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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1957)
First O’Neill Picnic Declared Success’ The first annual O'Neill picnic was held at Sycamore park Sun day, October 6. A picnic lunch was enjoyed by 29 families formerly from the O’ Neill vicinity. The afternoon was spent isiting and renewing old acquaintances. Plans were also made for a "bigger and better picnic next year, a date to lie set Inter All are urged to tell anyone now living ui the Southern Calif ornia vicinity of the forthcoming event. Those attending were: Mr. and Mrs Gerald Harding and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Harding of Fullerton; \fr and Mis. Howard Richards, Mr, and Mrs Elwin Dikeman, Mr. and Mrs Dick Imver, Mr. and Mrs Charles P. Hancock and Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Felver of San Bernardino; Mr. and Mrs. Dick Foster Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Rossman, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Harding, Mr. and Mrs James Galbrath and Miss Lila Dailey of Garden Grove; Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Borg and Mr. and Mrs. Noel Long of-Colton; Mr. and Mrs Claud Hancock and Mias Virginia Eimon of Los Angeles Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hynes and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lamport of Cov ina; Mr. and Mrs Charles Cooper of West Covina, Mr. and Mrs. Del bcji 9toneboker of La Hambra Mr. and Mrs Ronald Ressel of South Gate; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ryan of Upland; Mr. and Mrs. Don Harding of Buena Park; Norman Walker of Hollydale; Mrs Irene Kirwan of Venice; Mrs. Adeline Sporn of Glendale; Zeffa Stein of Burbank; Mr. and Mrs Richard Dixon of Lynwood; Nfr and Mrs Don Hopkins of Ontario; Mr. afid Mis.*Vince En gel of Long Beach Englehaupt-Sanders Nuptials Announced INMAN Miss Beverly Engel kaupt, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Thomas Engelhaupt of Inman, «nd Wayne Sanders, son of Mrs. Minnie Sanders and Ervin Sand ers of O'Neill, were married in O’Neill Saturday, October 5. County Judge L. W. Reimers per formed the ceremony. The bride wore a light blue street length dress with white trimming. The couple is at home in a trailer house in Inman. Mr. Sanders is working for Bill Strong and Mrs. Sanders is em ployed at the M&M. Sick & Injured — O'NEILL-Homer Mullen is a patient in St. Joseph's hospital in Omaha . Mrs. Dale French was hospitalized with sinus in feet ion at St. Anthony’s hospital Among those rit by the flu bug recently were Bill Perry, ! the Esty Nelson family and Mrs Floyd Wilson, . . Little Mick ' Schmit, son of the Ed Schmits, came home from school ill Tues day. . John D. Pruss, who has been a patient in St. Joseph’s hospital in Omaha, returned Sun day after a 10-day stay. Mrs. j Pruss was with him most of the : time. . . Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ten nis drove his mother, Mrs. P. C. I Tennis of Elgin, to Omaha Mon day for medicai attention . . Sr. M Kara of St. Anthony’s hos pital staff is in an Omaha hos pital. RIVERSIDE Leroy and Den nis Napier have the three-day measles. . . Douglas Shrader and Melvin Scheer are having a bout with the flu. . Margaret and Norma Fry took Janie to a doct or at Tilden Saturday. She has been siek for a week with res piratory infection. OEIOIT Charles (Bud' Bar tak was able to return home from the Neligh hospital on Saturday. He will have to remain quiet for a month, hoping to avoid surgery. PAGE Mrs. Lloyd Fusselman underwent major surgery