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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1957)
Stuart ‘S’ Men Attend Clinic STUART A trip to the Hast ings college basketball clinic Fri day for members of the Stuart high “S” club was intended tn sharpen the Bronocos fo- the 1957-'58 cage campaign The Bronocos open next Tuesday at Spencer. The Hastings clinic was con ducted by the Phillips Co. Oilers. The "S" men then moved to Lin coln Saturday to witness the Ne braska-Oklahoma football game. They were escorted on the weekend outing by Coach Clifl Hermance, Assistant Coach Ra\ Ray Shearer, and Aubrey Proett. Dane Bigelow, who breezed at a 14-point-per-game bust season, Russ Cobb and Don Schmaderer are regular holdovers from last year s cage team. Tom Bigelow and Jerry Taylor are also veter ans. The Rroncs will feel the loss of Mel Stracke, who is out with a broken leg Hermance is hunting foes for December 20, January 14 and February 18. Schedule (conference): Dec. 3 -Spencer there. Dec. 6 Ainsworth, here*. Dec. 10—Bassett, here*. Dec. 13 St. Mary’s of O’Neill, there. Dec. 17—Valentine, there*. Jan. 7—Wood Dike, here Jan. 10—Atkinson, here*. Jan. 17- Springview, there*. Jan. 20-24—Holt county tour ney at O’Neill. Jan. 31—Long Pine, there. Feb. 3-7 North-Central tourney at Ainsworth. Feb. 12 St. Joseph of Atkinson, bere Feb. 14- Page, here. Fob. 21— Ewing, here. Weier, Tomlinson Land on ‘All-State’ Bruce Weier, center on the un defeated St Mary’s academy grid team, won the center berth on the Sunday Journal-Star myth leal all-state eight man grid team Wojpr, a senior, lettered foui years in football at St. Mary’s. Larry Tomlinson, a Junior, waj given a second team line positior on the Journal-Star selections. SMA was rated third in th« final eight-man grid standings Ir the state by both the Journal-Star and Omaha World-Herald. r~. O'Neill to Host Class B Tourney O’Neill hns teen chosen as the site for the district class B bas ketball tournament. Officials of the class B schools in the district convened here Thursday evening and picked the site and the dates -February 25 26-27-28. 0 Neill Supt. M. J. Baack will be tourney director. Pairings will be drawn on Feb ruary 12 Four seeded teams will be picked on a percentage basis of games won and lost up until that time. Class B schools which will com pete in the O'Neill tourney are Boomfield, Creighton, Neligh, Plainviow, O'Neill high. Burwell, Bassett and Gordon. Swinj Opens Next Week with Tilden EWING—‘‘They’ll be ragged the first few games,” Coach Fritz Reifert opined Tuesday while polishing up the Ewing high Ti gers in preparation for next week’s cage opener against Til den. “But that’s to he expected from a small school shifting from foot ball right into basketball." , Veterans in the Orange-and Black camp are Sonny Carl, sen ior center; Stan Bartos. senior forward; I-arry Rotherham, jun ior forward; Jerry Hahlbeck, jun ior guard; Denny Scheer, senior forward, and Ronnie Cloyd. Likely candidates are Bill Bau er, Ronnie Thoendel, Lyle Larson, Gary Eacker, Freddie Wright, Bob VVelke, Leon Halbeck and i Dick Williamson. The Tigers belong to the Corn belt conference. Schedule: Dec. 3—'Tilden, here. Dec. 6—Page, here. Dec. 13—Meadow Grove, there. Dec. 10 Newman Grove, there. Jan. 3 Elgin, here. Jan. 10—Creighton, there. Jan. 14 Orchard, there. Jan. 17 Inman, there. Jan. 20-24—Holt county tourna ment at O'Neill. Jan 27-31 Combelt conference i tourney at Tilden. Feb. 4 -Clearwater, there. Feb. 7—Battle Creek, here, i Feb. 11 Oakdale, here. Feb. 21—Stuart, tttere. Feb. 24-28 — District class C tournament (to be determined). --1 Welcome to O’Neill’s TURKEY DAY Saturday, Nov. 30th Register for Your Turkey at the Chamber of Commerce Headquarters Harrington Agency — Fourth & Douglli 75 TURKEYS Will Be Given Away! ONE TO A FAMILY