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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1957)
i O’Neill News Mr and Mrs. H. L. Lindberg. Raiph and Carolyn spent Sunday in Omaha where they visited Ted Lindberg of Minneapolis, Minn., at the home of Mr. and Mrs. My ron Poilah, and the Ralph Swan sons They returned by way of Lincoln, visiting Mr. and Mrs Rodney Wilmuth and leaving Carolyn at Wesleyan university. Hr. and Mrs Ted Stevans of Sioux Palls, S O., were guests of Mr an0 Mrs. Andrew Wettlaufer a few days last week Mrs Ste vans is a neice of Mr. Wettlaufer Thanksgiving dinner guests o Mrs. Mary Dusatko were Mr anc Mrs. Jerome Allen and family o Page, Mr. and Mrs. John Allet and family of Grand Island ant Robert Allen of Omaha One hundred time* more ii value for your 1M1 pennies a: Hhelhamer Equipment. 32-2H< Thanksgiving dinner guests o Mr and Mrs D. A Raker wen J F Hoffman. Mr. and Mrs. Raj Hoffman and Diane, Mr. ant Mrs Bernard Hoffman and fam ily of Chambers. Mr. and Mrs .. • m m. » X 9 % Fred Tangomart and Freddy of York and Oliver and Homer Mar ing of Emmet. Mrs Faye Pinkerman ol Red ; bird was Monday guest of Mr and Mrs. Regmald Pinkerman. ! Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and Mrs Eugene Porter were Mr and Mrs. Nod Porter and family of Columbus and his parents, Mr and Mrs C, W. Porter. Mrs Guy Pinkerman and Reg ; inald Pinkerman spent Monday in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Waller, i Gary and Rita visited sisters and brothers of Mr. Waller in Belden, I Carroll and Winside Sunday, leav ing Gary at Wayne State Teach ers college on the return trip. £ * £ 4 £— 4 Keel In your pocket—uj 1*47 pennlea? See Shelhamee Equip ment. S3 Me Mrs. H. Moses visited her dau ghter and family, Mr. and Mrs A. F. Evans in Imperial Novem l>er 22, until December 1. Mr Moses left for Imperial on Thurs day. They returned on Sunday. Mrs. Vanriie Newman spent Thanksgiving day in Ainsworth as a guest of Mr. and Mrs William Schiessler and Mrs. Vivian Mag stadt. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Christen sen of Monowi were Sunday din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Pinkerman Hospital Notes ATKINSON MEMORIAL Admitted; November 25—Mrs Eliz. Ryan of Atkinson, medical; Charles Freouf of Atiknson, med ical; Jay Davison of Atkinson; Mrs. Frank Skrdla of Atkinson; Otis Lingo of Mills, medical; 2t> Clinton Doolittle of Amelia, med ical; Mrs. LuVom Olberding of Stuart, obstetrical; 27—Mrs Alvin Straka of Atkinson, obstetrical; Marilyn Hulshizer of Long Pine surgical; 28 DeAnne Marie Pay ne of Atkinson, medical; 29 William Ulrich of Atkinson, med ical; Mrs. Neil Hipke of O'Neill obstetrical; 30--Mrs. Van Humph ray of Atkinson, medical; Decent Iter 1—Mrs. Victor Kaup of Stuart obstetrical; Mrs. Warren Cronk of Page. Dismissed: November 25- Mrs Peter Engler of Stuart, Madonna Mikseh of Sturt; 27—Gary Enbody of Emmet; Clinton Doolittle of Amelia; William Soger of Atkin son; Mrs. Phillip Frost of Atkin son; James Berigan of Atkinson;: 28 Marilyn Jo Hulshizer of Long i Pine; 30- Elizabeth Ryan of At kinson; December 1 — DeAnne Marie Payne of Atkinson; Mrs LuVern Olberding and daughter of Stuart. Hospitalized: Frank Schaaf of I Atkinson, Mrs. Van Humphrey of ’ Atinskon, Harry Heeb of Atkin son, John Gallagher of Atkinson | Charles Freouf of Atkinson, Mrs j Frank Skrdla of Atkinson, Mrs Alvin Straka and son of Atkin son, Jay Davison of Atkinson, Lela Garwood of Atkinson, Mrs. Mary Henning of Atkinson, Mrs Vic Kaup and son of Stuart, Mrs Warren Cronk and daughter of Page, Mrs. Richard Doty and daughter of O’Neill, Mrs. Neil llipko and son of O'Neill, Frank Fundus of Atkinson, William U1 rich of Atkinson Expired: Otis Lingo of Mills November 28. HAfJKlUU lir-.