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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1957)
Sunset Banquet Planned Sept. 1 9 EWING—The sunset banquet, sponsored by the Women's Soc ity of Christian Service, will be held Thursday evening, Septem ber 19, at the parlors ol the church. Guests will be people of the community who have reach ed their 70th birthday anniver sary. Committees in charge are: menu and kitchen- Mrs. L A. Hobbs, chairman. Mrs. Anna Pol lock, Mrs Sis Ebbengaard and Mrs. J. L. Pruden, who also has charge of the invitations; gram Mrs. Dewitt Hoke and Mrs. Lee Brigden; Tables Mrs. Spence, Mrs. Willis Rocky, Mrs. Tinsley; dinners to shut-ins Mrs. H. R- Harris. Twenty-five members and three guests, Mrs. Johanna Schmeller of Hastings, Mrs. Ed Urban and Miss Iris Van Ostrand, were pre sent at the WSCS meeting Wed nesday afternoon, September 4 at the parlors of the Methodist church. "Missions Cinerama" was the theme of the devotional present ed by Mrs. Florence Butler. Mrs. S. E. Borden was pianist for the hymns sung. "How Large Is Our World”? was the theme of the lesson presented by Mrs. Dewitt Hoke. . . . It was voted to have an e*ect ion day dinner. Committees will lie appointed at a later date. Mrs. Henry Fleming, secretary of promotion, announced an of ficer's meeting to be held at i p.m., Wednesday, September is. at the home of Mrs. Ben Larsen, quarterly reports will lie made °UThe district seminar October 1 at Bloomfield was discussed. Mrs I ten Larsen will provided transportation for members who wish to attend. Christian Mothers Plan Fall Festival EWING The Christian Moth ers of St. Peter's Catholic church held the first meeting Tuesday evening, September 3, nt St. Dominic's hall after adjourning in June for the summer. A white elephant sale was the main feature. Mrs. Gail Boies, as sisted by Mrs. Ralph Munn, were "auctioneers.” At the business session, Octo ber 6 was set as the date for their annual fall festival and plans are to he completed at a later date. Mrs. Allan Pollock, president, was in charge. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Rose Bauer, Mrs. Art Kropp, Mrs. Martin Van Connet and Mrs. Joe Sturbaum._ ROYAL THEATER _ O'NEILL — Thurs. 12 20th Century Fox presents A HATFUL OF RAIN Cinemascope. Starring Eva Marie Saint, Don Murray, An thony Franciosa, Lloyd Nolan. Johnny Pope, husband, brother, father-to-be. A handful of med als made him a hero. A heart ful of longing made her love him. A “hatful of rain" made him a man to fear ... or love even more! Fri.-Sat. Sept. 13-14 3:10 TO YUMA Starring Glenn Ford, Van Hef lin, Felicia Farr. Drink the whis key . . . love the woman ... try to stay alive till the 3:10 pulls out of town! 8un.-Mon.-Tue* Sept. 15-16-17 Jerry Lewis is at his sensation al best as a teen-age “terror” who scares nolxxiy but himself! It’s one of the funniest pictures ever and Jerry’s funnier than ever as THE DELICATE DEI JNQUENT Co-starving Darren McGavin, Martha Hyer, featuring Robert Ivers, Horace McMahon. Vista Vision. Wed.-Thurs. Sept. 18-18 ABANDON SHIP Tyrone Power, Mai Zetterling, Lloyd Nolan. Co-starring Stephen Boyd, Moria Lister, James Hay ter with Marie Lohr. Matinee Saturday & Sunday 2:8 Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Friday and Saturday admission— Adults 50c; Children under 12, 12c, Free if accompanied by par ent. Wedn. and Thurs. Family night, family admitted for two Adult tickets. Ewing Counts 89 in High School EWING — The Ewing public school has an enrollment of 89 in the high school and 108 pupils in the grades. In the freshmen class are Mary Ann Bauer, Jerald Black, La Royce Blunt, Ben Bollwitt, Gene Daniels, Bertha Harris, Sharon Hobbs, Clifford Juracek, Roger Lange, Karen Mlnarik, Richard M 1 n a r 1 k, Annette Rotherham,1 Owen Schmidt, Douglas Shrader, Thelma Spangler, Clifford Stes kal, Judy Tinsley. Wayne Turner, U-onora Tuttle. Leon Wraggle, Freddie Wright, David Zeims. The kindergarten class has 11 students: Tom Arehart, Kathy Edwards, Roberta Eppenbach, Roger Miller, Leigh Ann Pru den, Paddy Regan. Lynne I^t herham. Mary Sanders, Galen Tuttle and Debbie Yelli. Deloit News Mrs. Anna Sehi of Elgin has been visiting at the Bill Sehi and Leo Funk homes. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Reimer of | Lincoln spent the past w'eek at the E. L. Sisson home. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Clow of Denver, Colo., spent a week's va cation at the Reimer home in Ewing. , , Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Larson and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mlinar and daughters of O’Neill attend ed the wedding of a niece at Winside Sunday evening. Mrs. Roy Beeson accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reimer to Norfolk on Monday, September 2. Wilma Sehi who is employed at Norfolk has been visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and and Mrs. Bill Sehi. Supper guests Thursday even ing, September 5, at the Henry Reimer home were Mr. and Mrs. Otto Reimer of Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs. Scott Clow of Denver, Anita and Virtus Lee, and Mrs. Fred Harpster. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Larson were also visitors. Mr. and Mrs. Sunderman at ! tended the state fair last week. Their daughter stayed at the Adolph Bartak home. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Bartak vis ited Allan and attended the state fair at Lincoln last week. The Deloit Pinochle club met with Mrs. Harold Werkmeister on Thursday. High prize went to Mrs. Charles McDonald, low to Mrs. Frank Miller. Mrs. Leon Sisson got traveling prize. A dessert lunch was served by the hostess. The schoolhouse and contents in the Reimer district were sold on Thursday afternoon. The Squires schoolhouse, south of the Reimer school was also sold The Reimer building was sold to Marvin Fuller for about $215. Augie Thiele bought the Squire school building. These 2 districts have been consolidated with the i Deloit district. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gibbs and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Bartak at tended the state fair on Tuesday, ! { September 3. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Funk left Wednesday, September 4, to visit | with relatives in California. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gibbs, Da- i vid and Kathy spent Friday in Norfolk. Dr. and Mrs. Fred Prellwitz and family of Kearney and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bartak and family of Omaha spent the lalx>r day weekend at the Frank Bohn home. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gibbs visited them there Sunday after noon. Don Werkmeister is planning to attend college in Lincoln this faU. A1 Gene Thramer and friend of Omaha spent the labor day weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albin Thramer. Mr. and Mrs. Alvie Parks spent the first of the week in Omaha. Several from here attended the funeral for Charles Maulding at the Methodist church in Clear water on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Reimer and Mr. and Mrs. Scott Clow were ! dinner guests on Thursday at Glenn Harpsters. They were guests at Fred Harpsters on Tuesday, September 3. Mr. and Mrs. West of Ewing were supper guests on Tuesday evening, September 3 at the Ralph Tomjack home. At the present, Deloit is badly in need of rain, the last one of much consequence was about six weeks ago. Most of the hay is up and the farmers are busy with their fall jobs. STOCKERS & FEEDERS wonted at OMAHA! With good pasture and evidence of a bumper corn crop, cattle feeders in this area are "back in business." They need your western range cattle and calves. They're coming to Omaha to buy . . . ship yours to Omaha NOW, where greater demand means a better price. THINK . . . before you contract! To day's contract offers may be dollars under Omaha prices this iczlll UNION STOCK YARDS COKPANY Taking to a small motor in quest of fish whose fins had been paralysed by the toxicant were Cal vin Harvey (o|M*rating the boat), I. O. Wood and three children of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hesse. Inman High Group Sponsors Bake Sale