Cardinals Romp; Sacred Heart Next Tough Test Expected t onight at Norfolk At their Urst away game Fri day afternoon, the Cardinals soundly rapped the Niobrara L on . 63-0, The Lions were limi ted to 11 yards net gain and had tour passes inte>rceped. Jim Mc Ginn collected 20 points on three touchdowns and two executions of extra points. Ron Clark and Bill Craig each tallied twice and Tom Donohue and Gary Holly once each. The latter TD came on a 22-yard run on an intercepted pass. Ned Mullen added two more points when he tackled a ball carrier in the end zone. The ser lost of Jim McGinn because oi an ankle injury. Unbeaten thus far and sharing top honors in the Niobrara Val ley eight-man grid conference, the St Mary's academy Cardin als will clash with the Knights of Sacred Heart at 8 o'clock to night (Thursday) at Norfolk. The Narfolkans lost to Exeter, T-41, last week, but the game was closer than the score in dicates. The Cardinals romped Verd igre 80-0 Tuesday evening at the annual homecoming gume. Of fensiv ely, the Cards scored seven Umes in 21 plays, while the de fensive units scored five times, three on pass interceptions by giska, Bel mu and Terry Hynes; once on a blocked kick by Jim Shoemaker, and another on a sparkling 75-yard kickoff return by Gary Holly. Because of injuries, Craig was the only letterman to be in for more than three plays on defense the second half. Schneider and T. Donohoe scored two TD's and Craig, Stevens an Bill Hynes one each. Creighton Whips O’Neill Eagles, 13-0 CREIGHTON — The Creighton Uigh gridders punched across a touchdown in the opening quart er after blocking an O’Neill punt and then wrapped up the eve ning with a TD in the final three, seconds of the game, winning 13-0. O’Neill’s only serious scoring threat came when Quarterback Darrel Dexter hit End Harold parks in the endzone but Parks dropped the ball and the play wu ruled incomplete. Creighton’s second TD came on a play around O'Neill's right end.1 Kayl was the victor's damage chief- Ronnie Smith, fleet O’Neil] back, was the Eagles’ lone threat. The Eagles hit the road again Friday night as guests of the Ainsworth Bulldogs. Both teams are quite evenly matched. STUART WLNS STUART The Stuart high Broncos outsped the Randolph high Cardinals, 26-0, Friay night at Stuart. Randolph had one touchdown called back because of a penalty. On another occas on the Cardinals got to he Stuart five and lost the ball on downs. CAPTAINS INDIANS STUART — Dennis Brewster, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Brew ster, captained the Omaha uni versity Indians Saturday night in a grid game with St. Ambrose of Davenport, la. Mrs Harden Anspach, Mrs Marvin Johnson and Mrs. John Conard spent from Wedesday, October 2, until Thursday in Lin coln. Ewing high homecoming royalty: Oenni*. Scheer (left) and Beverly Rotherham.—O'Neill Photo Oo. Ewing Homecoming Includes Parade EWING Dennis Scheer and Beverly Rotherham were crown nod king and queen at the annual homecoming game Friday when the Ewing Tigers were de feated by the Atkinson Balers, 31-0. w u They were crowned at the hall by the senior attendants, Patricia Hahlbeek and Stanley Bartos. Oth er attendants w ere: Sharon Kropp and Jerry Hahlbeek, jun iors; Ruby Carl and Duane Boll witt, sophomores, Annette Rot herham and Freddie Wright, freshman. Floats in the half-time parade were led by Georgie Van Conet and Cathy Reifert. Senior class float was awarded first place and the junior class float, second place. Miss Sandra Shrader was mistress of cere-j monies for the parade. i A parade also took place at 3 o'clock through the business section of Ewing. The visiting Balers built an 1£W) first half lead. Fumblitis in Ewing’s backfield denied the Ti gers several scoring opportunit ies. Romaine Saunders of Lincoln, a former editor of The Frontier and author of "Pratneland Talk , arrived Tuesday. He plans to re turn Friday. (First pub. October 10, 1957.) William J. Froelich and Julius D. Cronin, Attorneys NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 4211 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA, OCTOBER 8, 1957. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF HUGH J. BIRMING HAM. DECEASED. CREDITORS of said estate are notified that the lime limited for presenting claims against said estate is January 31, 1958, and for the payment of debts is Octo ber 8. 1958 and that on October 31 1957, and on February 1, 1958, at’ 10 o’clock A. M., each day, I will be at die County Court Room to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. 