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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1957)
Rural Pupils Tour The Frontier Pupils from two rurnl Holt county schools In the Atkinson locality Friday took a 90-minute tour of The Frontier. Pictured are (left-to-right i: First row Dennie Schaaf (991, Joe Schaaf (991, Billy Gili? (99), Elinor Brown (119), Leona Rossman (119), Mary Rookstool (119), Fred Rookstool (119), Johnny Schaaf (99); Second row Riche .-d Black (119), Annette Schaaf (991, Evelyn Braun (119), Retta R<x>kstool (119), Loris Black (119), Tommie Gilman (119», Marion Rookstool (119); third row— Margie Gilg < 99», Carolyn Carr <99>, Robert Gil man (119), Reba Rookstool (119>, Bonnell Gilman (119i, Jack Gilman »119». Melvin Rossman (119). Mrs Lydia Medcalf, teacher of district 119, and Mrs. Ethel Linville, teacher of district 99, are not pictured. The Frontier Photo. Legal Notices (First pub. October 31, 1957) NOTICE OF SUIT TO: Mary Elizabeth Tiehl Kline, trustee under the Will of Cath erine Kohler; The heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of Catherine Tiehl, deceased, real names unknown; and all persona having or claim ing any interest in Lots 12, 13 and 14 in Block 23 in the subdivi sion en titlixi Blocks 21 to 24 in clusive. of Ewing, Holt County, Nebraska, real names unknown, defendants. You and each of you are here by notified that on the 28th day of Octol>er, 1957, Mary L. Rother ham as plaintiff, filed her peti tion in the District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, against you as defendants, the object and prayer of which is to quiet and confirm the title in her, the said j Mary L Rotherham, to the real estate hereinabove specifically j described as against you and j each of you and to secure a De cree of Court that you have no j interest in, right or title to, or lien upon said real estate, or any part thereof; and for general equitable relief. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 9th day of December, 1957. Dated this 29th day of October, 1957. MARY L. POTHERHAM, Plaintiff BY JULIUS D. CRONIN Her Attorney (First pub. November 14, 1957) ROAD PETITION TO THE HONORABLE COUNTY HOARD OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA: We the Undersigned electors of Holt County, Nebraska, residing within five miles of the following described road, hereby petition your honorable body to grant and establish a County Road, 66 feet wide, described as follows, to-wit: Commencing at the Southeast Corner of Section 1, in Township 30, Range 9, run ning thence West between Sec tions 1 and 12, 2 find 11, 3 and 10, 4 and 9, 5 and 8, 6 and 7, to the Southwest Comer of Section 6. Township 30, Range 9, to con nect with County Road and there terminate. Also beginning at the South west Comer of Section 2, Town ship 30, Range 9, running thence k . 1 North 1 Mile to connect with County Road. And to remove from the Coun ty Road System, beginning at the ' Northeast Comer of Section 3, in Township 30, Range 9, running thence West a Distance of 4 miles to the Northwest Comer of Sec tion 6, in Township 30, Range 9. A heft ring will be held on the above ROAD PETITION on No vember 29, 1957 at 11:00 A. M., in the Holt County Courthouse, O’Neill, Nebr. Kenneth Waring Holt County Clerk 29-31c — (First pub. Nov. 7, 1957.) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 4218 | IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA, OCTOBER 31, 1957. IN THE MATTER OF THE ' ESTATE OF OSCAR HAMMER BERG, DECEASED. CREDITORS of sai destate are hereby notified that the time limited for presentnig claims against said estate is February 27, 1958. and for the payment of debts is October 31, 1958 and that on November 27, 1957, and on February 28, 1958, at 10 o’clock A. M., each day, I will be at the County Court Room in said Coun ty to receive, examine, hear, al low, or adjust all claims and ob jections duly filled. LOUIS W. REIMER County Judge. (County Court Seal) 28-30 (First pub. Nov. 14, 1957). William W. Griffin, Attorney NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 4217 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA, NOVEMBER 7, 1957. