'red Davis of Los Angeles, Calif.;
aughters Mrs. Amy Erskine of
larlingen; Mrs. Fern Watch
m nf T.cic-h- Mrs Clarice Salis
ury of McAllen, Tex., and Mrs.
tnnabelle Rahideau of Duluth,
linn.; 23 grandchildren; 40 great
randchildren, and one great
reat grandchild.
Out-of-town relatives here for
he funeral including: Mr. and
Irs. C. C. Rahideau of Duluth,
linn ; Ernest Goree of Portland,
Ire.; Fred Davis of Los Angeles,
falif.; Mrs. A. N. Erskine of
larlingen, Tex.; Mr. and Mrs.
learge Watchom of Leigh; Mr.
nd Mrs. Ned Goree of Wisner;
lerle Watchom of Hooper; Ed
?entz, Mr. and Mrs Earl Bentz,
Ir. and Mrs. Robert Hanson, all
1 Valley; Mr. and Mrs. Marvin
ientz and Jimmy of Chapman;
Irs. Hazel Davis and Bonnie of
)maha; Mr. and Mrs. Earl
'hompson of Hinton, la.; Mr.
ind Mrs. Norbert Clark of O'
Neill; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Jishop of Plainview.
.lsie Keyes Is
New Noble Grand
INMAN Arbutus Rebekah lod
^e met Wednesday evening, No
member 27, at the IOOF hull Mrs
James McMahan, noble grand
.vas in charge.
Election of officers for the com
ing year followed:
Elsie Keyes, noble grand; Haz
id Lomez, vice-grand; Maurim
Smith, secretary; Grace Luben
treasurer; Mrs. Ruth Watson
The lodge will sponsor a disl
towel shower for the IOOF homi
at York for Christmas.
Each member is asked to brin;
a dish towel to the next meeting
It is the Christmas meeting am
a covered dish lunch is plannee
Mrs. McMahan was hostess an
served lunch.
n/\u u rv vi'irfi
Lorelle Pickering, who teache
near Omaha, arrived home Wee
nesday evening, Novemebr 27. H
spent his Thanksgiving vacatio
visiting his folks,
Mrs. Leta Miles was an O’Nei
business caller Wednesday, Nt
vember 27. She was accompanie
by Mrs. John Derickson, wh
went to consult a doctor.
Ernest Rosenkrans of Nelig
has been helping his brother, Rc
ger, with com picking. The Ernes
Rosenkrans family enjoyed sui
per Wednesday evening, Noverr
ber 27, with the Roger Rosenkran
To East Coast—
Miss Mary Louise Birminghar
left Wednesday by air for Nev
York for about a week's stay. Sh
will drive back her car Whic
she purchased in Europe. Mrs
Caroll W. Stewart ana Sally, wh
are visting her parents. Mr. an
Mrs. Joseph O'Mara in Millburr
N. J., will acompany "Miss Bit
mingham home.
Ora and Winnified Switzer an
Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Switzer an
family ate dinner ThankSgivin
with Amos Switzers in Clearwatei
Jeanne and Bonnie Welke at
supper, Tuesday, November 26, c
Leo Millers. o° ^ o 0
Karen Garwood
Becomes Bride of
Richard McConnell
ATKINSON—The altar of Im
manuel Lutheran church in At
kinson was decorated with chry
santhemum plants for the wed
ding of Miss Karen Garwood,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Blaine
Garwood of Amelia, and Richard
McConnell, son of Mr. and Mrs.
'-Eli McConnell of Atkinson.
The double-ring ceremony took
place at 4 p.m., Saturday, Novem
ber 30, and was performed by
Rev. A. S. Gedwillo, pastor
The church was decorated in
green and , white with Boston
ferns and chrysanthemums. The
pews had shaded ribbon of Fall
I colors.
Given in marriage by her fath
er, the bride appeared in a white
floor-length taffeta gown with a
full skirt and train. It featured a
neckline which had medallions
with sequins and rhinestones.
The same motif was repeated at
the dropped hip line. Her illusion
fingertip veil was caught by a
crown sprinkled with sequins and
rhinestones, matching the neck
line. §he carried cymbibiums on
a white satin covered Bible.
David Garwood escorted his
mother up the aisle. Dean McCon
nell took his mother to her seat.
