The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, August 29, 1957, Page 11, Image 11

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    Legal Notices
First pub. Aug. 8, 1957)
true name unknown, hus
i of Ethel Cowles; and, lots
v 9 anti 10, in Block 7, of Hal
j,, k s Second Addition of the
T vn of Stuart, Holt County,
Defendants in Plaintiff
First Cause of Action.
Clarion Cadw'allader, hus
md and wife. The Village of
Stuart, Holt County, Nebraska,
unicipal corporation; and, Lo
in Block 19, of Hallock’s Sec
i Addition to the Town of Stu
art, Holt County, Nebraska
Defendants in Plaintiff
Second Cause of Action.
JOHN M. HIRSCH, and Anna K.
rseh, husband and wife; and
Hmry Brockman; and, lots 1 to 6,
i«ith inclusive, in Block 21, of Pio
r Townslte Gimpanys Addition
, i he Town of Stuart, Holt Coun
tv Nebraska;
Defendants in Plaintiffs
Third Cause of Action.
Graves, first and real true nam
unknown, wife of Clifford C
Graves; and, Lots 8, 9 and 10, in
Biork 2, of the Original Town of
page, Holt County, Nebraska,
Defendants in Plaintiffs
Fourth Cause of Action.
C A. TOWNSEND; Mary Town
grnd, first and real true name un
known, wife of C. A. Townsend
Carrie H. Townsend; John Doe
r,.al name unknown, husband o
Carrie H. Townsend; and The
South 25 feet of Lots 9 and 10; and,
the North 25 feet of the South 75
l, et of lots 9 and 10, all being In
Block 9 of the Original Town of
Pace, Holt uoumy, oeurusiw,
Defendants in Plaintiff’s
Fifth Cause of Action.
Mary Stevens, first and real true
name unknown, wife of Clarence
M Stevens; and, North 25 feet o
the South 50 feet of Lots 9 and 10
in Block 9, of the Original Town
of Page, Holt County, Nebraska
Defendants in Plaintiff’
Sixth Cause of Action.
EMMA 1X)RR; John Doe, real
real true name unknown, husband
of Emma Dorr; and, North 42 feet
of Lots 9 and 10, in Block 9, of the
Original Town of Page, Holt Coun
ty, Nebraska,
Seventh Cause of Action.
Defendants in Plaintiff’s
Townsend, first and real true name
unknown, wife of William D. Town
send; Berenice Ware; John Doe,
real name unknown, husband of
Berenice Ware; Jessie Swam;
John Doe, real name unknown,
husband of Jessie Swain; Clinton
A. Townsend; Mary Townsend,
first and real true name unknown,
wife of Clinton A. Townsend; and.
Lots 11, 12 and 13, in Bloc* 18, of
the Original Town of Page, Holt
County, Nebraska ff,
Defendants in Plaimtut s
Eighth Cause of Action.
real name unknown, husband of
Sadie E. Shanner; George M.
Rost; Mary Rost, first and real
true name unknown, wife of
George M Rost; and LJ H to
15 i>oth inclusive, in Block 28, oi
the Original Town of Page, Holt
C0Un'y' 'SSS&. in Plaintiff’s
Ninth Cause of Action.
son first and real true name un
known. wife of Ben Lamason; Old
Age Assistance Board of Hot
County, Nebraska; ^bLots1 t
14 both inclusive, of BIock a, ui
East Side Addition to the Town of
Page. Llolt County, Nebraska
Defendants m Plaintiff s
Tenth Cause of Action.
M,n Doe. real We unkwa.
husband of Margaret A. Claussen
,he Northeast Quarter of South
cast Quarter of Section 32, in
Township 30, North, Range 14,
West of 6th P.M.. running thence
Woct 44 feet, thence North 208. <u
}'et thence East 44 feet, thence
South 208.70 feet to the place of
^‘""‘"’‘Defendants in PWn“£»
Eleventh cause of Action
Said defendants will take notice
that on the 5th day of August, 1957.
he plaintiff, the County of Holt,
filed its petition in the District
Dr. J. L. Sherbahn
Vi Block So. of Ford Garage
Complete X-Ray Equipment
O’Neill, Nebraska |
Paul Shierk
Insurance of All
Money to Loan
— OO “■
Central Finance
C. E. Jobm. Miaiftf
O’Neill Nilndri
Court of Holt County, Nebraska
against you and each of you and
the described parcels of land in
each cause of action, as defend
ants, the object and prayer erf
such petition lieing to foreclose
certificates of tax sale duly issued
by the County Treasurer of Holt
County. Nebraska, on June 17, 1954,
and to foreclose the subsequent de
linquent taxes on each such par
cel of real estate involved in each
cause of action for the years, Sec
ond half of 1953, and ail of 1954,
1955 and 1956, as follows: viz.
