The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, September 12, 1957, Image 6

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    Hospital Notes
Admissions September 4- Mrs
\ mind Dobias of Stuart, Mil
ton McKathnie of Atkinson. 6-—
Arnold Crawford (baby) of O -
Neill, Jack Taylor of O'Neill,
Mrs rxiane Mahlendorf of Spen
cer 7 Mrs, Norman Gonde ring
er'of O'Neill, Sharon Kay Hansen,
of Page, Mrs. M. G. ltamman of
O’Neill. Brenda Cole of O'Neill:
•—Bernard Kellogg of Orchard,
Jennifer Kellogg of Orchard, Earl
Reeder of (Tinndiers William
Spence of Ewing, Mrs. Alvin
Klopiienborg of Emmet; 9— Ron
ald Hoerle of Ewing; 10—Mrs.
Verlyn Gibbs of Clearwater, Mrs.
Irene Martin uf O'Neill. Charles
Cue of Fairfax, S. D., Mrs. Iwroy
Holcomb of Chambers.
Dismissed: September 4 Du
ane Mahlendorf of Spencer: 5—
Mrs John Kellar of Chandlers,
Mrs Fred Hammink and baby
girl of O'Neill; 6 John Auraan of
Orchard; 7- Mias Nrirmnn Wertz
•f O'Neill, * Mrs Thomas Lam
bert and baby lx>y of Chambers;
8 -Mrs. Robert Erwin and baby
buy of O’NeiU, Mrs. Raymond
dobias and baby girl of Stuart,
VIr» M. G. Hamman (expired) of
O'Neill, Jennifer Kellogg (expir
ed) of Orchard, Mrs. Herold
Geprge of Inman. 10 Ralph Frit
ton of Einmrt, Bernard Kellogg
•f Orchard; 11—S. E. Dexter of
Still hospitalized: Mrs Irene
Martin of O’Neill, Fred Carey of
O'Neill, Mrs LeRoy Holcomb of
Chambers Paul Moseman of
O'Neill, Earl Reeder of Cham
bors, Mrs. Verlyn Gibbs of
Clearwater, Mrs. Alvin Kloppen
V»rg if Emmet. Brenda Colo of
O'Neill, Sharon Kay Hansen of
Page Baby Arnold Crawford of
O’Neill. William Spence of Ewisg,
Jack Taylor of O'Neill, Ronald
Hoerle of Chambers, Charles Cue
»f Fairfax, S. D., Garrett Janz
aig of O'Neill, Mrs. Carl Lambert
of Ewing.
fSeptember 9)
Admitted: September 2—Mrs.
Qrinard Frickel of Atkinson, ob
*r of Atkinson, medical; Mrs.
'fmerino Astuto of Omaha, ob
stetrical; Mrs. James Sickeneder
ot Atkinson, medical; Bertha
Kramer of Atkinson, medical;
Mis Gertrude Zinke of Atkinson,
medical 1 Karen Kaup of Atkin
son, surgical; Mrs. Roinantis
Kaup of Stuart, obstetrical;
George Wadsworth of Stuart,
medical. 5- Mrs. Joe Hendricks
jf Atkinson, medical 6—Mrs.
Melvin Roach of Page, medical.
7 Mis Joy Greenfield of Stuart,
Dismissed: September 4 Mrs.
William Krysl and daughter; 5—
Mrs James Sickeneder of Atkin
son; &—Mrs. Elvin Harley of
Stuart and daughter, Mrs. Melvin
Roach of Page, George Wads
worth of Stuart; 8 Mrs. Vener
mo Astuto of Omaha, Mrs. Con
n'd Frickel and son of Atkinson,
Bonnie Mae and Connie Rae Por
ter, twins of Mr. and Mrs. Char
les Porter of Atkinson.
Expired: September 3—Mrs.
Alex McConnell of Atkinson,
Maria Louise Astuto of Omaha.
Hospitalized: Mrs. Gertrude
Zinke of Atkinson, Otto Smith of
Atkinson, Karen Kaup of Atkin
son, Mrs. Joy Greenfield of Stu
art, Mrs. Joe Hendricks of Atkin
son Mrs Fred Dodge of Ains
worth, Mrs. Romanus Kaup and
Laughter of Stuart, Mario Lucian
Astuto of Omaha.
Admitted: E. M. Aiken of Butte;
A H. Block of Anoka; Dr. Edwin
n Bradley of Spencer; Mrs
George. (Mary) of Spencer; Mrs'.
Lari Gnewuch of Norfolk; Carl
R Johnson of Bristow; William
Jordan of Butte; E. J. Lechtcn
berg of Butte; Baby Mary Ann
Lochtonberg of Butte; Henry
iudeman of Naper; James Mila
** of Lynch; Mrs. Martha Wells
of Spencer.
Dismissals: September 2 Miss
Patricia Brinker of Butte. Baby
Varessa Marie Svoboba of Lynch
3 George Loo of Lynch, Mrs’
Robert Hamilton of Spencer; 4
Mrs. Jacob Roth of Bonesteel,
S.D., Dan Matthew Herrmann of
Herrick, S.D.. Mrs. Jerry Mashek
of Spencer; 5 Connie Ray Oden
«ach of Bonesteel, S.D., Ed Flcen
nf Qnonnor Meo i«L« n«_
sens of Spencer; 6 Alden Bar
den of Spencer; 7—Henry Lamp
man of Anoka.
