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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1957)
WU )jf s\v\ It! •'/>/ v\,» I./, U// \\\V t* !;////rs FOR SALE Thiele’s Dairy Cattle TOP PRODUCING dairy cattle on hand at all times Wiscon sin bred, fresh and heavy springers, first and second calf heifers. Arnold Thiele 2 Vi miles southwest of Clear water, Phone 17 on 12 tf FOR SALE: Player piano just tuned, in good condition. Also a lot of player rolls.—John Sch leusener, Orchard. 25ti FOR SALE: Purebred Hampshire boars.—Henry Stelling, 2 mi. south, Vi west of Orchard. 23tf. FOR SALE: Purebred Hampshire boars. New bloodline for old customers. At farmers prices.— George Winkler, Emmet. 24tf FOR SALE 1954 Super MTA 1948 M Farmall with overdrive 1951 C Farmall B Farmall with cultivator 1950 Cub Farmall with equipment 0951 TD6 crawler with dozer 1955 6100 Chev. S.W.B. truck 1949 KB2 pickup 2-row New Idea No. 6 used single row Belle City corn picker, like new Used 10C hammermill, like new Used 10C mill with P.T.O. drive, A-l shape Behlen 1,000 bu. comcrib Kelly Ryan 44-ft. elevator New wagon boxes from $60.00 up Used 3F power wash separator, only $125.00 erchang. Keating Impl. Co. Atkinson, Nebr. , 26c FOR SALE: Purebeed Hamp shire boars. Farmers’ prices. Some herd boars.—Walter Soj ka and sons, Page. 24-33pd BARGAINS PICKER 13 New GI and Farm rite Cornpickers 1 and 2 row. Either pull type or mounted PRICED $350.00 TO $795.00 New Deal Oil Co. O’NEILL 24-26c FOR SALE: Terriflex vinyl tile. Now carried in stock. Select your color.—Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co., O’Neill. 47ctf ~~ FOR SALE New Buicks 1957 Super 4 Dr. Riviera 1957 Special 4 Dr. Riviera 1957 Special 2 Dr. Riviera $1,000.00 to $1,345.00 discount clean-up sale before new models Used Cars 1951 Buick 1954 Buick 1954 Pontiac 1953 Ford 1952 Buick 1951 Chrysler 1950 Buick 1954 Willys Pickup 1947 Pontiac 1941 Ford D & S MOTOR CO. AND OUTLAW 1MPL. CO. O'Neill. Nebr Oscar Spitzenberger 26-27c FOR SAGE: Maytag wasiung ma chine, square tub; Wide rubber conveyor belt suitable for truck mud flaps; 10-ft. road drag; antique dishes; lamps; clocks; guns; and furniture.—Truman G. Rossman, Atkinson. 26-27p75 FOR SALE: Purebred Hampshire boars. Meat type, big, rugged, smooth. New bloodlines for old customers.—3% miles east of Creighton, Nebr. Shadylane Hampshire Farm. 21-29c SPRINKLER IRRIGATION SEE US or white us if interested in Sprinkler Irrigation. We will be glad to figure your system for you, with the help of qual ified irrigation engineers, at no obligation. Wm. Krotter Co. O’NEILL, NEBR. “Dealers in A - M Sprinkler Irrigation” rm FOR SALE: Aeromotor wind mills and towers, galvanized stock tanks, 8- and 10-ft sizes. John Sobotka, Inman, Nebr. FOR SALE: Hampshire boar of breeding age. Also a 2-row Farmrite compicker to fit H or M, cheap —Dewayne Anson, 1 mile south and 1 V« miles east of Midway. 24-26p Cornpicker Bargains 9 New GI 2-row pull type $695.00 7 New GI and Farmrite 1-row pulltype & semi-mounted $395.0C and semi-mounted $350.00 • Outlaw Impl. Co. •Phone 373.. ‘O’Nefll. Nebr * • • ’ 26-27pl.5C * • • • • • ,* • MACHINERY 1 row GI pull picker No. 24 IHC picker, like new J-D 226 picker 2-row Case picker 1 row Case picker rilC ZP picker 42 J-D B tractor. Kelly Ryan elevator Tractor winch Wagons Hoists Boxes USED APPPLIANCES Thor automatic washer Bendix automatic washer Coronado wringer washer, like new Speed Queen wringer washer Marion electric range Motorola TV j Crosley refrigerator Set of rinse tubs Used oil space heater Come in, let us show you how to win an RCA TV absolutely free. We trade for farm equipment on appliances. Shelhamer Equip. Co. Your RCA-Whirlpool Dealer —O’NEILL— FOR SALE: 1956 2-ton Ford truck, with or without dump !x>x, excellent condition.—Phone 434. 26tf FOR SALE: Nice apt. size elec, stove, cheap; power lawn mow er; hospital bed and 2 steel base cabinets. — O. E. David son, O'Neill, phone 126 24tf FOR SALE: Registered Hereford bulls, 12 to 18 mos old—John Niewohner, 2V4 miles west ot Drive In, O’Neill. 