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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1957)
Middle branch Bridge Approach Repaired VENUS Ernie Boelter repair ed the bridge approach at Mid diebranch Creek crossing Thurs day, October 17. Heavy rainfall amounting to 2.75 inches, which fell Sunday and Monday, October 13-14, cau sed high waters to wash out part of the bridge approach. Other Venus News Mr. and Mr. Ora Caskey went to Creighton Wednesday evening Ocober 16, where Mr. Caskey attended a teacher's course held at the Creighton school Thursday, October 17. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Porter and Jerome of Holdrege and Mr. and Mrs. Verlyn Gibbs and sons of Clearwater were Sunday, October 13, guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ora Caskey. Lois Saltz of Page, who teaches in the Pleasant Hill district was a caller at Joanne Von Seggern's Tuesday, October 15. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Bartos and family and Mrs. Frank Bartos, sr., were Sunday evening, Octo ber 13, visitors at the Ralph Brookhouser home. Mr. and Mrs. Oonald Kinnison and sons were Verdigre visitors Monday. October 14. Benefit Card Party Boosts Band Fund INMAN—Band Boosters club sponsored a benefit card party at the school gymnasium Friday eve ning. A sizeable sum was added to the treasury to be applied toward the purchase of band uniforms. Attend Capping Kites at Rochester— Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wilson attend ed the capping of their daughter, Miss Cathryn, who attends St. Teresa s college, W’inona, Minn, the degree clas of 1960, of which Miss Wilson is one of 48 members, does clinical work in St. Mary's hospital in Rochester where the ceremony took place in the cha pel. Miss Carolyn W’ilson, a twin sis ter and a student at St. Teresa’s college, spent the weekend with her parents in Rochester. Jimmy Wilson spent the weekend with the James Corkle family. The Wilsons departed Saturday and returend Monday evening. R. J. Byers came from Oma ha to take back his wife, who had spent a week here with her sis ter, Mrs. C. E. Yantzi. They and Mrs. Yantzi, who will visit them for a while, returned to Omaha Sunday. 11 I Seventy in First Communion Class Seventy children receive first holy com munion Sunday at St. Patrick's Catholic church: First row Ronald Riley, Leonard McDermott, Richard Martin, Donald Peters, Timothy O'Connell, William Donohoe, Mi chael Shefl, John Gallagher, Thomas Ste vens; second row Thomas Hickey. Susan Larsen, Kathleen Haselhorst, Arylss Peters, Catherine Helmer, Cheryl Jeffers, Colleen Mahoney, Ellen McCabe, Paula Temple meyer, Robert McCarville; third row Rich ard Clark, Dianne Zakrzewski, i nomas iviu ler, Stuart McDonald, Catherine Devoy, Scott Stewart; fourth row Kathleen Dutek. Margaret Martin, Christine Janousek, Tim othy French, Thomas Early, William White, Gerald Anson, Patrioia Lowery, Kathryn Cavanaugh; fifth row Michael Gleeson, Lee anna Tomjack, David Stutz, James David son, Judith Mattern, Charles Perry, Richard Streeter, Maureen Shoemaker, Robert Wal uo; sixth row Melvin Sclumit, Francis Musil, Michael Schmit, Vincent Streeter, v>ary nar mon, Michael Fuhrer, Michael McCarviUe, Charles Sevcik; seventh row—Bernard Frit ton, Eileen Sparks, John Fox, Jerome Uilg, Jean Ann May, Mary Wolfe, Eugene Yantzie. Thomas Coker, Jane Beelaert; top row Rev. Robert Duffy and Very Rev. Timothy O'Sul livan.- The Frontier Photo. Mrs. Joe Haiti Is New Member— The Victory Homemakers club met Wednesday, October 9, with Mrs. A1 Havranek with a covered dish dinner. Eleven members and two visitors were present. Mrs. Joe Babl is a new member. Mrs. John Babl and Mrs. Joe Gokie, jr,, gave the lesson on pro perty and casualty insurance. lV»or prize was won by Mrs. Ray j Schaaf and the "guess what" was won by Mrs. Joe Babl. Next mooting will be Sunday, November 13, with Mrs. Joe Ram old, jr. By Mrs. Ray Conway, news reporter. Mrs. I .of ft In Feted— Mrs. \V. J. Nelson had a few friends in for tea Friday in honor of Mrs. Henry Lofflin, who is joining Mr. Lofflin in Pratt, Kans. She and JoLoe expected to leave today (Thursday). Mr. Lofflin is manager of the company-owned store at Platt. Kft'fnl Hr Ido Sh««i«r llonorri'— INMAN A post nuptial shower for Mrs Wayne Sanders was giv en by Mrs. Joe J urgensmeier at her home Sunday, October 6, from :t to 5 o'clock in the after noon. Mrs. Dan Rakes baked the cake, which was decorated with a minature bride centered on the top. She received many gifts. Cake, ice cream and coffee were served to aliout 30 guests. Tommy Hunt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hunt celebrated his s e v e n t h birthday anniversary Thursday with a dinner party. Mr and Mrs. Marvin Miller and family were guests. Sunday Evening bridge club met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I«aurenco Haynes. Mrs. Marvin Johnson won high for the ladies and John Conard took high for the men. ■— ■ .. ANNUAL FALL STAG PARTY PAGE LEGION CLUB Tuesday, Oct. 29 Serving Starts at 8 P. M. ADMISSION: STRAWBERRY PRESERVES m PEACHES £fa*fr£' SHORTENING »69* SHURFINE TOMATO JUICE 4 a? 99e ■MMM IVAKUIB *MUM MTUMWIT MILK.7a89* SWEET PEAS.... 4-63* SAUU) DRESSING...... <^.35* Fruit Cocktail 4 * 83* flour-50 tt.Piiit...... 