The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 17, 1957, SECTION TWO, Page 15, Image 15

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Nylon Hose
K<-g. 1.15 * J.35 2 PR
15 & 30 IVnier ^ * IV*
Short, liogular,
I "iii; lengths
Dress Overshoes
SU««* 3. 5l/j, «
CHibaii anil
High Heels
Were to 5.93
Black Suede, Small
Heel Pump
Size* 4 to 10, AA & li Width
Reg. 7.95
On Friday... 4-99
sue* 12 Va *3 M AA
Re*. 1.95 J
House Slippers
Get Them
Now For
tliristimiH Gift* m
#«V». ^
Cowboy Boots
livg. 4.45 a a
SUe 4 & AV2 9.99
Only _
Work Shoes
Kori Wing
leather Sole ^B ^^B M
lteK. 12.95 *7a^r M
Women’s Wedge Casuals.... 4.99
Men’s Dress Oxfords _ 6.97
Children’s Shoes - 2.99 - 3.99
Children’s House Slippers... 1.77
- ■WflMMMHi '
Just tin, load and set
timer dial . . . washer shuts
off automatically!
Smooth, rust
proof Bakelite
Wizard “Deluxe”
Convenient, full-control semi-automatic washing.
Wlz-O-Magic dial times wash, shuts off automatic
ally at completion. Lovell wringer. Speedy drain.
List Price _ I 79.95
Sale Price- 129.95
Wizard Deluxe
15 Cu. Ft.
Huge 525-pound capacity!
Sweatproof “Wonder
wall” construe tion—
dense fiberglass insula
tion! Big 91-pound fast
freeze compartment has
extra coils! “Power Sen
tinel" . light warns of
power failure. Food bas
ket and divider set in
List price $339.95 ~ _ Sale $249-®®
Engaged to Wed
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Woeppel
are announcing the engagement
of their daughter, Lila < above)
; to Donald Day. son of Mr. and
Mrs. Royvan Day of Ewing, j
Miss Woeppel is a graduate erf j
the Ewing high school with the
class of 1957. She is employed
at an insurance firm in Omaha.
Mr. Day is a graduate of the
\\heeler county high school. He
has served two years in the
armed forces and recently re
ceived his separation At pres
sent he is engaged in ranching.
Attend Garden Club
Affair at Ainsworth
EMMET Mrs. I .eon Beckwith,
Mrs Orville Hitchcock, Mrs.
| Ralph Reis and Mrs. Georgia
| McGinnis went to Ainsworth Fri
! day to attend a covered dish
luncheon sponsored by the Ains
worth Garden club. There were
seven clubs represented with
: each club having a table of ar
ticles to sell.
A humorous reading "Husbands
i Can't Win", was given by Mrs.
Saulzman Mrs. Sckrimpton pre- |
sented a musical encore.
Three flower judges from At- !
kinson judged many flower ar- j
rangements. Each table had sev
eral arrangements.
other Fmmet News
Mrs. Henry Kloppenborg visit
ed Mrs. Walter Puckett and Alec
McConnell in Atkinson on Tues- j
day afternoon. Mrs. Kloppen
borg also visited Mrs. Clara Jen
nings at the Atkinson Memorial!
hospital that afternoon.
Tommy Earley was a Saturday
guest of the Hud Cole children. |
Mrs. Bessie Burge, June and
Harold and Mrs. Maude Fuller
were Sunday dinner and after- !
noon guests of the Dave Loy fam-!
ily. |
Grandma Newton called on the i
Dean Perry family Monday af-1
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Abart and |
family were Sunday visitors of i
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Abart.
Miss Cecelia Babl went to
Omaha on Thursday to visit her
sister, Mr. and Mrs. James
Schmitz and son. She returned
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Schaffer!
spent the weekend in Grand Ls-;
Mr. and Mis. Gilbert Fox, Bar- j
bara and Peggy, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Tomlinson and Mr. and |
Mrs. Bill Tomlinson and Nina of
Grand Island were Friday even- |
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Max
Mrs. Larry Schaffer and Mrs. j
Bud Cole went to Lincoln on
Thursday, October 3. That eve
ning they were supper guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Carl McGrew and
Mary at Seward.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Abart
traveled to Pringhar, la., on Fri
day, October 4. to attend the fun
eral of Jim McCr'eath.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cole and Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Schaaf of Atkin
son went to Omaha on Wednes
day, October 2. They returned
home Friday, October 4.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Claussen
of Londale, Calif., arrived Tues
day, October 1, and are spending
some time here visiting relatives
and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Beckwith
and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rug
gles ad Ronny of Clearwater
visited the Dean Beckwith fam
ily at Tekamah on Sunday, Oc
tober 6.
ivjx. auu ivits. iseri uomKen ot
Glenville were Friday, October
4, overnight guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Kloppenborg.