9xpired: September 5 — Mrs.
Martha Schlinder of Lynch.
August 31 - September 7
Admitted: Allen Koch of
©•oighton, Mrs. Ralph Ferguson
of Niobrara, Mrs William Nolan
of Niobrara, Mrs. William Ayers
of Winnetoon, Jens Sonder of
Creighton, Edward Wagner, sr.,
of Creighton, Mrs. Joe Sukup of
Creighton. Mrs. Joe George, jr..
af Niobrara. Mrs. Viggo Hansen
of Verdel Lyle Hansen of Nio
Dismissed: John Deerson of
Jreighton, Mrs. Robert Dvorak
and baby toy of Verdigre, Mrs.
William Nolan of Niobrara, Mrs.
Viggo Hansen of Verdel, Mrs.
Fred Finke of Creighton, Mrs.
Agnes Bartling of Creighton,
Mrs. Ralph Ferguson and Keith
Hevtn of Niobrara. James Cain
at Center. Allen Koch of Creigh
tton, Mrs. Marie Suhr of Creigh
ton. Jens Sonder was transferred
to Omaha.
Kathy Lynn Gildersleeve cele
brated her seventh birthday on
September 7, with a theatre par
ty. Ten little girls were guests
Refreshments were served after
the show at her home by her
mother. Mrs. H. D. Gildersleeve.
Too Late to Classify
WANTED; Waitress at the Nu
Way cafe.—See Mrs. Ralph
McElvain, O’Neill. 20c
LOST: Nash Rambler gasoline
cap (green), pleaae leave at
D-X Station.—Rev. H. W. Jensen.
O’Neill 20p
Atkinson. Any teams or In
dividuals wishing to play, con
tact C. J. Brooke. 20-21p
Future Subscribe! s
Fox of Ida Grove. Ia., a son
weighing 8Vs pounds, bom Sep
tember 7. The mother is the
former Mildred Sobotka. daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sobotka
of O'Neill.
GEORGE—Mr. and Mrs. Jo
seph George, jr., of Niobrara, a
daughter, Karen Marie, weighing
6 pounds 15 ounces, bom Friday,
September 6 at Lundberg Memor
ial .hospital in Creighton.
GEARY Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Geary of Inman, a daughter,
Velma Gladys, weighing pounds
ounces liorn Friday, Septem
ber 6, in Antelope Memorial hos
vital in Neligh They now have
three daughters.
DAMKROGER- Mr. and Mrs.
Rerl Damkroger of DeWitt, a son,
weighing 7 pounds 5 ounces, bom
Friday, September 6. Mrs. Dam
kroger is a former Holt county
home agent and Mr. Damkroger
was the veterans agriculture in
KIX)SNER—Mr. and Mrs.
James Klosner of Omaha, a son,
Christopher James, liom Friday,
August 16 at Omaha. Mrs. Klos
ner is the former Joan Frenking,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Frenking of Omaha. The infant’s
grandmother is the fomier Flor
ence McCafferty of O’Neill.
WINKLER Mr. and Mrs Har
old Winkler of Rapid City, S. D.,
a daughter, Pamela Kay, weigh
ing 7 pounds 4 ounces, bom
Thursday, August 29, at Rapid
KLUG Mr. and Mrs. Victor
Klug of Niobrara, a son, weigh
intr 7 nnnnHc nnflPPQ horn SJiin
day, September 8, in Sacred
Heart hospital in Lynch,
HARTON Mr. and Mrs. Doug
las Barton of Columbus, a son,
weighing 7 pounds, bom Satur
day, September 7, in a Columbus
hospital. Grandparents are Mr.
and Mrs. Homer Barton and Mr
and Mrs. Bernard Schacht of
MUESSEL Mr. and Mrs. Jer
ry Muessel of Omaha, a son,
John Joseph, weighing 7 pounds
7 ounces, liorn Thursday, Augu-t
JO at Omaha. Mrs. Muessel is the
former Mary Taggart of Cham
bers. John Joseph is the couple’s
first child.
GIBBS Mr. and Mrs. Verlyn
Gibbs of Clearwater, a son,
I weighing 7 pounds 13-% ounces,
born Wednesday, September 11,
at St. Anthony’s hospital. He is
a former O’Neill police officer.
RESSEL—Mr. and Mrs. Boyd
Ressel of Ophein. Mont., a daugh
ter, Mary Catherine The Res
sels have one other daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Summers
are the maternal grandparents
and Mr .and Mrs. Harry Ressel
are the paternal grandparents.
THOMAS Mr and Mrs. Rob
ert Thomas of North Platte, a son,
William Lee, weighing 8 pounds
11*4 ounces, born Tuesday, Sep
tember 10, at Atkinson Memorial
hospital in Atkinson.
LUBER Mr. and Mrs. Marlen
Luber of Wolsey, S. D., a son,
Michael Marlen, weighing 8
pounds, born Sunday, September
8, at St. John’s hospital in Huron,
S. D.
James Jankiewicz of Creighton,
a daughter, Lynn Marie, weigh
ing 8 pounds 13 ounces, born
Tuesday, September’ 10, at Lund
l>erg Memorial hospital in Creigh
PEKNY-Mr. and Mrs. Rudy
Pekny of Clarkson, a son, Charles
Lee, bom Tuesday, September 3.
