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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1957)
Future Subscribers HAVRANEK Mr and Mrs. Charles Havranek of O’Neill, a son. Jerold Edward, weighing 6 pounds 12 ounces, bom Friday, August 16 at Atkinson Memorial hospital. M1ADY Mr and Mrs Alfred Mlady of Wausa, a daughter, Terry Lea, weighing 7 pounds 6 ounces, l»m Wednesday, August 14, at Lundberg Memorial hospit al at Creighton. FRANK Mr. and Mrs. Dean Frank of Creighton, a son, Randy Gene, weighing 7 pounds 15 oun eet born Thursday, August 15 at Lundberg Memorial hospital at Creighton. NICKEL Mr. and Mrs Wesley Nickel of Mountain Home, Ida., a daughter, Deanne Irene, bom Thursday. August 8 The Nickel family moved to Idaho from Page a few years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Plenn Nickel of Caldwell, Ida., are paternal grandparents. SMITH Lt. and Mrs. E. G. Smith of Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo., a daughter, Nancy Margaret, weighing 7 pounds, 5 ounces, bom Friday. August 2 Rev. Smith is a former pastor of Christ Luther an church here. He is now a chaplain in the army. HAHK Mr. and Mrs Max ltahr of Fremont, a daughter, Cindy Marlene, weighing 5 pounds 13 ounces lx>rn Saturday, August 3, at Fremont. Mrs. Bahr is the former Gwen Klinetobe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Kline tobe of Emmet. IA MASON' Army Capt. and Mrs. Lynn Lamason of Alexan dria, Va., a daughter, weighing 8 pounds, horn Sunday, August 18, at Alexandria. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lamason of Page are pa ternal grandparents. NELSON Rev. and Mrs. Bern ard Nelson of Bristow, a son, Lowell David, 0 pounds 1*4 oun ces, l>orn Saturday, August 17, at St Anthony's hospital. Reverend Nelson is pastor of Trinity Luth eran church at Bristow and Mes siah Lutheran church at Baker. MLADY Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Mlady of Wausa, a daughter, Terry Lea, weighing 7 pounds 6 ounces, horn Wednesday, August 14, at Lundberg Memorial hos pital in Creighton. LYONS Sgt. and Mrs, James Lyons of O’Neill, a daughter, Re nee Jean, weighing 7 pounds 15 ounces, horn Thursday, August 15, at St. Anthony's hospital. The L,.n 4 U ~ J._1_4. and one son, all first names be ginning with "R" Randy, Rose mary and Roxanne. ANDERSON Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Anderson of O'Neill, a son. William Alan, weighing 9 pounds 8«4 ounces, Ixim Friday, August 16, at St. Anthony’s hos pital. This is their third son and they have one little girl. GROSSNICKLAUS — Mr. and Mrs. Merlyn Grossnicklaus of Chambers a daughter, Zoe El len, weighing 8 pounds 15Mi oun ces, born Thursday, August 15, at St. Anthony’s hospital. The cou ple has two other children. FRANK Mr. and Mrs. Dean Frank of Creighton, a son, Randy Gene, weighing 7 pounds 15 oun ces, born Thursday, August 15, at Lundberg Memorial hospital in Creighton. IIAVRANEK Mr. and Mrs. Charles Havranek of O’Neill, a son, Jerold Edward, weighing 6 pounds 12 ounces, bom Friday, August 16, at Atkinson Memorial hospital. ANDERSON Mr. and Mrs Norman Anderson of Bristow, a son, David Julian, weighing 6 pounds 12M> ounces bom Tuesday August 20. at St. Anthony’s hos pital. LUBER Mr. and Mrs. Lyle W. Luber, a son, Russel William weighing 8M> pounds, born Sat urday, August 10 at the Butte Ma ternity home. ATKINSON Clem Cleary of Sleepy Eye. Minn., who had part of a lung removed at Rochester, Minn., is “getting along fine.". Mr. and Mrs. Alex Cleary and two sons of Atkinson and Mrs. Clarence Sauser and Mrs. Ed Dumper, lioth of O’Neill, drove to Rochester Wednesday to visit their brother. Mrs. Moses finest— Mrs. Arlo Hiatt was hostess Tuesday to the MM club. Mrs. II S. oses was a guest. Winners were Mrs. L A. Burgess and Mrs. Paul Shierk, Sick & Injured PACE SupU and Mrs. William lloek and son#. I>enny and I *on me, left Wednesday for ( trruih.i where they have an appointment for Thursday for surgery for Donnie's eye . . . Mr. and Mrs Roy Stewart went to Ralstron Saturday where they were week end guests of his brother. Ivan. Mrs. Stewart had an appointment at the University hospital for the treatment of a "frozen shoulder caused by bursitis . . . Mrs. Lloyd Fusselman was a patient last week in the hospital at Neligh . . Ray Snell entered St. An thony's hospital Sunday Blood donors were contacted because several transfusions were neees ary to build him up before furth r treatment . Mrs. Marvin Stauffer received severe injuries to a knee when she was kicked by a cow while milking Monday evening. She is on crutches . . . Carol Harris, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Harris entered St. Anthony hospital Sunday for medical treatment. LYNCH Mr. and Mrs. Louis Novak last Thursday consulted specialists in Yankton, S. D.. about their baby's health. . . Mrs. IC. L. Haselhorst, Marlene Stroit, and Mrs. Leonard Havranek as sisted Mrs. Beryl Moody with I canning Friday. Mrs. Moody has ; spent much of her time with her little daughter. Marcelyn, at the Lynch hospital the past two weeks Marcelyn was seriously ill with a virus infection, but was brought home Saturday. Au gust 17. . . Kathryn Mulhair is walking on crutches and is "get ting along good", having under gone bone surgery on her leg be low the knee atxiut three weeks ago in Omaha. . . Mrs. Inger Levi is "getting along nicely" af ter her recent illness. Her grand daughter. Janis Cassidy, is stay ing with her. Virginia Cassidy i iioiiif r i luaj • EWING Mrs. Keith Schwei gert and family of Dallas, S. I)., came to the M. B. Marcellus home in O’Neill Tuesday. Mrs. Schweigert and Mrs, Marcellus took their father, George Robert son. who makes his home with his daughter, Mrs. Robert Tams of Ewing, to University hospital in Omaha. They returned to O’ Neill the next day and the Schwei gerts went home last Thursday. . . . Mrs. Theodore Schueth, who has been with her husband, a pa tient at Our Lady of Lourdes hos pital at Norfolk, returned home j Monday. Mr. Schueth is a dia betic . . Mrs. Ed Urban is spend ing this week in Omaha visiting relatives and staying near her son, Richard Bollwitt, who is hos pitalized there. CHAMBERS Mrs. Clarence Grimes had the misfortune to step in a hole and severely sprain her ankle Wednesday, August 14. . . . H. W. Hubbard returned home late last week from St. An thony's hospital in O’Neill where he had undergone surgery fol lowing an accident in the hay field. . . Dennis Cavanaugh suf fered a broken arm and chipped shoulder when thrown for a calf at the fair Thursday evening. AMELIA Miss Charlotte Berry was able to return home from umana xuesnay, August xj. sne had been receiving treatment for an infected finger. . . Delbert Edwards received tin injury to ' has back while stacking hay re cently. They went to Norfolk Saturday to consult a doctor. It was found he suffered a slipped disc. He received treatment and was able to return home. O'NEILL Dickie McKim, son I of Mr. and Mrs. Orville McKim, was ill with flu the first of the week. . . Mrs. Margaret White submitted to minor surgery Fri day at Our Lady of Lourdes hos pital in Norfolk. Recently she moved into an apartment of Roy Coles. INMAN Kenneth Coventry drove to Sioux City Friday to get Mrs. Coventry, who has Ixeen hospitalized Ihe past four weeks . Miss Mildred Keyes drove to Norfolk Friday where she v isited her sister Mrs. Blausch Rouse, i patient in a Norfolk hospital. DORSEY -Guy Hull and his father, left Thursday, August 1, for Excelsoir Springs, Mo., where they received medical aid, re turning Saturday, August 10. MARRIAGE LICENSES Ronald Lane McClellan, 21, of O'Neill, and Miss Marybelle O' Conner, 25, of O’Neill, August 16. Frontier for printing! LOOK AHEAD - PLAN AHEAD Let “VERDIGRE LIVESTOCK MARKET” Take Care of All Marketing Needs Market Report: Monday, August 19. A large run of hogs today with top on butchers at $20.95 ! on a market that became just a bit