The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, November 07, 1957, SECTION TWO, Page 15, Image 15
Amelia Youth in Costume Affair UNICEF Collection Totals S10 AMELIA Women’s Society of Christian Service sponsored a party for the youth of the com munity Thursday evening. The group gathered at the annex and were taken by car on planned trips to the country to collect pennies for the UNICEF, Their pennies amounted to approximat ely $10. The children were attired in Holiowe’en costumes and Sandra Allierts won first prize with her Indian maiden garb. There were several other prizes for costumes given. The youths were treated to popcorn halls and candy bars on their return from the country tours. Other Amelia News Several ladies from this comm unity attended achievement day at O'Neill Thursday, October 31. Those who represented the Amel ia Progessive club were Mrs. Vern Sageser, Mrs. Link Sageser, Mrs Glenn White, Mrs. Paul Fisher, Mrs. Elmer Coolidge and Florence Lindsey. Mrs. Delia Ernest, Mrs. M. E. Madsen and Mrs Harlan Dierking also attend ed the meeting. Mrs. Dick Doolittle and Mrs Lee Gilman were shoppers In Norfolk Thursday, October 31. Lee Gilman and Dick Doolittle went to South Dakota Thursday, October 31, to get a load of oats. Mr. and Mrs. Tommie Doolittle and Marvin Doolittle were near Cumminsville Thursday, October 31, where the men were looking at cattle to buy. Bob Adair and Milo Pospichal went to Cherry county last week deer hunting. Mr. and Mrs. Art Doolittle and their daughter, Mrs. Ray Gartner, and daughter visited at the Tom Doolittle, sr., home Thursday evening, and later in the eve ning called on Mrs. Bob Adair. Mrs. Adair and children went home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Art Doolittle to stay over night while Bob was away on a hunting trip. Mr. and Mrs.jBus Gilman were business callers at Nellgh Tues day, October 29. They went on Tilden to visit their friends, Mr and Mrs. Charles Halsey. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Buoy and family of Rose visited at the Hle nie Frahm’s Sunday. Mrs. Buoy is Mrs. Frahm's sister. Dale Doolittle took his sister, Mrs. Ray Gartner, and little dau fhter to their home at South ioux City Sunday. Mrs. Gartner had been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Art Doolittle, the past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Art Doolittle, Mrs. Bob Adair, Jerry and Diann were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Coolidge called on Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bak er Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Skala of Howells brought their daughter, Mrs. Marvin Doolittle, and little son, Rodney to their home here after they had spent the past week visiting with them. Mrs. Harold Kehner of Winne toon visited from Friday until Sunday at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Lew Backhaus. Mr. Kehner came for her Sunday evening as he was returning home from a deer hunt. Jim Bilstiens visited at the Tommie l>oolittles' last Thursday /iow This Newspaper Helps Advertisers... With a Strong Right Hand We’re newspaper people, with our ear* to the ground and strength in our right hand. ♦ For a long time it has been our job to meet the people at our area—in their homes, work, schools, churches, and in their civic and social activities. It has been our job to understand their needs and desires; to report their joys and sorrows. Few know this area and its people better than we. Many merchants look to this background of experience and understanding for assistance in reaching their audience most effectively. It is an unusually strong right hand to their merchandising efforts—an effective source for in formation and advice. Let us show you how the combination of this experience and audited circulation facts* can help you to get maximum results from your sales messages. Call us this week. - HARDWARE 1 I ■ !