Mrs. Pekny was the former Til
lie Peter, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Peter.
DOBIAS—Mr. and Mrs. Ray
mond Dobias of Stuart, a daugh
ter, Debra Jean, weighing 6
pounds 7-% ounces, born Wednes
day, September 4, at St. Anthony’s
hospital in O'Neill.
Mrs Norman Gonderinger of
O’Neill, a son, Robert Michael,
weighing 6 pounds 15!£ ounces,
I Kirn Saturday, September 7 at
St. Anthony’s hospital.
AlfMAN Mr. and Mrs. John
Auman jr., of Orchard, a daugh
ter. Vicki Jo, weighing 7 pounds,
born Thursday, September 5, at
the Plainview hospital. Mrs. Au
man is the former Rosemary
ueorge, daughter or Mrs. Joseph
George of Orchard. The Aumans
now have two daughters.
O’Neill Man and
Patrolman Hurt
Tn an unusual accident Tuesday
at 0:20 am., three miles east of
Neligh on U. S. highway 275, an
O'Neill man was seriously hurt
and three others were less ser
iously injured.
Injured was State Patrolman
Carl Scheel of Norfolk, William
Edward Orsbom of Norfolk, for
merly of O’Neill: John S Schlenz
and Norbert Schmidt, both of El
Scheel is in a Norfolk hospital
with multiple bruises. The others
are at Antelope Memorial hos
pital in Neligh. The Elgin men
were bruised and Mr. Orsbom,
hurt the worst, suffered a leg
fracture and bruises. The full
; extent of the injuries has not
yet been determined.
Patrolman Scheel had stopped
the Orsbom car I'ecause of the
lack of a muffler. Their cars
were parked about 20 feet apart
off the highway and Scheel and
Orsborn were walking toward
each other when a car driven by
Schlenz and a state highway
mower, operated by Morris W.
} Legate, collided The latter was
; not injured.
The Schlenz car struck Scheel
, and Orsbom also and then the
state patrol auto. The passengen
; vvithSchlenz were unhurt.
. The state patrol car and the
. Schlenz auto were damage to the
r. extent of $300 each.
Prominent Stockman
Banker Dies at 66
(Continued from page 1.)
He was reared here, attended
O'Neill high school and Creigh
ton Prep at Omaha In 1913 he
was graduated from the Univer
sity of Nebraska college of arts
and sciences.
During World War I he serv
ed two years in the balloon obser
vation corps and received train
ing at San Antonio. Tex., where
he served as a lieuteant.
For a long time after the war
Mr. Birmingham was employed
by a bonding and investment
house in Omaha.
His father, w'ho had come to
Holt from Galena. 111., had help
ed establish the First National
Banks at O'Neill and Atkinson,
and later established the Emmet
State Bank at Kmmet. He also
was engaged in other agricul
tural and business ventures.
Mr. Birmingham spent short in
tervals in the lumber business at
Riverton, Wyo., and also spent
time on the cattlt? ranges of Wyo
ming and Montana.
Father Dies in 1932
After the death of his father
September 3, 1932, Hugh became
active in the direction of the
banks and other family interests.
From 1941 until his death, he
was president oi the First Na
tional Bank of Atkinson. He was
also president of the Emmet
bank until the bank was volun
tarily closed in October, 1951,
shortly after the retirement of
his associate, William P. Dailey.
The Emmet bank was merged
with the Atkinson bank.
On September 16, 1926, Mr.
Birmingham was married to
Miss DcMaris Stout, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Stout of O'
Neill. 'Die rite took place at St.
Patrick’s church.
They became the parents of
three daughters.
Mr. Birmingham was widely
traveled and had planned an
'iTVviin/1 thni in tcin . el i ■ nnvt
He was prominent in banking,
livestock and investment circles
in Nebraska and conducted ex
tensive ranching and farming op
He was a member of St. Pat
rick's church, Knights of Colum
bus, Nebraska Bankers associa
tion, Nebraska Stock Growers
association and the American
Survivors include: Widow—De
Maris; daughters — Miss Mary
Louise, who has been stationed
with the American Red Cross at
Nancy, France; Miss Barbara,
who heads the drama department
at Duchesne college, Omaha, and
Miss Margaret DeMaris (Marde)
of O'Neill. Mr. and Mrs. C. E.
Stout of O'Neill, His— father-in
law and mother-in-law, also sur
Arrives from France
Miss Mary Ixiuise left Paris by
air at 9 p.m. Friday Paris time)
and reached O’Neill 30 hours
Out-of-town relatives and
Iriends attending the funeral in
Sioux City Mr. and Mrs. Wal
ter J. Mahoney; Dr, and Mrs.
Ivan S. Hasek.
Omaha - Bernard J. Boyle,
Hugh Boyle, Mrs. Helen Barrel,
Jack Redmond, Gordon Jones
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Langdon,
Mrs. W. J. Foxley, Mrs. Richard
A. Pirotte, Mac Campbell, Her
bert Echtermeyer, Henry Karpf,
Harold Browning, Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Nelson, Miss Elizabeth
Latta, Mrs. J. A. Frenking.
Lincoln—Mrs. L. R. Doyle,
George Swingle and Philip Ait
Others included: Mr. and Mrs.
