Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1957)
A portion of the Peewee little leaguer baseba lers representing four sections of the city: First row—Etl Bright, Curtis Peacock, Dick Stuifbcrgen, Carroll Peacock Dick l,arsen, John DcWitt, Billy McIntosh, Pat Davidson and Joe Dilg ; second row Kenny I,ich, John Richter, Kandy llelmer, Wayne Wiseman, Evan Steele, 1-arry Dene Mists, Danny II Inter, Boh l.arsen, Boh DcWitt, Thomas Wise man anil Jack Kelley; hack row—Kay Iti-lina, Richard Mill, Leroy Licit, Iomiie .McKim, Richard Marcellas, Larry Dilg. Terry Kurt/, Jerry Omohite, Ji rr\ (letter, (.ary Brewster and Kenneth Peacock. Men in background are Archie Bright and George J uutusek of the American Legion, who sponsored Tuesday night’s wiener roast.—The Frontier Photo. Little League in 3-Way Tie Final Standing*; W L Northeast Cards . 6 3 Southwest Braves .fi 3 Southeast Phillies .fi 3 Northwest Indians . 9 0 The Peewee Littlt league sea son drew to a close Monday even ing as the Northeast Cards plas tered the Southwest Braves, 9-7, sending the final standings into u three-way tie. There will not be a playoff. Team managers have been: Fred Appleby, Northeast; Joe Oiendiek, Southwest; Boh Kurtz, Southeast Phillies; Charley Rich ter, Northwest Indians. Simonson post 93, Little league sponsors, hosted the peewees Tuesday evening at a weiner roast in Carney park. Command er George Janousek and Archie Bright were in charge of adrange nients. Merri Dt\ Pepper furnish ed the pop lots of it and the Gateway Motel prov'ded the ice. DKIOIT Stanley Bartak was a recent patient at Antelope Memorial hospital. St. Mary’s Senior C herry Rodeo Queen Miss .Teanne Hostetter, who will lx- a senior at St. Mary's academy during the 1957-‘58 term, was selected rodeo queen by pop ular vote at the Cherry county fair. Miss Hostetter is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Max Hostet ter of Valentine. Mss Hostetter was presented with a 5X white Stetson hat by the Chamber of Commerce and an engraved compact by the fair board. She was also presented a floral bouquet. She will represent Cherry at Dismissed; August 20 Mrs William Newcombe of l>>ng Pine: 21 Mrs. Charles Havranek and son of O’Neill; Charles E Mo Clurg of Stuart. 22 Joe Schmod erer of Staurt. 23 Curt Fnzzell of Bassett; Mrs. Gertrude Zinky of Atkinson: Mrs. Arthur Horton of Stuart. 21 Art Kaplan of Stu art; Mrs Herman McDaniels of Atkinson: Mrs. Carrie Keating of Atkinson 25- Ronald Bonenber ger of Staples. Minn.; Royce Jor dan of Rose: Merrill Smith of Stuart. Expired: August 22 John Grof of Atkinson. Hospitalized: Otto Smith of Ainsworth, Mi's. Douglas Neal Ratliff of Bassett, Mrs. Eugene Engler of Atkinson, Elvon Chace of Atkinson Mrs. Vernon Thomp son of Stuart, Mrs. Arthur Tib betts and son of O'Neill, Mrs. Leland Anderson and son of At kinson, Mrs George Verzal and son of Atkinson, Mrs. Sophie Hoppe of Atkinson. Ll'NDKEKt. MEMORIAL (Creighton) August 17-21 Admitted: Max Randa of Verdi gre, Earl Hansen of Verdel. Kit Garska of Bloomfield, Luther Sonder of Creighton, Mi's. Ra\ Fuchtman of Creighton, Mrs. Dale Holan of Winnetoon. Ossie Ferguson of Center, Kenneth Hansen of O'Neill. Helen Rudloft of Verdigre. Mi's. William Schrei er of Verdigre, Danny Halverson of Center, Mrs. Andrew Meyer of Winn, toon Mark Frisch of St. Joseph, Mo , Mrs. Kirk Sandals of Alexandria, Va. Dismissed: Mrs. Irven Miller of Verdigre, Earl Hansen of Ver del, Kit G&rska of Bloomfield, Max 1 tan da of VenUgre, Mrs. 1 Van Frank and Kamly Gene of CTeighton. Mrs. Alfred Mtady ami Terry Lea of Wausa, James Park er of Creighton, Mrs. Pale Hol an of Wimietoon. Helen ltudloff of Veniigre. Kenneth Hansen of O’ Neill Mrs Andrew Meyer of Winnetoon, Mark Frisch of St. Joseph, Mo Tow n Teachers to Hold i\nr|,\hiip— Holt county city and town school teachers will convene Fri day for a w orkshop session. Pearl It. Schaaf will Ih' consultant, dealing with social studios and arithmetic. Registration will he at 9 a m., at O'Neill public school. Lewis Carter. Ewing superintendent and \ ice-president of the Holt Town Teachers association, is in charge Warren Peterson, former Stuart superintendent, is presi dent, (nit is taking a vacancy at Xeligh i Antelope county). I’MiE NEWS Mis- Effie Stevens was an overnight guest of her sister, Mrs. Eva Cunningham, Saturday and the ladies and Donald Cun ningham were Sunday dinner guests of their hrother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs Ho> Cun ningham at the telephone office The\ also called on the H. J. Stevens family - The Frontier want ads do the job quiekh and economically! Hospital Notes ATKINSON MEMORIAL Admitted: August 20-Charles E McClurg of Stuart, medical. 