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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1957)
Emmet News Mrs. Robert Cole was hostess at a coffee hour Monday for Mrs. Jack Gatz of Omaha and several friends Mr. and Mrs. Perry Brownell, Mrs Emma Hebeclin and Mrs. Henry Maize, all of Kirksville, Mo., Mr. and Mrs. Ft. B. South of Inman, Harden Anspach of O' Neill and Mrs. P. W. McGinnis were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Conard Monday eve ning. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hickey of Gabrielle, Calif., were Sunday morning visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Perry and family. They are Mrs. Perry’s aunt and uncle. Mrs. Bessie Burge and Harold were dinner and afternoon guests at Hugh Carr s Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Burge of Amelia were jlso visitors Jo Ann Alexander and son, Mark, of Cheyenne, Wyo., were visitors at the Bob Cole home Friday. Monday morning Walter Stew art came to the Floyd Brainard home on tosiness. Jimmy IHisatko, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Dusatko, is enroll ed at St John’s seminary at Elk horn for the coming term. Mrs. George Pierson and toys were Friday visitors at the Ernie Kloppenborg home. JloAnn and Jimmy Kloppenborg retrned the visit by spending Friday night and Saturday with their aunt La vina and their cousins. Clarence Murphy, new owner af the Texaco station, will move to Emmet on September 1. He will live in the "Grandma” Cole house. Rev. and Mrs. Olin Kennel and daughter were Thursday after noon callers at the hme of Mrs. Bessie Burge. Grandma Newton called on the Dean Perry family Friday after noon. Raymond Richards went to Iowa with Merle Foreman Thurs day. He visited relatives at Sac City while Merle continued on to Algona on business. Mr. Richard’s mother underwent an operation a short time ago and is “improving steadily". Mrs. Bessie Burge and Harold attended the funeral of Mrs. John Walmer at Orchard. Mrs. Walmer was the aunt of the late Mr. Burge. Jack Cole sjK'nt from Thurs ■i until Saturday in Atkinson DANCE — AT — Ash Grove Hall Saturday, Aug. 31 Ml SIC BY — Bud Van Meet and the Sandhills Troubadors Admission: 50c as the guest of his grandparents, Mr and Mrs, Arthur Humpal. Kieth Abart visited at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. Charles Abart, during the week. Mrs AJ Koppenborg was sur prised Friday afternoon by a visit from her uncle. Leonard Wort man, and son. Tommy, of West Point. They were returning to their home after spending sev eral days fishing in the Rushville area. The Bernard Dusatko family dime to Pickstown Sunday after noon to see the dam A coffee hour was held Wednes day, August 21, at the home of Mrs. George Pierson. Nine ladies were present to enjoy the coffee and brownies. Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Stevens of Rapid City, S. D., Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tomlinson and Veldon were Wednesday evening, April 21. supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Fox and girls. The supper was in honor of Billy Stevens' who was seven-years-old Monday. Barbara Fox went home with her grandparents, the Tomlinson’s and her parents got her on Fri day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ruggless and Ronny of Clearwater were daily visitors of the Leon Bi-ck with's last week. Kenneth helped his fathor-in law put up alfalfa. Wayne Fox and sons, Steven and Roy, went to Grand Island and Hastings Saturday. They re turned home on Sunday. The Elkhorn Valley 4-11 club met at the John Schaaf home Sunday evening. Mrs. Bob Fox was a Sunday guest at the home of her daugh ._ HI.. --1 Dill and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Puckett retum<'d Sunday after spending several days in the Black Hills. Evelyn Davis was the guest of Mrs. Wayne Fox Thursday eve ning. Mrs. Georgia McGinnis and Mrs. Leon Beckwith attended the Golden Rod Garden club meet ing at the home of Mae Hanel last Thursday. Plans were dis cussed for the harvest festival to be held in the near future. All proceeds will go to the Atkinson Memorial hospital. Roger Hennagin, grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Abart, left for his home in Portland, Ore., after spending the summer here. l^es Perry of Bird City, Kans., visited the Dean Perry family Thursday evening. .1 ohn McNally of Detroit, Mich., and his son. Rev. John McNally, assistant pastor of Elgin, visited the Tom Malloy family and other friends in this community last week. Mrs. John Conaid attended the Gallagher-Mahoney wedding Sat