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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1957)
Spangler Twins Note Anniversary EWING Judy and Joan Spang ler, twin daughters of Mr and Mrs Wilbur Spangler, celebrated their 12th birthday anniversary Friday. November 15. In honor of the occasion a birthday dinner was enjoyed Friday evening Guests were their grandparents, Mr. grid Mrs. Eben Grafft. A birthday cake* centered the tahlf. They also received some nice gifts. Mr and Mrs. Wilbur Spangler and children spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Barlow and family at Inman Judy and Joan Spangler were honored at a birthday dinner to celebrate their birthday anniversary. Other Ewing News Ml and Mrs Ebben Grafft and daughter, Mrs Wilbur Spangler, were Neligh visitors Monday af ternoon. Guests on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Larsen were Mr. and Mrs J. L. Pruden and son, James. Dr. and Mrs Leo Spittler and family of Norfolk spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Spittler. On Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. Ro bert Bartak, accompanied by their mothers, Mrs. Stanley Bar lak and Mrs. Lee Spittler, and Mrs Ray Funk and dadghter, Uiuru Lee, went to Norfolk. They were dinner guests of Dr, and Mrs. Leo Spittler and family. “The Old Reliable” MARKET REPORT Tuesday, November I»tli Cattle Receipts 1,499 head— Around 90(1 calves included in the offering. Quality was con siderably downgraded from last week's choice ottering, and this was reflected in pri ces received. Best steer cal ves here sold up to $28.00 bulk at $24.00 to $27.00 cwt. Same of the $24.00 kinds were of yearling weights. Heifer calves from $21.00 to $24.30. All steers regardless of weights looked 25 to 50 cents higher with a top of $24.50 on some 630-lb averages, 700-Ib. steers at $23.00 and 850-lb to 900-lb weights at $20.75 to $22.00. Bulls and all butcher cows 35 to 50 cents higher. • SPECIAL For next Tuesday, Novem ber 26th auction, 125 outstand ing Angus breeding cows- all tested very choice. 50 Here ford breeding cows, 5 Regis tered Angus bulls and a lot of light calves. To sell yours next Tuesday - Just phone 5141 Atkinson and list them Atkinson Livestock Market ATKINSON, NEBR. Mr. and Mr* J. L. Pruden were 6 o'clock dinner guests Saturday at the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Burtwistle. The Bible Study club went to Clearwater on Tuesday afternoon to meet at the home of Rev. and Lee Brigden. The group met last last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt Gunter. Mrs Aubrey Wood spent from Wednesday, November 13. to Fri day at Lincoln with her husband, who worked in that area of Ne braska during that time. Dinner guests at the home of Mr and Mrs. John Latzel Sun day were their daughter and hus band, Mrs. and Mrs. Ed Kaczor and family i Recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kropp were Mr. and Mrs. Mason Moritz of 1 Stanton and Miss Dorothy Kropp | of Norfolk. Kay Jeffers of O'Neill was a weekend guest at the home of her1 aunt anil uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kropp, and family. On Sunday her parents, Mr .and Mrs. M Jeffers, came after spending some time visiting with the fam ily. Mrs. Ina Bennett entertained the following guests at 1 o’clock dinner Sunday: Mr and Mrs. Wayne Shrader and children and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bennett and Barbara. Afternoon callers at Miss Bennett s home were Mrs. Flora Young and her uncle, James Bennett of Orchard. Auxiliary District Officer Is Guest EWING — Mrs. Lettie Jean Coulthard of Oakdale, president of district II of the American Le gion auxiliary, was a guest of the Sanders unit at a meeting held Thursday evening at the Legion club. She gave an interesting talk on the national convention of Amer ican Legion and auxiliary and also offered information on the midwinter conference, which will be held at Grand Island. A sum of money was sent to the Veterans gift shop which will be used