Frederick Deitsch of .Norfolk
Dr. and Mrs. John P. Gilligan of
Nebraska City; Pete Becker of
Ashby; Gene Leahy of Rush
ville; Hugh Ray of Gothen
burg, Mrs. Beverly Wanser of
Hartington; Mrs. J. A. Devine
and Miss Jane Devine of Chey
enne, Wyo.; Mrs. Grace Camp
Den ana Henry twume or Denver,
Mrs. Crumly Heads
Extension Clubs
Mrs. A. T. Crumly of Page
Tuesday was elected president
of the Holt county extension
clubs for the new year. She suc
ceeds Mrs. E. A. Bouska of At
kinson, secretary-treasurer.
Mrs. Byron Blote of Stuart
was elected vice-chairman at the
annual meeting held here; Mrs.
Fred Roberts of Atkinson, sec
Others elected were: Mrs. Law
rence Kaup of Stuart, health
I chairman; Mrs. William Sc horn
of Atkinson, music; Mrs. Linden
Mulford of Stuart, 4-H; Mrs. Ed
Sevcik of O’Neill publicitly; Mrs.
Dean Johnson of Spencer, fam
ily life; Mrs. Harold Mlinar of
O'Neill, reading.
Mrs. Edgar Stauffer of Page is
past county chairman; Mrs.
Floyd Butterfield of Atkinson, ex
tension board representative.
The state extension club meet
ting will be held at Valentine
September 17-19. Holt represent
atives will be Mrs. Bouska, Mrs.
Crumly, Mrs. Kaup and Mrs. Ro
New group chairmen for the
coming year are: O’Neill cen
ter—Mrs. Anson Closson; Page
center—Mrs. Lorenz Riege; At
kinson center-Mrs. Floyd But
terfield; Stuart center — Mrs.
James Batenhorst.
Achievement day will be held
at the American Legion hall
Thursday, October 31, starting at
1:45 p.m. Theme will be “Fam
ily Living” and Dr. Joel Moss
will speak on “Family Life”.
Doctor Moss heads the family life
department at the University of
Nebraska college of agriculture.
Richard Gerlock, 24, of Rapid
City, S. D., charged with procur
ing beer for minors, admitted
guilt, fined $75 and $4 costs and
sentenced to 10 days in jail; sen
tenced suspended. Offense took
place in Atkinson. Charles Brown
state liquor inspector, filed com
plaint, September 1.
Chambers News
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Shavlik
and Pamela returned Saturday,
September 7 from a two weeks
vacation trip through the western
states. They visited the Emmet
Mcdcalfs and Otto Greonstreet
families at Sedro Wooley, Wash.,
the Glen Campbell family at
Elmsburg, Wash , Mr. and Mrs.
Keth Saxton and Nadine at Lew
iston. Ida., and his nephew and
wife Mr. and Mrs. Steve Shavlik.
at Duhios Wyo.
Mr. anti Mrs. E. R. Carpenter
and his brother and sister-in
law, Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Carpen
ter of Omaha, who were visiting
them, called on the Dean Ste
vens family at Atkinson Sunday,
September 8.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Walter and
family recently enjoyed a short
vacation in the Black Hills.
Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Holcomb
took their son, Gary, to Lincoln
Sunday where ho enrolled at the
state university as a freshman.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hoerle
and children were Sunday din
er guests in the Lloyd Hoerle
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Cook and
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Carpenter
acempanied Rev. and Mrs. Har
old Bonath to Page Friday eve
ning to see the slides and hear a
talk bv Rev. Max Kemling, a re
t u r n’e d Methodist missionary
from Africa.
Mrs. Nellie Starr went to
Grand Island Friday, September
6, for a visit with her son and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Starr
and boys.
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Gillette
returned Saturday from Lincoln
where they had taken their
daughter, Mary Ellen, to attend
college and where they also at
tended the state fair.
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Winter
mote took their daughter, Caro
lyn, to Lincoln last week to re
sume her college work.
m m _i ivIT* C nnntnr
I • (1UU mil'. *• • --
of Omaha Saturday were over
night guests of his brother-in
law and sister, Mr. and Mrs.
Floyd Whitaker, They spent Sun
day with his brother and wife,
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Carpenter.
The Carpenters are enroute home
after a three months vacation
tour of the United States, and
having also visited several points
in Canada.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Remington
of South Prairie, Wash., arrived
Friday. September 6 for a visit
with her sisters, Mrs. Victor
Harley; Mrs. Loran Kruse and
Mrs. Harry Scott and families
and her brother and wife Mr.
and Mrs. Edgar DeHart. They al
so arrived in time to attend the
wedding of her niece Vivian Har
ley. on Sunday, September 8.
miaattan iiiiitnn w?c hntei ooo
Mr. and Mrs. William Renn
inger attended an annual family
gathering of the Reninger and
Teller families held at South
Sioux City Sunday, September 1.
Mr. and Mrs. John Honeywell
departed early Saturday, Sep
tember 7, for alxjut a 10-day va
cation into Minnesota and Wis
Frank Bright of Norfolk was a
recent weekend guest in the Wil
liam Witte home.
Hardy Simpson of Norfolk was
a Friday, September 6 visitor in
Chambers where he greeted a
number of friends he knew,
when he resided there some
vpars aeo.
