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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1957)
Chambers News Mr. and Mrs Elmer Coolidge of Amelia, Mr. and Mrs. Emesi Young, Mr and Mrs. Sam Young, and Mr and Mrs Chas Coolidge of Chambers were Thanksgiving day dinner guests of the William Rag land family of Page. Mr and Mrs John Albers and two sons of Grand Island came Saturdny to visit their mother Mrs Anno Albers. On Sunday the Albers enjoye-d a dinner at the Louis Walter home. Mrs. Albers accompanied her son and daugh ter-in-law hack to Grand Island She will leave from there for Springfield, Ore , where she plans to spend several months with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs Gordon Harley and family. Tbr Raymond Deed family had as their guests Thanksgiving day Mr and Mrs. Dennis Kaup and two daughters of Stuart, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lubkcn and son ul Lincoln, M*. and Mrs. John Rey nolds of Ijong Pine and Mr: and Mrs. Howard Beed of Chambers. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs G II. Grimes were Mr and Mrs. Clyde Kiltz, Mr. and Mrs, Jim Grimes and Mrs Reed Bell. Mr. anti Mrs. John Honeywell, Mrs Charlotte Honeywell and Mrs. Mina Myers visited the Frank Urbans at Ewing Sunday-. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beed and two sons George Porter and Lou is Porter went to Creighton Thurs day to have Thanksgiving dinner with the Clyde Porter family. Oth er guests were Miss Maude Ur ban Wilbur and "Buster" Urban Thursday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. H. C. Walter and fam ily were John Waiter, sr., Mrs. Al I )e irking: Rev. and Mrs William Roten and family and Gloria Grimes. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Robertson and Mr and Mrs. Elwyn Robert-1 son and family were Thanksgiv ing day dinner guests in the Del-1 Ix-rt Robertson home in O’Neill. Sunday guests in the E. R. Car penter home were Mr. and Mrs I lean Stevens and children of At kinson. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baker | of Amelia and Ronald Whitaker of Indianpolis, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Geiser, Paul Allen and Norman Newhouse were guests Thanksgiving day of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr and Mrs. Charles Grimes and brother-in-law and sister, Mr .and Mrs. T. E. Newhouse. All returned to Lincoln except Mrs. Geiser who remained until Sunday. On Wednesday, November 27 Mr and Mrs. Weaver Brotherton of Greeley, Colo., arrived to spend Thanksgiving with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Aider son. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Kiltz. The Brother tons left Friday for home. On Sat urday the Alderson s grandson. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Brotherton of Denver, Colo., came to spend the night leaving on Sunday for home. Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Cooper had as their guests Thanksgiving day: Mr. and Mrs Ralph of Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. Served Johnson of Atkinson; Marie, Erna and Arn old Zuehlka and Mrs. C. E. Tib bets of Chambers. The following members of the Crimes families enjoyed Thanks giving dinner in the G. H. Grimes borne Mr and Mrs. Glen Grimes and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Grimes and family, Mr. and Mi’s. Jim Grimes, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grimes and Gerald, Mr md Mrs. Bruce Grimes and Pat sy, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Newhouse, Mrs. Genevieve Bed and Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Adams and Keith Halsey of Chambers also Mr. and Mrs. Paul Geiser