20-31p FOR SALE: Beer equipment, to be moved. Reasonable. Modern location available in O'Neill.— Ralph McElvain, O’Neill. 26tf Used Car Bargains I 1953 DeSoto club coupe. 1955 Studebaker Commander 1953 Plymouth 1948 3/4 ton pickup. 1948 Chevrolet 2-ton truck Smith Motor Co. STUDEBAKER Phone 562 O’Neill FOR SALE: 52 M-M model D com sheller, P.T.O. drive, 28 ' ft. drag feed. Always shedded. Good condition.—Eddie Hrbek, Rebird. 22tf. FOR SALE: 24-in. steel Weier pipe furnace equipped to bum oil. All pipes included. All in good condition. Burend not in cluded.— J. C. Parker, O’Neill, phone 14-F-3 26c FOR SALE: 14 foot plywood boat, equipped with 5 hp. Johnson motor, price $125.—Carl Weed er, Lynch. 25-26c SALT FOR SALE: Kanapolis $16.50 a ton; American $20.50 a ton; white block 75c—Located 3 blks. east, 4 blks. north of traffic light. Everett Gorgen, Ph. 524-M, O’Neill. 51tf USED MACHINERY CORN PICKERS— Farm Rite 2-row mtd., good 2—JD 226 Oliver, single row J-D 101, single-row J-D 200 Woods Bros. GI 2-row GI 1-row COMBINES — No. 62 IHC, with motor J-D No. 55 self-propelled combine TRACTORS— 46 B—JD 45 A J-D F-20 IHC J-D 10” hammermill Case Tractor Spreader J.D. Model E Spreader J-D-D twine and oils Harry R. Smith Impls. Phone 562 — O’Neill run . UUUU UbVU LdUif 72 and 5/8 inch. Good lengths, rea sonable.—Francis J. Musil, O’ Neill. 26c FOR SALE: Copperclad combi nation gas-coal-wood range, like new. Bargain priced. -Mrs John Storjohann, O’Neill, ph. 455-J. 25-26p70 FOR SALE: 150 good used storm windows. Three 36 inch combin ation doors, good as new. $12.50 each.—Ralph Beckwith, O’Neill. 25-27p FOR SALE: Used boys clothing. Rayon, cordudoy and band shirts, parkas, boots and shoes. Mrs. Ray Eby, phone 319. 25-26c FOR SALE: Hampshire male hogs from the McGuire herd; Spotted Poland from the Hattigg herd. Vaccinated 2 ways and guaranteed. — Frank Beelaert, Page. 24tf MOBILE HOMES NEW SAFEWAY GREAT LAKES — COMETS TRAVELITES and MALLARDS in sizes 15 to 48 foot. Also Several Good USED TRAILERS WE TRADE FOR Furniture or Automobiles or WHAT HAVE YOU? ' OPEN WEEK DAYS - SUNDAYS LOWEST PRICE S-BEST TERMS We Finance up to 5 years. SEE US AND SAVE MONEY Miller Trailer Sales Phone 460 Albion, Nebr. FOR SALE: Two oil heaters in good condition.—Vincent Street ter, Corkle Farm, O’Neill I . 26-27pd FDR SALE: Grow thy, rugged, lengthy F*urebred Hampshire boars and gilts Strictly the meat type. Good doers. Sired by four top herd boars. Plenty of new breeding. Write or phone: John Raster, Clearwater. 22-27c CURTISS BREEDING gives yw the blood of champions. Don't waste time and money raising someone’s culls — call Duane Gray Phone 469-J. O’Nelli 21tf INVISIBLE REWEAVING: Cigar ette bums, moth holes, cuts and tears. Reasonably.— Mrs. Ed ward Tellier, new address, one block south of spotlight and half a block west. 26-30c FDR SALE: Minnesota Holstein heifers and cows, TB and bangs tested.—Rudy Juracek. Ewing FDR SALE: Fhirebred Hampshire boars. Big and rugged with extra length; also a few open gilts. —Alfred Hansen, Plain view. 19tf FDR SALE: Purebred spotted Poland China lioars and gilts. Long and deep bodied, vaccinat ed both ways.—Elmer Bohl, 5Vi miles west of Plainview on highway 20. 23-26c FDR SALE: Purebred spotted Poland China boars. Vet. vac cinated. — Martin Hoffman, Spencer, phone 3761. 24.-27c SEE US for new SPARTAN or SAFEWAY mobile houses, 25% down, 5% int.; up to 84 months to pay. Write or phone. -Contois Motor Co. Neligh. 30tf WANTED WANTED: Man between age of 23 to 45 This could mean full time job for right party with selling experience. No limit to the amount of earnings for ambitious party. Must have good car, for work in Holt county. Married man prefer red with references. — Write box 334, Neligh, Nebr., for date to be interviewed. 