to purchase gifts. The group also made plans to make the usual tarlatan dolls for the Veterans hospital. Lunch was served by Mrs. Frank Hawk, Mrs. Helen Sisson and Mrs. Harriet Welke. ‘It’s a Girl’ Is Chambers Play Title CHAMBERS The juniors of Chambers high school presented the class play, "It's a Girl”, Fri day evening, November 15, to an appreciative crowd. The play was directed by Supt. Hopkins and Mrs. Samuel Burtwhistle. The junior class consists of the following members: Robert Klab enes Irene Brown, Jerry Holmol ka. Karen Kruse Carol Tracy Jim Cavanaugh, Danny LaRue Walter, Kenneth Lidgett and Rich ard Grimes Specials were a vocal solo "Be the Best of Whatever You Are” by Irene Brown and a piano solo, "Sweet By and By by Karen Kruse. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Parker, Mr and Mrs. Ben Oetter, Larry and Jerry, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parker and Geraldine of Seattle, Wash., were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Parker at Butte. __ " GET "THRU" TO THE PAIN! ItexuH’s revolutionary paln-klller actualty K"‘‘s through the skin and gets deep inside aching tissue to kill pain where it hurts. Will not burn, redden, or irritate the skim I 2-oz. Bottle *14y | TRY THE NEW ECONOMY SIZE— * 6 full ounces for $2.98 Bisma-Rex for Acid Indigestion i Don't let acid-upset slumach interfere with your activities'. Get quick, lasting relief with Rexall BISMA-REX. Laboratory tests show BISMA-REX to lx? three times more effective than three other leading brands. Available in three for ms-powder liquid and tablets. Get BISMA-REX today and have it on hand for use whenever acid indigestion threatens to upset your ac tivities. Super Plenamins A good daily vitamin supplement is essential toward keep ing up the body’s resistance to colds ami infection. With s l*KK PLENAMINS, America’s largest Selling multi-vitamin product, you get II vitamins and 12 minerais-aU in one daUy tablet. Super-Plenamins can cost you as little as less than t> cents per day. SuperPlenamins is also available tor children in the ti to 12 age group as Super Plenamins, Junior. ' Super Plenamins 1957 SWEEPSTAKES The time for entering this big contest is getting short The 1957 Sweepstakes ends November 30. Your chance to win ts as good .is anyone else s. Come in today for your entry blank. Nothing to buy, nothing to think up, nothing to write but your name and address. Enter the contest today, and be eligible for one of the fabulous prizes. Ask about the 195 < SUPER PLENAMINS SWEEPSTAKES at Gilligans REXALL Drug! Livestock Needs For all your animal health needs, come to Gllllgan’s REX all Drug. You will like our prices on vaccines, Penieillln. Pen Icillin-Dlhydrostreptoniycin, and other injectable products. He carry a complete line of syringes, needles and syringe repair parts. Prescription Specialists Rring your next prescription to Gilligan REXALL Drug to bt* filled by one of our PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS. It’s a wise practice Giiligan’s Rexali Drug lien Gilligan Robert T. Devoy Phone 87 — O’Neill i Dorsey Weather on Gloomy Side DORSEY — Weather nas been and still is on ttie gloomy side This area received weekend rain and snow which halted corn picking and combining. There is iota at feed in the fields in this ' community. The feed was too wet to harvest earlier and some of it still is doubtful if it will keep if harvested. Other Dorsey News Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wiley were met in O'Neill Friday by Mr and j Mrs. Howard Marston after they had spent a few days with their son and family, the Marvin Wi | leys, at Grand Island. The supper and bazaar to be held at Ash Grove Sunday even ing was postponed until Sunday evening. November 24, due to the ; bad roads. Lorelle Pickering, who is teach ing near Omaha, made a hasty call on his folks during the week end. TTie Dorsey school is planning a program and sale of lunch Fri day, November 22, at the school. It is hoped the flu bug and wea therman will