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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1957)
Hospital Notes ST. ANTHONY’S lO'Nrttt) Admitted: November 20 Mrs Wayne Sanders of Inman, Mrs Raymond V. Harmon of Page Mark Wiseman of Page; 21 Wal ter Stewart of O'Neill; 23- Mrs Ray Walnofer of O'Neill; Mrs Donovan Becker of O'Neill, Rebec ca Wrede of O'Neill, 24 Donne Jean Harte of Inman, Mary Belli Perry of Rapid City, S.D, Ralph Lindberg of O'Neill, Mrs. Roy Wd son of Page; 25r Mrs. Daniel V Helmer of O'Neill. Henry Drudik of Grand Island, Mrs. William Frit/ of O’Neill, Mrs. Weston Whitwer of O'Neill; 26 Shorty Steele of O'Neill Dismissed; November 20: Lloyd Johnson of O'Neill; Robert Michael I >a hi berg of Lynch, Char les Gregory Dahlberg of Lynch, Dale B- Ganz of Lincoln, Noami Gr<en of Chambers, Arthur Flunkey of Chambers; 21 John jetupman of Amelia, Mrs. Wayne Sanders of Inman; 22 Ned Kel ley erf Inman, John Hajek of Lynch, Kenneth Peacock of O' Neill; 23- Mrs Peter Morgan of O'Neill; 24- -Clyde McKenzie jr of O’Neill, Mrs. Raymond Har mon and baby girl of Page, Frank Krupicka of Spencer; 25— Am brose Biglin of O'Neill. Leo Matt hews of O'Neill. Hospitalized: Mark Wiseman of Page. Mrs. John Davidson of O'Neill, Mrs. William Fritz of O’Neill. Felix Sullivan of O'Neill Henry F. Drudik of Grand Island. James May of Inman. Mary Beth Perry of Rapid City, S.D., Walter Stewart of O’Neill, Mrs. Weston Whitwer, Garrett Janzing of O’ Neill, Mrs, Roy Wilson of Page, Mrs Danny Helmer of O'Neill, bfrs Ray Walnofer of O'Neill Mrs. Donovan Becker of O'Neill, Roy Wells of O'Neill, Donna Harte of Inman, Ralph Lindberg of O’ Neill, Rebecca Wrede of O'Neill. William Walters of O’Neill, Mrs Catherine Schollmeyer of O’Neill Mrs Emery McDowell of Page, Mrs. Emmet Revell of O’Neill, SACKED HEART (Lynch) Dismissed: November 19—Baby Timothy Myers of Lynch; 20- - Charles Fox of O’Neill, Mrs. Day ton Sieler of Monowi, Mrs. Leon ard Hoar of Bonesteel, S.D.; 21— Mrs. Larry Bowers of Bristow; 22 Baby Shelley Klasna of Spen cer, Mrs. Lewie Christensen of Lynch; 23—Claude Collins of Butte, Miss Golda Mae Jordan of Butte, Mrs. Ferdinand Wisbelhaus of Fairfax, S.D., Mrs. Molly Pe terson of Spencer; 25- Baby Ste ven Emm* of Lynch, E. L. Hag berg of Spencer. Hospitalized: Mrs. Reuben A Avoy of Spencer, George Bau meister of Butte, Glena Becker of Naper, Mrs. W. H. Block of An oka, Esly Borrall of Spencer, Dr Edwin B Bradley of Spencer Mrs. George Classen of Spencer. Cal Conklin of Lynch, Mrs Paul ine Fuhrer of Butte, Mrs Carl Gnewuch of Norfolk, Mrs. Will iam Green of Niobrara, Mrs. Ed Havrank of Spencer, Mrs. Twila Hicks of Bristow. William Jordan of Rutte, Dr. R. E. Kriz of Lynch, Mrs. Edith Lang of Lynch. Alliert Izxx k of Spencer, Miehale Par ker of Butte, Frank Reiser of Butte, Guss Rcmeter of Bristow David Soukup of Spencer, Mrs Etnil Statsman of Butte. LINDBERG MEMORIAL (Creighton) Admitted: Mrs. E. Lee Farher of Niobrara; John Schaefer of Creighton; Mrs. Frank Novak of Verdigre; Mrs. Louis Walters of Vmnetoon; Leonard Mathine of Creighton: Mrs. Rertha Kuhl of Bloomfield; Mrs. William Meier •f Niobrara; Mrs. Robert Theis of Creighton; Edwin Sehmalz of Creighton: Mrs. Albert Opkis of Creighton: Mrs. Frank Kovanda of Verdigre; Alex Menks of Ver del; Kenneth Albin of Brunswick; Frank Kves of Verdigre; Leland ’Vroomun of Orchard Dismissed: Mrs. Harry Honey of VerdeI; Mrs. Josephine Butter field of Creighton; Mrs. Louis Watters of VVinnetoon: Mrs. Frank v,' ak of Verdigre; Mrs E. Lee I Farber and son erf Niobrara; Mrs Jerry Jensen and daughter erf : Creighton; Leonard Mathine of I Creighton; Kenneth A1 b i n of Brunswick; Mrs. William Meier and daughter of Niobrara; Mrs. Robert Theis of Creighton; Frank Kves »f Wrdigre; Mrs. Albert I Opkis or Creighton ATKINSON MEMORIAL Admitted: November 17- Mrs. ' Peter Engler of Stuart, medical; Mass I-ela Garwood of Atkinson, medical; 18—Mrs. Emma Em merson of Bassett, medical; 19— ! Dan Weiershciser of Norfolk, accident; '20 Frank Skrdla of At kinson, medical; 21 Von Wedige of Emmet, medical; William Se ger of Atkinson, medical; 21— Harry Heeb of Atkinson, medical; 22 Gary Enbody