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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1957)
Legal Notices i First pub. Aug. 8, 1957) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA COUNTY OF HOLT. PLAINTIFF, vs. FTHEL COWLES; John Doe, real true name unknown, hus l and of Ethel Cowles; and, Ixjts 8, 9, and 10, in Block 7, of Hal-1 Jock's Second Addition of the' Town of Stuart, Holt County,1 Nebraska, Defendants in Plaintiff First Cause of Action. KENNETH CADWALLAD ER; Clarion Cadwallader, hus ind and wife. The Village of Stuart, Holt County, Nebraska, municipal corporation; and, Lo 1 in Block 19, of Hallock’s Sec ond Addition to the Town of Stu art, Holt County, Nebraska Defendants in Plaintiff Second Cause of Action. JOHN M. H1RSCH. and Anna K. Hirsch, husband and wife; and Henry Brockman; and, Ixits 1 to 6, lioth inclusive, in Block 21, of Pio neer Townsite Company's Addition *o the Town of Stuart, Holt Coun ty, Nebraska; Iiefendants in Plaintiffs Third Cause of Action. CLIFFORD C. GRAVES; Mary Graves, first and real tnie nam unknown, wife of Clifford C. Graves; and, Lots 8, 9 and 10, in Block 2, of the Original Town of, Page, Holt County, Nebraska, Defendants in Plaintiffs Fourth Cause of Action. C. A. TOWNSEND; Mary Town send first and real true name un known, wife of C. A. Townsend Carrie 11. Townsend; John Doe : real name unknown, husband o Carrie 11. Townsend; and The South 25 feet of Lots 9 and 10; and, the North 25 feet of the South 75 feet of I/Jts 9 and 10, all being in Block 9 of the Original Town of Page Holt County, Nebraska, Defendants in Plaintiff's ; Fifth Cause of Action. CI.ARENCE M STEVENS; Mary Stevens, first and real true| name unknown, wife of Clarence M Stevens; and, Nprth 25 feet o the South 50 feet of Lots 9 and 10 | in Block 9, of the Original Town of Page, Holt County, Nebraska Defendants in Plaintiff’ Sixth Cause of Action. T. \T\ra imitR: John Doe, real real true name unknown, husband Of Emma Dorr; and, North 42 feet of I»ts 9 and 10, in Block 9, of the Original Town of Page, Holt Coun tv, Nebraska, Seventh Cause of Action Defendants in Plaintiff's WILLIAM D. TOWNSEND; Mary Townsend, first and real true name unknown, wife of William D. Toivn send; Berenice Ware; John Doe leal name unknown, husband of Berenice Ware; Jessie Swam; John Doc', real name unknown, husband of Jessie Swain; Clinton A. Townsend; Mary Iownsend, first and real true name unknown, Wife of Clinton A. Townsend; and Lots 11, 12 and 13, in Block 18, of the Original Town of Page, Holt County, Nebraska. ...... Defendants in Plaintiff s Eighth Cause of Action. SADIE E. SHANNER; John Doe real name unknown, husband of Sadie E. Shanner; George M Rost; Mary Rost, first and rea true name unknown, wife ol George M Rost; and, Lots LI to 15 Ixith inclusive, in Block 28, of the Original Town of Page, Holt County, Nebraska, Defendants in Plaintin s Ninth Cause of Action. BEN LAMASON; Mary Lama son first and real true name un known. wife of Ben Lamason; Old Ago Assistance Board of Hot County. Nebraska; and ^ts 1 * 14 both inclusive, of BIock a, u East Side Addition to the Town of Page, Holt County, Nebraska, Defendants in Plaintiff s Tenth Cause of Action. ^ M A R G A R E T A. CLAUSSEN, tntm Doe real name unknown, husband of Margaret A- Claussen; and. Nondescript No. 38 n the Town of Atkinson, Holt County, N hraska, more particularly de scribed as: commencing at a poin 986 13 feet South and 63833 feet West of ihe Northeast corner «f the Northeast Quarter of Soutto east Quarter of Section 32. n Township 30, North, Range 14, S of 6th P.M.. ™ing thence West 44 feet, thence North 208.70 !eet thence East 44 feet- thence Soutli 208.70 feet to the place beginning fendants Pl iritiff's Eleventh cause of Action. Said defendants will take n ^ that on the 5tli day of August, 1997, the plaintiff, the County of Holt filed its petition in the District _ _ ! Court of Holt County, Nebraska. ! against you and each of you and I the described parcels of land in i each cause of action, as defend ants, the object and prayer of such petition being to foreclose certificates of tax sale duly issued j by the County Treasurer of Holt | County. Nebraska, on June 17, 1954, j and to foreclose the subsequent de linquent taxes on each such par cel of real estate involved in each cause of action for the years. Sec ond half of 1953, and all of 1954, 1955 and 1956, as follows: viz. Cause of Action 1: Certificate No. 774 for 1950 to 1st half of 1953, both inclusive, and subsequent taxes for second half of 1953 to 1956 inclusive, amounting in all to SI 113.82 as of May 1, 1957; Cause of Action 2: Certificate No. 775, for 1950 to 1st half of 1953, l Kith