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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1957)
Legal Notice (First pub. Oct. 10, 1957.) William W. Griffin, Attorney NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL Estate No. 4217 COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA ESTATE OF CHARLES H McMANUS, DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for the pro bate of the will of said deceased, and for the appointment of Ed ward C. McManus as Executor thereof, which will be for hear ing in this court on October 31, 1957 at 10 o’clock A. M. IX)UIS W. RE1MER, County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEALi 24-26 (First pub. Sept. 26. 1957) John R. Gallagher, Attorney NOTICE OF HEARING OF PETITION FOR FINAL SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT Estate No. 4103 COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF EDITH IOLA CASTLEMAN, DECEASED THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for final settlement hereon, determination of heirship, inheritance taxes, fees and commissions, distribution of estate and approval of final accohnt and discharge, which will be for hearing in this court on Oc tober 16, 1957 at 10 o’clock A. M. IjOUIS W. REIMER County Judge (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 22-24c (First pub. October 10, 1957.) William J. Froelich and Julius D. Cronin, Attorneys NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 4311 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA, OCTOBER 8, 1957 rN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF HUGH J. BIRMING HAM. DECEASED. CREDITORS of said estate are notified that the time limited for presenting claims against said estate is January 31, 1958, and for the payment of debts is Octo ber 8, 1958 and that on October 31, 1957, and on February 1, 1958, at 10 o’clock A. M., each day, I will be at the County Court Room to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. LOUIS W. REIMER, County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 24-26 The Frontier want ads do the job quickly and economically! i First pub. October 10, 1957.) John R. Gallagher, Attorney NOTICE OF GUARDIAN'S SALE IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HOLT COUNTY. NEBRASKA. LN THE MATTER OF THE AP PLICATION OF ELENOR HAYNES. GUARDIAN OF THE ESTATE OF META MARTIN, AN INCOMPETENT PERSON, FOR LICENSE TO SELL REAL ES TATE. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to an order by the Hon orable D. R Mounts, Judge of the District Court of Holt Coun ty, Nebraska, made on the 9th day of October, 1957, for the sale of the real estate hereinaf ter described, there will be sold at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, at the front door ; of the Courthouse, in the City of O'Neill in said county, on the 29th day of October, 1957 at 2:00 ' o’clock P. M., the followng des I eribed real estate: All that part of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quar ter of Section 25, in Town ship 29, North of Range 12, West of the 6th P. M., in Holt County, Nebraska, described as follows: Commencing at a point 50 feet West of the Southwest Comer of Block 2 of Matthew's Addition to the City of O'Neill, as per the recorded plat thereof, thence running North 160 feet, thence running West 150 feet, thence running South 429 Feet, thence running East 150 feet, thence i-unning North 269 feet to the place of begin ning. Cnirl ...ill _• __ * * »•* t VIIIUU* hour. Dated this 9th day of October, 1957. ELENOR HAYNES, Guar dian erf Meta Martin, In competent Person 24-26 (First pub. October 10, 1957.) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE OF HEARING OF PETITION FOR FINAL SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT Estate No. 41.19 COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF EMMA DICKIN SON WEEKS, DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a pe tition has been filed for final set tlement herein, determination of heirship, inheritance taxes, fees and commissions, distribution of estate and approval of final ac count and discharge, which will he for heal ing in this court on October 30, 1957, at 10 o’clock, A. M. County Judge. LOUIS W. REIMER, (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 24-26 (First pub. October 10, 1957.) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL Estate No. 4218 COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF OSCAR A. HAM MERBERG, DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL. CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a pe tition has been filed for the pro bate of the will of said deceased, and for the appointment of Ma i i>el F. Hammerberg as Executrix thereof, which will be for hear ing in this court on October 31, 1957, at 10 o'clock A. M. LOUIS W. REIMER, County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 24-26 Seniors Administer Initiation to Frosh EWING—The freshmen of the Ewing high school were initiated on Tuesday, October 8. All ap peared at 9 o'clock in costumes, designed by the seniors, who continued throughout the day with activities and stunts much to the chargin of the freshmen. In the evening a party was held at the school house, honor ing the freshmen who are: Mary Ann Bauer, Jerald Black, La Royce Blunt, Ben Bollwitt, Gene Daniels, Bertha Harris, Sharon Hobbs, Clifford Juracek, Roger! Lange, Karen Mlnarik, Richard Mtnarik, Annette Rotherham*! Owen Schmidt, Douglas Shrader, I Thelma Spangler, Clifford Stec kal, Judy Tinsley, Wayne Turner. Leonora Tuttle, Leon Wragge, Freddie Wright and David Zeims. Mrs. John Gunter Burial at Ewing EWING — Mrs. John Gunter, died Sunday evening, September 29, at Denver, Colo., following a stroke. She suffered the stroke two days before her death. Funeral services were held Wednesday October 2, in Denver. The body was forwarded to the Snider funeral home in Clearwat er and graveside rites were con ducted in the Ewing cemetery Friday, October 4. Mrs. Gunter left Ewing about 27 years ago following the death i of her husband. She made her ! home in Atchinson, Kans., until ! three years ago when she went to live with a sister-in-law at Den | ver. Mr. and Mrs. William Barnard j of Casper, Wyo., returned from a three months Europeon trip. They stopped at Mrs. C. E. Yant i zi’s overnight enroute to their home. Mr. Bernard is a brother of Mrs. Yantzi. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Byers of Omaha have been guests of Mrs. C. E. Yantzi for one week. Mrs. Byers is also a sister ! of Mrs. Yantzi and Mr. Bernard. Celia News Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Samms. Diane Carla and Dickie of Wich ita, Kans., came early Thursday morning. October 3, to be with her mother. Mrs. O. A. Hammer berg and to attend her father's funeral which was October 5. Mr Samms and Diane returned to ichita Monday, October 7, and Mrs. Samms and Carla and Dick ie remained for a longer visit. Mr. and Mrs. George Hitchcock and Renee were Sunday after noon visitors at the Joe Hendricks home. Denton and Shirley Colfack who are attending school at Lin coln School of commerce at Lin coln were weekend visitors at the Emil Colfack home. Mr. and Mrs. William Maloun and Billy went to Grand Island Friday, October 4, to meet her aunts, Mrs. H. E. Temple of Ber wyn, Penn., and Mrs. Murl Samms of Broomall, Penn., who came to attend the funeral of their brother-in-law, O. A. Ham mertierg, Saturday, October 5, and to spend a week with their sister. They left Friday, October 11, by bus for their homes in Pennsylvania. Mr. and Mrs. John Sicheneder and Gail were Sunday, Septem ber 29, dinner guests at the Char ley Ziska home. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Ziska of Valentine were also dinner guests at the Ziska home. w*- T iwv-i 5if*hondHpr Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sicheneder ad Mrs. Lorraine Wondercheck and children were Sunday dinner guests at the John Sicheneder home. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gold fuss were also Sunday afternoon visitors as were Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Johnson, who returned that afternoon from a honeymoon trip to Chicago, and Brimson, 111. Stanley Johnson and Martha Tensas were married in Omaha September 29. Mrs. Leonard Chaffin helped Mrs. Joe Hendricks with her work Wednesday, October 9, visitors at the Hendricks home were Mrs. E. W. Samms, Carla and Dickie, Mrs. O. A. Hammer berk and sisters, Mrs. H. E. Tem ple and Mrs. Merl Samms of Pennsylvania and Mrs. William Maloun. Mrs. E. W. Samms and child ren were Tuesday overnight guests at the William Maloun home. Dorothy Scott was also a Tuesday evening guest at the Maloun home. Mr. and Mrs. George Beck spent Saturday and Sunday at the Duane Beck home. Mr. and Mrs. Omer Poynts were Friday supper guests at the Mark Hendricks home. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Samms and family of Wichita, Kans., Mrs. H. E. Temple of Berwyn, Pa., Mrs. Murl Samms of Broom-, LIVING pown How NPPS helps your "electrical servants” work *or less Lower cost power means more elec trical servants for the average Nebraska home. Through public power, Nebraska’s electric rates are among the lowest in the nation. The average home owner in Ne braska pays from 25c to 95c per month less for electricity than home owners in eight surrounding states. And, the use of electricity in Nebraska homes is far above the national average ... in fact, 17% greater than the average use of elec tricity in the eight surrounding states. More power at lower cost, so you may enjoy even more of the comforts and con veniences of modern, better living... electrically, is the goal of NPPS, Ne braska’s major power generation and transmission agency. Producers of Low-Cost Power for Nebraska's Expanding Needs Nebraska Public Power System ot tow M rustic rowu mstiict and rutin vauiy rustic rown and —patioii ana all. Pa., and Mrs. O. A. Hammer berg spent Sunday, October 6, at •the William Maloun home. Duane Beck and Frank KUmur ry measured hay for William Maloun Saturday. Jim Lauridsen left Friday to visit relatives in Iowa. He return ed home Monday. Jim Hendricks, Connie Hit chcock. Carolyn Frickel. Jume Focken, Judy Sehaaf. Paul Foc ken, Gary Hitchcock Charles Sweet and Jun Hansen were a mong the youth people attend ing the youth rally at Presbyter ian church in O'Neill Sunday af ternoon. Billy Focken who is attending Norfolk Junior college, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Focken. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Focken, jr., spent Sunday at the Clarence Focken, sr., home. Carol Hansen spent the weekend at the Clar ence Focken home. * Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Focken went to Norfolk Saturday to see t h e Scottsbluff-Norfolk fooball game, won by Norfolk, 6-0. Their son, Billy, is a member of the Norfolk team. Rita Braun spent Thursday night with Junie Focken. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Constable of Worthington Minn., spent Sat urday afternoon at the Dorothy Scott home and Saturday night with Mrs. Constable’s sister, Mrs. D. F. Scott. All spent Sunday at the Dorothy Scott home. Mrs. Emil Coifack, teacher at Hendricks school, Mrs. Le Roy Hoffman, teacher at McKathnie school, Mrs. Billy Raymer, teach er at Sandcreek school, Mrs. Lyle Damero of Lauridsen school, Mrs. Harold Coburn, of Phoenix _ . _1 * <r __^11..^. „11 oluva/1) auu visited the Celia school Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Elvon Chace is the Celia teacher. Dorothy Scott spent Tuesday, October 8, at the Duane Beck home. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Heiser were also visitors there Tuesday afternoon. Roger and Gary Hoffman show ed their 4-H calves at the O'Neill show Wednesday, October 9, and each won a red ribbon. Their cal ves were sold afterward. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Lauridson and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Duane Mintle of Mills, Jim Mintle and Paul Gustafson, both of Long Pine, were Sunday dinner guests at the George Mintle home. Paul Gustafson was a Saturday overnight guest of Bobby Knut son. Vickie Frickel was a Monday overnight guest of Peggy Arnold. Bonnie Frickel spent Thursday night with Peggy. LeRoy Lauridson stayed at the George Mintle hotne Thursday while his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hans Luaridson, attended the Charles Mitchell funeral in Butte Thursday afternoon. Quite a num ber frdm the community attend ed the funeral. Mrs. LeRoy Hoffman was call