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CHARLES M. Mc MANUS, DECEASED. CREDITORS of said estate are hereby notified that the time lim ited for presenting claims against said estate is March 5, 1958, and for the payment of debts is No vember 7, 1958 and that on De cember 5, 1957, and on March 6, 1958, at 10 o’clock A. M., each day, I will lie at the County Court Room in said County to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. LOUIS W. REIMER, County Judge i COUNTY COURT SEAL) 29-31 c " 1' "1 SALE Due to my husband's death, I will sell the following personal property at public auction at the place located % mile west of Butte, Nebr., on— Friday, November 29 Sale Starts at 1:00 P. M. Lunch oil Grounds 27 — Head of Angus Cattle — 27 20 Black Angus cows to calf in early spring—an outstanding set of young cows, T. B. and Bangs tested; 1 registered 2-year old Angus bull; 6 coming yearling heifers, vet. vaccinated for Bangs. Farm Machinery 1952 Super C IHC tractor with the following 1952 equipment: -mounted plow, mounted com planter complete with 120 rods check wire, mounted mower, mounted cultivator, mounted list er and fertilizer attachment for lister, Comfort Cover for C tractor; 1949 H International tractor, new tires; '56 Ford model 860 tractor, used very little; '45 Ford tractor; new side deliv ery rake; hay sweep to fit Ford tractor; Oliver plow, 2-bottom 14-in. to fit Ford; Massey Harris 7-ft. Clipper combine with mo tor and pickup attachment: 32-ft. Kelly Ryan elevator, 6 h.p. motor for elevator. Massey Harris 10-ft. windrower; No. 24 com picker. 4 years-old; 15-ft IHC disc; 4-section IHC harrow; 2-row IHC eli; IHC endgate seeder with grass seed attachment; rotary hoe: IHC manure spreader; weed sprayer; Case rubber tired gear with 100-bushel box with new floor; IHC rubber tired gear with hay rack; kerosene brooder stove, shovels, spades; forks; etc.; feed bunks; 12-ft. row boat; rubber tired boat trailer with beat and motor. 4 GEESE Grain and Feed 100 bushels of Fall Wheat; 50 bushels of Rye; 300 round bales of Alfalfa; 50 tons of Alfalfa in stack. TERMS OF SALE: CASH. If credit is wanted, make arrange mento with the clerk before the sale. No property to be re moved until settlement is made. Mrs. Dwight Carmichael Lester Pearson A Marvin Larsen, Auctioneers Butte State Bank, Clerk (First pub. Nov. 14, 1957) William P. Kelley, attorney NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL Estate No. 4225 COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF JAMES J. KELLY, DFCFASFD THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for the probate of the will of said deceas ed. and for the appointment cf Mary R. Kelly as Executrix thereof, which will be for hearing in this court on December 2, 1967, at 10 o'clock A. M. LOUIS W. REIMER County Judge (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 29-31 Celia News Fourteen members of Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society met i with Mrs. Omer Poynts with Mrs. Mark Hendricks co-hostess. They packed Christmas boxes for Brainard Indian school at Hot Springs, S.D.; Hephzebah Orphan age in Georgia; and Niobrara In dian work at Niobrara. Saturday, November 9, Mrs. ■ Mark Hendricks took a car load of Atkinson high school pupils to I Bassett for the drama clinic j which was held there that day. I Around 150 persons were in at-; tendance. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Beck and Sheryl were Saturday evening visitors at the home of Mrs. O. A. Hammerberg. Alex Forsythe was a Saturday evening visitor at the William Maloun home. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Heiser and son, Gerald, were Friday evening visitors at the Duane Beck home. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Johnson spent Saturday and Sunday at the ranch helping John Sichene der. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence House and daughter moved to Willis Peterson ranch north of Stuart. Wednesday. Sunday they were dinner guests at the Mr. and Mrs. Marks home. Mrs. Mark Hendricks and Mar kita, Mrs. Clarence Focken and Karen, Mrs. Leonard Chaffin. Mrs. George Mintle, Mrs William Maloun. Mrs. Milton McKathnie. Mrs. Beryl Beck, Mrs. O. A. Ham merberg and Mrs. Inez Hayes worked at the Storjohnn form sale Saturday, November 16, serving lunch to the crowd attending the sale. Ilene Johnson of York came Wednesday, November 13, to visit at the Hans and Louis Lauridson homes. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Ruda and ; Isla of Bristow were Sunday din- I ner guests at the Hans Lauridsen [ home. Mr. and Mrs. William Maloun' and Billy were Sunday afternoon i visitors at the Duane Beck home. I Thursday evening, November 14. the fathers of Atkinson football team treated their sons to supper at Humphreys Cafe. After ward several went up to the high school for the American educat ion w'eek activities which the school put on, others were treated to movies at the Miller theater. The Balers won seven out of eight games, giving Atkinson high one of the best football records in recent years. All but two of the regulars will graduate next spring. Vote $25 Gift to Hospital— The Goldenrod extension club met at the home of Mrs. Dick Minton Wednesday evening, Nov ember 13. with 15 members and six visitors present Roll call was answered by giving a current news item. The visitors were: Mrs. Rynold Cimfel, Mrs. Dallas Behrens, Mrs. Dick Minton, Jr., and baby daughter, Miss Anna Judge and Mrs Gerald McDer mott. The meeting opened with the extension club song and flag sal ute. Club voted to give $25 to St. Anthony's hospital and a $10 gift to Donna Mae Fuhrer for Christ mas. On Monday, November 9, . the club will meet at the home of Mrs. Oliver Ross to make tray, favors for the hospital. The lesson for the evening was entitled "The Lady and the Law”, ! It was presented by Mrs. Anna Jilg and Mrs. Dorothy Graves. SLIMLINER REDUCING MACHINE Alice’s Beauty Sho Phone 2*3-O'Neill PROCEEDINGS OF HOLT corvrv supervisors MTNITES OK SPECIAL MEETING Meeting of District Number 136, hell August 23, 1957. at 3:00 P M , was called to order by Garold Butler Motion. It was moved by Mildred Hoatson to raise a fund of twenty-five hun dred < $2,500,00 > for the purpose of moving and remodeling and modernizing north school house. Motion was seconded by Helen Slaymaker. Number of votes for 15. Number of votes against 0. Motion carried. Motion It was moved by Mar garet Ninas to levy a special tax of 5 mills on the dollar of all valuation in the distrirt for such time as required to raise $2,500.00, and this to be effective for the taxable year 1957, Motion was seconded by Frank Janak, Number of votes for 15. Number of votes against 0. Mo tion carried. Motion: It was moved by Helen Slaymaker to authorize the school lioard to issue warrants in ad vance to the amount of 85% of the fund and to proceed immed iately with the moving and re modeling and modernizing north school house. Motion was sec onded by Genevieve Sandall. Number of votes for 15. Number of votes against 0. Motion car 1— ■ , ried. Motion. It was moved by Ora Yarges the site of the new school to be the southwest comer ot the southeast quarter of Section 20, Township 31. Range 16 Mo tion was seconded by Frank Janak Number of votes for 13, number of votes against 2. Mo tion carried. Julian Sandall, Secretary Motion was made by Mildred Moatson and seconded "by Helen Slay maker whether to build a new school house or move and re model and modernize the old one Votes for 14 votes, against one blank. Motion was made by Ora Yar ges to vote on which School House to be moved, seconded by Mild red Hoatson. Number of votes tc move south school house for O. against 15. Number of votes to move north school for 15 against O. Carried to move and remodel and modernize north school house. Minutes were read and ap- i proved. It was moved by Gene- I vieve Sandall to adjourn meeting. Motion was seconded by Ora Yar ges, numlier of votes for 15, and number of votes against O. Mot ion carried. Meeting adjourned at j 4 :45 P.M., this 23rd day of August I 1957 All voting done by Ballot, j i Signed Julian Sandall, Secretary. I Legal Voter Present at Special Meeting of Angust 23, 1967 • Julian Sandall, Lee Hyland Ora R Yarges Mildred Hoatson, Genevieve Sandall Margaret E Ninas, Harlan Ninas Wesley R Slaymaker, Berdena Butler, Gar old M. Butler. Lots Hyland, La vt in Straeke, Frank Janak, Earl \V Hoatson, Helen L. Slaymaker 12:00 Noon. On motion the Board adjourned until 1:00 P M O'Neill. Nebr. Sept 30, 1957 1:00 P M. The Holt County Board of Sup ervisors met as per adjournment All memlvers present. A delegation from Willowdale Township appeared before the1 Board with a Petition to add six miles to the County Road System. After discussion the Board ad vised circulation of a new Petit ion with the clause to withdraw four miles and addition of seven miles. 