1,0CIS W. REIMER, County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEALi 24-26 (First pub, October 10. 1957.) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL Estate No. 4218 COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF OSCAR A HAM MERBERG, DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a pe tition has been fill'd for the pro bate of the will of said deceased, and for the appointment of Ma bel F. Hammerberg as Executrix thereof, \\#ich will be for hear ing in this court on October 31, 1957, at 10 o'clock A M. LOUIS W. REIMER, County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 24-26 ' ... " ' 9 | ALL SUNBEAM APPLIANCES BUY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS GILLESPIES in O’Neill '■ .. '■ ■ ' cram FRIDAY & SATURDAY OCTOBER 11-1* GEORGE MONTGOMERY] in THUCOCOi a Legal Notices (First pub. October 10, 1957.) John R. Gallagher, Attorney NOTIC E OF til ARDIAN’S SALE IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. IN THE MATTER OF THE AP P LI CAT ION OF ELEN OR HAYNES, GUARDIAN OF THE ESTATE OF META MARTIN, AN INCOMPETENT PERSON, FOR LICENSE TO SELL REAL ES TATE. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to an order by the Hon orable D. R Mounts, Judge of the District Court of Holt Coun ty Nebraska, made on the 9th day of October, 1957, for the sale of the real estate hereinaf ter described, there will be sold at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, at the front door of the Courthouse, in the City of O'Neill in said county, on the 29th day of October, 1957 at 2:00 o’clock P. M., the followng des cribed real estate: All that part of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quar ter of Section 25, in Town ship 29, North of Range 12, West of the 6th P. M., in Holt County, Nebraska, described as follows: Commencing at a point 50 feet West of the Southwest Corner of Block 2 of Matthew’s Addition to the City of O’Neill, as per the recorded plat thereof, thence running North 160 feet, thence running West 150 feet, thence running South 429 Feet, thence running East 150 feet, thence running North 269 feet to the place of begin ning. Said sale will remain open one hour. Dated this 9th day of October, 1957. ELENOR HAYNES, Guar dian of Meta Martin, In competent Person 24-26 STATEMENT Required by the act of August 24, 1912, as amended by the acts of March 3, 1933, and July 2, 1946 (Title 39, United States Code, Section 2331, showing the owner ship, management and circulation of The Frontier, published weekly at O’Neill, Nebraska, for Octo (u,n a 1Q['i7 1 The names and addresses of the publisher, editor, managing editor, and business managers are: Carroll W. Stewart, editor and publisher, 122 South Fourth St., O'Neill, Nebr. 2. The owners are Carroll W. Stewart and Margaret O. Stewart, all 122 South Fourth, O’Neill, Ne braska. 3. The known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security holders owning or holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages or other secur ities : None. The average number of copies of each issue of this publication sold or distributed through the mails or otherwise to paid sub scribers during the 12 months preceding the date shown above was: 2,781. CARROLL W. STEWART, Publisher. Sworn to and subscribed be fore me this 9th day of October, 1957. (SEAL) J. B. GRADY, Notary Public. (My commission expires July 14, 1962.) (First pub. October 10, 1957.) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE OF HEARING OF PETITION FOR FINAL SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT Estate No. 4159 COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF EMMA DICKIN SON WEEKS, DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a pe tition has been filed for final set tlement herein, determination of heirship, inheritance taxes, fees and commissions, distribution of estate and approval of final ac count and discharge, which will lie for hearing in this court on October 30, 1957, at 10 o’clock, A. M. County Judge. LOUIS W. REIMER, (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 24-26 Auxiliary to Elect— St. Anthony’s hospital auxil iary will meet Monday evening, October 14, at the hospital. An election of officers for the year will be held. Bruder, \\ inkier Rites at Atkins n ATKINSON — Miss Bertha E Bruder of Boulder, Colo., daugh ter of Mrs. Joseph Bruder and the late Mr. Bruder of Atkinson, became the bride of Edward Winkler