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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1957)
Chambers News Mr. and Mrs. J. W Walter left Tuesday, November 26, for Maple ton, la , where they visited their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs liven Walter and family They spent Thanksgiving with Rev. and Mrs. Neirman at Laurel, returning home Friday Mr. and Mrs Charles Hart ana Mr and Mr* Roland Hart, all of Bismarck, N.D., came Thursday and visited until Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Theo Moss, and brother-in-law and sister, Mr anti Mrs Charles Grimes. Mr .and Mrs. Duane Miller and children spent Thanksgiving with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. K W Miller at Neligh, Ronald Whitaker of Indianapol is, Ind., came Thanksgiving day to spend a week's wiratmn witii his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Whitaker; hrother anti wife, Mr and Mrs. Vernon Whitaker and family; and sister, Mrs LeRoy Holcomb, Mr. Holcomb, Gary and Gail Mr. and Mrs. John Honeywell attended funeral services for Mrs Ed Godktn at Neligh Sunday. Nt> vemlier 24. Mr. and Mrs. George Cameron were called to Spalding Wednes day, November 27 by the death of his brother-in-law, Mr, Sharkey Mr and Mrs. Ted Tomjaek ac companied them. Mr. and Mrs Don Cameron went Tuesday, No vember 26. A family gathering took place at the Alvin Tangeman home Thanksgiving. Present were Mr and Mrs. Jerald McClenahan and children of Council Bluffs. Ia., Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Tangeman and three sons of Greeley, James Tangeman of Polk, his fiancee. Miss Regina Hynes of O'Neill and Kay Tangeman, who attends sch ool at Bartlett. One son, Larry Tangeman and family, were not able to attend. Mr. and Mrs Harold Dexter of Hastings spent Thanksgiving and the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Ralph Hoffman, Wayne and Carol. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Spann spent Thanksgiving with his nep hew and wife, Mr and Mrs. John Si relow. Mr. and Mrs Jerold McClena han and children of Council Bluffs, la., came Thursday and visited until Sunday with his par ents, Mr and Mrs. Omar McClen ahan. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Tangeman and his grand mother, Mrs. Edith McClenahan and other relatives and friends Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Grimes and Patsy drove to Burwell Sunday to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Osborne and an aunt, Mrs Hazel Oslxjrne Scudler of Califor nia. Mr. and Mrs. Wood Jarman and Richard Jarman drove to Bur well Wednesday, November 27. to attend the funeral services for Ralph Brownell, a cousin of Mrs Jarman Mrs. Ola Ermer spent Saturday night with Mrs. Ben Martin in O'Neill. Mrs. Fred Tucker went to Wis j TIRE SALE U. S. ROYAL Deluxe i hit It 1957't newest, mott advanced tread <f* designl Over 1.000 gripping edget stop V fatter...control tkidt. Long-life tread... full anti-tkid depth. New in tafety-bonded conttruction, too. Greater blowout strength from wall to wall. Rugged. Durable. At thtt price, type AU PRICES PLUS TAX AND YOU* RECAPPABLE TIRE_ Thk Wtait OHttr VaM U.S. ROYAL jUim-KUm Tiret $1195* $|335* $|485 *00-1* 7,‘M* • P1u» T« ottd tuappablt Tir* £AS/ 7ERMS - Pay Week l i harry smith implements PHONE 562 ° 0 O ° O'NEIIX s —rn*** H „ UU U „ ■ ° ' 0 „ „ , * ° 11 ° o ^ 0° o 0 Oo o 00 oo 0co oO OO o Oo A oo O O O ° § O o So ° ° '“o -.