Cause of Action 1: Certificate
No. 774 for 1950 to 1st half of 1953.
txith inclusive, and subsequent
taxes for second half of 1953 to
1956 inclusive, amounting in all
to $1113.82 as of May 1, 1957;
Cause of Action 2: Certificate
No 775, for 1950 to 1st half of
1953, both inclusive, and subse
quent taxes for second half of 1953
to 1956 both inclusive, amounting
in all to $197.89 as of May 1, 1957:
Cause of Action 3. Certificate
No. 776 for 1950 to 1st half of 1953
bo tii inclusive, and subsequent
taxes for second half of 1953 to
1956 both inclusive, amounting in
all to $200 96 as of May 1, 1957;
Cause of Action 4: Certificate
No. 784 for 1951 to first half of
1953, both inclusive, and subse
quent taxes for second half of
1953 to 1956 both inclusive, amount
in all to $217,94 as of May 1. 1957 ,
Cause of Action 5: Certificate
No. 788 for 1946 to 1st half of 1953
both inclusive, and subsequent
taxes for second half of 1953 to
1956, both inclusive, amounting in
all to $298.53 as of May 1, 1957;
Cause of Action 6: Certificate
No. 789 for 1948 to 1st half of 1953
lxith inclusive, and subsequent
taxes for second half of 1953
to 1956 both inclusive, amounting
in all to $146.46 as of May 1, 1957;
Cause of Action 7: Certificate
No. 790 for 1948 to 1st half of 1953
both inclusive, and subsequent
taxes tor second half of 1953 to
1956 Ixith inclusive, amounting in
all to $107.96 as of May 1, 1957;
Cause of Action 8: Certificate
No. 791 for 1948 to 1st half of
1953 both inclusive, and subsequent
taxes for second half of 1953 to
I tot h inclusive amounting in
all to $26.62 as of May 1, 1957;
Cause of Action 9: Certificate
No. 792 for 1948 to 1st half of 1953
Iwth inclusive, and subsequent
taxes for second half of 1953
to 1956 Iwth inclusive, amounting
in all to $42.24 as of May 1, 1957;
Cause of Action 10: Certificate
No. 794 for 1951 to 1st half of
1953 both inclusive, and subsequent
taxes for second half of 1953 to
1956 Iwth inclusive, amounting in
all to $284.27 as of May 1, 1957;
Cause of Action 11: Certificate
No. 673 for 1948 to first half of
1953 Iwth inclusive, and subse
quent taxes for second half of
1953 to 1956, Iwth inclusive,
amounting in all to $41.66 as of
May l, 1957;
Said tax sale certificates and
subsequent delinquent taxes draw
interest at the rate of seven per
cent per annum from and after
May 1, 1957. Plaintiff prays for a
decree of foreclosure on each tax
sale certificate and the subsequent
delinquent taxes on each parcel of
real estate described for the
amount found due with interest
and legal costs, and that said
plaintiff be allowed an attorneys
fee equal to ten per cent of the
amount found due in each cause
of action to be taxed as part of
the costs, and that said real estate
be sold for the satisfaction of such
liens, and the costs and interest.
You and each of you are re
quired to answer said petition on
or before the 16th day of Septem
ber 1957, otherwise judgment will
be rendered against you accord
By: William W. Griffin,
'its attorney.
( 15-18c )
( First pub., Aug. 8, 1957 )
Tuttle, first and real true name
unknown, husband of Hannah A.
Tuttle; Rollin L. Tuttle; Mary
Tuttle, first and real true name
unknown, wife of Rollin L. Tuttle,
The Village of Ewing, in Holt
County Nebraska, a municipal
corporation; Old Age Assistance
Board of Holt County, Nebraska;
and Lot 13, in Block 9, of the
Original Town of Ewing, Holt
County, Nebraska .
Defendants in Plaintiff s
First Cause of Action.
EDNA K. BLACK; John Black,
first and real true name unknown,
husband of Edna K. Black; The
Village of Ewing, in Holt County,
Nebraska, a municipal corpora
tion; and, Lots 7 and 8, in B e
33 of the Subdivision of Outlots A
and B, in the Village of Ewing,
Holt County. Nebraska,
Defendants m Plaintiff s
Second Cause of Action.
