Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1957)
Parks Clan in Annual Reunion PAGE The annual Parks re union was held Sunday, October 13 at Norfolk at the Ta-ha-zooka park with around 40 present Mrs. Everett Craig of Creston was the oldest one present. Deb bie Fick, the 4-month-old daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Walt Fick of Inman was the youngest. It was voted to have another reunion next year same date and same place. Those attending were: Mr. and Mrs. Ben Phifier and four child ren of Lindsay; Mr. and Mrs. Emil Eggers and son of Hump hrey; Mr. and Mrs. Owen Parks, Mr and Mrs. Earl Parks, Clair and Valjean and Ronnie Parks, all of Page; Mr. and Mrs. Walt Fick and family of Inman; Mr. and Mrs. Orville Parks of Lin coln. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Craig and Lois; Mr. and Mrs. William Larson, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lake, Mrs. Anna Craig, all of Creston; Mrs. Leota Parks of Omaha; Wayne Parks of Foster; Miss Clara Parks of Pierce and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Craig and son of Norfolk. Other rage News Mr. and Mrs. John Walker and son from Madison were dinner guest at the Cordes Walker home. The men are brothers. Mr. and Mrs. Milo Synder and sons of Orchard and Mr. and Mrs. Do nald Lockwood, Rickie and Regina of Hot Spring, S D., spent Sunday evening with their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Smith. Mr. Synder and Mrs. Lockwood are brother and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harper, their daughter, Mrs. Marvin Stauffer, Val, Randy and Marsha had Sunday dinner at the Jim Jarmen home in Chambers. Mrs. Jarman is the former Sandra Harper. Mr. and Mrs Foy Clark and Mrs. Sue Clark formerly of Page were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Nissen Sunday. Mrs. Edgar Stauffer and Mrs. Dora Townsend went to North Platte for the WCTU convention. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Terrill spent Thursday until Sunday at Milton vale, Kans., visiting their daugh ter, Marilyn, who attends college there. Mr. and Mr. Jesse Kelly and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kelly attend ed the funeral servces for Char lie Mitchell in Butte last week. Mr. Michell was an uncle of Mr. Jesse Kelly. Kenngston met Wednesday with Mrs. I. O. Woods, Mrs. Laura Ash ' er was a guest. A no-host lunch eon was served. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Steinberg visited last weekend in Carroll, la., at the home of their daughter and family. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hartigan. Donella and Bill. Mrs. Steinberg's mother, Mrs. Elsie Cork, accompanied them and visited relatives in Iowa. Monday they drove to Omaha where Mr. Steniberg consulted his doctor. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Kelly drove to Brunswick Sunday and visit ed an uncle, F. R. Reed, and aunt, Minnie Burtwistle. On their way home they visited in the Ray Reed home in Orchard. Mrs. Jud Russell and Mrs. Ag nes Spann drove to Lincoln Sat urday to attend the wedding of Mrs. Russell's granddaughter. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Johnson of Fremont visited from Satur day until Monday at the Paul Neubauer home. The Johnsons were enroute home from Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Heiss and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Asher returned home Friday after visit ing a week at the Dick Asher home in Powell, Wyo. Alvin and Kevin Heiss stayed with their grandparents, Mr and Mrs. Har old Heiss, and Neil Asher stayed with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Asher, while Lisa Asher was cared for by her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fusselman. Weekend guests in the George Clasey home were their daugh ters and families. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Platz and Susan and Mr and Mrs. Marvin Sinkule and Cindy of Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Asher enter tained at a dinner Sunday for Mr. and Mr. Charles Switzer, Mrs. Freida Asher and Mrs. Lau ra Asher. It was honoring Mr. Switzer's and Mrs. Freida Asher’s birthday anniversaries. Mrs. Nelle Macintosh and Ray drove 10 Aiuion wiui ivn s. v iuiu Parks Monday. There her daugh ter, Margaret, met them and took them on to Genoa to spend a few days* Sunday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Asher and Ronnie, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Asher, Ben, Rober-1 ta and Debbie, Mr. and Mrs. j Jerry Asher, Neil and Usa, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Asher, Linda,j Lee Rene, Vonda and Chuckie and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Kemper, and family surprised their mother, Mrs. Freida Asher, on her birth-1 day anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Holliday j returned Wednesday, October 9, from Scottsbuff after spending two weeks at the home of their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. j Richard Holliday, Diane and Kathy. The SOS club met Friday eye ing with Freida Asher. Eva Gray won the mystery prize. Mrs. Lau ra Asher was a guest. The next meeting will be with Alta Finch. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Heiss | spent Sunday in Burwell visiting | their son and faimily, Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Heiss, Kathy and I Debbie. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Finley and Shelia of Bronson, la., visited Sunday at his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Finley. Both families ate Sunday dinner at Vernon Finley’s. Mrs. John Dewitt entertained her daughter, Elizabeth, Monday. September 23. for her eighth birthday with a wiener roast after school. Ice cream and birth da> cake were served. Jf. -* "T1 Bwfa REAP A HARVEST of.. During This Sale I (See and Hear Rexall's TV & RADIO Spectacular I PINOCCHIO with Mickey Rooney, Walter Slezak I NK-TV t RADIO • Sunday - October II - 4 30 to 7:10 New York Time 1 Sh your newspaper for time and sfofions in your area I AS ADVERTISED in LOOK • POST o'FARM JOURNAL • THIS WEEK 1 PROGRESSIVE FARMER • PARADE 1 I 3i!£3 ASPIRIN ■ None finer made! I let-'we 2 for 55( ■ 27c M'l S for .21 ■ 12c 12*1 1 tor .12 a* RUBBING ALCOHOL COMPOUND Flnaat quality. Staf. 7H 2 for 80? de luxe TOOTH BRUSHES 6 stylet. Hyzon or natural bristles. M?5.«2fo,60? BATH POWDER • Adrienne • lavender • Garden Spice latte Boiea Ref. 1 JR 2 tor 1.51 —*aa HAIR SPRAY -5- T lanolin-enriched. “ ll-oi. Aoroaol ®«tiNM Ret. tjt *a 2 *- 1.90 bsjbssl 1 GLYCERIN SUPPOSITORIES I ftTVSW 2 ».r 54* rvunuuiwn. uvu nn»«n vltamlns Pint..S lor S.SO •IPHACAPS. Vitamin A cap suits. 50 M. 100‘a . 1 for 7.SS KLENiO ANTISEPTIC MOUTH WASH. PM __1 for .SO PRO-CAP ARNES IVt TAPE. WHO yd____1 for .44 AEROSOL SHAVE CREAMS. Roody Shava, lavandar or Laaandar Mantholatad.. »for .00 10c OOROY PINS..2 for .It I 1.2S ADRIENNE INOELO f LIPSTICKS...2 for 1.20 | 2.00 LEATHER RILLFOLOS. Choice of 1 stylet, leathers, I colors....2 for 2.01 I 1.10 DELUXE CHRISTMAS CARDS S 1 ENVS. 18’t .2 for 1 JO 1 ROC CASCADE CHRISTMAS CARDS 0 1 ENVS. lS't...2 for .70 | I I 1.47 VilM __J MM Ml Riull RUSTIC 8UIR4ANDS FI<st><olor*d. witrrpfoo* M*l Ml VMM IM 27 ( 3-Speed HEATING PAD I l-Yr. guarantee I 4.SS Value New 3.88 I Spuntex STRETCH NYLONS First