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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1957)
0 Neill News Bert Morey and Harry Morey of Sioux City, la., visited with their sister, Mrs. Iva Hopkins, for a few days last week. She re turend with them Saturday for a week s visit. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pribil and two boys of Osborn, Mo-, were guests of his sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Wilson and Jim, Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bauld, sr., Mrs. Robert MeNichols of Oma ha and Mr. and Mr. Alvin Ott and family were Saturday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Riggs of Newport. Mr. and Mrs. Harlen Parker and family of Butte were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Parker. Mode O'Day Shop ha* a special shipment of factory irregular DRESSES to sell at 1JI each on Friday and Saturday, October in and ID. He Mr and Mrs. Ronald McClellan of Omaha visited their parents, Mrs. J. F. O’Conner, and Mr. and Mrs. Don McClellan Tuesday, Oc tober 8. Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Nelson were her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Rowe, of Adrian, Minn., and Mrs. Nelson s aunt Mrs. Stella Thomp son, of Tracy, Minn. Miss LaVeta Lehn and Mrs. Winnie Barger went to wanoo Sunday to get the former's moth er, Mrs. Mary Ix*hn. She had been there a month following an operation. Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Behrens and family, formerly of Fremont, moved their trailer house to O’ Neill, where Mr. Behrens will be associated with his father-in-law, Esty Nelson, in business. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gatz of Omaha have named their daugh ter, Jacqueline Marie. Marie is the name of both grandmothers. Monday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Orsborn were Mr. and Mrs. Walt Spangler and family of Ewing. They also visited their aunt and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Perry. Mr and Mrs. Larry Krause of Sioux City were weekend guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. D. DeBolt. T/Sgt. and Mrs. Charles E. Worth of Wichita, Kans., are spending a 10-day leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Wor th. They arrived Saturday, Octo ber 5. Monday they and Mr. and Mrs. Orville Miller visited Mr and Mrs. Roy Karr in Spencer. DR. H. D. Q1LDEB8IJEEVE OPTOMETRIST Northeast Corner df Ith & Douglas O'NEILL, NEBR. Phone 167 Office Hours: 9-5 Eyes Examined—Glasses ritted Monday Thru Saturday Pvt. Lynn A. Prewitt, (above), whose wife, Gloria, lives in Ewing, recently was graduat ed from the track vehicle main tenance course at the army's artillery and inissle center at Ft. Sill Okla. The son of Mrs. Alice L Prewitt of Atkinson, he is a 1952 graduate of Curtis high school. U. S. Army Photo. Guests from Tuesday, October ! S. until last Thursday at the John Beilin home were her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carr of Springview. NEED A BETTER RIDING CAR? Tpst-drive a ’58 Studebaker. Discover for yourself the ex clusive Luxury-Level ride of Studebaker’s variable rate front coil springing. (3D Studebaker* Packard Smith Motor Co. 3d & Douglas St. I good ways to measure your telephone service Measure the pleasure. Take a generous cupftil of happiness for each friendly visit you make by phone. Add heaping tablespoonsful of fun for the parties, the dinners, the good times that start with i_i Measure the convenience. Tote up the hours of errands your telephone runs—to grandma’s, the grocer’s, the cleaner's, the office. (Don’t forget the minutes and steps you saved with a kitchen, bed room or basement extension) . . . Measure the cost. Count the few pennies you pay for dependable, 24-hour service. Add it all up and you’ll know why your telephone is the cheapest service you buy! Northwestern Bell Telephone Company Provincial Head Visits Academy Monday the St. Mary’s acad emy students returned to school after a four-day weekend. Most of the hoarders took advantage of the opportunity for a visit to their homes. This week St. Marians are hosts to Mother M. Elma. provincial superior of the Sisters of St. Francis. On Tuesday everyone tried to look letter-groomed than usual because the photographer from 0 Neill Photo Co., was here to take the annual round of stamp photos. The !