of Emmet, med ical; John Gallaghar of Atkinson medical; Madonna Miksch of Stuart surgical; Mrs. Phillip Frost at Atkinson, medical; 24 Jim Berigan of Atkinson, med ical; 25- Mrs. Elizabeth Ryan of Atkinson, medical; Charles Fre ouf of Atkinson, medical; Jay Davison of Atkinson, accident; Mrs. Frank Skrdla of Atkinson medical; Otis Lingo of Mills medical. Dismissed: November 18 Frank Sickeneder of Atkinson, Mrs. Anna Galligan of Atkinson, Michael Lee Schonka of Atkinson; 19 Wayne Radcliff of Stuart, Mrs Wayne Baker and daugh ter of Atkinson; 22—Mis. Mary Hamik of Stuart, Von Wedige of Emmet; 23 — Frank Bose of Stuart, Mrs. Bert Henning of At kinson, Mrs. Emma Emmerson of Bassett; 24—Frank Skrdla of Atkinson: 25—Mrs. Peter Engler ! of Stuart; Madoona Miksch of I Stuart. Hospitalized: Mrs. Peter Eng ler of Stuart, Gary Enbody of | Emmet, Harry Heeb of Atkinson, I John Gallighar of Atkinson, Ma donna Miksch of Stuart, Mrs. I Mary Henning of Atkinson, Mrs. Phillip Frost of Atkinson, Dan ' Weirsheiser of Norfolk, Mike Schaaf of Atkinson, William Se ger of Atkinson, Jim Berigan of Atkinson, Lela Garwood of At kinson. O’Neill News Mrs. Jessie Swain of Rapid City, S.D.. and Mrs. Carrie Town send and Mrs. Dora Townsend both of Page called on Mrs. Mary Laney ♦his week. Mrs. Swain is a neice of Mrs. Laney’s. Mrs. Laney lives with Mrs. Nellie Widtfeldt. A husking bee was held Mon day for Mrs Ed Wayman, widow of the late Mr. Wayman. Mrs. J. Robert Berigan, Mrs H. J. Birmingham and Mrs. Ed ward Campbell returned Tuesday from a few days’ stay in Omaha. Going to Adrain, Minn., for Thangsgiving will be Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Nelson and fam ily. They plan to visit their par ents, Mr and Mrs. William Rowe and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. James Schmitz and son of Omaha were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pierson. Monumental of la**ting beauty made by skilled craftsmen of the J. F. Bloom Co. . . . monu ments from the factory to the consumer-—Emmet (Vftbb, O’Neill Guests over the weekend of Mr and Mrs. Elgin Ray and Mary were his parents, Mr. and Mrs Hugh Ray of Gothenburg Mr. and Mrs. John D. Osen baugh spent Sunday in Burwell visiting their son and family, Mr and Mrs. John R. Osenbaugh. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Manson attended a Thanksgiving concert of sacred music at Ord Sunday evening. Mrs. Manson’s sister Mrs. Ivan Briggs, was pianist and director of the concert. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Smith were Sunday dinner guests at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Gowler and daughter, in Columbus. Bob Holsclaw of the University ! pf Nebraska arrived Wednesday to spend Thanksgiving with his ! parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred i Holsclaw. __ -—, Turkey Day SPECIALS! at The APPAREL SHOP HATS One-Half Off Regular Price! CHOOSE from a wide selection of velvets, velours and felts . . . black, brown, ruby red and sapphire blue. COATS At spectacular savings! Reg. 59.98-NOW_$48 Reg. 54.98 - 49.98—NOW ..$38 Reg. 39 95 - 35.00—NOW .. .. $28 O’Neill News Mrs. P. B. Harty and Mrs F. N. Cronin spent Friday in Sioux I City. Mr and Mrs. C- E. Cronin and daughters of Grand Island are ; expected to spend Thanksgiving at the homes of Mr. and Mrs F. N. Cronin and Mrs. P. B. Har i ty. Mr and Mrs. Duane Gray ami family visited relatives in Butte on Sunday. Mrs. Cecelia Lie wer, her mother, accompanied them and will spend Thanksgiv ing with Mr. and Mrs. Leo Rei I ser of Butte Miss Sylvia Harder of Imman uel nurses school in Omaha and Mr. and Mrs. Don Petersen of Lincoln arrived Wednesday tc spend ttye Thanksgiving week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Harder and Mr. and Mi's. Harry Petersen. Mrs. Homer Mullen and Miss Befnadette Brennan spent the weekend in Lincoln visiting Mr and Mrs. Thomas Brennan. Mr. and Mrs Harden Anspach are spending Thanksgiving with their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Anspach of Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Appleby Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cole and Mr. and Mrs. James Earley spent Sunday and Monday, November 18 and 19 in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Don DeCosta and family of Omaha spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. M. J Baack. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Beckwith Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Keeney of Norfolk and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Harley and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs Rex Beckwith. Mrs. Edna Coyne returned Tuesday from Denver, Colo. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cole spent from Thursday until Saturday in Lincoln and Omaha. The Misses Jeanne Cole and Mary Lu Wilson o' the University of Nebraska arrived Tuesday tc spend Thanksgiving with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cole and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Curran were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Norman McDonald of Plain view. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hoesing OI wayne were weeiteiiu gut-sis of her sister and husband, Mr and Mrs. William L. Edwards. Mrs. Stanley Eymann and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Forslund and son and Mrs. Hattie Eymann of Oakdale were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Ey mann. Mi-, and Mrs. Donald Franklin and family spent Sunday in Ver del visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grafton Franklin. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Liewers of Butte were Thursday callers of Mr. and Mrs. Duane Gray. Mrs. Dorothy Barrett of Atkin son is spending the week with her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Havranek. M B. Higgins spent Monday in Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs H. E. Frank of Norfolk spent the weekend visit ing Mr and Mirs. Don McKamy. Guarantees Are Discussed at Meet PAGE Members of the Page extension club were guests of Mrs. J. R. Russell Tuesday, No vember 19 for the afternoon. The November lesson was presented by . Mrs. Harry Harper and Mrs. MeTwyn French, sr., on “the lady and the law”. Points of law gov erning situations common to the house wife such as guarantee protection on appliances, con tracts of purchase and the rights of the individual who received. Institution stamps of greeting cards, unsolicited, were discussed and the correct legal interpreta tion given. Mrs. Lisle Mewmaw will be the hostess at the church basement for the December 17 meeting. The lesson will be on “Christmas cookies” with Mis. Jesse Kelly and Mrs. Dan Troshynski, lea ders. Cookies will he given to the | shut-ins of the community. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS WD—John A. Latzel to Walter Woeppel 10-28-57 $1—Lot 4 & North 43 ft. lot 5 Blk 19—Pioneer Town Site Co. Add.—Ewing. WD—Edward Brandt to Ben Braun & wife 10-29-57 $2250—So. 33 ft. lots 4 & 5 Blk. 46 Pioneer Townsite Co. 1st Add -Atkinson. WD—E. E. Young to Henry We tier & wife 10-31-57 $6500 — SEVfe 26-27-13. I—" — Irene Kopetjka Weds Howard Beed On November 15 at 1:30 p.m a quiet wedding took place at the Methodist church in Winner, SX>. when Miss Irene Kopetka ol In man became the bride of Howard Beed of Chambers. The couple was attended by Miss Lucy Cun ningham of Inman and Richard Dean Wilkenson of Chambers The bride wore a blue taffeta dress with matching jacket and the bridesmaid wore a blue knit dress. The bridegroom chose a brown business suit and his best man, a light grey suit. Mrs. Beed is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Kopejtka of Inman. She attended the Inman school. Mr. Beed is the younger son of Mr and Mrs. Raymond Beed of Chambers. He is graduate of the Chambers high school and has served three years in the armed services. The last 18 months were in Formosa. Following a short wedding trip to Lincoln, the couple will reside on the Beed ranch near Chambers where lie is engaged in farming with his father. Ewing News Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Butterfield | jr., and family were guests of his parents, Mr and Mrs Floyd Butterfield, sr., at Atkinson Sun ‘lay Mr. and Mrs. Gail Boies aceom panied by his mother, Mrs. Maud Boies, visited Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Boies at Plainview. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Gunter were Mr. and Mrs. Roland Horde and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hoag. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Cary and daughters, Leoat and Nila and Miss Noreen Armstrong, all of Bloomfield were recent guests at the home of Mrs Minnie Larson Mrs. L. A. Hobbs spent last Thursday visiting with her moth er, Mrs. Rose Harding, at O'Neill The Bible Study club met Tues day afternoon at the home of Mr and Mrs. Dewitt Gnntpr Mrs. John Wunner accompan ied Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rugg les and son of Clearwater, tc Emmet Sunday where they spent the day with Mrs. Ruggles' par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Beck with. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Edwards had as their guests for a 6 o'clock dinner last Thursday, Ah vin Gibson. Saturday evening guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Edwards were Mr. and Mrs. Arch ie Tuttle and Leonora. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Peterson from Thurs day to Saturday were his moth er, Miss Carsten Peterson and Christine Lorenzen of Neligh. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Petersor and daughter, Tamzan, and Lor ; raine Bartos were Neligh visitors ; Wednesday, November 20. , Miss Tamzan Petersen was a 1 weekend visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Barlow and family at Inman. Miss Alvera Schilousky of Lin coin was a weekend guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Schiousky and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Urban were Sunday evening guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Tagel. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Urban, Mrs Robert Pruden, and Mrs. Fannie Schliffbaue® went to Neligh Sun day to visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bollwitt and family. Mr. Bollwitt, who has been hospitalized in Omaha for five months, due to a back injury was able to come home Friday and is in a wheelchair. Other call ers at the Bollwitt home were Mr. and Mrs. John Kaczor and children. Work is progressing rapidly on I the residenco under construction j of Mr. and Mrs. Willis Rockey ir East Ewing. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS WI>—Ben Braun to Edward Brandt & wife 10-29-57 $1—& ex change of property North 147 ft. of west 42 ft. lot 4—North 147-ft. lots 5 and 6—North 147 ft. of east 15.67 feet lot 7 Ballons Outlots— Akins on. REFEREES DEED-John R. Gallagher, Ref. to Louis Zahrad nicek 10-29-57 $28,60O-NVi Sec. 3-29-15. WD-Robert B. Ryan to Dale Fetrow & wife 10-5-57 $13,300 — IjOt 6 and North 90 ft. of East 25 ft. lot 7 blk. 23 — O’Neill. "■ 'i C. E. (Cap) Addison’s LIVESTOCK & MACHINERY AUCTION Saturday, December 7 1P.M.— ON RANCH Located two miles east of northeast comer of Atkinson. 48 — Hereford Breeding Cattle — 48 Included are 42 excellent Hereford stock cows. 3 to 6 yrs. old. all bred to reg Hereford bull, calving March 15; 2 reg. Hereford bulls; four milk cows, either springing now or will calve in January. • ALSO 1951 IHC 1 Vi-ton truck with two-speed axle, 16-ft. comb, box, 45,000 actual miles, excellent condition. MACHINERY _ F-12 Farmall tractor plus full line of haying equipment. SOME HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Watch next week’s issue for com plete details. CAP ADDISON. Owner ERNIE WELLER & DEAN FLEMING, Auets. FIRST NAT!.. RANK. ATKINSON, Clerk Deloit News A number from here enjoyed hearing Gail Dunning of Sutton at the “sing spiration ’, in Neligh Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Raj and daughters of Omaha are expected to spend their Thanksgiving holi days at the Ralph Tomjack home Thanksgiving day will lx* spent at Pete Hinge home in Ewing. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Temple and Twila of Hastings and Elay ne Reimer of Plainview plan to spend Thanksgiving vacation at the Henry Reimer home. Several from here enjoyed the Thanksgiving d in n e r at the Church of Christ in Clearwater on Sunday. Nancy Paul was to appear on television channel 9, Saturday, November 23 at 12 noon in Schola Cantorium, a special singing group from St. Marty’s college Yankton, S.D. Some farmers report part of their corn crop spoiling after har vest. There was a county Farm Bur eau meeting at Bartlett Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Pat McClain and daughter of Yankton, S.D., spent the weekend at the home of the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs Adolph Bartak. Jim Coton of Norfolk called Saturday afternoon at the Henry Reimer and Sidney Anderson homes. He is the minister in the Ewing church. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tomjack Mr. and Mrs. Ew'ald Spahn and Mr and Mrs. Frank Miller were dinner guests at the Henry Rei mer home Thursday evening. The following were guests at a birth dap party Thursday evening at the Pat Burke home in honor of Pat’s birthday anniversary; Mr and Mrs. Glenn Harpster, Terry and Willard, Mr. and Mrs. Whop-j pie and granddaughters. Gail and Kay, George Burke, Fred and Dona Sisson and Mrs. C. L. Sis son. Mr. and Mrs Adolph Bartak were Omaha visitors one day last week. Mrs. Leo Funk, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Thiele and daughter were Neligh visitors on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. August Kallhoff were Neligh callers Tuesday. Venus News _______ Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Davey of Bellevue and Mildred Zatopek of Plattsmouth came Saturday, No vember 23 and were overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser. Other visitors Satur day evening were Mr. and Mrs. Emil Bartos and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ora Caskey visi ted at the home of her parents Sunday evening, November 24. Other relatives were Mr. and Mrs Pat O’Neill of Nyssa, Ore., and Mrs. Hazel Brookhouser and son, Clinton. Phyllis Finch and Kenny Tyler of Fremont spent the weekend with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Finch. Mrs. Alta Finch accompanied thorn back. Monday, November 25. They took her tc Omaha, where Mrs. Finch consul ed her doctor. She has been rece iving treatments there and is “greatly improved”. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS DEED—Iowa Home Mutual Casualty Co. to Patricia J. Gor gon 4-10-57 $2420 — Part of NWV4 NWV4 19-20-11. WD—John W. Walter to Coun ty of Holt 7-12-57 $2600 - WV« lot 9 Blk F — Perkins Add — Part of NWy4 Sec. 29-26-12. WD—Bert Mitchell to E. E. Young 10-10-57 $16,000 — Ste 3 26-13. Jolly Ramblers at Hoffman Home | CELIA — About 25 youngsters and parents of the Jolly Rambler 4-H club mot at the LeRoy Hoff man home Sunday afternoon, No vember 17, for their regular meet ing Officers for the coming year were elected. They are as follows: Garold Frickel. president; Harold Fickel, vice-president; Cheryl Ste ens, secretary and treasurer; Bill Black, overall leader; LeRoy Hoff man. leader of Stocker and feeder group; Mrs Dean Stevens, garden ing; Mrs. Beryl Beck, sewing. Mrs. Boh Jonas, baking and cooking. After the business meet ing games were played and lunch was served. Chambers News Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lubken and son of Lincoln arc spending the week with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Raymond Beed and her brothers, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Beed and sons and Mr. and Mrs Howard Beed. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Walter spent the weekend with their son in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kirkland. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Carpenter were dinner guests Saturday November 23 of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Stevens, and family at Atkinson Better Ways extension club met Tuesday evening, November 19. at the home of Mrs. Duane Gross-: nicklaus with nine members and four visitors present. The lesson on Christmas wrapping was pre sented by Mrs. Wayne Smith Christmas party was planned for December 8 at the home of Mrs Wayne Smith. Lunch was served A special meeting was held Tues day evening, November 26, at the home of Mrs. Willard Thomson A demonstration on making fancy bows was given by Mrs. James Platt. Rock Falls News Evening callers at the James Cur Ran home Wednesday, Novem ber 20, were Pat Gallagher and ! George Curran and Anita Ellston ton. Mrs. Albert Sterns and Mrs Don Sterns and Debbie were Fri j day evening callers at the James Curran home. Mrs. Henry Vequist visited Mrs Albert Stems Monday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. John Schultz and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Derickson at tended a soup supper and bazaar at the Ash Grove community hall on Sunday evening. Gwenda. Trudy and Dehbie Schultz spent Sunday evening with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Johnson. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS WD—E. E. Young to Raymond C. Klabenes and wife 10-31-57 $3400 - SM>SWy4 30-27-12. WD- Fred L. Carey to Bertha E. Ramsey, Myrtle I Young and Lcola L. Wilkinson 3-27-56 $1 — SW>/4 21-29-11. WD—Ralph L. Shald to trustees for Knights of Columbus Club of Stuart. Nebr 11-20-57 $4500 Lot 11 Blk 6-Hallocks Add-Stuart. WD- Harry A. Larson to Oscar Spitzenberger & wife 11-18-57, $17, 500 — NE comer Blk. 8, McCaffer ty's Annex — O’Neill. WD—John A. Frenking, et al tc Carl W. Rethwisch, et al 9-28-57 $1750- S'/fc lots 1 & 2 Blk 46- Mc Caffertys Add-O'Neill. WD- Laura Halstead to Otto H Retke & wf 3-25-57 $125- So 110 ft lot 3 Blk 13—Inman. WD—Harold D. Schaaf to Hans A Braun & wf 10-3-57 $3500 Part SWViSWH Sec 28-30-14. Veteran? of,Foreign War? meet ing has been changed to the first Tuesday of each month. (First pub. October 31. 1957) notice of srrr TO: Mary Elizabeth Tie hi Kline, trustee under the Will of Cath erine Kohler: The heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of Catherine Tiehl. deceased, real names unknown; and all persons having or claim ing any interest in Lots 12. 13 and 14 in Block 23 in the subdivi sion entitled Blocks 21 to 24 in clusive, of Ewing. Holt County, Nebraska, real names unknown, defendants. You and each of you are here by notified that on the 28th day of October, 1957, Mary L. Rother ham as plaintiff, filed her peti tion in the District Court of Holt Coiuity, Nebraska, against you as defendants, the object and prayer of which is to quiet and confirm the title in her, the said Mary L Rotherham, to the real estate hereinabove specificall> described as against you and each of you and to secure a De I cree of Court that you have no interest in. right or title to, or lien upon said real estate, or any part thereof; and for general equitable relief You are required to answer said petition on or before the 9th das of Deeember, 1957. Dated this 29th day of October, 1957 MARY L. ROTllKR11AM, Plaintiff BY JULIUS 1». CRONIN I O’Neill Livestock Market Phone 2, O'Neill NO SALE THURSDAY BECAUSE OF THE HOLIDAY NY LONS-504 "mS« „„„ °nj*flu*22Sfc»°"'i50(1 ,Y GOTHAM GOID STRIPS ;ng Feed. A >• or TO acquaint you WITH GOOCH’S best CERTIFIED 80 LAYING PIAN •sffiS'r.’*Trf?r porting sustained 80% *88 production. To get top Pro- /AgfljN/A duction from your flock, see ot for complete deta,Is on :S IWW J the GOOCH CERTIFIED 80 / laying Plan... ask for free HARLEY PRODUCE “ Phone 2811 Chambers, Nebr.__ ♦ No Need For... Continuous Advertising! PREACHERS Should preach only one sermon or so a year. People are against sin, anyway, so why harp on it? TRAFFIC LIGHTS Should be turned off at dangerous intersections to save electricity. Everybody knows it’s a dangerous spot and that is sufficient. TEACHERS No need to review lesson.. Tell the children Just once and they’ll never forget. HIGHWAY POLICE Stop driving op and down the highways. No need to caution drivers by patrol ling highways. Drivers know the law and should obey. OUT OF TOWNERS 1%at advertise in the local paper and mall order firm, that send out catalogs are washing their money. Everyone knows what Is sold at store. In town and they’ll shop at bona. BUT If you are one of the foolish kind—like the Notre Dame cathedral that ha. .trod rix centuries but still rings the bell every day to let people know it Is there— and believe In eontinuous, profitable advertising, then you will advertfee In j O The Frontier