son of Mr and Mrs. Joe Winkler of Emmet, at 10 a m., Wednesday, Ortoher 9, at St Jo seph’s Catholic church in Atkin son. Rev. R. J Parr officiated The bride appeared in a pink lace over taffeta dress with a houfant waltz length skirt. Her headdress was of pink velvet decorated with sequins. She carried a Bible and a Ixxjquet of white carnations and blue forget me-nots. Mrs George Shald was brides maid for her sister. The bridegroom was attended by his brother, Charles Winkler of Atkinson. Both men wore blue suits. The ushers were Ray Schafer and Brenton Wabs. The acolytes were Robert and John Ries. The music was furnished by St. Jo seph's choir. Both mothers wore navy blue dresses with daisy corsages. After tiie ceremony the bride placed a bouquet of roses on the Blessed Virgin's altar. A brunch was served to 50 guests at the home of the bride's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ries by Mrs. Hans Bogue, Mrs George Ries and Mrs. Roy Ries. Mrs Charles Winkler was in charge of the gift book. The couple plans to live in Em met after a short wedding trip. * Assistant Agent Arriving Nov. 1 George Hartman of Paxton will be Holt county’s new assistant agricultural agent, it was an nounced Wednesday by Ora Yar ges of Stuart, chairman of the Holt agricultural exentsion board. Mr Hartman is a 1956 graduate of the University of Nebraska. He spent seven months as assis tant agent Dawson county at Lex ington and worked with the pro duction testing program over the state a year ago. Hartman will come to Holt county about November 1. His time will be divided equally be tween the farm and home pro gram and other extension activi ties. He is engaged to wed Miss Hemphill of Tekamah this month. ADMITS GUILT Walter C. Gibbs appeared Fri day in Holt county court and ad mitted guilt in connection with grand larceny charges. He was arrested in Billings, Mont. Gibbs admitted stealing personal pro perty from L. D. Putnam of O’ Neill. He has been bound over to district court. Plan Observance— ORCHARD Mr. and Mrs. Reed Risinger of Orchard will cele brate their golden wedding an niversary Sunday, October 20. There will be a family dinner at noon and open house from 2 until 5 o'clock, for friends and rela tives. FUNERAL HELD VENUS -Funeral services for Frank Finch, 70,, were held Tues day at Crawford. Mr. Finch died Saturday at Chadron. Survivors include a brother, Bryan, of Venus. SICK AND IN-JURIED LYNCH—Lloyd Cranford is a patient in the St. Catherine hos pital where he plans to undergo major surgery some time next week. . . Mrs. Frank Cranford accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Cranford of Turner, Ore., to Omaha to visit Lloyd at the hospital on Tuesday, October 1. RIVERSIDE Mrs. Keith Bid dlecome returned home Saturday morning after spending the past week in the Neligh hospital for X-rays and a medical check-up. . . . Glenda Napier had measles last week. . . Mrs. Johnny Miller took Anna Miller to Neligh Fri day to a doctor for a checkup. DELIOT — Bud Bartak spent most of the last week at the An telope Memorial hospial in Nel igh. He was injured the first of the week while workng with cattle. CHAMBERS Mrs. Nels Mik kelson is a patient in St. An thony's hospital in O'Neill. O’NEILL LOCALS Mrs. L. A. Ott left Wednesday, October 2, for Meadvlle, Pa., to attend the 50th wedding anni versary of her brother-in-law and sister, Jake and Lizzie Oswald, Sunday. October 6. She will visit other relatives for a time. S/Sgt. August Kaiser arrived last night from Victorville, Calif., to visit wiith his mother, Mrs. Sadie Kaiser, and brother, Her bert Kaiser. He will be home about 10 days. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Cameron ! and two sons of Pomona, Calif., and Mr. ad Mrs. Sylvester Zakr zewski were Monday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Zakrzewski. A weekend guest of Miss Mary Froelich was a classmate at Duchesne college in Omaha, Miss Sandy Chaney of Falls City. 1,200 Cattle Today Ix>oks like around 1,200 head of cattle today (Thursday), at the regular weekly sale at the O’Neill Livestock Market. There will he between five and six hundred calves, including 70 head of choice fall calves from the D. C. Schaffer ranch. There will he five to six hundred yearling cattle, and many of these will be in load lots. There will be some strictly choice yearling steers. This will be a real good sale, as far as quality is con cerned. Bring the hogs in early . . . hog sale starts at 11 o’clock . . . and that cattle sale will start promptly at 1 o'clock. O’Neill Livestock Market Phone 2, O’Neill *:*-?