quality. S. M, L. Pair 1.1* Value New B7< Bes et J prs. ..2.51 1 Rexall METAL TRUCK Motor cab and 2 trailers. M BS value New 2.98 BRIOE DOLL Beautifully dressed. Almost 2' tail! 10.00 value New 5.99 PIm Federal Tax On Some Itemt i =1 Gilligan’s Rexall Drug Ben Gillig&n Robert T. Devoy Phone 87 — O’Neill We are open until 9 p.m. for your convenience. , ' OPEN HOI SE STAG PARTY Monday, Oct. 21 i at the Legion Club Rooms Stuart. Nebr. FRIED OYSTER FEED ENTERTAINMENT The club moms have recently been remodeled ana the public is cordially invited to attend the open house in celebration ot the event. * Legionnaires and their Iriends are cor’d tally invited. N»rtmv< 'arlinle Legion Post US Mai— SLIMLINER REDUCING MACHINE Alice’s Beauty Shcr Phone 263 -O’Neill Ponton Insurance FLORENCE PONTON, Prop Insurance of AH Kinds and Bonds Phone 106 Golden Bldg MARKET REPORT: Monday, October 14 VERDIGRE LIVESTOCK MARKET In spite of MUDDY ROADS we had a large run ot hogs for sale with over 70 consignors. Ertreme top was $10 85 with very few butchers sellng below $10440. Sows sold from $14.50 to $10.20. This coming MONDAY marks the date of our K1KST ANNIVERSARY in VERDIGRE. It is interesting to note that we have sold HOGS for 989 different FARMERS AND RANCH ERS THROUGHOUT THIS TERRITORY during this past year. Remember it means MORE DOLLARS IN YOUR POCKET WHEN YOU SELL YOUR HOGS IN VERDIGRE. BUYERS ARE HERE EVERY SALE DAY TO ASSURE YOU OF 1XJF PRICES. THE SERVICE YOU RECEIVE AT OUR MARKET SELLS ITSELF. 500 Calves Listed: HEREFORDS — ANGUS — SHORTHORNS Special Stocker & Feeder Calf Sale Monday, October 21, 1957 Twenty-nine consignors have now boosted our total con signments well over the 500 mark for this SPECIAL CALF SALE next MONDAY. This promises to be a very good sale as the cattle will be of EXCEPTIONALLY FINE QUALITY AND RIGHT FRESH FROM THE FARMS AND RANCHES IN THIS AREA. THIS SALE IS WELL ADVERTISED THROUGHOUT IOWA AND NEBRASKA so If you have calves j, to sell, bring them in. THE BUYERS WILL BE HERE. FREE COFFEE AND KOLACHES will be served during the j afternoon in honor of this ANNIVERSARY SALE. ; The HOG SALE STARTS 11:00 A. M. WITH THE CATTLE SALE 1:00 P. M. PLAN TO BE WITH US IN VERDIGRE FOR Tins SALE NEXT MONDAY, OCTOBER 21st. ! Verdigre Livestock Market Mr. and Mrs. David Phipps . . . exchange vows at Wesleyan Methodist church in Atkinson.—O’Neill Photo Co. <S> I Karr-Phipps Nuptials in Atkinson Church ATKINSON—Bouquets of pink chrysanthemums and white poms poms and candleabra decorated the altar of the Wesleyan Meth odist church in Atkinson Satur day, October 12, for the wedding of Miss Karen Karr and David Phipps, both formerly of Atkin son. The bride’s grandparents are M. and Mrs. Fred uracek of At kinson and her mother is Mrs. Jack Blunk of Omaha. Mr. Phipps is the son of Rev. and Mrs. Charley Phipps of Scotts bluff, formerly of Atkinson. The double-ring ceremony was performed at 4 oclock by Rev. Charley Phipps. The bride appeared in a floor length gown of chantilly lace and nylon tulle over slipper satin which was fashioned with a mold ed bodice, featuring an illusion yoke with mandarim collar. The long sleeves tapered to a deep point over the hand. A lace pep lum extended over the hips and fell in deep points through the full lx>uffant tulle skirt worn over hoops. Her finger tip veil of imported french illusion was caught with a matching lace half-hat edged in pearls. She carried a cascade bouquet of white feathered carnations. She carried out the old tradition of something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue and a penny in her shoe. The bride was given in marr iage by her grandfather. Miss Evelyn