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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1957)
Legal Notice • First pub. Oct. 17, 1967) NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed Bids for the furnishing of all Labor, Tools Materials and Equipment required to construct an AIRPORT BUILDING and such other work as may be inci dental thereto at the O'NEILL MUNICIPAL AIRPORT, PRO JECT NO. 9-254)81-701, will be re ceived at the Office of the CITY CLERK of O’NEILL. NEBRAS KA on NOVEMBER 12, 1957, un til 7:30 P. M. o’clock C-S.T. and at that time publicly opened and read. All items of work shall be awarded to one Contractor. The estimated cost of the work is $12,900.00 and the approximate quantises are as follows: One-Story Masonry Adminis tration Building, complete; to in clude Grading and Sand Gravel Surfacing of access Road and Parking Area 1 Each. 4” Cased Well, including Test Hole and Drilling 1 Each. Fence, Class "B”—30 Lin. Rds. 14’ Drive Gate—1 Each. 5 Walk Gate—1 Each. Copies of the Plans and Spec ifications and other Proposed Contract Documents are on File ami open to inspection at the Office of the CITY CLERK, O’ NEILL, NEBRASKA, and at the office of B. H. BACKLUND AND ASSOCIATES. INC., CONSULT ING ENGINEERS, SADDLE CREEK ROAD AT POPPLETON AVENUE, OMAHA, NEBRASKA. All Bids shall be made on the printed Forms attached to and made a part of the Proposed Con tract Documents. A set of such Documents may be obtained from B H BACKLUND AND ASSOCI ATES, INC., SADDLE CREEK ROAD AT POPPLETON AVE NUE, upon payment of $10.00, none of which will be refunded. As an evidence of good faith in submitting a Proposal for this work, the Bidder must File, with his Proposal, a Certified Check or Bid Bond made payable to the CITY TREASURER of O’NEILL, NEBRASKA, in an amount not less than 5% of the Total Amount Bid. The successful Bidder will be required to furnish Bond in an amount equal to 100% of his Con tract Tile CITY OF O’NEILL reserves the right to waive all technicalities and reject any or all BidLs. The Contractor will be requir ed to pay Minimum Wages in ac cordance with a Schedule of Wage Rates established by The United States Department of La bor and shown in the Proposal Form: By older of the Mayor and City Council of the CITY OF O'NEILL, NEBRASKA. Attest: O. D. French D. C. Schaffer City Clerk Mayor 25-27c (First pub. October 10, 1957.) John R. Gallagher, Attorney NOTICE OF GUARDIAN’S SALE IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HOLT COUNTY NEBRASKA. IN THE MATTER OF THE AP P LIGATION OF ELENOR HAYNES, GUARDIAN OF THE , ESTATE OF META MARTIN, AN i INCOMPETENT PERSON, FOR i LICENSE TO SELL REAL ES TATE. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to an older by the Hon orable D. R Mounts, Judge of the District Court of Holt Coun ty, Nebraska, made on the 9th I day of October, 1957, for the sale of the real estate hereinaf- ■ ter described, there will be sold at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, at the front door of the Courthouse, in the City of O’Neill in said county, on the 29th day of October, 1957 at 2:00 o’clock P. M., the followng des cribed real estate: All that part of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quar ter of Section 25, in Town ship 29, North of Range 12, West of the 6th P. M., in Holt County, Nebraska, described as follows: Commencing at a point 50 feet West of the Southwest Comer of Block 2 of Matthew's Addition to the City of O’Neill, as per the recorded plat thereof, thence running North 160 feet, thence running West 150 feet, thence running South 429 Feet, LIFE INSURANCE For Your Entire Family In One NEW Low-Cost "All-Inclusive" Plan • Different from anything before. • One low-cost plan for all insurable members of the family — Mom, Dad and all the youngsters. • Children bom after policy ie issued get full coverage mt no extra cost when they •re 14 days old. • Many more wonderful money-saving features, extras and options. • Let me give