urday. James Casper and three child ren of Omaha ’arrived at the Henry Patterson home Thursday and ieft for their home Saturday. They had a "very enjoyable” visit. Mr. and Mrs. IX>n Focken visi ed at the Floyd Brainard home Sunday. Their son, Melvin, stay ed to spend the week with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Brainard. ; SCHOOL SUPPLIES Back-To-School Specials Everything For The Student • Zipper Binders - $1.59 & Up • Nebraska History Paper 98c Ream • Typing Paper • Spiral Note Books _ 5c & Up • Esterbrook Pens & Pencils • Belmont Ink Pens _ $1.00 • Scripto Ball Point Pens 29c, 39c, $1 • Scripto Satellite Ball Pens ... $1.95 • Dictionaries as low as 25c each • Theme Covers • Pencils — Pencil Boxes For one-stop School Supply Shopping, come to GIIJJGAN REXALL DRUG — EVERYTHIN G FOR THE STUDENT MOTHERS! j AT THE TOP of your school shopping list put SUPER PLEN AMINS. Keep your child at top efficiency for the com ing school year. One Super Plenamln Tablet dally (or Super Plenainins Junior for the younger children) will do much toward keeping your child in top condition throughout the year. GET SUPER PLENAMINS TODAY AT GIIJJGAN DRUG—FOR THE GROWNUPS. TOO! HELD OVER! DUE TO THEIR tremendous popularity, 2 great Cara*Nmm? Specials arc being held over for another month— CARA NOME "FAST” PERMANENTS—Your choice of Regular, Gentle, Super, Little Girls, or Pin Curl— Reg $1.50 __NOW 2 FOR $1.50 plus tax CARA NOME OOIXIR SHAMPOO—Buy the shampoo. Get a bottle of peroxide absolutely FREE! BOTH FOR $1.25 plus tax VETERINARY NEEDS Make Gilligan Rexall Drug your headquarters for all your Animal Health Needs. We carry a complete line of vac -cines and other injectable products, syringes, needles and animal medicines. The next time your doctor gives you a prescrip tion. take It to GIIJJGAN REXALL DRUG to be filled by one of our PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS. Gilligan’sRexall Drug Ben Gilligan Robert T. Devoy Phone 87 — O'Neill Church Notes METHODIST (O'NEILL) Friday. August 30: Dorcas at the church, 2 p m Saturday, August 31: Junior choir practice, 10:30 a.m. Sunday, September 1: First worship service, 8:30 a.m.; Sun day-school. 9:45 a.m.; second worship service, 11 a.m. (Two morning worship services will continue through September 8). Monday, September 2: Metho dist ministers and families of O' Neill Sub-district will hold noon covered dish dinner meeting at O'Neill. Tuesday. September 3: Adult fellowship, 8 p.m. Wednesday, September 4: Sen ior choir practice, 7:30 p.m. Thursday, September 5: Pray er and study group, 9:30 a.m. at the church; prayer circle at Claude Bates home, 10 a.m. Friday, September 6: Mission ary meeting with Max Kemling at the Inman Methodist church. This is for the churches of the O'Neill sulvdistrict. EMMET - Sunday, September 1: Child ren's Sunday-school and worship, 9:40 a.m.; adult Sunday-school, 10:30 a.m. METHODIST (Oiambers-Amelia) Harold Dean Bonath, pastor AMELIA— Sunday, September 1: Worship service, 9:30 a.m.; Sunday-school, 10:30 a.m. Thursday, September 5: Choir and MYF, 8 p.m. Friday, September 6: Young adults, 8 p.m. CHAMBERS— Sunday, September 1: Sunday school, 10 a.m.; worship service, 11 a.m.; Senior MYF, 8 p.m. Monday, September 2: Junior choir. 7:30 p.m.; intermediate MYF 8 p.m.; senior choir, 8 pm. Tuesday, September 3: Four commissions, 8 p.m. Wednesday, September 4: Par ish prayer time, 8-9 p.m. Thursday, September 5: WSCS at Rachel Tangeman’s at 2 p.m. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN (O’Neill) J. Olen Kennell, pastor Sunday, September 1: Sunday school. 9:45 a.m.; worship ser vice, 11 a.m. Monday, September 2: Offi cers' retreat at Atkinson for all church officers, 9 a.m. Wednesday, September 4: Westminister youth fellowship 7 p.m.; choir practice, 8 p.m.; trustees meeting, 8 p.m. Thursday, Septeml>er 5: Wo men's association meeting, 7:45 p.m. This is our summer offer ing meeting. Tuesday, September 10: Pres bytery meets at Holden at 9 a.m. Wednesday, September ll: Presbyterial meets at Atkin son. CHRIST LUTHERAN (O’Neill) Seventh and Clay Streets Rev. A. S. Gedwillo, pastor Sunday, September 1: worship and holy communion, 9 a.m. An nouncements are by registration; Sunday-school, W. Fricke, supt. 10:15 a.m.; "The Lutheran Hour” on WJAG, 4 p.m. Wednesday, September 4: Church council and building com mittee meeting, 8 p.m.. Thursday, September 5: Wal ther league, 8 p.m. Friday, September 6: Men’s club meeting, 8 p.m. IMMANUEL LUTHERAN (Atkinson) Rev. A. S. Gedwillo, pastor Sunday, September 1, Sunday school, 9:45 a.m., S. H. Brauer, supt.; Worship