26tf Business Opportunity HERE IS the opportunity you have been waiting for. Major oil company has for lease modern service station with at tached cafe on highway 20 in Plainview, Nebr. Very low gal lonage rental on station and cafe is rent free. FOR INFORMATION write Eu gene Kerber, Box 344, Colum bus, Nebr. 25-27c WANTED: Cattle to feed for the winter.—Willard Frerichs, Box 87, Page. 26-28p75 ELECTRIC MOTORS Rewinding Rebuilding Any make and size up to 100 h.p. NEW — USED MOTORS 1/40 through 10 h.p. single phase >4 through 100 h.p. 3 phase REPAIR ANYTHING Electrical Appliance, Portable Tools, Controls Commercial & REA WIRING Distributors for FAIRBANKS MORSE Motors and Pumps Allen Bradley Controls Gates Belts & Pulleys Also many other types of Electrical Equipment & Supplies IF ITS ELECTRICAL TROUBLES YOU ARE HAVING — CALL 243-W 24-Hr. Service Northwest Electric Motor Service O’NEILL. NEBR. No job is too small or too big No job is too close or too far No service or time too great that NORTHWEST ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE will not take care of you. SERVICE TO YOU IS OUR MOTTO Exceptional Opportunity I RELIABLE man or woman from this area to distribute complete line of cigarettes, candy, nuts, or gum through new automatic vendors. No selling or solicit ing as accounts are established for you. To qualify party must have car. references, and cash capitol of 5700 which is secured by inventory. Earnings up to $300 month part time—Full time more. For personal inter veiw give phone etc. Write; P.O. Box 156, Rochester, Min-1 nesota. 26p; -— Gunsmithing MOST complete gunsmithing ser vice for many miles around. Three-day service on founting scope on your 03A3 Springfield, while supply lasts. Taxidermy GAME HEADS mounted. $25 and up. Deer hides tanned into fine j leather. Choice of four colors. $4 each. . Can be made into' fine jackets, purses and many i other items. Hides must be I well salted with no lumps of meat or fat.—I live 10 miles south, 5 west, 1 north and % west of Ewing. Carl Hubei Ewing, phone 6F02 25-27C1 MAKE $75 lTP WEEKLY Full or part time Take orders for America’s largest selling liquid fertilizer. Used by farmers since 1946. Liberal profits. No investment. Write "Na-Qiurs" Plant Food Co., 435 Monroe St., Marion, Ohio. 25-27c W ANTED: Mending and plain sewing —Mrs. Fay Brittell, O’ Neill, phone 298-R. 24-27c HALVA'S ELECTRIC SHOP Generator and Motor Winding NEW & USED MOTORS AT YOUR SERVICE! in REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE KIETH ABART Phone 209 O’Neill HAMIK Refrigeration if Air Conditioning if Sales and Service We REPAIR all makes of ap pliances; REA and Com mercial wiring. PHONE 714 O'NEILL SEWING of all kinds or typing to do in my home.—Mrs. Clinton Harmon. O’Neill. Phone 161LJ 25-26p WANTED DRY CLEANING OF ALL KINDS! IDEAL CLEANERS "Approved Sani-Tone Service" Phone 775-W for Pickup and Delivery! 47ctf REAL ESTATE i ■ MONEY TO LOAN on farms, ranches and homes. Long term, low interest rates — bonds and insurance of all kinds. See Virgil L. Laursen at The O’ Neill Conmpany. 27-18tfc FOR SALE: Modem 6-room house in Ewing. Near Catholic church. Claire Tomjack, O’Neill or Ew ing. 25-27c House Under Construction FOR SALE! WATCH IT GROW! New two bedroom model home being erected in the Spelts-Ray sub division. Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co. — O’NEILL - FOR SALE: All modem 7-room house with 1% baths. Automat-1 tic oil furance. Ideal location on corner lot 60 by 90 feet. Close to both schools and town.— I Loretto Enright, 630 East Ben ton St. 26c FOR SALE: All modem 7-room house with garage. Located close to Catholic church in Ewing. — See Claire Tomjack, O’Nbill or Ewing. 25-27c FOR SALE 320 acres improved, Page--would trade for home in O’Neill. 480 acres improved, Page. Abart Company Phone 209 O’Neill IS YOUR insurance costing too much? Are you properly in sured. — See Ed Thorin, agt., I O’Neill, Nebr. 34tf FOR SALE: Old store building to be torn down.