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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1957)
O’Neill News Mrs. Bruce Johnson spent from Friday until Saturday with her mother, Mrs. Hulda Miller, in Verdigre. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Dewey and Janice of Waterloo, la., and Mrs John Pinnt of Oiadron were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Johnson. Enid and Errol Johnson, child ren of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Johnson, spent the weekend with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Bartak of Royal. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Meyers at Royal. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Walter and children of Chambers and Catherine DeVall were Thursday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Preston Jones. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Harring ton and Mrs. Thctnas Donlin visited Mr. and Mrs. John Murray in Spencer Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Holz were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Clouse, north of O'Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Langan of Columbus visited over the week end with their daughter, Mrs. John DeW’itt, and other relatives. Joe Rotherham left Monday for Burlington, la., after visiting here for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Janzing were guests Wednesday evening, October 16, of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Winkler and Mary Alice of Em met. Monument* of hutting beauty made by nkiiled eruftwmen ol the J. F. Bloom Co. . . . monu ment* from the factory to the consumer. — Emmet Crabb, O’ Mr. and Mrs. Larry Pribil were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Farrier. Mrs. James Gallagher, Miss Ann Judge, Mrs. Robert Shoe-; maker, Mrs. J. R. Gallagher and Mrs. O. D. French attended the NCCN's meeting i n Atkinson Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Gettert and family were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Krysl on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Graves and family were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Sharp in Valentine. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Griffin from Friday until Tuesday were her sister and husband, Mr. | and Mrs. Arnold Crane of Chi cago, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Chace and family of Montevideo, Minn., stopped Wednesday, October 16, to visit her mother, Mrs. H. J. Hammond, enroute to their new home in North Platte. Mr. Chace will be manager of the Qiamber of Commerce there. Mrs. John J. Harrington met Mr. Harrington in Sioux City Saturday, arriving from Chicago, 111. He will spend several days in O'Neill with his family. Saturday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Humrich, were her mother, Mr. Levi Clemens, and sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Clemens of Amelia. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hunt and family spent the weekend in Omaha visiting her mother, Mrs. E. W. Devereux, and other rela tives. * • 1 T OiioIimI'ii iVll . til 111 i»l*u, and family and Mrs. Kenneth Cunningham, and family were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. j Kenneth Curran. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Davis j were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pacha in Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Eby were j Sunday guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Nisson, at Page. | Mr. and Mrs. William Edwards were Saturday guests of Mr. andj Mrs. Bob Hoesing in Wayne, on Sunday they were guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Ed wards, in Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Conard of Neligh were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Brittell, and also visited Mrs. Brittell’s daugh ter, Mrs. Dick Fernau of Valen tine, in St. Anthony's hospital. Mr. Fernau visited his wife and Mr. and Mrs. Brittell on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Casper of Albion and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Patterson were Sunday afternoon callers of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Clauson. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cook and James of Lincoln spent from Wednesday, October 16, until Saturday visiting his mother, Mrs. Bob Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Odell Fiksdil and children of Webster, S.D., visited over the weekend with his moth er, Mrs. Nellie Maloney, and Mrs. Edna Coyne. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Becker at tended band day in Lincoln Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Berner and Susanne spent Saturday and Sun day in Norfolk visiting his moth er, Mrs. Clara Berner. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bowen at tended homecoming in Wayne Saturday and visited Mr. and Mrs. John Bowen. John visited his parents in O’Neill on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bright at tended homecoming in Stuart Saturday evening. —Mr. and Mrs. Rynold Cimfel visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Mullen, of Broken Bow over the weekend. DIES AT HOME DELIOT—Mrs. Bill Larson of Oklahoma City, Okla., died un expectedly at her home Friday, October 11. She was an aunt of Mrs. H. Reimer's of the Deliot community. n the friendly j “Pepper- j Upper” THAT NEVER j LETS I YOU DOWN! j Men Dr Pepper Bottling Ct. Drapery Needs! I ' Custom made draperies and drapery material by the yard. Complete rod ser vice. (Samples shown in the home.) Modern Shade and Drapery Shop 405 Madison Ave., Norfolk, Nebr. Mrs. Dayle Hewett, O’Neill Representative PHONE 35. APT. 8 — GOLDEN HOTEL ANNEX Celia Gets First Killing Frost CELIA Celia recieved its first killing frost Wedneday night, October 16. Since then the com munity has received several rains. Other Celia News Mr. and Mrs. George Mintle and Gary. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Mintle of Mills were Sunday din ner guests at the Milton McKath nie home. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Ogren of Odebolt, la., were Wednesday, October 16, guests at the Connie Frickel home. John Sicheneder and daughter, Gail, spent Friday evening with Milton McKathnie and children while the women attended the last meeting of the Red Cross class which had been conducted in Atkinson city hall. Rev. Curtis Barnett was a Tuesday afternoon, October 15, visitor at the Hans Lauridsen home. Mr and Mrs. William Maloun and Billy were Tuesday evening. October 15, visitors at the home of her mother. Mrs. O. A. Ham merberg and also visited her sis ter. Mrs. E. W. Samm, Carla and Dickie, who left the next after noon for their home in Wichita, Kans., after being here for two weeks. Several frcan the community attended the funeral of Mrs. Will iam Kretchman which was held in Atkinson at the Presbyterian church Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Lauridsen were O'Neill visitors Tuesday, October 15. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hendricks and family and Mr. and Mrs. Connie Frickel and family were Sunday evening, October 13, visitors at the Joe Hendricks home. Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Kilmurry were Sunday dinner guest at the Frank Kilmurry home and help ed their granddaughter, Mary Catherine celebrate her 13th birthday anniversary. Billy Milner, who has been! helping Dorothy Scott with her work, celebrated his 13th birth day anniversary Friday, October 18- His mother, Mrs. William Mal oun, took his cake to the Dorothy Scott home that evening Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hendricks were Thursday, October 17, visit ors at the Jess Hupp home. Rev. and Mrs. Steinkamp and her mother, Mrs. Clark, were Friday visitors at the Joe Hend ricks home. The men attended the Springview-Atkinson football game at Springview. Atkinson won 26-6. Dorothy Scott spent Saturday at the William Maloun home. Mr. and Mr. Dean Ratliff, Dean and Willard and Mrs. Francis Dobias were Sunday dinner guests at the John Sehwindt home. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Deseive and Eldon were also Sunday af ternoon visitors at the Sehwindt home. Mrs. William Coleman was a Thursday afternoon, October 17, visitor at the Hans Lauridsen home. Louie Lauridsen was a dinner guest at Hans Lauridsen home Friday. Linda Chaffin and Arlin Hend ricks visited Nina Hendricks Sun day. Mrs. D. F. Scott spent Sunday at the Dorothy Scott home. Chuck Seveik Honored— Guests from St. Paul to see Chuck Seveik receive his first communion and visit his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Sev eik. were his grandmothers, Mrs. Mary Seveik and daughter, Miss Blanche and Mrs. Anna Mess back.. Bridge Club— Winners at NTTF Bridge club held Wednesday, October 16, at the home of Mrs. Dwight Wor cester were Mrs. William Mat tern and Mrs. George Januosek. Winners Named— Winners at 9FF club held last Thursday at the home of Mrs. R. E. Evans were Mrs. Dean Reed and Mrs. Ed Verzal. Over Inch of Rain Received at Deloit DELIOT The Delict commun ity received over an inch of rain last week. The first frost came Thursday morning. Other Delolt News The IVliot Pinochle club had a party at the Charles McDonald home Thursday evening. High score went to Mrs. McDonald and Dana Sisson. Harold Werkmeister and Mrs. Lambert Bartak had low Mrs. C. Alderson got travel ing prize. Assisting hostesses we re Mrs. Sisson and Mrs. Frank Miller. Daisy Nelson of Wayne spent the weekend at the Henry Reimer home. Miss Nelson teaches sixth grade in Neligh. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Morris of Wahoo were overnight guests at the Lamt>ert Bartak home Tues day. October 15. They also visited Stanley Bartak at his home. Florence Butler aud Anna Van Zandt were supper guests at the Ralph Tomjack home Saturday, i Elayne Retoner attended the football game in Lincoln. Larry Paul of Elgin was a iveekend guest in the Lambert Bartak home. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Ewald Spahn and Mr. and Mrs. H. Reimer and Twila were guests Tuesday eve ning. October 15, at the Ralph Tronjack home. Money to Loan — on — AUTOMOBILES TRUCKS TRACTORS EQUIPMENT FURNITURE Central Finance C. E. Jones, Manager O'Neill Nebrsaka Location: 16 miles southeast of O’Neill, Nebr., on U.S. Highway 20 and 2/i miles southeast; OR 6 miles northwest of Ewing, Nebr.; OR 5 miles south of Page, Nebr., and 2/i miles southeast; OR 8 miles west of Orchard, Nebr., on U. S. Highway 20 and 2J/2 miles southeast, on — Wednesday, October 30th SALE STARTS AT 1 O’CLOCK LUNCH TO BE SERVED ON GROUNDS SELLING I 45 BULLS AND I 10 FEMALES I Sired by Zero Zato 22d, Zero Zato 103d and I BR Proud Mixer I • There are 27 coming two-year-old Bulls and 18 I Senior Bull Calves. I • The Bulls are growthy individuals with plenty of 1 thickness. The Females are all yearlings and will I sell open. S • Nearly all of these Bulls have been on grass and 8 should be in excellent condition for prospective 8 buyers. H WRITE FOR A CATA100 I • ||||| Usual Fieldmen Will Be Present I I H. A. and ROBERT E. VAN HORN, Owners I PAGE, NEBRASKA . .I