The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 05, 1957, SECTION TWO, Page 12, Image 12

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    nrnvn news
Pvt Kohert Hobtw. who has
been stationed at Ft. Gordiin. Ga..
has been sent to a post in South
Carolina for further schooling
Word was also received erf the
promotion of Jack Sisson and
Freddie Wright to Private first
class in the U S. Marines, station
ed at Camp Pendleton, Calif.
Mr and Mrs. Earl Billings and
Mr and Mrs Roy Dunaway spent
Thank, giving at Hastings, visiting
at the home of their son and dau
ghter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Duna
way and family.
Mrs. Myrtle Kimes was a 6 o'
clock dinner guest at the home
of her daughter and husband.
Mr. and Mrs Earl Billings, Wed
nesday evening. Novemlier 27
She remained until Monday
A sale of homemade
Christmas Gifts
at the
Walter Steinkamp
Tuesday, Dec. 10
Saturday, Dec. 14
Mrs. David Itahn
Mrs. Mark Hendricks
Mrs. Walter Steinkamp
When the Province of British Columbia cele
brates its 100th birthday all during 1958,
many of the activities will be centered in the
i bustling Provincial hub city of Vancouver.
Transportation means much to British Colum
bia because the railroads opened the Canadian
west to settlers and one of the highlights of
the 1958 British Columbia celebration will be
the exhibit of the world's only museum train;
a six car train which has been restored to the
original splendor of a century ago by Cana
dian National Railways. Just 75 years ago
14-ox teams labored hard and long to clear
the land on which the enterprising city of
Vancouver now stands. The picture above was
made in 1882 as workmen and ox teams
cleared the site where the imposing Marine
Building now stands.
$1 Down
$1 |*t week
You Can!
a o
The 837 separate
compressed coils
is the secret.
They push up to
support each part
of your body.
Simmons woNDERFuLJ3eautyn
You sleep relaxed . . . awake refreshed! Besides comfort Beautyrest gives
you economy too. At $79.50 Beautyrest is the least expensive mattress you
eon own. In durability tests, competing against all leading brands, Beauty
reet lasted 3 times longer than the next best. Come in and order your new,
Beautyrest mattress and companion box spring right away!
Mrs. Caroline Sanders had as
her guests from Wednesday to
Sunday her daughter and son-in
law, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Trum
bull of Allen, S.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Curly Sanders
and family of Laurel were guests
of relatives in Ewing Thursday
and Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bergstrom
had as their dinner guests Sun
day, her mother, Mrs. Caroline
Sanders, of Ewing and Mr and
Mrs. L. R. Trumbull of Allen,
S. D.
A family get-together was held
Thanksgiving at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Art Sanders. A 1 o’clock
dinner was followed by an infor
mal afternoon. Guests were Mrs.
Caroline Sanders, Mr. and Mrs.
Lester Bergstrom and family, all
of Ewing, Mr. and Mrs. L. R.
Trumbull of Allen, S.D., and Mr.
and Mrs. Curly Sanders and fam
ily of Laurel.
Merton Dierks, who was home
for the holiday weekend, return
ed Monday to Manhattan, Kans.,
where he attends college.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerald Spittler
and son, Jerry, of Lincoln, visited
at the home of his father, A. E.
Spittler, during th<? holiday week
end. They also called at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Dierks.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Dierks en
joyed their belated Thanksgiving
dinner Sunday when all their
children were home. Merton from
Manhattan, Kans., Mary Alys
from O’Neill and Sandra from
viuesis ai me nome oi Mr. ana
Mrs. Frank Bohn on Thanksgiv
ing day were Dr. and Mrs. Fred
Prellwitz and family of Kearney,
Mr. and Mrs. Gail Boies, Mrs.
Rose Bauer and family of Ewing,
Mr. and Mrs Nick Bohn and sons
of O’Neill and Ed Bohn of Mor
rowville, Kans.
Board of Education met at the
Ewing public school Monday eve
ning for their regular session. All
members were present. Lionel
Gunter, president, presided.
Lyle Spence of Lincoln spent
the holiday weekend with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. William
Mrs. J. L. Pruden accompanied
by Mr. and Mrs. Ben Larsen
made a trip to Norfolk Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fleming
and Mrs. Frank Belmar were in
Norfolk on Monday.
