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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1957)
Deer Hunt Sets Series of Records UNCQLN Stati- Game Com mi'sion Director Mel Steen Wi'd n«-><Ih\ described the state's 1957 ili -i r: intint: .wason as a ‘‘fabu lotr success", with at least a doz en fleer hunting records estab lished The marks and pre\ ious highs: 1. largest number of rifle hunters 12,174 (8,198 in 1956). 2 ! -trgrst number of archers —658 <275 in 1956), 3, Largest number of deer taken by rifle hunters 7,875 (in complete total), (6,571 in 1956c 4 Largest number of deer taken by archers 78 ) 28 in 1956>, 5. Highest success percentage by archers 11.85 per cent (10 per cent in 1956). 6 Largest number of permits authorized 16,400 ( 9.600 in 1956). 7. Largest number of deer taken by all hunters 7,953 (in complete total), (6,589 in 1956). 8 Largest open area for ar ehers All counties (only 21 coun ties and Bessey Division of Ne braska National Forest in 1956). 9. Largest number of coun ties open to rifle hunters 32 (31 in 1956). 10. Largest mule deer—310 pouhds hog-dt>w<sed (245 pounds in 1952). 11 largest white tail deer 289 pounds hog-dressed (235 pounds, in 1956). 12. Most years without a hunt ing fatality- 10. The record mule deer was tak en by John Wilson of Ogallala. Benjamin Garcia of Gibbon shot the record white tail. For a time Cletus Durr of Stu art held white tail laurels His white tall, shot north of Stuart, hog-dressed at 249 pounds. Page Building Around 3 Vets PAGE Coach L. Cull of Page high school is building the 1957 ’58 basketball team around three veterans Dick Cork, guard; Gary Bowen, forward, and James Nis sen, guard. Nissen is a junior; Bowen and Cork are seniors Leading prospects are Dennis Kemper, Clair Parks, Ronald Parks, Dennis Ickes, Dennis Cork. Lynn Larsen and Harold Freemyer. Schedule: Home games- Royal, Novem ber 26; Orchard Decemt>er 10; In man December 13; Chambers January 17; Brunswick January 31. Elgin February 7; St. Ludg er’s February 18. Games awaj St. Joseph's De cenilier 4; Ewing December 6; Clearwater December 20; Mea dow Grove January 14; Oakdale January 28; Lynch February 4; Atkinson February 11; Stuart February 14. Page will also participate in the Sandhills Gateway tourna ment January 16-10 und the Holt County tournament January 21-24 O’Neillite Renamed to State Office Miss Sharon Swanson was crowned Nebraska honey queen at the annual banquet of the Ne braska Honey Producers associa tion at Lincoln. The 16-year-old 4-H club mem ber is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Holland Swanson of Burwell., She demonstrated her skill at baking with honey by exhibiting a frosted cake .refrigerator cookies, fudge and refrigerator tolls all made with honey. The honey queen contest is s[X)iisored by the Honey Bees, auxiliary of the state association. Charles Moosman of Valentine is the president; R. D. Sidwell of Kearney, vice-president; and Mrs. Charles Beilin of O’Neill, secre tary-treasurer. Moosman and Sidwell also were recommended as Nebraska dele gates to the National Beekeepers Federation meeting in Columbus, O., in January. Stannard 20 Years with Occidental William B. Stannard, a native of O'Neill, recently observed his 20th anniversary with Occidental Life Insurance company of Cal ifornia. Sta nnard, vice-president in charge of agencies, entered the insurance business 30 years ago and joined Occidental in 1937. He was elected a vice-president of the company in 1949. Active in various civic and in surance organizations, Stannard currently is president of the Life Insurance Agency Management association. Stannard resides in Ling Beach, Calif. He