The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 05, 1957, SECTION TWO, Page 10, Image 10

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    Lynch News
Mrs l • roy Purviance, jr., of
Denver, Coke spent Friday with
Miss Pauline Mulhair.
Mr and Mrs George Martinson
of Spencer and Mr. and Mrs
Harry Mulhair were Thanksgiving
day dinner guests at the home of
Mrs Bernice Row here.
Mr. and Mrs C. A. Moody, sr.,
Mr and Mrs Fred King and sons.
Mr. and Mrs I eland Moody and
daughters and Mrs Beryl Moody
and family all enjoyed Thanks
giving day at the Ralph Moody
home in Niobrara.
Pauline Mulhair left Sunday,
December 1, for Miami, Fla.,
where she plans to spend the win
Mrs Josie Mannen enjoyed
Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. and
Mrs. Ernest Darnell.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank KaJal vis
ited with Pauline Mulhair Sun
A/2c Leroy Purivance and wife
left for their home in Denver,
Cok>,, Monday, December 2.
Joe Bosk a was a Thanksgiving
dinner guest at the Bill Mahlen
dorf home.
Mr and Mrs. Frank Svoboda
entertained relatives from David
City on Thanksgiving.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weeder at
tended the bazaar supper at
Butte Sunday, November 24.
Margaret Stenger spent. Tues
day afternoon with Mrs, Albert
Marjean Birmeier, Marlene
Streit "and Sharon Courtney spent
Sunday afternoon with Margene
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schindler
of Monowi and Mr. and Mrs.
Homer Tonner and family spent
Thanksgiving day at the Frank
Dry 'em fast.. •
■ typical load la 14 ashteOaO
Dry 'em safe...
_4 lt*»l — — . - . - a- -
Sow Icvlva MStS TMB BWy
Dry 'em all...
Mtteni, .like, wool*. tyatMla
All till* and the
"HALO Of HEAT" taal
TINS • ANTI-LINT DISC pallt lint
right eat el Aram • ELECTRIC (ISS
ar I20v) OR SAS (City or LP)
O’Neill — Spencer — Stuart
, ■ —
GOIjDEN rife —
Bananas 2-lbs. 29c
u, s. No. 1 Northern Red Pontiac 1
25fc VeBt-TlllK.Sl.19 | |
CALIF, red EMPEROR V. S. NO. 1 —
Grapes_2*^s- 29c
Fruit Cocktail_23c
Angel Fc:J Cake Mix 39c
Tomato Soup... can 1 Oc
3'<-ii>. fe - 45c I
sill II FINE — W. Kernel or Oeain Style
Corn - 5 303 cans 69c
Cookies_lb. 29c
Toasties. 18-oz. size 29c
CHILI with Beans I
'10"Oz, can — 29c |
Salad Dressing„ qt. 39c
Jello. .. *_3 for 25c
KRAFT — Fresh pack or Koshered
Dill Pickles_qt. 33c
Canned Picnics — $2.89
Pound 27c
Pork Sausage lb. roll 39c
Minced Ham_lb. 43c
Phone 93 WE D eliver O’Neill
4th Street Market
° 9 o o» .__
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Mulhair home.
Mr. and Mrs Guy Keller spent
Thanksgiving day at the Eldon
Koplin home in Butte.
Mr and Mrs Harry Mulhair
were O’Neill visitors Friday.
Miss Grace Mannen came Fri
day to spend the weekend with
home folks She returned to
Omaha Sunday, December 1,
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Streit
were business visitors in Omaha
the first of this week. Mrs. Han
nah Streit stayed at the farm with
the children during their absence.
Mr and Mrs. Henry Ebel and
son and Mrs. J Halverson all of
Creighton visited at the Frank
Weeder home last Sunday.
Lloyd Cranford of Omaha spent
the Thanksgiving weekend with
his parents here.
Peter Mulhair w’as in Butte on
Gaylene Kassa of Shelton spent
Thanksgiving weekend at the par
ental Floyd Kassa home.