Celia News
O. A. Hammerberg visited the
Frank Kilmurry home Tuesday,
September 3.
Linda and Connie Lewis visited
at the Chaffin home Sunday af
David Phipps and Karen Carr
visited the Mark Hendricks home
Tuesday evening, September 3.
Dorothy Scott and Emil Col
fack were Thursday callers at
the Frank Kilmurry home.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Chaffin j
visited the George Mellor and
Neal Hipke homes north of O’
Neill Tuesday, September 3.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Henrdricks
were Thursday supper guests at
the Omer Poynts home.
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Colfack and
Denis visited the Duane Beck'
home Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Omer Poynts
spent Sunday at the Mark Hend
ricks home.
Glen Frickel spent Wednesday
night, September 4, with Gary
and Roger Hoffman.
O. A. Hammerberg spent Sun
day and Monday at the William
Maloun home.
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Beck and
daughter visited Mr. and Mrs.
pill Sammons at Amelia and
were dinner guests. In the after
non Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dobro
volny visited at the Sammons
home. __ „
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Hoffman
and sons were Sunday dinner
guests at the Alice Hill home.
Mr. and Mrs. William Maloun
and O. A. Hammerberg were O'
Neil visitors Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Hoffman
and boys visited te Eddie Al
brecht home Sunday evening.
Mrs. Duane Beck and Sheryl,
Alex Forsythe and Dorothy
Scott were Saturday visitors at
the William Maloun home.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Frickel
visited Sunday and were supper
guests at the Bill Coleman home.
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Walnofer
and daughter called at the Alex
Forsythe home Sunday evening.
Duane Beck and Sheryl visit
ed at the Victor Frickel home
Tuesday evening, September 3.
• Mrs. Milton McKathme and
children spent from Friday until
Sunday at the Marvin Rouse
home in O’Neill to be near Mr.
McKathnie, while he was hos
Attend Funeral—
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Froe
lich, jr., of Chicago, 111., came
to attend the H. J. Birmingham
funeral. They returned Tuesday.
Other houseguests at the W. J.
Froelich home were Mr. and Mrs.
1 Walter Mahoney of Sioux City.
Mrs. W. B. Harty spent the
weekend in Chicago, HI.
This four-generation picture was taken at a park in Columbus
when the Haynes clan met there for a Sunday picnic. Left-to-right
are Gary and Melvin Haynes, Allen Hayes, Roy Haynes, Randy
Allen and Elwin Haynes Allen Haynes is 84-years-old and is a res
ident of Page. Melvin and his son reside at Columbus. Elwin and
Randy Allen live at Lincoln and Roy Haynes, father of Melvin and
Elwin, lives on a farm near l^enton.
Sick & Injured
returned home Wednesday even
ing, September 4, after spend
ing two days with her brother,
James V. Gunter in the veterans
hospital in Iowa City, la. James
underwent heart surgery last
week. His operation was a suc
cess. He was able to eat a little
supper that night. He is improv
ing and will be in the hospital
two or three weeks. . . Mrs.
Walter Miller is still on the sick
list. Marlene Black helped at
the Miller home last week. . . I
Mrs. Ora Switzer returned home
from Omaha reporting Mrs. Dar
old Switzer was home from the
hospital and is "much improved."
PAGE Lloyd Cork returned
to Page Friday evening from the
Veterans hospital at Grand Is
land where he was taken follow
ing a hay loading accident Aug
ust 24, in which he received a
broken back. He is in a cast and
will report October 4 for a check
up. . . Mrs. Melvin Roach was a
patient Friday at the Atkinson
hospital for a bursitic condit
ion. . Mrs. Lester Hart, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Robin
son, and her son were hospital
ized one day following a car ac
cident, they received only minor
injuries. Mrs. Hart is the wife of
Rev. Lester Hart, minister at
Oakdale and Tilden.
CHAMBERS James Gibson of
Chambers underwent surgery at
a Rochester, Minn., hospital
Tuesday. September 3. He is
"improving nicely”. . . David
Walling, three-year-old son of
Mr. and Mrs. Daryl Walling, has
been a patient at the Antelope
Memorial hospital at Neligh,
having entered Sunday, Septem
ber 1. He has suffered with spas
tic bronchitus, but is "improv
ed". . . Mrs. John Kellar re
turned Thursday from St. An
thony's hospital where she had
been hospitalized for nearly two
... I f II • _ i.1 _ ~ £ J
cut c*11 iu,i\ ui
O’NEILL—John L. Baker has
had Asiatic flu this week . . .
Mrs. Louis Pierson and children
were ill this week. . .Frank Peter
son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peter,
has been transferred from the
Veterans hospital at Grand
Island, where he was a patient
for six weeks, to Omaha. His
address: Frank F. Peter, E-8,
Veteran Adm. hospital, 4110
Woolworth ave., Omaha 5, Nebr.
. . . Mrs. Frank A. Murray un
derwent surgery Tuesday at Our
Lady of Lourdes hospital in Nor
CELIA Mrs. Joe Hendricks
entered Atkinson Memorial hos
pital Thursday evening. . . Jim
Hendricks is ill with flu. . . Mrs.