The maid-of-honor, Miss Lois
Puckett of Atkinson, a cousin of
the bridegroom, appeared in a
j long, light green satin and net
gown with a matching jacket.
She carried white pompoms fash
ioned in a colonial bouquet with
golden white net. The flower girl,
little Miss Cheryl Harley of At
kinson, a cousin of the bride, wore
a long, green net and satin gown I
She carried a colonial nosegay |
with green and silver net.
Dean Garwood of Amelia, a
brother of the bride, was best
man. Ushers were Dean McCon
nell of Denver, Colo., a brother [
of the bridegroom, and Delbert
Rossman of Atkinson.
The bride’s mother appeared in!
a beige knit dress with pink ac-1
cessories. Her corsage was pink
feathered carnations. The bride
groom's mother appeared in a;
navy nylon dress with white ac
cesssories. She wore a white fea
thered carnation corsage.
The bride, accompanied by Dar
lene Harley of Chambers, sang
"The Wedding Prayer”. Miss Har
ley, who played the wedding mus
ic, also accompanied the Misses
Linda, Leona and Leah Serck of
A reception folowed in the
church basement. Mrs. James i
Puckett of Emmet had charge of
the guestbook. Miss Kathleen Mc
. Connell of O’Neill cut the three
, tier wedding cake which was top
ped by a bride and bridegroom
and encircled by a heart. The
punch was poured by Kay Gar
, vvod of Amelia. Miss Lois Puckett
, of Atkinson had charge of the
gifts. The table decorations of
; flowers, musical notes and green
’: candles were on white styrofoam.
] The couple left for Valparaiso,
Ind., were the bride attends the
j university. For the trip, she chose
a pink dress and matching cor
sage. They will make their home
in Valuaraiso for a time.
5 Mr. and Mrs McConnell grad
uated from Atkinson high school.
? class of 1956. He was employed at
, Platte Valley Construction com
pany in e^neyonne, wyo.
11, -
3 Donald D. Tuch of Verdel, 22,
□ and Lita June Ernst of O’Neill,
23, November 27.
h H. J. Vance Park of Denver,
► Colo., 21 and Marilyn Beatrice
t Gallagher of Denver, Colo., 21,
1.1 November 29.
Richard Francis McConnell of
5 Atkinson. 19, and Miss Karen
Garwood of Amelia, 19, Novem
' her 29
i Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Christen
sen of Monowi were Sunday din
ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Guy
! Pinker man.
^ I TAKE this opportunity to thank
the nurses at St. Anthony’s,
Doctor Finley for the fine care
during my stay in the hospital;
also thanks to all those who
sent cards and letters, offered
J prayers and paid visits during
my sickness. — LEO MAT
S TI !E\VS. 32c50
e FOR S^LE: Over 2QQ good used
t storm windows in stock now.
1 - Khlph, Beckvvith ^ 32-35p
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Clausons Travel by
Rail, Sea, A i r
(Continued from page 1.)
The next day we went to l'ontana
to visit Robert Sauers and fam
ily. At Yuciapa we saw Henry
and Beulah Patterson. We went
tnHit fishing with them and en
joyed our catch at their home
After spending overnight with
them, we cam*' back via Palm
Springs where it is hard to be
lieve there is so much lieauty in
the desert Among sights worth
mentioning were the IVsi Aroiz
home. Date Palms where at
Shields date farm we had a date
milk shake which proved a meal
in itself. There was lots of traf
fic on the freeway.
"Wednesday evening. Novem
ber 13. the Sauers had a pinochle
party so we could m*>et their
wonderful friends. Their house
was filled with gorgeous flowers
from their own back yard.
"Thursday morning, November
14. we went as far as Naples
where the homes are built on
canals and each has a boat at
their front door
"Friday . November 15, Mr.
and Mrs. Sauers took us to Wil
mington where vve lx>arded the
Matsonia for Honolulu. The sea
voyage was delightful. Enter
tainment included horse racing,
swimming, dancing, bridge and
canasta Mr. Clauson won first
at bridge and second at canasta.
(Harry has certificates to prove
it if them arc any doubting
Thomases around.) All five days
aboard were most enjoyable and
all 450 passengers were most con
Met by lovelies
"On the morning of the 20th
vve sailed past Koko Head, round
ed Diamond Head, steamed into
the harbor and debarked at Ma
son’s ‘Aloho Tower’ where we
wore met by Mrs. Thomas Han
sen and daughter, Capt. Harriett
Hansen, formerly of Tilden. As
w’e landed, the Royal Hawaiian
band played lovely native melo
dies—and did the hula girls ever
keep time to the music swishing
their ti leaf skirts!