is a brother of I-aura Burks and Evelyn Stannard of O'Neill Pinochle Winners Feted by Losers EWING—The six winners of a series of games of the Young Matrons' Pinochle club were en tertained Tuesday evening by the losers at the home of Mrs. Archie Tuttle, assisted by Mesdames Rose Bauer, R H. Shain, Gail Boies, Ray Funk and Kermft Jefferies. Honored guests were Mesdames Elvin Hamilton, Ar thur Kropp, R D. Edwards, Ja mes Boies, Thomas Eacker and Ralph Munn. Mrs. Leland Wel ke was an invited guest. She al so received high score for the evening games. A Thanksgiv ing theme , was carried out in decorations and the luncheon menu. Guest Wins— NJJF bridge club met with Mrs. George Janousek Thursday, November 14. Guests were Mrs. John Watson, Mrs Wendel Nel son and Mrs. Lawrence Haynes. High score was won by Mrs. Wat son. * Sick & Injured O'NEILL T J. ("Tommy Ike" Donohoe, 89, is still confined t< his home hut is recovering from i three-weeks’ seige of influenza Louis Wray returned Friday from a iO-day stay in the veter ans hospital in Grand Island where iio received medical at tent ion. . Families having flu ire the IXirven Hippies, Glenr Getterti, Walter Meiers. Roherl Mlinars. Oliver Rosses and D. D, Deficits, . . Leo Matthews ha? I een seriously ill in St Anthony’s hospital, suffering from Influenza and complications. 11 is condi tion is "improved”. . . Jame? Conway, who had been ill twt weeks with influenza returned tt ; work this week. . . Mrs. Wavnc | (Beverly) Sanders was taken tc ; St. Anthony's hospital early Wed nesday. She became ill while | it work. . . Mrs. M. A Schell kopf was taken by ambulance early Sunday to St. Anthony's hospital here. F'MMET Bill Teske returned to Veteran’s hospital at Grand Island Tuesday to undergo sur gery. He spent the past week at home after being in the hospital for many weeks. . . Henry’ Grun ke was taken by ambulance to Veteran's hospital in Grand Is land last week. . , Mrs R. B. South returned to her home in Tnman Tuesday after spending a week with her daughter, Mrs. John Conard, following her re lease from Atkinson Memor ial hospital. CHAMBF1RS Mrs. Erna Tuck er returned home from St. An thony's hospital, Wednesday, No vember 13, after having submit ted to surgery earlier. . . Elmer Iwnz returned home from St An thony’s hospital where he had lieen following a heart attack. . Mrs. Darrell Walling returned Wednesday from a stay at St. Anthony’s. AIKINSON Michael Shonka, eight-months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Shonka, was dismissed Tuesday from the hospital after eight days of treatment f o r double-pneumonia. His condition was "critical” for a time. RIVERSIDE- Mrs. Lionel Gun ter and Paul had dental work done in^ O’Neill Saturday morn ing. . . Gary Lee Montgomery’ has the measles. Chambers Native Dies in Canada CHAMBERS — Mrs. Grace Kemp, 76, of Tisdale, Sack., Can , died Friday. She was a daughter of the late Mr and Mrs. W. H. Jeffers and was reared in the Chambers com munity. She had made her home in Canada for many years. Her husband was killed in action dur ing World War I. Survivors include: Daughters Mrs. William Wait and Mrs. Wil liam Stitt, both of Tisdale: sis ter Mrs. Reed Beil of Chamtiers; brother Carl Jeffers of Cham bers; niece Mrs. Arthur Tibbetts of O'Neill; nephew Lyle Ha.mai of Chambers. < oniplcting Basic Training— ATKINSON Army Pvt. Her man C. Meyer, jr., whose par ents live in Atkinson, is schedul ed to complete eight weeks of | basic training December 7 under the reserve forces act program at n't. Leonard Wixid, Mo. The 21-year-old soldier, a 1954! graduate of Atkinson high school, was employed by Barnhart Press in Omaha before entering the army and prior to that was em ployed at The Frontier. Mrs Gydsen is Feted— Friends surprised Mrs. Herbert Gydsen on her birthday anniver sary Friday evening. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sivesind, Mr. and Mrs, Francis Gilg, Mr. and Carol McKay, Mr and Mrs. Fred Jones, Mr. and Mrs. John Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Philbrick, and Janice Turner and a friend. Cards were played and refresh ments were served. Brownies Select New Officers— New Brownie officers are Va Reane Gray, chairman; Joyce Ann Janzing, secretary; Ann Wol fe, treasurer and Marlene Mc Manus, reporter. We will make Christmas tree decorations at the next meeting. Wednesday we made head scarfs. Ann Wolfe served refreshments.— By Marlene McManus, reporter. Schneiders Honored— Sunday morning coffee guests of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ramold were Mr. and Mrs Wendel Babl of Emmet. Mr. and Mrs. John Shoe maker, and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Schneider. It was Mr. and Mrs. Schneider's 31st wedding anni versary. Has Party— Marchelle Mahon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Mahon, cele brated her second birthday anni versary Sunday. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Larry Henslik, Frank and Jerry of Niobrara and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Ma hon and Pat of Verdel. Six Years Old— Stephen Dierberger celebrated his sixth birthday anniversary afternoon with a party. Ten guests attended. Games were played and refreshments were served by his mother, Mrs. Gale Dierberger. Mrs. Kyster Hostess— Friendly Neighbor Extension dub met with Mrs. Ted Kyster Tuesday evening. Mrs. Clay John son. jr.. and Airs. Frank Eppen bach presented “Lady in the Law’’. Judge Liu is W. Reimer, a guest, answered law questions Club Meets— Alorrvmix met Tuesday after noon with Airs. Fred Robertson. A 1:30 dessert luncheon was ser ved. High scores went to Airs. H. L. Lindberg and Mrs. H. G. Kruse. 'i ule Windows Are Unveiled Yule windows in O Neill stores were unveiled Wednesday night as the city became ablate with colorful street decorations and aattractive Christ mas windows. Viewing the * 'onsumers Public Power district window display (painted on the j glass from inside) are (left-to-right): Ruth Ann Walker, Mary Jo Walker, Mrs. Char'es Pritchett and Mr. Pritchett. The artwork was mne by Miss Mary Lou Clausen, Consumers cashier at Bloom field. who has won window-decorating honors reg ularly in her home city. Four large red bells are suspended at the corner of Fourth and iXiuglas. O'Neill stores are to be open Thursday evenings until 9 from now until Christmas (except Thanks giving). The Frontier Photo. ruture subscribers on page 12). MONK Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Monk of O’Neill, a son, William David, weighing 7 opunds 9% ounces, born Friday, November 15, at St. Anthony’s hospital in O’Neill. TASLER -Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tasler of Atkinson, a son, Michael, weighing 8 pounds 10 ounces,! Ixirn Friday, November 15, at St. Anthony’s hospital in O’Neill. LYONS Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lyons of O'Neill, a daughter, Christy Jane, weighing 7 pounds 2 ounces, born Saturday, November 16, at St, Anthony’s hospital in O' Neill. THELANDER—Mr. and Mrs. Thelander of Orchard, a son, born S u n d a y, November 17 at the Plainview hospital. The baby died Wednesday. The Thelanders, who have three daughters, are former ly of O’Neill. The bahy died at 3 a.m., Wednesday, November 20. FARBER Mr. and Mrs. Lee Farber of Niobrara, a son, weigh ing 8 pounds 8 ounces, bom Sat urday, November 16, at Lund berg Memorial hospital in Creigh ton. Alice M. Schultz Rites at Elgin ELGIN Funeral services were held for Miss Alice Marie Schultz, 36, former resident of the Miller ville community south of Clear water, Saturday afternoon at the Presbyterian church. She died at her home in Emeryville, Calif., November 10, following an ex tended illness from cancer. Burial was in West Cedar Val ley cemetery. She was born at Elgin October; 13. 