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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1957)
Amelia News Mrs Lolyd Waldo attended a Rebekah lodge convention at York the early part of the week. She went as a delegate from the Chambers chapter. Mr. and Mrs Rimer Coolidge. Mrs. Charles Coolidge and Ken neth were Grand Island callers Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Brown of Grand Isalnd visited her father, Charlie Sigman, Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Dunk Peterson and Don visited Sunday at the William Gumb home. Rev. and Mrs. William Roten and family and Mr. and Mrs. Willian Reichs of Chambers were dinner guests Monday at the Frank Pierce home. Mrs. Ida Struekmeyer of Hol yoke, Colo., and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Oneal of Wages, Colo., were weekend visitors of Mr and Mrs. Will Fryrear. Mrs. Struekmeyer is Mr. Fryrear’s sister. Mrs. George Withers enjoyed having four of her sons with her a few day's the early part of the week. They were Wilbur Chap man of San Francisco, Calif., Harold of Topeka, Kans., Doug las of Mobridge, S.D., and George of Linton, N.D. Mrs. Julia White, Mr. and Mrs. Charles McMillan, Mrs. Rosa McIntosh's... i FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18th Regular 1.25 — EAR-RINGS_69c Special Introductory Offer “BALLAD” COMMUNITY 4—COFFEE SPOONS Regular 4.00 — Sale 2.50 SAUCE BOWL AND LADLE Regular 5.35—Sale 2.95 E DISCOUNT ON ANY WATCH PRICED AT $35 OR MORE! McIntosh jewelry “Where Price and Quality Meet” — O’Neill — Snelson, Mrs Mary Urb,- Mr. and Mrs. Turn Baker were Sunday af ternon callers at the Will Fryrear home. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gruen berg and daughters, and Mr. and Mrs. Orland Fryrear visited at the parental William Fryrear home Sunday. Pruss Kin Return from Germany— A grandaughter ofMr. and Mrs. John D. Pruss and her husband and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wraync Kruntorad, Kathy and Kenneth, returned recently from a three year's stay in Schweinfurt, Ger many, where he had been station ed. They have been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Ries of Atkinson and his parents, Mr. and Mr. Charles Kruntorad of Ewing. Friday they held a reunion at the Pruss home. Among other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Pruss and family. The Wayne Kruntorads plan to leave next week for California where he will be stationed. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schienost of Spencer were visitors Monday at Rosa Bowers home. \ isi| Parent*— Sunday Mr. and Mrs Dick Tomlinson and Casey, Darrel and Jerry Dexter were in Atkinson at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Rothchild. Others present for supper were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Seery and family of Gering and Mrs. and Mrs. Gerald Rothchild and family of Atkinson. Stopping in later in the evenng were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wat son of O'Neill. Transfers to Hastings— Joe Sobotka son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sobotka, has transfer red from the University of South Dakota college of medicine to Hastings college, where he is majoring in pre-medicine. Mr. Sobotka, who works at night as a technician in a hospital, lives with his sister, Mrs. Lloyd Sim mons and family. Allison Edwards Is 6— Little Miss Allison Jane Ed wards celebrated her sixth birth day anniverary at a Hallowe'en party at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William L. Ed wards. O’Neill Style Shop’s HARVEST OF Three Big Days — October 17, 18, 19 One Group of BETTER FALL DRESSES 5.98 - 8.98 - 10.98 Broken Sizes SWEATERS Were much more! NOW! We are giving ONE HAT FREE WITH each coat purchased during this 3-day sale! SKIRTS 4.98 — «.98 Were to 12.98 AIX SALES FINAL, PLEASE LEONA HYNES — MRS. M. A. SCHELKOPF All proceeds to the benefit of St. Mary’s Academy I - #jh /i/mrhi atthest*mary’s ffw (r iwClLL PLAYGROUND ON . . . SA TURD A V, OCTOBER 26TH Sale Begins at 12 O’clock Noon LUNCH WILL BE SERVED during sale on the grounds by the Friends of St. Mary s. ———^—————__. BARGAINS GALORE - NEW 6 USED • HOUSEHOLD • LIVESTOCK • FRESH GARDEN GOODS • FEED & SEED VEGETABLES • MACHINERY • ANTIQUES • CANNED GOODS • AUTOMOBILES • HAY • New CLOTHING • APPLIANCES # Many others Watch This Paper for More Details in Next Issue! Your Donations Appreciated! • YOl R DONATIONS for this