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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1957)
O’Neill News Mr and Mm Ben Troahynski and son of Lincoln were weekend guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs John Conard Mr and Mrs. Robert Berigar accommpanied by Mr. and Mrs. John Baker attended the football game in Lincoln Saturday Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Carroll •pent Sunday and Monday in Omaha Mrs William Chesak erf Spen cer was a guest from Friday un til Monday She was on her way to Arizona Mr. and Mrs Harley Miller and family of Neligh and Mr. and Mrs Bill Strong and Vickie were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Brittell. Mr and Mrs. J. F Contois were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs. A. W Contois of Neligh. Mr and Mrs. Jack Dempsey of Denver, Colo., arrived Saturday and are visiting at the Phillip Dempsey home. The VFW auxiliary meeting has been postponed until Sunday. November 24. Dale Fetrow left Friday, No vember 15, for Chicago, HI , to spend the week attending refrig eration and TV' meetings Mr and Mrs. Charles Fox Carol and Raymond, were Satur day evening supper guests of Mr and Mrs Francis Ilelzer Mr. and Mrs . Charles Fox were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fox and Mr. and Mrs Gilbert Fox of Emmet. Mrs. John Harrington left Wednesday for Omaha where she will ' meet Mr Harrington and visit daughters Marlene and Mr. and Mrs Joe Fra her Sat urday they will attend the *oot ball game in Lincoln, returning home Sunday Mr and Mrs. Dale Nissen of Columbus and Matthew Hynes of Elkhorn were November 15-17 weekend guests of Mr and Mrs, Matt Hynes. Mr. and Mrs Herman Janzmg were guests Sunday of her moth er. Mrs Joe Bruder of Atkinson Mr. and Mrs Ralph Morrow spent the weekend of November 9 visiting her grandmother Mrs. Myrtle Jewell, in Dallas, S D. Mr and Mrs H. S Mewses spent Friday in Norfolk. Mrs J. O’Conner and Mr and Mrs Bill O'Connor visited Mr. and Mrs Bud VanFleet in Royal Sunday, November 10. Monday. November 11, they visited Mr and Mrs. Bob Peregoy in Atkinson Mrs. Roy Parker and son. Mr and Mrs Frank Parker and Ger aldine, of Seattle, Wash . were Thursday guests of Mr. and Mrs Roy Gannon of Inman. Mr. and Mrs Geo. Dierberger of Seward were weekend guests of Mr and Mrs. Gale Dierberger John Pinnt of Chadron visited over the weekend with Mr and Mrs. Gordon Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Walters of Chambers were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs Walter Devall. Mr. and Mrs. Don Kellner and Lynn were Sunday guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs Allen Pol lock of L'wing. Guests of Mr and Mrs. Robert Kurtz over the weekend were bis parents, Mr, and Mrs. Ceclle Blown of Hastings. Mr. and Mrs Std Guam of l^an vtfle, 111., were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs Ted Kys ter Mrs M B Marcellus and Mrs Ralph Beckwith attended the junior class play in Kwing Friday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. l*yle Hanna of Chambers were \\'ednesda>, No vember 13, guests of Mr. and Mrs Gerald MclVrmott. Mr and Mrs. Ted McEBtaney and Jeamne spent from Friday ua til Sunday in Lincoln. They met Marge r> v\ ho arrived from Dew ■ < . Hu n all visited Mr. amt Mrs Bruee McElhaney in Lincah and attended the football game. Duane Miller attended a band eonference in Bassett Sunday, No vember 17, Mi and Mrs Ralph Morrow \ isited her mother, Mrs Jota Bauer, in Ewing, November 13. I o O I /teduce? 0 o qain weiqlit? 0 o qain stoqtft? J U U kJ cn discuss tliis miAftCufousfij (ugli-pitotctn yt/ia-i/itamin lo/icad witfi qou/t docfo/i todaq. « Only 47.4 calories per 18 gram slice! : , ■ I Hi Compared with other foods as you buy them, Contour Special Formula Bread gives you generous quantities of balanced protein. Contour Bread contains as much protein in one pound (one loaf) as 3 pints of whole milk, or 8 fresh eggs, or 2Vi pork chops. \l The following table lists the percentages by W V weight or amounts of the food substances in Y A Contour Special Formula Bread essential to A f l body tissue growth and repairs I \ W Proteins—11.0% Minerals—2.1 % l J X Calcium—0.08% Loctalbumin-3.1% Y [ \ Vitamin Bi — [\ VJ 2.0 MGS.AB. Vitamin Ba- [) X Nlocin— 1.3 MGS./LB. U |1 ie.8MOS.AB. Iron-14.8 MGS.A6. A Contour Special Formula Bread has been fortified with lactalbumin, a milk protein contain ing lysine, an essential amino acid that provides nitrogen balance. Whot does this mean in terms of nutrition to a person on a diet? Simply this. These food substances added to bread enable the body to convert 100% of the protein intake from bread for its use. Bread without lysine, only 80% of the protein can be converted, and from bread without milk solids and Lactalbumin only 20% of the protein can be converted for body use. Thus, Contour with these added food substances not only is high in protein but provides a nitrogen balance so necessary for body tissue growth and repair. Combines animad and ce/tead p/deins If you are one of the millions who are calorie conscious, remember this. When low quality pro teins alone are consumed the human body utilizes them mainly as heat and energy. This causes greater surpluses of fat and carbohydrates to be stored resulting in a need for additional protein and subsequently more calories. But the proteins in Contour are balanced, complete proteins, 100% usable for tissue building, so essential to both sexes of all ages. So be sure to eat fo^Hs that are high in balanced proteins. Buy Contour Special Formula Bread Today. Contoa/i tastes good-toasts good, too! With all the special benefits of Contour you also get a real bonus in flavor because Contour is not only good for you, but it tastes good. For a real treat try Contour toasted. Toasting brings out all the fine, fresh flavor of quality ingredients and makes eating Contour a genuine pleasure. ^Qul SPECIAL FORMULA BREAD A at you* jai/oftite jjood stoitel -o o o * o BY THE BAKERS OF RAINBO BREAD