Mr. arid Mrs Martin Mueller
and family left Sunday, Decern
in'r- 1. for their home in Humans
ville. Mo., after spending sever
al days visiting relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Moffett
and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Peter
Mulhair. Miss Pauline Mulhair
and Frank Maly were Thanks
giving day guests at the Harold
Micanek home.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Mueller
and family of Humansville, Mo.,
and Mr. and Mrs F. H. Courtney,
sr., were Thanksgiving day guests
at the Tommy Courtney, jr.,
Joe Boska visited his uncle
and family the Tom Boska, sr.,
family last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kalowski
ami Lawrence attended a family
dinner nartv at the Dale Barta
homo south of Verdel Thanksgiv
ing day. The Cyril Burbach fam
ily of Wynot and the Herman
S’rhochenmaier family of Bone
steel, S. D., were also there.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Jehorek
spent Thanksgiving day and
Friday with their daughter, Mrs.
Bob Connelley and family in
Mr. and Mrs. Don Simpson and
Mickey of Verdel were last Sun
day dinner guests at the Pauline
Mulhair home.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ko
lund and family were Sunday din
ner guests at the Martin Jehorek
home. Afternoon callers were
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nemic and
Mrs. Bill Hambek and daughter,
Betty, of Spencer and Mrs. John
Hood and Audie of O’Neill.
Mr. and Mrs Martin Jehorek
visited with the Edwin Vomacka
family near Lincoln on Friday.
Mrs. Anna Carson of Dorsey
visited at the Ronald Carson
home here last Thursday.
The Monowi Methodist Women’s
society met with Mrs. Frank Hle
ser, Thursday, December 5. Christ
mas gifts wore exchanged.
Anton Fisher of Plankington,
S. D., visited relatives here the
past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Audrey Compton
visited relatives in O’Neill last
A/2c Leroy Purivance and wife
of ' >enver, Colo., are here visiting.
Leroy is an a two weeks’ furlough.
Arrive from Ix>ng Pine —
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Perry
and family of Long Pine, former
ly of O’Neill, were Saturday
guests of the Henry Kufahls.
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Hickey of
Omaha were Thanksgiving guests
of his father, P. V. Hickey.
Page News
Mr and Mrs. Merwyn French
sr.. were hosts to a group of rela
tives for dinner on Thanksgiving
day. Guests were Mr. and Mrs
Harold Heiss and Larry. Miss
Linda Cronk, Mr. and Mrs Mer
wyn French, jr., and Stephanie,
Mr. and Mrs Ivan Heiss and (am
ily, Mrs. Louise Heiss, Raymond
Heiss. Mr. find Mrs Allen Hay
nes, all of Page, Miss Marie Heiss
and Miss Viola Haynes, both of
Hastings, and Miss Bette French
who attends the University of Ne
Mr. and Mrs. A T. Crumly
sponsored a hayrack ride F t iday
evening when the members of the
Methodist yoJth fellowship were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Merwyn
French, sr., for a chili supper. En
tertainment consisted of games
and singing. Bob Beelaert furnish
ed the mode of transportation.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Inness. Mr
and Mrs. Dale Inness and sons
and Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Braun
and daughters, all of Meadow
Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Bon
nett and family of Oakdale and
Mr. and Mrs. Don Malmberg and
children of Brownlee joined Mr
and Mrs. Sorensen, jr., and dau
ghters, Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Ickes
and Dennv and James MeClung at
the Neven Iekes. jr., home for a
no-host Thanksgiving dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. William Neubauer
entertained Mr. and Mrs. Leo
Neubauer, Mr. and Mrs. Glen
Stewart, Mrs. Carrie Sterner, Mrs
Frances Stewart, Miss Grace
Wood and Paul Neubauer at dinner
Thanksgiving. Evening visitors in
cluded Messrs Robert Harvey and
Herbert Stevens and their wives.
Sterling Albright of Milford
spent the Thanksgiving vacation
in the Page, Ewing and O’Neill
vicinites visiting his sisters, Mrs.
Umar HUiiman, ivirs. rawi i o«
vens and Mrs. Arnott Buxton and
their families and with friends.