1021. She attended grade school at district 103 near Elgin■ and high school at Elgin and Clearwater. She moved to California in 1045. Survivors include: Father -Ar thur Schultz of Clearwater; bro ther Wesley of Wichita, Kans.; Sister Mrs Harry Shulz of Der by. Kans. She was preceded in death by her mother. NAMED TO COMMITTEE Rev. A. G. Gedwillo and Dale Wilson have been appointed to the Lions club sight conservation committee by Lions President Marry Petersen. ANNEAL MEETING ^ The annual meeting of the Holt County Aberdeen-Angus associa tion was held Tuesday evening at the E. L. Miner home and plans were mapped for a spring sale. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allendor fer of Omaha spent the weekend in O’Neill with relatives. Too Late to Classify (First pub. Nov. 21, 1957). Francis D. Lee, Attorney NOTICE FOR PETITION FOR ADMINISTRATION Estate No. 4229 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA, NOVEMBER 20, 1957. IN THE MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF J, VICTOR JOHNSON, DECEASED, Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in said estate that a petition has been filed in said Court for the appointment j of Stanley V. Johnson as Admin istrator of said estate, and will ! be heard December 12, 1957 at 10 ! o'clock A. M., at the County Court ] Room in O'Neill, Nebraska. LOUIS W. REIMER County Judge. (COITNTY COURT SEAL) 30-32c i FOR RENT: Three bedroom house. excellent condition, steam heat. Anna Brown, ph. > -J. 30p35 FOR RENT: 2-bedroom home conveniently located. — Phone 171-W, O'Neill. 30tf HELP WANTED: Married man ' for year around steady job. Good salary for the right man. —Write c/o Box F, O'Neill 30-31c Barney R. Gunter Expires in Idaho Formerly in Business at Ewing EWING Funeral services for Barney Ralph Gunter, 76, of Twin Falls, Ida., were held Friday, November 15, at Twin Falls mor tuary chapel with Rev. Walter A. MacArthur officiating. A former Ewing resident, Mr. Gunter, who was known as Bar ney, had been in failing health the past year. He died Tuesday, November 12. He was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Gunter and was born January 12, 1881 at Ewing. He married Maud Possum near Stafford April, 1906. They made their home on the Gunter homestead, north of Ew ing. In 1917 they moved to Ew ing, where Mr. Gunter operated a meat market. In 1925 they moved to Crawford, where he op erate! a feed store. They moved to Twin Falls in 1938 where he lived at the time of his death. Three children were horn to this union. A son, Lewis, died in infancy and a daughter, Marcella, died in 1918. Pallbearers were Roger Hus ton, Reese Glirk, Russell Riggs, Giles Carey, Inin Bodenstadt and Harley Mathers Honorary cas ket bearers were Harry Canrer, Charles Stark, W. A. Poe, Gus Schoth, Thomas Chilqueit and Guy Peters. Concluding services were conducted in Sunset Memor ial Park. Soloist was Mrs. Terry Sullivan, accompanied by Mrs. Stanley Phillips, organist. Survivors include: Widow — Maud of Twin Falls; son—Udel of Idaho; two grandchildren; brother DeWitt Gunter of Ew ing;; sister Mrs. Rose Beckman of Roanoke, 111.; several nieces and nephews. Regional Deaths Joe Nikle VERD1GRE — Joe Nikle of Vordigre expired early Monday, November 18, in Lundborg Mem orial hospital at Creighton. John Schaffer CREIGHTON—John Schaffer of Creighton died Sunday in Lund borg Memorial hospital here. Get your holiday bargains to night at St. Margaret’s Guild meeting at 8 o’clock at St. Mary’s gvm. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Smith of Grand Island visited over the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Katie Stems, and Mr. and Mrs. L. Tenborg. PROFITS OF $50 OR MORE WEEKLY — FULL OR PART TIME: Possible for Man or Wo man to supply famous, nation ally advertised Watkins pro ducts to customers in city of O’Neill. Established business, no investment Start now.— Write J. R Watkins Co., D-55, Winona, Minn. 29 and 31p BY MAIL OhhLR DAILY LINCOLN JOURNAL 6]/2 WEEKS SI YOU’LL GET Blondie, Orphan Annie, Ripley’s Believe It or Not, Grin and Bear It, Dr. Al ber E. Wiggam, Steve Canyon, Bobby Sox, David Lawrence. Stewart Alsop, Associated Press, United Press, Wire Photos, Wea ther Reports, Markets, Radio Programs, Dr. Alvarez. Nancy, Sports, Raymond Moley, Nor man Vincent Peale, H. I. Phil lips, Roscoe Drummond, Rob ert S. Allen, Angelo Patri, Mutt and Jeff, Abbie and Slats, Tarzan, Jane Arden, Mopsy, Points for Parents, Life’s like That, Little Debbie, Curly Kayoe, Crossword Puzzles. With the LINCOLN JOURNAL you get the Sunday practically fiee for some papers charge as much for daily only, as the Journal does including Sunday. By-mail offer in Nebraska and Northern Kansas — outside of Lancaster County — weeks $1.00 daily, 8% weeks Daily and Sunday $2.00, a year $7.00 daily, with Sunday $11.00. Order direct or through our office. County Court November 12 Jimmie D. Saw ; yer of Inman, faulty brakes, fin I ed $5 and $4 costs; officer R. L. I Gude. November 14 Gus Obermire of Atkinson, permitting minor to op erate motor vehicle, fined $10 and $4 costs, officer Donald J. Fiala. November 14 John A. Leisure of Ewing, fictitious number pla tes, fined $10 and $4 costs; offi cer—'R. L. Gude. November 14—Duane A. Hord of Ewing, overweight on capacity plates, fined $10 and $4 costs; of ficer—Clifford L. Kizzire. November 14 Carl L. Walters of Winner, S. D., overweight on capacity plates, fined $10 and $4 costs; officer Donald F. Rich ardson. November li> DuWaine Niklas son of St. Edward, night speed ing, fined $10 and $4 costs; offi cer—E. M. Ilastreiter. November 15 Larry I). Kra mer of Stuart, improper passing, fined $5 and $4 costs; officer Donald J. Fiala. November lt> James E. Ogg, driver for Everett Hampton Const. Co., of Ogallala, over weight on capacity plates, fined $10 and $4 costs; officer—Clifford L. Kizzire. November 16 Robert Merlin Cady of Wichita, Kans., daytime speeding, fined .$100 and $4 costs; officer R. L. Gude. November 18 George D. Doughty of Custer, S. D.. passing on hill, fined $10 and $4 costs; of ficer—E. M. ilastreiter. November 18 Frank II Park er of Seattle, Wash., daytime speeding, fined $10 and $4 costs; officer E. M. Hastrieter. November 18 W. T. Scott, dri ver for Western Pipe Protection Corp., of St. Louis, Mo., no re ciprocity, fined $10 and $4 costs; officer Clifford L. Kizzire. November 18—Donald J. Stump, driver for Ansel Maw of Lincoln, overweight on capacity plates, fined $10 and $4 costs; officer— Clifford L. Kizzire. November 19 William Turet ski of Vancouver, B. C., overgross j weight, fined $50 and $4 cost; offi cer Donald F. Richardson. November 19 — Charles E. zire. Sehonevvise, driver for Consum ers Public Power of O’Neill, over load on axle, fined $120 and $4 j costs; officer—Clifford L. Kiz zire. November 19 Arthur Raymond Emerson of Spirit Lake, la., over- j capacity