Pruden, first and real true name
unknown, wife of James L. Pru
den- The Kansas Nebraska Gas
Company, a corporation; and, A
tract of land described as . Be
aming at a point 544 Mi feet West
of the Northeast comer of the
Northwest Quarter of Section 3, in
Township 26* North, Range 9, West
of the Gth fc.M. in Holt County,
Nebraska, running thence West
6i3M> feet to the East line of the
Right of Way of the Public High
way, thence Southeast along the
Fast line of said Public Highway
to a Point 533 feet South of die
ooint of beginning, thence No th
^33 feet to the point of beginning;
ami. All ol .h.'N»nh l»«
Northwest Quarter of Section 3,
in Township 26, North, Range
West of the 6th P-M. in Holt Coun
tv, Nebraska, lying Soudi of the
Right of way of th® Chicago,
Northwestern Railroad Corn pa y.
and. The South half of the North
west Quarter of Section 3, n
Township 26, North Range 9,
West of the 6th P-M-J" ®1
County. Nebraska, excepting, a
tract commencing Mi ^^ordi ol
the Northeast comer of die South
west Quarter of %5taid
mnning thence North 8 rods
thence West 10 rods thence South
8 rods, thence East 10 rods to the
point of beginning,
Defendants in Plaintiff s
Third Cause of Action.
sie M Davidson, husband and
wife; real names unknown; and,
A tract of land described as: Be
ginning at a point 25 feet South
and 114-5 feet West of the South
east corner of Block 16, in Haze
let's Addition to the Town of
O'Neill, Holt County, Nebraska,
thence running South 170 feet,
thence East 45 feet, thence South
257 feet more or less to the Sec
tion line on the South side of Sec
tion 30, in Township 29, North,
Range 11, West of the 6th P.M.,
thence running West on sail Sec
tion line 162 9 feet, thence run
ning NorUi along the center line
of Madison Street of the City of
O'Neill, Nebraska, 107 ft., thence
running West 170 ft., thence run
ning North feet, thence running
East 287.9 feet to the place of
Defendants in Plaintiff's j
Fourth Cause of Action, j
Thompson, first and real true
name unknown, wife of Elliott E.
Thompson; Sarah J. Wolf; John
Wolf; first and real true name
unknown, husband of Sarah J.
Wolf; Ellen Bold Mcllravie; John
Doe, real true name unknown,
husband of Ellen Bold Mcllravie;
May Mcllravie; John Doe, real
true name unknown, husband of
May Mcllravie Leslie W. Cain;
Mary Cain, first and real true
name unknown, wife of Leslie W.
Cain; Irene Cain Hoxsie; John
Doe, real name unknown, husband
of Irene Cain Hoxsie; Edna May
Cain; John Doe, real name un
known, husband of Edna May
Cain; Hazel Cain; John Doe, real
name unknown, husband of Hazel
Cain; Glenn Cain; Mary Cain, real
name unknown, wife of Glenn
Cain; Ivan Cain; Mary Cain, real
name unknown, wife of Ivan Cain;
Esther Cain; John Doe, real name
unknown, husband of Esther Cain;
Helen Frances Waid; John Doe,
real name unknown, husband of
Helen Frances Waid; and, West
One-Half of Lot 5, in Block A, of
Millard’s Addition to the Town of
O'Neill, Holt County, Nebraska;
Fifth Cause of Action.
real true name unknown, husband
of Mina Coventry; and East 50
feet of Lot 2, in Block 3, of the
Village of Inman, Holt County,
Defendants in Plaintiff’s
Sixth Cause of Action.
Clark, first and real true name un
known, wife of Norbert E. Clark;
and, South One-half of Lot 6, in
Block 14, of the Subdivision en
titled Blocks 12, 13, and 14, and
Outlots 4 to 11 inclusive of Out
lot B in the Town of Inman, Holt
County, Nebraska;
Defendants in Plaintiff's
Seventh Cause of Action.
real true name unknown, husband
of Ethel F. Cowles; and. West 74
feet of Lot 11, in Block 7, of Hal
lock’s Addition to the Town of
Stuart, Holt County, Nebraska;
Defendants in Plaintiff’s
Eighth Cause of Action.
II. Henderson, husband and wife;
the Village of Stuart, Holt County,
Nebraska, a municipal corpora
tion; and, Lots 1 and 2, in Block
9, of Hallock’s Addition to the
Town of Stuart, Holt County, Ne
braska; .
Defendants in Plaintiff’s
Ninth Cause of Action.
ney, first and real true name un
known, wife of John H. Chaney;
Old Age Assistance Board of Holt
County, Nebraska; The Village of
.Stuart, Holt County, Nebraska, a
municipal corporation; and, South
One-half of Lot 1, in Block 7, of
Western Town Lot Company’s Ad
dition to the Town of Stuart, Holt
County, Nebraska,
Defendants in Plaintiff’s
Tenth Cause of Action.