_J [I Di^pHE Frontier k newspaper is a member of the Audit Bureau of Circulations, s profit, cooperative association of publishers, advertiser*, and adver if agencies. Our circulation is audited at regular intervala by axpert k) A B C. circulation auditors and thair reports ara made available or advertisers without obligation. _ S E R V » C E - „ . M A R K OF INTEOWITV • , « * * * * • a , * * * ’ . , • • • * . * * ’ . • * a a • . s * * * evening The children joined the host of ghosts and gobblms and went llalloweemng to the Grand pa Doolittles, Ralph Adairs and Bus Gilmans. Miss Raedee Wickham and Janice McAndrews of O’Neill were visitors at Frank Pierces’ Friday evening. The girls are both working at the same beauty shop in O'Neill, Miss McAndrews returend to O'Neill Friday eve ning. Raedee spent the weekend with the Pierces. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Briggs and sons of Rose visited her sister, Mrs. llicnie Frahm, and family Saturday Mrs. Maude Forbes of Bassett visited her daughter, Mrs. Hienie Frahm, and family several days last week with Mis. Forbes was enroute home from a visit with her son, Ray Forbes and family, in Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Irven Forbes and daughter, Donna, are enjoying a new black and red stationwagon. They made a trip to Minneapolis, Minn., Wednesday, October 30, returning home Sunday, Novem ber 3. Mrs. William Fryrear visited her sister, Mrs. Carl Smith in At kinson Tuesday afternoon. Julius Belew of Norfolk and his son. Marian, who works on a ranch in Wyoming, were recent visitors at the Elmer Coolidge and Levi Clemens homes. Marlin returned to Wyoming last Thurs day. Julius is employed in a Nor folk garage. Kent Rakes, 70, Dies in Hospital Kent Rakes, 70, died Friday, November 1, in a Santa Cruz, Calif., hospital following majory surgery. He was a former res ident of the Phoenix community, north of O'Neill. His wife, the former Isle Astle ford, died several years ago. Survivors include: Sons—Daniel of O'Neill and Anson of California; daughters-Mrs. Fern Nicholson, Mrs Carries lies, Mrs. Irene Ware and Mrs. Bertha Comacho, all of California; 11 grand children, including Helen, Peggy and Danita Rakes, all of O'Neill; sister — Maude o f California; brother -Charles of California. Daniel left O’Neill for Santa Cruz Friday upon receipt of his father's death. Alvin Forbes, Wife Feted at Party AMEIJA Mr. and Mrs. George > Fullerton entertained at a party Sunday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Forbes, who held a farm sale Wednesday, Novem ber 6 and are leaving the com munity. The evening was spent playing cards. Those present, besides the hosts and honored guests, were: Mr. and Mrs. Lee Gilman, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Everett, Gene Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Dierking, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Doo little, Mr. and Mrs Marvin Doo little, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ful lerton, Mrs. Keith McMullen and Gene Skulla, Mrs. McMillen was high score winner for the ladies and Harlan Dierking won high for the men. A luncheon of cake, sandwiches and coffee were ser ved. Sherbahn# In Missouri— Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Sherbahn left Wednesday for a week’s stay in Kansas City, Mo., where Doc tor Sherbahn will attend school. Three inule deer and one whltetall (third from left) were killed Sunday in northern Holt by this group: Left-to-right: Richard (‘‘Dick") Tomlinson, .Mrs. Tomlinson, Emil Adamson, Jr., and Don ald Adamson, all of O’Neill. The deer hog-dressed at 116, 129, 150 and 154 pounds, respectively.— T Front or Photo. Among early successes in the 19:*7 ileer hunt were two mule tleer and three whitctail brought in by this quintet. Left-to right: Warren Burgess of Amalia, formerly of O’Neill. Dave Haydn of Oma ha, Al Carroll, Virgil Laursen and William W. Griffin, all of O’Neill. The five deer were bagged in the Valentine area and were brought to the O’Neill lockers for dressing. Burgess and Haydn were guests for a week of Burg«“ss’ parents, Dr. and Mrs. I,. A. Burgess. Haydn operates three Haydn House restaurants in Omaha.