plates, fined $10 and $4 costs; officer—Donald F. Rich ardson November 20 Marvin William Freese of Manson, la., over weight, fined $110 and $4 costs; officer Clifford L. Kizzire. November 20—Wayne Mundt, j driver for J. W. McNally of Ains worth, over capacity plates, fin-1 ed $10 and $4 costs; officer—Don ald F. Richardson. DISTRICTT COURT In the matter of delinquency of Kenneth Sanders, 15, filed No vember 16. News End of Com bat Training— PAGE—Army Pvt. Ronald R. Park, 21, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rol la F. Park, of Page, is scheduled to complete eight weeks of basic combat training December 7 under the reserve forces act pro gram at Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo. Park was graduated from Page high school in 1953 and from Neb raska State Teachers college in Wayne in 1957. Annual Dinner— The ladies of the Country club held their annual complimentary dinner at the Town House on Wednesday evening. Church Meeting— Circle I of First Presbyterian church will meet tonight (Thurs day) evening with Mrs. Harry Ressel. R8S Club Meet*— The RSS club met Thursday, November 14 at the home of Mrs. George Robertson. Mr. and Mrs. George Janousek Mrs. Vem Reynoldson and Mrs. Bob Lowery attended Legion aux iliary meeting at Stuart Monday night. Dr. Donald E. David OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Phone 2101 • Spencer Hospital Notes 'i wihown (0*N«N) Admitted: November 13 Mrs. Bruce Grimes of Chambers, Bruce Grimes of Chambers, Pat ricia Grimes of Chambers, Naomi Green of Chambers, IJovd Jolm son of O'Neill; 14 Delbert Carl of Ewing, Kenneth Peacock of O - Neill, Mrs. Edwin Krugman ot O'Neill, Audrey Bowden of O Neill, Mrs, Herb Jar >en of O' Neill, Mrs. Gerald M, nk of O - Neill; la Mrs William Turner of Chambers, Mrs. Charles Tasler of Atkinson. Neil Kelley oi Inman; 16 Mrs, Walter Lyons of O'Neill, Leo Matthews ol O’Neill, John Herigan, jr., ot O'Neill; 17 Mi's Catherine Sehullmeyer of O'Neill, Robert M. Dahlberg of Lynch, Charles G. Dahlberg of Lynch; IS John Schipman of Amelia, Mrs. Emmet Revell of O'Neill, Felix Sullivan of O’Neill. John Hajek of Lynch 19- Dale Ganz of Lincoln, Frank Krupicka of Spen cer, Roy Wells of O’Neill, Clyde McKenzie of O'Neill, Mrs. John Davidson of O'Neill; 20 Mrs. Wayne Sanders of Inman, Mrs. Raymond Harmon of Page, Mark Douglas Wiseman of Page. Dismissed: November 13 El mer Lenz of Ewing, Mrs. Erna Tucker of Chambers; 14 Frank Murray of O’Neill, Fred Allen of Page; 15 Herbert Jansen of O Neill, Mrs. Harlan Petersen and baby girl of O'Neill. Kathryn Cavanaugh of O'Neill, Mrs. Daryl Walling of Ewing; 16 Ralph Sto wed of O'Neill, Tommy Riley of O'Neill, Mrs. Gerald Monk anil uauy ooy oi vzmeiu; ii airs, wil liam Turner of Chambers, Mrs. Walter Johnson of Page, Patricia Grimes of Chambers;; IS Mrs Walter Lyons and baby girl of O'Neill, Mrs. Charles Tasler and baby toy of Atkinson, 1 >eltort Carl of Ewing, Mrs. Mabel Mc Kenna of O'Neill; 19 Mrs. Aud rey Bowden of O'Neill, John Ben gali of O'Neill, Stephen McDonald of O’Neill, Mrs. Bruce Grimes of Chambers, Bruce Grimes of Chambers, Vern Sageser of Am elia, Mrs. Edwin Krugman of O'Neill; 20 Dale Ganz of Lincoln, Charles Dahlberg of Lynch, Ro bert Da 111 berg of Lynch, Arthur Plucky of Chambers, Naomi Green of Chambers, Lloyd John son of O’Neill. Hospitalized: Mark Wiseman of Page, Mrs. John Davidson of O’Neill. Clyde McKenzie of O’ Neill, Kenneth Peacock of O’ Neill, Frank Krupicka of Spencer, Felix Sullivan of O’Neill, James May of Inman, Mrs. Raymond ] Harmon of Page, Mrs. Wayne’ Sanders of Inman, Roy Wells of O'Neill, John Hajek of Lynch, A. Biglin of O’Neill, Ned Kelley of Inman, William