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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1957)
John F. Dierks Burial Saturday Former Holt Rancher Die* at 73 ATKINSON — Funeral services were conducted at the Seger fun eral chapel here Saturday, Nov ember 23, for John F Dierks, 73 former Atkinson rancher. He died late Wednesday, November 20, o( a heart attack at the Thompson nursing home at St. Edward. Kev Cun is Bemett, pastor of First Presbyterian church, officia ted. Burial was in Woodlawn cemetery. The late Mr. Dierks was the oldest son of the late Daniel and Christina Dierks. He was bom in Dodge county in 1884, came to Holt county at the age of 10 with his parents, settling 16 miles southwest of here. John and his brother, the late Clarence Dierks, operated the ranch for a number of years, then left the community. He spent most of the past 25-30 years at Norfolk. He never married. Survivors include: Brothers Henry of Atkinson and W. A. of Scottsbluff; sisters — Mrs. Mar garet ClauKsen of Atkinson, Mrs Tena Skidmore of Lincoln, and Mrs. Anna looker of San Pedro, Calif. Mrs. I .itrsim I Vtcd I'poii Departure— A no-host going away party was held for Mrs. Harry A Lar son at the home of Mrs. George J anon sc k Friday evening. The Larsons are leaving this week for their new home in Fremont. Mrs Kenneth Juran and Mrs. Duane McKay were hostesses at coffee party honoring Mrs. Lar son Thursday evening. Make Plans for Vide Purtv— The Better Ways extension club met Wednesday evening. Novem ber 20, at the home of Mrs. Rich ard Hovey. Mrs. Gene Porter was a guest. The lesson on “cook ies'' was given by Mrs. Joe Sch midt. Plans were made for the Christmas party which will be held at the home of Mrs. Edward McManus. Notes Birthday— Phillip Gildersleeve celebrated his fourth birthday anniversary Saturday with a party for nine guests. Games were played with prizes and favors. An added at traction was a train birthday cake made by his mother, Mrs. H. I>. Gildersleeve. Sunday night Bridge club met with Mr. and Mrs. John Conard of Emmet. Mrs. Thomas Liddy was high scorer for the ladies; John Conard for the men. Mr. and Mrs C. E. Melena spent Monday in Norfolk. a Honored guest at dedication included: Seated (lcft-to-right)—Melvin Olson of Lincoln, Nebraska department of education staff officer; FreemanB. Decker of Lincoln, state commissioner of educa tion; John Walter, sr., 91, of Chambers, who helped build first sod ho use school in district; Mrs. John Mniir, jr., secretary of board of education; back row—.Mrs. Frank Pierce of Amelia and Kasper Har ley of Stuart (partially visible behind Olson), both of whom were pupils in district half-century ago, anti William Kretchman of Atkinson, who donated site for new school.—The Frontier Photo. Board members and teacher at school district SSI's Sunday dedication: Mrs. John Mohr, jr., sec retary; Albert Smith, president; Harlan Kubart, treasurer. At right, Mrs. I>onnu Carson,'teacher. —The Frontier Photo. O’NEIIX LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. Duane Miller will spend the Thanksgiving weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Dickerson in Fremont. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mlinar and Kenny of Stuart were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mlinar. Mrs. D. A. Kersenbrock and Mrs. M. J. Wallace spent Monday J ! and Tuesday in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Van Every | and sons of Perry', la., arrived Wednesday to spend the Thanks-! giving weekend with their par- j ents. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Kruse! and Mr and Mrs. George Van Every. Mr. and Mrs. James Mahon spent the weekend in Verdel visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Mahon and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Peed. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald McClellan of Omaha were weekend guests of j his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Don ■ McClellan. j ------- - -J Clearance! > I > WINTER COATS ; I l| Regular Values to 29.98 I N.w! | j Every single coat reduced now to save 9 you money! Be sure to see these early * while sizes are in stock. Few pre-teen " sizes. Dozens in sizes 8-18. Guaranteed I lowest price in O’Neill. Compare! fe NOTICE j Now, you can purchase any item in our store on Easy Credit! Ask us about our ft easy pay plan! | j 'l ■■III LI ■ ■ III | ■ IILIWIB 1 ■■ ■ M ’ #~wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww^ o . Si' * „ • a “ o O Kellar Club Plans Yuletide Party CHAMBERS -Fifteen members ami four guests attended Kellar club meeting. Wednesday, No vember 20, at the home of Mrs Clyde Kiltz with Mrs Guais Win tenqpte co hostess. Roll call was answered by telling the town and state in which each was bom Mrs. Orville Svatos was ap pointed to assist Mrs. Melvin Bell with the program for the Christmas meeting. It was announced that election of officers would be held at the next meeting. The club voted to cue $5 to the Nebraska Childrens Home Plans for the Christmas party were discussed. Fifty cent gifts will be exchanged. Door prizes went to Mrs. Charles Cool idge and Mrs. Guais Wintermote. Mrs. Coolidge and Mrs Sam Young provided the program which consisted of games. Next meeting is Saturday, De cember 14, at the home of Mis. Charles Coolidge. Other Chamber* News Mrs A B Hubbard and Mrs. J W. Walter represented the American Legion auxiliary of post .120 at a polio meeting in O'Neill Wednesday, November 20. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Cooper of Winner, S. D.. visited Sunday, November 24, with his sisters, Mrs. C. E. Tibbets and Mrs Genevieve Bell, and brother and sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. L. V Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. LaVem Hoerle. Dick Young and Elaine Worden drove to Norfolk Sunday. Novem ber 24, to attend the silver weal ding anniversary reception for their uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs Albert Clausen. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Roth and Mr. and Mrs Ehvyn Robertson Saturday November 23, were Mr and Mrs Albert Roth of Bartleville, Okla, Mrs. Walter Roth and Mrs. Albert Gigax of Cblumbus. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Harley and Mrs Victor Harley drove to Seward Sunday. Novemlter 24. to see the latter's da .ghter, Mrs Ken Bauer, at the Seward hos pital where she was taken fol lowing a ear accident in which she received a broken ankle. Jim Salem of Omaha, formerly of Chambers .and Phyllis Harles of Winner, S. D., were married October 26. They are living in Omaha where he is employed Mr. and Mrs. Salem were in Chambers Friday evening, No vember 24, visiting his cousins, Mr and Mrs. Joe Dans, going on to Winner, S. r>. .Saturday and re turning to Omaha on Sunday. Mrs. Mina Myers returned home Saturday, November 23. from a month**' visit with rela tives She visited her.son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs Marion Myers and family at Bartlett, her son and daughter-; in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Myers ami children at North Loup; her sister. Mrs Joe Svoboda at Ells worth. Kans , and another sister, Mrs Ella Brown of Ord. Twenty-three ladies e nj o y e d dinner and a social afternoon at the home of Mrs Genevieve Bell Sunday, November 24, Those present Were older ladies w ho live alone in Chambers. 'Hie oldest wus Mrs. Charlotte Honeywell who is 90-years-old, Youngest were Mrs. Esther Wood and Mrs, Elsie Sorenson. Judicial Court Dates Announced District Judge D R. Mounts has announced the following jury terms for 1958 in the 15th judicial district: Boyd county Feb. 24 and Sept. 15. Brown county- March 10 and Sept. 22. Holt county- March 3 and Oct. 6. Koya Paha county March 24 and Sept. 8. Rock county March 17 and Sept. 29. Club Meets— M&M club met with Mrs. H. G. Kruse Tuesday evening. Dessert luncheon was served at 7:30 o'clock. A guest was Mrs. Gert rude Gribble. W SCS Forwards $10 to Japan School CHAMBERS The Womans Sociotj of Christian Ser\ ice met at the Methodist church Thurs day, November 21. with 21 mem Ihts and one visitor present. Mrs. Darrel Gillette opened the bust ness session with a poem and told of a meeting the society were invited to attend in Atkin son Tuesday, December 3. Mrs. Raymond Reed gave a re port on the United Nations and Mrs. E. R. Carpenter gave a missionary report. A motion was made to send $34 to the Neighborhood house In Omaha and $10 to the Girls’ school at Hiroshima. Japan ns a result of the study on Japan Mrs. Ijh Vem Hoerle announci’d a tvnke sale sjxinsored by the young adults Saturday, Novemlier 30 Mis Jim Grimes led the dev© tionals Mrs I<avem 1 loerle pm sented the lesson, "the mind that was in Christ," assisted hy sever al ladies. Hostess, Mrs. Anna AUx'rs, anti co-hostess, Mrs. T. E. Alderson. ser\ cd lunch. Next mtx'ting will lx* held Thursday . lVeomlx'r 5, with Mrs. Raymond Heed as hostess. First part of the study on "Mark" will he presented hy Rev. Harold Dean llonath. Frontier for printing. I X ] O'NEILL PHONE 8 1 i After Thanksgiving i MISSES’ WINTER I COATS |; • Sizes 8-18 | • Values to 39.98 I Now! $27 t - j __ I A WONDERFUL GIFT! I Rayon Dusters | • Only 18 left (’ • Reg. 5.98 values I Now! ...3.99 p: . :::a S23 fA.ii I MATERNITY DRESSES (:■ • Sizes 10-20 • While 36 last | Now! ... $2 1 ^_ fJTTTJTii I 1 ^ W 1 I f MEN’S FLANNEL Sport SHIRTS • Rich Winter Plaids • Reg. 1.98 values 1 Now!... $1 p a ■ — I j . 1 -/ j ri BOYS’ KNIT I Polo SHIRTS ( • Sizes 4-12 • Reg. 59c Now! Jjj for SI ■ r('.IRES’ WINTER 1 COATS • While 14 last • Values to 18.9H I Now! $12 I MEN'S WARM 1 (Suburban Coats I • Sizes 36-40 | I(’H1I.1)RKN’8 I SNO-SUITS 1 • Only 23 at this price | • Regular 5.98 I Now! — 3-^ I IHICHER PRICED DRESSES • Re sure to see tlio*e smart winter style* • Values to 10.98 Now!.... $4 _ STOCK UP NOW! I Stretch HOSE • Size S ML • Rejj. 98c Now!. 67c M "m. V m 1 _ .1 Boys’ PARKAS • Sizes 4-12 • Red or Grey • Rck. 8.95 Now!... 6-99 pasna | THROW RUGS • Only 147 at this price I VWWWWWWW v o w ..... ^ rr-..r-. .^| m H J -LtXJ-Ub I i BSSES’ f j I -Shine l| | ATS b 18 || " 1.98 - 18.98 ■ | .. 9.99 || | I MISSES’ Cotton FROCKS • Itrokrn Sizes • Keg. 'i.»K vulinii ; |now! ... $1 o r . o q o j9 o o 0° °0 O o 0 0 o 00 o 00 0 ~0 n 0 „ ^ O