>and members will also be traveling Friday afternoon They plan to leave shortly after 1 o'clock for Lincoln The plans are to spend Friday night in Lin con. Saturday, the combined pub school-St. Mary’s band will take part in a parade through down town Lincoln and also in the half time band day show at the Ne hraska-Syracuse game. They will return home after the game. The football team celebrated freedom from classes by defeat ing Norfolk Sacred Heart, 20-19 The Cardinals and the pep club were invited to the Knights’ homecoming dance and enjoyed the event very much. The Cards will try to strength en their bid for the Niobrara con ference title when they journey to Naper Friday for an afternoon game with the Bears. Home for Weekend— Among the student nurses at tending St. Catherine's in Omaha who were home for the weekend were the Misses Eleanor Hoehne, Charlene Mahony. Helen Hynes, LuAnn Fritton and Barbara Mc Carthy. Twin* Doing Fine— The weights of new grandchil dren have been received by Mr and Mrs Ben Oetter from Ger many where their son-in-law and daughter are stationed with the army. Debra Joyce weighed 4 pounds 3 ounces and her brother, David Leslie, weighed 4 pounds 4 ounces. They are the children or Sp-V and Mrs. Lester Walton of Karlsruhe. The paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Barton Walton of O’Neill. The children, who were prematurely torn, are being sent to a special hospital for infants. The babies, however, are “doing fine”. They have a sister, Charlotte. Mixed Couples’ Brirge— Members of the Bridge club and their husbands were enter taints! by Mr and Mrs. I,eigh Reynoldson Sunday evening. High scores were won by Mrs. L. A. Becker and Earl Hunt. Worth Family Gather*— A family gathering was held at the C E. Worth home Sunday. October 6 Those present were Mr and Mrs. Orville Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Worth and family and Mr and Mrs. Fred Lindberg all ot O’Neill, Mr and Mrs Roy Karr of Spencer, Mr. and Mrs Adolph Wetzler and family of Gregory. S. D.. Junior Worth of Whitman AFB, Mo., Miss LV maris Lindlterg of Omaha and T/Sgt and Mrs Charles E Worth of Wichita, Kans. Insurance Is Topic— The S S club met at Mrs. Nor man Wayman’s home Tuesday evening. Mrs. Frank Soukup gav e the lesson on "Insurance.” Mrs. Bert Barnhard will entertain at the next meeting Tuesday, Nov ember 12. Mrs. W. H. Harty was in Omaha for the weekend. a A. A. A. .A A A. A M ■Whitt* Elephant’ Sale Planned— Elkhorn Extension club met Tuesday, October 8, at Mrs. Pres ton Jones’ home at 8 p m. Co hostesses were Mrs. Ernest Price and Mrs. Ray Lawrence. Ftfteen members were present. The les son. “Property and Casualty In surance", was given by Mrs. Hazel Boatman Aclue\ ement day will lx* held at the Legion hall Thursday, October 31, at 2 p m. Hie chih voted to hold a "white elephant" sale at the next meeting at Mrs. Frank Grenier's home Tuesday, Octo ber 12, at 7:30 p m. By Mrs. Minnie Higgins, reporter. Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Ruzicka were his father and sister, Anton Ruzicka and daughter, Miss Irene of Clarkson. h \ VI K.NTINK. VV1NNKR At the first Sand Hills Cattle association show and sale held Tuesday at Valentine. L. D. Put nam of O'Neill received among the top prices for his yearling Hereford heifers at $20.20 and fall Angus heifer calves at $21.90. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lohaus and daughters attended the wed ding of Miss Virginia Agnes, daughter of Mrs Margaret Agnes of Norfolk, in Omaha. Never An Alter Thirst! SWITCH TO SQUIRT ! 1 Ennsa-^ I OUST MASTER ^ I World’s Finest Dust Mop < < i A 40-Inch Electric £ RANGE Deluxe Model Regular 229.95 Value NOW! i 12995 ( 1 j 36-Inch Gas KANGE • Electric Clock , and Timer | • Griddle g • Deluxe Burners i Regular 234.95 Value 18995 STORM I WINDOW I KIT I Rcr. 35c Each — NOW B 2 for... 49c 1 9 30-Inch Gas » RANGE I • Electric Clock ) and Timer I • Smokeless Broiler ) • Big Oven I Regular 184.95 Value I N-OW-! | : Peach Lustre ViNNERWARE cups___ 10c PLATES_18C SAUCERS_10c LARGE PLATES_25c FRUIT DISHES_10c I ELECTRIC MIXERS < • DORMEYER — GENERAL ELECTRIC //to/ Apr * • KNAPP MONARCH H/*UrT J • HAMILTON BEACH _ FOB ™a SABE! j SNOW TIRES t • 6.70 x 15 f f C/% l • TUBELESS J NEW MANAGERS SALE PRICE _ nus Tax 2-PC. BEDROOM SUITE I WITH BOOKCASE BED | NEW MANAGER’S f IQ, 95! SALE PRICE_ " I BOX SPRING & MATTTBSS \ englander’s “knight o’ rest” mm mm mm mm I NEW MANAGER’S 70 QQ \ SALE PRICE _ j A FULL LOAD OF SWIVEL ROCKERS, FROM .... 29.95 UP> ) Many More Items at Reduced Prices for This Event! , » ! * < >