and holy commu nion. 11 a.m. Announcements are by registration. Tuesday, September 3: Sunday school teachers’ and staff meet ing, 8:30 p.m. BETHANY PRESBYTERIAN (Ewing) J. Olen Kennell, pastor Sunday, September 1: worship service, 9:30 a.m.; Sunday-school, 10:30 a.m. Mrs. Ora Hahn of Lincoln was a overnight guest of her sister, Mrs. Vannie Newman. Miss Mary Holliday returned Sunday from a three week’s stay in Walker, Minn. 4 Grandchildren Feted at Spangler Family Gathering EWING The Spangler family reunion was held Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Spangler in Ewing with 65 in at tendance. A picnic dinner was served on the lawn followed by an informal afternoon. Group pictures were taken, which included the moth er. Mrs. Ruth Spangler, with her sons, and 37 grandchildren. Four grandchildren. Luetta Coons, Lois Spangler. Lillian Rothleutner and Kenneth Barlow, who were celebrating birthday anniversaries were presented cakes. Present were: Mr. and Mrs. .toe Coon and family of Beemer; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Spangler and family of Page; Mr. and Mrs. Hud Barlow and family of Inman; Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Spangler and family; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Spangler and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Spang ler and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Spangler and family, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Spangler and family, Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Binkerd and baby, Mrs. Ruth Spangler and sons, Rudy and Andy, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Roth leutner and family. Mrs. Vee Bergstrom, Darlene and Junior Heumesser, Mr. and Mrs. Eben Grafft. Mrs. Minerva Forslund and Merrill, all of Ewing; Dwaine Ewald of Creighton. Only absent member of the family was one granddaughter, who lives at Independence. Mo. Other Ewing News Mr, and Mrs. Elvin Hamilton and daughters returned home Friday evening from a vacation trip through the Black Hills and Yellowstone park and other places of interest in the Western states. They were accompanied by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hamilton of Creighton. Attending the teachers meeting at Neligh Friday from Ewing were Miss Ina Bennett. Mrs, Beu lah Black, Mrs. Ralph Eacker and Miss Jeanne Welke. Recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Larson were their daughter, Mrs. Carl Chris ten of Denver, Colo., who was accompanied by her son and daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Christen, from Texas. On Sunday evening, September 1. at 8 o'clock at the United Pres byterian church, Miss Vlanda Biddlecome, who attended a youth camp at Ezel, Ky., this summer, will show colored slides and give a talk on her work at the Ezel school for mountaineers, which is a mission school of the United Presbyterian churrh. There were about 30 youth work ers in the group. M/Sgt. Lyle Butler and his family from Waco, Tex., are spending a thirty day leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Butler. Sergeant Butler will go to Okinawa on expiration of his leave. Mrs. Butler and daughter, Patty will remain in Ewing for a longer visit with his parents. Miss Judy Wanser, a 1957 grad uate of St. Mary’s academy at O’Neill, has enrolled at the Nor folk Junior college for the fall term, beginning Monday, Sep tember 2. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rother ham and family spent Sunday at Carroll, visiting relatives. Mrs. Pearl Loewe of Stanton was a breakfast guest at the home of her sister Wednesday, Ahgust 21. She was enroute to the Black Hills where she is hostess the Game lodge. Mr. and Mrs. Gail Boies and his mother, Mrs. Maud Boies, drove to FMainview Sunday to visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Boies. Overnight guests Friday at the Iwme of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Spangler were her cousin and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Forbes of Palmer. They left Saturday for a trip through the Black Hills. On Wednesday, August 21, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Spangler took their daughter, Miss Betty, to Harrison where she will teach school this year. They remained overnight and returned home the following day. BICYCLE RIDERS Notice to parents of children riding bicycles: Following rules laid down below might be the means of saving your ehihl from becoming injured or killed. Please see that your children observe the following rules: RULES of the ROAD 1. Observe all traffic regulations—red and green lights, one way streets, stop signs. 