cooperate and per mit the students to hold the af fair. The Carson school held its so cial and program Tuesday, No vember 19. There was a nice pro gram and baskets sold well. Sickness prevented several fam ilies from attending. Harold Osborn and daughter and Gordon Barta and daughter were Creighton business callers Saturday. Frank Ruzicka of Sioux City was a caller at home over the weekend of November 16-17. His folks were glad to see him as he hadn’t bv'en home for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hiscocks are enjoying their new television which Reggie Pinkerman instal led for them a week ago. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Kilgore and family of Indiana visited with her folks, the R B. Marstons, around the first of the month. Ernest Rosenkrans of Neligh has been helping at the Roger Rosenkrans farm the past week. Group Admits 1 wo New Members CHAMBERS-The Ladies Aid of St. Paul’s Lutheran church met Thursday, November 14, at the church with 14 members present. The pastor presented the lesson entitled, “What I Am Thankful For,” with the ladies taking part in the discussion. Two new members were admit ted to the society Mrs. Clarence Hanson and Mrs. Dean Stevens. Election of officers resulted in Mrs. L. O. Lenz being elected president; Mrs. Richard Sunder , man, treasurer, for the two-year period, 1958-‘59. It was reported that 102 quarts of fresh vegetables had been sent to the Lutheran hospital in Nor folk, also some fresh vegetables. A report was made on used cloth ing sent to Lutheran world relief. Plans were made for a fare well party for Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth Bauer to be held at the church Sunday, November 24, at 8 p.m. Eaehone is asekd to bring 8 p.m. Each one is asked to bring invited. Next meeting of the aid will be a Christmas party in connection with tlie lesson. It will be on De cember 12 at the church. Mrs Victor Harley and Mrs. 11. C. Walter served lunch at the close of the meeting. ‘Take ItEasy’ Inman Play Title INMAN The .junior class of the Inman high school will pre sent a class play, “Take It Easy”, Tuesday evening, November 26, at 8 o'clock in the high school au ditorium. “Take It Easy” is a farce comedy in three acts The juniors promise their audience an evening of hilarious fun. Make. Stuff { Yule Dolls— PAGE Making and stuffing dolls for the Christmas boxes was the work in progress when the members of the Women's Miss ionary society of the Wesleyan Methodist church met at the homo of Mrs Burl Baty Thursday after no >n for study and work. Mrs. William O’Brien had the lesson. Mrs. Otto Terrill will be the hostess for the December 13 meeting when a Christmas box will be packed for a family in Kentucky. Grab Bag Planned PAGE -Cards was the after j noon's diversion when the mem ! bers of the RNA Kensington were afternoon guests of Mrs. Otto Mat schullat. A grab bag was planned for the December 11 meeting, which will be held at the home of Mrs. Anton Nissen. Mrs. Jerry Lamason extended an invitation, to the group for an evening meet ing at her home tonight (Thurs day). A covered dish lunch will be served as usual. Following the routine business meeting a no-host lunch was served. — District 33 Observers Education Week— PAGE Miss Brenda Beelaert, teacher of the Pleasant Valley school district observed national education week with a patron’s day program. The mothers were invited for the afternoon session Friday and regular classes were held. Miss Beelaert served lunch fol lowing a social hour. GGG&'G in Session— PAGE Members of the GGG &G club met at the home of Mrs. Alta Finch Friday for an af ternoon cards. Mrs. Hester Ed minsten took home the high score prize, Mrs. Anton Nissen received the traveling award and Mrs Bert Finley had low score Mrs. C. P Leach will be the December fi hostess. Rock Falls Guests— Mr and Mrs Ralph Morrow with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Derick sen were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Levi Yantzi of Rock Falls The Sleler family celebrates. Front row (left-to-right)—.Mrs. A. C. (Leona) Hansen, Mrs. A. I,. (Clara) Kenaston, Mrs. Nicolas Sleler and Miss Theresa Sleler; back row—Herbert Sleler, T. V. \ Sleler, (ius Sleler, Nicolas Sleler, Aaron Sleler and George Sieler.