and Paul Allen ind Norman Newhouse of Lin :oln. The following group g a the ret1 it the home of Air. and Mrs. John Honeywell Monday evening, No .ember 24 in honor of his birth Ino At „ A*„«, Lien Adams, Eugene and Dale, Vlr. and Mrs. W. II Hubbard, Mr. ind Mrs. A. B. Hubbard, Mrs Anna Albers, Mr. and Mrs. E. H Medcalf, Mr. and Mrs. Steve thavlik and Pamela, Mrs. Fred rucker, Mrs. Fred Ermer and Mrs. Charlotte Honeywell. Sunday, November 24 dinner quests of Mr. and Mrs. John Honeywell were Mr. and Mrs Dean Ott of Columbus and Mr. md Mrs. Elvin Rubeck and Kat iy of Chambers. Thanksgiving day dinner guests n the E. R. Carpenter home were Mr. and Mrs. Dean Stevens, Jherily and Terry of Atkinson and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Medcalf, Bob iy, Kathy and Ross of Sioux City, la. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Medcalf and children, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Miller and family and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Williams and children, all of Atkinson, were Thanksgiv ing day guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Medcalf. A large crowd of friends and relatives gathered at the Metho iist church Saturday, November 10 for a shower honoring Mrs Ronald Haake (formerly Mar lene Ermer). A program consis ting of instrumental and vocal music and a skit was presented. The bride received many gifts. Lunch was served by a group of friends. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bly of Amelia visited their son and dau ghter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Duane Bly and family near Elgin Thanksgiving. Their two grand sons accompanied them home The parents came for them Sat urday. _ FARM SALE! Heirs of the late Paul Thompson are offering personal pro perty at auction, 3 '4 miles sou tit of Clearwater and 1i mile west, on— Wednesday, Dec. 11th Starting at 12 Noon — Lunch on Grounds HH HEAD OF' CATTLE—33 Hereford cows, 33 Hereford calves, steers, heifers; 2 yearling steers. (Ml HEAD FEEDER SHOATS — 150 PULLETS (Calif. Whites) j >oo TONS ALFALFA HAY — 500 BUS. OF OATS ! MACHINERY— 48 J-D B tractor, gas burning; ’38 J-D A trac tor; ’42 IHC H tractor; ’51 J-D 12A combine; ’54 1HC 24 picker; Horn loader with Ixrom and hay head; 15-ft. J-D disc; J-D 2-16 tractor plow on rubber; J-D 2-wheel tractor spreader on rubber; ’50 Ford % -ton pickup; J-D tractor cultivator; mowers, rakes, chains, fuel tanks, shop tools, iron, many other itams. I -=— Paul Thompson Estate, Owner WIRCES AND DONNER, Auctioneers CITIZENS STATE BANK, Clearwater, Clerk Administrator's Sale THE FOLLOWING described personal property belonging to the Estate of the Late Mrs. Fay Miles will be sold at public auc tion at the Miles residence, 227 South First Street, O Neill, on FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6th Starting at 1 :30 P. M. HOUSEHOLD GOODS M • Flrtrw 4-Pc. Mahogany Bedroom Suite 3—Pair of Feather Pillows main r loor 4.Po. Bedroom Suite 10—Waste Baskets ! Davenport and Barrel Chair 2—Sealy Mattresses Set of 4 Mixing Bowls ! Rocking Chair Frigtilalre Electric Range Electric Coffee Maker 2—Arm Chairs 2—Ice Boxes . Electric Toaster Round Table Dishes Kitchen Electric Clock Oblong Table Kitchen Utensils Magazine Rack Card Table 3 _Floor Lamps Clothes Haini>er Steel Utility Table 2_Vacuum Gleaners and 2—Bathroom Stools Bed, Mattress anti Springs Attachments Bathroom Scales Step I .adder 4 _Sofa Pillows Piano 100-ft. of Carden Hose Dining Table anti 4 Chairs 3—leather Hassocks 2—Garden Rakes Buffet Cabinet Smoke Stand Shovel 2—Small Stands Coffee Table Carden Hoe | Living Room Carpeting 12 x 15 End Table Snow Shovel Dining Room Carpeting 9 x 10 3—Table Lamps 2—Porch Chairs 30—Picture Frames Majestic Cabinet Wicker Dog Basket Mirror Hall Tree Smoke Stand Breakfast Table anti 3 chairs Shoe Rack Motorola Radio Modern 5-Room O'Neill Dwelling AT PRIVATE SALE 1 wi Uing faces east on paved street. I R Lot measures approximately 50’ x 170’. This modern, excellently-constructed Home has been very well cared for pre-World War II dwelling Is being offer- throughout and was expertly constructed. session to successful buyer. 