Roland Wills of Lincoln spent
the October 5-6, weekend with
his parents and brother, Mr. and
Mrs. Jess Wills and Art. j
Thursday, October 3, Mrs.
Johnny Claussen of Londale,
Calif., Mrs. Bill Claussen, Mrs.
Mary Lewis and Mrs. Sophia
Hoppe went to Norfolk.
Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Brockman
and family visited the Vernon
Brockman and Ted Goos families
at Taylor Sunday, October 5.
Vernon is Fritz Brockman’s
brother and Mr. Goos is Mrs.
Brockman’s brother.
Mrs. John Conard went to Lin
coln Wednesday, October 2, with
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Johnson
and Mrs. Hardin Anspach. Mrs.
Conard visited her daughter and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Trosh
ynski and Tommy. She returned
Friday, October 4.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pinkerman
of Cedar Falls, la., arrived Sat
urday, October 5, at the home of
Mrs. Mary Lewis. They spent
several days visiting relatives.
Driving Peeves
Told at Meeting—
The Goldenrod extension club
met Wednesday, October 9, at
8 p.m., in the home of Mrs. John
Schmit. There were 18 members
present. Roll call was given by
answering “pet peeves’’ while
Mrs. Richard Minton presented
a health report. Mrs. Louis Wray
gave the lesson on Christmas
cookies. The group made diff- j
erent kinds of cookies after her
lesson and used them for their
evening's lunch.
Alice’s Beauty Shop
Res. 3 doors west of Texaco
125 East Douglas
Phone 263 — O’Neill
____ i
Lynch News
Marie Mahlendorf has been
assisting at the home of Mrs.
Delores Vogt at Naper the past
Monday evening 6 o'clock din
ner guests at the Anton Kalkowski
home were Mr and Mrs. John
Gundenrath of Grand Island, Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Kalkowski, Mr.
and Mrs. George Kalkowski, Mr.
and Mrs. August Kalkowski and
Mr and Mrs.( Leo Kalkowski.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gartner
and Henry Maly of Chambers and
Mr. and Mrs. James Maly, sr.,
and Mrs. Tillie Slechta of Lynch
were Sunday, October 6, dinner
guests at the Albert Tejral home
in Spencer.
Mr. and Mr. Edward Heiser
entertained Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Haun of Spencer at dinner Sun
day, October 6.
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Thdmson.
Rosalie and Ivan returned home
Wednesday, October 9, after a
lb-day visit in Oregon with rela
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Koscan and
family of Butte visited at Wall
ace Courtneys Sunday.
Loretta Bodine of St. Charles,
S.D., visited at the Martin Jehor
ek home Sunday.
l m _
Mr and Mrs. John Gudenrath
left Wednesday. October 9. for
Berlin, N. D., where they will visit
for several days before returning
to their home in Grand Island.
They spent the past week visiting
the Kalkowski families.
Mr. and Mrs Walter Wells ac
companied their son, Frederick
Wells, and wife of O’Neill to
Omaha Wedneday, October 9,
where they visited their laugh
ter. Mrs. Bob Allendorfer, and
family for several days. Lawrence
Kalkowski looked after their
chores while they were away.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Nelson of
Butte were Sunday visitors at the
Louie Nelson home.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Halva visited
at the Alv in Havranek home near
Spencer Sunday.
Mr. and Mr. Joe Nemic of
Spencer visited at the Martin
Jehorek home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Barta and
daughters of Verdel and Mr. and
Mrs. Herman Schochenmaier and
family of Bonesteel, S.D., were
Sunday visitors at Albert Kalk
A pink-and-blue shower was
held in honor of Mrs, August
Kalkowski Tuesday, October 15,
at her home. Mrs. Kalkowski
received many gifts. Lunch was
served at a late hour.
Mrs. Laura Wurtz has an apart
ment with Mrs. Hannah Stmt at
present. Mrs. Wurtz had return
I'd from a two weeks visit with
her son, Ralph, and family in
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Lihs of
Bristow were Wednesday, Octo
l>er 9, visitors here.
The Boyd county Knights of
Columbus council were hosts at a
public dance held in the Lynch
ballroom, October 12.