“The Hawaiian aloha (wel
come' is accompanied by die
giving of flower leis and a kiss
with each lei. We had leis of
vanda orchids and plumeria.
“We drove down through Kal
akaua which runs along famous
Waikiki Beach, the place of the
big hotels. We continued along
Diamond Head Drive to Aina
Haina where the Hansen’s live.
After changing to Hawaiian at
tire we browsed through the
stores at Waikiki and had lunch
at Banyan Court of the Moana
Hotel. Dinner that evening was
at Joe Fatts where the food is
delicious and the lighting effect
unusual. We saw a beautiful view
of Honolulu at night.
To Camera Show
"November 21. At Waikiki we
attended the Kodak camera show,
which is held outside against a
background of cocoanut palms and
the blue Pacific. A two-hour pro
duction, it tells of legends and
growth of the Islands, which the
native girls relate with their j
hands, accompanied by soft mu
sic. Among other sights we en
countered were lunch at The
Willows amid a lush surrounding
of flowers; International Airport, ,
where there are lei stands; Trip-1
ler Army hospital and Pearl Har
bor; dinner at Henry Kaiser’s
Hawaiian village in the Tapa
Room, featuring Alfred Apaka,
the Bing Crosby of the Islands
and sword and flame dancers
and Tihitian dancers.
“Friday, November 23, we-decid
ed to stay home and be beach
combers, walking along the
beach, picking up shells and
walking out to the reef- In the
afternoon we had dinner at “M’s
Ranch House” at Blow Hole and
spent a quiet evening at home.
“Saturday, November 23. More
beachcombing and absorbing the
"Sunday. November 24. We
went through tropical jungle over
Tanlatus drive. Guava trees,
bamboo, banana groves, wild
poinsettes that grow in hedges,
some six feet tall, monkey pod
trees and banyan trees were in
abundance. We saw the burial
place of Ernie Pyle at Punch
Bowl, the military cemetery. Af
ter Pali Pass, we went to the
west end of the island and had a
picnic on Makapuu Beach.
Military Visit
“Monday, November 25. Went
to Pali again, the only pass
through the middle of the island.
Stopped to throw pennies over
the side. At Trader Hall, at the
east end of the island we shop
ped, took pictures and took a trip
in a glass bottom boat to Coral
Gardens and saw Coconut Island.
On to Pat’s for lunch where
Shamrock, the myna bird, pre
sided at the bar. Stopped at Coco
Joe’s, got coconut hats and birds
ana pictures or iropicai uuweis.
We drove past sugar cane fields
and saw a water buffalo in a
taro patch. Poi is made from
its roots. Sunset Beach, Scho
field military post and the pass
through which the Japanese came
through were our next sights.
“Tuesday, November 26. We
went to Iolinai Palace, the only
palace and throne room in the U.
S., on to Ft. De Russy. the Na
tional Guard and Armed Forces
Recreation Center and then on to
Fisherman's Warf for lunch.
“Wednesday, November 27.
Packing day and a quick lunch
at the Royal Hawaiian hotel
watching surf riders, outrigger
canoes and catamams. The
Islands are the melting pot of
many races, Orientals, Portugese,
Hawaiians, French, English and
“Thursday, November 28. Off
to International Airport and a
fond farewell to beautiful Hawaii.
“Returning to Los Angeles
Thursday, November 28 by Pan
American Airways, Mr. and Mrs.
Sauers met us again. They in
vited the T. E. Lords for lunch
and the Sauers drove us to East
Los Angeles where we boarded
the City of Los Angeles, We had
a most enjoyable trip with real
true friends.”
Mrs. H. Moses visited her dau
ghter and family. Mr. and Mrs
A. F. Evans in Imperial Novem
ber 22, until December 1. Mr
Mogps left for Imperial on Thurs
day. They returned on Sunday.
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Surprise .Mother—
Thanksgiving guests of Mrs. R.
R. Morrison were her daughters
and son anti their families, Mr.
and Mrs. R. O. Newton and Tim
my, Nancy and Susan of River
ton, Wyo.. Mr. asd Mrs. Edward
Davidson of Casper, Wyo., Mr 1
and Mrs. Hi chan! Morrison and
Judy of Norfolk and Mrs. Kevin
O.onin of Chicago, 111.