Connie Frickel and new baby,
Kurtis I^ee, came home from the
Atkinson Memorial hospital Sun
day. . . Milton McKathanie en
tered O’Neill hospital Wednes
day evening September 4, for
surgery Thursday. He planned to
return home Tuesday.
DORSEY—Mrs. Katie Hrbek
is staying at the Joe Hrbek home
after having spent several days
in the Lynch hospital. . . Await
Miller is .still a patient in a
Sioux City hospital. He is re
covering slowly. . . Mrs. Spangler
was able to leave Mr. Spangler
and return home for several
days. . . Mrs. Mary Wolfe is
slowly recovering from her re
cent illness.
LYNCH—Veldon Lee has been
dismissed from the Lynch hos
pital and the family is now liv
ing in the Cora Lee house in
town while he is convalescing
from the injuries he received in
an automobile accident three
t1 r iolrc QtTO
AMELIA-Beth Fullerton waSj
ill with a sore throat last week
and was unable to attend
school. .. . Mrs. Hamilton Ball
agh has been quite ill at Bur
REDBIRD—Mr. and Mrs. Mer
lyn Anderson took their daugh
ter, Debra Jean, to Lynch Thurs
day to consult doctors. She has
been having flu.
Burns Fatal to
Atkinson Pioneer
ATKINSON — John Miskimins,
87-year - old Atkinson pioneer,
died Tuesday evening, Septem
ber 3, in California where he had
been living the past several
i years.
According to word received by
friends here, Mr. Miskimins died
of burns suffered when his cloth
ing caught fire while he was
smoking his pipe. He had been
in Florence Nightingale Sanitar
ium. Orange City, Calif., for some
Services will he held in Cal
The late Mr. Miskimins lived
in Atkinson for many years and
was widely known among ranch
ers and livestockmen.
Myron Carpenter, 79,
Dies Near Chambers
CHAMBERS — Myron Carpen
ter, 79, who had made his home
the paSt two years with his
daughter, Mrs. E. R. Carpenter,
Chambers, died Tuesday night,
September 10. He suffered a
heart atttack.
Funeral services wil be con
ducted Friday afternoon, Sep
tember 13 at the Methodist
church at Oakdale.
The late Mr. Carpenter was
bom at Petersburg December
26, 1877. He farmed many years
in the Oakdale and Neligh local
ities, also in western Nebraska
and in the Colome and Burke,
S IX, areas.
His wife, the former Minnie
Kidder, diel in 1938. Mr. Carpen
ter lived at Oakdale until mov
ing to Chambers about two years
Survivors include: daughters
Mrs. E. R. (Midredt Carpenter
of Chambers; Mrs. C. A. (Lu
cille) Talmer of Sedro Wooley,
Wash., Mrs. D'o (Dorritt) How
dor of Vivian, S.D.; sons Adrian
of Weeser, Ida., Hilton of Sunnv
side, Wash., Dana of Denver,
Colo., Melvin of Burlington,
Wash. There are 17 grandchild
ren and 18 great-grandchildren.
Mr. Carpenter died in his
‘Cap’ Martelle to
Lecture Students
Twenty-two members attended
the September meeting of the
Chamber of Commerce held Mon
day evening at the M & M cafe.
Discussed were forthcoming
Chamber activities, including
harvest day on Friday, October
18; turkey day, Saturday, Novem
ber 30; and Santa Claus day. Sat
urday. December 14. Acth’ities on
those days are under direction
of the retail trade committee.
Also outlined were the district
stocker-feeder calf sale to be held
Wednesday, October 9. with the
Chamber voting $350 expense
funds; annual achievement day
for Holt county extension women
Thursday, October 31. The
achievement event is expected to
attract 300 to 400 women.
C. R. (“Boh") Hill reported
that Monday, September 23, the
Holt soil conservation district will
host high school students here be
tween 10 a.m., and 3 p.m., in a
soil conservation day program.
One day every other year is des
ignated as soil conservation day.
“Cap” Martell of Pierce, lectur
er, will be featured. Students
will bring sack lunches and the
Chamber voted to furnish soft
Riverside News
I he Leo Miller family returned
home from their vacation
through Colorado and Wyoming
sightseeing and visiting relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Verl Gunter left
early Thursday morning for their
new home in Springfield, 111.
They stopped in Iowa City and
called on James Gunter in the
hospital there.. The Gunters ar
rived in Springfield at 10 o’clock
Saturday morning. Verl is enroll
ing in the Concordia seminary
Mrs. Alfred Napier and child
ren, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Shrad
er and children and Mrs. Lionel
Gunter and Levon visited at the
Will Shrader home Monday eve
ning, September 2.
Mr. and Mrs. George Montgom
ery ate Sunday dinner at the
Emmet Dewey home.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Nelson and
Jimmy of Plain view visited Sun
day evening and were supper
guests at the Dewitt Hoke home.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Harpster
and sons were Sunday dinner
guests at the Alfred Napier home
In the afternoon both families
and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Switzer,
Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Hoke and
Clayton, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Van
Ostrand and Iris and Mr. and
Mrs. Lionel Gunter, Levon and
Paul visited at the Rol Hord
home. Levon showed slides he
had taken while in the service.
Mr. and Mrs. Rol Hord called
on Mr. and Mrs. George Mont
gomery Sunday evening.