Paul Hartigan has returned to
Page for the winter months after
a working season with a construc
tion company in Iowa.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Max and
family were Wednesday to Sunday!
vistors in the home of his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Max, sr.,
at Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Wood and
children of Elm Creek were Page
visitors Thanksgiving day and
were dinner and overnight guests
of her uncle and aunt. Mr. and
Mrs. Ben Stevens. Other guests
on Thanksgiving day were Mr
and Mrs. Howard Miller, Mr. and
Mrs. Leo Miller and family and
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Miller and
family, all of Ewing; Mrs. Anna
Smith and Ernest Trowbridge of
Inmair Mr. and Mrs. Chester
Smith and family of Neligh; Hol
lice Wrede of O’Neill; Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Trowbridge, Mr. and
Mrs. Dick Trowbridge and Mrs
A. O. Weber, all of Page.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward (Ted)
Stevens and family of Sioux Falls,
S.D., spent Thanksgiving week at
Page visiting relatives and were
guests in the Ben Stevens home
for Thanksgiving dinner. They
left Sunday for their Dakota home.
Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Goldfuss,
Johnny and Miss Pauline went to
Stanton Thanksgiving day where
they were guests of Mrs. Minnie
Kuessel, a cousin of Mrs. Gold
Mrs. Raymond Heiss returned
to Page Thursday afternoon from
Mountain Home, Ida., where she
cared for the Wallace Johnston
' family while Mrs Johnston was
I hospitalized and made the ac
_:_a__ C L<%m nniit frr»onrlc nn
»jutiuiiuii^v. n--—•
Michael Berry.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baird and
the Misses Thelma and Gladys
Wood, all of Carroll, and Mr. and
Mrs. Norman Trowbridge and
I^ori were Thanksgiving dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs R. F. Park.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Park and fam
ily of Kearney were afternoon
visitors there.
Mr. and Mrs. Hal Farnsworth
and Mr. and Mrs. Louie Bernholtz
were Thanksgiving day guests of
the L. F. Knudsen family.
Skudler Family
Enroute from Japan
AMELIA -Rev. and Mrs. Ed
ward Skudler and famly, who
have been living as a missionary
family in Japan, soon will return
to the United States on furlough.
Reverend Skulder was known
as “Buck” when he lived as a
boy on a ranch in the Swan lake
His parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A.
Skudler, live in Burwell.
Miss Barbara McCarthy of
Omaha spent from Friday until
: Sunday in O’Neill visiting rela
i tves and friends.
Nine dollars and a 1947 penncy
will buy ten dollars worth at
, Shelhamer Equipment. 32-34c
Mrs. H. J. Vance Park . . . the former Marilyn (ialluRher.
—O’Neill Photo Co.
Mrs. Gilbert Olson . . . to re_
side In New Mexico.
Charlotte L. Urban
November Bride
EWING — Miss Charlotte Lee
Urban, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank B. Urban of Ewing, and
Gilbert Olson, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Victor E. Olson of Kirkland,
Wash., were united in marriage
November 25 at Denver, Colo.
Mrs. Olson is a graduate of
Wheeler qpunty high school at
Bartlett, class of 1957.
Mr. Olson is employed by the
U.S. Government Bureau of Land
After a short wedding trip the
couple will reside at Deming,
O’Neill News
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Graade of
Sioux City visited in the home of
Mrs. Graade’s sister, Mrs. Elcera
Smith, and nephew. Harry R.
Mrs. Laura Walker spent
Thanksgiving and the weekend
with her daughter and son-in
law, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Johnson
and their daughter, Diana, at
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rouse
and Lloyd, Mr. and Mrs. Law
rence Rouse and Wayne, Mr. and
Mrs. Delbert Rouse, Mr. and
Mrs. Virgil Hubby, Mr. and Mrs.
Dave Jensen and Mrs. Carrie
Borg and Marvel spent Thanks
giving with Mr and Mrs. William
Hubby at Neligh.
Miss Charlene Shoemaker,
daughter of Mrs. Leona Shoemak
er, was home for Thanksgiving
from Mt. St. Scholastic, Atchison,
Meadow Gold Milk Carton
Tops for Prizes
will be completed
December 1st
All caps and tops must be in our
office on or before December
15th, 1957.