auction will be greatly appreciated. If you have items to sell with proceeds for the Academy or cash contributions to give, please write or call— JOHN H. McCARVILLE Inman News Mr. and Mrs. Richard Colman of Adams. Wise., called on their uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mi's. G. p Coleman Wednesday. October 9. Mrs. Anna Kopejtka and Mary Ann spent Thursday, October 10. in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kopejtka at O'Neill. Dr and Mrs Robert Gillahan and daughters of Laurence. Kans . spent a few days the first of the week in the home of Mrs. Gilla han's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo P. Mossman. Mr. Mossman ac compan ed them to Norfolk as they returned home ana spent several days in the home of his son and daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Max Mossman, and family. Mrs. James McMahan attended a stated meeting of symphony chapter OES in O'Neill on Thurs day evening. Octolter 10. Air. and Mrs. Earl L. Watson I left Friday forning for Omaha where they spent several days I visiting in the home of their son ami daughter-in-law, Mr. and j W. W. Watson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Hrbek, i Laurence and Donnie of Dorsey and Eugene Barnhart of O'Neill | were Sunday dinner guests in the home of Mrs. Anna Kopejtka and Mary Ann. Don Kelley and Dick Coventry ' of Wayne spent the weekend in j the W. E. Kelley and Kenneth Coventry homes. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Wrede, Charles and Holly were Pilger visitors Sunday. Frank Kopejtka of O'Neil spent Monday with Mrs. Anna Kopejtka and Mary Ann. Deanery Meeting Scheduled at Butte BUTTE Monday, October 21, the O’Neill deanery of National Council of Catholic Women will hold its fall meeting at the Amer ican Legion hall in Butte. Sts. Peter and Paul Altar society will be the hostesses. Highlights of the meeting will be the archdiocesan convention coverage by Mrs. Edward M. Gal lagher of O’Neill and the Dubu que, la., NCCW institute report by Mrs. J. L. Berigan of Atkinson. The president of each altar society will give a three-minute parish report. The Butte ladies will be in charge of the entertainment. Mrs. August Sibbel is president of the host society. Four Visitors at What Not Meeting— The What Not Extension club met a the home of Mrs. M. J. Baack, Thursday evening, Octo ber 10. The members of the club answered roll call by giving a le gal term an its definiton. Mrs. R. E. Tingle and Mrs. Glenn Kennicott gave the lesson on in surance. Mrs. Vernon Carpenter, Mrs. W. D. Melena, Mrs. Duane Miller and Mrs. Reed Harley were visit ors. Next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Willard Solfer moser Thursday, November 14. Each member is to bring 15 cook ies and a copy of the cookie re cipe. By Mrs. Glenn Kennicott, reporter. O’NEILL LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. Loyal Hull went to Sioux City Wednesday, Octo ber 9. Mrs. Rosa Bowers accom panied them as far as Plainview where she visited her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Larson. Mrs. Hanna Seamon, Mrs. Min ninie Higgins and Rosa Bowers went to Spencer Thursday eve ning to the Lutheran Evangelist missionary meeting.. Mrs. Rosa Bowers went to Spencer Friday to attend a ZCBJ lodge meeting. She was an over night guest at Frank Klasna. M/Sgt. Lloyd Caufield of Nor ton AFB at San Bernadino, Calif., visited his sister, Mrs. Joe Cunn ingham, and family and another sister, Mrs. Ernest Pierson of Ewing. He also visited his moth er, Mrs. Andrew' Caufield. Ser geant Calfield has completed 30 years in the army and air force and he plans to continue with his service. Mr. and Mrs. James E. Storms and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sellon in Randolph Sunday. ROYAL THEATER — O’NEIUL — Thurs. Oct. II Jane Mansfield in WILL SUCCESS SPOIL KOCH HUNTER Color by DeLuxe — Cinemascope Starring Tony Randall, Betsy Drake, Joan Blondell with John Williams, Henry Jones. The big j fun show of the year. Rock Hunt-1 er and his girl and all their won- j derful pals. Frl.-Sat. Oct. 18-19 FORTY GUNS Starring Barbara Stanwyck, Barry Sullivan, Dean Jagger, John Ericson, Gene Barry. Cin emaScope in the wonder of stero phonic sound. The taming of the Arizona territory . . . when 40 men and a woman blazed a gun streaked trail across the great southwest! Plus Lapland. Sun.-Mon.