—see John Sobotka, Inman 26-27c j I AM AT my office in O’Neill, Nebr., and I have Eastern money and private money to loan on residences and on farms and ranches. — R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 15tf CARDS of THANKS I’LL MISS YOU: I want to take this opportunity to say goodbye to all of my many good Avon friends, and thank you for your past patronage. I have had a closer relationship with you all than just the usual person sel ling has with a customer. My regular visits into your homes, and our friendly chats, have meant so much to me. Another girl will take my place, but I’ll remember you ALL, al ways, and I'LL MISS YOU.— j Your Avon friend, Mrs. VIR-1 GINIA LOFFLIN, 322 South i Oak street, Pratt, Kansas. 26p | WE WISH to extend our sincere thanks and appreciation to relatives, friends and neighbors for the acts of kindness, mess ages of sympathy, donations and floral offerings, during the illness and loss of our beloved husband, father and grand father. Special thanks to the ladies who donated and served dinner and lunch.—Mrs. ED WAYMAN AND FAMILY 26p50 -— WORDS CANNOT express my thankfulness for the flowers, letters, cards, gifts and visits received while I was in the hos ital. A special thanks to Pastor Roten, to those who made trips to Norfolk, and to the eighth graders for their good letter. God bless you everyone.—Will-: iam Jutte. 26c I WISH to express my sincere thanks to relatives and friends for the cards, flowers ,and let ters sent me during my stay at St. Anthony’s. I also wish to thank the doctors and nurses for their wonderful care.—John M. Grutsoh 26p50 MISCELLANEOUS ADLER Sewing Center SALES OF NEW AND USED SEWING MACHINES WE REPAIR all makes. We un dersell anybody in price and outsell anybody in quality. O’NEILL. NEBR. PH. 269 52tf NO HUNTING of any kind on the Dobrovolny ranch, O’Neill. 23tf. L. Guthmiller REPAIR SHOP Half Black Baat at Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene welding. Wick’s Body Shop Complete Body and Fender Repairs and Painting Glass Installed—Towing Service Phone 211W — O’NEILL — for Any Job 25tf DANKERT’S PROPANE O'NEILL AND CHAMBERS Bulk Gas Deliveries Norge Appliances Gas Heating Systems Deartx>m, Seigler, Coleman, Universal, Hunt SPECIAL ON WASHER and DRYER COMBINATIONS Dankert s Propane 22tf | Expert Watch Repairing McIntosh Jewelry Phone 166 O’Neill 3 6 Months to Repay on Real Estate LOANS $ 1,000 or less $25.00 to $1,000 ON FURNITURE OR AUTO MADE on our regular monthly repayment plan and on a Spec ial Plan for Farmers. CONFIDENTIAL, PERSONAL SERVICE! Central Finance Corp. C. E. JONES Phone 14 O’Neill 2tf AUCTIONEERING Real Estate Broker Private Listings and Auctions ED THORIN Farm Sales a Speciality Phone 207 — O’Neill FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT: Five bed room modern house in excel-j lent condition, garage. Avail able November 1. Immediate possession.—J.C. Parker, phone 14F3 or Virgil Laursen, phone 434. 26c FOR RENT: Sleeping rooms. — Phone 537, O'Neill. 16tf FOR RENT: Furnished, large house, from November 1 to j May 1 while wintering on West coast.—H. D. Grady, O’Neill. 26c FOR RENT: Store building. All modern. Good location. Rent right.—R. H. Parker, O'Neill. ^ FOR RENT: 3 room basement apartment, $20.— Roy Shull, O’ Neill, phone 517-J. 26-28c FOR RENT: Nice furnished apartment, automatic washer, gas heat.—O. E. Davidson, O' Neill, phone 126 25-26cj FOR RENT: Apartment, 4 rooms and bath. Private entrance, gas heat, reasonable rent.—Phone 360-W, O’Neill or see Joe Bazel man. 26 pd Hostess to Project Club— INMAN—Mrs. Albert Reynolds entertained the Inman Workers project club at her home Wed nesday afternoon, October 16. Mrs. Reynolds took charge of the meeting in the absence of Mrs. Melvin Lorenz. Mrs. H. E. Smith conducted the lesson on "proper ty and casualty insurance and what one should know about it. There were eight members pre sent. Mrs. Reynolds served lunch. Try FRONTIER want ads for quick results. i> ___ ... _ M rs. Hipke Hostess to Rock kails Club ROCK KAUJs Pleasant Day club met on Wednesday, October 16, with Mrs. Neil Hipke, hostess. All members present except Mrs. Blake Benson, and one visit