\K l (l,y Ill'll) Hospitalized: Mrs. Mary Clas sen of Spencer, Mrs. Pauline Fuh rer of Butte, Mrs. Carl Gnewuch of Norfolk, Mrs. William Green of Niobrara, Mrs. Paul Honke of Butte, William Jordan of Butte, Mrs. Edith Lang of Lynch, Guss Remter of Bristow, Mrs. Donald Sallach and baby girl of Fairfax, S.D., Mrs. E. F. Soukup of Spen cer, Mrs. Emil Statsman of Butte, j Mrs. Edward Strait of Lynch, i Guss Weikum of Naper, Mrs. E. H. Wenke of Spencer, O. J. Witherwax of Spencer, Randy Counts of Lynch, Mrs. Ray Counts of Lynch. Dismissed: November 26 — Frank Reiser of Butte, Mrs. Rue ben Avoy of Spencer, Mrs. W. H Block of Anoka, Glena Becker of Naper, George Baumeister of j Butte; 27—Albert Loock of Spen cer, Cal Conklin of Lynch, Miss Twila Hicks of Bristow, Michael Parker of Butte; 28—David Souk up of Spencer; December 1—Mrs Ed Havranek of Spencer; 2— James Loudon of Anoka. Expired: Dr. Edwin B. Bradley of Spencer, November 27; Esly Borrall of Spencer, December 1. O’NEILL LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shierk and Mr. and Mrs. John Stahlecker and Greg of Naper visited from Wednesday, November 27, until Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Benson of Marshall, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. William McIntosh and sons spent Thanksgiving with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Beatty of Madison. Mr. and Mrs. John McGill of Omaha were Saturday until Tues day guests of Mrs. Pat Sullivan. Mr. and Mrs. Robert VanVoor his and Kip of Albion, and Mr. and Mrs. R. B. VanVoorhis of Edge mont, S.D., were Thanksgiving weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. K. L. VanVoorhis. BY MAIL OFFER DAILY LINCOLN JOURNAL / i / a t o/2 w i YOU’LL GET Blondie, Orphan Annie, Ripley’s Believe It or Not, Grin and Bear It, Dr. Al ber E. Wiggam, Steve Canyon, Bobby Sox, David Lawrence. Stewart Alsop, Associated Press, United Press, Wire Photos, Wea ther Reports, Markets, Radio Programs, Dr. Alvarez. Nancy, Sports, Raymond Moley, Nor man Vincent Peale, H. I. Phil lips, Roscoe Drummond, Rob ert S. Allen, Angelo Patri, Mutt and Jeff, Abbie and Slats, Tarzan, Jane Arden, Mopsy,; Points for Parents, Life’s Like That, Little Debbie, Curly Kayoe, Crossword Puzzles. With the LINCOLN JOURNAL you get the Sunday practically free for some papers charge as much for daily only, as the Journal does including Sunday. By-mail offer in Nebraska and Northern Kansas — outside of Lancaster County — 8V4 weeks $1.00 daily, 8% weeks Daily and Sunday $2.00, a year $7.00 daily, with Sunday $11.00. Order direct or through our office. ._■_-_ -- - __ ... ir~~ I Participate in Crocker Competition The senior girls at St. Mary's academy Tuesday participated m the nationwide search for the homemaker of tomorrow when they took the Betty Crocker test This test measures a girl's know ledge of basic homemaking skills anti her attitudes about family life and the raising of children. The contestant with the highesi score in each school receives a pin designating her as the winner in her school, a Betty Crocker Cookbook, and an opportunity to compete for the state title, which entitles the winner to a scholar ship and a trip to the national finals. The Cardinals opened the bas ketball season against the Atkin son Balers Tuesday night A ros ary asking God's protection for the season was recited in the school chapel at 12:30 p.m. Foll owing the recitation of the rosary, a ceremony consecrating the team members to the Blessed Mother was held. The Christmas progam by high school students will be presented Sunday and Monday, December 15-16, at 8 p.m. The grade school program will be Thursday, De comber 19. O’NEILL LOCALS Thanksgiving dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Gillespie and family were Bob Eby and Sue Tyson of Omaha, Mrs. E. J. Eby and Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Gillespie. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Donahue of Bonesteel, S D., were Thanks giving guests of Dr. and Mrs. E. M. Gleeson. Ann Gleeson re turned to Bonesteel with them to spend the weekend Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Godel of Denver, Colo., w ere weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Go del. Saturday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Hay nes were Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hay nes and Miss Viola Haynes of Has tings. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Adamson of Omaha spent Thanksgiving with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Crabb. m t * f-y m t*iw mm m m * ilia cv^. y , The FRONTIER i ' I* I North-Central Nebraska's BIG Newspaper i 4 f j: ‘ !i ‘ : ^ j' 4 * ;r J' HF.RF/S A QUICK, simple and easy way to solve that ] f* J! gift problem. Give a gift subscription to North-Cen- 3jT J tral Nebraska’s BIGGEST newspaper — 1 HE FRON- ^ T TIE1R! It will be a reminder of the giver not only at $ J Christmas time but 52 times during the ensuing year! |j | An Attractive, Colorful Gift Card Will Be Sent! | | Fill-In This Handy Blanket I • The Frontier I d Circulation Dept. ■ | O’Neill, Nebr. | V Gentlemen: ■ || t || Please enter our order for the following Gift Subscriptions to I 1 The Frontier. I understand the rate is $2.50 per year in Ne- ■ i brnska; $3 per year elsewhere; $2 per year for service men | ■ and women. * NAME OF PERSON * I to RECEIVE GIFT I STREET, BOX OR ® l ROUTE NUMBER I I CITY ZONE , STATE __| IIN Amr. ur ranoun TO RECEIVE GIFT- 1 STREET, BOX OR * | ROUTE NUMBER -| | CITY ___ ZONE ... , STATE_§ ll NAME OF PERSON 1 | TO RECEIVE GIFT - _ ■ STREET, BOX OR ■ | ROUTE NUMBER-■ I CITY ZONE , STATE ■ —_ / I I I I ' • i i ; i , Yours very truly, f 1 1~ - (Signature of Sender) i ) Please send gift card with my name. ' ) l»o not send gift eard. | -fl " ' I Fundy's Tides Are Mighty Pkotc C ourttiy CWiitM Xgti+msJ LJ|/C.LJ AKin nPY «• th*** ships in Market Slip at Saint John, olvn AINU UK T j^ew Brunswick, Canada, when the might? Fundy tide is out. One hundred billion tons of salt water surges through the rocky portals of the Bay of Fundy every 12 hours and 25 minutes, affecting the Bay ports of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. One of the most startling sights along the coast is ships high and dry in the morn ing and afloat 12 hours later. Normal tide m the Bay of Fundjr is about 40 feet; the highest in the world and the mightiest manifestation of the moon’s strange pull on the oceans. I'**™ WANTED TO BUY: JACK RABBITS Unskinned Whitetails or Black! ails I RAW FURS MINK — Ml SKKAT — KEAVKK — RACTOON jj Beef Hides Sheep Pelts Sec us before you sell for Top Market priors. NORFOLK HIDE & METAL CO. 3rd & liruitsi'h Norfolk, Nebr. r.?!*wwwtewtcieMrtaic>.<r!ei*wtc!etctetci*!e!etc>C’.e>e'tci«'<£’«*S>tftCWff>erC'«:?:’C'C’<E<C*C'C'C|4 Santa will be at our Store . . . Thursday, December 5th 7 ’til 9 p. m. Saturday, December 7th 2 'til 4 p. m. 7 ’til 9 p. m. (THIS WEEK ONI/V) -v,> DOLLS! DOLLS! "Porionalltfat*' for ovotf Mill* girl In our wlcfa io faction of lovoly doll*. I BRIDE DOLL tt.ft folio M- *4" iwit look at »!■••• unusual reoruresi • AH Vinyl DoH A • Dressed in White I Sdkn 1 Deeply Rooted, 1 Washable Hair , • Movable Eye* and lashes Natural Haiti OAK ROCKER 94.99 Valeo *3” A durable fueenRi rLln CgteMilA I rocnng moiii natural finish. Osep aN height 25 bsshee. Compart at $53.90 i nlaitic can in*.""!* ww* w 1 metal engine. 26 piece trestle set forms figure 1. 260 Incises of corsre*. straight track ond terminal 40 watt transformer. Buy This Trail for $8.88 with Sylvania i (Mmt _ ^ Hfl Mh $3** ll««df bright rad tlt|l body. SXH RTaamA • Uttt Smrlmt TREE UGHTS iS7< Imported C6. IS volt lamp* «• droit op your tot. Anri ton mod* plug and oord. A Jrvmttm TABLE ANO CHAIR SET Java all* Mdb* «*.♦* »«h* / JO AND DALE WILSON