Page News
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Gray,
Mr. and Mrs. John Gray and Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Gray went to
Pickstown, S.D., and toured
points of interest there on Wed
nesday. September 4. On Friday,
Mesdames Dora and Carrie
Townsend, Icie Synder and Al
len Haynes did a followup, ex
ploring the old chapel, eating
a picnic dinner at the park, and
! visiting I^ake Andes in addition
to the Pickstown tour.
Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Bright
were Tuesday evening dinner
guests at the Darrel Bright home
near Atkinson.
Workers Named for
Membership Drive
Kickoff Banquet Set
September 23
Top flight concerts will be In
store for 1957-'f*8 members of the
O'Neill, Community Concerts as
sociation, according to Presi
dent F. E. Parkins.
The annaul membership drive
opens with a kiekoff banquet
Monday, September 23, in the
new fellowship hall at First
Presbyterian church the ban
quet to be served by the Women s
association of that church. The
drive will end at 6 p.m., Satur
day, September 28.
As reported in The Frontier
last week, "hold orders" have
been placed on Todd Duncan,
famed baritone of "Porgy and
Boss” fame, and The Theater
Men, a troupe of 10 singers who
excel in American popular and
folk music.
Mrs. J. B. Brown again will
head the membership drive and
William Miller is cochairman.
Other artists will not be signed
until after the membership drive
has been concluded. Parkins
said only the best in entertain
ment offerel b y Community
Concerts. Inc., will be featured.
Membership workers follow:
For O'Neil:
Mrs. John Watson (captain),
Mrs. Howard Manson, Mrs. D
wayne Miller, Mrs. Grant Peacock
Don Maw, Mrs. William Petsche.
Mrs. F. J. Kubischek.
Mrs. A. P. Jaszkowiak (capt
ain), Mrs. Sue Deaver, Mrs.
Henry Lohaus, Mrs. J. B. Grady,
A. P. Jaszkowiak, Mrs. Joe Ten
nis. Mrs. Merlin Sucha, Mrs. Don
Becker, Mrs. William Griffin.
Mrs. James Rooney (captain),
Esther Harris, Mrs. William Mat
tern, Mrs. Edward Verzal, Mrs.
Ed Wilson, Mrs. William McIn
tosh, Mrs. Richard Nelson, Mrs.
K. L. Van Voorhis, Mrs. Dwayne
McKay, Mrs. Don McKamy.
Mrs. Edward M. C.eeson (capt
ain i, Miss Mary Jurgensmier, i
Morgan ward, Mrs. mai nauiun,
Mrs. Rynold Cinifel, Mrs. R. E.
Evans, Mrs. Wendell Nelson.
Mrs. Dean Heed, Mrs. Thomas
Liddy, Mrs.llarold Soger.
Mrs. D. A. Kersenbrock leapt-j
ain), Mrs. Dale French, Mrs. I
Robert Berigan, Mrs. John H.J
McCarville, Mrs. Marlin Wick-j
man, William Miller, Mrs. Rob-j
ert Devoy, Miss Helen Vitt, Mrs.,
Leo Tomjaek, Mrs. Lyle Lower,
Mrs. Ed Thatnish, Miss Cheryl |
Mrs. Robert Cole (captain),
Mrs. John Baker, Mrs. Harry
Peterson, Mrs. Rex Wilson, Mrs.
H. G. Kruse, Mrs. Harry A. Lar
son, Miss Leona Serck, Miss
Helen Martens.
Mrs. Louis Reimers, jr., (capt
tain), Miss Esther Kinner, Mrs.
Leona Shoemaker, Mrs. George
Hammond, Mrs. Ira Moss, Mrs.
Ira Moss, Mrs. Ivan Pruss, Mrs.
R. E. Tingle.
Mrs. Winnie Barger (captain),
Mrs. Charles Nutitor, Mrs. P. B.
Harty, Mrs. Harold Lindberg,
Mrs. Ben Hereford, Mrs. Robert
Kurtz, Mrs. Clay Johnson, jr.,
Mrs. Marge Stuifenbergen, Mrs.
Roy Berner, John H. McCarville.
Out-of town workers:
Mrs. Gurney Drayton of Orch
ard, Mrs. Vincent Rotherham of
Ewing; Mrs. Merwyn French, jr.,
of Page; Mrs. William C. Stanton
of Bristow; Mrs. W. L. Brennan
of Butte; Miss Alvara Ramm of
Stuart; Mrs. D. D. Davis of At
kinson; Miss Leona Kilmurry of
Atkinson; Mrs. William Sehom
of Atkinson; Mrs. Etha Walters
of Chambers; Mrs. Leona Roe of
Plain view; Mrs. Arlene Lisle of
Neligh; Miss Eileen Kennedy of
Creighton; Mrs. Joseph David of
Lynch; Miss Kay Kelley of In
man; Mrs. Alfred Martens of
Atkinson.. j
O’Neill News
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Denore of
Norfolk were Sunday callers of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Robertson.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Bates at-1
tended the funeral of Mrs. Alex1
McConnell in Atkinson on Friday.
Mrs. Rosa Bowers attended the
state convention of the Z.C-BJ.
lodge in Clarkson Saturday and
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bunkers
of O’Neill and Dr. and Mrs. Ray
Bunkers of Canton. S.D., visited
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Bunkers in
Coffeeville, Kans., over labor day
Joe Cavanaugh returned Sun
day from the Sheridan county
fair in Gordon where he was
caller at the rodeo. He left Mon
day from Sexton, Mo., to call
a rodeo at the fair.