Thanksgiving day guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Max Wan
ser were his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Buv Wanser of Page, and
Mr. and Mrs- John Walker and
son, Bob, of Madison.
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Schroe
der were hosts at a family dinner
party Thanksgiving at their home.
Guests were her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. James Mlnarik and fam
ily of Ewing, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Serr, Mrs. Edrie Patras and son.
Gene, of Clearwater, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Coover of Meadow
Grove and Mr. and Mrs. Keith
Carnes and daughter of Tilden.
Little Peggy Schroeder was a
holiday weekend guest at the
home of her aunt and uncle, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Coover at Mea
dow Grove. Her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Dwight Schroeder, spent
Sunday at the Coover home, and
Peggy accompanied them home.
A family get-together Thanks
giving day held at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hadfield at
Belgrade, was attended by Mr
and Mrs. Eben Grafft and their
daughter and husband, Mr- and
Mrs. Wilbur Spangler and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Spangler
and children were shopping in
O'Neill Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jones and
Johnny. Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Mur
phy of Omaha were Thanksgiving
guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Tucker.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Larson
were Neligh viistors Monday fore
O’Neill News
Dale Young of Norfolk was a
Sunday and Monday guest of his
son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ro
bert Young.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wray visit
ed Mrs Ray Smith and girls of
Grand Juncton, Colo., at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Veach of
Spencer on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Merriman
spent Thanksgiving in Omaha
visiting their son and family, Mr
and Mrs. James Merriman and
Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Wells were Mr. and
Mrs. Rudolph Wetzler and Lila
•Mae, Mr. and Mrs. Harlod Wetz
ler of Herrick. S.D., and Mr. ami
Mrs. Burr Faush of Lucas, S.D
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Y'oung
and family spent Thanksgiving
with his sister and family, Mr
and Mrs. Lyle Lautenschlager of
Sioux City.
Spend your 1!*47 pennies at
Shelhiuner Equipment vv here
they buy more. 32-34e
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Young of
Manhatten, Kans., were Thanks
giving weekend guests of his
mother, Mrs. Guy Young and
aunt. Miss Maude Rouse. All
were Thanksgiving dinner guests
of his sister and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Carol Sum merer of Cham
bers. Other guests were Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Young, Ralph Young
and Thelma, Mrs. Bertha TO/
dens of Wiiririns Colo
Ray Smith of Grand Junction,
Colo., was a Saturday guest of
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wr»y. Sunday
guests were Mr. and Mrs. Duane
Miller of Emmet.
Thanksgiving guest of Mr. and \
Mrs. Leonard Morrow was her
father, Peter J. Brown of Cham
Carolyn Moseman of Omaha
spent the weekend with her par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mose
: man.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Miller spent
j Thanksgiving day at the home of
| Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Mardesen in
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mlinar
were Thanksgiving day guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mlinar of At
A family get-together was held
on Thanksgiving at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Davis. A j
turkey dinner with all the trim- j
mings was enjoyed. Present were
their mothers, Mrs. Gertrude
Davis and Mrs. Louise Beal, both'
of Orchard, Mr. and Mrs. Homer
Barton, also of Orchard, Mr. and
Mrs. Douglas Barton and son of
Columbus and Mr. and Mrs. Wal
ter Austin of Plainview.
Guests on Thanksgiving at the
home of Mrs. Minnie Larson were
her sons and wives, Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Harrod, Keith, Barbara
and Janet of Burwell, Mr. and
Mrs. Wesyln Larson, Shirley and
Tim of Ewing and also her daugh
ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mfs.
Bob Peters of Norfolk.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kaczor werel
hosts at a family dinner party
Sunday, the occasion in honor of
Mr. Kaczor’s birthday anniver-'
sary. In attendance were his j
mother, Mrs. Eva Kaczor, and
daughter, Irene, Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Kaczor, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas j
Kaczor and family, all of Ewing. i
Mr. and Mrs. Cressel Anderson
and family of Bloomfield visited j
Sunday at the home of her moth-1
er, Mrs. Minnie Larson.
NTLA, owned by farmer*—for
farmer*, aavea you money when
you borrow. Low interest rate*.
Dependable. Loan* for mo*t any
•onrtructiv* purpose.
