The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 03, 1957, Page 10, Image 10

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    Miller Nears End
of Diesel Course
ROCK FALLS- Mr and Mrs.
Orville Miller and c hildren, El
aine and Mickey, have arrived
from California where they have
lived the past two years. Mr.
Miller has been taking a course
in diesel work and has six weeks
of study in Chicago, 111., before
completion. During that time the
family will reside in O'Neill with
Mrs Miller’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Worth. The children
are attending O'Neill public
Othe r Rock Falls News
Mr and Mrs. Blake Benson
and the Hugh Benson family
were guests Saturday evening at
a birthday party for Mrs. Hugh
Benson's father in Butte.
Mr. and Mrs Lyle Vequist and
children attended the football
game in O'Neil] Thursday eve
ning. Afterward a group of fri
ends went to the Francis Curran
home. Guests included Mr. and
Mrs. James McNulty, Mr. and
Mrs. Ernie Wright and family of
the Redbird community and Mr.
Orville Miller and children.
Mr. and Mrs. Blake Benson
visited the Corn Palace at Mitch
ell, S.D., Saturday.
Mrs. Henry Vequist was a din
ner guest of Mr and Mrs. Ernest
Price on Saturday.
Sunday dinner guests at the
Duane Sanders home were his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd
Sanders and Melvin and Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Vequist. The group
had supper at Vequists’ thateve
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Vequist and
children, Mr. and Mrs. James
McNulty, Mr. and Mrs. Francis
Curran and Mr. and Mrs. Orville
Miller visited Mr. and Mrs. Art
O'Neill Friday night. The eve
ning was spent playing pinochle.
The ladies' luck was against them
that night.
- I
“Fury At Sundown”
si V MON. TI E8. OCT. 6-7-8
• • • plus • • •
- “Bachelor Party”
Fall Coat
Al! Wool Tex
tured “Madrid”
Miracle Milium lined.
(Irey, beige, peacock
blue. Sizes 8 to 18.
All Wool
Slub Tweed
Brown, grey, blue or
red. Miracle Milium
lined. Sizes 8 to 10.
Mrs. Floyd Johnson and Linda
• spent Tuesday evening, Septem
ber 24, at the Lloyd Gallagher
' home
Mrs. Kathryn Yantzi's grand
j children, Joe, Gene and Debbie,
• were her weekend guests.
• Mrs. Yantzi visited Mrs. WU
' liam Claussen in O'Neill Friday.
• Mr. and Mrs. Claussen recently
purchased a home in town and
1 and have been busy repairing
and remodeling, preparatory to
mpv ing in as soon as work is
‘ finished.
; Mr and Mrs. Neil ILipke and
Clint were Friday callers at the
• Sam Derickson home.
! Mr. and Mrs. James Moss and
sons of Sioux City spent the
weekend with her parents, Mr.
1 and Mrs. Albert Sterns.
Pat Gallagher was an after
noon caller at the Floyd John
I son home Wednesday, September
i 25.
II The Sam Derickson family
• were callers at the James Curran
1 home Monday, September 23.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Curran
and Mr. and Mrs Bert Ott were
i evening visitors of the James
Curran family Tuesday, Septem
ber 24
Randy Curran spent Sunday
with his grandparents in the
Mr. and Mrs. Don Hynes and
daughters were Sunday evening
visitors of the John Schlutz fam
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Johnson
and Roland were Sunday break
last guests of the Floyd Johnson
family, also calling at the John
Schultz home. The two families
ended the day by attending the
theater in O'Neill with coffee
I afterward at the Lowell John
( son home.
Mr. and Mrs. James Curran
and Ardell were Sunday after
noon visitors at the Albert Sterns
. home.
Mr. and Mrs. James Curran at
tended the farewell affair for
Rev. Basil Price at St. Patrick s
church in O'Neill Sunday eve
ning. Afterward they attended
the benefit card party at St.
uuuci aomison is assising at
the home of her brother, Gordon,
in O’Neill this week while Mrs.
Johnson is in the hospital re
cuperating from surgery. Mrs.
Frank Searles is taking over in
the beauty shop for Alice.
Mrs. Kathryn Yantzi and Mrs.
Derickson and sons called on
Mrs. John Schultz Tuesday afte»
noon, September 24.
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Thprson
were Monday evening visitors at
the Blake Benson home.
Mrs. Floyd Johnson and Linda
had supper on Saturday with
Theresa Brenied and grandson,
Lesley. Mrs. Bill Murray stopped
by for a cup of coffee and a few
minute’s chat.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Conklin of
| Lynch were Sunday visitors of
the All)ert YVidtfeldt family.