REGISTER EARLY . . . stay all day! One third of the dressed fowls will be given away at noon, one third at 4 p. m., and one-third at 8 p. m. One registration good for all drawings. Birds Valued at S5 Each To be distributed while they last! O’Neill’s Annual Turkey Day is under the auspices of the Chamber of Commerce 5 Hot Frosh Pep Coyote Prospects Witte Welcomes 5 Senior Vets CHAMBERS- Coach Bill Witte’s Chambers high Coyotes, after wrapping up a highlv-successful football campaign, have turned to the hardwood. Witte is build ing his cage team around five senior lettermen and, oddly enough, five hot frosh prospects The senior veterans are Rod Elkins, forward; Lonnie Taggart, guard; Kenny Thomson. cen*er; I Xxtg Dankert, guard, and Bob Klabenes, forward. Last year’s high scoring 6-3 center, Bill Young, transferred to Meridian, Ida., where he did well in football this p<jst season and was a regular. Meridian is com parable in size to O'Neill. The Chambers graders last year won the Sandhills Gateway conference grade basketball tour ney and finished second in the Holt county grade tourney. Five eighth graders on that team are competing for berths on Witte’s 1957-'58 varsity team as fresh men. They are Dean Smith, Butch Elkins. Danny Walters, Art Wintermote and Harlan Liesewald. Other prospects include Rich ard Grimes and Jim Cavanaugh, juniors; Boh Gardener and Eddie Fleek, sophomores; I^arry Swan son and Delbert Fleek, fresh men. Schedule: Dec. 3 Erieson, here. Dec. 6 Royal, here. Dec. 10 Meadow Grove, there*. Dec. 12 St Joseph (Atkinson), there. Dec. 17—Elgin, there*. Dec. 19 Oakdale, here*. Jan. 3 Bartlett, here*. Jan 6-10 — Sandhills Gateway conference tourney. Jan. 14—Spalding, here*. Jan. 17—Page, there*. Jan. 20-24- -Holt county tourna ment. Jan. 28—Inman, here*. Jan. 31 Atkinson, there*. Feb. 7—Orchard, there*. Feb. 14— Brunswick, here*. Feb. 21 -Clearwater, there*. "Volleyball games. Coyotes Post 6-1-1 Grid Record CHAMBERS It was six wins, one loss and one tie for the Chambers high gridders in six man circles during the 1957 sea son. Coach Bill Witte’s team plas tered Bartlett, 33-0; Oakdale, 33-0; Brunswick, 44-6; Meadow Grove, 46-12; Orchard, 52-13, and Humphrey, 44-6. They lost to Clearwater, 12-30, and had to settle with Elgin for a 6-6 tie. The Clearwater team, which handed the Coyotes their only loss, was rated in the top 10 six-man clubs in the state, according ta the Omaha World-Herald. ‘Balers’ Average’ Says Marv Boesen No Starting Team Yet Picked ATKINSON—Coach Mary Bo sen’s Atkinson high Balers are shaping up rapidly and are prep ping for the season's opener Tuesday. December 3. against St. Mary’s of O'Neill. The game will be played at Atkinson “We’ll put an average team on to the floor,” Coach Boesen pre dicted to The Frontier. "We don’1 have the sharp-shooting we had a year ago.” Only two lettermen reporting are Duane Humphrey and Jim Hendricks, both guards. Early scrimmages indicate that Dor Sladek, who has soared to 6-2Ms will get the center nod and it's likely Paul Focken will earn a starting berth at forward. “I don’t have a starting five picked yet,” Boesen insisted “They’ll be plenty of shifting anc substituting.” Bill Baker and Ken Prussa both juniors, are strong candi dates; also Roger Dobias, a soph omore, who has been getting ir some varsity scrimmaging. Othei top candidates include Bryar Martens, Elvon Anderson amc Gary Hitchcock. Schedule; Dec. 3—St. Mary's (O’Neill), here. Dec. 5- Ainsworth, here*. . Dec. 10—Valentine, here*. Dec. 13—Springview, there*. Dec. 17—Long Pine. here. Dec. 20—O’Neill high, there*. Jan. 7—Butte, there. Jan. 10—Stuart, there. Jan. 114—Wood Lake, here. Jan. 17—Burwell, here. Jan. 20-24—Holt county tour ney at O’Neill. Jan. 28—Bassett, there*. Jan. 31 Chambers, here. Feb. 3-7—North-Central toume> at Ainsworth. Feb. 11—Page, here. Feb. 14— St. Joseph s of Atkin son. Feb. 18—Inman, here. Kelley Sidelined but Inman Romps INMAN—Roland Hansen, wh< took the place of the regular cen ter. Ned Kelley, sick in a hospita with the flu, pumped in 22 point here Thursday night to beat Roy al, 75-44. in a basketball game Francis, who led Royal with 1 points, was a constant scorini threat against Inman. Defensive play of Sam Watsoi and Neal Kelley was a big hel] to Inman's cause. Score by quarters: Royal 9 10 11 14—4 Inman 17 1? 