-TueS. Oct. 20-21-22 Jack Webb, rough, tough and wonderful as T/Sgt. Jm Moore, U. S. marines. THE D. I. Starring Don Dubbins, Jackie Loughrey, Lin McCarthy, Monica Lewis, Virginia Gregg and “Pla toon 194” real marines who make a great story ring true! Nobody knew he had a girl—not even the girl. The first story of that spe cial rugged breed they call the drill instructor. You give him a boy—and 12 weeks later he gives you back a marine! Matinee Saturday & Sunday 2:30 Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Friday and Saturday admission— Adults 50c; Children under 12, 12c, Free II accompanied by par ent. Wedn. and Thurs. Family night, family admitted for two Adult tickets. O'Neill News Mrs. P. B. Harty and Mrs. Ed Campbell returned Monday from a trip to Wisconsin, where they visited their sons. Mrs, Harty was at Menasha to visit Mr. and Mrs. Tom Harty and daughter. Mrs. Campbell was at Green Bay to see her son, Edward. John R. Gallagher attended the funeral of a classmate at Creighton University Saturday in Omaha. Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Moses were Mr. and Mrs. Art Auker of Wayne, who formerly lived north of O'Neill. Mr. apd Mrs. iiay Verzal of Atkinson visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Quinn. Home over the weekend at the Ralph MeELvain "house were their daughter. Miss Margaret, a stu dent nurse at St. Eltzafx'th's. in Lincoln; their son. BUI, a student at the University of Nebraska; a ranee. Miss Marily n Duffy of Cas per, Wyo., who also attends the University of Nebraska and their friend, Lt. Bill Carrier, who is stationed at Lincoln in the air force. Mr. and Mrs. Jen- Sivesind and family, who bought Mrs. Homer Asher s house moved in Sunday, October 6. Mr and Mrs. Clay Johnson, jr., and Mrs. Clay Johnson, sr., are in York. They left Sunday where Mrs. Johnson, jr., attended a Re bekah meeting. Her mother-in law plans to visit her son and family, Mr. and Mrs Roy John son until Friday. Mrs. Melvin Lorenz of Inman also attended. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shiork wore in Tyndall, S.I>.. Sunday to cele brate Mrs. Shierk's birthday an niversary at the home of her great nephew and wife, Mr, and Mrs Winston Stahleeker. Tuesday morning guests of the Shierks were Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Baeke berg of Winner, S.D. Mrs. Lizzie Dexter and Edward of Amelia visited Mr. and Mrs. Dirk Tomlinson Tuesday after noon. Spending the weekend in Way ne were Mr. and Mrs. Dale Thier olf and family. They were guests of his sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Damme. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stub/ and family spent Sunday in Peters burg With her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Oik. Forecast on these Harvest Day Specials at COAST-TO-COAST || Friday, October 18th! ; i j 6’ x 8’ TARPAULINS_5.89 j Wire TRASH BURNERS...1.69 f Juvenile TABLE and 2 CHAIRS .... 10.88 !! chore GLOVES 29c ft. 3-Tine HAY FORKS_-.2.75 I Polyethylene STORM WINDOWS_22c jj 14” Jackson YARD LIGHT_2.99 I Revere Ware TEAKETTLE_3.98 ___ Many other Harvest Bargains too numerous to list! 4 l < » 10-Qt. Galvan. •• PAIL jj Sale „ 57c i mu.. ii Lawn Broom RAKE jj Sale 77c i | IHIHIIIIIIIIIIIHI :: Rural Mail « BOX !! Sale ... 2-22;: • » :: fbA!•! ;lfl :; . > < ■ ;; JO AND DALE WILSON, PROPS. ! I «« it ♦ I ■ • • • «■ • • • > «• ■ • < • < ■ ■ ■ > ■ ■ > «> • • «■ < • «> «> • > — • • AOORN 1 SQUASH i: Pound_5c I _ B .. FRESH — i: Cranberries lb. cello ! I JONATHAN FANCY — i| Apples_41bs. 43c ,, 1 ■ ■■ ■ ; ; C. S. NO. 1 RED PONTIAC — i i Potatoes - 25-lb bag $1,09 ! ! SHI R FINE, Guaranteed Satisfactory COFFEE : Pound 79c « . SMMMBBM j ; PI RE BEET— i: Sugar_J0 lbs. 99c ! ! FOOD KINO — 10 OZ. JAR i: Strawberry Pres. - 21C ! I SW'R FINE — i; Salad Dressing . qt. 39c ; ; CAMPBELL’S — Ii Tomato Soup ... can 1 Oc « . ■ ■■■■ .. — HERSHEY’S — \\ Cocoa . 1 pound box 59c ii — SIII R FINE TOP QUALITY — \\ Shortening, 3-lb can 69c ii _ ii i—hi ■ipiipm wibwm——i HEINZ TOMATO 1! KETCHUP i 14-oz. bottle_ » p DUNCAN HINES BUTTERMILK 8 lb. pk*. I \ Pancake Mix . 47c — ■ .. * » SHIR FRESH, Quartered ami Colored — J | Margarine. 2 Iks. 39c ii I'OWOKRKI) OR ItROWN I [ SUGAR 2 Mb. pkgs. ,n, I j SELECT — Beef Liver .1... lb. 29c CUDAHY PURITAN — Boiled Ham {-lb. 57c TENDER — Minute Steak... lb. 69c FRESH — Ground Beef _ 2-lbs. 89c I HORMEL ALL MEAT — I Minced Ham _ 2 lbs. 89c 4th Street Market 1: Phone 93 WE Deliver O’Neill j \ Tt | |, t ff| g | M fttl I ttlUAAI 1 ■ \ 4