*. ~ ^ -- Championship lineup of stooker feeder calve*: la>ft to right—Nick llaiiinierHin, Rosanna ltlake, Gary Fioke. Carol Drueke, Fay Garwood, Carol lloffinan, Joyce Watson.—The Frontier l’hoto. . St. Mary’s royalty . . . Queen Jeanne Hostetler (with crown) and Janies Mctiinn (open jacket).—The Frontier Photo. Mr. Hammerberg . . . 1 i f e long Holt resident. O. A. Hammerberg Funeral Rites Held ATKINSON The Methodist church in Atkinson was filled to i capacity Saturday, October 5, for the funeral of O. A. Hammer berg, 65, who died suddenly of a heart attack Wednesday, October 2. Rev. Charles Gates officiated. Burial was in Woodlawn ceme tery under the direction of So ger's. Pallbearers were Duane Beck, Frank Kilmurry, Merrill Smith. Dale Stevens, and Char les Dobias, all of Atkinson, and Albert Johnson of Lyons, former ly of Celia. Mrs. Jay Jungman and Mrs. Dean Fleming of Atkinson sang "This Is My Father's World" and "More Love to Thee”, accom panied by Miss Carolyn Frickel. Among those attending from out-of-town were Albert Johnson of Lyons, Elmer Johnson of Oak land, Mrs. J. V. Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Carroll W. Stewart of O’Neill; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Zink, Ora Yarges, Mr. and Mrs. Lin ford Sweet and Mr. and Mrs. James Demming, all of Stuart. Mrs. Hammerberg’s sisters, Mrs. Murl Samms of Broomal, Pa., and Mrs. H. E. Temple of Berwyn, Pa., arrived here sever al hours before the funeral. Memorial acknowledged in | elude: To Atkinson Methodist church—Mr. and Mrs. Ber nard Blackmore, Alex Forsythe, Ora Yarges, Holt county erten sion board, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Gage. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Chase, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pease, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. H. E Temple, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Camp, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Gotschall; to Atkinson library— Mr. and Mrs. Hans Lauridsen; to Atkinson hospital—Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. [ John Sicheneder, Mr. and Mrs. j Frank Kilmurry. Three Navy Men Home on Leave— Donald R. "Skip” McKenny, son of Mrs. Clifford Harding, ar rived home last Thursday from San Diego, Calif., where he com pleted a phase of his naval train ing. He is due in San Diego Oc tober 17. He will attend a hospital school there for 18 weeks Kenneth, McKim, son of Mr and Mrs. Lyle C. McKim, arrived home Friday from a naval station at San Diego, Calif. He plans tc leave with Skip McKenny. Another navy man, Francis Havranek, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Havranek, left Wednesday for Seattle, Wash., after spend ing about a three-week leave here. Loyd Godel, who was serious ly hurt in a two-car highway ac cident September 15, was trans ferred Wednesday from an Oma ha hospital to St Anthony’s hos pital. Hostetter, McGinn St. Mary’s Royalty At halftime of Tuesday night’s Verdigre grid game, the home coming king and queen were crowned at St. Mary’s. The gridders selected Miss Jeanne Hostetter as queen and James McGinn, injured gridder, Vv'as voted king. Pep clubbers chosen attend ants : Seniors Gary Holly and Judy Sumpter; juniors — Larry Tomlinson and Ellen Lohaus; sophomores Gale Stevens and Peggy Sullivan; freshmen —; Thomas Higgins and Marilene Stevens. Friday SMA classes were dis missed at 2 p.m., after holy hour in honor of the feast of St. Fran cis. Many of the students followed the football team to Niobrara. Monday was a day of prepara tion for homecoming, and festivi ties Tuesday included a pep rally. Today (Thursday) and Friday students will enjoy a recess be cause of the archdiocesan teach ers' institute in Omaha. The teachers attending include Mrs. Rynold Cimfel, Mrs. Leo Gokie, Mrs. J. A. Arbuthnot, Sr. M. Constance, Sr. M. Fides, Sr. M. Thoma, Sr. M. Laurita. BUY FARM Dean Rouse of Bassett pur chased the w’ell-improved half section Carl Lomez farm, near Chambers, Friday at auction. Purchase price was $85 per acre, according to Col. Ed Thorin of O’Neill, auctioneer-broker. MARRIAGE LICENSES Edward G. Winkler of Emmet and Bertha E. Bruder of Boulder, • Colo., on October 7. Ivan Wright, 24, of Ewing, and Geraldine Rotherham, 20, of Ewing on October 9. LIFE INSURANCE For Your Entire Family In One NEW Low-Cost "All-Inclusive" Plan • Different from