Mon day morning at the Antelope Me morial hospital in Neligh. CHAMBERS — Mrs Ernest Thorin was called to Ewing Sun day by the illness <5f her father, W. H. Johnson. CELIA—Dorothy Scott has been on the sick list a few days. Billy Milner has been doing chores for her. MARRIAGE LICENSES Wayne George Sanders, 19, and Beverly Ann Engelhaupt 18, both of O'Neill on October 5. David LeRoy Phipps, 20, of Marion, 111., and Miss Karen Kay Karr, 18, of Atkinson on Octo ber 11. JUSTICE COURT October 12—Victor Pickering of jRedbird, speeding, fined $10 and $4 costs; off icon—Gerald Wett laufer. REFEREE SALE! At the Court House in O’Neill, Nebr. MONDAY, ~OCTOBER¥-TO A. M. THE FOLLOWING REAL ESTATE The John P. Miller Residence and Two Lots in Northeast O’Neill One Small Outbuilding Well and Electric Pump immediate possession upon confirmation TERMS—20% on date of sale, balance on confirmation Ab strant of title furnished. Julius D. Cronin Norman Gonderinger referee attorney •t • . ,# . • * \ • Legal Notice (First puh. Oct. 17. 1957> Mil |< » ro < on IK W 1018 Sealed Bids for the furnishing of all Labor, Tools, Materials and Equipment required to construct an AIRPORT BUILDING and such other work 3* may be inci dental thereto at the O'NEILL MUNICIPAL AIRPORT. PRO JECT NO. 9-25-081-701, will be re ceived at the Office of the CITY CLERK of O'NEILL, NEBRAS KA on NOVEMBER 12, 1957, un til 7:150 P. M. o'clock C.S.T. and at that time publicly opened and read. All items of work shall be awarded to one Contractor. The estimated cost of the work is > $12,900.00 and the approximate quantities are as follows: One-Story Masonry Aiiminis tration Building, complete; to in clude Grading and Sand Gravel Surfacing of access Road and Parking Area- 1 Each 4” Cased Well, including Test Hole and Drilling —1 Each. Fence, Class "B"— 30 Lin. Rds. 14’ Drive Gate 1 Each. • 5’ Walk Gate—1 Each. Copies of the Plans and Spec ifications and other Proposed Contract Documents are on File and open to inspection at the Office of the CITY CLERK, O’ NEILL, NEBRASKA, and at the office of B. H. BACKLUND AND ASSOCIATES, INC., CONSULT ING ENGINEERS SADDLE CREEK ROAD AT POPPLETON AVENUE, OMAHA, NEBRASKA. All Bids shall be made on the j printed Forms attached to and : made a part of the Proposed Con tract Documents. A set of such ' Documents may be obtained from B. IL BACKLUND AND ASSOCI ATES, INC., SADDLE CREEK ROAD AT POPPLETON AVE NUE, upon payment of $10.00, | none of which will be refunded. As an evidence of good faith ' in submitting a Proposal for this work, the Bidder must File, with j his Proposal, a Certified Check or Bid Bond made payable to the CITY TREASURER of O'NEILL. NEBRASKA, in an amount not less than 5% of the Total Amount 1 Bid. The successful Bidder will be required to furnish Bond in an amount equal to 100% of his Con tract Tile CITY OF O’NEILL reserves the right to waive all technicalities and reject any or all Bids. The Contractor will be requir ed to pay Minimum Wages in ac cordance with a Schedule of Wage Rates established by The United States Department of La bor and shown in the Proposal Form. By order of the Mayor and City Council of the CITY OF O'NEILL, NEBRASKA. Attest: O. D. French D. C. Schaffer | City Clerk Mayor i 25-27c Inman News Mr. and Mis. Arthur Bemsh and children of Beatrice spent from Friday until Wednesday until Wednesday visiting in the home of Mrs. Benish’s mother,' Mrs. Ethel Siders, and Marilyn. Norbert Clark is enjoying a few days vacation from his duties at ( the Clark and Mattson garage. ", He has gone to Texas, Arkansas, and