1,08 INSPECTION INVITED I Oak flooring throughout, forced air Your Inspection invited by contacting oil heat, full basement. This dwelling the Administrator OR L.'J. Conklin, at the features two bedrooms, dining room, liv- premises. Legal Description: Lot 10, South lug room, kitchen and bath. 20 ft., of Lot 9, Block 42, Riggs Addition. Oarage on premises, J8’ x 18’. TERMS OF REAL ESTATE: CASH. William W. Griffin, Adm. , Estate of the Late Mrs. Fay (Emerine) Miles % tiQL. ED. THOR1N, O'Neill, q o 0 o 0 HRST NATIONAL BANK , t 6 Auctioneer (Personal Property) 00o0° 0 ° ° ° °° 0 Clerk ° 0 o o oo ° (T o o O TO ° O ° O OO o O Q ° * n ° # o r j* , C <» * « • o. ,o ,, 4 c a«f» v 9 . o £* * ; - ... O O *» 0 <>,, - 4 c o , " C- * .<* A •« l »» °cu e , .. V -1 „ r -s O a • » 1 . ^ *• * . * „ . Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Htdbrook reside southeast of Ore-hard.—O’Neill Phe»te> Co. I Miss boma btevens Harvey Holbrook in Orchard Rites ORCHARD Baskets of white ! chrysanthemums, fern and can delabra decorated the Evangeli cal United Brethren church in Or 1 chard Saturday evening, Novem ber 30, when Miss Sonia Stevens and Harvey Holbrook, jr., ex changed wedding vows. Rev. Robert Holbrook of DuBois, broth er of the bridegroom officiated at the 7:30 double-ring candlelight ceremony. Nuptial music was furnished by Mrs. Harvey Holbrook, sr., at the organ. She also accompanied Mrs. Morris Weaver of Corvallis, Ore., sister of the bridegroom, who sang "Through The Years”, "Because” and “The Lord's Prayer”. The bride, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Stevens of Or j chard, was given in marriage by i her father. Her bridal gown of I white alencon lace and tulle over satin was fashioned with a fitted bodice featuring a sweetheart neckline, edged with a band of iridescent sequins and long sleeves tapered at the wrists. The floorlength bouffant skirt was ac cented by alternating cascading ruffles of the lace and tulle in the back. The fingertip veil of illusion tulle was crowned with a lace tiara edged with seed pearls and sequins. She carried an ar rangement of white carnations and nylon net with turquoise sat in streamers. Mrs. Milo Snyder, matron-of honor, and Mrs. David Willats, bridesmaid, sisters of the bride, wore identical ballerina length gowns • of turquoise taffeta fash ioned on princess lines with scoop necklines and cap sleeves. They carried bouquets of W'hite car nations and blue nylon net. Their headpieces were of velvet bands accented by iridescent sequins. The tapers were lit by Miss Jolene Mitchell of Orchard and Jerry Holbrook of DuBois. cousin i and nephew of the bridegroom. Her floorlength gown of turquoise taffeta was styled on princess lines with puffed sleeves. Miss Joannine Holbrook of Du Bois, niece of bridegroom was flower girl. Her dress was identi cal to that of the candlelighter. She carried a giant feathered white chrysanthemum. Ringbearor was Val Gene Snyder, nephew of the bride The bridegroom, son of Mr. anil Mrs. Harvey Holbrook, sr., of Orchard, was attended by the bride’s brothers-in-law, Milo Sny der and David Willats. They all wore navy suits and navy bow ties with white carnation l>ou tonnieres. Ushers