Linda Johnson assisted Mrs. |
Ixiu Brown on Saturday, Septem-.
her 21 doing some outside paint
ing on the house. You've heard;
of people painting themselves in-1
to a corner of a room. YVell, it
seems these two painters found
themselves on top of he house
with wet paint all around the
Shingling Bee’ at
John Schultz Home
ROCK FALLS--There was a
"shingling-bee” at the John
Schultz home on Monday, Sep
tember 30, to the tune of seven
clattering hammers.
Willing hands which helped
Mr. Schultz were those owned by
John Cleary, Jake Braun, Frank
Schultz, Sam Derickson, Floyd
Johnsin and Dan Rakes.
By chore time the job was com
pleted. Mrs. Derickson aided ,
Mrs. Schultz by helping with the '
cooking. | i
~ — I
O'Neill high school, member
of the national assembly group i
of schools was entertained at 1
8:45 a.m., Friday.
destined to revive tine
art of walking
Its classic tailoring, its comfortable heel, its fine fit: these ar*
the marks of a walking shoe. In this Air Step you have th#
best of all three, combined with great softness and flexibility,
Inman News
Mrs. James M. McMahon at
tended a meeting of the past
matrons club at the home of Mrs.
D. R. Mounts in O’Neill Tuesday
The L.L. club surprised Mrs.
Jennie Crosser at her home on
Wednesday September 25, utten
they arrived with lunch. A socTal
time was enjoyed by the group
after which the refreshments were
Arbutus Rebekah lodge met
Wednesday, Sept. 25. at the IOOF
hall for their regular meeting.
Mrs. Carrie McMahon, noble
grand, was in charge. Mrs. Ada
Clark and Mrs. Doris Butterfield
were hostesses for the evening
and served refreshments follow
ing lodge.
The WSCS met Thursday at the
Maxcy memorial addition for
their regular meeting. A covered
dish dinner was enjoyed by the
group at noon. Plans were com
pleted for the bazaar and dinner
to be held in connection with the
fall festival to be held in Inman
Saturday, October 5.
Mrs. Karl Keyes entertained a
group of ladies at her country
holme on Friday afternoon where
they bn>ught and priced the mer
chandise they had made for the
bazaar. Mrs. Melvin Lorenz was
co-eairman and the ladies served
lunch to the group at the close of
the afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. James Coventry
accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Louie
Vitt of O’Neill to Sauk Centre,
Minn., on Friday where they vis
it-ed Mr. Vitt’s sister.
Mr and Mrs. McMahan visited
Miss Lily B. Munroe at her home
in West Point Sunday, returning
home Sunday evening.
Ira L. Watson returned home
Sunday from Minnesota where
he spent the past week fishing. |
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Brunck
horst and daughter, Barbara,
drove to Norfolk Sunday where
they visited in the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Max Mossman and fam
Members of Arbutus Rebekah
lodge attended church services
at the Methodist church Sunday
morning in a group and wore
their regalia
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Allendorfer
and family of Omaha were Satur
day evening guests in the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Anthony and
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Broeker and
Craig and Mr. and Mrs. John
Schaller were Sunday guests in
ihe home of Mr, and Mrs. Albert
Anthony and children. They re
turned Sunday evening.
Bill Coventry was a guest in
the Leo Harte home during his
folks' absence.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reynolds
accompanied his parents, of Ne
ligh to Arkansas Thursday, Sep
tember 26, where they were cal
led by the death of Mrs. Francis
Reynolds. The Reynolds’ chil
dren were guests in the home of
their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Guy Hull at Redbird, while their
parents were away.
Mr. and Mrs. Anton Svatos of
Amelia spent Wednesday, Sep
tember 25, visiting Mrs. Violet
Stewart and boys.
A. H. Reiss of Niobrara and
Violet Stewart of Inman spent
Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Pete Cooper and son at Orchard.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Michaels
ind daughter, Mr. and Mrs. El
mer Michaelis and Mr. and Mrs.
IJoyd Smith spent Sunday visit
ng Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bursell of
Burbank, S. D.
Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Tompkins
irove to Norfolk Monday where
hey attended the funeral of Mrs.
h S. Overocker, a longtime
friend and schoolmate of Mrs. i
WSCS met in Maxcy memorial
iddition Thursday, September 27, (
vith Mrs. Rosara Kopecky in
barge. A covered dish luncheon
vas held at noon in honor of i
members whose birthdays were :
n June, July, August and Sep- <
ember. A business meeting fol- ;
owed the luncheon in which fi- (
nal plans were made for the ba
zaar and dinner winch will be
held in connection with the fail
festival on October 5. Eleanore
Gaughenbaugh gave the lesson
which was on missions and in
connection with the goals for the
society for the year. TTie goals
were read and also a letter which
was both interesting and inspiring
from the conference president
was read.
Martel tiuevtn—
Mrs. J. A. Frenking of Omaha
entertained members of the Mar
tez club at coffee Tuesday morn
ing from It) a.m. until noon. It
was held at the home of her sis
ter, Mi's. John Melvin, whom she
is visiting. Mrs. Frenking arriv
ed Sunday.
Venus News
Mrs. Paul Cilhar and Mrs.
Harold Cilhar and Sherrie Lea
of Verdigre visited at the Ralph
Brookhouser home Saturday,
September 28. The group had
shopped at O'Neill earlier that
The Dale Dorr family moved
out to his father's farm this
past week.
Mrs. Ora Caskey accompanied
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Butterfield
to Bloomfield Thursday, Septem
bed 26, where the ladies attended
a teachers meeting that day.
Mrs. Pearl Groeling called "at
the Ralph Brookhouser home
Thursday, September 27.
Sunday, September 29, Mr. and
Mrs. Emil Bartos and family ac
companied b ythe latter’s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser
were dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Shroeter of Madison, i
Rural Teachers l ake
Part in Workshop
The rural teachers of Bolt
county met last Friday at the
Legion hall in O’Neill where
they participated in a receat
ional workshop. The activities of
the day were directed by Miss
Rosalie Gifhorn, Mrs. Elvera
Buerek and Mrs. Wilma Gimme
stad of the department of -phy
sical education trom the Univer
sity of Nebraska in Lincoln.
A short business meeting was
conducted at which the new of
ficers of the Holt County Teach
ers association were introduced.
Kay Dvorak, president; Helen
Martens, vice-president; Mrs.
Genevieve O ' N e i 11 . secretary;
Mrs. Karen Rotherham, treasur
er; and Christine Krysl as news
The next teachers meeting will
be held November 26, at 6.30 in
O’Neill.—Christine Krysl, repor
Rural Youth to
Honor Parents—
The Holt county rural youth and
guests gathered at the home of
James Hartman near Page for
a hayride Sunday evening, Sep
tember 29.
The evening’s entertainment
was climaxed by a wiener roasl
and watermelon feed.
On October 11 the rural youth
will honor parents on parents'
night. By Mrs. Harold Coburn,
Sunday Guests—
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
John Murray of Spencer were!
Mr. and Mrs. Roman Rohde and
Mr. and Mrs. Frances Rohde of
spencer, Mr .and Mrs. Bernard
:tohde of O’Neill and Mrs. Mur
ray's mother, Mrs. Anna Don
in of O'Neill, also Mrs. J. P.
tyan of Bonesteel, S. D. The j
>ceasion was Mr. and Mrs. Min
ay's 31st wedding anniversary. !
’offer at Gildersleeves—
Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Harry
J. Gildersleeve was hostess at
■offee in honor of Dr. Gilder
deeve’s mother, Mrs. Violet Gil
lersleeve of Los Angeles, Calif.,
ind his aunt, Mrs. Vivian Mitch
■11 of Las Vegas, Nev. They plan
o leave today (Thursday) for
heir respective homes.
Try FRONTIER want ads for
juick results.
Tmrs. Oct. 3
Starring Dean Jaggor with Ed
■ ard Chapman. It kills—but it
annot be killed! It rises from
,(X)0 miles beneath the earth to
lelt everything in its path!
■'ri.-Sat. Oct. 4-5
Big Double Bill
In color by technicolor
Enchanting entertainment for
veryone! Tingling with delight,
ubbling with laughter . . . blaz
ig with excitement. You'll meet
Iambi's "Twitterpated” friends
Thumper, Flower and all tile
est! Delightful song hits to warm
our heart.
Starring William Talman,
ames Craig, Kristine Miller,
)arryl Hickman, Georgia Lee,
Jvy Moore.
un.-Mon.-Tues. Oct. 6-7-8
You’ll love
Starring Elvis Presley, Lizabeth
cott, Wendell Corey. You’ll love
!lvis in his first big modern mh-1
ical in technicolor. You’ll love
llvis singing "Loving You’’—
.ith two sensational co-stars—
»ven new smash songs—and the |
tory of a boy who sings up a;
torm fighting his way to the top
f the show’ business.