inclusive, and subse quent taxes for second half of 1953 to 1956 both inclusive, amounting in all to $197.89 as of May 1, 1957: Cause of Action 3. Certificate No. 776 for 1950 to 1st half of 1953 both inclusive, and subsequent taxes for second half of 1953 to 1956 lx>th inclusive, amounting in all to $200.96 as of May 1, 1957; Cause of Action 4: Certificate No. 784 for 1951 to first half of 1953, both inclusive, and subse quent taxes for second half of 1953 to 1956 lx>th inclusive, amount in all to $2174^-1 as of May 1, 1957; Cause of Action 5: Certificate i No. 788 for 19*16 to 1st half of 1953 both inclusive, and subsequent I taxes for second half of 1953 to 1956, both inclusive, amounting in all to $298.53 as of May 1, 1957; Cause of Action 6: Certificate No. 789 for 1948 to 1st half of 1953 Ixith inclusive, and subsequent ' taxes for second half of 1953 ! to 1956 lx>th inclusive, amounting i in all to $146.46 as of May 1, 1957; Cause of Action 7: Certificate No. 790 for 1948 to 1st half of 1953 both inclusive, and subsequent taxes tor second half of 1953 to 1956 both inclusive, amounting in all to $107.96 as of May 1, 1957; Cause of Action 8: Certificate No. 791 for 1948 to 1st half of 1953 both inclusive, and subsequent taxes for second half of 1953 to 1956 both inclusive, amounting in all to $26.62 as of May 1, 1957; Pqiica Ar*tir»n Q* r\»rt if inn tp No. 792 for 1948 to 1st half of 1953 tx)th inclusive, and subsequent taxes for second half of 1953 to 1956 both inclusive, amounting in all to $42.24 as of May 1, 1957; Cause of Action 10: Certificate No. 794 for 1951 to 1st half of 1953 both inclusive, and subsequent I taxes for second half of 1953 to 1956 1)0tli inclusive, amounting in all to $284.27 as of May 1, 1957; Cause of Action 11: Certificate No. 673 for 1948 to first half of 1953 both inclusive, and subse quent taxes for second half of 1953 to 1956, both inclusive, amounting in all to $41.66 as of May 1, 1957; Said tax sale certificates and subsequent delinquent taxes draw interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum from and after - May 1, 1957. Plaintiff prays for a | decree of foreclosure on each tax sale certificate and the subsequent delinquent taxes on each parcel of real estate described for the amount found due with interest and legal costs, and that said plaintiff be allowed an attorneys fee equal to ten per cent of the I amount found due in each cause | of action to lie taxed as part of the costs, and that said real estate be sold for the satisfaction of such liens, and the costs and interest. You and each of you are re quired to answer said petition on or before the 16th day of Septem ber 1957, otherwise judgment will l>e rendered against you accord ingly. COUNTY OF HOLT, PLAINTIFF By; William W. Griffin, its attorney. ( 15-18c ) ( First pub., Aug. 8, 1957 ) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA COUNTY OF HOLT, PLAINTIFF, vs. HANNAH A. TUTTLE; John Tuttle, first and real true name unknown, husband of Hannah A. Tuttle; Rollin L. Tuttle; Mary Tuttle, first and real true name unknown, wife of Rollin L. Tuttle; The Village of Ewing, in Holt County, Nebraska, a municipal corporation; Old Age Assistance Board of Holt County, Nebraska; and \jo\. 13, in Block 9, of die Original Town of Ewing, Holt County, Nebraska, . Defendants in Plaintiff s First Cause of Action. EDNA K. BLACK; John Black, i nnlmnum tirsi ana rem 11 * ir. ,m. husband of Edna K. Black; The Village of Ewing, in Holt County, Nebraska, a municipal corpora tion; and, Lots 7 and 8, in Block 33 of the Subdivision of Outlots A and B, in the Village of Ewing, Holt County. Nebraska Defendants in Plaintiff s Second Cause of Action. JAMES L. PRUDEN; Mary Pruden, first and real true name unknown, wife of James L. I ”■» den Tlie Kansas Nebraska Gas Company, a corporation; and. A tract of land described as . Be ginning at a point 544V. tcetVAest of the Northeast corner of the Northwest Quarter of Section 3, in Township 26, North, Range 9, West of the 6th >.M. in Holt County Nebraska, running thence West 6134 feet to the East line of^ the Right of Way of the Public High way, thence Southeast a^n£ East line of said Public Highway ,o a point 533 feet South of the point of beginning, thence North 533 feet to the point and. All of the North half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 3, in Township 26, North, Range 9, West of the 6th P.M. in Holt Coun tv Nebraska, lying South of the Right of way of the Chicago, Northwestern Railroad Company, and, The South half of the Nortli west Quarter of Section 3, n Township 26, North, Range , West of the 6th PM., m Holt County, Nebraska excepting: a tract commencing Vi rod North