Said defendants will take notice
that on the 5th day of August,
1957, the plaintiff, the County of
Holt, filed its petition in the Dis
fmot rvwmh r\f Hnlt rvmntv Nphras
ka, against you and each of you
and the described parcels of land
in each cause of action, as defend
ants, the object and prayer of
such petition being to foreclose
certificates of tax sale duly is
sued by the County Treasurer of
Holt County, Nebraska, on June
17, 1954, and to foreclose the sub
sequent delinquent taxes on each
such parcel of real estate involved
in each cause of action for the
years. Second half of 1953, and
all of 1954, 1955, and 1956, as
follows: viz.: Cause of Action 1:
Certificate No. 705, for 1950 to 1st j
half of 1953, both inclusive, and,
subsequent taxes for second half
of 1953 both inclusive, amounting
in all to $465.20 as of May 1, 1957; j
Cause of Action 2: Certficate
No. 710, for 1950 to 1st half of 1953, i
both inclusive, and subsequent
taxes for second half of 1953 to
1956 both inclusive, amounting in
all to $262.00 as of May 1, 1957;
Cause of Action 3: Certificate
No. 720, for 1951 to 1st half of I
1953, both inclusive, and subse
quent taxes for second half of
1953 to 1956 both inclusive,
amounting in all to $89.16 as of
May 1, 1957; .
Cause of Action 4: Certificate
No. 722, for 1952 to 1st half of
1953, both inclusive, and subse
quent taxes for second half of
1953 to 1956 both inclusive, amount
ing in all to $93.61 as of May 1,
Cause of Action 5: Certificate
No. 734, for 1948 to first half of
1953, both inclusive, and subse
quent taxes for second half of 1953
to 1956, both inclusive, amounting
in all to $55.24 as of May 1. 1957;
Cause of Action 6: Certificate
No. 744 for 1951 to first half of
1953, both inclusive, and subse
quent taxes for second half of
1953 to 1956, both inclusive,
amounting in all to $26.02 as of
May, 1, 1957;
Cause of Action 71 Certificate
No. 746 for 1950 to 1st half of 1953,
both inclusive, and subsequent
taxes for second half of 1953 to
1956 both inclusive, amounting in
all to $21.99 as of May 1, 1957;
Cause of Action 8: Certificate
No 764 for 1949 to 1st half of
1953 to 1956, both inclusive,
quent taxes for second half of
1953 ,to 1956. both inclusive
amounting in all to $1872.47 as of
May 1, 1957; _,
Cause of Action 9: Certificate
No. 768, for 1948 to 1st half of
1953 both inclusive, and subse
quent taxes for second half of
195.1 to 1956 both inclusive, amount
ing in all to $982 85 as of May
1, 1957;
Cause of Action 10: Certificate
No. 771. for 1950 to 1st half of 1953.
both inclusive, and sutoequent
taxes for second half of 1953 to
1956 both inclusive, amounting in
all to $149 92 as of May 1, 1957;
Said tax sale certificates and
subsequent delinquent taxes
draw interest at the rate of sev
en per cent per annum from and
after May 1, 1957. Plaintiff prays
for a decree of foreclosure on
each tax sale certificate and the
subsequent delinquent taxes on
each parcel of real estate describ
ed for the amount found due with
interest and legal costs, and that
said plaintiff bo allowed an attor
ney's fee equal to ten percent of
•he amount found due in each
■nuse of action to be taxed as part
of the costs, and that said real
estate be sold for the satisfac
tion of such liens, and the costs
and interest.
You and each of you are re
quired to answer said petition
on or before the 16th day of Sep
tember 1957. otherwise judgment
will be rendered against you ac
By; William W. Griffin.
its attorney.
15-18c )
(First pub. Aug. 8, 1957)
UALTON O. JARVIS and Floy )«i i.1 1 onH u'ifn • anH
Lot Five in Block Thirteen of
Kimball & Blair’s Addition to the
Town of Atkinson, Holt County,
Defendants in Plaintiff’s
First Cause of Action;
R. B. TRANER; Mary Traner,
first and real true name un
known, wife of R. B. Traner; Old
Age Assistance Board of Holt
County, Nebraska; and, I>ots 1,
2 and 3, in Block 39 of Kimball
& Blair’s Addition to the Town
of Atkinson, Holt County, Ne
Defendants in Plaintiff's
Fifth Cause of Action;
Disney, first and real true name
unknown, wife of Raymond R.