Grabenschoer of Omaha, friend of the bride, was the maid-of-honor. She wore a floor-length gown in tile blue of nylon chiffon over taffeta. The shirred drop bodice was styled with a draped sabrina neckline and wide streamers at the back. The full gathered skirt was worn over hoops. She wore a matching half-hat of nylon braid medall ions centered with rhinestones and a scalloped circular veil. She carried a bouquet of pink carnat ions. Charley Phipps of Marion, Ind., was best man for his brother. The ushers were Lloyd Phipps of Scottsbluff, brother of the bride groom, and Paul Focken, friend of the bridegroom. Miss Debra Juracek, cousin of the bride, was the flowergirl, wearing a floor length gown of pink lace and net over taffeta. The shirred bodice featured a lace yoke with a sweetheart neck line and capsleeves. The full gathered skirt of net with a cut away overskirt of lace was worn over hoops. She wore a matching head band of looped iridescent nylon braid and carried a nose gay of blue carnations. Miss Carolyn Frickol of Atkin son played the wedding music and accompanied Mrs. Milford Juracek, aunt of the bride, who sang “Because” and "Until”. The grandmother and mother of the bride both wore blue grey suits with matching accessories and pink carnation corsages. The mother of the groom wore a blue grey dress with matching accessories and a pink carnation cousage. A reception for about 160 gue ts was held in the church basament, which was decorated in the bride's colors, pink, blue and white. Mrs. Mark Hendricks served as hostess of the recept ion. The Misses Markita Hend ricks and Mavis Rahn served the bridal table while the Misses Vivian Thurlow, Sharon Thur low, Virginia, Thurlow, Beverly Meyer, Marietta Reiser and Fran ces Chaffin served the guests. The wedding cake was cut by Mrs. David Rahn. The Mesdames Leonard Chaffin and Walter Steincamp poured and Miss Mar jorie Rahn presided over the j guest lipok. Markita Hendricks and Mavis Rahn were in charge of the gifts. For traveling the bride wore a beige suit with brown accessor-, ies and a pink carnation corsage. After a short trip the young cou ple will reside in Marion, Ind. Relatves from out of town were Mrs. Jack Blunk and son, Dicky, of Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J WATER FOR I IN THE RIGHT PLACE ... AT THE RIGHT I ^ The Mathieson Sprinkler irrigation System with the Unique Positive Lock Coupler. ^ Each system engineered to your individual requirements. d Lowers unit cost of production. 4 Produces maximum yields per acre. BUY NOW. . . AND USE YOUR SYSTEM THIS FAU i Small Down Payment d Up to 24 Months for Balance & Low Interest Rates MARCELLUS IMPL. CO. | Phone 5 — West O’Neill MATHIESdl I • I. Here are just a few of the the Harvest Day Specials! — (i-E STEAM IRONS Regular 14.95 Sale_11.88 l^ayavvay for Xmas! NEW, RIPPLE WEAVE GIRDLES Styled for < 'omfort Sale_1.00 20-QT. DECORATED WASEBASKETS Red and White Regular 1.00 Sale_75c 8KID-KF8I8TANT COHON RUGS (.’h<>nill<>* — 24x00 Itcgular 2.49 Sale_2.00 Five Ranm — FLASHLIGHT BATTERIES - 10c ea. WOMEN’S CAR JACKETS Assorted Colors j Water Repellent SIZES U-1H Regular 3.9H Sale_2.99 SILVER BEAUTY BAKEWARE I'lf* Fans — Cake Fans I-oaf Fans — Cookie Sheets Muffin Tins Regular .'