of the Northeast comer of the South west Quarter of said Section 3, running thence North 8 rods thence West 10 rods, thence South 8 rods, thence East 10 rods to the point of beginning, Defendants in Plaintiff s Third Cause of Action. ROBERT E. DAVIDSON and El sie M Davidson, husband and wife; real names unknown: and, A tract of land described as: Be ginning at a point 35 feet South and 114.5 feet West of the South east comer of Block 16, in Haze let's Addition to the Town of O'Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, thence running South 170 feet, thence East 45 feet, thence South 257 feet more or less to the Sec tion line on the South side of Sec tion 30, in Township 29. North, Range 11, West of the 6th P.M., ♦hence running West on sail Sec 'inn line 162.9 feet, thence run ning North along the center line of Madison Street of the City of O’Neill, Nebraska, 407 ft., thence running West 170 ft., thence run 1 ning North 20 feet, thence running East 287.9 feet to the place of lieginning. Defendants in Plaintiff’s ' Fourth Cause of Action. ELLIOTT E. THOMPSON: Mary Thompson, first and real true name unknown, wife of Elliott E. Thompson; Sarah J. Wolf; John Wolf; first and real true name unknown, husband of Sarah J. Wolf; Ellen Bold Mcllravie; John Doe, real true name unknown, husband of Ellen Bold Mcllravie; May Mcllravie; John Doe, real true name unknown, husband of May Mcllravie Leslie W. Cain; Mary Cain, first and real true name unknown, wife of Leslie W. Cain; Irene Cain Hoxsie; John Doe, real name unknown, husliand of Irene Cain Hoxsie; Edna May Cain; John Doe, real name un known, husband of Edna May ! Cain; Hazel Cain; John Doe, real ■ name unknown, husband of Hazel , Cain; Glenn Cain; Mary Cain, real name unknown, wife of Glenn Cain; Ivan Cain; Mary Cain, real name unknown, wife of Ivan Cain; Esther Cain; John Doe, real name unknown, husband of Esther Cain; Helen Frances Waid; John Doe, real name unknown, husband of Helen Frances Waid; and, West One-Half of Lot 5, in Block A, of Millard’s Addition to the Town of O'Neill, Holt County, Nebraska; Defendants in Plaintiff’s Fifth Cause of Action. MINA COVENTRY; John Doe, real true name unknown, husband « « ' n..A . . nn.I L’ nl'i T.f 4 i m iTiuia v/UY»iuj * — feet of Lot 2, in Block 3, of the Village of Inman, Holt County, Nebraska; _ , Defendants in Plaintiff's Sixth Cause of Action. NORBERT E. CLARK; Mary Clark, first and real true name un known, wife of Norbert E. Clark; and, South One-half of Lot 6, in Block 14, of the Subdivision en titled Blocks 12, 13, and 14, and Outlots 4 to 11 inclusive of Out. lot B in the Town of Inman, Holt County, Nebraska; Defendants in Plaintiff’s Seventh Cause of Action. ETHEL E. COWLES; John Doe, real true name unknown, husband of Ethel F. Cowles; and. West 74 feet of Lot 11, in Block 7, of Hal lock’s Addition to tin1 Town of Stuart, Holt County, Nebraska; Defendants in Plaintiff’s Eighth Cause of Action. DALE HENDERSON and Hazel H. Henderson, husband and wife; I he Village of Stuart, Holt County, Nebraska, a municipal corpora tion; and, Lots 1 anil 2, in Block 9, of Hallock’s Addition to the Town of Stuart, Holt County, Ne braska; Defendants in Plaintiff’s Ninth Cause of Action. JOHN H. CHANEY; Mary Cha ney, first and real true name un known, wife of John H. Chaney; Old Age Assistance Board of Holt County, Nebraska; The Village of Stuart, Holt County, Nebraska, a municipal corporation; and, South One-half of Lot J, in Block 7, of Western Town Lot Company’s Ad dition to the Town of Stuart, Holt County, Nebraska, Defendants in Plaintiff’s Tenth Cause of Action. Said defendants will take notice that on the 5th day of August, 1957, the plaintiff, the County of Holt, filed its petition in the Dis trict Court of Holt County, Nebras ka, against you and each of you and the described parcels of land in each cause of action, as defend ants, the object and prayer of such petition being to foreclose certificates of tax sale duly is sued by the County Treasurer of Holt County, Nebraska, on June 17, 1954, and to foreclose the sub sequent delinquent taxes on each such parcel of real estate involved in each cause of action for the years, Second half of 1953, and all of 1954, 1955, and 1956, as : follows: viz.: Cause of Action 1: : Certificate No. 705, for 1950 to 1st half of 1953, both inclusive, and 1___i. invnn t r\r> COOOnH Vi n 1# i *— -------- of 1953 both inclusive, amounting in all to $465.20 as of May 1, 1957; Cause of Action 2: C'rtficate No. 710, for 1950 to 1st half of 1953, both inclusive, and subsequent taxes for second half of 1953 to 1956 both inclusive, amounting in all to $262.00 as of May 1, 1957; Cause of Action 3: Certificate