The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, November 28, 1957, Page 4, Image 4

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    Emmet News I
Sunday afternoon viators of
Mm Charles Ahart were Mrs
Chare and Mm Linville of Atkin
Mr and Mrs. Billie Claussen
were Sunday visitors of Mrs
Mary Lewis.
Misses Majorie and Diane Way
man were Thursday afternoon
guests of Patricia and Robert
Mr. and Mrs Gilbert Fox and
Mr. and Mrs Robert Tomlinson
spent Friday in Sioux City.
Mrs Joe Winkler was hostess
at a party Wednesday evening,
November 20. Her guests were
Mm. Leo Welchman, Mm. Char
lie Winkler, Mm. Mary Lewis,
Mi's. Clara Weber, Mrs. LaVern
Claussen. Mrs Ed Winkler Mrs
Henry Kloppenlxvrg. Mm. George
Winkler, Mrs. Ed Etherton, and
Mm. A1 Kloppenborg.
Mr and Mrs Floyd Brainard
were Sunday dinner guests of
their son-in-law and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. Don Focken and
Mrs. Gilbert Fox, Barbara and
Peggy were Sunday overnight
guests of Mr and Mrs. Robert
Miss Norma Jean Walters was
a weekend guest of Miss Connie
Broekman, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs Fritz Brockman
Mm. Fritz Clark and Mrs.
Jimmie Donohoe and children
called on MSrs Ruth Enbody on
Sunday afternoon.
Mrs Bessie Burge, June, Har
old, and Clayton, Mr and Mrs.
Clyde Burge and family of Ame
lia visited the Glen Burge family
at Chambers on Sunday.
Raymond Fox was a weekend
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fox
and family.
Mrs John Conrad and Mrs.
Georgia McGinnis attended the
Lutheran ladies’ church supper at
Atkinson Wednesday evening.
Mr and Mrs Gilbert Fox and
girls visited Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Kelly Wednesday evening. They
also calk'd at the home of Mr.
and Mrs Max Grenier.
Mrs Ed Etherton and Joan vis
ited Mrs. A1 Kloppenborg and
family on Thursday afternoon.
The Card club met at the home
American Legion
Saturday, Nov. 30
Aces of Rhythm
Adm.: $1 Adults; Students, 75e
of Mr and Mrs John Conard
Sunday evening.
Pat Cole, son of Mr and Mrs
Bob Cole, spent from Monday un
til Wednesday visiting his grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Art Hum
pal. of Atkinson
Mrs. Bernard Dusatko called at
the A1 Kloppenborg home Sunday
Miss Megan Meier was a week
end visitor of her grandmother,
Mrs Ruth Enbody.
Mr. and Mrs. Dever Fox of
Hastings visited Mr. and Mrs.
Wayne Fox and family Saturday
On Wednesday afternoon, No
vemt>er 20, Patricia, Robert and
Ray Kloppenborg visited Mr. and
Mrs Henry Kloppenborg.
Mrs Mary Lewis attended the
Atkinson extension club meeting
last Thursday at the Raymond
Srhatfer home
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Todd of
Clearwater were Monday visitors
of Mrs Bessie Burge. Mrs.
Burge and Mrs. Todd are cous
Mrs Joe Winkler visited Mrs.
Leo Weichman and family of
Stuart last Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Kloppen
borg and family were Sunday din
ner guests of Mr. and Mrs Henry
Mr and Mrs. Gilbert Fox and
family, Mr and Mrs. Max Gren
ier and Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Tomlinson and Veldon attended
the soup supper at Ash Grove
hall Sunday evening.
Mr and Mrs. Ray Tunender
celebrated their 20th wedding an
niversary on Friday, November
22nd A party was held at their
home that evening.
The WSCS met at the home of
Mrs Florence Abart Thursday
with six ladies attending. Plans
were made for sending articles to
the children's home. The next
meeting will lie held at Mrs.
John Conard's home with the
usual exchange of Christmas
Mrs Wayne Fox and Rex and
Mrs. Vera Barnes visited with
Mrs. Joe Bazelman on Thursday
The Golden Rod Garden club
postponed its meeting from Thurs
day, November 21, until Novem
l>er 29. It will meet at the home
of Mrs. Georgia McGinnis with
a covered dish luncheon.
Mr and Mrs. Norman Wayman
and girls were Sunday afternoon
visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
I^arry Foy and Miss Hilda De- !
seive were Saturday evening vis
itors of the Wayne Fox family, j
Worth In Separated
from Air Force
Clarence "Junior’’ Worth, son
of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Worth, was
discharged Tuesday November
19, from the air force. He is In
Omaha looking for employment.
His last assignment was at White
man air force base in Missouri.
