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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1957)
New Water Well Being Tested Located in North Part of Ewing EWING A proposed new wat er well for the municipal water works is being tested in the north pa rt of tow71. If the new well proves successful, pumping equip ment will he moved from the pump house on the school grounds to the new location. The well presently in use would bo abandoned and closed Keith White of Neligh is put ting dowTi the new well. Other Ewing News Milton Biddlecome of the Great Lakes naval base, Great Likes, 111., arrived in Ewing Thursday. He visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs Hans Peterson. His par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Biddle come, were at Moline, 111., to at tend the funeral of her father, which was held Friday. Milton will go to San Diego. Calif., for further training after his lo-day furlough. On Tuesday, August 13, Mrs. Herman Schroeder and Gloria, accompanied by Mrs. Bertha Ur Itan transacted business in 0 - Neill. To California— Mr and Mrs. Glenn Miller left Friday for a three week’s vaca tion in California with their daughters. In Beuna Park they will visit Mr. and Mrs Russell McManigal and family and in Ivos Angeles, they will see Mr. and Mrs. McMann. 120 Her ed— Co-hostesses at the fortnightly Sunday Country club dinner were Mrs. John C. Watson and Mrs. Donald O. Bunkers. About 120 !>ersons were served. tf.rm to open EWING The Ewing public school will open the 195i-58 term Monday, September 2._ VISIT OUR stinker Table Miscellaneous GIFT ITEMS including • MINI ATI RE ANIMALS • NOVELTIES • VASES, EW‘. Your Choice 50ca»d$l HELEN’S FLOWER & GIFT SHOP Next Door to Golden We TeleRraph Flowers O’Neill News Mis Laurence Luber and Mrs. Orville Lowery of Memphis, Term , are visiting Mr. and Mrs Roy Lowery. Mr and Mrs. Marvin Miller will leave today (Thursday) for the Black Hils. They expect to re turn Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Eugene Stanton and family of Sioux Falls, S. D., arrived Friday to visit his par ents. the Anthony Stantons Mr. Stanton left Sunday and will come for his family in a week. Mrs. M. J. Wallace and grand daughter, Nan Kersenbrock, were in Greeley visiting Mr ami Mrs. Harold Connors from last Thurs day until Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Miller of Lincoln visited their son and family. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Mil ler Monday. They had been to Seattle, Wash. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs Eldon Butterfield were Mr. and Mrs. Everett Bittner of Winner, ; S. D. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Lundgren returned Monday from Fort Col lins, Colo., where they had visit ed their son, Roy and his wife and daughter. Roy had l>een hos pitalized, but fs home now. Mr. and Mrs. James Cronk and Mike of Kelso. Wash., formerly of O’Neill, arrived Friday to visit his mother Mrs. Gina Cronk, and his brother, John Cronk. until Tues day. They also visited friends in O'Neill including the Floyd Wil sons, Eldon Butterfields, and oth ! ers. They were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Pribil and breakfast guests of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pearson of Ponca spent Wednesday, August 11, in the Roy Lowery home. Mrs. 0. R. l»wery went to Ponca with the Pearsons. Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert Beri gan have named their daughter, Mary Barbara. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ilolz were Sunday guests of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Fahren holz of Chambers. Mr. and Mrs. John Janzing of Stanton visited over the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Janzing and Mr. and Mrs. George Babl. Mr. and Mrs. John Christ of Atchison, Kans., were Tuesday, August 13, guests of Mr. and Mrs. ■ Bruce Johnson. - -— OSBORNE S STINKER DAY and Pre-School CLEARANCE A combination for even greater values! Look Over These “STINKERS” Displayed on Tables Out on the Sidewalk: Women’s Closed Flats, Barefoot Sandals, 4^/^ Suede Flats and Others j Other Odds and Ends ... $1.00 & $3.00 | PLUS many other odds and ends at various priees. 