were Robert Lee, Don ald Willats of Omaha, Milo Sny der and David Willats. The bride's mother wore a blue crepe gown with white acces sories. The bridegroom’s mother wore a blue embroidered taffeta gown with black accessories. They wore white carnation corsages. Miss Leone Boelter had charge of the guest book while Misses Shir ley Butterfield, Carolyn Young and Carole Barton arranged the gift tables. A reception followed the cere mony in the church dining room for 200 guests. The three-tier wed ding cake was baked by the bride’s sisters and decorated by the bride. The cake was cut by the bride’s uncle, Sid Rhoades of Scottsbluff. Mrs. Gerald Bemey, aunt of the bride, and Mrs. Lester Raff as sisted at the serving table. Mrs. Ray Neisius of Pilger and Mrs. Ernest Boelter poured. Miss Jeanne Schilousky of O’Neill was at the punch bowl. The bridal table was decorated in the bride’s colors of blue and white with bouquets of white mums and red carnations. Carole VanOstrand of Omaha and Jeanne Schilousky served the bridal party. Mesdames Walter LaFrenz, Ernest Boelter, Roy Young, Har old Billings and Glenn Robertson assisted with the reception. Following a wedding trip to the Ozarks the couple will reside on a farm southeast of Orchard. The couple graduated from the Orchard high school. The bride groom attended York college and taught in Nebraska high schools before engaging in farming. The bride attended Wayne college. Celebrate 55th Wedding Anniversary— Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Gillespie quietly celebrated their 55th wed ding anniversary Sunday at a family dinner. ._ Never An After Thirst! SWITCH TO SQUIRT V n I I I 1 A I 1 I IS Pre-Holiday Specials j _ s! | Boys’ Shirts * Wash. Gabardine I Now ... 1.66 I Boys’ Parkas I NOW 17 00.. 11.00 Boys’ Shirts \ Corduroy Now2.441 Toddlers’ \ Snow Suits l Now... 4.00 1 ■ I Women's WinteijCoats: 17.00-20.00-25.00! | GIRLS’ WINTER COATS .NOW 8.00 10.00j S 0 O °° O o° O « F ° <S> °a 4 O <g oo D O O o 0 o c c o’ O q> 0 ° °° c ° ° ° °"° a 0 O -A „ „ • 00„ 0 o° ° o O O « - c .0 >/• c " *’ ” ' ** * « ■<, " O ^ ° t. O a C 1 f ^ / VjJ 25 Attend Shower tor Karen Garwood CELIA A miscellaneous show er was held for Karen Garwood Friday evening when around 25 ladies and the guest of Ixinor gathered in the Emmanuel Luth eran church basement in Atkin son. The bride-elect was presented a scrapbook (which was made by various groups present) depicting the various events of her life. She also received many gifts Lunch followed the program Other Celia News Alex Forsythe was a Sunday evening visitor at the William Maloun home. Thanksgiving dinner guests at the Frank Kiimurry home were Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Kiimurry of Atkinson. Supper guests were Mr and Mrs. August Troshynski of Atkinson. Mrs. LeRoy Hoffman had to report for jury duty Monday morning and Tuesday afternoon in O’Neill. She was excused each time She teaches the McKalhnie school. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Frickcl and family and Mr. and Mrs. Don Coleman and family of Thedford were Thanksgiving day dinner guests at the William Coleman home. The Don Coleman family spent front Wednesday, Novem her 27 to Friday visiting relatives here, Thanskgiving day dinner guests at the Roy Hachkaus home near Chambers were Mr and Mrs. Mil ^ '-li- *a.a yra- ^ Vs '.'t-v ° 00 0 o o° ton McKathnie and family, Mrs Kmma McKathnie. Mrs. Celia i Back ha us. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bos < hart and Lester of O'Neill, Mi 1 and Mrs. George Thompson of Chambers, Mr, and Mi's. Merlin 1 Grossnicklaus and family, Mr : uni Mrs Lou Backhaus of Amelia and Mr and Mrs. John Kersen Imiek and family of O'Neill Mr. and Mi's John Schwindt 1 and V'enita were Saturday evening visitors at the Bill Coburn home. Dorothj Seott and Mrs. O. A llammerberg were Thursday din ner guests at the William Mai oun home Mr. and Mrs. Natehel Rzesza torski and familj spent Thursda> afternoon at the William Maloun Ijome. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mlinar and daughters of O'Neill were Sun da> evening supper guests at the LeRoy Hoffman home. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hendricks and family were Sunday evening visitors at the home of Mrs. Jess 1 lupp. Sunday dinner guests at the Mrs. Blanche Rouse home were Walter Rouse of Omaha, Miss Mildred Keyes of Inman and Mrs Lewis Siedler of Aurora, III. Thanksgiving dinner guests at the Dave Ratliff home were Mrs John Dobias, Mr. and Mrs. Joe; Descive and family, Mr. and Mrs Don Smith and Ricky, Mr. and Mrs Neal Ratliff and family of I Bassett. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Lauridsor j and sons, Mr. and Mrs. George: Mintle and Jim Lauridsen spent i Sundnj at the Duane Mintle home in Mills. i Mr. and Mrs. George Mintl< md family. Jim and IxMtis Laurid en and family spent Thursday at he Hans Lauridsen home Mr. and Mrs. Dave Ratliff were tunday evening guests at the John U hwindt home. Ronnie Frit kel c‘ame home ruesday from ‘the University of Nebraska and returned Sunday af ernoon Western Republican Valley HEREFORD BULL SALE At Ainsworth Monday, Dec. 16 70 head coming 2 yr. old large type range bulls FOR information eontnet Roy \V. Ales at Ainsworth or Forrest Serivner at Haigler. w A ei i j iL_I ! Penney'sj is your SANTA! Milliken “50” Rayon-Acetate Sizes small, medium, large, extra large Famous (or its worsted like touch! A top fabric gets the benefit of Pen ney's top Towncraft tail oring. Collar stays, match up plaids . . . more! Ma chine wash*. *in lukewarm water Penney PJ’s in Stripes, Fancies 3.49 sizes A, R, C, n Winter sleeping comfort starts with Towneraft’s cotton flannels! Full cut i for comfort, sanforizedt l to stay that way ... machine washable. fWon't shrink more than 1% New Prints in Cotton Flannel sizes small, med., large Handsomely p at t e r n ed Towne rafts , barked with superb Penney tailoring! Stripes, checks or plaids ... all brand now. San forizedt, machine wash able. fWon't shrink more than 1% All-new tie selection! Hand- 9 some gifts at a thrift price! 1 Fine Christmas assortment 2 of patterns, weaves, colors 2 . . . specially picked to please J every taste. i The ideal Rift! Tenney’s ft Towneraft capeskln dress ^ gloves! Handsomely embos- 4 sed to achieve that favor- 2 ite pigskin look! Tailored 9 with the extra comfort of A the sidewall style. Wool-Da- 9 cron lining. 9 Sizes small, medium, large j* extra large 2.98 1 s _ & teMmsssmsamsfrnsimms^mim^ v »£!;•UTsii^j * wzmMimmMgm^JmMMm, , _ 1>'JJL J | Warm! Rugged! Penney Shirts \ 1.59 ¥ Sizes 2 to 18 $ Penney-priced for you budget S minded Moms . . . Penney I tailored for a full, generous jf fit! Hefty 4-6 ounce fabric || ... richly printed and ma il ohine washable. ° °0 ° po C 5 o n 0 O ° . 0 O 3 o 0 ° <b « " a £ ° o o0 ° it c ft ° o o c « • ° 0 rf* - rf’’ 1 0 Men’s corduroy trim felt slippers. Warm, good-look ing, with platform cushion soles for soft springy com fort Sanitized, too! Sizes 6-12 1.98 Boys’ Dress Socks 39c — 59c . Un o o o Men’s Combed Cotton Argyles 69c i Sizes 10 to 13 Towncraft quality at Its best! ^ Soft, absorbent r o m h e d t\ yarns with a rich, hand-knit a look! IvOng staple fibers give * lots of extra wear. New pat- 3 ■ t^rns in Vat-dyed colors.? ° ° O , ° O O C O O O o „ oO o ° O _ _ n c* r, ° O ° o r O' O Oc c n ci « O . a, N)