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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1957)
Future Subscribers BAILEY -Mr and Mrs Ed gar Bailey of Bones tee I, S. D., a daughter, weighing 6 pounds 8 ounces, bom Saturday, August 24, at Sacred Heart hospital. Lynch. VERZAL Mr and Mrs George Verzal of Atkinson, a son, An thony Dean, weighing 9 pounds 7 ounces, bom Saturday, August 24 at Atkinson Memorial hospital ANDERSON Mr and Mrs Leland Anderson of Atkinson, a gon weighing 6 pounds 5 ounces, born Saturday. August 24, at At kinson Memorial hospital. GLASER Mr and Mrs Jack Glaser of San Diego, Calif., a daughter, Barabra Jean, weighing 6 pounds 11 ounces, horn Tues day, August 13. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kallhoff of O'Neill are ma ternal grandparents. SCHREIER Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Schreier of Verdigre, a daughter, Mary Virginia, weigh ing 8 pounds Vi ounce, tom Wed nesday, August 21, in Lundberg Memorial hospital. Creighton. SVOBODA — Mr. and Mrs. Frank Svohoda of Lynch, a daughter, weighing 7 pounds 3 ounces, iiom Thursday, August 22, at Sacred Heart hospital, Lynch. TIBBETTS Mr. and Mrs. Ar thur Tibbetts of O'Neill, a son, Arihur Charles. weighing 6 pounds 3 ounces, born Thursday, August 22. at Atkinson Memorial hospital. LUNIX1REN ■- Mr and Mrs. Roy Lundgren of Ft. Collins, Colo., a daughter. Debra Kay, bom Tuesday, August 6, at Ft. Collins. Mr. and Mrs. v.. iv Lundgren of O’Neill are pater nal grandparents; Mr, and Mrs. Ed Thomas of Emmet are mater nal grandparents. GREENWOOD Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Greenwood of Mira Loma, Calif., a son, Paul Curtis, weighing 9 pounds 714 ounces, bom Friday, June 21. They have one other child, a son. GIIJAHAN — Dr. and Mrs. Robert GUlahan of Lawrence, Kans., a daughter, horn Friday, August 23. Mrs. Gillahan is the former Marjorie M o s s m a n, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Mossman of Inman. The Gilla hans have two other children, both girls. RATLIFF—Mr and Mrs. Doug las Neal Ratliff of Bassett, a daughter. Susan Rae. weighing 7 pounds 12 ounces, bom Tues day. August 27, at Atkinson Me morial hospital. PORTER Mr. and Mrs. Char les Elmer Porter of Atkinson, twin daughters, weighing 4 pounds 12 ounces and 5 pounds 7 ounces, born Tuesday, August 27, at Atkinson Memorial hospit al. The mother is the former Anna Mae Gartner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gartner of Chambers. DVORAK—Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Dvorak of Verdigre, a son, weighing 7 pounds 1414’ ounces, born Tuesday, August 27 at Lund berg Memorial hospital in Creigh ton. _ SCHMITT—Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Schmitt of Des Moines, la., a daughter, Margaret Joan, bom Saturday, August 17. Mrs. Schmitt is the former Joan Adair of Amelia. They have another daughter, Sarah Marie, PRILL Mr. and Mrs. Don Prill of Page, a son, Bruce Lloyd, weighing 7 pounds 3 ounces, bom Friday, August 23, ttt Our Lady of Lourdes hospital in Norfolk. Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Prill of Page are the paternal grandpar ents; Mr. and Mrs. IJoyd Gleed r»f Phnmhpr« n rn mntnmnl grandparents. ZAWSER—Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Zawser of Bloomfield. a son, weighing 8 pounds 1 ounce, bom Tuesday. August 27, at Lundberg Memorial hospital in Creighton. COVENTRY — A/2c and Mrs. Ronald Coventry of Tacoma, Wash , a son. Joseph Albert, weighing 8 pounds, born recently. This is the couple's first child. Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Coventry of Inman are the paternal grand parents. HYNES Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hynes of Covina, Calif., formerly of O’Neill, a daughter, Patricia Kay, weighing 8 pounds 7 ounces, bom Wednesday, August 21. born Wednesday, August 21. They now have two girls and two boys. Mr. Hynes is the son of Mrs. Lo retta Hynes of O’Neill. Bobby and Gary Murray left with their aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Baker Friday for their home in Marengo, 111. The boys had been here almost three weeks with Mrs. Tess Murray and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Moler. The boys’ mother and Mrs. Bak er are sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Weyhrich went to Wayne Sunday and attended the 35th wedding anni versary of Mrs. Weyhrich’s bro ther and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Art Magdanz. The Frontier want ads do the job quickly and economically! Hospital Notes ST. ANTHONY’S (O’Neill) Admitted: August 21 Carlisle Strong of O'Neill; Thomas Garn ik of O Neill. 2'2 Jack Dailey of O’Neill; Mrs. Guy Cole of O'-j Neill; Mrs %’iolet Jensen of Cas tle rock, Wash.; Mrs. George Mor lang of O'Neill. 25— Richard: Hoerle of Chambers; Owen Ikm ohoe of O'Neill. 24- Paul Kniff man of O'Neill; Lloyd Cork of Page; Mrs. John Kellar of Cham liers. 25- Mrs Albert Kopejtka of Inman; Billy Artus of O'Neill Joyce Storjohan of O'Neill; 26— Mrs. Francis Musil of O’Neill; Mrs William Fritz of O'Neill; S. E. liexter of Amelia: Mrs. John Schultz of O'Neill. 27 Marcellus E. Schaaf of O'Neill; Donald Farrier of Rapid City, S. D.; Mrs.1 George Herold of Inman. 28 Mrs. Russell Barelman of O'Neill; Marvin Young of O'Neill. I nsmissed: August 21 - Miss Joyce Strong of O'Neill; Guy L. Hull of Redbird. 22 Ray Snell of Page; Mrs. Mildred Wyant of O'Neill. 25 Mrs. Penard Nel -on and baby boy of Bristow; Jess Wills of Kmmet; Harvey Brumbaugh of Polk; Richard Hoerle of Chambers. 24- Mrs. Bertha Hadkins of Chambers; Paul Krugman of O'Neill; Earl Eppenbach of O'Neill; Donald Eppenbach of O'Neill; Jack Dail ey of O’Neill; Mrs. George Mor lang of O'Neill; Mrs. Norman Anderson and baity boy of Bris tow; Thomas Hamik of O'Neill; Mrs. William Babutzke of O'Neill; Miss Carol Hands of Page; Lloyd I 1 Cork of Page. 25 Carlisle Strong of O'Neill ; Mrs. Guy Cole of O'-( Neill. 26 Richard Beilin of O’ Neill. 