1 These “ STINKERS ?? ” Displayed on Racks Inside the Store! WOMEN’S High Heel PUMPS Values to 9-95 nine, Black, Beige and Others 5.99 WOMEN’S DRESS FLATS Values to 6.96 Colors and White 3.99 r WOMEN’S Air Step PUMPS Values to 13.95 Lots of Colors and Sizes 6.99 WOMEN’S SPORT FLATS Lore Loafers — Penny I-oafers Values to 6.95 3.99 CIHIJIRENS’ COWBOY BOOTS BROWN OR BLACK SIZES H‘j TO 3 M B & 1» WIDTHS “WmXJw# TEEN - AGE PUMPS BLUE OR PINK WERE TO 7.95 • CfcTT now £mm& M Men’s DRESS OXFORDS VALUES TO 11.95 _SIZES 6Va TO 12 Women’s DRESS PUMPS 3*%*% WHITE OR STRAW _ .. VALUES TO 9.95 CHILDRENS’ Back-to-Schoo! SHOES OXFORDS AND STRAPS IN WHITES AND COIXIRS SIZES TO 12 SIZES 12Va TO 4 2.99 3.99 Buster Brown Oxfords & Straps 4.99 Men’s WORK SHOES NEOPRENE SOLES COWHIDE UPPERS* ■* VALUE —-- £ £ Women’s WEDGE SANDALS WHITES AND STRAWS VALUES TO 5.95 NOW ONLY-J OTHERS AT 4.99 AND B.99 August Classes for Teachers, Pupils It’s school in August for 30 school teachers in the O’Neill area and 14 O’Neill youngsters. Subject of the off-campus course was "Human Develop ment and Behavior" and the class ended this week at the O’Neill city schools. Pictured at a play ground scene were: Teachers—Lynette Helmricks of Orchard, Jeanne VVelke of Ewing, Mrs. Merle DeLong, Mrs. Jerry rrahm and Miss Nina Uun val, hotli of O'Neill. Some of the teachers were instructors; others were observers. Pupils are llennis Jeffrey (upper left), Thomas Hunt (perch ed on top of the jungle gymnh Kathy Gildersleeve, Sally Stewart. Below are Terry Cleveland and Richard Lee Baack. The Frontier Photo. Switchgrass to Be Studied on Tour Farmers, ranchers, business and professional men as well as 4-H club members and FFA stu dents will be interested in attend ing a grassland conservation tour, according to A. Ned Dawes, Co. Agent. The tour will form at the northeast corner of Atkinson promptly at 1:30 p.m., Friday, August 23. The Cleveland 4-H conservation club has initiated an exchange of conservation tours between the Boyd and Holt soil conservation districts. On July 7 the Boyd county tour was held with a large attendance from both Boyd and Holt counties. Farms in the Spen cer area were visited viewing such things as a water disposal system using diversions and an erosion control dam. Al so terraced fields, grass seedings, wildlife areas and tree plantings were observed. It was a very well planned and educational tour. On Friday, August 23, the re ciprocal tour will lie held in Holt county with the following places to be visited. Row seeding of switchgrass for irrigated seed production on the Cliffers-Dvor ak place just east of Atkinson. Blowout control on the Robert Martin ranch south of Atkinson. Two and three year deferrment of native pastures on the Funk ranch south of Atkinson, and grass seedings made on their ranch north of town. Some of those seedings were made four years ago', others are two and three years old. The tour will deal chiefly with grass land seeding and manage ment. The public is cordially in vited to attend and see the re sults of these various grassland conservation measures, and see what it has meant to these indi j vidual ranchers. ROYAL THEATER — O’NEILL — Thurs. Aug. 22 Big Double Bill THE MAN WHO TURNED TO STONE With Victory Johy, Ann Doran, Charlotte Austin. Doomed women! Damned men! Thousand thrill double bill! —also— ZOMBIES OF MORA TAU With Gregg Palmer, Allison Hayes, Autumn Russell. Zombies of the ocean deeps! A tide of ter ror floods the screen! Frl.-Sat. Aug. 23 24 20th Century-For presents in Cinemascope THE W AY TO THE GOLD Starring Jeffrey Hunter, Sheree North, Barry Sullivan, Walter Brennan, and co-starring Neville Brand, with Jacques Aubuchon, Ruth Donnelly, Tom Pittman, and Philip Ahn. All roads lead to ' sweeping adventure and excite ment! Sun.-Mon.-Tues. Aug. 25-26-27 Samuel Fuller’s CHINA GATE Cinemascope Gene Barry, Angie Dickinson, Nat ‘King’ Cole. For a boy . . . they broke through the arsenal of Asia . . . the citadel of the enemy. Here is love and war in French ! Indo-China told through the smile of a child . . . the cunning of a i Eurasian girl . . . and the fury j of a battle-crazed American! Matinee Saturday & Sunday 2:30 Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Friday and Saturday admission— Adults 50c; Children under 12, 12c, Free if accompanied by par ent. W'odn. and Thurs. Family night, family admitted for two Adult tickets. r Couple Weds at Spencer Miss Darlene Schumann (above) and Lloyd Klassen ol Spencer were married Sunday, August 18 at Spencer.—O'Neill Photo Co. Hospital Notes (Other Not**** on page 3.) ST. WTHON Y'S (O'Neill) Admissions: August 14 Mrs. Robert Berigan of O'Neill. Mrs. Bill Scheinost of Page. Mrs El gin Ray of O Neill, Richard Bei lin of O'Neill. Miss Moma Wertz 15 Mrs. James l<yons of O'Neill. Mrs. Merlin Grossnieklaus of Chambers. Warren Groeling of Orchard. Linda Sue Vandorbeek of O Neill. Ed Wayman of O' Neill, M G. Mammon of O'Neill 10 Mrs. Thomas Anderson of O' Neill, Dennis Cavanaugh of Cham bers. Mrs Frank Weeder of Lynch 17 Mrs. Bernard Nelson of Bristow, Mrs. Elizabeth Haake of Chambers, Edwin 11 Walters of Chambers 18 Paul W. Mose ntan of O’Neill. Guy L. Hull of Redbird, Carol Harris of Page, Ray Snell of Page, Miss Cathy Brown of O'Neill, Miss Joyce Strong of O'Neill. 