° ° Q ° ° _ ° O ° O ° rjer to spend the Thanksgiving weekend with her nephew anc wife, Mr. and Mrs. Barrelman. Mr and Mrs. Albert Bogar spent from Wednesday, Novem tier 27, until Saturday with hei parents at Forest burg, S. D. Mr. and Mrs. William Turner Mr and Mrs. Willard Thomsor and family of Chambers and Mr and Mrs. Leo Adams of Atkinsor spent Thanksgiving with the Ro bert Turner family at Hastings. Mr. and Mrs R. C. Nolte anc Mrs Ina Turner of Halsey spen the weekend visiting the Williarr Turner and Willard Thomson fam dies. Mrs. Nolte is a sister of Mr Turner. A dinner in honor of Mrs. Pau Geiser of Lincoln was hold at thi Charles Grimes home Sunday, De cember 1. Other guests were Mr and Mrs. Bruce Grimes and Pat sy and Mr. and Mrs. T. E. New* house. Mrs. Geiser is a sister o Mr. Grimes and Mrs. Newhouse 0 Neill News Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nissen o: Plainview and Mr. and Mrs. Johr R. Bowen of Wayne were guest; Sunday in the home of Mr. am Mrs. A. E. Bowen. Darrell Weingartner, son of Mr and Mrs. George Weingartner was home for Thanksgiving fron the University of Nebraska. Mrs Rodney Tomlinson anc Larry were Thanksgiving daj guests of tig Veldon Pinkermans Sgt. and Mrs. Rex Horner and children were Thanksgiving day guests of her father, P. V. Hickey and family. Mr. Hickey and his victor Mrs .Ton Conwav attended the funeral of Vincent Meier, whc was killed in an airplane crash. Thanksgiving day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Godel were their sons and families. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Godel and Mr and Mrs Don Godel and family all of Holdredge. Mr. and Mrs. Joe McLeish and family spent Thanksgiving day in Schuyler. Mrs. F. J. Kubitschek went to Kansas City, Mo. to spend Thanks giving. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Baker of Omaha spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Baker’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Faulhaber, and spent the weekend with Mrs. Baker's grandmother, Mrs. Mary Zastrow Mrs. Marlin Wichman of O’ Neill won the door prize Saturday at "open house” held at Helen’s Flower Shop. NOTICE Dr. Edw. J. Norwood, OJ>. Optometrist, from Crawford, Nebr.. will be in O'Neill on— Golden Hotel, 9 a.m. to B p.m. THURS., DEC. 12th EYES most scientifically ex amined. GLASSES most properly fit ted and the most modern and all types of eye wear prescribed. Deloit News Mrs. Annie Taylor anti her dau ghter, Leta, from Idaho visited their own home near Deloit last week. Mrs. McDonald is staying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Loren Jefferies. Roy Johnson s are enjoying a television set. The flu is still making the rounds The Ed Funk. Alva Parks and Sylvester Bauer children have been ill. Mr and Mrs. Don Starr and Elizabeth of West Point, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pohl and Mary ot Oakland, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Temple and Twila of Hastings, Mr and Mrs. Don Larson and family and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reimer and Elayne visited at the Larson home in Ewing on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harpster spent Thanksgiving day at the Reimer home in Ewing. Mr. and Mrs Lambert Bartak spent the weekend visiting at the Carl Munson home at Ogallala. Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Ross and Mrs Ross's sister called at the Work i meister and Reimer home on Fri day. Tuesday evening, Novem | her 26, Mr. and Mrs. Lambert i Bartak attended a dinner and bazaar at Mount Marty college I at Yankton, S.D., with Mrs. Way ! ne Paul and Larry. Nancy came 1 home with them for the Thanks giving vacation Mr. and Mrs. Howard Manson and Sidney Anderson called at the H. Reimer home Thursday eve ning. On Friday Mrs. Manson and Mrs. Anderson went to Chadron to visit the Athel Fuller home. They made the trip by train. Mr, and Mrs. Bill Gibbs spent ad family, Ivan Lehman, at Atlan tic, la. David and Kathy spent the day with their grandparents, the Bartaks. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Larson. Mr. and Mrs. Don Larson and Linda and Lyle, Mr. and Mrs Howard Terrtple and Twila were Thanks giving day dinner guests at the Henry Reimer home. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Bartak and Mike spent Thanskgiving day at Neligh in the Lowell Jensen home. Bill Soltonstall and Keith Len ser of Norfolk spent the Thanks giving weekend at the Bill Gibbs home. dub to Meet In New daiissen Home— ROCK FALLS — Pleasant Day j club met Wednesday, November 20, at the home of Mrs. Blake Benson with all members present except Mrs. Neil Hipke. Following a noon-day meal, a real Thanks giving feed, and the regular bus iness prcedure, plans were discus sed for sedning a box of wearing apparel for needy children, which will be packed for mailing at the A money envelope was present ed to Mrs. Don Sterns by the club members. Next meeting will be with Mrs Wm Claussen at her new home in O'Neill Wednesday, December 11.___ DR. J. P. BROWN — O’NEILL PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Office ph. 77 — Res. ph. 223 C. E. (Cap) Addisons I LIVESTOCK & MACHINERY AUCTION Saturday, December 7 IP. M. - ON RANCH Located two miles east of northeast comer ot Atkinson. ■ 48 — Hereford Breeding Cattle — 48 Included are 42 excellent Hereford stock cows, 3 to 6 yrs. old, all bred to reg. Hereford buU, calving March 15. If you are interested in acquiring part or all of this fine small herd in spect them sale day or before. 2 Registered Hereford bulla, both are tried sires; 4 milk cows, either springing now or will calve ih January -1 Wisconsin-bred Holstein; 1 roan, 1 Holstein-An gus cross, and 1 Guemsoy-Angus cross. All are good producing cows. 1951 International V/2-ton Truck with 2-speed axle 16-ft. combination box. 45,000 actual miles, in excellent condition MACHINERY F-12 Farmall tractor, just overhauled last summer; 3-rake hitch; 7-ft. No. 9 International trail mower; trail mower hitch; nearly new overshot stacker and cage; 12-ft. International rake, sweep head for truck; walking plow; two 30-gallon hog waterers; fuel barrels; 6-ft. tank with hog waterer; several feed bunks; slip scraper; loading chute; dehorning chute; woven and barb wire; new and used posts, both steel and creosoted; pile of brick and cement blocks; wood and steel gates; used doors and windows; pile of old iron; two 12 x 38 6-ply tractor tires and other used tires and tubes, garden cultivator, forks, shovels; some shop tools; garden hose; wagon and box; one 12-ft. Me Cormick-Deering hay rake; P.O. two-row lister; 40-ft. endless belt; tank heater; many other articles too numerous to mention. HOUStHULD liUUUS Bed and spring; wood heating stove; Monarch coal and wood range, in good condition; used linoleum; fruit jars and canned fruit. TERMS: Cash or make arrangements with your banker. CAP ADDISON. Owner ERNIE WELLER & DEAN FLEMING, Aucts. FIRST NATL. BANK. ATKINSON. Clerk (This ad will appear but once clip and save) _ O 0 Oo r, D O O OO O ° n O O O QO w q v/ O.. O O ° o o\ 0 ° o o» O0O ° o^o 0 0 b o o ° ° ° § 0 ) OO 9° ° o o oo0jO r o(9 ° «Mo ° ° o°°'° I 3-Pound Canadian Goose Bagged A 13-|x»und ring-necked Canadian goose was bagged by this quartet on a hunting sortie early last week on the Missouri riv er. Left-to-right: G. R. (“Bud”) Cole, James Earley, Robert (“Bob”I Cole and Russell Moler.