or, Mrs. Lester Hoffbauer of Westport, S.D., who came as a guest with Mrs. Floyd Johnson. This being the first all day meeting a noon-day luncheon was served. Following the business meeting a few games of pitch were play ed. Mrs. Albert Sterns and Mrs. Floyd Johnson tied for high score. In cutting cards to deter mine the winner, Mrs. Johnson won out. A "money envelope” was pre sented to Mrs. Hipke by the lad ies as a shower for her. Next meeting will be on Nov ember 12, the hostess to be de cided upon later. Other Rock Falls News Afternoon visitors at the Lou Brown home on October 13, were Mrs. Ethel Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Arlen Brown and children of Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Widtfeldt and children attended the show at the White Horse Ranch which was given recently, on a Sunday afternoon. Sunday dinner guests of the Floyd Johnson family on October 13, included Mr. and Mrs. Dick Loock and baby of Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. John Schultz and girls and Lowell Johnson. Afternoon and evening guests were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Murray and Theresa Breiner. Mrs. Albert Widtfeldt and Nor ma attended the benefit supper at the Mehodist church in Em met on October 16. October 13 dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Curran in cluded Mrs. Celia Grutsch, Mr. and Mrs. Jim McNulty, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lansworth, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Vequist and children, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Curran and girls, Dick Allen, Eiliene Nelson and Judy, Randy and Peggy Cur ran. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Widtfeldt, Norma and Jimmy and Terry Brown were evening visitors at the John Kitchens home on Octo ber 15. Terry was an overnight guest of the Widfeldt family. Mr. and Mrs. Don Hynes and daughters attended a card party last Monday evening at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. George Calkins, honoring their 30th wedding anniversary. Visiting at the Don Hynes home on October 13, were Mr. and Mrs. Leo Farran of Norfolk and Mr. and Mrs. George Clakins. Mr. and Mrs. Art O’Neill were Thursday evening visitors at the Lyle Vequist home. Mr. and Mrs. Jim McNulty visited the Lyle Vequists on Fri-' I— day evening, Linda Hynes accompanied her grandmother, Mrs. Doris Hynes and Miss Regina to Ravenna on Saturday where she was a guest of her cousin, Bobbie, at the Ken neth Young home. Her parents called for her on Sunday evening at the Hynes residence in O'Neill. Mrs Kathryn Yantzi called on Mrs. James Curran Wednesday, October 16. Francis Curran had dinner at the home of his parents on Fri day. Mary Jo Curran accompanied her grandparents home from church on Sunday morning re turning in the evening when they went in to attend the card par ty at St. Mary's. Supper guests of the John Sch ultz family on October 14, includ ed Mr. and Mrs. Sam Derickson and sons and Mr. Kathryn Yantzi. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Derickson and boys were Tuesday, October supper and evening guests of the Merle Spangler family. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hoffbauer of Westport, S.D., were guests at the Floyd Johnson home from Monday until Thursday of the past week. Mr. Hoffbauer is a coon-hunting enthusiast. He and Floyd and Dan Rakes tiled their luck on Wednesday, October 16, and were successful in getting a coon. Bill Claussen was a caller at the Sam Derickson home last Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Kath-1 ryn Yantzi and Mrs. James Cur ran called there in the early eve ning on their way home from club. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Moler visit ed at the home of her brothers, Dave and John Langan on Fri day. Mr. and Mr. Dave Moler and Don attended a birthday party for their son, Russell, at his home on Sunday evening. Mrs. Sam Derickson and sons spent the evening with Mrs. John Schutlz and girls on Thurs day, while John and Sam were in town. Mr. and Mrs. John Kersen broek were Friday evening visit ors in the John Schultz home. Terry and Cindy Brown were Wednesday, October 16, overnight guests of their cousin, Lynda Hynes. Mrs. Floyd Johnson and Linda called at the Theresa Breiner home on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lou Brown, Ter ry and Cindy were Sunday after noon visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arlen Brown and Ethel in Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Don Hynes and daughters were Sunday evening callers at the Sam Derickson home. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vequist were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Duane Sanders, as were her father, Sid Farewell of Chambers and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Sanders and son, Melvin, and Mr. and Mrs. Dal# Rev el! and two sons. Mr. and Mrs. Blake Benson v isited Mr. and Mrs. Clem Ben son in Norfolk on Sunday. Clem returned with them to spend a day or two. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hoff hauer visited the "Doc” Newman family in Stuart Tuesday after noon and evening. October 15. Mrs. I "km Hynes and baby dau ghter wore Monday forenoon cof fee guests of Mrs. John Schultz. Mrs. John Pinnt of Chadron and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Dewey and daughter, Janice, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Johnson. Mrs. Pinnt was a former resident of the Rock Kalis community and a member of the Pleasant Day club. Mrs. Dewey is the former Marion Pin nt and with her family, now re sides in Waterloo, la. They had been visiting the Pinnt family near Chadron. “The Old Reliable” MARKET REPORT MONDAY, OCTOBER 21st CAM’’ SALE: Rain and bad roads held calf receipts to 1,754 head but failed to dampen buyer Inter est. Demand was excellent and prices held firm to strong. Top load steer calves at $29.25. Many loads and part loads at $28.00 to $29.00 cwt. Heifer calves looked 50 to 75 cents higher, with the choice kinds at $24 00 to $25.00 cwt. Med ium to just fair kinds sold from $22.50 to $24.00 cwt. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22nd: Receipts 2,195 head. 65% of the offering were steers with 575 to 600 lb. averages at $22.00 to $24.00 ; 675 to 750 lbs. at $21.50 to $22.50 weights 800 to 950 at $20.00 to $21.50. Common kinds $18.00 to $19.00. A light run of heifers sold well at $18.00 to $20.50 cwt. Cows and butcher cattle fully steady. Next Special CALF SALE Monday, October 28th STOCKER - FEEDER Auction Tuesday, October 20tli Phone 5141 and IJst “cm” Atkinson Livestock Market _ Guardian's Sale ■•i Dwelling House I will sell at public Auction at the Front Door of the Court House in O’Neill, Nebraska, on — Tuesday, October 29fth At 2 P. M. A Dwelling House and Acreage belonging to Meta Martin This property is located 2 blocks West and approximately 1 block South of the State Garage, in O’Neill, Nebraska. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: All that pari of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 25, in Township 29, North of Range 12, West of the 6th P. IVf. , in Holt County, Nebraska, described as follows: Com mencing at a point 50 feet West of the Southwest Corner of Block 2 of Matthew’s Addition to the City of O’Neill, as per the recorded plat thereof, thence running North 160 feet, fhence run ning West 450 Feet, thence running South 429 Feet, thence run ning East 150 feet, thence running North 269 feet to the place of beginning. This is an eight-room dwelling house which is in good condi tion and good repair, full sized cement basement. Guardian s Deed and abstract will be furnished. This is a nice ■ acreage, plenty of shade trees on premises and garden space. TERMS OF SALE: 25% down on day of sale, Balance upon confirmation of sale and when abstract and merchantable title are furnished. JOHN R. GALLAGHER ELENOR HAYNES Attorney Guardian of Meta Martin j i """■l 111 ,4 •