20. 19—7 Legal Notices (First pub. November 14. 1957) ROAD PETITION TO THE HONORABLE COUNTY BOARD OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA: We the Undersigned electors of Holt County, Nebraska, residing within five miles of the following described road, hereby petition your honorable body to' grant and establish a County Road, 66 feet wide, described as follows, to-wit: Commencing at the Southeast Comer of Section | 1, in Township 30, Range 9, run ning thence West between Sec tions 1 and 12, 2 and 11, 3 and I 10, 4 and 9, 5 and 8, 6 and 7, to the Southwest Corner of Section 6, Township 30, Range 9, to con nect with County Road and there terminate. Also beginning at the South west Comer of Section 2, Town ship 30, Range 9, running thence North 1 Mile to connect with County Road. And to remove from the Coun ty Road System, beginning at the Northeast Comer of Section 3. in Township 30, Range 9, running thence West a Distance of 4 miles to the Northwest Corner of Sec tion 6, in Township 30, Range 9. A hearing will he held on the above ROAD PETITION on No-1 vember 29, 1957 at !1:00 A M., in the Holt County Courthouse, O'Neill, Nebr. Kenneth Waring Holt County Clerk 1 29-31c (First pub. Nov. 14, 1957). William W. Griffin, Attorney NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 4217 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY. NEBRASKA, NOVEMBER 1. 1957. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CHARIJ5S M. Mc MANUS, DECEASED. CREDITORS of said estate are hereby notified that the time lim ited for presenting claims against said estate is March 5, 1958, and for the payment of debts is No vember 7, 1958 and that on De cember 5, 1957, and on March 6, 1958, at 10 o’clock A. M., each day, I will be at the County Court Room in said County to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. LOUIS W. REIMER, County Judge (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 29-31 c (First pub. Nov. 14, 1957) William P. Kelley, attorney NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL Estate No. 422S COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF JAMES J. KELLY, DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO All. CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for the probate of the will of said deceas ed, and for the appointment of i Mary R. Kelly as Executrix thereof, which will be for hearing in this court on December 2, 1957, j at 10 o'clock A. M LOUIS W. REIMER County Judge (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 29- 31 _ • First pub. Nov. 21, 1957) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL Estate No. 4226 COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY. NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF JOHN D. PRUSS, DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALI. CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a • petition has been filed for the probate of the will of said deceas ed, and for the appointment of Mary F. Pruss as Executrix thereof, which will be for hear ing in this court on December 12. 1957, at 10 o'clock A M. LOUIS W. REIMER County Judge, i COUNTY COURT SEAL) 30- 32 (First pub. Nov. 21, 1957). Francis D. Lee, Attorney NOTICE FOR PETITION FOR ADMINISTRATION Estate No. 4229 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA, NOVEMBER 20, 1957. IN THE MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF J. VICTOR JOHNSON, DECEASED. Notice is hereby given to all IB'-111 Amelia News Mr and Mrs Bill Sammons and Mrs Margie Sammons called on Mr. and Mrs. Bus Gilman Sunday November 17. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Black more attended the funeral of Jess Hupp at Butte Saturday The "come as you dress at home” services at the Methodist church Sunday morning was well attended. Mr. and Mrs. John Cearns of Scotsbluff, Mr and Mrs. Ernest Gruenberg and daughters of Stuart \isited their parents. Mr and Hrs William Fryrear Sunday Mr and Mrs. Vernon Berry went to Grand Island Saturday evening to visit her parents. Mr and Mrs. August Boltz. Mrs. Edith Anderson and Flor- j ence Lindsay visited Mrs. Julia | White Sunday afternoon Mrs. An derson also called at the hospital j to see William Seger. Rev. Ivan Turner of Ewing,1 pastor of the Bethany Free Meth odist church near Amelia, was making pastoral calls in the community the past week. Special services were held at the church in the evenings. Mrs. Stella Sparks and Lonnie were shopping in O'Neill Tuesday evening, November 20. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Adams had some remodeling done in their house recently. Mrs. Eva Backhaus has been helping at the Clyde Burge home this week while they are picking com. Mr. and Mrs. Rusty Adair and Allen visited at the Bus Gilman home Sunday evening. Mrs. Orland Fryrear and pupils of the Swan Lake school gave a program and box social Friday evening. A large crowd was pre sent and about $45 was realized from the sale of the boxes Troxell Green was auctioneer. M!r. and Mrs. Gene Lierman and daughters went to Freeman S.D., to visit Mrs. Liermans brothers, John and Dan Penner Another brother, Allen Penner, was to fly there from Belleville, Mich., to join the group. E. V. Segeser was a dinner guest at the home of his nephew, Vern Sageser, Friday. Mr. and Mrs Elmer Oetter and aaugniers, L,ana Kay ana Janetn, visited at the Bus Gilman home Tuesday evening. Mrs. Rosa Snelson of Atkinson is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Del bert Edwards, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Dusatko and family of Emmet were Sun day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Adair and Allen. Mrs. Elmer Fix, Leone and Donnie, Mrs. Lyle Fix and sons, Rodney and Scotty visiti-d Mis. Don Parsons at Ewing Saturday. The Parsons had returned from California Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Keefe and family of Sargeant were dinner guests Sunday at the Gene Han sen home. They also called on other old neighbors in the com munity. Will Davis shucked corn for Vern Sageser last week. Mrs. Harlan Dierking, Mrs. Asa Watson and Mrs. Irvin Forbes at tended the Merry Matron club at the home of M!rs Harvey Hansen near Atkinson Thursday. Mrs. Violet Allen and Gene of Burwell called at the Lindsey home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Small of At kinson called on Vern Sageser Saturday and then went on to visit their daughter, Mrs. Roy Fullerton, and family. Mrs. August Pospechal and Mrs Edgar Peterson have been var nishing and pblishing the pews at the Catholic church the past week. Mr. and Mrs. M. B Kennedy persons interested in said estate that a petition has been filed in said Court for the appointment of Stanley V. Johnson as Admin istrator of said estate, and will be heard December 12, 1957 at 10 o’clock A. M., at the County Court Room in O’Neill, Nebraska. LOUIS W. REIMER County Judge. (COIi'NTY COURT SEAL) 30-32c CATTLE Mostly calves for the next 4 weeks early listings are paying; (phone or write us). Butte Livestock Market Butcher Hog season is here. We have improved and enlarged our pens for better service. Rill Hansen, Mgr. ”11 and Harold and Pat Kennedy