The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 17, 1957, SECTION ONE, Image 3
, ^ Saturdays. r #y ^kjMAr '•igBpr • 3 BIG DAYS;3 « THURS. - FR‘DA ^___J t | f hood I I attachec i i i Mothers—what a buy! Nylon Sno Suits Thermocel Insulated i resistant washable pixie suit. It's on in an instant —suit zips from neck to ankle. Red or royal for girls; royal or green for boys. Sizes 2-3-4. 106-4444-604.4649-106 3 WAYS TO BUY! 1. Cash 2. Lay-Away 3. Easy Terms GIRLS’ PANTIES Here is real savings for you! Every pair perfect quality! Stock up now on these run-resistant Acetate Tri cot Panties. SIZES 4 TO 14 Reg. 49c Values! S-P-E-C-I-A-L-! 5 Pairs — 99c Gambles has it for less Warn, Kail SLEEPERS Two-piece pastel cotton knit with gripper snap waist ami dur able snap waist and durable plastic feet. Save now! The lowest price of the year! SIZES 1 TO 4 Reg. 1.59 Value! Sale Special! } Sheer Magic I S-T-R-E-T-C-H | NYLON \ HOSE ! Special! | 67c \ Sizes Short, | America's finest MedI^>n« 9 quality nylon hoisery Res. t»He P now at a real sale pri ce! Popular stretch weave P —they’re excellent values at ^ the regular low price. Now you " get extra saving at GAMBIJCS. p HI TWIST ELASTIC 29' to 35' | Stronger Lot* Runs Lengths j _ Rrw*’ Flannel I S RT SALE | Here Is the best value In O’ ' Neill! New, washable flan I nel shirts In dozens of col ^ ors! Kleh plaids and popil I lar stripes! Another real | buy at GAMBLES! * SIZES 3 TO 16 1 Key l.«» Value! J Now! ... 99c Chenille SPREADS Reg. 3.98 Value! Not to be compared with the ordinary low-prieed bed spreads ! Rows and rows ol fine chenille. Washfast col ors. Double bed slxe. Now!. 2.99 “Ivy League” SUCKS America’s most popular slacks! Topulnr polished cotton! Choose black or tan. SIZES 27 TO 34 Compare This low price! Now!. 3.98 Boy*’ BRIEFS Now is the time to really save! Stock up now at this special low price! You’ll save plenty! SIZES 6 'IX) 16 Reg. 59c Value! Now! ___ 44c i Boys’ Tee SHIRTS Another BIG SPECIAL, dur ing GAMBLES Appreciation Sale! Don’t miss these bar gains! Nylon reinforced necks! SIZES 6 TO 16 Reg. 79c Values! Now!.... 58c Triple Roll ANKLETS America’s most popular white anklet! Now sale pri ced at GAMBLES! Stock up now during this big sale! Sizes for all! GIRLS: 7TQ814 MISSES: 9 TO 11 Beg. 59c Values! Now!... 37c SPECIAL! Cotton SLIPS Fresh, crisp Sanforized cot tons in perfect fitting four gore style! Embroidered eyelet trim! SIZES 32 TO 44 Beg. 1.98 Values! Now!. 1.66 Flannelette GOWNS Full-length, long sleeved, warm pastel gowns. Flow er-printed yoke, generous eut. SIZES 34 TO 48 Reg. 1.98 Value! Now!_ 1.54 w BRA SPECIAL! J Sanforized fine cotton bra* at a real bargain price! W You’ll want Neveral! * Reg. 79c Value | NOW! J 2<«'99cl __ fe. i i t i i i J CHORE GLOVES g Double thick 14 oz. brown I flannel nap-outs. I-HTge d cut, snug; knit wrists. Stock ™ up now! Keg. 39c Value! J Now!... 28c Boys’ Blue JEANS Tough sturdy blue denim, zipper fly. Sanforized. Our best seller! Sizes 6 to 16 Reg. I.flO Value! Now! - 1.22 Boys’ Sateen PARKAS Water- repellent, w i n d - re sistant ! Warm, quilt-lined with knit turtle neck! Dy nel-trimmed hood zips off! Red or Charcoal Grey! Sizes 