Loyd Godel Fund
Reaches $316.50
An up-to-date list of donors to
the fund in behalf of Loyd Godel
is being published liolow.
Mr. Godel, who was injured in
a car accident several months
ago, is at home in a cast. He I
will return to Omaha in January
and will undergo therapy treat
ments and be put in a walker.
The circular for the Loyd Go
del fund is still open at the Po
lice station for anyone who wishes ■
to contribute. Total todate is
Dr. and Mrs. C. M. Eason.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grenier. ;
W. F. Finley, M. D., McCarvillc’s
Clothing and Shoes.
Mr. and Mrs Don McKamy.
Mr, and Mrs. Wallace O'Con
nell and Tim, Mr and Mrs. J. C.
Parker. D. M. Osborn, C. E.
Jones, Harold Jones of Columbus.
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Hynes, Mr.
and Mrs. E. L. Femau, First Na
tional Bank.
Mr. and Mrs. Max Grenier,
Tony Asimus, Biglin's Mr. and
Mrs. Reggie Pinkerman, Mr and
Mrs. Charles Stout, Vem Hard
ing, Emil Hrbek, Mr and Mrs. j
Pete Morgan, O'Neill National
Bank, Pete Fetrow, Neil B. Ryan
family. Mr. and Mrs. Fay Brit
Dale Curran, The Frontier. Mo
tor Parts, Inc., Dale Fetrow.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Sevcik,
Ideal Cleaners.
Dwight Harder, Fred Appleby,
Chris McGinn, Elgin Ray. Ed Pa
vel, Virgil A. Tomlinson, Duane j
McKay. Hazel Calkins, Donation,:
L. A. Carter, M. D., Ed Thorin:
and family, O’Neill Cleaners,
Clarence Farr, Mr. and Mrs. Matt
Boha, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Hub
bard, A Friend, Mr. and Mrs.
Preston Jones.
William Belik.
Joe Sivesind, Dale Perry, Neil
Dawes, Wayne Harmon, John
Watson, Jim Towle, Harvey B.
Wayman, K. O. Kounovsky, Ted
McElhaney, Jemes E. Gallagher,
Tom Anderson, Fritz Yantzi,
Earley Oil Company, Harrison
Bridge. Cora Wyant, C. N. Wy
ant, John Beilin, Dean Streeter,
Northwest Electric Motor Ser
vice, R. H. Parker, Stannards,
Lambert Belina, Dale Potts, Norb
Uhl, J. B. Grady, G. Oxford. Joe
Steskal, Gillespies, T. M. Har
rington, I-aVem Engler, Os
born’s Shoe Store, Charles Koh
ler, John Hynes.
Legal Notices
Notice is hereby given that on
the 3rd day of December, 1957
Jeane Hynes and Lawrence Min
ton whose address is O’Neill, Ne
braska, filed their application
with the City Clerk at O’Neill,
Nebraska for an On and Off Sale
Beer license, on the following de
scribed premises to-wit:
South 60 feet of the Center 26
feet of the building located
on Lots 14 and 15 in Block C
of O’Neill & Haggerty’s Ad
dition to the Town of O’Neill,
Hearing will be held on said
application by the Mayor and
City Council of O'Neill, Nebras
ka, on December 11, 1957, at 7:30
p. m., at the city council room in
O'Neill, Nebraska, at which time
the Mavor and Council shall re
ceive competent evidence for and
against granting said license.
Dated this 3rd day of Decem
ber, 1957.
City Clerk
(Published December 5)
(First pub. Dec. 5, 1957.)
William P. Kelley, Attorney
Estate No. 14225
DECEMBER 2, 1957.
CREDITORS of said estate are
hereby notified that the time lim
ited for presenting claims against
said estate is March 26, 1958, and
for the payment of debts is De
cember 2, 1958 and that on De
: cember 26, 1957, and on March
27, 1958, at 10 o’clock A. M., each
day, I will be at the County
Court Room in said County to re
1 ceive, examine, hear, allow, or
adjust all claims and objections 1
duly filed.
County Judge.