Oklahoma to spend his vaca- ! tion. Guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Hutton Sunday includ- 1 ed Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Green ! and two children, Mrs. Vernon . Green, sr., of Sioux City, Mr. and Mrs. Graydon Hutton and two children of Creston, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hutton and daughter of Bassett and Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Clark. , Mr. and Mrs. Sam Baker aritl ; children of Sioux City were weekend guests in the home of Mrs. Baker's parents, Mr. and , Mrs. Floyd DeLong. Mrs. T. D. Hutton accompanied Mrs. Richard Hutton of Bassett to Norfolk Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Anthony and children were Sunday dinner guests in the home of Mrs. An thony’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto' Matschullat, at Page. They were helping Mr. Matschullat celebrate his birthday. Too Late to Classify FOR SALE: 150 good used storm windows. Three 36 inch combin ation doors, good as new. $12.50 each.—Ralph Beckwith, O’Neill. 25-27p FOR SALE: Used boys clothing. Rayon, cordudoy and band shirts, parkas, boots and shoes. Mrs. Ray Eby, phone 319. 25-26c CARD OF THANKS WE TAKE this means of ex-1 pressing our heartfelt thanks for the many kindnesses shown in so many ways at the time of the sudden death of our hus band an father, O. A. Hammer berg.—THE FAMILY. 25c Cards Have Most Wins Among State s Unbeaten the St. Mary s academy Cardinals, by virtue of three games in a seven-day span, now have the most w ns of any team in Nebraska. The unt>eaten Cards ranked fifth in eight-man grid circles, according to the Omaha World-Herald. Their latest conquest was a 20-19 win over Sacred Heart of Norfolk. The squad: First row-Jim Sh K'maker i32), Morris Pongratz (42), Larry Mudloff (21), Bill Hynes < 40). Gale Boyle (31), Chuck Froelich (3). Art Wills i2ti), Honme Koss 133'. Second ito Gary Holly i4o), i_naries .via- . hjny (39), Gene Schneider (48), Jim Enright (56', Jim McGinn (37), Brflce Weier (53i, Tom Donohoe (34), Larry Wan er (35), Ronnie Clark (30), Terry Hynes (37). T’ ird row- Gale Stevens (3b>, Larry Donohoe (52), Jim Murphy (47), Tom Higgins (43i. Larry Torn! nson (53), Bernard Kamphaus 144•, Bill Craig (51), Jack Sullivan (4b). Ned Mul len (41), Gene Turner (34), Haul Ziska (49), 1 tim ber t Belina (38* O'Neill Photo Co. Chambers Homecoming Royalty The Chambers high Coyotes arc unbeaten in s x-man grid circles and own two victories and one ti< in Sandhills Gateway conference play. At t!x- Elgin-Chambers homecoming game, LXniglas Dankert was crowned king; Ardelle Edwards, queen. O'NeiJI Photo Co. Future Subscribers (More Future Subs on page 12.) SEGER Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Seger of O'Neill, a son, Ralph Eugene, weighing 8 pounds 5 ounces, torn Wednesday, Octo ber 9, at St. Anthony’s hospital. JOHNSON Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth Johnson of Creighton, a daughter, Elizabeth Ann. weigh ing 7 pounds 1 ounce, born Thursday, Octotor 10 at Lundberg Memorial hospital. MATTHEWS Mr. and Mrs. Robert Matthews of O’Neill, a! daughter, Julie Ann, weighing 7| pounds 8!