Beatrice Foods Co.
O’Neill, Nebr.
O o o ^ r- ° ° " .
°» o o o O c C c o ° ° ° 39 ’ °
O ° ,» O O , -N O® a. fb a
Marilyn Gallagher
Weds Pennsylvanian
in November Rite
Gold chrysanthemums decora
ted the altars of St. Patrick s
Catholic church Saturday, Novem
ber 30, at the wedding of Miss
Marilyn Gallagher, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Gallagher
of Inman, and H. J. Vance Park,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Park
of West View, Pa. Very Rev. Tim
othy O'Sullivan performed the
double-ring ceremony and nupita1
mass, which took place at 10 a.m
Given in marriage by her fath
er, the bride appeared in a Mira
Mist floor-length taffeta gown with
full skirt, fitted basque waist and
a short train. It featured a scooped
neckline outlined with lace, irri
descent and seed pearls. The slee
ves were long and pointed. A
crown of matching lace held hei
fingertip veil of imported bridal
illusion. She carried a cascade
bouquet of gold chrysanthemums.
Miss Edith Gallagher, a sister of
the bride, was her maid-of-honor
Bridesmaids were the Misses
Janet Chase of Sheldon, la., a
cousin of the bride and Florence
Lee of Brownlee. They appeared
in royal blue velveteen streetleng
th gowns that featured roum
necklines, three-quarter length
sleeves and full skirts. They har
matching headbands and carrier
gold chrysanthemums.
Kenneth Park of West View
Pa., served as his brother's best
man. Ushers were W. James Gal
lagher and Edward Gallagher
brothers of the bride and Harolc
Pribil, all of Inman. The bride
groom and his attendants were at
tired in midnight blue tuxedoes.
Miss Cecelia Arbuthnot of O’
Neill, at the organ, accompaniec
Miss Mary Elizabeth Gatz, whe
sang, “Ave Maria" and “On This
, The bride’s mother appearec
in a Dior blue silk faille dress
with a jacket and matching hat
The bridegroom’s mother wore ;
blue taffeta sheath dress with e
jacket and white accessories. Both
i wore corsages of white pompoms
Following the ceremony a din
ner was held for 35 relatives anc
j friends at the Town House. Latei
from 2 to 4 pm, a reception was
held also at the Town House
Mrs. N. G. Chase and Mrs. C. A
Rutledge, aunts of the bride, pour
ed. The Misses Karen and Char
i iene Mahony had charge of the
The couple went back to Den
ver, Colo., where they will reside
and then left for a three week's
trip to West View, Pa. Mrs. Park
is a graduate of St. Mary’s acad
emy and attended Briar Cliff col
lege in Sioux City, la., for tw<
years. She transferred to the Uni
versity of Denver where she re
ceived her bachelor of fine arts
degree in 1957. She is employee
in Denver.
Mr. Park is a graduate of Wesl
View High school in Pennsylvan
ia and is a senior at the Univer
sity of Denver.
Out-of-town guests included Mr
and Mrs. Roy Park and Miss Vere
Wadsworth of West View, Pa.
Mr. and Mrs. N. G. Chase anr
, daughter Janet of Sheldon, la.
Mrs. Mayme Harte of Pomona
Claif.; Miss Sadie Hrte of Lon*
Beach, Calif.; Mrs. Charles Gilli
gan of Sioux City, la.; Mrs. C. A
Rutledge and Mr. and Mrs. Erch
Renner of Norfolk; Mr. and Mrs
L A. Preston of Wells, Minn.; the
Misses Wilma Jean Schremp anc
Mary Ann Bowman of Hartingtor
and Mrs. J. P. Murphy and Eil
een, Rita and John of Stuart.
Go to Casper —
Mr. and Mrs. George McCarthy
daughter, Lynn, son, James, anc
niece, Marylin Duffy, who is at
tending Nebraska university
drove to Casper, Wyo., Wednes
day, November 27 to spent
Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs
Guy Coghill. Mrs. Coghill is a sis
; ter of Mrs. McCarthy and Miss
Duffy’s mother. They returnee
i to O’Neill Sunday afternoon anr
| Miss Duffy returned to Lin coir
Sunday night.