27 Mrs. Fay Miles of O’ Neill; Mrs. Lois Adams of Cham liers expired; Marcellus Schaaf. Still Hospitalized: Mrs. Violet .Jensen of Castlerock, Wash.; S. I E. Dexter of Amelia; Fred Carey of O’Neill; Mrs. John Kellar of Chambers; Donald Farrier of Rapid City, S. I>.; Joyce Stor-i ojhann of O’Neill; Paul Moseman of O'Neill; Mrs. Russell Barel man of O’Neill; Mrs. Dennis Mur-1 phy of O'Neill; Owen Donohoe of] O’Neill; Billy Artus of O'Neill; Miss Morna Wertz of O’Neill; Mrs. Frank Weeder of O'Neill; I Mrs. Francis Musil of O'Neill;( Mrs. William Fritz of O'Neill; G arrett Janzing of Emmet; Mrs. John Schultz of O'Neill; Mrs. Al ! hert Kopejtka of Inman; Mrs. I George Herold of Inman; Marvin 1 I v.r,r rVNeill SACRED HEART (Lynch) August 26 Admitted: Mrs. Edgar Bailey i and baby Susan Kay of Bone- j steel, S. I)., W. H. Block of Ano- ’ ka Dr. Edwin B. Bradley of ] Spencer, Mrs. Mary Classen of Spencer, Mrs. Carl Gnewuch of Norfolk, Baby Dan Matthew of Herrick, S.D., Mrs. Katherine Herrman of Anoka, Mrs. Katie J Hrbek of Verdel, William Jordan of Butte, George Lee of Lynch, Marcelynn Ann Moody, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Berl Moody of Lynch, Mrs. William Schmitz, jr., of Bonesteel, S. D., Mrs. Frank Svolx>da and baby girl of Lynch. Dismissals: August 20 — Gust Weickum of Naper; 21—Master Kenneth Anderson of Butte, Mrs. M. W. Olin of Spencer, Donald Johnson of Lynch, Mrs. Floyd France of Lynch; 22—Mrs. Adam Koenig of Spencer, Master Lyle Stewart of Lynch; 24—Mrs. Anna Vondika of Verdel, Mrs. Frank Mulhair of Lynch, Master Darold Ebson of Verdel; 25—Leo Thom son of Lynch, Mrs. William Wendt of Bristow, Mrs. Mary Kubik of O’Neill; 26—Joe Lechtenberg of .Anoka, John Reynolds of Verdel. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Jones and Mrs. Esther Morgan attended the Jones family reunion in Hamp | ton Sunday. Too Late to Classify FOR RENT OR SALE: Two bed room house. Redecorated, mod em, full basement, close to school. Price $3,500. Also a four room house in good condi tion to be moved. Only $400. Call 553-R or see—Ralph Beck with, O’Neill. 18-19c WE CAN USE 3 MEN TO ROUND out our organization in Northeast Nebraska. ! WE ARE an old reliable com pany and the leader in our field operating throughout the Unit ed States and Canada. FARMING and mechanical ex perience helpful but honesty, hard work and a desire to be permanent required as we will train you. OUR Men are making better than average earnings plus benefits. Transportation necessary. See or Write R. M. CASTER Hotel Madison, Norfolk, Nebr. 9 to 9 Thurs. and Fri. 18c WANTED: Children to care for in my home while you work. —Mrs. Robert Jenkins, O’Neill, phone 393-R. 18c FOR SALE: Used electric Demp ster water pump and 40-gal electric water heater and some pipe and valves. Shel hamer Equipment Co.. O'Neill. 18c — • ■ j 500-600 Cattle Today ‘J There will be between 500-000 head of cattle at our sale j today (Thursday) as the fall run opens up Including: i 1 Thirty eight head of heifers and steers from south of Ewing: 50 open Hereford heifers, weighing 725 pounds, from Spalding: 35 choice 750-pound heifers from Petersburg; 30 yearling steers from O’Neill: 37 plain steers from O’Neill. 