£ ounces, born Satur-; day. Octotor 12, at St. Anthony’s j hospital in O’Neill. SOKOTKA—Mr. and Mrs. Eu-1 gene Sototka of O’Neill, a daughter, Julie Alice, weighing 7 pounds 8'\ ounces, horn Sunday, Octotor 13, at St. Anthony’s hos pital. BISHOP Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bishop of O’Neill, a son. Billy, I weighin'’: 9 pounds 1 ounce, torn Monday, October 14. at St. An thony's hospital in O’Neill. LARSON Mr and Mrs. Robert Larson of O'Neill, a son, Michael K.. weighing 8 pounds 5Vi ounces, born Monday, October 14, at St. Anthony’s hospital in O’Neill. COLTER Mr, and Mrs. Paul Goiter of Orchard, a daughter, weighing 8 pounds, born Satur day. October 12. at the Plainview hospital Mrs. Goiter is the for mer Janelle Hill, daughter of, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hill of Or chard. This is the couple’s third daughter. Note Anniversary— CHAMBERS — The following1 guests gathered at the A. B. Hub-! bard home Sunday evening, Oc-1 tober 13, to help Mrs. Hubbard celebrate her birthday anniver sary: Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Hub hard,Mr. and Mrs. Steve Shavlik and Pamela, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Medcalf, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Ad ams and Dale, Mrs. Anna Albers, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hubbardl and Ricky and Mr. and Mrs. John Honeywell. Commissions Meet— CHAMBERS — Four commiss ions of the Methodist church met Tuesday evening, October 9, at the church with about 20 present. A number of goals were set, a mong them was the goal of be-: ween 100 and 110 in Sunday school attendance; keeping the people informed on missionary projects and establishing a stand ing order for the devotional book let. "The Upper Room”. M&M Chib Meets— M&M club met Tuesday night with Mrs. Paul Shierk. Guests were Gertrude Gribble of Sioux City and K. L. Van Voorhis. High scores were won by Mrs Esther Harris and Mr. Van Voor his. Jimmie Janousek was five years old on Sunday. Eight guests help ed him celebrate the anniversary at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Janousek. Hospital Notes ST. ANTHONY’S (O’Neill) Admitted: October 9 — Mrs. Ralph Segor of O'Neill, Marvin Strong of O'Neill, Lloyd Godel of O’Neill; 10 Mrs. L. G. Bernholtz of Page, Ambrose Biglin of O' Neill, Linda Sedlacek of Spencer, Mrs. John Kaplan of Stuart, Mrs. Dale French of O'Neill; 11-Carl Miller of O'Neill, George Shoe maker of O'Neill, Josephine Maly of O'Neill; 12 Mrs. Robert Matt hews of O'Neill, Mrs. George Wettlaufer of Page, Frank Musil of O'Neill; 13 Mrs. Eugene Sob otka of O’Neill, Judge D. R. Mounts of O'Neill, Mrs. Vernon Lorenz of O'Neill, Vernon Slay maker of Atkinson, William John son of Page; 14—Mrs. Robert Lar son of O’Neill, Mrs. Cecil Bishop of O'Neill, Fred Ferguson of Stuart, Mrs. Rae Johnson of O’ Neill, Mrs. John W. Hickey of O'Neill, Mrs. Fay Miles of O’ Neill, Mrs. Rex James of O’Neill; 15- Larry Schaffer of O’Neill; 16 Mrs. Dickie Fernau of Valen tine, Mrs. Don Summers of Page. Dismissed: October 9—Ambrose Biglin of O’Neill, Owen Donohoe of O'Neill: 11—Mrs. R. W. Shol hamer and baby girl of O’Neill, Mrs. Ralph Adair and baby boy of Amelia, John Williamson of Orchard, Mrs. Niels Mikkelsen of Chambers; 12- Mrs. Rae Johnson of O'Neill, Mrs. Walter Smith of Stuart, Mrs. John Kaplan of Stuart, Frank Musil of O’Neill, Marvin Strong of O’Neill; 13— Mrs. Ralph Seger and baby boy of O'Neill, Mrs. Dale French of O’Neill; 15—Mrs. Barbara Cobb| of Stuart, George Shoemaker of O'Neill, Mrs. Vernon Lorenz of, O'Neill, Mrs. Eugene Sobotka and baby girl of O’Neill; 16—Larry Schaffer of O’Neill, Josephine Maly of O’Neill. Hospitalized: Linda Sedlacek of Spencer, Mrs. John Hickey of O’-1 Neill, Fred Ferguson of Stuart, Mrs. Mary Bosn of O’Neill, Carl Ewing s New Well This is a view of Ewing’s new municipal water pump which now supplies the town its water. The well is located at the edge a street in the north part of town.