you detail* o ATKINSON — PHONE 7442 & ••MSASV thence running East 150 feet, thence running North 269 feet to the place of begin ning. Said sale will remain open one hour. Dated this 9th day of October, 1957. ELENOR HAYNES. Guar dian of Meta Martin, In competent Person 24-26 (First pub. October 10, 1957.) William J. Froelich and Julius D. Cronin, Attorneys NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 4211 | IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA, OCTOBER 8, 1957 IN THE MATTER OF THE I ESTATE OF HUGH J. BIRMING HAM. DECEASED. CREDITORS of said estate are notified that the time limited for presenting claims against said estate is January 31, 1958, and for the payment of debts is Octo ber 8, 1958 and that on October 31, 1957, and on February 1, 1958, at 10 o'clock A. M., each day, I will be at the County Court Room to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. LOUIS W. REIMER. County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 24-26 (First pub. October 10, 1957.) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE OF HEARING OF PETITION FOR FINAL SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT Estate No. 4159 COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF EMMA DICKIN SON WEEKS, DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a pe tition has been filed for final set tlement herein, determination of heirship, inheritance taxes, fees and commissions, distribution of estate and approval of final ac count and discharge, which will be for hearing in this court on October 30, 1957, at 10 o’clock, A. i M. j County Judge. LOUIS W. REIMER, (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 24-26 -- (First pub. October 10, 1957.) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL Estate No. 4218 COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF OSCAR A. HAM MERBERG, DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a pe tition has been filed for the pro bate of the will of said deceased, and for the appointment of Ma llei F. Hammerberg as Executrix thereof, which will be for hear ing in this court on October 31, 1957, at 10 o’clock A. M. LOUIS W. REIMER, County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 24-26 (First pub. Oct. 10, 1957.) William W. Griffin, Attorney NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL Estate No. 4217 COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF CHARLES H. McMANUS, DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for the pro bate of the will of said deceased, and for the appointment of Ed ward C. McManus as Executor thereof, which will be for hear ing in this court on October 31, 1957, at 10 o’clock A. M. LOUIS W. REIMER, County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 24-26 (First pub. Oct. 17, 1957 ) John R. Gallagher, Attorney NOTICE OF HEARING OF PETITION FOR FINAL SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT Estate No. 4182 COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO DFFFAgFn ESTATE OF BEDA JOHNSON, ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition for final settlement here in, determination of heirship, in heritance taxes, fees and com missions, distribution of estate and approval of final account and discharge, which will be for hear-' ing in this court on November 6, 1957, at 10 o’lock, A. M. LOUIS \V. REIMER County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 25-27c Returns from Texas— Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Porter re turned last Thursday from a trip through the Ozarks and a stop at Dennison, Tex., where they visit ed their son, Lt. Allen Porter, a jet pilot instructor. They left j Saturday, October 5. REEDER IN MISSOURI LYNCH—Carl Weeder is stat ioned at Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo. His address is Co. B N.D. Bn. 2nd T.R.B. Sunday evening dinner guests at the Ivan Cone home were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Storjohn and dau ghter and Mrs. TilUe Schwindt. _I NOTICE