Disney; Old Age Assistance
Board of Holt County, Nebraska;
and, A tract of land described
as; beginning at the Southeast
corner of the Northeast Quarter
of Section 30, in Township 26,
North, Range 12, West of the 6th
P.M. in Holt County, Nebraska,
running thence West 32 rods,
thence North 10 rods, thence
East 32 rods, thence South' 10
rods to the place of beginning.
Defendants in Plaintiff’s
Sixth Cause of Action.
Disney, first and real true name
unknown, wife of Raymond R.
Disney; Old Age Assistance
Board of Holt County, Nebraska;
and, A tract of land described as:
commencing at the Northeast
corner of the Southeast Quarter
of Section 30, in Township 26,
North, Range 12, West of the
6th P.M. in Holt County, Nebras
ka, running thence West 30 rods,
thence South 10 rods, thence East
30 rods, thence North 10 rods to
the place of beginning.
Defendants in Plaintiff’s
Seventh Cause of Action;
ler, first and real true name un
known, wife of John A. Miller;
and, North One-half of Lot 16, in
Block 4, of Tuller & McNichols
Addition to the Town of Atkin
son, Hojt County, Nebraska;
Defendants in Plaintiff’s
Eighth Cause of Action;
Feltz, first and real true name
unknown, wife of Firmin Q.
Feltz; Fred C. Stanton; Mary
Stanton, first and real true name
unknown, wife of Fred C. Stan
ton; and, The Northwest Quar
ter of the Northwest Quarter of
Section 3, in Township 26, North,
Range 9, West of the 6th P.M. in
Holt County, Nebraska,
Defendants, in Plaintiff’s
Ninth Cause of Action;
sick, first and real true name un
known, wife of Frank Emsick;
and, West Half of East Half of
Lot 11; West Half of East Half of
Lot 12; and West Half of East
Half of Ix>t 13, all being in
Block 6, of the Original Town
of Ewing, Holt County, Ne
Defendants in Plaintiff’s
Tenth Cause of Action.
Said defendants will take notice
that on the 5th day of August,
1957, the plaintiff, the County of
Holt, filed its petition in the
District Court of Holt County,
Nebraska, against you and each
of you and the described par
cels of land in each cause of ac
tion, as defendants, the object
and prayer of such petition being
to foreclose certificates of tax
sale duly issued by the County
Treasurer of Holt County, Ne
braska, on June 17, 1954, and to
foreclose the subsequent delin
quent taxes on each such parcel
of real estate involved in each
cause of action for the years,
Second half of 1953, and all of
1954, 1955, and 1956, as follows:
Cause of Action 1: Certificate
No. 669, for 1948 to first half of
1953 both inclusive, and subse
quent taxes for second half of
1953 to 1956 both inclusive,
amounting in all to $56.17 as of
May 1, 1957;
Cause of Action 5: Certificate
No. 670 for 1949 to 1st half of 1953,
both inclusive, and subsequent
taxes for second half of 1953
to 1956 both Inclusive, amounting
in all to $331.46 as of May 1, 1957;
Cause of Action 6: Certificate
No. 684, for 1949 to 1st half of 1953,
both inclusive, and subsequent
taxes for second half of 1953 to
1956 both inclusivce, amounting in
all to $68.64 as of May 1, 1957;
Cause of Action 7; Certificate
No. 678, for 1949 to 1st half of
1953, both inclusive and subse
quent taxes for second half of
1953 to 1956, both inclusive,
amounting in all to $45.83 as of
May 1, 1957;
Cause of Action 8: Certificate
No. 671, for 1950 to 1st half of 1953,
both inclusive, and subsequent
taxes for second half of 1953 to
1956 both inclusive, amounting in
all to $27.81 as of May 1, 1957;
Cause of Action 9: Certificate
Na 691. for 1950 to 1st half of
1953. both inclusive, and subse
quent taxes for second half of
1953 to 1956, both inclusive,
amounting in all to $329.09 as of
May 1. 1957:;
Cause of Action 10: Certificate
No 701. for 1950 to 1st half of
1953, both inclusive, and subse
quent taxes for second half of
1953 to 1956. both inclusive,
amounting in all to $711.57 as of
May l. 1957;
Said tax sale certificates and
subsequent delinquent taxes draw
interest at the rate of seven per
ent per annum from and aft<A
May 1, 1957. Plaintiff prays for a
decree of foreclosure on each tax 1
sale certificate and the subse
quent delinquent taxes on each
parcel of real estate described for
the amount found due with inter
est and legal costs, and that said
plaintiff In- allowed an attorney's
fee equal to ten per cent of the
amount found due in each cause!
of action to be taxed as part of
the costs, tmd that said real es
tate be sold for the satisfaction
of such liens, and the costs and
You and each of you are re
quired to answer said petition on
or before the 16th day of Septem
In r 1957, otherwise judgement will
in? rendered against you accord-.