—The Frontier Photo. Miller of O’Neill, Mrs. Robert Matthews of O'Neill, Mrs. Rae Johnson of O’Neill, Mrs. Cecil Bishop of O'Neill, Mrs. Robert Larson of O'Neill, Lloyd Godel of O’Neill, Vernon Slaymaker of Atkinson, Judge Mounts of O’ Neill, William Johnson of Page, Fred Care} of O’Neill, Ambrose Biglin of O’Neill, Miss Grace Merryman of Page, Garrett Janz ing of O'Neill, Mrs. George Wett laufer of Page, Mrs. C. E. Vogt of Naper, Mrs. Rex James of O’ Neill, Mrs. L. G. Bernholtz of Page, Mrs. Dickie Fernau of Val entine, Mrs. Don Summers of Page. Expired: Mrs. Fay Miles on October 15. SACRED HEART (Lynch) Admitted: W. H. Block of Ano ka, Dr. Edwin B. Bradley of Spen cer, Mrs. John Carr and baby boy of Silencer, Mrs. George Clas sen of Spencer, Mrs. Carl Gnew uch of Norfolk. Andrew Hanson of Spencer, Mrs. Edith Hooda and baby boy of Bristow, Mrs. Edwin Jons of Bonesteel, S.D., William Jordan of Butte, Mrs. Edith Lang of Lynch, Martin J. McCloud of Martin, S.D., Miss Katie McDon ald of Lynch, Frank Reiser of Butte. Dismissed: October 10 — Mrs. Lawrence Lechtenberg of Spen cer, Mrs. Martha Wells of Spen cer, Mrs. Ernest Ruff of Bristow, Albert Loock of Spencer, Fran cis Fisher of Lynch, Henry Op brek of Fairfax, S.D., Mrs. L. I. Hines of Spencer. Deceased: Dr. E. M. Aiken of Butte on October 10. Winners of the Bridge club hold Tuesday evening at Mrs. L. A. Becker’s home were Mrs. J. B. Grady and Mrs. Becker. Des sert was served at the Becker home. Mr. and Mrs. Milt Barnard of Wagoner, S.D., were Saturday guets of Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Crabb. Cards Win Thriller from Sacred Heart Flag Nullifies Series of Touchdowns In a game brimming with ex citement from the spectator’s viewpoint, the St. Mary's acad emy Cardinals Thursday night came from behind to defeat the Sacred Heart Knights ol Norfolk. 20-19. The game was played at Norfolk. Gary Svoboda broke loose for the Knights on the fourth play of the game and raced 38 yards for a touchdown. Tom DeLay added tlie • point and the Cards trailed, 0-7—the first deficit of the season. Two play s later Larry Tomlin son took a short pass from Tom Donohoe and raced 15 yards to score for SMA. Donohoe added the point. The O’Neill parochials marshalled another drive before the period ended and Donohoe crashed over from the SH two. A penalty cost the extra point. Tomlinson took a slick 30 yard flip from Bill Craig and rambled 20 y ards to the endzone but the play was nullified by a ; penalty. Donohoe then fired a i long one to Gary Holly who let1 it slip off his fingetips. The Cards punted for the first time this sea son. Svoboda was sprung again for the Norfolkans to score .Jim Mur phy blocked Sacred Heart’s PAT, and the ball game was deadlock ed 13-all. Flags fluttered frequently as the Cards tried their ground game. With eight seconds remain ing in the half, Craig hit Dono hoe who raced 00 yards untonch ed, but the flag spoiled the ef fort. Within four plays after the third quarter began, the Cards finally changed the scoreboard. Gene Schneider danced 38 yards down the sidelines to put the Cards ahead, 20-13. The Knights applied pressure and gained a first down on the SMA one and the Cards gallantly held, taking over on the one-foot stripe. In the fourth the Knights got to the SMA five, but the Norfolk ans were abliged to relinquish on the SMA eight. Later a SMA fumble was recov ered by the Knights. Svoboda scored, making it 20-19. The Knights’ try for point to tie it up was one foot short. Weier pounced on a SII kick and Holly pirated a pass to short stop