Dr. Edw. J. Norwood, OD. Optometrist, from Crawford, Nebr.. will be in O’Neill on— Golden Hotel, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thursday, October 24 at EYES most scientifically ex amined. GLASSES most properly fit ted and the most modern and all types of eye wear prescribed. Chambers News Mr. and Mrs. Herman Cook and Mrs. John Wintermote were Sun day, October 13, dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Neilson and Mrs. Holloway. Mr, Neilson’s sister. Mrs. Deering, of Spokane, Wash., who had been visiting the Neilson's for the past month, was also a dinner guest. She left Mon day for Texas where she will visit relatives before returning home. Mr and Mrs. Roy Seery and daughters of Scottsbluff spent the weekend of October 12-13, with her parents, at Atkinson, his sis ter and husband at Burwell and with friends at Chambers. A group of 12 rural teachers met at the Valley Center school Thursday, October 10. Both the upper and lower grades dttn onstrated their social studies. This was followed by an informal discussion. Ten ladies of the Baptist miss ionary society met Thursday afternoon, October 10, and tied six comforters and hemmed four. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coolidge and Kenneth went to Grand Is land Friday, October 11, to con sult an eye specialist. The young adults met Tuesday evening, October 8, at the Meth odist church to work on articles for the bazaar to be held Novem ber 5. A farewell dinner honoring Mr. and Mrs. Howard LaRue of Pas adena, Calif., who had visited in the community for several weeks was held Sunday at the Bethany Presbyterian church. About 100 friends were present for the oc casion. Students home from Lincoln the weekend of October 11-12, in-' eluded Ruth Ann Damme, Edith Grimes, Caroyln Wintenrnote, Mary Ellen Gillette and Gary Holcomb. The latter being accom panied by a friend. Mrs. Mae Hubbard entertained Mrs. Valo Edwards and Mrs. Mina Myers to dinner Sunday, October 13. Neven Ickes and sons, Neven jr., and Dennis of Page were Sunday, October 13, callers in the Floyd Whitaker and Erwin Carpenter homes. The Misses Edith and Mabel Kinney and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Jenkins of Elgin were Sunday, October 13, callers in the Louis j Nelson home. Mrs. Sarah Adams, Mrs. Valo Edwards, Mrs. Nellie Starr and Mrs. John Wintermote were Fri day, October 11, dinner guests of | Mrs. Bert Lybolt. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Grimes and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Grimes were; Sunday, October dinner guests of Mrs. Genevive Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Gilbert and family of Stuart spent Sunday, October 13, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gilbert. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Penner and daughter, Kimberly, and Jim Salem of Omaha spent from Friday, October 11, until Sunday with Mr and Mrs, Joe Daas. Sun day, October 6, Mr. and Mrs. Daas had visited the Penners at Omaha. Mrs. Penner is their daughter. A family gathering at the Rich ard Lehman home recently in cluded Mr. and Mrs. William Leh man of Chambers, Mrs. Mildred Wright and family of Ewing and Mr and Mrs. Bernard Mosel and family of Orchard. Dinner guests Tuesday, October 15, in the William Lehman home were Mr. and Mrs. Howard La Rue of Pasedena, Calif., and Mrs. Daisy Johnson of Orchard. The latter being a sister of Mrs. La Rue. She plans to accompany the La Rue's to California. Injured in Truck Accident— Ralph Ferris, son of Mrs. Ed Ferris of O’Neill, received injur ies in a truck accident near Aur ora, 111., early Saturday morning, October 11. Jay Banks, a cousin, was in the truck with him but escaped with minor cuts and burises. He was taken to St. Joseph’s hospital in Aurora where he was dismissed the foll owing Monday. The truck belonged to Tom Zakrzewski. AUTO HITS TRANSPORT CLEARWATER—Rob Prouty of O’Neill was driver of an oil transport which figured in an j