8 to I 8 Rcr. 12.95 Value! Now! - 8.44 Men’s Blue JEANS Sanforized 10-oz. denim! Full rut for good fit! Here’s real savings for you! Stock Up Now! Beg. 1.98 Value! Now!. 1.68 Men’s WORK SHOES Another big special during GAMBLES big APPRECI ATION SALE! Tough, stur dy shoes styled for long wear and good fit. SIZES 6% TO 12 Reg. 5.98 Value! Now!. 4.44 Men’s Flannel SPORT SHIRTS Save! Save! Here is real value! Imagine smart-looking flannel shirts at this low price! A sure sell out! Be here early! SIZES: S-M-L Reg. 2.29 Values! Now! 71.27 Men’s Tee SHIRTS Fine, soft-combed cotton Tee Shirts that wear and fit! Nylon reinforced necks! necks! Stock Up Now at This Special Price! Reg. 79c Value! NOW! 2 for 99c Men’s SPORTCOATS Here is value that ean’t be beat! Better (|iiality coats of 100 percent wool. Come and see these! Keg. 24.50 Value! Now . . . Priced to Clear! WHILE THEY LAST! Only! 14.88 Boys’ | WESTERN JEANS! Tough, sturdy 13 34 -oz. euarsn weave deni m. Real western style! San- W fori/.ed for easy washing. | Size 016. Reg. 2.9H value. * Stock up now at Gambles low price! Now! 1.74 \ ! SALE!, • \] * t N-E-W Cotton Blouses You’ll want several of these better quality blouses! New, smart colors in fine Sanforiz ed broadcloth. Dozens of Plaids, Stripes and Checks! SIZES 32 TO 38 Don't miss this Big Special at GAMBIJSS! Now!_88c | Dacron PANELS I i What a Buy! m 44 x 81 panel curtains of 100 percent * dacron! Wash and dry in a jiff! Little f or no Ironing needed! I Reg. 1.49 Value \ NOW! — 97c k __ DACRON PRISCILLA CURTAINS Here’s a wonderful value! Pretty dacron that washes and dries so quickly! Little or no ironing needed! Beautiful for criss-cross, too! Lovely wide ruffles! Size 50 x 90 each side. Perfect for every room In the home! Reg. $4.98 Value! NOW! ... 2.99 Pr Get the most from your income BUY ON GAMBLES THRIFTY PAYMEN T PLAN! ONLY 20% DOWN — BALANCE ON EASY TERMS As Low As $1.25 Per Week, Payable Monthly It’s a fact, you can live better off your current income if you take advantage of GAMBLES Easy Credit Plan !!! 1. Stock up on staple family and household needs when SPECIAL SALE PRICES are in effect! 2. Meet heavy buying periods (Back-to-School, Christmas, Easter) without making your budget suffer or cutting into your bank account! NO DOWN PAYMENT on many purchases, once your account is in effect. Yes, in many instances you can add new purchases with NO ADDITIONAL CASH down! Open your thrifty payment plan account at Gambles today! ' PT ^P ^P ^p ^p ^p <qp p pr pr <UP <up ^p ^p pr p ^p pr ^p w P w p 1 cotton ANKLETS J Girls, now is the time to really stock up! ™ • Slight imperfections make such ^ values possible! W • You’ll want several pair at soclk m & low, low price! " If perfect, 39c per pair ft Now!__5 pr. $1.00 f S-A-L-E-! BATH TOWELS Big, thick, thirsty Cannon Towels at a real sale price! Soft, absorbent terry —America’s best-known brand! White and pastels! Stock up now! You’ll be needing lots of them! Beg. 79c Value! NOW!-36c Ea. -9 GENUINE P n«R SACKS J Best for real absorbency! Perfect qual- | By—fine soft cotton that really dries " the dishes! Large 100-lb. size! Stock up p now! ^ Regular 33c Value! W NOW!... 4 for 88C »