—The Frontier Photo. Social Security Man Here Today— A representative of the Nor folk social security office will be in the assembly room basement of the court house in O'Neill from 9:30 a.m., to 3 p.m., to day (Thursday). Self-employed applicants should bring extra copies of their 1956 tax returns, receipts showing self employment tax is paid, and proof of age. Frontier for printing! Dorsey News Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brady spent the weekend in Omaha with their daughter, Ivalyn, and fam ily, and were getting acquainted with their new grandson. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sibble and family of Butte visited at the par ental home Sunday, October 27. Albert Lee Brady of Monowi spent the weekend of October 26j with his grandparents, the Lee Bradys. Dorsey aid society met with Mrs. H. H. Miles Wednesday, Oc tober 23. The attendance was not so large due to various reasons. A good time was had by those; who could attend. There are lots of colds, flu and etc., among the folks in this com munity. We’d all enjoy some sun-1 shine instead of the gloomy days we’ve been having. Some moist- j ture fellhere Tuesday, October 29. j Mr. anil Mrs. Joe Cihlar attend ed the wedding of a neice at Til den Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Kalal of Verdigre and their daughter, La verne, and husband and family visited at the Gordon Barta home Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Laura Wertz of Lynch visited with the Carson sisters Tuesday, October 29, and was an overnight guest” there. -— .. | Hallowe’en Party Is Held— Mrs. Rosa Bowers was hostess at a party Hallowe’en night. ; Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Mar ion Woidneck and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Woidneck, Mr. and Mrs. Loyal Hull, Miss Lois Hull of Chicago, 111., Mrs. I Minnie Iliggiqs, Mrs. Henry Mar tin. The occasion was also Linda Sue Woidneck’s birthday anniv ersary. Mrs. James Donohoe and Mrs. Edwin Sevcik are the new mem bers of the NTTF Bridge club. Riverside News Mr, and Mrs. Dewitt Hoke and Clayton visited Sunday after noon at the Willie Shrader home. The Lynn Fry iamily waited Sunday evening at the Lorraine Montgomery home. Mrs. Lynn Fry and children and Mrs. Dale Napier were in Neligh Wednesday. Fay Doty had Sunday dinner at the Rev. C. P. Turner home. The Wayne Fry family were Sunday dinner guests at the Rich ard Napier home. Florence Hoke, Joyce Mont gomery and Algenia Hord were in Nehgh Monday afternoon, Octo ber 28. Mr and Mrs. Ralph Thomas ol Creighton, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Shrader and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bus Napier and iamily, the Wil bur Bennett iamily, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bennett and Bar bara, Mr. aud Mrs. Ralph Shra der and family and Mr. and Mrs. Willie Shrader and family called on Mary Shrader Tuesday eve ning, October 29, wishing her a happy birthday on the evening of her birthday anniversary. Dewitt Hoke's neighbors are helping him remodel his barn. The Robert Montgomery family were in Nehgh Friday. Mrs. Ralph Shrader attended a farm bureau meeting in Lincoln last Thursday and Friday. Joyce Montgomery spent Wed nesday. October 30, at the Dewitt J1UIVC IlUillU. Mr. and Mrs. George Montgom ery visited Friday evening at Johnny Miller home and Sunday evening at the Rol Hord home. Mrs. James Love called Wed nesday evening, October 30, from Buffalo, N Y., wishing her fath er, George Montgomery, a belated happy birthday. Ernest Trowbridge of Inman visited at the Howard Miller home Sunday. He and his sister, Anna Smith, hud just returned home from a trip into Washington, Ore gon, British Columbia and Wyo ming. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Strode of Stuart and Frank Wondercheck of Newport were supper guests Tuesday, October 29, jit Grant Mott home. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fink visit ed Sunday afternoon at the Frank Synder home in Page. The Johnny Napier family at tended a Halloween party last Thursday evening at the Alfred Napier home. Mrs. Edna Lofquist spent the vveeeknd visiting relatives and friends in the Riverside commun ity. She left Monday morning for Fremont to be at the home of Bob Lofquist while Mrs. Bob Lof quist is in the hospital. Orville Pollock left Grand Is land early Friday morning for his home in California after spending ten days visiting rela tives in and around Ewing. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fry visited Mr. and Mrs. Otto Reckte near Norfolk Thursday, October 31. The Frys spent the weekend visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ross at Laurel. | — LONO TERM-* j FARM LOANS NFLA, owned by farmer*—lor farmer*, save* you money when you borrow. Low interest rate*. Dependable. Loan* for moat any eonitructir* purpose. For full information about a loan oa your land, plea** Elkhom Valley NATIONAL FARM LOAN ASSN. O’Neill, Nebraska LYLE P. DIERKS. Sec retary -Treasurer Member Federal Land Bank System TH E YEAR'S N EWEST CAR, THE NEWEST CAR IN YEARS ... 58 CHEVROLET I hnpofci ConvarfIMa wMi Bta nM at Body by Hdtm. f / W Air J-Ooor Vxton showing ’ MW duoJ hooditghU. ft sets a new stylo in styling. It takes a new approach to power. It's new right down to the smooth and solid way it rides! Vs long, low and luxuriously new—the beauti fully moving ’58 Chevrolet. It’s new from ride to roof . . . from its bold new grille to its unique full -wing rear fenders. And, it offers quick responding power aplenty in any engine you pick—V8 or 6. MEW SILHOUETTE, featuring a new body-frame design, is dramatically lower, wider—and a full 9 inches longer! NEW TURBO-THRUST V8* featuring revolutionary Wedge-Fire design achieves a new pinnacle of performance. NEW FULL COIL SUSPENSION provides cradle soft action at every wheel, completely replacing conventional leaf spring rear suspension. NEW AIR RIDE featuring Level Air suspension* carries you on cushions of compressed air, with ail its natural shock-absorbing properties. Your Chevrolet dealer is waiting right now to show you the beautiful way to be thrifty—the 58 Chevrolet. •Optional at extra coet L—— rJI oorfnmdimi cw»fa dmim-t MvUr Mt 5m Your Local Authorised Dealer V i^itors Invited to School November I 3 The week of Novemher HM7 is American education week. O' Neill public schools are holding open-house with the student coun cil acting at guides. "High school and grade school parents and anyone else interest ed in education are invited to \isit school and see it in action Wednesday, November 13," Supt M. J. Baack said. Atkinson and O'Neill football teams will meet Friday. Novem ber 8, at O'Neill. A speech clinic will be held at Bassett Saturday, November 14: \ eserve game was played with Neligh Monday afternoon with O'Neill winning 13-0 The following students took re < nts examinations Wednesday: Mike Biddy Melvin Luben, Uynda Haynes Gale Holcomb, Judy Johnson. Jane Petersen, Wayne Reynoklson and Marion Mose man will tx> no school veter ans day November 11. Junior class play will lie held Friday, November 15. Sunday dinner guests of Mrs Ruth Morgan were Mr..and Mrs F y Cuttack and family of Al bion. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiniiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmimiimimmii. Final Football Game! tWING TIGERS vs. CREIGHTON Ewing Gridiron Friday, November 8th KICKOFF AT 8 P. M. Admission: Adults 50c; Students 25c linn.. inn i inn.. iiiimiiiiimmimmiimimr Joe J. Jelinek & Sons• • • 12th ANNUAL HF.REF( I PRODUC i SALE CHEKJHTON LIVESTOCK I’AMLION CKKKJHTON, NEBR. Saturday, November 16 — 1 p.m. 53 Head Sell — 29 Bulls — 24 Heifers Those 29 hulls are rugged and well grown. They are from 14 months to 2 years old. They sell in just good breeding con dition. 21 Females mostly open heifers. A few will he mated to TW Dynasty 2d or Golden Aster 191. All are ealfhood vaccinated. All females sell in good .pasture condition. Sires represented in this offering are: M. It. Triumph Dom ino ( . . . Holden \st< r fi.'id . . . I:I'll Helmsman :t'2 . . . Hoyal Chief All cattle will have health certificates to ship anywhere. For sale catalog or information write JOE J. JELINEK & SONS VEKDIHRF., NKllR.