accident Friday evening one mile east of Clearwater. The east bound transport had slowed to permit a state highway maintain er to cross a bridge. State high-1 way patrolmen said brakes failed in a 1951 car driven by Margaret A. Peterson of Clearwater, also easthound. The car smacked into the rear of the transport. No one was hurt. Brophys Make Visit Here — Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Brophy and daughter, Miss Mary, spent Sat urday visiting O'Neill friends. The Brophys formerly resided here. Mr. Brophy came to O’Neill in 1905 and was widely-known as baseball player. The family re sided here between 1937 and 1945 during which Mr. Brophy mana ged the meat department for Shelhatmer’s. Try FRONTIER want ads! Dr. J. L. Sberbahn CHIROPRACTOR V4 Block So. of Ford Garage Complete X-Ray Equipment O’Neill, Nebraska - -———— Thank You! IN RELINQUISHING ownership and man agement of our firm to Jim Rotherham and John Slizoski, I take this opportunity to express thanks to the public, for the fine patronage over the years. Many thanks to you and best wishes. _ —MATT HYNES* ' Announcement WE HAVE purchased MATT’S RECRE ATION PARLOR & TAVERN from Matt Hynes and are now operating under the firm name of JIM AND JOHN’S. We will appreciate the opportunity of serving all the old friends of the firm and will wel come an opportunity to make new friends. Next time in town, stop in and say “hello”! —JIM ROTHERHAM JOHN SLIZOSKI Wentworth Hereford SALE 35 big growthy mostly light colored bulls. 15 selected replacement heifers. THEY ARE GOOD! BASSETT SALE YARDS Saturday, November 2 These cattle are from our large light colored cows that represent many years of careful selection. R. Zato Heir 3. He sells. He is a 3-year-old coming 4 In December. He is a great animal and has it all but the yellow coat A number of his sons are also included in this sale. We are keeping one of his lighter colored sons to use in our herd. He is one of the best prospects we have ever produced. Reflect Shadow Lad. one of the easiest keeping and best all around bull we ever owned will be well represented in this sale There will be some growthy mostly light colored cattle by Golden Larry. He weighed 1.950 at 3 years of age. His dam was the largest and best cow on the ranch. Crusty M 108, is a big yellow bull by the famous CK Crusty 112 sire of most of the Alford Meeks champion car load at Denver. He is not the show type but a big rugged bull that should do a commercial breeder a lot of good. This offering contains a number of deep thick short-legged good headed yellow bulls that are worthy of a place In a good registered herd. These cattle are not fat but the duality is there and are in condition for best results. We thank you for your past support and trust that you can be with us salt-day. F. E. and Artie Wentworth Inman News Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sawyer of Hemingford spent most of last week visiting in the home of Larry's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Sawyer. Jimmy and Mike. Mrs. Hazel Lorenz returned home Wednesday evening, Octo ber 16, from York where she at tended the Rebekah assembly of Nebraska. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Sobotka and three children of California are spending several days visit ing in the home of Irvin's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sobotka. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Hartigan and son, Mike, of Norfolk spent the weekend in the James Coven try and Mrs. Marye Hartigan homes. Mr. and Mrs. Max Mossman and children of Norfolk spent the weekend in the Leo P. Mossman and Ernest Brunckhorst homes. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Peters and son of Clearwater moved into the rent property of Clyde Ross Sat urday. METHODIST (Page Inman) Rev. Lisle E. Mewmaw, pastor PAGE— Thursday, October 24: Youth choir practice, 7:30 p.m. Refoflmation Sunday, October 27: Sunday-school, 10 a.m.; wor ship, 11 am.; special evening service, 7:30 o’clock in obser vance of the annual week of prayer and self-denial. Plan to bring your family and attend this service. Wednesday, October 30: Pray er hour, 9 ajm., read 1 John 4:7 14. Thursday. October 31: UNICEF party, 7:30 p.m.; MYF hayrack ride Hallowe'en party, 7:30 p.m INMAN— Thursday October 24: Woman's Society of Christian Service meet ing 2:30 p.m. Reformation Sunday, October 27: Worship, 9:45 am; Sunday school. 10:45 am. Wednesday, October 30: MYF covered dish supper. 6:30 p.m . followed by choir practice and MYF meeting with installation of officers. FOR BOTH CHURCHES Sunday, October 27: Internat ional temperance broadcast, 6:15 pm. on NBC radio network, Dr. Sam Morris. Amelia News Rodney Doolittle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Doolittle, cele brated his first birthday anniver sary, October 9, at his home with a birthday party at 2 o'clock. Six guests and their mothers were present. They were Terry Doo little, Jimmie, Dickie and Sherry Clemens and Jerry and Diane Adair. The two layer birthday cake was decorated with an In-} dian scene, and was served with ice cream. Mrs. Julia White of Atkinson accompanied Mrs. Bernard Black more to York Monday, October 14. Mrs. Blackmore will attend a Rebekah lodge meeting. Mrs. White will visit relatives there for several weeks. Mrs. Dean Prewitt was honor ed at a post-nupital shower Mon-1 day evening 14, at the Methodist church annex. Mrs. Bill Sam mons. Mrs. Marvin Doolittle and Mrs. Clifford Clemens were in charge of the program. SLIMLINER reducing machine Alice’s Beauty Sho Phone 3S3-O’Neill Ponton Insurance FLORENCE PONTON, Prop Insurance of All Kinds and Bonds Phone 106 Golden Bldg ■ I I DR. H. D. GILDER8LEEVE OPTOMETRIST Northeast Corner of 4th it Douglas O’NEILL, NEBR. Phone 167 Office Hours: 9-5 Byea Examined — Ulaaaea Kitted Monday Thru Saturday AT AUCTION Monday, Oct. 28 1 p. M. On premise* 2 mill's south and 3 miles east of Midway. FORMER DISTRICT 335 Schoolhouse 8l*e 18 x 34, 43 desks, steel cnhinet, book*, etc. Marlon Woliliicck, Seo’y. For Auto Liability & Property Damage INSURANCE Town 5-10-5 17 20; Farm, 13.60 Town 10-20-5 19.00; Farm, 15.00 Town 25-50-5 20.20; Farm. 16.00 Fire and Extended Coverage 5 year Annual Pay Town Dwel ling $2.60 per $1,000.00. Farm: $8.00 per $1,000.00 first year and $3.50 each subsequent year. No renewals required. See, Write or Phone L. G. GILLESPIE Insurance Agency O’Neill Phone 318 and U4 WILL SELL the following described personal property at public auction, on the prem ises, located north of Burwell 33 miles on Highway 1 I to the junction with Highway 95, 4 miles east and J/2 mile south; OR south from Atkinson 23 miles on Highway 11, east 4 miles on Highway 95 and /i mile south; OR west of Chambers 8 miles and /i ] mile south, on— i Wednesday, Nov. 6th Sale Starts at 1 P. M. Amelia WSCS Will Serve Lunch 69 - Head of Cattle - 69 36—Yearling Hereford STEERS 4—Dairy HEIFERS with calves 12_!SG?5 H°,Slein a"d Guer"Sey 12—Handfed CALVES, steers and heifers 5—Yearling Dairy HEIFERS, one-yr-old All cows mated to Holstein Bull — Spot ted Saddle Pony, child broke, very gentle Machinery and Eguipnier.r' I i'ar TraCtOM °" P“^VPeG-,Com. FeefBunks 111 I 1947 Ford Tractor Demplter A I I Duncan Loader with Stacker *** Registered Brand, bar I rtZer. Some Cottonwood ^er LF, left hip I Cultivator to fit Regular Lumber . I 2-Twelve-ft. Rake. Sh°P Equipment inchid- Two Saddle. I WeCthC/epCer’ 210 1949 Chevrolet One-Horse Van Brunt I I Winch for Reg. F-20 Twn n Corn Planter I MDDrl7°'R9W G°'Di,r Trail Mower Tongue J^mp Dump Cart I «, *-StS^ S* "J “ I r 25V» 7"ft- Hay Sled Case Hammermill- I I Case 1948 Combine, David Brazil m Grinder I I complete with motor Spreader anUr* He?vy Duty Under.lung I I -______ 10x20 tires I -AMfos OATS—Some IHIllET— Wfflsmm_I L Some Household Goods I ™ OH PERSONAL PROPER^: Stol,S I Alvin & Ge: Forbes I Col. Ed Thorin of O’Neill, I |Auctioneer-Licen,ed R^al Estate Broker Chamber. State Bank I _ Clerk I