Mrs. Minnie Higgins and Mrs.
Rosa Bowers attended free day
in Page on labor day.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Clauson
and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Thorin
spent from Saturday until Thurs
day in Park Rapids, Minn., fish
ing. They reported the fishing
was good.
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Cole from Thursday until Satur
day were Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Cole of La Porte City, la., a cou
sin he hadn’t seen for 44 years.
A guest Friday and Saturday
was a cousin, Mrs. Clara Heston
of Newell, S.D.
A surprise party was given for I
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Woidneck of
Midway on their 40th wedding
anniversary. Guests were Mr. and I
Mrs. Loyal Hull, Mr. and Mrs.
Marion Woidneck and children,
Mrs. Minnie Higgins and Mrs. j
Rosa Bowers.
Kenny Fox celebrated his
second birthday with a party i
given by his mother, Mrs. Robert
Fox, on August 29.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Holz and
family were guests Sunday of Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Burival who live
north of O’Neill.
Donohoe Const. Co.
Dirt Moving — Basements
Road Building
Phones 447-W — 247-W
Out of Old NebrwMt* . . .
Both on Presidential
Tickets Nebraskans
Bryan, Dawes Fail in
1924 Try
In the presidential election of
1921 it was continually pointed
out the democratic candidate
for the \ iee-prosidenoy, Charles
Bryan, was from Nebraska It
was not so well publicized, or
widely known, that the candidate
for that office on the republican
ticket. Charles G. Dawes, also had
firm roots in Nebraska and could
well be called a Nebraskan
Mr. Dawes lived in Lincoln for
over seven years from the spring
of 1887 to January of 1895. lie
came to Nebraska at the age of
21 with a law degree, and the
desire to make a fortune, lie left
the state for Chicago, 111., in
1895 because his financial hold
ings had increased to the place
where it seemed advisable that
he be closer to the financial cen
ter to administer them.
‘Gone West’
In coming to Lincoln, Dawes
had heeded the popular advice of
the "gone west” to make his
start. He later remarked that in
this hi* had made a mistake He
said. "When I got here, there
were gathered some of the
brighest young men of the East,
all of whom had come under the
same circumstances and with the
same aspirations as I I could
have done better had I gone to
an Eastern or larger Midwestern
city. There would not have been
the same relative competition.
Here, there were seven men for
every dollar; I could have gone
where there were seven dollars
for every man.” Dawes was one
of a group of brilliant men who
graced Lincoln society in the
late 1880’s and early ’90’s. While
they may have made for stiff
competition in the financial field,
they made a challenging and
stimulating group of acquaint
anees at the time and mends
over the next half century. A
mong Dawes' friends were Wil
liam Jennings Bryan and John
J. Pershing.
Makes Million
While he came to make a for
tune and succeeded so well that
he was reckoned a millionaire
by the time he left Lincoln in
less than 10 years, Mr. Dawes
started his career in Lincoln with
a famous suit in the public in
terest for which he asked or re
ceived no compensation. This
was in the Freight Rate contro
versy in which he represented
the Lincoln Board of Trade in a
fight against high railroad rates.
In the midst of the struggle Daw
es was so involved with this case
that his father was sending him
$50 a month to live on.
(First pub. Sept 5, 1957)
In accordance with the School
Laws of Nebraska, I am required
to make the following described
change in school boundaries: De
tach the SE V4 of Section 8,
Township 29, Range 12, from
Dist. No. 157 and attach the same
to Dist. No. 8.
A hearing said matter will be
held in my office at the Court
House on September 16. 1957
2:00 P.M., when all Interested
may appear and be heard.
Alice B. French
County Superintendent
James Slattery of Atkinson
September 5, failure to stop at
stop sign, fined $10 and $4 costs;
officer- Sgt. R. R. Shornoy.
Dillard Reichon, driver for
Norfolk Cereal and Flour of Nor
folk, September 11, overweight
on axle fined 60 and 04 cocts;
• -V 1 1 1.1 T4 I V. .. ..d n/->r\
unn I * J /Viiaiu * • »v*o****' --
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd .Johnson
wore Sunday dinner guests of her
mother, Mrs. William Grothe of
Saturday evening guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Lawrence Johnson were
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
Bartsch of Royal.
Kent. Miller of North Platte was
a guest at his aunt and uncle, Dr
and Mrs. L. A. Burgess Wednes
day and Thursday.
Mrs. James R.ooney was hos
tess to the Wednesday afternoon
club with a luncheon at the Town
House. Cards were played at her
home later.
Mrs. Ross Ridgeway left by
train late Monday for Omaha for
a week’s visit with her sister,
Mrs. Adeline Murnan.
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Jilg and
Rita spent Sunday in Omaha.
Rita left from Omaha for Xav
ier, Kans., where she will enter
St. Mary’s college.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Young of Or
chard and their son and daugh
ter, Gordon of Spokane, Wash.,
and Miss Carolyn of O'Neil], were
Tuesday evening visitors at the
Earl Smith home.
Sunday, Sept. 15
American Legion
Featuring O’Neill’s own Duane
Booth on the trumpet!
Admission: $1 Per Person.