—The Frontier Photo. Hospital Notes ATKINSON MEMORIAL Admitted: November 11—Wil liam Seger of Atkinson, medical; Michael Leo Shonka of Atkinson, medical; 12 Wayne Benneth of Stuart, medical; Mrs. Lorraine Zahradnieek of Atkinson, medical; Mike Schaaf of Atkinson, medical; Mrs. John Laible of Atkinson, medical; Mrs. Lester Gossard of Atkinson, obstetrical; 13—Mrs. Anna Galligan of Atkinson, med ical; Mrs. Bert Hanning of Atkin son, medical; Mrs. Nelson Gibson of Atkinson, surgical; 14—Mrs. Wayne Baker of Atkinson; 15— Frank Bose of Stuart, medical; Frank Sicheneder of Atkinson, medical; Orville Osborne of At kinson, medical; Wayne Radcliff of Stuart, medical; 16— Mrs. Mary Henning of Atkinson, medical; 17—Mrs. Peter Engler of Stuart, medical; Miss Lela Garwood of Atkinson, medical. Dismissed : November 9—Mrs. Dale Barnes and son of Atkinson; 11 Mrs. Orland Fryrear of At kinson, Mrs. Clara Jennings of Atkinson, Mrs. Franics Mancuso of Atkinson, Jennie Foreman of Emmet; Benita Kaup of Stuart, Mrs. R. E. Chace of Atkinson; 14 William Seger of Atkinson, Mrs. Dennis Kaup and daughter of Stuart. Jim Berigan of Atkin son, Mrs. John Laible of Atkinson, Wayne Benneth of Stuart, Mrs. Nelson Gibson of Atkinson; 16— Orville Osborne of Atkinson, 16— Mrs. Lorraine Zahradnieek of At kinson; 17—Mrs. Lester Gossard and daughter of Atkinson; 18 Frank Sicheneder of Atkinson. Hospitalized: Mrs. Peter Engler of Stuart, Mrs. Henry Hamik of Stuart, Frank Bose of Stuart, Mrs. Wayne Baker and daughter of Atkinson, Michael Shonka of Atkinson, Mrs. Van Humphry of Atkinson. Mike Schaaf of Atkin son, Wayne Radcliff of Stuart. Mrs. Mary Henning of Atkinson, Mrs. Anna Galligan of Atkinson, Mrs. Bert Henning of Atkinson, Lela Garwood of Atkinson. SACRED HEART (Lynch) November 18 Admitted Mrs. Reuben Avoy of Spencer, Dr. Edwin Bradley of Spencer, Mrs. Mary Classen of Spencer, Claude Collins of Butte, Baby Steve Allen Emme of Lynch, Charles Fox of O'Neill, Mrs. Carl Gnewuch of Norfolk, E. L. Hagberg of Spencer, Mrs. Ed Ilavrank of Spencer, Leonard Hoar of Bonesteel, S. D., William Jordan of Butte, Dr. R. E. Kriz of Lynch, Mrs. Edith Lang of Lynch, Albert Loock of Spencer, Baby Timothy Myers of Lynch, Mrs. Molly Petersen of Spencer, Frank Reiser of Butte, Guss Rempter of Bristow, Mrs. Day ton Sieler of Monowi, Mrs. Emil Satsman of Butte, Mrs. Ferdi nand Wiebelhaus of Fairfax, S. D. Dismissed: November 12—Miss 1 Marchita Wright of Verdel, Mrs. I William Spencer of Lynch; 13 I Melvin Anderson of Bristow; 14 Frank Tuch of Verdel, Mrs. Mary Wesley of Butte, Baby Don ivon Scheinost of Bristow; 16— Dave Raile of Norfolk, William I^angan of O’Neill, Baby James Carlson of Spencer; 17—John Dickey of Spencer, Mrs. E. F Soukup of Spencer, Baby Paul Spencer of Lynch; 18—Mrs. Joise Scheinost of Spencer, Baby Maury Elsasser of Spencer. LI NDBERG MEMORIAL (Creighton) Admitted: Mrs. Antonia Kocina of Verdigre, Mrs. Robert Borg ] mann of Creighton, Mrs. Ivan Copeland of Creighton, Joe Niki of Verdigre, James Cross of Creighton, Mrs. Edward Curry of Center, Earl McElhose of Creigh lon, Mrs. Josephine Butterfield of Creighton, Warren Foner of Nio brara, Mrs. Harry Honey of Ver del, Mrs. Jerry Jensen of Creigh ton. Dismissed: Kit G a r s k a of j Bloomfield, Jodie Messina of Omaha, Mrs. Ivan Copeland of Creighton, Mrs. Everett Ehren I berg of Creighton, Mrs. Robert Borgmann and daughter of Creighton, Mrs. Orval Cook of Verdigre (transferred to Sioux City i, Mrs. Edward Curry of Cen tor! Mary Kate Tichy of Niobrara, Mrs. Antonia Koeina of Verdigre. Pare News Mrs. Jessie Swain of Rapid City, S.D., and Mrs. Carrie Townsend i accompanied their sister-in-law, Mrs. Dora Townsend to Harting ton Wednesday, November 13, where they were overnight guests of the latter’s son-in-law and