Walters of O’-j Neill, Mrs. Catherine Schollmeyer] of O'Neill, Mrs. Emery McDowell of Page, John Schipmann of Am elia, Leo Matthews of O'Neill, Mrs. Emmet Revell. A representative of the Nor folk social security office will be in the assembly room basement of the courthouse in O’Neill from 9:30 a. m., to 3 p. m., Thursday, December 5, 1957. Self-employed applicants should bring extra copies of their 1956 and 1955 tax returns, receipts, showing that the self-employ ment tax is paid, and proof of age. To Louisiana,— Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sauser J will return this weekend from a two-weeks’ vacation in Louisiana. They have been visiting their son, Donald, and family. O' ■■ '■■■ ■■ .. Try FRONTIER want ads for quick results. Elizabeth Bernt Funeral at Stuart Dies Saturday in Bassett Hospital STUART Mrs Klkalx'th Jose |*hine Bernt, died at the Bas sett hospital Thursday. Novem 1 er 14 Funeral services were held at 10:30 a.m.. Saturday, N'o \. nlx'r Ifi. at St Boniface'Cath olic 'church. Rev A 4. Paschang offieiat d Burial was in St Boniface cemetery. Pallbearers wore nephews Ku gone VVewel of Burwell, Tony Wow el and Paul Wowcl, lioth of Newport, Lonnie Wewel and Don Bernt, both of Stuart, and Larry Wewel of Atkinson Hie late Mrs. Bernt was a daughter of Anton and Amelia Kubik Wewel. She was lx>rn May 4, 1901. She married Jo seph Bornt in Newporl Novem lx*r 20. 1924 Mr. Bernt diet! in February. 19-17. One sister, Amelia Bernt, and a daughter, Mrs. John (Irene) Copeland, who died in Octolier 1947, preceded her in death. Survivors include: Mother Mrs Amelia Wevwl of Stuart, son Iam of New Milford. N. J.; daughter Mrs Kd iVera* Vogel of Newport. and Miss Iveona, who is a senior at Stuart high school; brothel's Henry Wevwl of Stu art; William of Smart; Rudolph and Lhi F.. both of Newport; sis ters M s Merle i Theresa1 Arm strong of Stuart; Miss Anna Wcvvcl ot North Bend, five grand children. Burial at Atkinson for If oft n urn Infant— SIT ART Funeral services wore held at 2;3U pan., Wednes day, November A), for 1 arr v 1> in llotfmun ot Powell, Wyo. ■fine rift's were hi'tvt at the Coats funeral home with Rev Gene An derson of Newport officiating. Burial was in Uie Stuart ceme tei j The child was boni Jul.v 13, 1937. at Powell, and died Monday, November IS, at Denver Colo Thi' mother is the former Iaiis 1> Frickson. Survivors include: Parents; brothers Charles Andrew a n d Torrj Lee; grandparents Mjs. Alherta Hoffman of Stuart and Mr. and Mrs. Elof Ericksen of 1 lenver. Larry Dean was preceded in death by a sister, who died at fine age of two. Welcome to 0 Neill’s TURKEY DAY Saturday, Nov. 30th Register for Your Turkey at the Chamber of Commerce Headquarters Harrington Agency — Fourth & Douglas 75 TURKEYS Will Be Given Away! ONE TO A FAMILY REGISTER EARI.Y , . . stay all day! One third of the dressed fouls will he given away at noon, one third at 4 p, in., and one-third at ti p. m. One registration good for all drawings. Birds Valued at $5 Each To be distrihutisl while they last! O’Neill’s Annual Turkey Day is under the auspices of the Chamber of Commerce ___.__ tjsL yjoWL ShcUisL ofi. (p&Jip&L Sb&pL SINGLE fa \ OR DOUBLE . \ contr°l A GREAT BLANKET $2*00"own AT A POPULAR PRICE • Convenient “Custom Formed” feature . . . PER MONTH keeps blankets in place . . . simplifies bed Q|y YOUR n,,ki"8 ELECTRIC BILL • Control accurately compensate* for room — temperature changes • Good Housekeeping seal of approval • Guaranteed non-allergenic blend of Nylon, Rayon and Cotton • Lifetime mothproof guarantee • Underwriters’ Laboratory listed • Full year 100% replacement warranty Cons'ifUfRsPuBiicPoujthDisnHn