(First pub. Dec. 5, 1957)
William W. Griffin, Attorney
Estate No. 4232
Notice is hereby given that a
petition has been filed for the
probate of the will of said deceas
ed, and for the appointment of
Ethel Mae Siders as Executrix
thereof, which will be for hear
ing in this court on December 26,
1957, at 10 o'clock A. M.
County Judge.
i0 °°°:° ° o°° ° o
Balers Win Opener
Over Cardinals
Sharp-shooting by tho Atkinson
high Balers in the opening stanza
and consistency at the freethrow
line gave the Balers a 46-42 win
over the St. Mary’s academy
Cardinals Tuesday night in Atkin
son. It was the season's opener
for both.
The Balers rushed to a 20-9
first period lead and enjoyed a
33-15 hallime margin. D u a n e
Humphrey and Don Sladek paced
the Baler attack. Humhrey poured
in 27.
Larry Tomlinson and Gary
Holly began hitting for the Cards
in the second stanza and helped
tie the count at 40-all. Gale Ste
vens put the Scarlet ahead mo
mentarily, but Baler gratis flips
pulled the game out of the fire.
Tomlinson tallied 15; Holly, 14.
The SMA seconds romped to a
to Clash
The O'Neill high Eagles will
open the hardwood campaign
Friday night by hosting their
across-the-street rivals, the St
Mary’s Cardinals.
Coach Bill Edwards will be
minus Larry Peterson, who injur
ed his wrist. The starting five for
tho Blues is still in doubt.
O’Neill high’s tvserve team
will bo nearly an all-frosh outfit.
Zidko, Fisher Pace
Spencer Triumph
SPENCER Ixinky Zidko rolled
in 25 points Tuesday night as
Spencer Pirates whipped the visit
ing Stuart Broncos, 66-42, after
leading 40-17 at halftime. Fisher
scored 23 for the winners.
The Broncos were suffering
football hangover in the season's
Page Smacks
Royal, 63-51—
PAGE—Page high Eagles de
feated Royal, 63-51, Tuesday
night, November 26. Dick Cork
grabbed 16 for Page; Gary Bow
en, 14; Dennis Kemper, 12, and
Clair Parks turned in a fine de
fensive gume, according to Coach
Leigh Cull.
Page had 37 fouls; Royal, 23.
Francis led Royal with 19 tal
Ainsworth Club—
lias Two Dates—
The Ainsworth Bulldogs will
play Atkinson high tonight 'Thurs
day) at Atkinson and Friday night
vvil face Stuart at Stuart in North
Central conference cage games.
Page will invade the lair of the
Ewing Tigers and Chambers will
entertain Royal in Friday night
Ewing Rocked
by Tilden—
EWING- The Ewing Tigers ab
sorbed a 58-35 licking Tuesday
night at Tilden in a Cornbelt con
ference opener.
Ewing reserves, however, post
ed a 37-28.
CHAMBERS — The Chambers
Coyotes spanked Ericson, 56-26,
Tuesday night and the reserves
won, handily, 49-10. Rod Elkins
rolled in 26 for the Coyotes var
sity. The Chambers volleyballers
also won, 43-26.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Tucker were
Thanksgiving guests at the home
of Mrs. Eva Couch at Orchard.
Mr. and Mrs L. A. Hobbs en
tertained at a family Thanksgiving
at their home in Ewing. Present
were Mr. and Mrs. William Hobbs
and family, Mr. and Mrs. John
Turay and children, Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Yelli and family, Mr. and Mrs
Mick Hobbs and daugher and
Peter Roudybush, all of Ewing,
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Hobbs of
Milford and Mrs. Rose Harding and
Mrs. Edna Hubert of O’Neill. La
ter in the day, Mr. and Mrs. Dor
rence Hobbs and family of Neligh
Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Eugene Porter were Mr. and
Mrs. Ned Porter and family of
Columbus and his parents, Mr
and Mrs. C. W. Porter.
Legal Notices
(First pub. Nov. 21, 1957).
Francis D. Lee, Attorney
Estate No. 4229
NOVEMBER 20, 1957.
Notice is hereby given to all
persons interested in said estate
that a petition has been filed in
said Court for the appointment
of Stanley V. Johnson as Admin
istrator of said estate, and will
be heard December 12, 1957 at 10
o’clock A. M., at the County Court
Room in O'Neill, Nebraska.
County Judge.