dau ghter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weir The group also visited a niece, Mrs. Ernest Swilft at Allen, Mrs. Minnie Haynes at Wayne, Mrs. Carrie Townsend s son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chmeler at Norfolk, and were Sunday dinner guests of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Alva Townsend, at Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. Evo Beclaert of Firth, Ida , arrived Saturday and were Saturday and Tuesday guests of his brother, Frank, and family. They attended church at Page and were joined at the home of his brother and sister-in law, Mr. and Mrs Alfons Bee laert, near Orchard by Mr. and Mrs. Joe Beelaert and family and their mother, Mrs. Marie Bee laert of Ewing. The Frank Bee laerts were afternoon visitors more. A family dinner was held Mon day at the home of Mrs. Marie Beelaert at Ewing in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Evo Beelaert of Firth, Ida. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beelaert and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Beelaert of Page, Mr. and Mrs. Alfons Beelaert of Orch ard, Mrs. Gordon Harper of Oma ha and Mr and Mrs. Frank Bohn of Deloit. The Idahoans plan to leave Friday for their home. Messrs Norman Trowbridge and Neven Ickes, jr., and their families were Sunday guests in the home of the ladies’ parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Park. During the afternoon their brother, Ron nie, called from Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo., where he is with a national guard unit in training there. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Stauffer and family went to Bassett Sunday where they attended church ser vices and were guests in the home of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley San dall. The new son of Mr. and Mrs Lewis Copple of Omaha and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Trowbridge has t>een named Dav id Ellsworth. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Heiss j went to Unadilla Sunday where they were overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Snyder. Monday they attended a farm sale of a cousin, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gor es at Tecumseh, and were over night guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mer lyn Rapp at Denton. Mr. and Mrs. Erroll Held and children of Omaha were Sunday guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Held. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Heiss and i family of Lincoln were weekend visitors of his father, Raymond Heiss, and were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth lleiss. Mr. and Mrs. 1 lenry Ostrum of Pierre, S.D., were Saturday oxer night Saturday overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Goldfuss j and son, Leonard, of Atkinson and J vxere Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Osxvald Goldfuss. Mrs. M. H. Held was a visitor] Thursday and Friday in the homes of her mother, Mrs. Grace [ Edson, and her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Don Allen, at Lynch. Mrs. Melx in Carson was hostess to the members of the Bid-or-Bye bridge Wednesday afternoon, Nov ember 13. At cards, Mrs. Jerry Lamason held the high score, and the all-cut award went to Mrs. William Hock. Mrs. Jerome Allen was a guest. Mrs. Ralph Larson xxill be Tuesday, November 26, hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Neuhauer en tertained his parents, Mr. and Mrs William Neuhauer, and the Misses Grace and Nelle Wood at dinner Sunday ex’ening in honor of the birthday anniversaries of Mr. and Mrs. William Neuhauer and Mrs. Leo Neuhauer. Mrs. Harry Harper entertained a group of ladies Monday after noon Mrs. Ethel Waring and Mrs. Alta Finch received special priz es Page News i A belated birthday dinner be i cause of the flu epidemic was served Tuesday evening, Novem ber 12 at the Harry Harper home in honor of Mrs Harper's birth day anniversary. Guests were Mr and Mrs. Frank Beelaert