No. 720, for 1951 to 1st half of 1953, both inclusive, and subse quent taxes for second half of 1953 to 1956 both inclusive, amounting in all to $89.16 as of May 1, 1957; Cause of Action 4: Certificate No. 722, for 1952 to 1st half of 1953, both inclusive, and subse quent taxes for second half of 1953 to 1956 both inclusive, amount ing in all to $93.61 as of May 1, i 1957; Cause of Action 5: Certificate No. 734, for 1948 to first half of 1953, both inclusive, and subse I quent taxes for second half of 1953 to 1956, both inclusive, amounting j in all to $55.24 as of May 1, 1957; Cause of Action 6: Certificate No. 744 for 1951 to first half of 1953, both inclusive, and subse quent taxes for second half of 1953 to 1956, both inclusive, l amounting in all to $26.02 as of May, 1, 1957; Cause of Action 7: Certificate ! No. 746 for 1950 to 1st half of 1953, j both inclusive, and subsequent taxes for second half of 1953 to 1956 both inclusive, amounting in all to $21.99 as of May 1, 1957; Cause of Action 8: Certificate No. 764 for 1949 to 1st half of 1953 to 1956, both inclusive, quent taxes for second half of 1953 ,to 1956, both inclusive amounting in all to $1872.47 as of May 1, 1957; Cause of Action 9: Certificate No. 768, for 1948 to 1st half of 1953 both inclusive, and subse quent taxes for second half of 1953 to 1956 both inclusive, amount ing in all to $982.85 M of May 1. 1957.; Cause of Action 101 Certificate No. 771, for 1950 to 1st half of 1953, both inclusive, and subsequent taxes for second half erf 1953 to 1956 both inclusive, amounting in all to $149.92 as of May 1. 1957; Said tax sale certificates and subsequent delinquent taxes draw interest at the rate of sev en per cent per annum from and after May 1, 1957. Plaintiff prays for a decree of foreclosure on each tax sale certificate and the subsequent delinquent taxes on each parcel of real estate describ ed for the amount found due with interest and legal costs, and that said plaintiff be allowed an attor ney's fee equal to ten percent of the amount found due in each cause of action to be taxed as pari of the costs, and that said real estate be sold for the satisfac tion of such liens, and the costs and interest. You and each of you are re quired to answer said petition on or before the 16th day of Sep tember 1957, otherwise judgment will be rendered against you ac cordingly. COUNTY OF UOLT, Plaintiff By: William W. Griffin, its attorney. 15-18c ) (First pub. Aug. 8, 1957) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF IIOI-T COUNTY, NEBRASKA COUNTY OF HOLT, PLAINTIFF, vs. RALTON O. JARVIS and Floy Jarvis, husband and wife; and I,ot Five in Block Thirteen of Kimball & Blair's Addition to the Town of Atkinson, Holt County, Nebraska, Defendants in Plaintiff’s First Cause of Action; R. B. TRANER; Mary Traner, first and real true name un known, wife of R. B. Traner; Old Age Assistance Board of Holt County, Nebraska; and, Lots 1, 2 and .3, in Block 39 of Kimball & Blair's Addition to the Town f a rv.n,At Mo. braska, Defendants in Plaintiff’s Fifth Cause of Action; RAYMOND R. DISNEY; Mary Disney, first and real true name unknown, wife of Raymond R. Disney; Old Age Assistance Board of Holt County, Nebraska; and, A tract of land described as; beginning at the Southeast corner of the Northeast Quarter of Section 30, in Township 26, North, Range 12, West of the 6th P.M. in Holt County, Nebraska, running thence West 32 rods, thence North 10 rods, thence East 32 rods, thence South 10 rods to the place of beginning, Defendants in Plaintiff’s Sixth Cause of Action. RAYMOND It. DISNEY; Mary Disney, first and real true name unknown, wife of Raymond R. Disney; Old Age Assistance Board of Holt County, Nebraska; and, A tract of land described as: commencing at the Northeast corner of the Southeast Quarter of Section 30, in Township 26, North, Range 12, West of the 6th P.M. in Holt County, Nebras ka, running thence West 30 rods, thence South 10 rods, thence East 30 rods, thence North 10 rods to the place of beginning. Defendants in Plaintiff’s Seventh Cause of Action; JOHN A. MILLER; Mary Mil ler, first and real true name un known, wife of John A. Miller; and, North One-half of Lot 16, in Block 4, of Tuller & McNichols Addition to the Town of Atkin son, I loft County, Nebraska; Defendants in Plaintiff’s Eighth Cause of Action; FIRMIN Q. FELTZ; Mary Feltz, first and real true name unknown, wife of Firmin Q. Feltz; Fred C. Stanton; Mary Stanton, first and real true name unknown, wife of Fred C. Stan ton; and, The Northwest Quar ter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 3, in Township 26, North, Range 9, West of the 6th P.M. in Holt County, Nebraska, Defendants in