Bankers Attend
Parley at Omaha
Those attending the 60th Ne
braska Bankers Association con
vention held in Omaha recently
were Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Cronin,
and Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Grady of
the O'Neill National bank and
Mr. and Mrs. John Watson of the
First National bank Among the
officers elected was Harold E.
Roe, vice president, of Benning
ton. w;hose father was a Lynch
Dinner Boosts—
Mr. and Mrs. Harry McKay and
Vickie of Chambers were recent
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Duane
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Solfer
mosor attended the O Nelll-Ains
worth football game Friday and
spent the weekend with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs Willis Magary
of Johnstown.
Guests a few clays last week
of Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Van Voor
his were her mother, and a neiee,
Miss Sally Sue West, both of
Scottsbluff. They also had fri
ends. Mr and Mrs. Robert I. Ell
iot an daughter, Laurie of Los
Angeles, Calif., stop in one
day last week.
Black Friday SALE!
Sponsored by Holt County Vngu» Association
Friday, October 18
1,500 head choice rancher consigned
Angus cattle
FFA - 4-H A Judging Contest
■ $50 • S’1.5 to be lovanlisl winner to t>e applletl on purchase
of single calf.
Additional Consignments Still Being Accepted
President, Amelia Sec'y.-Treaa., O’Neill
_______:- - -—
HAVING PURCASED a small acreage near Inman and planning to enter into semi-retirement, we will offer 1
our half-section farm and personal property at public auction, on the premises of our present place, located
4|/2 miles northeast of Inman; OR I Yl miles north and 4 miles west of Page; OR 6 miles east of the O’Neill
Sale Barn, and 2 miles south, on—
Tuesday, October 29th
Sale to Start at 12:30 P. M. Lunch to Be Served by Church Ladies of Inman |
Improved Farm I
Place is fenced and cross-fenced; 35 acres of farm
land; four acres of alfalfa; 1 5 acres of fall rye; bal
ance in hay and pasture. Two windmills producing
good water.
Legally described as West Half of Section 4, Township 28. Range 10, 320 acres.
All buildings are wired with REA, $3.50 minium.
School bus passes gate; mail route 40 rods from
house; good cement cave.
Twenty percent to be paid on day of sale; balance upon delivery of abstract of
title and warranty deed, which will be furnished purchaser. Certain possession
March 1, 1958, or may be arranged at earlier date.
CHICKEN HOUSE, 10’ x 20’, good
GARAGE & SHOP, 14’ x 20’
CORN CRIB, 8’ x 16’
With cement floor and machine shed attached
HOG HOUSE, with tie floor
CATTLE SHED, 30 ft. long
SMALL BARN with stanchions for 8 cows and I
grain bin in one end
WASH HOUSE, next to well
I 27 - Head of Cattle - 27
11—Angus Yearling HEIFERS
1—Angus Yearling STEER
1—Holstein Yearling HEIFER
1—Angus BULL, 3-yrs.-old, registered
1—Black Whiteface COW
3—Sucking CALVES
_4—Handfed CALVES _
Machinery and Equipment
1940 Allis Chalmers C tractor,
good condition
J-D Lister for H J-D tractor
J-D Cultivator for H J-D Tractor
J-D 10-ft. Binder, A-l shape
J-D Manure Spreader, good
7-ft. Grain Drill
One-Horse VanBrunt Drill
2-Botton Plow, 12-in lays
2—J-D 2-row Elis for tractor
9 ft. Disc
Hay Rack and Iron Wheel Wagon
GI Com Picker, good rubber
8-in. Burr Grinder, McCormick,
with elevator
Garden Cultivator
Chevrolet Sweep, good tires
Slide Hay Stacker with rope
Double Rakes, complete
Three-Section Harrow
Oil Burning Tank Heater
New Cross-Cut Saw
Used Cross Cut Saw
Buck Saw
5-Gal. Grease Gun
Bucket Spray — Tools
Electric Brooder
Duplex Pump Jack, like new
50—Bushels of Rye — 6—Stacks of Hay — 100—Shocks Sudan & Atlas Sorgo Fodder
Oats and Rye Straw Pile — Rabbit Hutch — 8—Large Pens I
HOUSEHOLD GOODS INCLUDE: Good, large, round dining table; six chairs; libraray table; metal bed;
spring and matress. Other articles too numerous to mention.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles (Hap) Cadwallader I
Col. Ed Thorin of O’Neill, O’Neill National Bank of O’Neill I
Auctioneer-Licensed Real Estate Broker Clerk I