further Norfolk threats. Jim McGinn was sidelined with an ankle injury suffered earlier and Jim Eright had to leave in the first quarter. Tomlinson and Weier looked great up front de-1 [ensively. The Cards go to Naper Friday aight. Eagles Absorb Loss at Ainsworth Ainsworth Bulldogs rolled to a , 14-0 victory over the O’Neill high Eagles Friday night at Ainsworth. First touchdown in the second period came as Ainsworth’s full back slanted off left tackle and galloped 30 yards. With two minutes left in the game, O’Neill was obliged to kick. Ainsworth's linebacker ] crashed through and got possess ion the moment the pigskin left Darold Dexter’s foot. The enemy tucked it away and romped a cross. Both points - after - touchdown resulted from smashes through guard. Ronnie Smith was best for the losers. The Eagles entertain the Ne ligh Warriors here next Wednes day. Neligh. like O'Neill, has a 1-4 record. The Warriors defeated Albion. County Court October 10 John J. Dobitz of Naperville, 111., speeding night, fined $10 and $4 costs, officer— E. M. Hastreiter. October 10- Harry Bennett of | Bassett, over capacity plates, fined $10 and $4 sosts, officer— Donald F. Richardson. October 10- Robert G. Stamp of Inman, reckless driving, fined $25 and $4 costs; officer James W. Banks. October 11 Charles F. Prior of Stuart, no fishing permit, fin ed $5 and $4 costs; officer -Fred R. Salak. October 14—Warren G. Hall of I Burwell, speeding night, fined, $14.50 and $4.00 costs; officer— E. M Hastreiter. October 14- Gerhart Tietz of Bancroft, speeding day, fined $10 and $4 costs; officer—Sgt. R. R. Shomey. October 14—John Andrus, driv- ( er for Alvin Reagle of Valentine, overload on single axle, fined $70 and $4 costs; officer Clifford L. Kizzire. October 14—Joseph N. Couch, driver for Consolidated Freight ways of Chicago, 111 , overweight, fined $50 and $4 costs; officer— Donald Richardson. uctoner is—nueoen oil man, driver for Wheeler Lum ber, Bridge and Supply of Nor folk, overload on axle, fined $150 and $4 costs; officer—Clif ford L. Kizzire. October 12- Jimmie D. Sawyer of Inman, failure to stop at stop sign, fined $10 and $4 costs; offi cer—E. M. Hastreiter. October 11 Kenneth R. Sand ers of O’Neill, operating a motor vehicle without drivers’ license, fined $5 and $4 costs; officer—R. L. Gude. October 16- Claude Neal, driv er for Donald I^ee Lneback of O’Neill, overweight on gross load, fined $50 and $4 costs; officer— Donald L. Richardson. October 16-Albert W. Well man of Omaha, speeding night, fined $14 and $4 costs; officer— R. L. Gude. October 16 — William Joseph Carroll of Los Angeles, Calif., speeding day, fined $20 and $4 costs; officer—R. L. Gue. Crofton Wins 12-6 Over Ewing Tigers KWING Coach Fritz Reifert's Ewing high Tigers nx>k it on the chin, 6-12, Friday night. Crofton scored both touchdowns during the f’rst half Ewing tal lied in the third on a pass, C»ar> Eacker to Sonny Carl The play covered 40 yards, Atkinson Balers Romp Stuart Broncs ATKINSON Fumbles were costly to the Stuart Broncos Fri day night, and Atkinson won in a walk. 26-0. The Balers proved superior in every department. Entertain Tear re rs— CHAMBERS The American Legion post .120 and the Legion auxiliary were hosts to the teach ers of the community a a recept ion at the Legion hall Monday evening, October 14. A program of vocal numbers, readings and slides was presented. 