Riverside News
Mrs. Edna Lofquist and the BUI
Lofquist family ate dinner at El
mer Allyn's at Stuart Thanksgiv
Mr. and Mrs Dewitt Hoke and
Clayton calk'd on Phyllis Mont
gomery Sunday afternoon, No
vember 24, in the Neligh hospital
They also called on the Will Shra
der family.
Mr and Mrs. Ray Montgomery
of Colorado v isited their cousins.
Mr. and Mrs. George Montgom
ery, Tuesday afternoon, Novem
ber 26.
Mr. and Mrs Johnny Miller and
family visited Sunday afternoon
at the George Montgomery home.
Russell Napier was home over
Thanksgiving weekend from Ster
ling. Kans,, where he attends col
lege. He returned to his school
work Monday
Mr. and Sirs. Willie Shrader
and family. Mr. and Mrs Archie
Johnson and girls and Mr, and
Mrs. Gerald Wettlaufer and Gary
were Sunday dinner gi.'sts at the
Will Shrader home. Mr. and Mrs
Louis Shrader and Loretta and
Dianne Shrader vv e r e evening
Mr. and Mrs. l>alc Napier and
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Napier
and girls visited Thursday eve
ning at the Wayne Fry home.
Mrs. 1 'ewitt Hoke and Mr and
Mrs. Waldo Davis visited Monday
evening at Ray Sedivy home.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Napier, Mr.
and Mrs. Lorraine Montgomery
and family and Mr. and Mrs.
Floyd Napier had a oyster supper
i Sunday at Lynn Fry’s.
Mrs. Earl Pierson accompanied
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Woepple to
Albion Monday to attend funeral
services of their five-year-old
cousin, Larry Allen Jewel.
Mr. and Mrs. BUI Fry and Mr.
and Mrs. Dale Napier were Neligh
visitors. Saturday. Mr. and Mrs
Bill Fry attended the movie, “The
Ten Commandments’’, Saturday
evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fry
attended the show Sunday eve
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lofquest and
their family and Anne Rother
ham yjsteil Mary Rotherham at
Scottshluff Sunday.
Rev. Ivan Turner and family
spent Thanksgiving holidays at
Alma visiting a son and his fam
The Darrol Switzer family
| were supper guests Saturday at
! Leo Millers. The Ora and Wendell
Switzer families were evening call
Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Meyers of
Neligh, Mr. and Mrs. ffenry Mey
ers of Clearwater and Mr. and
Mrs. Merlyn Meyers of Columbus
called on Edna Lofquist Sunday
Inman News
Thanksgiving dinner guests in
the country home of Joseph and
i Beatrice Gallagher and M r s.
Elizabeth Colman were Mr. and
Mrs. Neal Chase and daughter,
Janet, of Sheldon, la., Mrs. Helen
Gilligan of Sioux City, Mr. and
j Mrs. Matt McGabe and family of
Page and Mrs. Mayme Harte.
Thanksgiving guests in the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hutton
were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Berger
| of Johnstown, Mr. and Mrs. Rich
ard Hutton and daughter of Bas
sett, Mr. and Mrs. Graydon Hut
! ton and family of Creston, Mr.
and Mrs. Tom Clark and son of
O’Neill and Mr. and Mrs. E. E.
Mr. ami Mrs. H. E. Smith had
as their Thanksgiving guests Mrs.
Smith's parents, Mr. and Mrs
M. L. Harkins and daughter, Hyld
red. They also celebrated Mr.
Smith’s birthday anniversary.
Mrs. Anna Smith and brother,
Ernest Trowbridge, spent
Thanksgiving with relatives at
Mr*.-James Coventry, Kay and
Bill spent Friday in Norfolk visit
in the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. E.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moore and
7V/T 1V^ u m T I <i id inat. .
Osmond Sunday whore they visit
ed Mrs. Etta Geary and Mrs.
Murten, both residents at the Os
mond nursing home.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd DeLong
drove to Omaha Saturday and
spent the weekend in the home
ol their son and daughter-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Doling, and
make the acquaintance of a new
Miss Edith Gallagher came
Tuesday evening, November 26,
from Omaha and spent the re
mainder of the week in the home
of her parents, Mr. a nd Mrs
James P. Gallagher,
Mrs. Fred Moore and Mrs.
Michael Gallagher were Norfolk
vistors Tuesday, November 26.
Frontier for printing.
Money to Loan
— on —
Central Finance
C. E. Jones, Manager
O’Neill Nebrsaka
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