Shower Held—
Mrs. Donovan Becker was hon
ored at a pink and blue shower
last Thursday evening at the I
Virgil Laursen home. The hos- j
stessos were Mrs. Laursen and
Mrs. John G. Stuifbergen.
A 4
Miss Hynes Is Affianced
Mrs. Austin Hynes announces
the engagement of her daugh
ter, Miss Regina (above), to
James Tangeman, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Alvin Tangeman of
Chambers. Miss Hynes is a
graduate of St. Mary’s acad
emy, class of 1956, and is em
ployed at the First National
bank of O'Neill. Mr. Tangeman
At Alaska Post
A-/c Richard E. ("Dick”)
Gaskill (above) is stationed at
Elison air force base at Fair
banks, Alaska, and reports he
reads The Frontier “form cov
er-to-cover” each week. He is
the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. E.
Gaskill, 315 South Seventh st.,
and grandson of Mr. and Mrs.
F. A. Gunn, 301 South Seventh.
Dick was graduated from O’
Neill high school is 1955 and
was employed by his uncle, R.
F. Gaskill, at an insurance of
fice in Neligh prior to entering
the air force.
jab A A ik jmk. 4«k a tmt. ^
is a graduate of Chambers
high school, class of 1954. He
attended Nebraska Wesleyan
university and was a member
of Crescent fraternity. He is
teaching in the public school at
Polk No definite date has been
set for the wedding—O’Neill
Photo Co.
Amelia News
Art Waldman went to Lincoln
Saturday to visit his brother anil
Mrs. Edith Anderson called her
daughter, Mrs. Dell (Norma)
Kramer at Lincoln, Wednesday,
November 20, to wish her "happy
birthday". Mrs. Kramer was sur
prised to hear other voices ex
tending "best wishes". Mrs. An
derson had arranged the lines so
Mr. and Mrs. Eamie Johnston,
Mrs. Roy Fullerton, Mrs. Lew
Backhaus. Mr. and Mrs. S. C.
, Barnett, Mrs. Stella Sparks and
Florence Lindsey talked to her.
Friends received word from
Rev. Harry Meyers that he has
resigned his pastrorate at Dakota
City and will move to Rapid City,
S.D., where he will be employed
in a bank. His health was the de
ciding factor in his leaving his
church work.
School was dismissed Tuesday
for the Thanksgiving vacation.
Miss Myrtle White the grade
teacher expects to spend her vaca
tion at Moore, Okla., visiting her
friend, Kenneth Kinnamon find
his parents.
Mrs. Frank Pierce was one of
the honored guests Sunday at the
dedication of the new school house
in district 231. Mrs. Pierce at
tended the school there when a
young girl and is one of the few
left in the community who at
tended school there at that time.
Her brother, Lewie Nissen, of
Lincoln and Herman Nissen of
Atkinson, also attended there.
« J
I i
| Modern Limed Oak or Traditional Walnut
| Handsomely styled, modern cedar chests to hold all
her fine linens and woolens. Smart pedestal base and
1 beautifully finished plank top. Each is dust sealed, has
4 reinforced comers and offset hinges. 4.93 DOWN ON TERMS
14.95 VALUI \
Genuine d»lno *««• I
■amp with two-toned
iade. 31'Nflh. White )
with black or turquoise.
i/e-tus. 7) P
boltafiex I
5« :
A comfortable foot
rest with soft padded ■
top, all covered in
Boltafiex plastic. }
(po-sau, *) ”
^ Gift fc»o tk& Faimftj >
S5L3JM45 I 40951 !
lacquer finish. Antique ^ I
drawer pull*. and ,ha.nd* ■■ ^
some bow-front design. ■ f
40^0'. 30’H. 4.95 DOW|J |
» »KA» DAJB *
. . - s * IV u*
< MATCHED TABLES — ©r 1)98 ,
1 £2,"“2* SfclWSMwV-. M w A >
< ^ te*M tobl. >.j.h <>» . ■ **“• „«,*.««»• |
“aw' Q) Now Ind Tablo, 20x23 „ fcj ,lty lamp >rt> remov
| fc) . x32'. (»o»i*-»») ■§ oble pla.tic plant* I
4 mr 'i°TobU. 23*23* ffl CocMoll Tablo, 46x23x ,.25 PER WEEK, ond bright figurine..
\ ® l«i% <—*«■> payable monthly — >
1 jniE B,Com*Trtl»..... )
Wo ° °&
Mystery Gifts
Will Be Revealed
CELIA — Celia Homemakers
Extension club met at the public
iiDrary room in Atkinson for their
regular meeting Wednesday' af
ternoon, November 20, with Mi's.
Victor Frickel as hostess and Mrs.
Ralph* Armold as co-hostess.
Eight members and one guest
Mrs Donald Davis, librarian, ans
wered roll call with "what I’m
Thankful for",
Mrs. Davis gave a talk about
the library. Lesson “Lady and
the Law" was given by Mrs.