Plaintiff's Ninth Cause of Action; FRANK EMSICK; Mary Em sick, first and real true name un known, wife of Frank Emsick; and, West Half of East Half of I/)t 11; West Half of East Half of Lot 12; and West Half of East Half of Lot 13, all being in Block 6, of the Original Town of Ewing, Holt County, Ne brisks Defendants in Plaintiff’s Tenth Cause of Action. Said defendants will take notice: that on the 5th day of August, J 1957, the plaintiff, the County of, Holt, filed its petition in the District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, against you and each ot you ana ine aescuut-u cels of land in each cause of ac tion, as defendants, the object and prayer of such petition being to foreclose certificates of tax sale duly issued by the County Treasurer of Holt County, Ne braska, on June 17, 1954, and to foreclose the subsequent delin quent taxes on each such parcel j of real estate involved in each cause of action for the years, , Second half of 1953, and all of 1954, 1955, and 1956, as follows: viz:— Cause of Action 1: Certificate; No. 669, for 1948 to first half of: 1953 both inclusive, and subse- j quent taxes for second half of 1953 to 1956 both inclusive, j amounting in all to $56.17 as of j May 1, 1957; Cause of Action 5: Certificate No. 670 for 1949 to 1st half of 1953, both inclusive, and subsequent taxes for second half of 1953 to 1956 both inclusive, amounting in all to $331.46 as of May 1, 1957; Cause of Action 6: Certificate No 684, for 1949 to 1st half of 1953, both inclusive, and subsequent taxes for second half of 1953 to 1956 both incluslvce, amounting in all to $68.64 as of May 1, 1957; Cause of Action 7: Certificate No. 678, for 1949 to 1st half of 1953, both inclusive and subse quent taxes for second half of 1953 to 1956, both inclusive, amounting In all to $45.83 as of May 1, 1957; Cause of Action 8: Certificate No 671, for 1950 to 1st half of 1953, both inclusive, and subsequent taxes for second half of 1953 to 1956 both inclusive, amounting in all to $27.81 as of May 1, 1957: Cause of Action 9: Certificate No. Ot for 1950 to 1st half of 1953. tioth inclusive, and subse quent tuv < for second half of 1953 to 1956. botli inclusive, amounting in all to $329.09 as of May 1, 1957;; Cause of Action 10: Certificate No 701. for 1950 to 1st half of 1953, lx>th inclusive, and subse quent taxes for second half of 1953 to 1956, both inclusive, amounting in all to $711.57 as of May 1. 1957; Said tax sale certificates and subsequent delinquent taxes draw interest at the rate of seven per ent per annum from and afti* May 1. 1957. Plaintiff prays for a decree of foreclosure on each tax sale certificate and the subse quent delinquent taxes on each parcel of real estate described for the amount found due with inter est and legal costs, and that said plaintiff l>e allowed an attorney’s fee equal to ton per cent of the amount found due in each cause of action to be taxed ns part of the costs, and that said real es tate 1h> sold for the satisfaction of such liens, and the costs and interest. You and each of you are re quired to answer said petition on or Indore the 16th day of Septem ber 1957, otherwise judgement will be rendered against you accord ingly- . _ COUNTY OF HOLT. Plaintiff By William W. Griffin, its at torney. 15-1 Sc (First pub. August 8, 1957) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND IIEIRS Estate No. 4204 COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF JUDSON H. HER TEL. DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that Seth L. Hertel, has filed his petition alleging that Judson H. Hertel died June 17, 1949, intestate, a resident of Holt County. Nebraska, seized of real estate described as follows: A part of the sout n west Quarter of Section 20, in Township 2G, North, Range 12, West of the 6th P. M , in Holt County, Nebraska, ard further described as follows: Beginning at a point 1271Vfe feet East of the Southeast corner of Block “D" in the village of Chambers, Nebras ka; thence running East 60 feet; thence running North 260 feet, thence running West 60 feet, thence running south 260 feet to the place of login ning. That petitioner, Seth L. Hertel is the present owner of an inter est in said real estate, having de rived title thereto by inheritance from said deceased. The prayer of the petition is for a determination of the time of the death of said deceased person, and a determination of the heirs, degree of kinship, and right of descent of real property and inter est in real property of said de ceased person, and that there is no inheritance tax, state or feder al, due from said estate of the heirs thereof. That said petition will be for hearing in this Court on the 29th