21 Master Ronald Bononberger of Staples, Minn., accident: Mrs. Herman McDaniels of Atkinson, medical; Merrill Smith of Stuart, medical. 22 Mrs. Arthur Tibbetts of O'Neill. obstetrical; Royce Jorden of Rose, medical. 23- Art Kaplan of Stuart, medical; Mrs Eugene Engler of Atkinson, med ical 24—Mrs. Leland Anderson of Atkinson, obstetrical; Mrs George Verzal of Atkinson, obstet rical; Mrs. Sophie Hoppe of At kinson, medical. 25 Mrs. Vern on Thompson of Stuart, medical. 26 Mrs. Douglas Neal Ratliff of Bassett, obstetrical. A selected group of fine suits, especially purchased for this sale! Dig selection! Hurry in! 100% all wool worsteds and flannels in stripes ______ and plaids! ! I I Greys, Browns, Tans, Blues, VALUES TO $60 ^ These quality suits were chosen for McDonald customers from a selection of 1300 suit pat terns. They were chosen for being the finest in style, fabric, and color. Many have detailed, hand tailored features. All are made to sell for much more than the low McDonald price, S37. Your choice of regular, short and long models. 100^> wool worsted and fine flannel p fabrics. DON'T M!SS I THESE VALUES! ! r ^ I 4 I 4 > 4 I 4 I 4 > 4 > 4 I 4 ? 4 * 4 I < > 4 I 4 j THREE BIG DAYS j ‘ Gambles are celebrating their 23rd year of serving O Neill and the surrounding territory and the 10th year in ^ their present location. In appreciation ol your wonderful patronage, we are offering these outstanding bargains * Help Us Celebrate FREE Coffee & Cake 9-1 I p.m. Thursday l Yellow Polyethelene Reg. 89o Wash Basin .. §fjc Damask Plastic Reg. *1.00 Table Cover . 49c Reg. 1.1# Egg Beater - 77c Stainless Steel Wings Early American Milkglass Bowl_95c Reg. 2.00 36-in. Split Iturnor CORONADO "St PER" CAS RANGE I Reg. 128.90 ! Only one 09-23 i Coronado Electric 1 Cooker 19.95 Value 1 Fryer 1123 > Roaster ■ • K HORMEYER | i 1 ELECTRIC I : I MIXER I Reg. 47.50 I 1 Complete AA 09 I | I With duieer Ajf.LJ ■ I and GrinderlM^^J I SAND*** «K1^ * WAFFLE IKON - K|K , Mv. ivory Koolt. -J^*| i Bowl Set — 88cl t Doff, 59c I ’ lMiistw Soft — I ' Clothesline 46c FREE LIFT _ ; 1 plus Registration for I <,K VNO **R0am For All Persons 33 Y“ . I ol Age I I CO CD os ® rts ■ ■ ■ Mi H Group 1, M ^ H Hi 21, Exch. ^ I r«oLT A^MiiiOA 12 volt I s B I otiux* / 30 MONTH o«u,J |0 m| iOQ5 \—"-‘-V K4S l» Ml |^i“1""'9* ?JHHH/ JH m Your Last Chance for this “BIG” Savings ©wr Finest Rayon Cord Tires SUPER CREST TUBE OR TUBELESS OUTRIGHT LIST PRICE OF FIRST TIRE 18.75 33 670 x 15 TUBE TYPE PLUS TAX, EXCHANGE4, • Eighteen Month Road Hazard Guarantee • Cold Rubber Tread • Super Rayon Cords • Full Skid Depth SIZE TYPE FIRST NEXT __TIRE* TIRE* 8.47 760x15 Tube Type 23.00 11.50 11.27 800x15 Tube Type 25.30 12.65 9.05 670x15 Tubeleu 21.20 1060 710x15 Tubeleu 23.50 11.71 760x15 Tubeleu 25.70 12.S5 *46 I 50. wmrxim i?r u.mi I hursday Evening f 9 Til 11 g ADDITIONAL 10% " DISCOFNT | 1/3 Discount ] ON ALL REMAINING | Electric Fans I Air Conditioners * Stanley (Ml. White Reg. 69c? g Tape-29c 4 Hickory Hammer Reg. 87e " Handles_ 23c ! Aviator Style Reg. OKc g Sun Glasses 66c; •v,v- Keg. 3.08 f File Set...... 99c J CORONADO “Clintoin |«” g Refrigerator 4 Full Wi<lth Freezer | Reg. 239.95 | 3 Days ! ONLY j G-E RADIO ! Reg. 39,95 4 - 1 GENERAL ELECTRIC g Triple Whip ' MIXER ! Reg. 44.95 < ('ompletc 4 With Juicer ^ Varcon Reg. 1.19 1 Auto Polish.. 66c; I WESTINGHOU8E 1 Electric ^ SKILLET J 1 Reg 22.95 | I 17.23 I “Dryback” Reg. 5.98 f Hunting Vest 3.49 | 18-in., 2 plumb Reg. 1.49 " Wood Level _ 99c J Tremendous Values J and Remember We Will Be ^ Opes All Day and Up To 6 11:00 Thursday eve J For More Bargains See The Independent i