—The Frontier Photo Club in Session— PAGE The Couples bridge club was entertained last Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Troshynski. Permanent members of the club will be Alton Braddock, rank Cronk, William Hock, Leland Knudsen, Melvin Roach and Dan Troshynski and their wives. Leigh Cull was a guest. At ca.'ds, Mrs. Rraddock had high score and Mrs Wm Hock, second high. Mr. and Mrs Hock will be hosts today. Male Guests Work Overtime— ROCK FALLS The Lyle Ve quists and children attended a birthday surprise party for Fran cis Curran at his home Friday. Nov. 22 It seems the gentlemen had worked overtime ami didn't arrive home until the guests were all assembled. Other guests included Mr. ami Mrs Jim McNulty, Mr. and Mrs Orville Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Art O'Neill, and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Allen. The evening was spent playing pinochle, at which Mr. and Mrs. Miller won highs and Mr and Mrs McNulty, lows. For supper, the guests were treated to an oyster stew. Two Students Attend Stab' Music Clinic BARTLETT Barley and Linda Menuey of Bartlett high school and their instructor. Mrs Gary Harsin, went to Lincoln Nov. 21. 22 where they attended a thret* day state music clinic, sponsored by the Nebraska Music Educat or's conference. Carolyn played in the baud of 300 members and Linda sang in a chorus of 600 members. More than S00 top music stu dents from throughout the state participated in the clinic, which was held on the University of Ne braska campus. Thev visited relatives in Omaha on Sunday before ret liming home \t st s Serves Supper at Youth Rally— INMAN Women's Society of Cristian Service met last Thurs day afternoon at the annex Mrs L E Kopecky was in charge Mrs. F E. Keyes had charge of the lesson The society served supper for the group atending the youth i.illv here Sunday, De cember 1. There was no lunch committee due to the fact that the WSCS was having a pancake supper at the ane\ Thursday evening. A large crowd attended the supper. I O’NEILL TRANSFER JOHN J. TI’RNER. Prop. Call Us for Prompt, Efficient Service DAILY direct service to and from Omaha Pick up & door-to-door Delivery in O’Neill Also: Emmet, Atkinson, Stuart, liassett, Newport anil Sprlngvlew Moving our specialty anywhere In Nebraska (U. S. and Canada by agents interline) If You’ve Got It — A Truck Brought It Patronize a lltune Owned and Operated Firm Your business will be appreciated Phone: O’Neill .178 Omaha AT 0100 O’Neil], Nebr. 8:00—5:30 ■ 8:30 a.m. — 9:00 p.m. Saturday SWEATER SALE! Treat the Whole Family to Orlons This Christmas ORLONS FOR .. GRADESTERS L\ Ojifaft'! EASY- CARE FAVORITES • 3.49 Value Girls’ Cardigans 7 to 14's look neat and sweet in kitten-soft Orion. Red, pink, navy, aqua. Mix or match with slipover. 2.49 Value Slipover Red, pink, white, It. blue. / l". , • Misses’ Cardigans As seen in SEVENTEEN! Black, beige, goldenrod, copper, scarlet, white, liijht blue, pink, turquoise. 34-42. Ill 4UC* Slipover \ Colors as above; 34-40 l| 1 "-4007 2.98 Value...Sizes 3 to 6X ORLON CARDIGANS “| 99 Tiny embroidered flower* on red, pink, aqua, or baby blue Orion. They wash easily, dry in super-fast tinsel 3-6X. Tv r M * 1 :> * Men’s Handsomely Styled ORLON StIPOVERS 498 Here’* a sweater for Dad that keep* its shape and luxury feel washing after washing I Nine colors. S-M-L if 1 /' Y Vi They Wash Like Magic BOYS’ SWEATERS 298 Popular V-neck slipover In 100% Orion. Beige, light blue, navy, grey, maize, jockey red. Sizes S-M-L (6-16). o O 90 ° o o |r, ' ;. g "« c -•- O o° ° o ° o o° ° O _ o ° <p<P Oo o ' go* °o°S °°° ° o °° o o °° 0 « 8 8 “”'’ ° °° o °° % °° 0 o o»°o °0 °°° ° °°° ° °\« $ °° o °° 0 oo 0 C_ CO o _ C _ eg oo oo O Oo O ° ° ° “ °£ «§ . . « °0t. ;s 8 ‘’ O 0 * _ °