Leonard Chaffin Each member
is asked to bring some homemade
candy tc the next meeting which
will be sent to the rest home in
Stuart for Christmas.
Mystery gifts also 50 cents grab
hag gifts are to be brought for
the Christmas party which will
j be held at the Hans Lauridson
home Thursday, December 19.
Other (Vila News
Sunday, November 24, dinner
guests at the William Maloun
home were Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne
Greenwood of Mirahoma, Calif,
Arlene- Greenwood of Fontana,
Calif., Mrs. O. A. Hammerberg,
Wilmer Warner and Alex Forsy
the of Atkinson. The Greenwoods
left Monday for their home in
California. They were here to at
tend the funeral of their mother,
Mrs. W. R. Greenwood, which was
: held in the Methodist church in
i Atkinson Friday afternoon at
2 p.m M!rs. Greenwood died in
her home in Fontana, Calif.
Saturday, November 16, and the
body was forwarded to Atkinson
for burial.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jonas and j
family, Mr. and Mis. Beryl Beck
and family and Mrs. Inez Hayes
were Sunday evening, Novembei
17, visitors at the LeRoy Hoffman
Sunday evening visitors at the
Victor Frickel home were Mr. and
Mrs. William Coleman and Mrs.
Jerry Henderson of Valentine and
Alex Forsythe.
Mrs. Milton McKathnie, Darrel
and Kay were Friday overnight
visitors at the home of her moth
er, Mrs. Blanche Rouse in Inman.
Elmer Exstrom of Bloomfield
was a Wednesday, November 20
afternoon visitor at the John
Sicheneder home.
Mr. and Mrs. Hans Lauridson
were Tuesday, November 19, O’
Neill visitors.
Mr. and Mrs. John Sicheneder
and Gail were Friday evening
at the Harold Goldfuss home.
Mr. and Mrs. Dewayno Green
wood of Mira Loma, Calif., and
Miss Arlene Greenwood of Fon
tant, Calif., arrived at the homo
of their aunt, Mrs. O. A. Ham
merberg, Wednesday afternoon, j
In the evening they were supper
and overnight guests at the Wil
liam Maloun home.
A number of people from Ce
lia attended the funeral of Jess
Hupp Saturday afternoon in the
Butte Community church. Ladies
of the Atkinson Wesleyan Meth
odist missionary society served
dinner at the Hupp home on Sat
urday and lunch after the fun
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Colfack and
Dennis were Sunday afternoon
and lunch, visitors at the Nels
Colfack home in Atkinson.
Dorothy Scott was a Friday af
ternoon visitor at the Frank Kil
murry home.
Mrs. Mary Johnson stayed at
the LeRoy Hoffman home from
Sunday to Thursday, November
17-21 helping care for Gary Hoff
man who had a cold. Mrs.
Hoffman teaches the McKathnie
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Frickel
and LeRoy Hoffman attended a
meeting at Immanuel Lutheran
church Friday evening. An oyster
stew was served the group after
the meeting.
Mrs. Bob Lewis was a Wed
nesday, November 20, dinner
guest at the Joe Hendricks home
After dinner Mr. and Mrs, Joe
Hendricks. Jerry and Nina and
their guest went to Spencer on
Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs.
Hendricks and family visited the
J ess Hupp family.
Mr. and Mrs, Joe Hendricks
were Thursday dinner guests at
the H. H. Storey home at Butte.
$10 Voted Toward
Artesian Well Fund
LYNCH The Rural Progessive
club met with Mrs. Clarence
Kolund Thursday afternoon. N<v
vember 21. Eighteen members
were present. Mrs. Kenneth John
son was a visitor.
Mrs. Jack Tarr and Mrs. Del
bert Wade presented the lesson
on “soups". It was voted to don
ate $10 toward the artesian well
repair fund. Plans were made for
the Christmas party December
12 at the Elmo Barnes home. The
"capsule friends" will be reveal
ed and the winning side of the
attendance contest named.
Other Lynch News
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weeder
and Margene Herman Lundgren
and Pauline Mulhair were Friday
evening visitors at the Wallace
Moffett home.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vonas^k
and daughters were Lynch visit
ors Sunday, November 17.
Mr. and Mrs. Junior Liska of
Niobrara spent Sunday at the
parental Bill Halva home.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Havran
ek and family spent Thursday
evening at the Beryl Moody
Mrs. Ed Johns spent Friday af
ternoon with Lila Norwood anti
her mother.
Jackie Wright of Redbird is
staying at the Homer Tonner
home northeast of town. She
plans to finish the senior year of
school here so that she may grad
uate with her class. Her parents
recently moved to Idaho.
Mrs. Belle Martz, Howard
Martz and Marlin Lewis attended
the wedding of Robert Martz of
Norfolk and Carolyn White of
Madison at Norfolk, Sunday, Nov
ember 17.