By William W. Griffin, its at
torney. 15-18c
(First pub. Aug. 22. 1957>
Re: L. B. 1<M Mobile Homes
This act is effective September
20 1957. It reouires that every
owner of a "Mobile Home” (ex
cept those having a current Ne
braska Registration plate) locat
ed or operated in this State for
more than 30 days secure an an
nual permit from the County
Clerk. This permit is to be dis
played by the occupant in a win
dow near the front door of the
Mobile Home. The fee is $1.00.
Operators of "Mobile Home
Courts” are to be licensed by the
State. Each operator is to make
a report to the County Assessor
of each Mobile Home parked for
more than 30 days. The law
specifically provides that the
County Clerk is to furnish these I
reporting forms.
(First pub. August 22, 1957)
William W. Griffin, Attorney
Estate No. 4200
AUGUST 19, 1957.
CREDITORS of said estate are
hereby notified that the time lim
ited for presenting claims against
said estate is December 12, 1957,
and for the payment of debts is
August 19, 1958 and that on Sep
tember 12, 1957, and on December
13, 1957, at 10 o’clock A. M., each
day, I will be at the County
Court Room in said County to re
ceive, examine, hear, allow, or
adjust all claims and objections
duly filed.
County Judge
(First Publication August 15,
Legal Notice
In accordance withe the School
Laws of Nebraska, I am required
to make the following described
change in district boundaries; To
dissoclve Dist. No. 184 and to an
nex Dist. No. 184 to Dist. No. 46;
to be effective June 1, 1958. It is
suggested that the new school
house when built be located with
in a quarter of a mile of the four
corners of Sec. 22, 26, 27, 23, T.
25, R. 9.
A hearing of said matter will be
held in my office at the court
House in O’Neill, Nebraska on
August, 30, 1957, 10 a. m., when
all interested may appear and be
County Superintendent
16- 18c
First pub. August 22, 1957)
Section 39-512 of the Nebraska
Statutes requires that weeds
along all Public Roads and Drain
age Ditches shall be mowed at
least twice a year.
If this is not done, the County
Board has authority to cause
same to be done and all expenses
will be assessed against said pro
If you have not already done
this mowing, please cooperate and
do this immediately to help with
the costly operation of Snow Re
17- 19c
O’Neill Locals
Mr. and Mi's. Eugene Hastreit
er spent the week of August 11
17, visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Eisenmanenger, and Mr. and
Mrs. Lewis Hastreiter in Hum
Weekend guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Graham were Mr.
and Mrs. David Maughan of Til
den. The Graham’s son, Eddie
returned to Omaha Sunday after
having spent his one week’s va
cation here with his parents.
Mrs. Charles (“Chuck”) Fox
was guest-of-honor at a pink-and
blue shower Thursday. August 15,
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
James Earley. Mrs. Fred Apple
by and Mrs. Earley were the
Linda Hamik visited her grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Hamik, sr., from Thursday, Au
gust 15, until Sunday, August 18,
when she returned with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Hamik.
Mr. and Mrs. George Hansen
and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Woid
neck attended the dedication of
Gavins Point dam on Sunday, Au
gust 18.
Rohde Family
Holds Reunion
LYNCH Mr and Mrs. Edmund
Rohde entertained alt of their
children ami grandchildren Sun
day, August 11. It was the first
time all of the family had been
together since the children set
out to make their own in the
Present were:
Mrs. Cora Stanley and family
of Cincinatti, 0.; Mrs. Johnnie
Svatnfi and family of Kimball*
Mrs. Adrian Z> tokoski of Bark
River, Mich. and Mrs Donald
Rohde and children of Lincoln
One son, Donald, was killed
more than a year ago in a plane
The Edmund Rohdes then
drove to Lincoln, taking Mrs.
Stanley and children with them
The Stanleys left from Lincoln for
The Zytokoskis left Friday for
Bark River. Both will teach in
the Lincoln school at Bark River.
Mrs. Donald Rohde and child
ren also left on Friday.
Roger Rohde, who had spent
the summer with his grand
parents, the Edmund Rohdes, re
turned to Kimball with Mr. and
Mrs. Johnnie Svatos.
Other Lynch News
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Stewart at
tended a school alumni class re
union at Gregory, S. D..
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Barnes spent
Friday evening at the Martin
Jehorek home.