15 teachers and 41 others were present. A lunch of doughnuts tuid coffee was served. Other Chambers News The Kenneth and Ann Barthel sale held Wednesday, October 9, on the premises in Chambers was well attended. The lots on which the house and other buildings are located did not sell. Word has been received by the Frank Tracey family, that her sister, Miss Lorraine Mitchell, is nicely located at Spoakne, Wash., where she is teaching at Whit worth college. New Club Meets— A bridge club met Tuesday evening for supper at the Town House. Following the supper the ten members played bridge at the home of Mrs. John Baker. This is a newly formed club and a name has not yet been selected. ATKINSON MEMORIAL Admitted: October 7 — Mrs. Frank Prussa of Atkinson, obst etrical; Mrs. Peter Engler of Stuart, medical; 9 Mrs. Dale Butterfeld of Ewing, medical; 10 Mrs. Duane Domina of New port, obstetrical; Dean Perry of Emmet, medical; 11— Mrs. George Wallinger of Stuart, med ical; 12- Mrs. Leo Wabs of O' Neill, medical; 13- Mrs. Keith King of Stuart, obstetrical; 14— Mrs. Bill Morgan .of Atkinson, medical; 11 Mrs. Vernon Berry ameua. Dismissed: October 7 Mrs. Prank Kaup, jr., of Stuart, 8 - Mrs. Robert Jemsen and daugh ter of Rushville, 10 Mrs. John Kenny of Atkinson, Louis Genung if Atkinson, 11 Jim Beck of At kinson, Mrs. Dale Butterfield of Ewing, Mrs. Lenerd King and son of Stuart, 12 -Mrs. Clara Jennings of Atkinson, Mrs. Anna <eebaugh of Newport, 13 Mrs. Frank Prussa and son of Atkin son, Jess Uupp of Atkinson. Mrs. H. L. Lindberg, Mrs. Keith tbart ,Mrs. Herman Janzing and VIrs. Henry Benze attended a school of instructions for leaders of ?irl scouts and brownies at the home of Mrs. Clark at Stuart Puesday afernoon. Two area re presentatives of girl scouts were here. Edward and Barbara McCar thy of Omaha visited their par •nts, Mr. and Mrs. George M. J McCarthy, over the weekend. Mrs McCarthy returned to Oma la with them Sunday. Mrs. Leonard Davis and boys ipent Wednesday and Thursday n Atkinson and Stuart O’Neill, Spencer, Stuart Bands Going to Lincoln Saturday The combin'd O'Neill highest. Mary’s academy hand will go to Lincoln Saturday and participate in band day activities at the I’ni \ersity of Nebraska. There wdl I m‘ a massed concert at half-time of Nebraska-Syracuse football game. c Other schools in the area also sending bands to Lincoln for the event are Butte, Spencer, Stuart, Neligh, Ainsworh, Bassett and Norfolk. Group piqpres at the public school will be taken Monday and Tuesday, October 21 and 22. Other Ewing News Mr. and Mrs. Paul Doud and family who have been vacation ing at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Doud. and her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Black, left Thursday, October 10, to return to their home at Seat tle, Wash. MILLER THEATER — ATKINSON — N. Sat. Oct. 10 20 — PLUS — DOUBLE FEATURE ' Sun.-Mon.-Tuc*. Oct. 20-21-22 {"■KETTLES o* fOLDMacDONALtft 'M#*.-TMm MRM MAIN FENNEUY | Wed.-Thurs. Oct. 28-24 I I Spencer THACT ' | Mickty R00NET | j BOYS TOWN; I This coupon anil one paid ad- I mission will admit two adulta. 1 . October 28-24. | NOTICE I)r. Edw. J. Norwood, O.D. Optometrist, from Crawford, Nebr.. will be in O’Neill on— (■olden Hotel, 9 to 5 p.m. Thursday, October 24 at EYES most scientifically ex amined. GLASSES most properly fit ted and the most modern and all types of eye wear prescribed. HARVEST DAY POLETHYLENE Clothes Basket, Ironing Board Pad and Cover Combination Regular Price 5.96 SPECIAL 2.98 BROOMS Special 1.19 MOPS f Dugtmaster — K< g. 2.69 value Special 1.98 French Fried Potato Cutter Regular Price 2.98 SPECIAL 1.89 Mothban Moth Killer 12-o*. Pressure Spray SPECIAL 59c Acme House Paint WHITE — First Quality SPECIAL 5.29 £3. -- COYNE HARDWARE |