The biggest penney you can have
is a 1947. S|K-n«l It at Sholhamei
Equipment 32-34c
*40 Participate in
Church Dinner
PAGE Mrs. Harold Heiss was
chairman *f the group of ladies
who served the annual Thanks
giving day dinner Tuesday eve
ning, November 26. for the mem
bers of the Fellowship Sunday- j
school class and their families. A
bout 40 were in attendance.
A program and business meet
ing followed the dinner. Mi's. Mer
wyn French, sr., repeated the
Thanksgiving day service given
at Women's Society of Christian
Service Thursday.
The following officers were,
elected: Mrs. Harry Harper 1
president; Mrs Harold lleiss.
viti -president; Mr. and Mrs J, U
Finch, secretary a ml treasurer. A
i ommitttcc, Mesdames Arnold
S t e w art, Elmer Trowbridge.
George Clasey and Gus Robinson,
was named to plan refreshments
for social functions during the
Other Page News
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Harvej
were hosts to the following guests
for dinner Sunday: Mr. and Mrs
Jess Bolin and Mrs. Edgar Wood,
all of Lincoln; Noel Wixxi ol
Lynch, Mrs. Leonard Wright and
children of Sioux City, Mr. and
Mrs. Kenneth Asher and family,
Mrs. Hester Edmisten and Mi
ami Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harvey,:
all of Page.
Mr. and Mi's. Ia>onard Wright
and children of Sioux City spent
the Thanksgiving vacation in the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Harvey, where they were
joined on Thursday by Mrs.
Wright's brother, Calvin, and fam
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Stewart
were overnight guests Wednesday,
November 27, of Mr. and Mrs. Art
Miller at Chambers where they
were joined on Thursday by Mr.
s.nd Mrs, Robert Gray and Mr
and Mrs. John Gray
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Synder
were Thursday guests in the lew
ie Kopeeky, sr. home at Inman
and overnight guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Snyder. Mr. ami Mrs.
Harry Snyder and Mr. and Mrs.
Lewie Kopeeky, jr„ and son were
also guests then*.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Wood and
family were overnight guests
Thursd iy of their grandparents,
Mr and Mrs R IX Copes. His
brother. Dickie Wood, and fam
ily of Hattie Ctvck and his uncle,
Evorette Coi>es ami family, were
also Thursday guests
Mr. and Mrs Charles Sorensen
and daughters of Mlnden were
Thursday guests of his parents.
Mr. and Mrs, Soren Sorensen, sr..
and visited with his brothers and
sisters-ln-lavv, Mr. and Mrs, Soren
Sorensen, jr., and Mr. and Mrs
William Sorensen They also visit
ed his brother-in-law and sister
Mr and Mrs Uohert Nissen and
family at Page and with the Rus
sell Sorenson family and Hob Sor
ensen at Creighton.
__ A
I %
i 29c to IN l
I Vlvitl designs shot with metallic trims, sprinkled with glitter! 3
General and religious assortments. Op to 30 in each box, jS
with envelopes.
Big selection of individual cards
2 for 5 & 10c |
| |
Wrapping Tape
g ■
' if
i If
1 if i
; M
If _
Gay Gift Boxes |
3 hi*.-* 15c up j
(hrislina* .l.-Mign box.** A
for linj;<-rl»\ a.«M-.e*l»orlo*f i
Infant’* w.-ar. I* o pular j
nIz.-ih. I
i 2
Wrapping Paper
|20x30-in. 10c up
Your choice of two sheets
fancy Christmas design or
10 sheets of white tissue.
Seals and Tags
Package IOC |
Olio pack of 72 artistic {
seals in 4 designs or 12 £
string tags in 2 designs.
» Crinkle Tie Curl
ling ribbon
10 25-39c
Boxed wrapping
ping paper 20x30
20 nheetH
35 Fa reel Po**t *
label** in book.
10c f
. — &
V £■