INMAN—The high school toys sponsored a hake sale at An thony’s market on Saturday Pie ' and coffee were served throughout the day. Anthony s Market donated a box of grorer ies valued at $5. Mrs W. E. Kelley was the winner of the box of groceries A nice sum was added to the ath letic fund. Other Inman News Recent guests in the country home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. Snyder were Mr. and Mrs. I'an Stevens and family of Omaha, Mr and Mrs. Dale Stevens and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Ste vens and family of Atkinson Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Kopecky and Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Kopecky and son. Dicky. .. Lyle Scholz, who spent the summer here in the tome of Mi. and Mrs. Harry Kestenholtz, has returned to his studies at the Prairie Bible Institute at Three Hills, Alberta, Canada. He ac companied Mr. and Mi’s. Faust of Chambers. . D M. Dannelly of Albion is the relief agent at the C. & N. W. de pot during the absence of T. D. Hutton who is on vacation. Mrs. Chris Reimers, son, Bob, and daughter. Carolyn, of Atlan tic, la., spent a few days here the past week visiting relatives and friends. Bob will attend the University of Nebraska again, this year. Mr. and Mrs. James Coventry and son, Bill, and Joe Harte left Thursday morning for Lincoln where they spent Thusday and Friday attending the state fair. Friday evening they drove to Omaha to get their daughter, Miss Kay, who spent the summer there and returned to Norfolk where they spent the night with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Hartigan, returning home Saturday afternoon. Miss Kay will leave Tuesday for Wayne, where she will attend teachers college as a sophomore this year. Miss Carolyn Watson of Oma ha arrived here Saturday morn ing and spent the weekend in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Watson and Sam. She returned to Omaha Monday. Mrs. Watson took her to Norfolk to toard the bus. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kelly of Fairbury spent the weekend here visiting Sam's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Kelley and other rel atives. Dick Coventry left Sunday af ternoon for Wayne where he will enter Wayne State Teachers col lege this year. He is a freshman and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Coventry. Miss Luella Watson of Hold rege spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Wat son. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Clark re turned Friday afternoon from Aitkin, Minn., where they spent the past ten days fishing and va cationing. Don Kelley, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Kelley left Wednesday for Wayne, where he will enter Wayne State Teachers college as a junior . He is a graduate of Nor folk Junior ollege. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Mattson returned home Sunday afternoon from Minnesota, where they spent the past 10 days with rela tives vacationing and fishing. Mrs. Walter Comstock and son, Glenn Alyn, of St. Paul, Minn., have arrived here and ai'e visit ing in the home of Mrs. Com stock's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Kelly. Mr. and Mrs, Warren J. Gal agher returned on Friday after noon from a two weeks wedding trip through Canada. Mrs. Mayme Harte arrived Sat urday morning from Pomona, Calif., for an extended visit with relatives and friends here. She was met in Grand Island by her son, Leo. This is Mi's. Harte's first visit here in five years. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Antliony, Terry and Gaylene, were Sunday afternoon guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Trease in Or chard. Lyle Kopejtka has arrived from Hawaii to spend a 30-d a y leave with his parents. At the end of his leave he will report to Moffet Field, Calif. DANCE Butte Legion Ballroom Tues., Sept. 17 Butte Pancake Day Music by Eight Ball orchestra Admission: $1 ypf IT’S OLD STOVE 1 'W ROUND-UPTIME 1 . come and get it _ Ii|V|V|EV*A "America's Finest GAS Range" TRADE NOV/ ONLY $27950 with AUTOMATIC TOP BURNER DL 32B43 HEAT CONTROL Extra Special Trade-In Allowances! Your present range is worth more in trade now - during the Old Stove Round-Up. Seeing is believing, so stop in Today at your nearest Kansas-Nebraska Store, you'll iind your K-N Manager ready to deal! Easy Payments V/ith Your Gas Bill This same range in the 36-inch size is also being featured at this same low price - if you need a larger range, ask to see the D 52B43. These same ranges may be purchased from your favorite GAS appliance dealer. ^BZEBZilSKUiDHuHLi For Dependable CAS Service Innu All nru nv iiniu I Now's the time to moke your selections from this 1 GsANT GROUP OF LOW PRICED TOYS! I toys. Balance in easy payments. Keeps them sote # i 1 from "peeping eyes." Shopping is so easy now while stocks ore complete. I ICTti/ - I | .f il:*! 7 DOCTOR’S KIT 1 NURSE KIT 1 4. HAT BOX ■ I t I rf&k. *£ 5. CAPTAIN KANGAROO FINGER 6. FRICTION GREYHOUND BUS | 7. MECHANICAL ROBOT 8. PAN AMERICAN AIRPLANE PAINT SET Large sire lithographed. He will be F Head Aeriol ii Stop and Go switch. ^Cn lnche*' * engine, powerful, r-Mini JII ... ... . . U r long running friction motor. Contains 4 assorted color |ars of busy all day with this |ob. U paint, paper, and spatulas. _ ■ U!"wnrp nnr., -,t ' ■i—11111 m r —1 9 PACING CAR 10 HEIil SEDAN I 11. BARHUIt l 12. ROCKING CRADLE irr p“"n‘ ... ^ -1 t/SitfitfSEa.,/** | Br p"”"‘ ^ _—.. — / Pi frJTi Ui J 13 NYLON PLUSH DOGS 14. CARRY PAN GAME ASSORTMENT I 15. TEA SET 16. JUNIOR LAYETTE SET ! TOM will love these cuddly .oft Four gome, in one. This onswer. I Sixteen pieces, service for 4. Spar- Load. rfjj* -^fitted with your problems for party games. I hie poly plastic. nel. i 117. SIX PIECE DIAPER BAG SET j 18. 1DV PIANO E 19. TRUCK AND TRAILER I 20. STICK HORSE ... . , _. . n . _ . . . u L„„,. of I Choice of U. S. Mail, Horse Truck, n Ride'm cowboy, duroble plastic Exactly like mother'.. Z.pper top, Baby grand style. Many hours of E p|£ A|| ^ high power friction M head, extra long mane Jingle Bells I side zipper pocket. musical play value. | mCf0r# Bj reins. Insurance Topic of Meeting— EWING- The Facts and Fun home extension club met last Thursday evening at the homo of Mrs. Ben Larsen. 'Hie lesson on "Decorative Stitches" was con tinued from the August meeting. Next meeting will be held Thursday, September 26, at 2 o’clock at the home of Mrs, Harry Van Horn. A demonstra tion on cookies will be given by Mrs. Van Horn and Mrs. J. L. Pruden. On Monday. September 9. at the Ewing public library, Mrs Catherine India of O’Neill con ducted a meeting for leaders on "Property and Casualty Insur ance". Mrs. H. R Harris and Mrs Pruden represented the Bhving club. A workshop on the making of slip covers for furniture will be held in O’Neill, October 2. 3 and 4. Lunch was served to seven members and three guests, Mr and Mi's. Will Conner and Bertha Harris. Other Inman New» Mrs Roy Gannon entertained the YM club at her country home on Tuesday. Dinner was served to the group by the hostess at noon and the afternoon was spent socially. WNMtU It...IH NEBRASKA? l/\j * - , 7-' You'llI .till ... old. * ^ ' * time Te*as longhorn* J V ' cn Ih. Niob,ara * J Came Reserve 5 mile* east of Valen tine. Thit 100-head herd U one of two federal herd* still 0^ maintained to show *^**7*"^ ni •'v *« ■ >*.<*..•> “aHMBBBi Beer Belongs . .. with good food, Nebraska division good times, in modern Nebraska. *'"a% United Stata Serve it, enjoy it, as the light, Zu!n bright beverage of moderation. It PQ f FounJ.itiou is always in good taste. 8I2 f^N.ri B.nk Bid,.. tinoh. O’Neill Locals Mr. and Mrs. John Mullen of Palestine. HI., and Mr. and Mrs P I. Moses of Wayne were Mon day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. II. S. Moses, Robert Kby of Omaha. Susan and Nancy Tyson of Herman, 'veto Sunday guests of his sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ben nett Gillespie. MILLER THEATER — ATKINSON — Fri. Sat. Sept. 1814 Sun. Mon.-Tiles. Sept. J.1 Hi 17 SH-Httut C—•„ 8MM* I Wed.-Tlinrw. Sept. 18-19 1 I I I I • I I I ■ Tills coupon anil one paid ail- . I mission will admit two adults, I Si'pt. 18.19. j