Sick & Injured O'NEILL- Mrs. F J. O'Connel was called to Grand Island Friday n few hours before her husband. Doctor O'Connell, submitted to rrutior surgery- • • Mrs. Gerald McDermott returned Saturday after spending five weeks in St. Joseph s hospital a t Omaha whi re she had submitted to sur gery . . Little Roxanne C'Rox te”i Lyons, daughter of Mr. and Mrs James R Lyons, broke her wrist last week. . Faye Murray, daughter of Mr and Mrs Frank Murray, was dismis sed from Our Lady of Lourdes hospital in Norfolk. . . Miss Mary belle O'Connor is a patient at Our I-ady of I/xirdes hospital at Norfolk. Mrs Virgil Laur sen took their son, Dick, to Sioux City Tuesday, August 6, where he remained at the hospital un til last Thursday being measured for a brace He visited his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs Myron Ellis, at Allen until Tuesday when he returned to the hos pital. The cast was removed and a brace was fitted on his leg Mis. Laurson brought him home that evening . . Mrs. Ed Thor in went to Norfolk Mon day for medical attention. She narrowly escaped serious burns when n trash barrel "exploded.’’ -RIVERSIDE The Will Shrad ers received word Saturday morning that their granddaugh ter. Judy Gunter, was to have an appendectomy that afternoon in the Valentino hospital. The Shraders departed that evening for Crookston to help care for the other Gunter children. Mrs Bill Lofquist received word Friday that her mother, Mrs. Mary Rotherham, is in "poor’’ wiru ) i t u *n i n Scottshhlff hos pital. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rotherham went to Scottsbluff Saturday to be with her. . . Dan Miller was on the sick list and under a doctor's care over the weekend. LYNCH — Debbie, small daugh ter of Mr and Mrs Ixtonard Hav ranek, fell and cut her leg on a .uffoe can. Doctors took three stitches to close the cut. . . . Mrs Veldon Lee returned home Friday, August 9, from a Sioux City hospital where she had un dergone major surgery. . . Mar cclcne. little daughter of Mr. and Mrs Beryl Moody, has been ‘‘quite seriously ill” with pneu monia at the Lynch hospital the past week. She is “improved”. . . Mrs Myron Hodges received word that her sister-in-law, Mrs. Kenneth Bodle of Port Jervis, N.Y . w as seriously hurt when she fell down a flight of steps. She is “improved’’. The Bodies visit Lynch nearly every year. AMELIA —Miss Qiarlotte Ber ry hits been in Omaha the past week for further treatment since having surgery on an infected finger. Howard Berry, her fath er, expected to go to Omaha Monday to see how sre was get ting along. Charlotte's address is 3714 Cumings st., Omaha, care of Mrs. Rose Thomsen. . . Harold Kennedy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bemie Kennedy, had the misfortune to throw his el bow out of place while playing Sunday. Dr. N. P. McKee put the elbow back in place and tap ed it. ROCK FALLS—Mrs. Jonie Pal mnrlv fr»rmnrlv Ad.ilinP John son, daughter of the late Dell Johnson, has been taken to Oma ha for a checkup. She became ill and was hospitalized In South Dakota for 24 hours before she could resum*' her journey from Lewis town, Ida., during the lat ter part of July. She entered the hospital at Atkinson immediately upon arrival there. There is no kite report on her condition. James Walter, small son of Mr. ipd Mrs Raymond Walter, rec eived a broken collar bone in a Bill off the porch steps at his home Friday, August 9. EWING — Mrs. Mary Rother ham. who suffered a stroke sev eral weeks ago and is a patient on a Scottsbluff hospital, be came worse Friday. Members of her family were called to her bedside'. Mrs. Rotherham show ed "some improvement” on Sun day- __ CAFE BURNED Myrt’s cafe in West O'Neill was badly damaged by fire a bout 3 a m , last Thursday. In sulation on the ceiling fell tc the floor. Mrs. Marcellus Schaaf was proprietor and the $2,000 toss to the contents was not cov ered by insurance. Tony Asimus owns the building. The fire is believed to have started at the kitchen range. Spend Weekend Here — Mr. and Mrs. John Cuddy ant family of Sioux Falls. S. D. spent the week visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Stantoi and other relatives. 100-Lb. Sturgeon Landed with Hooks Cearns Lands Big One in Idaho AMELIA—Mrs. William Fry rear of Amelia has received a let ter from her daughter and son-in law, Mr. and Mrs. John Cearns, of Scottsbluff, The letter states the Cearns landed a 100-pound sturgeon fish in the Snake river about 35 miles south of Nampa, Ida. The fish was 6 feet 2V% inches long. Two hay hooks were used to land the big fellow, which was snagged while fishing from the bank of the stream. , Other Amelia News Mr and Mrs. Edgar Peterson I and Mrs. Delia Ernst visited at : the home of Mr. and Mrs Art Doolittle Sunday, August 4. Mrs Lew Rackhaus and Mrs. Link Sageser called at the Wil liam Fryrear home Sunday, Aug ust 4. Ms. Hlake Ott, Mrs. Floyd Ad ams. Lonnie Sparks and Sam Gil man attended hay days in Atkin son Monday afternoon, August 5 Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Widman and Marcia spent Thursday In Norfolk. Clyde attended an in surance meeting. Lloyd Waldo and Clyde Wid man went to Burwell Saturda> morning to attend a hoard meet School Improvement association Mr. and Mrs. Dell Kramer anc sons, David and Dannie, and Mrs Edith Andersen spent Tuesday and Wednesday, August 6-7, sigh seeing in the Black Hills. On Fri day they went to Central City tc visit the Roy Andersens unti Sunday. Mrs. Andersen returnee home Sunday afternon by bus and the Kramers returned tc their home in Lincoln the same day. Mrs. Kramer is the forme: Norma Jean Andersen. Mrs. Julia White has sold hei home in Amelia to John Zinkon Mr. Zinkon left Tuesday for hi: former home in California t< ; take care of business matters anc expects to be located in his new home here' about September 15 Mrs. White's plans for a new home are indefinite. Mr. and Mrs. Forest Sammons and daughter, Rochelle, and £ little neighbor boy arrived Wed nesday. August 7, from Kimberly Ida., to visit their respective par ents, Mrs. Bertha Sammons anc Mr. and Mrs. Duane Miller Their son, Duane Sammons, whe has been here during the sum mer, will return home with them Mr. and Mrs. Larry Jensen ol Rupert, Ida., came Monday anc \ isited until Wednesday with Mr and Mrs. Earnie Johnston. Mr and Mrs. Milton Skoog and theis daughter and husband, Mr. anc Mrs. Dennis Beckman, and fam ily of Holdrege also visited al the Jjohnstons on Tuesday. Mrs Johnston, Mrs. Jensen, and Mrs Skoog are sisters and this wai the first time they had been to gether for 28 years. Ron Siedel of Lincoln visited his college friend, Zane Edward.1 Sunday and Monday, August A • and 5. Mrs. C. F. Small of Atkinson spent Tuesday with her daughter Mrs. Roy Fullerton and family. n.... of Atl/inenn urnn' to Grand Island Tuesday, Augus 6, to meet his parents, Mr. anc Mrs. Elmer Entxidy of Winloek Wash. They stopped enroute t< Atkinson to visit their daughters Mrs. Eldon Ballagh, Mrs. Jin Bilstien and Mrs. Tommie Doo little. After a week’s visit it their son’s home, they will re turn to the homes of their daugh ters for longer visits. Members of the Happy Girl; 4-H club and their leaders, Mrs Clyde Widman and Mrs. Harolt i Fullerton, attended 4-H pre-fai: day at O’Neill Tuesday, August 6 Marcia Widman won a purpli ribbon on their lounging am sleeping garments in the styli revue. Prof, and Mrs. Bower Sagese and daughter, Sandra of Manhat tan, Kans., came Wednesday August 7, to visit parents, Mr and Mrs. Link Sageser and othe relatives. DISTRICT COURT Dr. R. H. Gallagher, plaintiff vs. John R. Gallagher, defend , ant, praying for judgement o > promissary note of $3,000, to i gether with interest at 6 percen ! per annum from August 11, 1956 and costs of suit D. A. Kersenbrock, plaintiff , vs. Raymond Schaaf, defendant | asking judgement in amount o $80.86 with interest at 6 percen after May 7. 1957, reasonable at tomey fees and cost of action for fuel and recap tires; appeal 1 ed from county court. - Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fox hav a named their daughter, Cynthi Marie. Loren Blake of Amelia showed the grand champion breeding heifer in Host's reeonl I II show Tuesday at the fair. Mollie is a . Hereford and was singled out Iwst of all breeds.—The Frontier i Photo. — 11 imirr wit xusmamuitaammmam ... Kent Stauffer’s Guernsey heifer, .Indy, was judged female champion over all breeds in the dairy division at the fair. Kent, son of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Stauffer, is a member of the Eagle Hustlers club. As a calf last year, Jody won a purple, also a gold cup.—The Frontier Photo. .Milan Welke of Ewing holds Hereford cow and ealf, purple ribbon winners, for the news camera. Milan is standing in for his , brother, Robert, owner.—The Frontier Photo. Hauser, Sheets hamilies Gather Members of the Hauser and ; Sheets families met in reunion Sunday at the Neligh park with I the following present: Mr. and Mrs. Herman Or shorn ■ and children, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil ; Parks and daughter, Mrs. Earlj l Strong and 6 children, Mr. and ' Mrs. Wm. A. Strong and child-' ren, all of O'Neill; Mrs. Kenneth ’ Arehart and children of Ewing; - Mr. and Mrs. Harley Miller and , children, Mr. and Mrs. Verle • Miller and daughter, Mr. and Ms. ' Ralph Theye and children and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ziegenbien, all of Neligh. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Sheets and Mr. and Mrs. Reid Mummert and children, all of Clearwater; 1 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hauser ’ and children of Creighton; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hauser and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Arehart and children, all of Elgin; Mr. and ’ Mrs. Tony Knievel and children i of Norfolk; Mr. and Mrs. Myron Sheets and their childen, and Mr. and Mrs. Gib Faust and "I children, all of Omaha; Anton ’ ette Dennis Neil of Neligh and Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Brittell of O’ Neill and their grandson, John p nie Vidlak of Omaha. i Frontier for printing. Star News Mrs. Fred Timmerman and Norma called on Mrs. Ewalt Mil ler last Tuesday afternoon. The Elmer .lurarek family la vacationing in the western states. A daughter was torn to Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Mattison, Platte, S. D., on August 9. Mrs. Mattison is the former Eileen Miller, dau ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Timmerman were in Sioux Citylast Wednes day. Walt Phillips called on Robert Miller last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ewalt Miller and family wore in Norfolk last Fri day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Johnson and family attended a family reunion at the park in Plainview, Sunday afternoon. INMAN NEWS Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Slusher and sons, Stephen and Tommy, came Wednesday evening, August 7, iTom Valentine where they visit ed in the home of Mrs. Slusher’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Wat son, and Sam. Doctor Slusher re turned to Valentine thatt evening but Mrs. Slusher and boys re mained for a larger visit. Arrive from Cheyenne — Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thorin of Cheyenne. Wyo., were weekend guetsts of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Thor in. Too Late to Classify i First Publication August 15, 1957.) Legal Notice OFFICE OF THE COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT In accordance withe the School Laws of Nehraska, I am required to make the following described change in district boundaries: To dissoclve Dist. No. 181 and to an nex Dist. No. 18-1 to Dist. No. 46: to be effective June 1. 1958. It is suggested that the new school house when built be located with in a quarter of a mile of the four corners of Sec. 22 , 26 , 27. 23, T. 25, R. 9. A hearing of said matter will lx held in my office at the Court House in O’Neill. Nebraska on August, 30. 1957, 10 a. m., when all interested may appear and bo heard. ALICE L. FRENCH County Superintendent 16-17c NOTICE TO AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY MEMBERS SENIOR DUES will be increas ed to $1.75 on Septemlxu- 1 1957, with the possibility of another increase in October af ter the National Convention. They will be accepted at the old rate of $1.50 until Septem ber 1. Your remittance may be sent to: MARIE GRAHAM, M E M R FTRSI IIP CHAIRMAN, BOX 244, O'NEILL. 16c CARD OF THANKS OUR SINCERE thanks to our friends, relatives anti neighbors for the mass offerings cards of sympathy and floral trib utes extended to us at the time of the ileath of our moth er, Mrs James Regal. Also for the many acts of kindness shown during her illness. We art' deeply grateful. MRS. FORREST RILEY. FRANCIS REdAL. 16p50 FOR SALE: Used boy's cloth ing shirts, et>ats, parkas and boots, in excellent condition. Mrs. Ray Eby, O'Neill, phone 319. ' 16-lTc We will be closed for one week, com mencing Monday, August 19, thru Saturday, August 24. O’NFII.L GRAIN CO STORZ BREWING COMPANY. OMAHA, NEBRASKA, U S A. Keeping Current... E>r Economy I In the illustration above, you see a very happy man at a very wonderful moment. The title, the keys and the car are his—and he's starting out on his first journey at the wheel. Of course, there’s not much doubt as to why he decided to purchase a new Cadillac. Like everyone else who selects the "car of cars”, he did it to "keep current”, so to speak, on all of Cadillac’s new miracles of performance and beauty and comfort. But coming to Cadillac, as he did, at this par ticular time of the year, we also suspect that he was inspired by the added motive of practicality. For in addition to the normal Cadillac economies of modest purchase price, low operating cost and high resale value—Cadillac dealers are, at this time, seasonally prepared to make Cadillac owner ship even more attractive than ever. Because of the demand for used cars and because of increased production of the Cadillac car itself, the odds are that this gentleman received both a generous allowance on his previ ous car and prompt delivery of his new Cadillac. Have you considered how wonderful it would be to step into a Cadillac of your own? Then, you should pay your dealer a visit—spend an hour on the highway in the luxury of Fleetwood coach crafting— and get the facts for yourself. You’ll agree, we know, that the car is Cadillac —and the time is nowl VISIT YOUR AUTHORIZED CADILLAC DEALER TRADE or CASH or TERMS YOU NAME IT... WE’VE GOT IT ! See Our DuMont TV’s New 1958’s BIG WARRANTY 1. Two years on picture tube! 2. One full year on all other parts L -' ■ * T» BUY WHERE YOU GET THE BEST FOR LESS! WE HAVE the MOST UP-TO-DATE SERVICE! Department in the Country! AND, we have two school-trained technicians “ on hand to SERVE YOU BETTER! REMEMBER, it always pays to buy from a servicing dealer. For service on any radio or TV, just call us! We’ll both be glad you did. PtilKERMAN’S TV & RADIO O’NEILL, NEB. PHONE 302