1 ’ Included will be a total of 350-400 yearlings, also a few heavy cattle, balanre butcher stock and calves. We are planning a special yearling and two year-old sale for Thursday, September 19. O’Neill Livestock Market j Phone 2t O’Neill • Price* Good Th«r*. • Fr*. • Sot-, Au«u< 29 . SO - 31 Wka-pknic’W Labor Dayl CkktcOM'« ho* dogs omf oil tho *rodl*lonol flxhi's for o pl«ol« C' ...Who* could bo moro «Hi«g Hio*. o fomlly plcmc, or ovtofdoori borbocwo for your labor Day Wook-oadl Fresh Tender GOLD MEDAL I — .y ■ k. I ■ r r r ‘ KITCHEN TESTED" N FSS i-isNian 9 CALIFORNIA FRESH ELBERTA PEACHES I_I mSH CAUrOBHIA tokat 2 ^ 29* GRAPES_2^. 27* - - - - - - - -- ~ _ - - - -- REA1.EM9N “ CHIPAHOON "RECONSTITUTED" I CANDY COVERED , ^ COOKI“ LEMON JUICE CHOCOLATE CANDY i*“- 5‘ ^29' WIENERS "• — a WILLA POINT / fl OYSTERS ^ w 7% oz. LB. J ] ™ V# FOR FRYING ARMOUR STAR ... TOR COOKING INDOORS OR OUTDOORS FRESH PLUMP TENDER f Pan Ready Tray Packed POUND SANDWICH I PEAR SHAPED I HORMEL I BOOTH ALL TEN DELICIOUS FLAVORS GOLDEN VALLEY FRESH ECONOMICAL SA1ADDRESSING vfVvIi Ir fuu . NATIVE BRAND - IDEAL FOR PIES • TARTS • COBBLERS • SH ORTCAKE • ICE CREAM fUTftfiVPIE MIX 97* vVIKRM# nojt,n.4m* WAVE CREST BRAND - A VERY HEATHFUL SEA FOOD SALMON MEAT RANGE STYLE FRESH FROZEN CHOPPED p,rNirc SLICED PERCH PORK r BACON FILLET 53 I OUR FAMILY — SPINACH - BEETS—... \ SUNNY COAST — CARROTS - G. BEANS.. F0™ GOLDEN VAIXEY — iHOMINY - PUMPKIN .. . ’ PLEAS MOB FRESH WHITE MARSHMALLOWS 2«~35‘ TOOTSIE ROLL CARAMELS.~ 29‘ RAIN BOW WHITE NAPKINS.-10c FAIREST BRAND DC FACIAL TISSUES • ‘“~10c 3 LBS. K>****** 4% REGULAR _ JAMS 2 PACKAGES I 83c 29c FOREMOST SUN UP OOLDEN VALLEY (iOLDEN VALLEY BIG DIP COFFEE PORK NBEANS PEACHES ®§l3f SSL 59c Eb._69c 5No2itns$l 3No2itns$l -£llidu fiharuL L^"rJ ToM No. 300 Tim CHILE -ns.. 29c SPAGHETTIT.., 27c BEEF STEW.3? LIMA BEANS35c NOODLES So.-^29c NOODLES ham.. 35c SPAINISH RICE. t.. 19c | _ SUPER CLEANING I LdPRANCfc ftok*|attM DmRi »# Flylii( IkimM | B. |P w,(h INSTANT BLUING SUPER-CEL t CELLULOSE PKC. Z# AtrtSftl SPONGE IRONING AID iNstcv vmiB SATINA •S2~ 98' (»*!-39'gg_8* WISK RINSO SURF LIFEBUOY LUX NEW LIQUID MIRACLE BLUE DETERGENT ALL - PURPOSE TOILET SOAP TOILET SOAP PINT QUART LARGE GIANT LARGE GIANT 39* 71* 33* 79* 34* 79* 3 S£ 33* 3 ?£ 29* dove lux breeze lifebuoy lux LIQUID WASHES EVERYTHING BATH SIZE PLAKIS BEAUTY BAR „ QZ „ oz large giant 2 cmm39* 39* 69* 34* 81* 2-31* _IP _ ^^^ .....null— •illllllHllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllj: ^lll]i[lllllllllllllllll!llllllllllllllllllliilllllllliilllllllllilllllMllllllllllllii= =pmimmiimmmmimmmmmm.... f§ WITH THIS COUPON |§ =g WITH THIS COUPON I g riLLSBURY Whit,, Choc,, Golden. Carmel g g ^olde^Va.lev Im.tation M Jfc J | Cake Mix pic.25 11 Vanilla BTL1UC| Coupon Expires Sept. 2 = S Coupon Expires Sept. 2 ■-= illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIli ... . I WITH THIS COUPON ! ™ F*m"j w K ^ Buffet ^ F ~ I |C«rn j Tm ijCz = Coupon Expires Sept. 2 = Inn.iiiii.min.min.. a> a ..mi. m VIA A A T\ AVTT imiT PPPIVO THE MODERN MEAT TYPE HOG I needs A MODERN MEAT PRODUCING FEED VICTOR HOG SUPPLEMENTS I • HOG Bl'ILJDER all purpose supplement for top performance! i*W*UVEOfV| Ks IfeeCj w*','OS Mlltt, „ v“- T- «• * C v! rui° I * d"'- 4.30 v °r 26% Grain n , * ^ / V“*°r 32% ? ^ / fc. s / __ I