3:00 P.M. On motion the Board adjourned until October 16, 1957 at 10:00 A M Frank Cronk Kenneth Waring CHAIRMAN COUNTY CLERK CREIGHTON Frank E Wi ner, 90. of Creighton, died at Lundberg Memorial hospital Thursday, November 7. WANTED: AGENT \V u> can qualify ? W e are in the process I ot placing a new agent in O’Neill territory writing auto, truck, tire, life and all types of liability insurance. For Information Please Contact: B. V, HOLMES, district agent j Broken Bow, Nebr. Phone TR 2-5381 \ - DISSOLVING PARTNERSHIP 966-Acre Improved Holt Co. Ranch, Dairy Herd & Feed BECAUSE OF A DISSOLUTION of partnership, the following described real estate and personal property will be offered at public auction on the premises located 20 miles south of O Neill on U.S. Highway 281 and 1 mile west, OR 4 miles east of Chambers on State Highway 95 (hardsurfaced) and 2 miles south, on — Wednesday, November 27th Sale to Start at 1 P.M._Bethany Ladies Will Serve Lunch THE LAND 966-Acre Sub-Irrigated Ranch THE LAND This ranch consists of very good bottom, sub-irrigated land and the entire ranch could be hayed. Ranch is ideally fenced and cross-fenced. Abundance of water, including three lVi-inch flowing wells, two wind mills, two 3-inch flowing wells, one electric well, one well for irrigating nice garden plot. LOCATION Ranch is Ideally located one mile from international U.S. Highway 284; six miles from good town (Chambers) with four-grade high shool; one mile to rural school; daily mall route three-fourths of a mile from house; REA and dial telephone. TERMS & CONDITIONS Real estate will be offered in units of 320 acres and 046 acres, or al together, in a manner which will be productive of the most money. Twenty-five percent is to be paid down on day of sale; balance will become due and payable upon possession on March 1, 1958. NOTE; A loan on the balance with attractive repayment terms may be arranged through the broker, VIRGIL LAURSEN, O’Neill, Nebr. INSPECTION INVITED Your inspection of the premises anytime before the sale Ls Invited. Prospective bidders should contact VIRGII, LAURSEN, O’NLIIJ,, NEBR., PHONE 434, or one of the owners, for Inspection and/or additional informa tion. The owners' address: CHAMBERS, NEBR. The Improvements DWELLING — SEVEN ROOMS AND BATH Modern except heat. Built-In cupboards. Double sink. Fireplace. Lawn was re-seeded this Fall. GOOD WASH HOUSE With hot and cold water and drain. GARAGE, 18’ x 24’ CHICKEN HOUSE, 16’ x 24’ CEMENT CAVE with fruit shelves LARGE CATTLE BARN, 28’ x 72’ DAIRY BARN, 40’ x 48’ With eight stanchions; 8’ x 12’ milk room is attached to barn. j Legal Description UNIT A 6-16 ACHES, Section 2, Township 25, Range 12, llolt County, Nebr. This unit contains Improvements | UNIT B 320 ACRES, South Half of Section 35, Township 26, Range 12, Holt County Nebr. Herd of Milk & Stock Cows 1—Brown Swiss COW, fresh 30 days 1— Holstein-Swiss COW, fresh 60 days 9—Swiss COWS, milking now WUl be fresh In March and April 2— Swiss-Roan COWS, milking now Will be fresh In March and April 1—Swiss-Holstein COW, milking now 4—Mixed Milk COWS, milking now 1—Holstein COW, milking now 2—Swiss HEIFERS, to be fresh in spring 5—Yearling Swiss HEIFERS, open 1 Yearling Holstein-Swiss HEIFER, open 1—Yearling Roan-Swiss HEIFER, open 4—Swiss Heifer CALVES —3—Swiss Bull CALVES Several Bucket CALVES 1—Swiss Bull CALF, 6-mos. artificial breeding 1—Swiss BULL - 4-Whiteface Stock COWS Note: AU milk rows will be milked at 5 p.m., the day preceding the nle and at 5 a. m., the day ot the nale. Inspection Invited. OTHER LIVESTOCK: 1—Bred Gilt 1—Buckskin Mare, 5-yrs.-old, very well broke; 1—Sucking Mare Colt; I 1—Span of Molly Mules, very well broke 60—Stacks Prairie Hay —Some Household Gc:is & Miscellaneous Small Items — TERMS—CASH Merlin & Gladys Grossnicklaus & Gladys Fittje VIRGIL LAURSEN, O’Neill, Real Estate Broker I MERLIN GROSSNICKLAUS, Auctioneer CHAMBERS STATE BANK, Chambers, Nebr., Clerk J