Marjean Weeder is spending
this week with Linda and Nancy
Connick at Gregory, S. D
Attend the bazaar and carni
val at Lynch, Saturday, August
81. You won't be sorry! See the
white elephant auction.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Collins and
family of Antigo, Wise., visited
relatives and friends here the
past week.
Air. anu mia. n. "• jr\* ^
Omaha \ isited at the R. M. thick
er home the past week.
Mrs. Martha Schindler and
granddaughter, Janice Schindler
returned home Monday, from
Missoula, Mont. Mrs. Schindler
has been seriously ill while visit
ing at the Marvin Schindler home
but is much improved.
Grace Manner) returned home
after visiting relatives in Greg
ory, S. D.
Mrs. D. L. Lamb of Wakefield
visited friends and relatives here
last week.
Miss Mary Stenger of Peters
burg and Misses Margaret and
Irene Stenger spent Tuesday,
August 20, at the Phyllis Mulhair
Mrs. Marshall Binkerd and
daughter of Hillsboro, Ore,, is
here visiting her father, Nick
Baker, also other relatives and
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Blue of
Texas are visiting the later’s
mother, Mrs. Julia Hasenpilug,
also other relatives.
Miss Mary Stenger left Thurs
day for her home in Petersburg
after spending several days at
the M. P. Stenger home.
Mrs. Lawrence Luber and Mrs.
Orville Lowry of Memphis,
Tenn., visited at the Peter Mul
hair and Glenn Hull homes {sev
eral days the past week. They
then went to O'Neill to visit rela
tives there.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wike and
family of Lake Charles, La., were
Friday 6 o'clock dinner guests at
the Peter Mulhair home. Jack is
being transferred to New Mexico,
after being stationed in Lous)ana
for some time.
Come see the free entertain
ment at Lynch, Saturday, Aug
ust 31. See the beautiful Croa
tian native cottunies, music
and dancing. Performances at
4 p. ill. and H p. m.
Mrs. Lewis Christensen, Mrs.
Clarence Koiunu. mi a.
Maly, Mrs. Albert Kalkowski and
Miss Margaret Stenger also Mrs.
Kathryn Rundall of Omaha spent
Wednesday evening, August 21,
with Mrs. Don Allen.
Mrs. Kathryn Rundall of Oma
ha spent several days recently
visiting at the Albert Kalkowski
home. , _
Sue and Gill Allen spent Tues
day until Thursday, August 20-22,
at the Harold Krugman home in
Spencer. .
Mr. and Mrs Herman Schoch
enmaier and children of Bone
steel, S. I>., and Mr. and Mrs.
Cyril Burbach and sons of Wy
not. spent Tuesday, August 20,
with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kalkow
ski, to help them celebrate their
34th wedding anniversary.
Attend the carnival and baz
aar at Lynch Saturday, August
31st. You won’t be sorry.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Jehorek
and Vince Jehorek were Sunday
dinner guests at the Dennis Kube
Miss Mardell Gaskill and a
friend, Miss Carole Scohtt, both
of Omaha, spent the August 17-18
weekend with Miss Gaskill s par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Gaskill.
Mr and Mrs. William Wolfe of
Oklahoma City. Okla., arrived
Friday to spend a few days with
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Froe
lich. . ... -
Jerry and Ann Venteicher of
Norfolk spent last week with
their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Sauser and Mrs. Ben
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Godel visit
ed their son and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Don Godel, of Omaha Thurs
day and Friday, August 14 and
15. ^
Mrs. E. M. Gleeson spent Tues
day, August 20, in Sioux City.
Never An After-Thirst!
Mrs. Leonard Barton
Burial at Orchard
ORCHARD Funeral services
were conducted Saturday, August
24. for Mrs Leonard Barton, 71.
of Royal, who died Thursday in
Antelope Memorial hospital at
Rites were held at 1:30 p.m.,
at the Methodist church in Royal
and at 2:30 p.m., at the Evan
gelical I'nited Brethren church
at Orchard Burial was in the
Orchard cemetery,
Mrs. Barton, whose maiden
was Nora Geers, was born in the
Pleasant Valley community,
northeast of Orchard.
She spent her life in the pleas
ant Valley, Venus and Royal
Survivors include: Widower
Leonard; daughters Mi's Vernon
St rope of Venus, Mrs. Charles
St rope of Orchard and Mrs Ar
thur Terrill of Rembrandt, la.
3 Enlistments in
Army Announced
The following recent army en
listments have been announced
by Sfc. James R. Lyons of the
army recruiting sendee here:
Gale B. Witherwax of Redhird.
for ordnance corps.
Eugene P. Corny of Verdigro,
for dental lalwratory school.