were O'Neill callers Saturday Mr and Mrs Bus Gilman were O'Neill and Neligh callers Friday Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Widman went to Harrison and Alliance Wednesday. November 20 to at tend a Nebraska School Improve ment association meeting. They were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ben ton Marshall at Crawford Marcia stayed with the Sagesers while they were away. They returned home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Urban and their son-in-law, Ray Wichland of Holdrege, visited at the Ernie Johnstons over the weekend. Mrs Urban is Mr Johnston's sister. Mrs. Keith McMillan and dau ghter of Chandlers visited at th. George Fullerton home Saturday Little Barbara Thompson spent Wednesday, November 20. with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Bus Gilman. Ken Werner has l>een installing a new trunk line from Amelia to Chandlers This will make two outlets on that telephone line. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn White and daughter, Venita, and Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Barnett planned to mmi ■ leave Wednesday to spend Thanksgiving in Colorado. Mr. ami Mrs Barnett will visit the Lawrence Barnetts at Greeley and the Whites will go to Denver to the Jack Miltons. Grandpa White, who has been with his daughter, Mrs Jack Milton, will return home with the Whites. Mr and Mrs. Remard Black mon' drove to Lincoln Friday to attend a S; leeial meeting of the Odd Fellows lodge. Sovereign Grand Master James Elliot of Ohio was the speaker. They re turned home Friday. Ewing News Mrs. Caroline Sanders was hos tess Thursday afternoon at a par ty at her home Entertainment was in charge of Mrs. Wegner of Creighton. Refreshments were served. Mi-s, Robert Tams, sr, and children transacted business in Neligh Thursday after school hours. Mrs Nellie Wilcox, home ec onomics instructor in the Ewing hi>;h school, left for her home at Kearney, She was met at Grand Island by relatives. Frontier wont ads don't cast . . they pay! ur. ii u. OPTOMETRIST Northeast Corner of 4th St Douglas O NEILL, NERR. Phone 167 Office Hours: W Kyt'H hxu mined tiiuanea Fitted Monday Thru Saturday Meadow Gold Milk Carton Tops for Prizes PROGRAM will be completed December 1st All caps and tops must be in our office on or before December 15th, 1957. ! i 5 Beatrice Foods Co. I PUBLIC AUCTION ■■■HNNHHUHUUNNUIHHMNBUNNHBNNHUNI Four Room All-Modern Dwelling Home To be removed from premises located one block North and one-half block East of Public School on John street, t on— Tuesday, December 3rd, 1957 — at 1:30 P. M.— • Property will absolutely be sold to highest bidder. • Dwelling is a flat one-story structure and can easily be moved. • All fixtures including bathroom fixtures, wiring and storm windows go with dwelling. j • Anyone wishing to inspect the property may do so by contacting the auctioneer or attorney. TERMS OF SALE: Cash Col. Wallace O'Connell AUCTIONEER John R. Gallagher ATTORNEY OPPORTUNITY AND RESPONSIBILITY at THMGGIYIHG / ' It This year, as thousands of Nebraskans are offering thanks, one of the thoughts might well be—we are thankful for the new and modern way of tiling through the use of electricity. To over 360,000 Nebraskans living in more than 350 cities, towns, villages, and on thousands of farms, Consumers Public i Power District is happy to have had a part in the development of opportunities for the growth of Nebraska. The future looks even I greater—more jobs, more income, and higher standard of living for everyone. Looking to the future electrical require ments of Nebraska, Consumers Public Power District pledges its every effort to ward a continuation of providing adequate power — power for the needs of today, as well as tomorrow, at the lowest possible • cost. CONSUMERS PUBLIC POWER DISTRICT | I__