The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, November 07, 1957, SECTION TWO, Image 9
Amelia News Miss Leone Fix and pupils en joyed a Halloween party at sch ool last Thursday afternoon. They invited their mothers and a few other guests. Those present were Mrs. August Pospichal and three little grandchildren, Mrs. Bemie Kennedy, Mrs. Lyle Fix, Rodney and Scotty and Mrs. Elmer Fix and Donald Zane A few games were played and a luncheon was cerved. Mr. ami Mrs. Edwin Nachtman have adopted a little son, David John. He came to stay with them last week. Alfred James of Burwell and Claire of Hewitt, Wyo., were visit ing friends In Amelia Thursday, October .11. Keith Greenstreet of Lincoln visited over Thursday night with his uncle, Asa Watson and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Hansen and family went to Atkinson Thursday evening to see the Halloween parade. Mr. and Mrs. Bus Enbody of Atkiiison, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bils stein and Dick were Sunday visit ors at Tommie Doolittles. The men folks went duck hunting and had good luck. Mrs. Lindsey and Florence visited at Carl Schrader Sunday affternon. A housewarming was held at the home of John Zinken Mon day evening. Oscar Peterson and son, Don, drove to Fremont Sunday to bring Mrs. Peterson home She had spent the past two weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Paul Johnston, helping care for her new little granddaughter, Kay Lynn John ston. Chib to Meet— O'Neill Womens club will meet at the Presbyterian fellowship hall Friday, November 8, at 8 p m. Miss Elja McCullough of Dana college will present a tra velogue. Meeting was previously scheduled to be held at the home of Mrs. H. D. Gildersleeve. “The Old Reliable” MARKET REPORT Nov. 4th & 5th Auctions Monday, November 4th: The largest calf run of the year, nearly 2,600 head sold fully steady to strong to a large at tendance of buyers. Choice stesT calves sold In a range of $27.(Ml to $30.00 cwt. Medium and good kinds from $25.00 to $26.75. Choice heifer calves at $23.00 to $24.85. Medium and good heifer calves from $20.00 to $22.00 cut. Tuesday, November 5th Auc tion: Receipts 1,^65 head. Buy er attendance not as large as Monday — but prices held steady. Best Steers at $23.00. Heavier weights 750 to 825 at $21.75 to $22.25. Plainer cattle of all classes looked 25 to 35 cents higher. Cows and butch er cattle steady with a week ago. SPECIAL NOTICE NO MORE MONDAY CALF At'CTlONS. All calves from now on sell FIRST (If they are in the yards) at the begin ning of the Regular Tuesday Auction. We can use all the cattle we can get from Now On. NEXT SALE, Tt'ESDAY, NOVEMBER 12TH Phone 5141 and Ust “em” Atkinson Livestock Market ATKINSON, NEBR. Olbbn . . . to appear in series of talks at Inman church ‘Russia in Prophecy’ Title of Lectures INMAN -‘‘Russia in Prophecy" will be the subject to be illustrat ed onthe screen Monday evening, November 11, by Arthur F. Gibbs of Independence, Mo., at the In man Reorganized LDS church. It will Be followed on Wed ! nesday evening, November 13, 1 by the topic "America in Pro , hecy." These lectures and others that will follow will be completely ill ustrated in color on the screen. The lecture on Russia deals with the God and Magog prophecy of Ezekiel 38 and other prophecy. The lecture on America will fea ture pictures of the pre-columbian ruins of Mexico and Central Ameica related to prophecy. "All are cordially invited to these lectures which will begin at 8 o’clock,” a spokesman said. 60 Attend NCCW Board Meeting EWING—Sixty ladies coming from Schuyler, Atkinson, Omaha, Ponca, Scribner, Wakefield, Creighton, Stanton, Osmond, Brunswick, Fremont, Hartington, Lindsay, Norfolk, Lynch, Ban croft, Spencer, Fordyce, Butte, Madison and Pierce attended the national council of Catholic wo men's board meeting held in Ew ing Wednesday, October 30. They all belong to Omaha Archdioces an council. The ladies of the St. Peters Catholic church served dinner at St. Dominic hall. Mrs. James Zou bek presided at the meeting. Deloit News Mr. and Mrs. Carl Christen called briefly at the Henry Rei mer home Monday evening, Oc tober 28, enroute to their home in Denver Colo. They visited Mr. Christon’s aunt in Scotia and the Clarence Thorin's at Grant. Elayne Reimer attended an Art Workshop on Friday at Pierce. Mrs. James Squire and Mrs. Henry Reimer called on Mrs. Le land Clark and Mrs. Sidney An derson Wednesday afternoon, Oc tober 30. Farmers are attempting to pick their com but it is still too wet in most instances. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tomjack were in Norfolk Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Koenig! visited Tilden Friday. The pupils at Deliot had a hay rack ride for Halloween Thurs day evening. Sunday dinner guests at the Larson home in Ewing were Mr. and Mrs. Don Larson and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reimer and Elayne and Mr. and Mrs. El mer Pahl and Mary of Oakland. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Funk called on Mrs. Anna Sehi in Elgin Sun day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Funk are driviing a new car. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Maranell of Milford, la., were guests from Fri day, October 25, until Monday October 28, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Cone. Mrs. Mae Jones of Lake City, la., was a dinner guest at the Cone home ' on Thursday. Community Concerts Schedules 1957 - '58 AT COLUMBUS At City Auditorium Ozan Marsh Tuesday, November 12, 1967, 8 P. M. Seranaders Male Quartet Sunday, January 19, 1968, 8 P. M. Todd Duncan Wednesday, February 5, 1968, 8 P. M. Manhattan Concert Orchestra Tuesday, March II, 1968, 8 P, M. • AT YANKTON, S. D. Ozan Marsh Monday, November U, 1967 Eric Friedman Tuesday, January 7, 1968 De Paur Opera Gala Thursday, February IS, 1968 at martin, s. d. Bennett County Community Concert Association Dorothy Cothran Sunday, December 8, 1967, S:90 P. M. The Chanticleer*—Male Quartet Saturday, February 8, 1958, 8 P. M. Bill A Pat Medley Tuesday, May 6, 1968, 8 P. M* AT GRAND ISLAND Senior High School Auditorium Gary Graff man Thursday, October SI, 1967, 8:15 P. M. Virtuosi Dt Roma Sunday, February 16, 1958, 3:15 P. M. Obernkirchen Children’s Choir Tuesday, March 18, 1958, 8:15 P. M. Eileen Farrell Sunday. April 27, 1958, 3:15 P. M. • AT O'NEILL Todd Duncan Monday, February 8, 1958 Pat A Bill Medley Wednesday, March 19, 1958 The Theatre Men Sunday, April 20, 1958 • AT AINSWORTH All Ainsworth Concerts are Matinee performances at 3:15 Theodore Uttvln Sunday, November *4, JM1 The Chanticleer* Sunday, February 9, 1968 Archer A Glle Sunday, March 80, 1968 • AT VALENTINE Ozan Marsh, pianist Sunday, November 10, SU5 PM. Theresa Green, soprano Thursday, February 6, 8:15 P. M. Carman and Don Jose Wednesday, April 16, 8:15 P. M. •voice OF THE feontiee Sixteen Pages SECTION TWO North-Central Nebraska’s BIGGEST Newspaper Volume 77.—Number 28. O’Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, Thursday, November 7, 1957. Lynch News Monday afternoon visitors at the Mike Stenger home were Mrs. Katherine Stenger of St. Bernard, Mr. and Mrs. BiU Stenger of Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sten ger of Cedar Lake, Ind., and Mary Jo Stenger of Lynch. Rev. Char les Kamber also visited there. Miss Mary Stenger returned to Petersburg Monday after visiting at the Mike Stenger home for several days also friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Courtney were O'Neill visitors Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Malone of San Diego, Calif., spent several days visiting here the past week Joe visited at the Martin Jehorek home on Wednesday. Ed Hoffman returned home from Norfolk Thursday. Mrs. Martin Jehorek visited w'ith her mother, Mrs. Joe Nemic, in Spencer Tuesday, October 29. Mr. and Mrs. Beryl Moody and family spent Sunday, October 27, at the Lorie Micanek home. Dennis Kube and family spent Wendesday evening, October 30, at the Martin Jehorek home. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kalkow ski were Butte visitors Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vonosek and daughters of Verdel and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Audiss and Diane of Anoka spent last Sunday, Oc tober 27, at the C L. Haselhorst home. Mr. and Mrs. llarlod Micanek spent Sunday, October 27, at the Wallace Moffett home. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kalkowski spent Monday night, October 28, at the Leonard Havranek home, i Mr. and Mrs. Bill Halva spent Sunday, November 3, at the Jun ior Liska home in Niobrara. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Johns spent Wednesday, October 30, at the Phillip Hammon home near Spencer. Mrs. Frank Swoboda’s mother retrned to her home in David City after a week’s visit at the Swoboda home. Mr. and Mrs. Lorie Micanek, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Streit and Mr. and Mrs. Merle Sieler were| in Butte Tuesday evening, Octo-1 her 29. Mr. and Mrs. William Elsasser1 were last Sunday, October 27, at the Arthur Audiss oome at Butted Mrs. Gus Kehn of Butte visited i Miss Pauline Mulhair Sunday, I October 27. Mr. and Mrs. Beryl Moody were j in Butte Tuesday evening, Octo ber 29. Mr. and Mrs. George Kolund and family of North Dakota visit ed at the Clarence Kolund home, north of town, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Billie Teadtke and son and Mrs. Eunice Teadtke and daughter were Sunday, Oc tober 27, visitors at the Art Peters home in Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Stewart visit ed at the Lucian Loock home in Spencer Sunday, October 27. Mr. and Mrs. Rollie Bare of Scottsbluff were here visiting Rollie’s mother, Mrs. Bertha Bare, also his brother, Don, and his sister, Mrs. Lee Brady and family in O’Neill. They returned home Monday. ✓ Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hav ranek spent Monday night at Spencer attending the Lion’s club banquet. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Halva were business visitors in O’Neill Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Johns of Fremont visited at the Ed Johns home recently. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wells, Mr and Mrs. Walter Anson and An ton and Xavier Kalkowski were business visitors in O’Neill last Thursday. Telephone Operators in ! 0-Year Reunion A reunion of telephone operators and commercial employees was held Saturday evening at a dinner at The Town House. Among those present were: Seated (left to right)—Evelyn Davis, Mrs. Harry Lambert of Ewing, Mrs. John Babl of Lynch, Dorothy Wilk inson. Charlene Boyle, Florence Ponton, Mrs. John McGill of Omaha, Mrs. Ed Murphy and Anna Mathre, chief operator; stand ing- Mrs. Jay O’Connell, Mrs. Tony Asimus, Mrs. Paul Kramer of Stuart, Priscilla Holsclaw, Mrs William Peed of Neligh, Mrs. Rob ert Eiwin, Mrs. Roy Modine of Colome, S. D.. Mrs. A1 Hamik, Ramona Wayman, Mrs. Marlin Luber, Mrs. Ray Elsbury of Atkin son, Beverly McCarthy of Omaha, Mrs. Ed Rome of Omaha, De lores Hamik. Three absent w'hen picture was taken were Mary Jones, Frances Horton and Mrs. Louis Zastrow.—The Frontier Photo. Mm. Osenbaugh Hon teas— Merrymix club met with Mr* John Osenbaugh Tuesday with a 1 30 o’clock dessert luncheon. High scores went to Mrs H. L Lindberg and Mrs. Paul Shlerk. Mrs. Arlo Hiatt was a guest. When you select ■ memorial, you need expert assistance. Our many years of experience in ludgjog , the stone, its design and wotb manship will help you in making your decision. We iwommesM Guardian Memorials of the fmcat Barre, Vermont, Granite for en during beauty and ud.surpasand design May are serve yon ? Caadtai MnarU t ynMMl *y a Gmmmutt Ind Do you know that you can save money by selecting a memorial from our beauti ful display located on high way 20 in Ainsworth? Office open daily 1:30 • 5:0* Phone 5«» CHARLES HERRICK Ainsworth Monument Works Ainsworth, Nebr. Proved and approved around the world and now its here for you... the 58 FORD One look tells you... there's nothing newer in the world ! New letercepter V4 pnm New Cnrite-O-Metk Drive New Ferd-Aire Setpeesiea M mm —i - /■»-.»_ r. .1 ™wW MOpK'VirtM The 58 Ford it the newest ear in the world—the only ear ever to meet a world-wide test and win world wide approval before its public premiere. Here’s a car so new, so beautiful it made eyes pop from Paris to Pakistan ... a car so rugged it proved its mettle in a road test around the entire world! What’s more, it did it on surprisingly little gas—thanks to new Preci sion Fuel Induction. Come in and let us show you the worlds most beautiful new bargain! 0 T——'ll L. —I -M ^laL a—-i» -»-» — R rv nvvi wim rt»i s ivw Hnvr* captor V-l mi Praddaa M ladartfaa. Thara'i nothing nawar than thaia an ginal that giva you up to 100 hp. Smoother powarl From /an gail Ona ■acrat li Prociiion Fual Induction, a wondarful naw carburation, fual food ing, and combustion systam. Tw'l got eg to IS* mm* gai savings with aaw Crelsa-O-Metlc Driva teomed with the naw Interceptor V-8. Naw Dl position, used for all normal driving, lots you move smoothly, automatically—with just a touch of your too—from solid-foaling take-offs right up to highway cruising speeds. Ym'D rWa la a mw warU af «tyta la fba B fard UMiiminamiM—- - Tee'll rid* ea a 'lead laiteed ef a spriag wttfc Ferd-AIre Setpestiee. Four air pillowi literally took up the bumpil And Fordt new oir luipemion releveli the cor every time lomeone itepi imide or luggage it loaded. An extra cott optio,, you get all this al traditionally low Ford prices! f- " •* ■ » ■ Tee'll steer with a feethsr teach wMh Feed’s new Magic Circle Steerlag. Nothing rolls like a boll, and that's s the secret of Ford's handling ease j Free-moving steel bolls in the steering mechanism are virtually friction-free —give you the closest thing yet to power steering I Come in and try III C.m.lntom.m»,...X,irA“:,58 F#RD LOHAUS MOTOR CO. FOURTH & FREMONT, O’NEILL, NEBR