The first 50 girls at box of
fice with a male escort, will
receive a Elvis Presley hat
latinee Saturday & Sunday 2:8
unday, Monday, Tuesday and
riday and Saturday admission— j
dults 50c; Children under 12,
ic, Free If accompanied by par
it. Wedn. and Thurs. Family
ght, family admitted for two
dult tickets.
Amelia News
Mrs, Lee Gilman arrived home
Sunday from Fairfieki, la., where
she had spent a week with her
daughter, Mrs. Harold Clausson,
and family.
Vem Sageser spent the first
part of last week in Cheyenne,
Wyo., where he attended a rural
electrification meeting.
Mrs. Edgar Peterson and Mrs.
Blossom Butler were Atkinson
callers Saturday.
Clyde Widman and Leo Clinch
of Burwell planned to attend a
school improvement association
meeting in ltushville Tuesday
evening, October 1.
The Methodist youth fellowship
group met at the home of their
leader, Mrs. Lloyd Waldo, Friday
evening. They enjoyed a scaven
ger hunt and wiener roast.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gruen
berg, Carol and Linda were Sun
day dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Will Fryrear Sunday. The
two iammes cauea at the Upland
Fryrears in the evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Burge, Mr.
and Mrs. Glen White, Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Fischer attended ser
vices at the newly organized Free
Methodist church in Bunvell Sun
day evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Peterson
called on Mr .and Mrs. Art Doo
littles ' Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. George Withers, Mrs. Blos
som Butler and Florence Lindsey
were O’NeLll callers Thursday,
September 26.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce,
John Zink on, Sam Gilman and
Mrs. B. W. Waldo attended the
Bentley sale near Bartlett Wed
nesday, September 25.
Mr. anti Mrs. Stanley Thomp
son and Barbara visited at the
Bus Gilman home Thursday
evening, September 26.
Mrs. Dick Doolittle and son,
Terry, came home Thursday,
Fri.-Sat. Oct. 4-5
Sun.-Mon.-Tues, Oct. 6-7-X
Alone on a island. 0^
Wed.-Thurs. Oct. 9-10
Kobiiison-Ha-silio light pictures
|)lus regular feature program, |
Dot. 9-10-11-42. No coupon.
September 26, from a visit with
relatives in California. Mr. Doo
little and sons, Jack and Bill,
met them in Grand Island.
Dale Fullerton and the Wining
young folks visited at Joan and
Beth Fullertons Friday evening.
Mr .and Mrs. August Pospishal
and sons were in Grand Island
Friday, September 27.
Blake Ott and Ralph Rees fish
ed a Spenced dam Sunday.
Roy Andersen of Central City, i
was a dinner guest Friday, Sep
tember 27, at the home of his
mother. Mrs. Edith Andersen.
Entertain (iuests—
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Froe
lich. jr.. of Chicago, 111., met her
mother. Mrs. Bartholomew Sey
mour of Grosse Point, Mich., in
Sioux City recently where she
had been a guest of a college
friend. They were September 21
22, weekend guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Froelieh, sr.
Mrs. Vie Rohr of Herrick, S.D ,
\ isited over the weekend with
Mrs. E. J. Eby and Mr. and Mrs.
Bennett Gillespie and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Edwards
of Norfolk were Sunday guests of
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Ed
Dr. J. L. Sherbahn
t* Block So. of Ford Garage
Complete X-Ray Equipment
O'Neill, Nebraska
d The Mathieson Sprinkler Irrigation System
with the Unique Positive Lock Coupler.
d Each system engineered to your individual
d Lowers unit cost of production,
d Produces maximum yields per acre.
BUY NOW. . .
d Small Down Payment
d Up to 24 Months for Balance
d Low Interest Rates
Phone 5 — West O’Neill
Public Auction!
480-Acres Farmland & Pasture
2:00 P. M. Courthouse — O’Neill, Nebr.
Zahradnicek Estate Land
North Half Section 3, and Northwest Quarter Section 29, Township 29, Range 15,
Holt County.
Terms and Conditions:
Land will be offered and sold in seperate quarter sec
tions at public auction. Bidders will be required to pay i
20% at time of sale and balance in cash upon confirma- j
tion by court. Possession will be given upon confirma
tion of sale. Abstracts of title will be furnished and are
on file in Clerk of District Court’s office for examination.
Further information can be obtained from the !
Referee or Attorney
———————^_ _
John R. Gallagher Wm. W. Griffin