stronger all through the | sale. There was still quite a discrimination on the underweight hogs. The No. 2 and No. 3 butchers sold from $20.00 to $20 65. Sows sold from $17.00 to$20.55 depending upon size and qual ity. We sold around 150 head of pigs on a very active market. Pigs weighing from 80 to 100 pounds and averaging around 80 i pounds sold for $20.00 each. Other pigs weighing from 30 to | 50 pounds sold from $11.00 to $14.00 earh. We sold around 70 head of cattle. One small lot of Here ford calves sold for $24.30. Had this been a whole load, they could have brought more. Cattle are selling fairly active, however at this time of year, buyers are becoming more se lective as to quality. i We are spending several days each week in the country —if you would like to have us stop in, just let us know and we will lie happy to visit with you about your selling or buy isg problems. Remember our market with sales EVERY MONDAY. We believe you will like our service. Every con- ' signment is appreciated. Verdigre Livestock Market Don Jensen, Mgr. • SALE EACH AND EV ERY’ MONDAY WITH HOG SALE STARTING AT II A.M. Lunch Stand in Sale Pavilllon Phone 86 or 32-W JR* ■ GOOCH'S BEST l FLOUR c i n m-m + ———— t OhUtsL ^LovL | CHARCOAL • BRIQUETS Make* Tool On Moot Cooking Really rani 10 LIS. c READS RUSSIAN DRESSING * OX. BOTTLE J WAXTEX WAXED PAPER ioo nr. ROLL_M-M 1 ,,c—,H/_X^&Z&uncon-Hme. SUMMER CME CARNITO I WHITE - MARBLE - SPICE - DEVIL'S FOOD - YELLOW - BURNT SUGAR - FUDGE BROWNIE MIX U?1 £ | W| CAKE MIXES 4-1 •OLDEN VALLEY PACKED IN RICH TOmAYO SAUCE PORK ^ | - OEl UCHTF UIFE WITH IIHEIIIII PRIPFFRIIIT IIIICE *»*«•#» ' . PORlfCHOPS'.. “•59* unaru Mvll JUIuk Unsweetened . Tin I l) CllCmHy fresh made delicious flavoi* ! GREEN BEANS Sr..0-*.8 NoTi“3 38‘ sl1Ced RING B0L0GNfl."4bC '>LIV,CU DELICIOUS SANDWICH MEiVT IA I jumbo sue at o SUPREME CINNAMON CRISP.HP?‘;37( bacon SPICED LUNCHEON - 49c| | r"’Spcc:o1 Frice | pure vegetable shoo^T Ut- 59c SUMMER SAUSAGE m59c i SPRY QQc -== — fi -- 8 for 88c liquid SHORTENING k I'AMll.v I Goodness. Extra Fancy. SPRY ® Pork FI BcallS Sweet and Cooling ... W . „ Try Some Todayl J QUART . • DlCed Beets -, - | • SPinach CHICKEN FRESH SOLID CRISP f NEW FAKM ( LIB 1 r add Arc _ REALKILl I • Corn I VoAbbAVJC ••• LB- DC BUG KILLER • Hominy milTM TIM* ONLY I SINO TO ■ IPICML OP POO f I P O o«h OY-C, Mt V —m SO. S.Y. *, I — /—« . 0«» ppFw Kl IWIMUtl mn*Mn -'UM 0*« p«I fN.i.irtil - PUSH- 1 B Carrots mm, IMF mi r»«-»» r-« s»n«rt N iwnNnainpuiN.xYiUNl iimWII f IttAL lO^ i BOTT18 _BUTTON I * FRESH CALIFORNIA RED MALAGA ^ OAA rRYEBS BREASTS DBUM THIGHS /**n a ncc n on **^9*-* , g 303 cns 88c *“• » GRAPES.2 lbs 29c 69. 98. j I ° ” I >,» 99. 99* 79* f OI K FAMILY OUR FAMILY PAN READY I .. SwestHlmtt PUREX Org. DRINK GRAPEFRUIT FLYERS numT j 2-59- -*zs. >&- „4;:. 4fa -si 4 fa..41 lb.3Sc I trend Sweetheart beads 0 a* «*<« blue barrel ^WUWfflTI northern northern i «£. ^ BLEACH PURE* uundpySoap jgjELg, 27* mthkoom mint iupion. I EBei 2-39 ‘ 1 4-27' »49* -a.49* 1 2g?33' ^4»»15> I 22glg_ OHBHi WITH THIS COUPON I '.RRRY HILL FROZEN 1 S BERRIES IF. | lCOz. Pkg.IJl Coupon Expires Aug. 26th THE MODERN MEAT TYPE HOG CRESCENT EGG I FAIREST FACIAL NOODLES IQ/ 8 TISSUES Full Pound Pig_I #1 I Bon ol 200 .„ Coupon Expires Aug. 26th Coupon Expires Aug. 26th j COMPLETE LINE OF VICTOR CATTLE, HOG & POULTRY FEEDS This Week’s “SPECIAL” — 20c Cwt. Discount on Poultry Feeds! Victor Comp. Egg—less disc., cwt. 4.05 Victor 26% Grain Bal. less disc. 4.55 Victor 20% Egg Gran.—less disc. 4.30 Victor 32% Poul. Cone.—less disc. 4.95 needs A MODERN MEAT PRODUCING FEED VICTOR HOG SUPPLEMENTS kli • HOG Bl'IIJJER all purpose supplement for top performance! TOP MARKET FOR YOUR PRODUCE! 35% HOG SUPPLEM’T and a Full Feed of Grain in Dry lot MEANS Efficient & Economical GAINS! 40% HOG PASTURE SUPPLEMENT and corn give you the ideal bal anced ration when finishing hogs on pasture! Shelhamers Located at PHONE 593 PHONE 2851 O’NEILL BONESTEEL