For full information about •
loan on yonr land, pleat*
Elkhora Valley
O’Neill, Nebraska
Member Federal Land Bank
Last Day!
Saturday, Dec. 7
. . . will be the last ;
day to turn in
your milk carton
tops for movie tic
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Thanksgiving dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs M. B. Marcellus
were Mr and Mrs. Robert Tams
of Ewing, Mr. and Mrs VVendel
Barton of Brunswick, Mr. and
Mrs. Nolan DeLosh and Lorraine
of Stuart, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ro
bertson and family of Bassett. Mr
and Mrs. Keith Schwigert of Wit
ten. S.D., Kenneth Robertson oi
Springview, Dale Petti John and
Mary Mikelscn of Norfolk. Wally
Johnson of Lincoln and Miss Lor
na Marcellus of Omaha.
Mrs. Rex Wilson attended the
funeral of her aunt, Mrs. Flora
Hogsott on Tuesday in Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Matt
hews of Lincoln were weekend
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dean'
Streeter and other relatives.
Dr. J. L. Sherbahn
Complete X-Ray Equipment
Mi Block So. of Bus Depot
O'Neill, Nebraska
“St OuJi *&&&
\ % IN A "58 *
' Come see Studebaker-Pack
y ) ard’e all-new Hawk-inspired
styling See America's lowust
' priced, full-sited car. the
^ Beoteman .. the famous
Hawks the all-new Packard*I Then test
the one that suite you best Do it-lodoy/
(XT) St udebater-Packard
VlV See yt ir local Dealer today!
S.P P A A._______■ -
Smith Motor Co.
| Hey, Kids! Visit Western Auto's j
» 1
| Mother And Dad
5 • Gran<lina and Grandpops, too ... 1
w I Have you brought your favorite tiny tot down to SOOVIE'S WESTERN At TO to j
V I see our jolly old Saida with his sleigh and prancing golden reindeer, led by Rudolph
| with the red nose? ? ? Don’t fall to give them this happy thrill! I j
| Santa Is here to let you and the kiddies know that he Is getting all Ids toys at |
Seovle’s Western Auto Store again this year! He knows Scovle’s have the VERY
| BEST! I g
K I 1*. S.: Mrlng the small fry and your camera and take their picture In Old Santa’s .
I sleigh! I
V 9
Holster Set
I 1.88
& Perfect for the littlest marshall
■ —two right-size pistols plus
£ jeweled holsters.
11” Miniature Pretty «
Walking Doll |
• 2-97
She walks with you! Vinyl X
head, moving eyes, rooted X
hair! Sweet frock and acces- X
sorics! 3
“Pert & Sassy”!
15” High Heel Doll
* 3.97
Movable arms, legs, washable
curlable rooted hair. Wears
chic frock, panties, nylons,
heels, “jewels.” All-vinyl.
***' v'm ^
Riding Tractor
22.75 3
Adjustable seat, 360° steering 5
Pedal-chain drive. Gearshift k
knot). 37” long.
I ^ . Z
Spring Horse
Washable molded latex body
looks and feels like real horse!
Steel frame.
/' M
20” Tiger
Majestic beast! Au- $
< thentic color, de- 2
I sign. Wee game jl
hunters love him! ■
i __■
Diaper Bag Set
Everything for wee "babies!”
Beautiful quilted diaper bag,
polyethylene milk & juice-size
bottles, nipples, bib, diaper,
9 pin Bag for soiled diapers!
Tiny Tim Pull Toy S
79c |
Poky, polka-dot turtle emits \
sound, wags tail as he goes. J
Unbreakable shell.
\ H 8 S l
\ Table and Chair Set
|J Handsome 3-piece folding
if chair & table set, enameled
£ steel, vinyl seats, top.
1° •
O °
° O - 0
0 °0 o
°° o Ci, ° ° OoO
° ° O0 0 o S ° o° °o
500 - . o- •..*
O . . "r , .. r, ° t3 O
“Smoky Joe” *
2-Holster Set
3.19 f
With handsome pistols! <
Leather holsters, hip belt i
jeweled. Leg ties.
A Clown Doll Free with $20.00 Purchase 1
of, toys:
“ u *8 coo 00 «
* °° , °0 o° . “
8 gj ° o 0 Q, 0° °
° 4> 0 o o
O - Q O m « ®