19 Mrs Fay Miles of O'Neill, Earl Eppenhach of O'Neill. Mrs. Bertha Harkins of Chambers. Harvey Hrubaugh of Polk, Mrs. Norman Anderson of Bristow. 20 Donald Eppen hach of O'Neill. Mrs. Robert Matt hews of O'Neill, Jess Wills of Emmett. 21 Carlisle Strong of O'Neill. Dismissals: August 14 Nancy Wilkinson of O'Neill, Mrs. .loo MeCarville and baby girl of O’ Neill, John Hoy Sivesind of O' Neill. Mrs. William Scheinost of Page, Mrs. Harold Humrieh of O'Neill, Mrs. Elgin Hay of O’ Neill 15 Carolyn McKenzie of O’Neill, Hiram Hubbard of Cham bers lfi Miss Clare Conway of O'Neill, M. G. llammon (expired' of O'Neill, Warren Groeling of Orchard, Dennis Cavanaugh of Cham hors, Mrs. E. W. Kramer of O'Neill. 17 Rita Ann Winkler of Emmet, Mrs. Kenneth Mitchell and baby girl of Spencer. 18 Mrs. Merlin Grossnicldaus and baby girl of Chaml>ers. 19 Edwin Walters of Chambers, Mi's. Thomas Anderson of O'Neill 20 Miss Cathy Brown of O'Neill, Ed Way man of O’Neill, Ernest F. Jungbluth of Chambers, Mi's. Elizabeth Haake of Chambers, Mrs. Raymond Schmidt of Atkin son. Linda Sue Vanderbeek of O'Neill. Mrs. James Lyons and baby of O’Neill, Mrs. Roliert Ber igan and baby of O’Neill, Mrs. Robert Matthews of O'Neill. 21 Joyce Strong of O’Neill, Guy Hull of Redbird. Still hospitalized: Ray Snell of Page, Fred Carey of O’Neill, Donald Eppenhach of O’Neill, Earl Eppenhauch of O'Neull, Mrs. Lois Adams of O'Neill, Richard Beilin of O’Neill, Paul Moseman of O'Neill, Mrs. Norman Ander son of O'Neill, Mrs. Bernard Nel son of Bristow, Jess Wills of Em met, Mrs. Dennis Murphy of O' Neill. Miss Carol Harris of Page, Miss Morna Wertz of O'Neill, Mrs. Frank Weeder of Lvnch, Mrs. Fay Miles of O'Neill, Car lisle Strong of O’Neill. Garrett Janzing of Emmet, Mrs. Bertha Harkins of Chambers, Mrs. Mil dred Wyant of O'Neill, Mrs. Wm. Babutzke of O'Neill. NOTICE Dr. Edw. J. Norwood, O.D. Optometrist, from Crawford, Nebr.. will be in O’Neill on— Thursday, September 5 At Golden Hotel EYES most scientifically ex amined. GLASSES most properly fit ted and the most modern and all* types of eye wear prescribed. J“ Stinkers! (IP' YOU CAN) Beg. 9.45 - 2-CHARCOAL GRILLS _. 4.50 STINKER i_c0|eman CAMP TABLE _ $ 10 t Size K — ***• H-77 1 Pr. INSULATED BOOTS —. $6 f CLOSE-OUT I ONE-HALF PKItfc on FLOOR MATS _ For Cars and Trucks 1— OSTERIZER & JUICER, Reg. 2— General Electric FANS, Reg. 9.95....._6.50 PLUS many, many more STINKER BARGAINS too I numerous to mention. Check our STINKERS first! PHONE 125 DALE AND JO WILSON O’NEILL O’Neill News Mr. and Mrs Roy Johnson and family and Mrs. Mamie Cordes of York arrived Friday to spend a week \isiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. Clay Johnson, sr„ and Mr. and Mrs Clay Johnson jr. Mr. Johnson returned to York on Sunday Mrs. Mamie Cordes. Mrs. Johnson's grandmother, is visit ing Mr and Mrs. Dave Loy Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs Gordon Johnson were Mr. and Mrs Al\ in Krogh of Fair bault, Minn.. Mr. and Mrs. John Pinnt. l?ob and IVuothy of Chad ron and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Dewey and Janice of Waterloo la. Charlie Gaywood is in the Kersch nursing home in Spencer and would like friends to come and \ isit him. Mrs. Robert Kurtz and children left Monday for Hustings to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Brown. Mrs. Frank Hughes and daugh ter of Omaha and Miss Barbara Miller of Atkinson were guests Tuesday of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Lindberg. Thursday overnite guests of Mr. and Mrs Stanley Longnceker were her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred McBride and family of San ta Ann, Calif. On Saturday they attended the wedding of her broth er. Galan McBride in Genoa, and were guests of friends in Fuller ton Saturday evening, Mr U>ng 1 neeker joining them Saturday nite. They were Sunday guests of Gerald and Vivian Snodgrass in Central City. Mr. and Mrs. John Kersenbrock will leave today (Thursday! to attend nurse graduation exercises for Mr. Kersenbrock's niece at Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. James Donlin and family spent the weekent in Lin coln. _ 4 mmm m THE FRIENDLY “PEPPER- J UPPER" j THAT NEVER LETS YOU DOWN! i Merri Dr. Pepper Bottling Co.