Tuesday evening, November 19,
the Eastern Star chapter held a
regular meeting. Initiation cere
monies were held for two new
memlvers. Twenty - one visitors
were present.
Mrs. Gertrude Scott of Rapid
City, S.D., and Mr. and Mrs. El
mer Christensen were Sunday,
November 17, dinner quests of
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd France at the
Johnson cafe.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kalkowski
spent Sunday evening at the Leon
ard Havranek home.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Tuch of Nio
brara visited at the John Hurd
home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Novak were
business visitors in Lincoln Fri
day. '
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Collins of
Butte were Lynch visitors Sun
The Gene Harris family have
moved to town from the Swan
Anderson farm west of here.
Mr. and Mrs’. Elmer Collins and
family of Broken Bow were re
cent visitors here.
Mr. and Mbs. V. J. Koscan of
Anoka visited relatives here Sun
day, November 17.
Mr and Mrs. Jack Darnell and
family of Omaha visited the
Carle Darnell and Ray Wilson
families here the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Davy of
Scottsbluff and Mr. and Mrs.
Bert Davy of Mitchell have been
visiting at the Glenn Davy,
Gladys Spencer and Ed Hoffman
homes the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Frahm of O'
Neill were Sunday visitors at the1
George Courtney home. _
You Are Invited
& «
I v 1
II |
Christmas Open House \
I . i
| at |
Saturday, November 30th
£ I
i £
ft CONE IN and see our lovely gift items, floral arrangements ^
and decorative accessories.
Register for Door Prize
will be open
From 12 noon to 2 P. M. and 5:30 P. M. to
10:30 P. M.
° o
O ° Q _ f 0
° o e o
o ° o o O
o o O n 0«_0 O u
Lynch News
Mr, and Mrs Jack Reynolds
were business visitors in Norfolk
Monday, November IS
Several men from Lynch at
tended the Boyd county Knights
of Columbus meeting held at
Spencer Iasi Thursday evening.
Mr and Mrs Dale Audits and
I Dianne spent Saturday. November
2.3. at the Merle Sieler home.
Mr and Nil's Veldon l«ee were
business v isitors in Norfolk Mon
! day.
Mr. and Nlrs. August Kalkovvski
and Curtis Ray and Mr and Mrs
Albert Kalkovvski were Sunday
visitors at the Cyril Burbach
home in Wynot.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Sieler and
David of Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs
George Sieler of Butte and Mrs
Marilou Korff and Losa of Butte
were Sunday evening v isitors at
the Merle Sieler home.
Mr. and Mrs. John Jonzing
were Sunday callers of Mr. and
Mrs. Herman Janzing.
Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Jaszkow
iak and Nila will l>e Thanksgiv
ing day guests of Mr. and Mrs.
J. G. Brewster of Stuart.
Mr. and Mr.'. C. K. Jones visit
ed her brothers, Mr. and Mrs.
Enoch Peterson and Mr. and
Mrs Ben Peterson, in Polk on
Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Juran
and sons were Sunday guests of
Mr and Mrs. Harold Kopplemann
of Creighton.
Mrs. Anna Pollock of Ewing
spent Monday and Tuesday visit
ing her daughter and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Eton Kellner.
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Watson
and family expect her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. L. A Preston, of
Wells, Minn., for Thanksgiving.
Mr. and Mrs Dale Thierolf
and children plnn to go to Colum
bus to spend Thanksgiving at her
parents, Mr .and Mrs. Harry An
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parkins
spent the weekend in Omaha
visiting son and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Parkins.
r~ ■ 1
On Eastern Four
Mary Ellen Gillette (abovet,
.1 tophomore at Nebraska Wet
levan university at Lincoln,
left Tuesday, November ‘J6,
with 10 other students on a
chartered bus for Now York
City. They will visit the Unit
ed Nations building and other
interesting and historical sights.
The tour, which may also in
! elude Washington, D. C , is
sponsored by Wesleyan. The
group expects to return Mon
I day, December 2. Mary Ellen
is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
| Darrel Gillette of Chambers.
— AT —
Ash Grove Hall
Saturday, Nov. 30
music by —
The Mullen Family
Admission: 50c
Stuart, Nebr.
Monday, December 2
Oyster Fry — Other Entertainment
Be Safe, Be Sure, Be Modern
Equip with the ALL-NEW
After fust a tew mile* you'll realize that
your U. S. Royal Wlnteride enow tire* are
the quietest on the road today. And, more
Important. Wlnterldes are designed for
quick breakaway action to get you started
end keep you going no matter what kind of
•Inter we have. Tubed, tubeless, whitewall.
MeckwaM. nylon, rayon. Get a pair today.
M mile as $1.25 per week for 2.
„ °o ° o ° °