ed to O’Neill Monday and Tues day to report for jury service but was excused and resumed her teaching at the McKathnie school. Mrs. Blanche Rouse spent Mon day to Wednesday, October 7-9, with her daughter, Mrs. Milton McKathnie and family. Monday October 9, was the sixth birthday anniversary of Darrel McKath nie. His grandmothers, Mrs.! Emmet McKathnie and Mrs. Blanche Rouse and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Risor and family, Mar vin Rouse, Miss Mildred Keyes, Mrs. Edith Young and Miss Maude Rouse helped him cele brate his birthday at a supper Monday evening, October 7. INFANTS BAPTIZED PAGE — Baptismal services were held Sunday,- October 6, in the Methodist church. Infants baptized were Dirk Alvin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Trow bridge, Shari Kay, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Heiss, Robert Benjamin Nissen jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nissen, Bruce Lynn, son of Mrs. and Mrs. Neven Ickes, jr. It was also wor ldwide communion Sunday. Visit Emmet— Mrs. L. B. Antisdel of Norfolk visited at the home of her broth er, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Patter son, for several days last week. Paul Shierk INSURANCE AGENCY O'NEILL, NEBR. Insurance of All Kinds Money to Loan — on — AUTOMOBILES TRUCKS TRACTORS EQUIPMENT FURNITURE Central Finance C. E. Jones, Manager O’Neill Nebrsaka For Auto Liability & Property Damage INSURANCE Town 5-10-5 17.20; Farm, 13.60 Town 10-20-5 19.00; Farm, 15.00 Town 25-50-5 20.20; Farm, 16.00 Fire and Extended Coverage 5 yehr Annual Pay Town Dwel ling $2.60 per $1,000.00. Farm: $8.00 per $1,000.00 first year and $3.50 each subsequent year. No renewals required. See, Write or Phone L. G. GILLESPIE Insurance Agency O’Neill Phone *18 and U4 Chicken Noodle Supper Planned PAGE — Page Improvement club met Monday evening. Octo ber 7, in the new building. Hos tesses were Eva Gray and Mar garet Max. The club will sponsor a chick en noodle and chili supper to be held Saturday, October 26. Paul ine Nis sen and Linda Roach will be the November hostesses. Other Page New* Mr. and Mrs. William Hutsless of Healdsburg, Calif., visited Sat urday, October 5, in the home of her sister and family, Mr. ami Mrs. Melvin Roach. Several men from this com munity went deer hunting near Rushville. They were "very suc cessful" as they all bagged a deer. The hunters were Keith Kennedy. Kenny Asher, Jim Hart man, Ott Terrill, Lyndly Crum ly Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Woods, Mrs. Emma Canaday and Thelma Summers, all of Lincoln, and Nael Woods of Pratt, Kans., visit ed relatives in Page over the October S-fi weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sorenson and family of Lincoln recently brought his mother, Mrs. Anna Sorenson home. Mis. Anna Sor enson will spend the winter in Page. Gene Goldfuss of Page drove ‘ a car to New York City for Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hixson of Clear water and Mrs James of South Dakota, who will visit Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hixson. Gene was to join five other soliders in New Jersey and frdm there will sail to Germany. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Copple and Mary Lew of Omaha spent the October 5-6, weekend visiting in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Trowbridge. Sunday, October 6, guests in the Frank Beelaert home were Mr. and Mrs. Chet Randolph and daughters of Des Moines, la. That afternoon the Randolph's drove to Valentine to the Sand-1 hill Feeder Cattle association meeting the following day. Mr. and Mrs. Beelaert drove to Valen tine to join Mr. and Mrs. Ran dolph to participate at the bar beque and safe. Mrs. Laura Asher and her daughter, Mrs. Herny Wills and Sharon of Chatfield, Minn., spent1 the October 5-6, weekend visiting j Mrs. George Parks. Mrs. Asher is i staying indefinitely with Mrs.' Parks. Mrs. Hill and Sharon re-1 turned home Sunday. me WjOU ciuo met wan Sophia Dobbins recently. Elsie: Cork and Fern Held were guests. | Elsie Cork received high Pauline! Nissen, traveling and Frieda Ash-j er low score. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jacobs and three children of New York City, left after spending 12 days in the Jerry Asher home. When the men were in the service in Italy, the families lived in the same apartment house. Mr. Ja cobs is a professional window washer in New York City. The first quarterly conference was held at the Methodist church Friday evening, October 4, with a! basket supper. The northeast dis-, trict superintendent, Rev. Robert I Embree, showed colored slides and gave an interesting talk.! Plans and goals of the coming year were discussed at the bus iness meeting. The Women's Society of Chris tian Service met Thursday in the Wesleyan room. Mrs. Lyman Park and Mrs. Harry Tegler were hostesses. The lesson and devotion were given by Mrs. Jes se Kelly. Mrs. Edgar Stauffer gave a talk on the University of Two-Car Garage At Auction! On Premises Immediately East of O’Neill Public School Saturday, October 19 SALE STARTS AT 1:30 P. M. GARAGE IS WELL-BUILT, IN SPLENDID CONDITION Double Overhead Doors — Measures 20* x 26* — Newly Painted Building is to be removed from premises I Furniture Items to Be Sold Include I Walnut Marble Top Antique Coffee Table Several Mirrors Dresser — Book Case Mix Master, good condition Small Trunk (for use in auto) Mahogany Whatnot Pair of Crutches Numerous Miscellaneous Items — Terms: CASH COME AND GET A HOST OF BARGAINS AT YOUR OWN PRICE ! Mrs. H. J. Birmingham Owner COL. WALLACE O’CONNELL, Auctioneer WM. P. DAILEY, Clerk Japan. A report on "School of Missions for Young People” was presented by Linda Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Sickels of Athclestos, la., visited a few days recently in the home of Mr and Mrs. Harold Freemeyer and fam ily. Mrs. Sickels and Mrs. Free moyer are brother and sister. Mrs. Bertha Harsh of Los Ange les, Calif., who has spent some time here to lie near her sister Miss Grace Merryman, returned to her home. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford French from Minnesota visited a few days recently in the Merwyn French and Edgar Stauffer home. They were enroute to visit their daughter and family. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dillan, in Denver, Colo Urge School \ isits Education Week About 80 parents and teachers met Monday evening, October 7. in the band room of the O'Neili public school for the regular Par ent-Teachers association meeting. Rev. WayTie Paul of the Assem bly of God church, gave the in vocation followed by the flag salute and singing of “America”. Special Dairy Sale! Saturday, October 19 — IP. M. Ainsworth Sale Yards OOMPIJCTF. DISPERSION of dairy cattle, Including 55 Holstein and Guernsey CX»ws, average milk production 0,500 lbs. per year; 13 two-year-old heifers, most will be fresh by sale date. Entire herd to sell! Betty Rodman and Nancy Ken nell entertained with piano solos. Matters of business included dis cussion of money-raising pro jects. A committee will select one of the proposed plans. Fred Salnk, game warden, pre sented a safety film and Mrs. Louis Reimers, jr., shared a school film with the group. This film dealt with the children who are victims of eerehreal palsy. Nov amber 10-16 is American Education week and members were urged to v isit school at that time. launch was served by the third grade mothers. The South Side club met re cently with Mre. Hazel Beckwith as hostess. Mrs. Beckwith also gave the lesson on flower ar rangements and showed slides of Yellowstone national park. Mrs. Paul Newton was a guest. Dr. J. L. Sherbahn CHIROPRACTOR 4 Block So. of Ford Garage Complete X-Ray Equipment O'Neill. Nebraska W. J. (“Bill”) ZWIEBEL, Owner AINSWORTH, NEBR 40 HEAD of Wisconsin Dairy Heifer Calves will sell at the same time, owned by Walter Vannoy of Kearney. Fine calves from high producing herds. FREE HEIFER CALF TO BE GIVEN AWAY WHAT A COMBINATION! You get both with McCulloch’s light, speedy Model 35 chain saw. Easy Terms Available The ideal small saw for farmers, sports men, tree surgeons, part-time cutters. Feature* *uch a* automatic clutch, exclusive diaphragm carburetor and automatic rewind starter put the McCulloch Model 35 in a elate by itself among low priced chain saw*. MARCELLUS IMPLEMENT Phone 5 West O Neill