«»<• Sale_27c Dozens and Dozens of — SCARFS_Sale 66c Solid Colors — Prints — Reg. 1.00 LEE STORES Piekenbrock and daughter, Mary Ann. of Seottshluff. Mr and Mrs. Marvin Lutt of Niobrara. Mr and Mrs. Soren Dahl of Omaha, Rev. and Mrs. Charley Phipps and sons. Lloyd and Bernie, of Scotts hluff and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Phipps of Marion. Ind. Future Subscribers ette, Ind., a daughter, Ann Marie, weighing 6 pounds 9 ounces, torn Sunday, October 13. Mrs. Keil holz is the former Lois Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Miller of Star. BUXTON Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Buxton of Omaha, a daugh ter, Amy Lou, weighing 6 pounds 5 ounces, torn Thursday, Octo ber 3, in an Omaha hospital. The Buxton's also have a son, Ricky. Mr. Buxton is serving with the armed services overseas and Mrs. Buxton makes her home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Brad dock. in Omaha. SI.ATTERY — Mr. and Mrs. Emil Slattery of Durango, Colo., a son, Daniel Wayne, weighing 7 pounds 11ounces, born Wed nesday, October 2. DOMINA Mr. and Mrs. Duane Domina of Newport, a son, Les ter Ross, weighing 7 pounds, born Thursday, October 10, at Atkinson Memorial hospital. CARR—Mr. and Mrs. John Carr of Spencer a son weighing 6 pounds 3 ounces, torn Saturday, October 12, at the Sacred Heart hospital in Lynch. HOOD—Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hood of Bristow, a son, weighing 7 pounds 15 ounces, born Saturday, October 12, at the Sacred Heart hospital in Lynch. JOHNSON—Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth Johnson of Creighton, a daughter, Elizabeth Ann, weigh ing 7 pounds 1 ounce, born Thurs day. October 10, at the Lundberg Memorial hospital in Creighton. FUNK—Mr. and Mrs. Ed Funk of Ewing a son, born Wednesday, October 2, at Our Lady of Lour des hospital in Norfolk. BERTSCHINGER — Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bertschinger of Creighton, a daughter, Juliann, I weighing 8 pounds 9 ounces, born Wednesday, October 9, at the Lundberg Memorial hospital in Creighton. LUNDBERG MEMORIAL (Creighton) October 5-12 Admitted: Joyce Prokop of Verdigre, Mrs. Clyde Schrader ofi Niobrara, Jane Marie Schrader of; Niobrara, Mrs. Lee Ballard oL Center, Mrs. Alfred Bertschinger | of Creighton, Louis Vavak of Verdigre, Mrs. Kenneth Johnson o f Creighton, Mrs. Katherine Wilker of Creighton. Mrs. George Lambert of Creighton. Dismissed: Mrs. Lenz Bartz of Creighton, Mrs. Gerald Van Hou ton and son of Bloomfield, Mrs. Carl Crosley and son of Niobrara, Josie Coutts of Creighton, Earl MeElhose of Creighton, Mrs. Mar ie Suhr of Creighton, Herman Luening of Creighton, Joyce Pro kop of Verdigre, Louis Vavak of Verdirge, Elmer Haskins of Creighton, Mrs. Clyde Schrader of Niobrara, Jane Marie Schra der of Niobrara. (Last Week) Admitted: Chester Sufficool of Winnetoon, Hans Rohwer of Creighton, Kenneth Neumann of Creighton, Fred Largen, sr., of Creighton, Mrs. Rodger Risinger of Bloomfield, Herman Dibbert of Osmond. Dismissed: Mrs. Joe Sukup of Creighton, Mrs. William Nolan of Niobrara, L. V. Schreier of Verd-i igre,_ I Brothers Together Thomas (left) and James Schneider, sons ot Mr. and Mrs. 1ax> Schneider, are both stationed at Ft Carson. Colo. Tom, who en tered the Army in September, is taking his basic training. Jim re cently has re-enlisted Visit Holly Homo— Spending from Saturday until Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Stan ley Holly and family were Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Davies of Oma ha. Sunday guests were his broth or, and his wife. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Nejedly and C. A Car ter. all of Creighton. Try KRONTIKR want ads for quick results. O’NEILL HARVEST DAY FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18th FREE rides for the kiddies on MINIATURE TRAIN FURNISHED BY— OLD HOME BREAD COMPANY By popular request Old Home Bread Co. will Hive a return performance of tlicir miniature train for free rides for kiddies. Lees... are jam-packed with HARVEST » OF