2. Keep to the right and ride in a straight line. Always ride in single file. 3. Have white light on front and danger signal on rear for night riding. 4. Have satisfactory signaling device to warn of approach. 5. Give pedestrians the right of way. Avoid sidewalk^— otherwise use extra care. 6. Look out for cars pulling out into traffic. Keep sharp lookout for sudden opening of auto doors. 7. Never hitch on other vehicles, "stunt” or race in traffic. 8. Never carry other riders -carry no packages that ~ot> struct vision or prevent proper control of bicycle. 9. Be sure your brakes are operating efficiently and keep your bicycle in perfect running condition. 10. Slow down at all street intersections and look to right and left before crossing. 11. Always use proper hand signals for turning and stopping. 12. Don't weave in or out of traffic or swerve from side to side. Reprinted through the courtesy of the NATIONAL BICYCLE SAFETY LEAGUE. —Chris McGinn Chief of Police Attend Nurse t i rad nation Friday, August 16 Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Philbrick and fam ily attended the graduation of Mrs. Dick Mary Ann* Straka of Stuart from Mary Lanning school of nursing in Hastings. Others attending from Stuart were her husband, Dick, and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Straka and Bert; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Allyn. and daughters. Mr and Mrs Bud Foe ken and Mrs. Philbrick’s mother, Mrs. Lottie l>>fquest. Returning Soon— Mrs. Iva Hopkins is expected to return the end of the week from a trip started August 13. She visited her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Maxcy in Bayard. She also at tended the wedding of her son, Larry Hopkins, and Mary Hope Johnson of LaGrange, Wyo., at Gering on August 16. She also visited another daughter ami her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Barnes of Scottsbluff. <'omhi nation Reception Farewell Tonight— A reception will be held tonight tThursdayt at St. Mary’s gym at 8 o'clock welcoming Rev. Robert Duffy as assistant at St. Patrick’s church. The affair will also be a formal farewell for Rev. Thom as Hitch, who was transferred to Omaha June 1. It is a belated party because of the busy season at the time the transfers became effective. ‘Dick’ Graham Back from Germany Richard ("Dick”) Graham, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gra ham arrived home Wednesday af ter having served in Babenhaus en, Germany for 16 months in the army postal service. He receiv ed his discharge at Ft. Sheridan, , outside Chicago, 111. While on leave, he traveled in many countries including France, Italy, England and Switzerland. Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Cronin re turned Saturday from their va cation in the Tetons. O’Neill News Mrs. Henry Benze and girls. Mrs. Francis Schoenle and Mrs. Russell Yusten went to Norfolk Monday. Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. George E. Peterson were their daughted and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Don R. Huser of Sioux City, la. The Esty Nelson family were at Spencer Wednesday. August 21 to attend the Boyd count) fair. The) also attended Antelope county fan- at NeUgh Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Esty Nelson had their granddaughter, Charle Mane Behrens of Fremont at their home for a week. Their daughter, Ixiis Kay. had tx'en at the Behr ens home during the same time. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson took Charla Mane homo Sunday and brought Lois Kay home. They also were in Norfolk the same day. Miss Genevieve Biglin and Miss Nora MoAuliffe drove the latter’s sister, Mrs. Nancy O’ Connor and John of the Bronx, New York from Si^ix City to the F. N. Cronin home last Thursday where they visited until Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Pinker man and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. j Veldon Pinkerman of Redbird. | Mrs. Laura Burks and sister, j Evelyn Stannard, returned Sun day evening from an 11-day va cation. In Ogden, Utah they visit ed their brother. Clarence. Guests Wednesday and Thurs day. August 21-22, of Mr. and Mrs. Carrol H. McKay were her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. James Sedlacek and family of! Long Beach, Calif. The McKays attended a family reunion in Spalding at the Larry Bauer j home in honor of the Sedlaceks Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Van Voor his returned Sunday from their vacation stx'nt in Edgcmont. S. D. with his parents, Mr. and [ Mrs. R. B. Van Voorhis and with her mother, Mrs. Nellie West in! Scottshluff. who returned with | them. They also toured the lllack Hills. Mrs Palmer Skulborstad and daughter, Sandra of Hastings, formerly of O'Neill, were guests Friday night of Mr and Mrs. A. \V. Carroll. Saturday they wen' guests in the Richard E. Nelson home. They visited friends here while Mr. SkulUirstad and hoys went camping on the Niobrara. Mr and Mrs. W J- Froohch left Monday for Chicago. Ill Their family. Miss Mary Ellen. Jim and Chuck left Tuesday to join their parents and go on to New York with them. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Zakr/ew ski and Ronnie and Gary return ed Saturday from a five days trip to the Black Hills. Mrs. Janet Bauld and Gary of Omaha were weekend guests ot her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Don Enright. Gary remained for a longer visit. j East Thursday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Perry were Mr. and Mrs. Eos Perry of Bird City. Kans. Dwayne Philhriek's mother and sister.' Mrs. Ora Philbrick and Mrs. Frank Morris of Rapid City, S. D., have been visiting him and his family and the Dwight Phil brick famliy. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Porter were weekend guests of their son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Ned Porter and family in Columbus. Word has been received of the marriage of Loren ("Slim > Nel son of Arlington. Mrs. Vivian Magstadt of Ains worth and her daughter, Mrs. Kay Kummcr of Parkston, S. D., were guests of the former s mother, Mrs. Vannie Newman Sunday. Miss Bonnie McPherson of West Point stopped Monday to visit her sister, Mrs. William Edwards on their way to Idaho Springs, Colo., where she holds n teaching position. Mrs. A. E. Eymann and Ixiys visited from Wednesday, August 21 until Friday, August 23 with her aunt, Mrs. Vella Galloway in Oakdale. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Franklin visited his parents, Mr. and Mi's. Grafton Franklin and his grand mother, Mrs. Lizzie Sewell, who is quite ill. in Verdel, on Sun day, Mrs. A1 Fritton left Monday to spend a few days in Omaha Mrs. John J. Harrington and mother, Mrs. Anna Wesoot met Mr Harrington in Sioux City on Wednesday arriving from Chica go. Ort Thursday Mrs Harrington entertained 15 guests in honor of his birthday. Their daughter, Mrs. J. 1>. Faber and daughter of Omaha arrived Thursday for the event. Mr. Fra her arrived Friday for the weekend. Mr llar inton returned with Mr Frabor to Omaha on Sunday and left from there for Chicago. A Butterfield reunion was held Sunday in Ford's park. John Bohn, son of Mr and Mrs. Dominick Bohn, left Mon day for IzHtp City, where he will teach history and English. Miss Marilyn Fetrow is expect ed this weekend from Omaha where she is employed Miss Fetrow, the daughter of the Dale Fetrows, recently fie wto ,\lbu querque, N. M.. on business tintnp IMciiIcm— The O'Neill Auto Supply com pany had a staff picnic up on the Missouri river Sunday. DANCE American Legion Ballroom Saturday, Aug. 31 Music By Aces of Rhythm labc B)Qd last call for Picnict... And have we an exciting group of foods picked for your out-of-doors event I. • • Choice barbecue meats cut to yovr order, abundant fruits and vegetables for crisp tasty salods, holiday beverages and bakery products—There are all kinds of ready-to-serve foods that'll make yovr Labor Day an effortless family fun-fest. BEVERAGES FLAVORS OR MIXERS - FULL QUART THROW AWAY BOTTLES CHARCOAL BRIQUETTES ■«. ... 89' d CL1QU0T CLUB 2 for 3 /' KLEENEX TABLE NAPKINS ... 50‘ % ~- -~— REEVES STUFFED OLIVES .... Wishbone COFFEE lb can (>9C LINDSAY MED. RIPE OLIVES ALL FLAVORS MARSHMALLOW COOKIES . KQOL AIDE 6 for 23' KRAFT Fresh Dill Pickles .. - Picnic Shoestring Potatoes .... ORA USE SALAD MUSTARD DRINK., 2V SUPREME CLUB CRACKERS.. ' PRODUCE c I • A | e I * FANCY AND EXTRA FANCY Sunshine Apple Sauce Cookies Washington bartlett PAPER PLATES - HOT AND COLD DRINK CUPS - SPOONS - PFflIPQ $^98 THING TO MAKE YOUR FINAL PICNIC ENJOYABLE. * ^HIIO .14 LB LUG * __ U.S. NO. I CALIFORNIA I I RED GRAPES * - 27' FOR YOUR BARBEQUC " ““ !r!!>Lean Meaty Ribs HEAD LETTUCE.... lb 1 7c SWIFTS PREMIUM HAM. ceuobundu-j urge stalk* Lean Boston Butt Steaks. CELERY HEARTS 23; Swift s Premium Sliced Bacon .. «.* no.1 Colorado .eo Swifts Premium Sliced Dri Beef. POTATOES . 25-LB. VENT-VU 93' ^ IMRHm P>T^***I* Food King I WHOLE APRICOTS ] 2 No. lVi Cons49^J l ^ GOOD ONLY AT G-W FOOD STORES ^ i; I rwia— n<——IMI—n-———1— »- V ,NWWI..', • miiii-»> ■ » . _ _ 4th Street Market Phone 93 WE Deliver O’Neill