Melvin L. White of Chadron,
for national guard.
Withorwax and Corny went to
Ft. Carson, Colo., for processing,
training and reassignments.
White was assigned to the 128th
engineer battalion on the nation
al guard at Chadron.
Foot Caught in
Elevator Auger
SPENCER Harlan Sedivy, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Sedivy
of Spencer, suffered a badly cut
foot Monday, August 19.
His foot and shoe were caught
in the auger while elevating grain
<it the Spencer bin site. His
heavy shoo was torn to pieces
and four stitches were required
to close cuts on the foot near the
big toe.
He was taken to Lynch for
treatment and was not hospital
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bau
meister, who have been living at
Media, Pa., are now located at
Oakwood Manor, Evergreen and
Hunter, Apt. 38-C, Woodbury, N.J.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Gydesen
and Perry were Saturday night
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gy
desen in Scotia.
Star Clubbers W ill
Elect Officers
STAR Tlii' Get-Together club
will meet with Mrs. Roland Mil
ler on Wednesday afternoon, Sep
tember 11 Officers will he elect
ed for the coming year at this
Other Star News
Mr and Mrs Elmer Juracek
and family returned home Satur
day from a two weeks’ vacation
in the Black Hills, Yellowstone
Park and Oregon
Mr and Mrs. Charles Sorenson
and family s|>ent Saturday even
ing at the Nels Linguist family
Mr and Mi’s Wayne Hoelter
and Allen and Gary Choaln spent
Iasi ’I’uesday evening with Mr.
and Mrs. Kvvalt Miller and Bar
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Timmerman
and Mr and Mrs. Nels Linguist
attended funeral services for
John Hauf at Burke, S. 1C, Snt
urday afternoon. He was Mrs.
Ben Miller's father.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stevens and
family have heen visiting Mrs.
Stevens’ parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Boh Tomlinson, the past week.
Mr. and Mi's. John Christ and
son of Atchinson. Kans., visited
last week with Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Miller and sons
Mr. and Mrs. I.vle Johnson and
family entertained Mr. and Mrs.
Dave Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. E
walt Miller and family and Mrs.
Hattie Hoelter at an outdoor
steak supper Friday evening,
August 16. to honor the birthday
anniversary of their son, Wyn.
Mr. and Mrs Marvin Johnson
and family and Mr and Mrs.
Howard Johnson and family ame
later to spend the evening. Home
made ice cream and the birthday
cake were served later in the
Miss Karen Miller has I teen at
the home of her sister, Mrs.
Wayne Mattison, and family at
Platte, S. D.
Mr. and Mrs. George Oetter
and family. Mr. and Mrs. Dale
Fink of California and Mr. and
Mrs. Dirk Keilhouz of La Fay
ette, Ind. having been spending
two weeks yyith Mr. and Mrs.
Ben Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnott Edson and
Mr. and Mrs. Don Wertz of Bur
lington, Wash., visited relatives
in Nebraska recently. The folks
were enroute to New York to vis
it other relatives.
Reach Alaska —
DELOIT Mr. and Mrs. I Leon
ard Larson have arrived in An
chorage, Alaska, where they will
make their home for the 1957-’58
school year.
Time Marches On
We Have Grown Older Together
It’s Silver Jubilee Year
SEPTEMBER 1932 — 1957
Twenty-five years of history—founded In adversity— !
drouth, depression and general despair—farm holiday—bank
holiday—flight from gold—Frazer-Lempke Foreclousure Act— '
commodity stabilization act—world War II—price freezes—
inflation—social security act—confiscatory taxation—recession
—Korean police action—more inflation—recession—soil hank
—more inflation and higher taxes. In the words of Major
Bowes—“around and around she went and where she stops
nobody knows.” But seriously, I wouldn’t have missed it for
anything. It’s the chase that lends zest to the hunt, and not
the kill. We are deeply appreciative to each and everyone of j
you who extend us a helping hand, or a kind word along
the way. To our consignors and buyers, down thru the years
—your confidence and your support—made it |s>ssible—to you
we are grateful.
And Now That Forward Look!
Announcing Two Special Events
Silver Jubilee Carlot Cattle Auction !
Already consigned are nearly 1,200 head.
Our Second Special Carlot Auction
Already consigned nearly 1,000 head.
Both of these sales will be widely advertised—7,000 cards
mailed direct—6 radio stations and scores of newspapers will
invite prospective buyers to these events. If you wish to con
sign an offering to either of these Hpeelal Sales we should j
have the information not later than September 1st. Phone 5141
daytime or 6131 evenings. :
Atkinson, Nebraska