and family, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Stauffer and family, Mr. arid Mi's. Allen Haynes, Mrs. Bertha Reed and Robert Prill. The annual bazaar was held Thursday at the Methodist church A ham dinner and sup per were served Special fea tures were fancy work, fixxi and baked goods table, mystery pack ages and fish [Kind The MYF sold live ducks and had a candy booth. A grand total of approx imately $375 was realized from all departments. Members of the Friendship Re bekah lodge entertained mem bers of the Inman and O'Neill I lodges Tuesday evening, Novem-1 tier 12 at the IOOF hall. A short program followed the lodge ses- j sion consisting of musical num- j tiers, games and contests. Mes dames Melvin Smith, I,ee Tay lor. R. F. Park and Clarence Stevens were hostesses. Regional Deafhs Frank Barnett ELGIN Frank Barnett, 78, died at Plantation Manor at Elgin, Tuesday, November 12. Ho was Antelope county’s only Negro res ident He was a citizen in the Neligh community where he liv ed about 50 years, entering Plan tation Manor last. May. Funeral services wen1 held Thursday, No vember 14, at Hoepfinger’s home for funerals in Neligh with Rev. Claude E. Copley officiating. Friends in the Neligh community r have started a fund to purchase a stone to mark his grave. M is. George M. (Dixie) Poo Von ELGIN Mrs. George M (Dix ie* Ponton. 37, died Wednesday, November IS, in a Norfolk hos pital I>eath was attributed to heart atack. Funeral services were conducted at St. Honifact Catholic church at Klgin Satur day at 9 30 am.; Miss Florence Ponton and Nr. and Mrs. Leo Tom,tack all of O'Neill, attended the funeral. Claude Gray ATKINSON Claude Gray. 72, a former resident of Atkinson, died at Thompson Falls, Mont., Tuesday, November 5. t ill lit II OF CHRIST (O'Neill) Rex James, Evangelist Sunday, November 24: Hible school, 10 a m; communion and preaching, 11 am.; evening ser vice, 7:30 o'clock. Wednesday. November 27; Hible study and prayer meeting, 7:3(1 p.m. Wl> Julia A. White to John P. Zinkon K-9-57 $1,000 All Hlk 7, Amelia. BAZAAR Ash Grove Hall Sunday, Nov. 24 Serving 6-8:90 p.m. FEATURING soups, cake, ice cream, free entertainment! Everyone Welcome! I ' Meadow Gold Milk Carton Tops for Prizes PROGRAM will be completed December 1st All caps and tops must be in our office on or before December 15th, 1957. ■■■ Beatrice Fc:^s Co. O’Neill, Nebr. i Look at These JOY BRINGERS! 7-Pc. Diaper Bag Set_77c Just like Mother’s! Two unbreakable nursing bottles with nipples that really fit doll’s mouth, plus nursing bib, diu|»er with gold colored safety pins, j and plastic bag for soiled diapers . . . all in <pdlted bag with flap and shoul der strap! Complete Ironing Outfit_4.99 Wonderful! You get fill this: Metal perforated Ironing board, deluxe Iron pad and cover, plus electric iron! Iron heats but not enough to burn tiny hands! Ironing board has baked-enamel finish, ruhhcr-tip legs! Ranger Pal Stick Horse_68c Your little Texas Hanger will “shore take a likin’ to I’al!” Candy-stripe, dur able stick, bright plastic head. □ Play Telephone_ 74c It’s every child’s favorite! Bell rings as it’s dialed for realistic play! Dur able metal in gay colors. Authentic. Miniature ‘Whirlybird’__69c Almost flies! A detailed model of the famous Piasecki helicopter Made of sturdy lithographed steel with long range friction motor and whirling rotors fore and aft! Rubber wheels. 094 inches long. Junior grade pilots thrill to it . . . thrifty Santas like the price, too! Your Choice of PPBB $2° UmS Worth of Gifts $ • • with any WIZARD APPLIANCE costing $125 or more! Extra Christ mas Presents f°r you! From now til December 24th, purchase any Wizard Ap J&f-Sj pliance selling for $125 or more and receive absolutely FREE your choice of $20 worth of any merchandise in our store! SCOVIE’S estem uto The O’NEILL ■■■■■■RmannHMnMHMnMHHBH ANMAl, FIREMEN S BALL AT THE Stuart Auditorium STUART, NEBRASKA Wednesday, November 27 Music by Harry Czarnek and his orchestra lints — Nolseninkers — Balloons — Fun lor nil