day of August, A. D., 1957, at ten o’clock A. M. LOUIS W. REIMER County Judge 15-17C Retired Officer Visits His Aged Mother in Alaska ATKINSON — Capt. Frank Meals, retired U. S. coast guard officer, recently fulfilled a wish that dates back many years. He made a visit to his boyhood home in Valdez, Alaska. He visited in Anchorage at the home of his brother and sister in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Meals, and is now making an extended visit with his aged mother, “Grandma” Meals, at Valdez. His mother is now 97-years-old and is said to be the oldest pio neer resident in the territory of Alaska. Captain Meals’ sister, Mrs. Will Whalen, also lives in Valdez. Captain Meals had visit ed Valdez only once since leaving there in his youth. Captain Meals is a brother of George Meals of Atkinson. All of the Meals clan are former resi dents of O’Neill. A brother, Jack, lives in Seattle, Wash, and his son, John a navy veteran, is a graduate of Washington univer sity. John recently visited the George Meals family at Atkinson. CHRIST LUTHERAN (O’Neill) Rev. A. S. Gedwillo, pastor Today (Thursday): Walther league meeting, 8 p. m. Sound film strips will he shown on league work. Friday, August 23: Nebraska Walther league convenes at Nor folk for business until adjourn ment Sunday evening. Sunday, August 25: Worship service, 9 a. m.; Sunday-school, 10:15 a. m., W. Frickc, superin tendent; “The Lutheran Hour’’, 4 p. m., WJAG. Tuesday, August 27: Sunday school teachers' and staff meet ing 8 p. m. CHURCH OF CHRIST (O’Neill) Rex James, evangelist Sunday, August 25: Bible school, 10 a. m.; communion and preaching 11 a. m.; youth meet ing 7:30 p. m.; evening service, 8 o'clock. Wednesday August 28: Bible study will be the 15th chapter of Romans. Remi Duhon of Louisiana will lead in the above services. At tendance Sunday was 91. IMMANUEL LUTHERAN (Atkinson) Rev. A. S. Gedwillo, pastor Sunday, August 25: Sunday school, 9:45 a. m., S. H. Brauer, superintendent; worship service, 11 a. m. McNairs Entertain— Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mlinar and daughter were in Spencer Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd McNair. Other sup per guests were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Runnels and son and Cliff De Freese all of Omaha. Mrs. Carl Grant's Death Is Learned DORSEY His Carl Grant,' former resident of this commun ity. died recently. Word of her death reached here Tuesday, August 13 The Grant family formerly liv ed on the farm now owned by Mr. and Mrs. Merle Spangler. There are two daughters in the itnily. One daughter, Mrs Viv ian Curran, lived in the Dorsey community several years. Other Dorsey News The Dorsey mail carrier, I Am Allen of Lynch, was on vacation and the mail has been carried by Laurence Hoy, substitute carrier. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rarta at tended a family picnic at the Niobrara park Sunday, August 11. Mrs. Rarta's sisters and their families were among the guests and six'llt the weekend at the, parental William Kalal home at Verdigre. The Lucky Clover l-H club of Redbird held a swimming party and picnic supper in the Lynch park Sunday evening. August 11. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Chambers and family were callers at the Harold Osborn home Tuesday evening, August 13. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Millard and Linda were visitors at the Ed ward Carson home Sunday. Aug ust 11. Miss Marilyn Graham ac companied Mrs. Allx'rt Carson and daughters to Chamlmrs Mon day, August 12, so the l^tcky Clover -l-H club could enter ex hibits for the fair. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zach and family of Verdel were visitors at, the Harold OsU>rn home Sunday, evening, August 11. and also vis itisl Dale Eiler. Mr. and Mrs. Gay Hull and family of Denver, Colo., arrived Saturday evening, August 10, and ■ i fnmiiv reunion with relatives and friends was hold the follow ing day at the Niobrara state park. Charley Oleson and son, Dav id. of Geddes, S.D., were over night guests at the Harold Os born home Tuesday, August 13. Mrs. Bruce McElhaney of Lin coln arrived at the Harry John-J son home recently for a visit j with her parents. Mrs. 11. II. Miles and daughter, | Linda, took Walter Kruse to Iincoln recently where he has emplovment in vvat'ch repair work. * Mrs. Miles and Linda drove on to Kimball where they attended the wedding of Ben Miles Sunday. August 4. They re turned home the next day. Virgil Pinkerman, DeKalh seed corn salesman for this territory, recently attended a dealer meet ing in DeKalh, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Carson, Miss Beverly and Jesse Carson were recent supper guests at the Arthur Greene home in Lynch. The Lucky Clover 4-11 club held a regular meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Miles and daughter, Linda, Fri day, August 2. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McOolley of Texas were supper guests at the Howard and T. J. Graham home Wednesday, August 7. The West Minister fellowship group held a meeting at the Dor sey church, Thursday, August 8, with a nice attendance. The Dor sey group was entertained by the Verdel group recently. Mr. and Mrs. William Podany and Rosemary and Lucy Kay were callers at the Osborn home Friday, August 9. Mr." and Mrs. Harold Osborn and Ruth left early Thursday morning to viist their daughter and family in Waynesville, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Hiatt and daughters of Marsing, Ida., visit ed friends in the Dorsey comun ity in late July. Their son could not accompany them because of his work. Mrs. Guy Hull a former mem ber of the Dorsey Ladies Aid, entertained the group recently. Your Dorsey correspondent has n’t hibernated or left the com munity, but simply missed the mail man on several occasions. Weier Returns from Germany— Army Pfc. Duane Weier, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Weier, ar rived by air last Thursday from Kaiserlautem, Germany, where he was stationed for Ifi months. He plans to complete his educa tion at Wayne* State college, where he had studied for a year before entering the servire. While in Euope, Duane drove over 33,000 miles in connection . . .. . i _1 —. - ~ wlin ms wuin anu to F»e* Moines Miss Joan Hickey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Merle Hickey and ( an employee of the Fourth Street) Market, plans to leave about September 1, for Des Moines, la., j where she will attend a business school. O’NEILL LOCALS Miss Margaret McElvain, a student nurse at St. Elizabeth’s j hospital in Lincoln, had as a weekend guest a classmate. Miss Sonja Wulber. Miss McElvain is spending her two weeks’ vacation | with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I Ralph McElvain. Her brother, Billy, and Larry Chace brought | her home. Billy is going to the University of Nebraska this fall. He completed a year there before going into the service. Mrs. Don Johnson of Huron, S. D., and Pheonix, Ariz., will ar rive Friday to spend the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John L. Baker. FOR I r/)W COST farm, town, mer cantile and auto insurance in financially responsible com panies, settling losses promptly. See, Write or Phone: L. G. Gillespie Insurance A gene v In business 64 years in O’Neill Phone 218 or 114 O’NEILL - - - NEBR. 10 Missionaries \re Deported— Ton Jehovah's Witnesses mis sionaries from America were de ported to Puerto Rico from the lXiminican Republic earlier this month, it was reported this week by Carl F. Andersen, presiding minister of the O'Neill congrega tion of witncssi'?. Mr Andersen said a full-scale campaign to restrict religious , freedom of Witnesses m the 1\> minican Republican has been un derway since July 1. 8-Member Faculty m at Chambers Set High School Pupils Register Sept. 2 CHAMBERS The 1957-’58 term at ChamtH'rs public school will open Monday. September 2, it was announced this week by Supt. 1 lopkins. High school registration will start at 9 a. m. The high school faculty will in clude Mr Hopkins. William Witte. Kenneth N Weller and Mrs. S. M. Burtwhistle. Mr. Witte is also principal. The grade school faculty will include: Mrs. Genevieve Klalv enos, Mrs. O'Malley. Mrs. Clara1 Harley and Mrs. Evelyn Hertlc. High school subjects to bo of-J fered include: Ninth Biology, algebra, world history, English, applied mathe matics, world geography and gen eral science. Tenth Biology, algebra, world, history, English, applied mathe matics, world geography and general science. rXl-. ♦ U A « aniiinn \ 1 i 4.-4. ifi r 1 geometry, physics, chemistry, ad vanced algebra, typing I, English, shop 1, I lookkeeping and driver training. Twelfth American history, geometry, physics, chemistry, ad vanced algebra, typing 1. Eng lish. shop IT, bookkeeping and driver training. Volunteers Gather to Clean Cemetery VENUS A good- sized crowd of volunteers showed up at En ter-prise cemcter> Monday, Aug ust 12, for participation in clean up day. By noon the grass had boon mowed and raked and dead trees and limbs disposed of. Other Venus New* The Work and Fun extension club met with Mrs. Archie Cleve land Wednesday, August 14, with 12 members present, also two visitors Mrs. F. E. Pierce and Mrs. Carol Wilson. Needlework! was done for the hostess. Mrs. George Heggemyer and Mrs. H. J. LeMasters had charge' of the business meeting. Mrs. Cleveland served refreshments Mr. and Mrs. George Uhlir of; Kokomo, Ind., arrived Tues day, August 13, for a week’s vis it at the Fred Uhlir home. Mr. and Mrs. George Patent of Creighton spent Wednesday, Aug ust 14, at the Lavian Hines homo.1 Mr. and Mrs. Alton Nelson and daughter of Clear Lake, la., [ spent Saturday, August 10, at the George Heggemyer home. Dur- j ing the day they enjoyed a picnic dinner at the O’Neill park. Mrs. H. J. LeMasters called at the Ralph Brookhouser home Tuesday, August 13. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Porter and family of Neligh visited at the Ora Caskey home Monday evening, August 12. O’NEILL IXK’ALS Mr. and Mrs. John H. McCar ville and children went to Ells worth, Minn., Sunday to spend a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Egan, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Zakrzewski and family were Sunday dinner guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Zakrzewski. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Wetzler and family left Sunday for their home in Gregory, S. D., after spending their week’s vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Worth. ivu . rtiivi Li. ivi. iviviiiiunii drove Sr. M. Calixta and her sis ter, Miss Genevieve Biglin, to Sioux City last Thursday. Sister Calixta went on to Madison, Wise., where she teaches and Miss Biglin was going to remain in Sioux City several days l>efore returning here. The Merrimans returned home the same night. Floyd Luber was a Monday and Tuesday, August 12-13, guest of Herman Schollmeyer. Laur ence Nemitz called at the Luber home Tuesday evening, August 13. O’Neill News Army I'fe Duane L. Reiser vent to Wayne Friday where he net his twin sister. 1 Vlores and also Carol IAideman, who had unshed summer school at Wayne Mate college. Herman Sohollmeyer was a nipper guest Tuesday August 13. it the Floyd Lueher home Mrs. Loretta l .utter and Mary vero overnight guests of Mr, and Mrs C. Hausen Monday, August 12. 1‘on Kenney and Kathleen Rois <r went to Omaha Saturday, August 10 to meet Miss Reiser's brother, I'fe Duane L. Reiser, a ho w as arriving from Ft Knox, Ky . for a ITt-day leave with tiis sirents. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Reiser, tnd family. The Methodist ladles are hav ing a rummage sale. August 22, y;t. and ‘.*1 in the Odd Fellows small Iniilding on South 4th street. .lack Setmeuter of St Joseph, Mi' . N(tent a few days last week with lus tmtther and wife, Mr. and Mrs I.oo Schneider. Mrs Elgin Ray and Mary spent last Thursday in Ainsworth with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Waite. Mr and Mrs Ibon MeKamy and family left Saturday for Arkan sas They e\|tcct to be gone ft week or two. Mi--s Connie Razelman expects to attend a business school in Omaha. Mr and Mrs Edward Tellier and txtys spi'nt their two weeks vacation in Lincoln and Silver Crook visiting relatives. Mr and Mrs. Carl Miller and txtys stopp'd in Sunday night at her parent Mr and Mrs. Carl Miller. They were on their way lit the Black Hills. Guests of Mr. and Mrs Billie Mareellus last Thursday were Mr, and Mrs. Arlen Ehler of Pacific t.i : _ r Mr. and Mrs. James TV Mahon were in Verdel last weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bern ard Mahon, and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Peed. They also attended a picnic at Niobrara state park. Mrs Vivian Magstadt and daughters. Kay and Myra of Ains worth were weekend guests of the former's mother, Mrs. Vannie Newman. Mr. and Mrs. William J. P’roe lirh, jr., left Monday after spend ing a few days with his parents, the W. J. Froeliehs. They live in Chicago, Ill Now get the profit advantage of Heat Reflecting Aluminum AT LOWEST COST EVER! REYNOLDS ALUMINUM □ IW ROOFING AND SIDING Save with this new Reynolds Sheet—51"overall,it’s the widest ever. Full 4-ft. actual coverage cuts material and labor costs. Extra Strong. Apply it on 2 ft purlin.', saving lumber and con struction time. Resists high winds, heavy snow loads. Rust Eroof, never needs paint. You now aluminum keeps poultry and livestock cooler in summer, warmer in winter—boosts pro duction. Now you can afford it on both new and old building* with this economy sheet. Em bossed finish. Lengths to 12’ Spelts-Ray Lumber Co. O’NEILL Dr. J. L. Sherbahn CHIROPRACTOR rj Block So. of Ford Garage Complete X-Ray Equipment O'Neill, Nebraska DRS. BROWN FRENCH — O’NEILL — PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS Paul Shierk INSURANCE AGENCY O’NEILL, NEBR. Insurance of All Kin* We’re For Stinker Day! But our service doesn’t stink! SEE US FOR • Insurance • Loans > • Real Estate O’NEILL COMPANY Virgil Larsen, Owner