3_ p£AR HALVES .. 4a89* ^“57 mVi . jl •MUM 0m ON imman ^OINTROOUONO THE COFFH ^79; SAVERMK GRAPE JELLY 5^79* m jSAVE ! Buy 'Pm by the* Case! b% tabljrt H»—f <*+*1 H«f» t « r«o| In IBM Pood do«o.». >*»»■•■« Pnn* by IA» y (Ott wMu hmcM \ tfcurflnu Catnlval pl<M 1 b»l. iPtdl «■ m*m *. . |M / M wlNtNrt * GREEN BEANS , 5a 77* • 3sg49* NOODLES.2- 35‘ ASPARAGUS 4a85* THE GREATEST POOD SALE OF THE YEAR NOW AT STORES DISPLAYING THIS BANNER WHITE Oft RUBY RED SHOIFIME SWIFTS SELECT BEEF uMNFrrs.v »° snsrr..«■ JaMAwTAwles.5^4^ 3 55* POBK STEAKS .49* may HEARTS.23‘ SUMMER SAUSAGE_49c sweeTpotatoes3„27‘ COCKTAIL CSab-.29 imm~.H.» 3aT 5ST.5 . 35 4th Street Market Phone 93 WE D eliver O’Neill Riverside News Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Napier, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Napier and Mr. and Mrs. Lorraine Montgom ery and children ate Sunday din ner at the Lynn Fry home help ing Sheila and Jackie celebrate their birthday anniversaries. Billy and Terry Lofquist were supper and overnight guests of Jdckie Fry on his birthday Fri day. Seek and Share project club met Wednesday. October 11, with Mrs. Dale Napier. Mrs, Wayne Shrader and Mrs. Alfred Napier gave the lesson on the "the lady and the law". Mrs. Walter Miller helped with the lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Rol Hord and Duane ate Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. George Montgom ery. Rev. and Mr. William Ross, Mr. and Mrs. Web Napier, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Shrader and fam ily and Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Gun ter ate dinner Friday evening at the Wilbur Bennett home. Mrs. George Montgomery help ed at the Lorraine Montgomery home Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Nelson and Jimmy of Plainview ate Sunday dinner with the Dewitt Hoke fam ily. In the afternoon both fam ilies called on Mr. and Mrs. De witt Gunter taking ice cream for lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Shrader and family and Mr. and Mrs. Willie Shrader and family called on the Will Shrader family Sun day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Miller and Danny were Sunday dinner guests at Bert Finks. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Pollock stay ed at the Allan Pollock home over the weekend while Mr. and Mrs. Allan Pollock were in Omaha. They expected Orville Pollock to arrive in Ewing Monday, from San Jose, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Miller went to Madison Sunday evening to visit Mr. and Mrs. Robert Browning. Wayne and Bill Fry were in Sioux City Wednesday, October 16. Bill had cattle on the markei that day. Mr. and Mrs. Ora Switzer and Mrs. Don Robbins and children ate Sunday dinner at the Wendell | Switzer home. i *■———— Hallowe’en DANCE — AT — Ash Grove Hall Saturday, Oct. 26 MUSIC BY — The Hi Fi Prizes for best costumes. Masking not required. Admission: 50c Butte American Legion Buffalo Barbecue and Dance Butte Legion Hall Sunday, Oct. 27 Starting at 1 o’clock ADMISSION: $1.50 I ...of Hawk-inspired styling in JvY*y?/} \/» ffj n//) • action, in a new '58 Studebalsar 1 # CC OUf/f//(C. or i»ackard Com* in for your test-drive, now I Studebaker-Packard Smith Motor Co. 3d 6c Douglas St. i / I A \ • \ / I 5 79 Men’s dress weight Men’s dress weight zipper overshoes buckle overshoes 7 to 12 5.79 Sizes 7 to 12 5.79 Black dress weight overshoe* fasten These smart looking overshoes give full with four buckle*. All rubber with fleece ,, ,. ,, lining. Full gusset, coverage. They are all rubber, fleece lined. Zipper fastening, full gusset. Boys’ and youths* ... My' as above ... 4.98 Men’s work Men s Dress Men’s Buckle overshoes rubbers mud rubber 7 to 12 - 6.49 7 to 11 2.79 7 to 11 4.49 All rubber, medium work 2-buckle rubber ha* red weight. Net lined, red cleat- New Zephyr weight dreaa Heated sole. Net Used, la ed sole, bumper toe. rubbers, unlined. Norfolk last. full and half sizes. Stadium boot Misses’ snow “Captivaire” for girls SUit t::‘ 0 At. Gaiters 5 to 10 4.98 Expiind|iie „„ Women’s 4.49 Warmly fleece lined, all button closure. Warm inner rubber boot has matching layer, non sldd. New design. With cold resist or contrasting pile cuff. e so non In* cellular Inner layer. Front zipper closure. v^tlllfl 8 3’la-Wool pile cuff.