anything before. • One low-cost plan for all insurable members of the family — Mom, Dad and all the youngsters. • Children bom after policy is issued get full coverage at no extra cost when they are 14 days old. • Many more wonderful money-saving features, extras and options. • Let me give you details. " E. C. (ERNIE) BRINKMAN ATKINSON — RHONE 1442 Ml M»i*M. IOWA ninan 1 ligli Picks ’ 5 7 Cheerleaders INMAN Cheerleaders at In man high-school have been elec ted: First team Linelle Tomp kins, Brenda Col man, Bonnie Banks, and Lois Morsbach. Sec ond team Barbara Snyder and Connie Menkins. Joan Barlow was elected secretary-treasurer Brenda Colman. The sixth, seventh and eighth The eixth, seventh and eighth grades will present “Holidays on Parade" Monday. October 14, at 8, in the school auditorium. Friday, Septemlier 27, the In-1 man baseball team defeated the Page team 7-5. Ned Kelley pitch ed for Inman. Friday, October 4, Inman defeated Royal 5-3 after 11 innings of play. Appleby and Kelley pitched for Inman. The Tiger's played at Creighton St, Ludgers Tuesday. I fWpAR£TH EON ES^l \ TO SERVICE VOU, J l FOR PLUMBING IN ) | C UX At ra AIM MAM* Am •- »- • «. t- ». .«. ♦ «- .♦. t. .1. AtXXAA i^TTTTTtTTTTTtTTTTTTTTTTTT MILLER THEATER ATKINSON Frl.-Sat. Wet. u-i! **W>ld>f»-ln-»kirtt” TECHNICOLOR* Smi.Mon. Tiioi*, Oct. 13-1415 iMik&c comeAl of the wear fir—«-r- »* METROOOUJtt l&f GREGORY PECK - kk I WhI. TIhip*. Wet. 18-H I ITb* meit ivtrs'mi **» Imflni itwy I r«< <«»...«,I I 1 mST row 4 | ■ Tills coupon and one paid ad I I mission will admit two adults. I October 16-11. | “The Old Reliable” MARKET REPORT Monday. October 1th • Tin's day, October Xth Auctions Receipts and sales tor the two days totaled 3.281 head. The seasons largest attendance and everyone had on their Inly ing clothes market sharply higher and extremely active. Choice steer calves sold in a range of $27.50 to $30.00. Good kinds $24.00 to $20.50. Heitor calves from $21.00 to $24 00. Choice light yearling steers 550 to 005 lhs. sold at $23.75 to $24.50 with six loads selling altove $24.00. Steers weighing 075 to 750 lhs. at $21.75 to $23.50, weights 775 to 818) at $20.50 to $21.75 and 900 to 1,000 llis. weights $20.00 to $21.00 cwt. All steers looked 50 to 75 cents higher, feeder heifers fully 50 cents up at $18 75 to $20.50. Cows and butcher cattle fully steady. Next Special Call Auction Monday, October 14th and Every Monday thereafter thru November Regular Stocker - Feeder Auc tion, Tuesday, October 15th It will pay you Big Visit All the Markets See for Yourself Who Gets the Buyers- It you do We Believe you will con sign Your’s To, ••THE Old) RELIABLE” Atkinson Livestock Market Phone 5141 — Atkinson, Nebr. Used CARS... • • ; «■ ; We want to make room for future trade- :: ; ins on the new 1 958 Pontiac to be annouc- ;; ! ed on November 9, 1957, so are offering ;; ' the following used cars at sale prices: ;; ; 1955 Pontiac 870 4-Dr. I! Sedan SALE $1,395 ■ • Equipped with hydramatic, power brakes, radio, j ■ | heater, foam cushions, tinted glass, good rubber. ,, > Really a good family car, with miles of proud j | ownership left in it. • > • 1954 Pontiac Star Chief 4-Dr. Custom Sedan SALE $1,095 :: J Equipped with hydramatic, radio, heater, tinted • glass, foam cushions, deluxe rubber, and the ae- \ \ \ luxe interior. A very comfortable car with good * ■ ; styling. ! I ; 1954 Chevrolet 210 4-Dr. Sedan SALE $895.00 ^ ■ Equipped with deluxe heater, new mud tires. A < • | low mileage car with miles and miles of service !! : left :: ; 1955 Ford V-8 Mainline 4-Dr. : Sedan SALE $995.00 :: . Equipped with radio and heater. Good tires and a < ■ J paint job. \ \ 1953 Buick Roadmaster V 8 «■ Rivera Coupe SALE—$895.00 J Fully equipped including power steering, power !! brakes, electric seat, electric window lifts, and a • \ very beautiful interior. Good rubber. For the per- !! ■ son who takes pride in owning a truly fine car at | J a small investment, this is it! < > ' _ «> . . > | The above ears can all l»e seen and tried at your Pontiac, J J Dealer. All ears are guaranteed. Ask any |>a8t customer of 1 > | a used car about the guarantee they have received from us, ! and you will find 100% satisfaction. Remember—we also have ;; GMAC financing available to you, with terms to suit you. • > | WM. KROTTER CO. | “Serving North-Central Nebraska Since ! 1891” ; SPENCER - O’NEILL - NAPER — STTTART I I f-l-H-H-Mri-l-l-H-i-M-H-H'HH tit It >»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦■ >